‘It’s time we put a felon in the White House,’ California sheriff says

SpaceNoodle@lemmy.world to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 849 points –
‘It’s time we put a felon in the White House,’ California sheriff says

It's time we take seditionists out of the Sheriff's Departments.

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Holy shit, he actually said that.

This, right here, is a prime example of a political headline that looks like it comes from The Onion.

I actually wasn't sure until I checked the URL.

It's like a reflex now.

Thinking, "Holy shit! Is that even real?"

Checks URL.

Sigh, "Yeah, it's real..."

That's probably why it's posted in a forum for real headlines that look like they're from The Onion.

Cop literally wants a convicted felon to run the country, I can't come up with a better satire for how little police care about rule of law... Or a better argument for the "Ban the Box" initiative

I'm definitely all for loosening restrictions on former felons.. Look bro, if we can have a convicted felon running for office, no reason why they can't vote or hold jobs if they've done their time right?

This sheriff would need to check the color of their hat before he agrees or not. And the color of their skin.

I couldn't own firearms or vote but this motherfucker could be president? Literally makes no sense and moreso if you read the reasoning as to why voting rights and firearm right can be restricted.


to be fair, he was attempting satire -- he is 'switching sides' and now wants a felon to run the country.

They're so bad at everything lol WOOSH on satire

if we can have a convicted felon running for office, no reason why they can’t vote or hold jobs if they’ve done their time right?

That's a fair point: Once Trump has done his time then he can run for president.

Ah, the important distinction here is that he doesn't want just any convicted felon on the throne. I am pretty sure his list of convicted felons he'd like to see elected contains a single name that rhymes with Honald Frump.

Does he care about people not caring about the rule of law?

Or is he just upset he cant run his little fiefdom like a tyrant like cops would have been able to 30 years ago before cameras and youtube?

Who wants to bet we find something nasty on this dude in the next six months?

No, too easy. I'd only accept bets on how much of what material is found - like "31 Terabytes of furry porn" or "452 illegal WW1 weapons".

31 terabytes? Amateur.

I'm a professional yiffer. I can jump rope and keep my tail plug in at the same time. Get on my level.

Also, nothing wrong with furry porn.

It's not for me, but that is a matter of taste, not law.

Losing meth and fentanyl, now that's something to get angry about.

On the surface of only the quote. I agree.

If a felon was in the White House, I think we'd finally see some genuine prison reform, and if we're lucky, for profit prisons being outlawed.

Can you imagine a Danny Trejo type in the White House? Someone who deeply cares that prison is reformative and not punishment?

But not Donny Felon. He's just going to commit more crimes.

God I would vote for Trejo. I'm not sure it would work well in the end. I'm not sure he could manage to do the proper negotiations to get anything useful done. But it would be one hell of a statement.

Considering roughly half of Congress currently is strongly AGAINST getting anything done, much useful. Their entire plan is to stop everything and blame the other side.

The worst part is it's working :(

So basically he's saying he has no faith or confidence in the criminal justice system? Wouldn't that kind of... I dunno... disqualify you from a job in the criminal justice system?

I've think a lot of cops express how unhappy they are with the justice systems. Imagine getting a call for a domestic abuse. Show up and see this piece of shit beat his wife and kid. You arrest them and put them in jail. 6 months later you get another call same fucking guy same fucking thing. The courts gave him a reduced sentence. Rinse and repeat for your career. You're catching the same dirt bags over and over and the justice system keeps putting them back out there cause they either are too lenient or under funded to handle them. Cops can make the arrest but have no control over the justice system. I get a lot of us hate cops but I think we can all empathize how hard it would be to see the same people every couple months victimizing the same people

Or we could try a system that actually tried to rehabilitate people. Nah, that's too much work. Best just keep people in jail.

Many don't want to change. They know what they know and lifestyle is set in. Like asking if you can be rehabilitated to be a trump supporter. Some thing's are just in you and will never change

Many may be victims of a legal system that incentivizes recidivism and bullshit laws.

For profit prisons need bodies to get federal cash, plus the cash from the underpaid labor the prisoners provide.

I’m sure it would cost the government less to implement social programs that help nurture and support everyone than to continue to subsidize and pay private prisons.

I have no proof of anything. But saying most don’t want to change seems hyperbolic and dog whistle-y.

A very small minority are probably wired wrong and are indeed unchanging in their ways, I’d say the vast majority were set up to fail for profit.

Ykniw there's a very large anti cop contingent on the Trump side. Do you really think the Jan 6 types are really into law n order? You think most rednecks like cops? It's suburban play acting rednecks that are into thin blue line horseshit.

Interestingly, the rate of domestic abuse among LEO is significantly higher than in the normal population. "Good cops" clean their own house so rarely that when they do, they can become a celebrity and have a book and movie written about them (Serpico).

Higher rates mean what regarding what I have said?

Not necessarily pertaining to your point, which I get, and have also heard directly from people I know IRL who are now or used to be police. I just get surprised every time how indignant they will get over other people committing crimes repeatedly, while they overlook the same things in their own in-group, or even help shelter.

The obvious solution is to follow the model of Judge Dredd. That worked out well.

