Donald Trump speech shooting: Gunshots heard at president’s rally – latest news to – 421 points –
Donald Trump speech shooting: Gunshots heard at president's rally – latest news

Looks like someone took some shots at prez candidate Donald Trump at a rally in PA. From the videos I've seen, it looks like he did get grazed.


Guess some of those 2nd Ammendment guys might be "trying to do something about it" eh Donnie?

This is what you get when you preach hate 24/7. This isn't a gameshow.

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Half the comments here are proving that people on the right aren’t the only ones who can indulge in stupid conspiracy theories.

It’s depressing as fuck.

Q-Anon level thinking that somehow Trump is a mastermind of this. The dude who can't hide stolen files properly, can't lie on his taxes properly, and loses money on a casino, somehow has the ability to rig a false flag assassination attempt.

Are NeoLibs that so far into the Kool-Aid that Dipshit Trump is also a grandmaster 5D chess player of this, while not being able to string words together? It's not like he's even been a good actor.

Trump isn't even the mastermind of his own bowel movements. If this was staged it was all planned by his Russian handlers.

It's fun to indulge in, and it doesn't change the fact that shit is about to hit the fan, regardless of whether the shooter was someone with a legitimate desire or a paid gunman. Trump was just given and used a golden ticket to both rally republicans to vote for him, and to incite his diehard followers into another insurrection.

Sure, but I don't think being an ironic conspiracy theorist on the levels of Q-Anon is going to make anyone seem better.

Trump was already going to do that. Trump would do it if someone sneezed on him. They already considered him a martyr. They already wanted/have an Enabling Act. The only thing this changes is a bit less blood in him, and 3 people died. Trump already had higher polling numbers.

Fascism is here. Get ready.

It won't make anyone here seem better, I agree. But at the same time, it's not like we're going to have the opportunity to joke around like this after the inevitable happens.

Enjoy life while you still can, you know?

Yeah there are some real idiots in this thread. Very depressing

It's representative of the current state of this country honestly.

I'd imagine that there are a lot of rather confused individuals in a number of countries, and when tempers run high around politics...shrugs

I don't know if the US would be particularly bad. Would need to have some kind of way to quantify that.

A "false flag assassination attempt" is not as hard to rig if you know it won't be properly investigated.

It doesn't take a mastermind. Dictators faking assassination attempts to garner support isn't new.

"All right ear me big sniper guy, it's going to be an attempted assassination, the biggest ever, you are going to shoot me close, like danger close but don't worry I'm the best president, really I'm the best and you are the best sniper, the best sniper in the whole country. So you shoot me near the ear, near enough that blood comes out, I know scary stuff, but we are tough guys, the toughest so you do it and I resist and together we make the best attempted staged assassination ever"

  • Shamelessly stolen from a blog

What I find sad is that either option is equally plausible. That's how low we have sunk.

It isn't though. There is maybe a 0.01% chance that this was a false flag.

I know what's happening is hard to swallow, and the ramifications are deeply troubling, but try not to succumb to baseless conspiracy theories.

There's plenty of motive. An attendee was killed. The shooter was killed by Secret Service. There's not really a reason to think this didn't actually happen, except for cognitive dissonance.

0.01% chance based on what?

I think being unsure either way makes perfect sense. You gotta admit it doesn't really line up with Trump's character to be posing for the cameras if he's actually being shot at. Though tou're not wrong to say, that that isn't proof of anything. It's subjective feeling.

But, I think saying it's entirely unlikely this was orchestrated isn't right either.

Well, a conspiracy requires evidence, and without evidence there's no reason to treat the conspiracy theory as credible.

Saying 0% would be unrealistic because there's always a chance, but if you actually believe that this is a 50/50 toss-up, you're just delusional and desperate to feel some sense of enlightenment like every other conspiracy theorist moron in the world.

Given that there is precisely zero evidence of what you are claiming, I'll estimate as close to zero as I can without pretending it's impossible.

But make no mistake, you are deliberately spreading disinformation.

I'm not claiming anything. It's just really, really early after the event.

My choice of words was not ideal, and I apologize for that.

I'm just saying being unsure of what happened isn't crazy so soon after the event.

You're out here saying what is and is not likely based on your own feelings about what you feel is true.

It's simply too early to say anything definitive about what level of conspiracy existed (in the traditional sense, of more than one person, conspiring).