"It’s cops fault, it might be my fault.”

He's on some level aware how fucked it is and his part in it. But it seems like he's desperately asking someone to tell him "no it's not, you're helping!"

His whole rant is about how the governor and legislature are against him, and he doesn't quite grasp why we voted for that.

Look, I'm all for equal representation and equal opportunity for everyone. The US had a black president already, which is awesome, but I'm not thinking the next step here is to "recently convicted felon". Maybe try for a woman as president first?

Just saying.

There's a whole long LIST of things we can try long before settling on "first felon president."

  • First Woman President

  • First Openly Gay President

  • First Asian/Pacific Islander President

  • First Albino President

  • First Teenage President

  • First Werewolf President

  • First Teenage Werewolf President

  • First Robot President

  • First Robot Teenage Werewolf President

  • First Normal President

We could go on and on too.

Try and start easy with an openly atheist president and work from there

Key word being "openly". Funny Trump's followers think he believes in God and isn't just pandering to them.

i'm pretty sure theres a lower age limit for president so unfortunately Teenager, Werewolf teenager, and Robot teenage werewolf are out

Women, Asian and Pacific islander people are all normal. I propose a woman like that who is normal, who multiracial and LGBT. Usually mommas know what is best for the kids. So why not the ultimate love momma? You mess with us and we'll f-u up. You work with us and we'll love you to pieces. So I propose momma bear. Even better if she's well educated with a medical PhD and...but I mean, why not a hotel maid? My mom was a hotel maid and she's got the best heart and mind you'll ever meet. Don't need a PhD to be president.

Women, Asian and Pacific islander people are all normal.


Don’t need a PhD to be president.

Not holding our leaders to a higher standard is how we got here. I want my leader to be much smarter than me.

Usually mommas know what is best for the kids. So why not the ultimate love momma? You mess with us and we’ll f-u up. You work with us and we’ll love you to pieces. So I propose momma bear.

Wasn't that Palin's shtick?

How about a young guy with truly progressive ideas? I find it hard to believe no one ever gains enough traction with social media the way it is, or maybe it's because social media is the way it is. Or maybe people like that just don't get into politics.

How about a young guy with truly progressive ideas?

What are you, insane????

This is ridiculous! We will never have a teenage president because you have to be 35 to run. Proof the whole thing is rigged.

Off topic but I'm not ok with a robot president, because it would mean we made fully conscious robots, which is a recipe for disaster. We need to build flexible and smart tools without an ego, not an actually superior iron race.

The gnostics wouldn't accept any president. I'm expecting a response in relation as to why i chose a cult.

I’m expecting a response in relation as to why i chose a cult.

This reminds me of one of those furries who always has to interject in any role playing situation that they're furries and their character is a furry despite nobody in the gaming session actually asking or encouraging that person.

Yknow there's a strong argument to be made had Hillary won, she would have been circumventing the 2 term rule

You have a curious definition of "strong argument".

Oh cmon. If Bill hadn't married her, he'd be a retired lawyer in Little Rock today. Any other first ladies end up Secretary of State in another administration a decade later?

Is there more to the argument because it looks like you're kinda jumping from "she became secretary of state" to "she would've been 3 term". She was qualified to be president despite Bill.

Imagine misunderstanding the implication she was running the show the whole time this hard

Have people been telling you that's insane when you say it clearly and directly?

No. Most people have a functioning brain and noticed themselves, and it was clear and direct to begin with.

Under the same logic, wouldn’t Biden also be ineligible because he was also in the white house (as vp) for 8 years?

Interesting take. I see the argument, I'm not sure if I agree with it.

Translation: "I'm upset that my cult leader was found guilty so I'm going to stand here and throw a sarcastic little crybaby tantrum about it now"

One more for the "Evidence 'law and order Republicans' are just racist" drawer.

Not going to lie. His felon status has very little to do with why I won't vote for him

"Bianco also challenged the idea of systemic racism or bias in law enforcement"

Yes, because no police department ever has had these kinda problems in the United States.

Not american but I'm honestly worried about the USA right now. This shit is crazy. Can you imagine if he wins again?!

The only way he doesn't eventually is if he dies, and he'll have shown them that they don't have to wear masks anymore and can go as hard as they want.

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Something really strange about American police forces is their use of military rank insignia. Here we have an elected official overseeing a civilian law enforcement agency of ~4000 personnel wearing the rank insignia of a 4-Star general.

I under what you’re getting at, but how else would you propose defining delineations of authority within an organization like that? Corporate titles can be capricious and I’d almost fear a corporate based security force more!

In this sheriff's office, like several other law enforcement agencies, ranks jump from junior officers (lieutenant, captain) straight to flag rank (1 star for chief deputy, 2 stars for assistant sheriff, 3 stars for under sheriff, 4 stars for sheriff). Just seems like someone really wanted to dress up in a general's uniform.

So brave. To be so openly corrupt...

You have to watch the video (or read the whole article), he's being sarcastic

I read it and watched the video.

The video was of sarcastic tone, but he was totally serious about his support for Trump.