I am not saying this was staged. I'm saying you're jumping the gun, to say so confidently it wasn't.

The shooter was killed by Secret Service.

Very convenient.

I don't disagree with you, but you completely missed my point.

Your point is that you think you're allowed to spread misinformation if that misinformation sounds like it maybe could be true. This is the rationale of every conspiracy theorist ever. You're not making an intellectually honest point here.

If your point is that you're a dishonest person who cares more about narrative than facts, point received.

On this topic as a whole, it's also proving people on the left are in favor of gun violence...

Not like it really needs proving. When Marx writes about "revolution," he means bloody, violent revolution.

Anyone advocating revolution needs guns to back it up or else they're just full of hot air.

Elections were meant to be bloodless revolutions. Unfortunately with First Past The Post voting, the right options were not available to vote for. But we can change how we vote. We can make peaceful revolution possible with a more representative electoral system.

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What's worse is that the MAGA crowd has Trump and some other figures intentionally playing conspiracies up and adding weight to them. The guys on the left don't even have the excuse of Biden and company bullshitting.

How do you know their political leanings?

But why would you even think that people on the left are different from people on the right? This is why I'm not into politics myself. Because it all builds on some fake idea that one side is right about everything, even good people, while the other is wrong about everything, and probably are bad people as well.

In reality, both sides are very similar and have much more incommon with eachother than they have with the politicians they are trying to support.

That's blue maga for ya.

"blue maga" implies that there is a cult of personality around Biden like there is around Trump. That is simple not what anyone opposed to Trump believes in or rallies around.

Funny, because people used that term to describe the "vote blue no matter who" people well before Biden was ever a serious contender in the primaries...

You mean the primarys for this election that Biden is the sitting president? Or primarys four years ago when he was the guy pushed immediately to the top before the primarys?

Four years ago. This isn't a new term of phrase.

So... When he was the top runner before the primarys.

What are you trying to say?

Based on what? Neither of you know who they support or which way they lean.

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Mr Trump could be seen ducking for cover behind the lectern.

I like attempted assassination victims that don't duck for cover.

I say we elect that one guy behind him who barely reacts at all

Honestly, they're all so dead inside up there that I'm amazed any of them even flinched.

I wonder how much we're going to hear about the poor person who got shot in the head right behind him, or if they're just incidental margin notes in history, overshadowed by the big WWE media theater that is Trump. Reports are saying at least two crowd members have died.

edit: the family of the victim has given an update that Trump hasn't even attempted to reach out to them. And also, the guy was an avid nutcase, nazi and racist. The world won't be worse-off, we can sleep easy.

Oh Trump will absolutely bring them up at every single rally to froth up the crowd. Because he may be the martyr they care about the most, but the martyrs who actually died will be great ammunition (I can't think of a more appropriate word, sorry) to rile up the crowd.

That is assuming there is another rally, and today's incident wasn't just the catalyst for a Jan 6 sequel. Knowing his supporters, I'm not holding my breath, unfortunately.

Considering the number of people here claiming this was Trump staging a false flag, I am absolutely certain there are a similarly large number of people on the right saying this was Biden trying to assassinate Trump and something must be done. So I hope not.

Republicans have blamed Joe Biden for the attempted assassination tonight, accusing the president of whipping up opposition to Donald Trump.

JD Vance, who is one of the frontrunners to be Trump’s running mate, said: “Today is not just some isolated incident. The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs.”

“That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination,” he added.

Mike Collins, a Republican congressman from Georgia, said: “The Republican District Attorney in Butler County, PA, should immediately file charges against Joseph R. Biden for inciting an assassination.”

He also tweeted that Mr Biden “sent the orders”.

Prosecuting the president for stochastic terrorism? That's a precedent they really don't want to set with Trump as their candidate.

That they are pushing it is evidence they don't think they'll have to follow the rule of law if they win.

That they are pushing it is evidence they don’t think they’ll have to follow the rule of law if they win.

They won't. The Supreme Court already determined that.

All I'm hearing is that they think Biden told the truth and used the power the Heritage Foundation SCOTUS explicitly gave him, and now they're inexplicably butthurt about it.

Thats fine, isn't Biden permitted to assassinate people while in office with immunity?

Unfortunately, the number is likely going to be a lot higher.

I'm pretty sure a lot of the people here are (or at least me) are being joking/sarcastic about the false flag conspiracy. For us Lemmings, there's no emotional stake in these events, whereas his supporters will be angered over anyone even attempting to kill their fascist idol...

I’m pretty sure a lot of the people here are (or at least me) are being joking/sarcastic about the false flag conspiracy.

I'm not sure of that at all, especially when emotions are running high.

I'm not absolutely discounting the possibility they they somehow found some schlub to die in a fake assassination attempt, but I'm also not going to come up with conspiracy theories until there's been some time to go over evidence and analyze the situation.

I'm also not going to come up with conspiracy theories until there's been some time to go over evidence and analyze the situation.

Respect for that. It's a reasonable and rational response to today's series of events, despite the temptations of role-playing as a conspiracy theorist to escape from having to think about the hypothetical consequences of said events.

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They chose to go to a rally to support a man who wants to be a "dictator on day one" they made their choice.

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Well things are about to get a whole lot worse. That raised fist is going to be printed on all the right-wing crazy stuff and they will use this to justify violence against anyone opposing Trump.

Jan 6 is going to look like pleasant stroll compared to what's coming after this...

With the supreme court ruling regarding official acts we have already reached the point where democracy is on its last breaths.

This is the time for escalation that people can't ignore in favor of bickering over if the non fascist is old.

Remember that Biden is immune thanks to the SCOTUS.

He has a alibi, he's in Delaware. But as long as it was an official act, he could order it.

He wouldn't do it himself. He would order Seal Team 6 to do t. They wouldn't have missed, though.

Nah, this was obviously Hunter Biden in a Gritty Suit. The gunman who got massacred by the cops was just a patsy like Lee Harvey Oswald

A Libertarian friend from Florida joking suggested Hunter Biden. I think it was Melania.

I suppose we need even more guns.

This wouldn’t have happened if Trump had a gun on him smh

After giving due remarks, could Biden sign an executive order for sweeping gun control and name it after Trump and present this incident as the impetus?

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Somebody could shoot Trump on 5th Avenue and nobody important would care.

Would absolutely not care about Trump. Would absolutely care about the incensed conservative mob with minimal brain cells, rage and guns starting shit

Their rage is mostly impotent. When push comes to shove, I think the vast majority of them will stay home and continue posting on Truth Social.

Did you miss the whole Jan 6th thing?

That was the best they had from all around the country. Mostly thieves and vandals, stealing a laptop and a podium, smearing shit on the walls. Very few actually prepared for violence. If shit went down nationwide, those few violent ones would not be together in one place, so they'd pose far less of a threat.

Unless there is someone to direct that rage, they'll have no idea what to do with it, or where to direct it.

There will always be people that direct that rage, Trump is a cult leader but he's not the only influencer

trump is a fortuitous puppet. he ran for president in the past too, but he didn’t win because the times weren’t right for it.

Christ. Now I'm envisioning his future campaign speeches. "They try to shoot me down, I am an immortal."

Campaign? Doesn't really need to even campaign anymore after this. Maybe he will mention it at a state of the confedarcy talk or something. These are such shitty times.

we’ll never hear the end of it.

We will hear it for another 10 years when he finally has his hamburger heart attack.

So? This happens in Schools all the time?

You raise a good point. I am far, far less heartbroken by this than Sandy Hook and Uvalde. Republicans made this all possible.

Well this is gonna raise his chances of winning by a large amount

People keep repeating this, but without convincing justification.

All I see is, people who were already energized to solidly vote trump, are now really really solidly already going to really vote for him now. I just don't see how this will get someone to vote trump, who was either going to vote dem or not vote.

People just say things.

This fucking shooter could set behind democracy in the US for dozens of years. Land the shots and you martyr him, miss and you galvanize his support. Seriously the conservatives were starting to shift away from the far right after Epstein documents and Project 2025. Now deep state wackos will NEVER go away and resort to crazier armed shit. Seeing people comment that the shooter 'was so close' is insane and makes them no better than political extremists.

There's also a ton of very religious rhetoric being used about Trump now. He's literally becoming the Messiah and a true religious hero fighting whatever evil is out there. God is saving him from bullets and what not. There's going to be some interesting sermons in evangelical churches around the country these next few weeks. Yikes.

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if bolsonaro is any indication, this is just turning him into a martyr.

really terrible job by whoever tried it.