He makes it seem like California is just this lawless place of criminals running around everywhere, because of what he claims of slashed police force budgets and closed prisons.

When he had a deputy get caught with a bunch of fentanyl supplied by the cartel, and his police force had an increased budget of 270 million since 2019.

He's totally one of those "rules for thee, not for me" kind of people.

Riverside sucks anyway.

Oh yeah, I remember hearing about this as a local-ish. He's bum hurt about criminal justice reform in Cali (non violent offenders getting less or no jail time, that kinda thing). Makes this job "harder" he says.

It hasn't been smooth sailing, mind you-- but it's at least the government trying to do something about an overcrowded prison system.

makes the job harder

"I miss back in the days when you could just kill someone on the mere suspicion they've committed a crime. Shit was way easier."

It makes me wonder honestly if cops were always this corrupt, or if they've become more corrupt over time. I'd believe either being the case honestly, but maybe the former is a perception borne from all the pro police media there were in the 90s, 00s, and 10s. Hell, even today.

I've heard from people that were cops back in the 60s and 70s that after the 1982 decision in Harlow v Fitzgerald gave cops Qualified Immunity, illegally by the way, that was when the War on Cops propaganda started, and when they stopped living in the communities they were patrolling. I take it with a grain of salt since they were cops during the Civil Rights movement, and they didn't quit, and because none of them realize that QI is illegal.

The article says his department's budget has increased by $270 million since newsom took office. Poor guy is underfunded!

On the flip side, you don't have people spending close to a decade in prison awaiting trial, where the prosecution is hoping they are so tired of it, they will offer a crappy plea deal for time served, even if they have no case.

Trump isn't fit for a Waffle House, let alone the White House.

Nah, waffle house accommodates larger folk all the time, pretty sure he could fit in the seats.

Yeah, but he can't keep his mouth shut, so he's a prime candidate for a parking lot fight.

You mean the after hours Waffle House special with a 2 piece, side and a drink?

Has it ever been more painfully obvious that a police scumbag is bought and paid for by corrupt campaign funding?

I've heard you have to think like a criminal to catch one, but i have not heard let a criminal run your goverment to stop crime. but it really makes sense if you don't think about it, making nothing illegal would mean no more crime.

making nothing illegal would mean no more crime

Nah, they'd focus on the important crimes, like pot smoking and abortions.

Yes, Eugene Debs, please.

  • who was basically jailed on political pretexts but still..

Glad he supports criminal rights reform, but I don't think he's picking the right criminals

Convicted felon. Because lets be honest, they are all felons.

If this dude wasn't such a conservative nutjob, I would think he was doing a satire

Thank to conservatives and their culture war, I think the entire concept of satire is on an indefinite hiatus.

I support this affirmative action and will be voting for Snoop Dogg in the upcoming election

this guy looks like he's the model for several cartoon characters

Over all I hope our electoral college of people who we don't even know can vote for a good president for us. You know a Republic, lol. I hate kings, but random assholes chosen by random assholes are A-OK.

it's time to put all the police in jail

edit: and judges

Time to learn what you're consigning us to over your mostly trivial shit. Don't buy it before you try it!

The mental gymnastics involved here are beyond Olympics level. This guy just should just admit he wants to suck Trump's dick, it's the only way it makes sense.

I went to a party hosted by a conservative guy. The poster they had of Trump was basically porn.

This is only the beginning of what is going to be little pockets of civil war through the USA this fall.

Start getting basic supplies now as we navigate what will be a very violent time coming sooner than later.

Keep your political opinions to your self when waiting in line, lest you get followed home by some GOP weirdo and get your car vandalized..

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:

Trump is the greatest argument for the 2nd amendment.

(Though seriously… gun control folks. It saves lives.)

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If congress certifies, Trump wins.

Congress always certifies. Lol they certify bidens win too if he gets to 270

Only if an electoral tie happens and that is t very likely in the upcoming election.

This isn't for tie breaking. It always happens to know who the president is, it's the process.

Eh, that's not really true. However if RFK wins states and throws the election into Congress for the tie breaker then yeah.

No, it is true. If Trump wins enough votes and Congress certifies the election, Trump wins. It's always been that way. I didn't spell out Trump in my original post for brevity.

I don't think Congress does tie breakers.

Okay I think I see where things got mixed up.

There is a theory that the Republicans in the House will again attempt to use the certification process to install Trump. This should no longer be possible since legislation was passed in 2021. Your comment sounded like this was what you were referring to.

Congress does certify the winner, you just think it's going to be Trump.

If no candidate reaches 270 points in the electoral college, Congress does in fact select the next president. They vote inside their state delegation to see who the state will support. Then the candidate with the majority of state delegations becomes the next president.

And yet I still can't believe it's not satire

I believe Trump should be sentenced to 4 years of community service... hard labor as the President of the United States. That should teach him a lesson.

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Yep, I agree with the sheriff

Yep. There’s millions of felons in the states who were criminalized for bullshit reasons. I’d say most criminals would make better politicians than the current bunch. Unfortunately he means Trump only.

I don't agree with now being the time, given who that would be. But I do think it would be good to elect a convicted felon to the white house at some point.