Looks like one of the bullets actually got him in the ear, as he grabs is ear right away. I thought it was from him getting tackled down by the secret service.

So the shooter was almost a good shot. So close.

According to TMZ a secret service agent said the bullet hit his teleprompter and glass shrapnel hit his ear.

Was the teleprompter behind him?

No clue. I would assume it was in front, I'm merely attempting to spread actual information, unfortunately it is from a less than reputable source, but looking at their timeline, they seem to be covering all possible snippets of information from the scene, without speculating on the motives of the shooter.

One of the videos you can hear "shooter down" before he gets up. Elderly, near death experience, and monumental arrogance would help explain his reaction pretty well!

Shooting him isn't the way - but I can see why someone was scared enough to think it was. Just remember kids, voting for Biden isn't just voting against trumpler - it's saying you would literally prefer someone who is probably senile overhim. It's a solid insult, and you should go out there on polling day to make sure he hears it.

This is what wins him the election.

I like candidates that don't get shot at for being pieces of shit.

Won’t matter at this point. Even if it turns out to be faked. It won’t matter. His base is that fucking stupid. The idea has been planted and it doesn’t even have to be true.

This just got him elected.

There's a lot of time, a lot can happen, but this just justified a lot of the nonsense narratives the right wing has been trying to push.

I really hope you're wrong, but it certainly helps him.

a lot can happen

OK someone quick shoot at and near-miss Biden as well so the martyrdom evens out!!11

I’ve never hoped to be wrong more I don’t think, but I fear now that the Cletus brigade is going to go on a fucking rampage.

Innocent lives are gong to be lost over this.

This is what wins him the election insurrection.

FTFY. He called on his rabid supporters to "fight." I think we all know what that means.

Several secret service agents surrounded him as he put his hand up and appeared to shout “fight” to his supporters who began cheering. 

Yep. Many innocent people will die because of this.

I'm more worried about the nutzos trying to "defend trump".

Oh and First Past the Post voting artificially limiting our options putting us into this situation.

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I've already called it "the bullet that nearly stabilized the world".

I don't think things would just calm down if Trump got ventilated. Probably the opposite.

I have to disagree - these people are empowered because they were immune to the consequences of their actions. This would show you're not immune, that your choices and actions have consequences from those you are making suffer, and that the world doesn't exist in your ivory tower or group think.

The next fascist leader would go in knowing exactly what happened to the predecessor, exactly what the people think, and that they won't take your actions lying down.

This after hitler, husein, and then other duché bags

I mean Hitler killed himself, so that also an acceptable response here.

Plus, you know that was not patriotic Americans who are completely different (/s)

Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will, in fact, calm up.

You're delusional if you think a killed Trump would have been good. He'd get replaced by a more evil and intelligent republican which would then definitely win the election.

Just looks like tourists enjoying a day out to me.

The fact that mods are actually doing their jobs in this thread restores some of my faith in Lemmy.

Would the world be a better place without Trump? Probably. Is this the way? No.

I see blood but I don't see a wound. Are they really going to try and pass that the perfect hole there is a bullet hole? Wouldn't a gun shot wound there take a bigger portion of the ear?

Paramedic here. All parts of the head are very vascular, and so any head injury at all bleeds fantastically. If the top of his ear got clipped, that would be enough to produce that much blood.

Depends on the round. A lot of factors come into play on gunshot wounds, including velocity, mass, resistance, angle. There is even some possibility that the round just barely missed, but the displacement of air is actually what broke skin.

There is even some possibility that the round just barely missed, but the displacement of air is actually what broke skin.

That is an urban legend. I've been missed by some pretty large caliber rounds in war and I've seen some pretty large caliber rounds barely miss people. No damage is done. You have to make contact with the round (or vice versa) for it to do damage.

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sic semper tyrannis

Are you referencing Brutus or John Wilkes Booth?

Or the Virginia state motto

Interesting. TIL. I also learned this from Wikipedia-

A joke referencing the image on the seal that dates as far back as the Civil War, is that "Sic semper tyrannis" actually means "Get your foot off my neck."

Fairly sure that was where Booth got the motto. He lived in the state for some time.

I think it was explicitly a Julius Caesar reference. He was also a Shakespearean actor.

Fake news. He will make up anything for attention.

How is it possible that no one behind him is hit?

One interview with person at the rally, said there were 3 med-evac's

Reports are coming in that at least one person was.