Why are you on lemmy right now?

PsychrolutesMarcidus@lemmy.blahaj.zone to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 138 points –



Because I refuse to install the Reddit official app.

My favorite Reddit app was killed (RIF), but I stumbled into Red Reader. For some reason Reddit still allowed it to continue. It's not bad.

I felt like I wanted to be part of the solution by stopping my usage of reddit. I didn’t want to continue to support a site I fundamentally disagree with on how they handled their monetization strategy by screwing over so many people.

At this point, I no longer doom scroll reddit or even lemmy and it feels good to not waste my time doing so.

I feel you. The problem I have is that I mostly used Reddit for niche communities. Those niche communities don't really exist here. I tried to do without, but it doesn't scratch the itch. I've even tried making a couple. But when you're mostly just talking to yourself in a void it's not really the same. So unfortunately I have had to go to back to Reddit for those niche communities.

Yeah, that’s rough. Luckily I mostly just used those types of communities as interesting reads more than actively participating outside of searching for content from them.


I actually feel that my stubbornness has made my life better in this case.

I've been to Reddit since, but I no longer feel the need to scroll it. I just use it when I went to find a genuine human recommendation on a topic.

There is still a certain excellence to the model of how interaction works for how I enjoy consuming online conversations. It reminds me of a better old school forum experience.

I do still use reddit when I find search results for things I want to know, especially where reddit was the biggest community for some topics but I usually end up there from search engines.

Hmm, I was curious about this so I looked:

It has been agreed that RedReader falls under the exemption for non-commercial accessibility-focused apps, due to the work that has been done to optimize the app for screen readers, and the app's high level of usage within the blind community.

Revanced baby. If you get the urge to use rif again.

To help people realize that neoliberal capitalism is causing climate change and must be replaced with a planned economy to lessen the impact when society inevitably collapses.

U ok bro?

Yes. I’m fine. I accepted this reality a while ago. I still have periods of denial and frustration, but absurdist philosophy helps. I’m just here to help others with their journey, if I can.

could you explain to me the difference between absurdist & nihilist philosophy? nihilism has helped me a lot recently, so this absurdism really sparked my interest lol

Everyone here has already reached that conclusion or they’d be on corporate social media. You must be doing a bang up job! Thank you for your service

This allows me to vent about our situation. I prefer humor to doomerism. I’m actually quite optimistic about the future. We have the opportunity to evolve our interpersonal relationships and develop a world based on sharing and not selfishness. I’m confident we will succeed. The dystopian vision that is displayed in media is designed to make us hopeless and maintain the status quo.

Were prehistoric animals neoliberal capitalists? Because a lot of them died due to climate change.

One thing that hasn't changed from Reddit is the naive politics of all sides. Depressing.

Your comment proves your thesis. This isn’t political, it is scientific. The science is settled with empirical evidence. To think otherwise is naive.

Yes, but what does that have to do with the tedious "everything bad that happens is capitalism" trope?

There's not much that's scientific about that.

It is the dominant political economy in the world at this time. It’s connected to climate change through overconsumption caused by the need for financial growth. I encourage you not to take some randos opinion, and look into it yourself. Good luck.

If you want I can scientifically prove capitalism is the source of the majority of bad things currently happening in capitalist society; but lets be honest you just really don't understand the word capitalism if you're defending it.

Two types of people in this post:

  • Those answering "Why are you on Lemmy and not doing something productive", and
  • those answering "Why are you on Lemmy and not Reddit"

I'm shy but I still have the human desire for social interaction. Written communication with anonymous strangers strikes a good balance between avoiding shyness triggers and fulfilling that desire to be social.

(Shy probably isn't the right word. I have no problem giving a formal presentation to a room full of my coworkers, but I won't initiate an informal conversation with a coworker in the break room.)

1 more...

I came here because of the reddit strike. I am one of those idiots that used the official app anyway but i did not like the way they handled the change. I changed to lemmy and after a couple of days I deleted my reddit account. I actually don`t remember when I had this much fun exploring a part of the internet. I just love the community. Sure there could be more content and especially discussion in the comments but I take the slower content generation over the toxic cesspool most large online communities have become any day of the week.

Reddit refugee. After Spez spazzed out, and I couldn't use Sync anymore, I was gone.

As for this second? Same reason everyone is here. On a break looking at a phone.


Also, my first post! Also, fuck /u/spez

Because fuck spez that’s why. Deleted my 10+ year old mod account back when they killed Apollo. Haven’t been back (and don’t plan to either).

My discomfort while being bored

Reddit killed my app 😭

Looking at Lemmy so far I see no reason to return to Reddit, especially with them monetising karma and whatever that crypto thing is they introduced

You mean at the very moment? I'm waiting for my gf to come to sleep. In general? Boycotting Reddit and I still like to get my news curated

Reddit doesn't work on my phone and my PC takes ages loading Baldur's gate 3

Fediverse is a healthy alternative I don't need to feel bad about. I feel shameful and don't want to talk about it when I use Reddit, which I stopped using anyways.

Because Reddit got boring af. And annoying. Spambots everywhere because of API shutdown.

Definitely not procrastinating at work, honest

died on counter strike. Waiting for next round :D

Checking my Lemmy messages. I love going back and forth with people in comments.

Same reason I was on Reddit at work before. I’m taking a dump and need something to do. And now my bowel movements are free of corporate interests

As in right now? Sitting outside in the city center on a Friday night watching people having fun with friends and trying to feel the same vicariously through them.

Don't want to appear staring so I'm typing on my phone.

Trying to reinvigorate !superbowl@lemmy.world and !anime@lemmy.ml .

SuperbOwl migrated from Reddit but nobody was doing anything with it. I try to post at least one owl a day. Currently I'm posting one owl rescue a day for each US state so people can visit and support them in person. Today is #11, Hawaii.

Anime communities seem so dead in Lemmy. There was finally an active thread last weekend, so I wanted to try to start another one this weekend.

Reading leftist memes and LGBTQIA+ basic tips for like daily life. Oh and the Autism/ADHD community tips, too. I'm pretty burnt out on commenting on news posts, and hope to make more original posts around culture and tech stuff.

Because I used boost for Reddit and I wasn't going to use Reddit without it. Now I just like the concept of Lemmy.

Rougly 43 seconds before seeing this post, I was looking to some really cool artworks and photography pieces, on dedicated communities.

I very much enjoy it here. It feels like the first non toxic social media that has existed in terms of its personality. People seem friendly and willing to face discussion. It's also nice to interact without ads and idiots like Zuck and Musk.

If there's people there will be toxicity. Look at all of the down voted comments in major threads, it's just reddit with less people. Still a public communication platform.

Because it’s an outlet for my non-grumpy, cheery personality.
During the day I can be too serious, mostly because I don’t feel safe to express myself fully in public. So I use Lemmy to have some fun, leave a silly reply if I feel like it and post some nice images.
I haven’t done this in years. Before, I spend most of the time just lurking around. It feels good to just let go and be myself with strangers :)

I don't use reddit on mobile (and use it much much less on desktop with RES, Old reddit, and an adblocker, I still like the computer oriented subs)


That's a good chunk of why I'm here. Any post at 3am is this. I'm in a timezone, so who can guess when that applies. If you do the work to figure it out, you have no life.

ETA: Also, solidarity with fellow insomniacs. If this is a consistent problem for you, look into seeing a for sleeping pills.

Wasting time while I wait for my girlfriend to hand in her notice 😂 she got a better job 👍

Interest over much how it's picking up steam in relation to the alien site. Pleasantly surprised!

Mental outlaw/kenny.

Oh has he talked about Lemmy? I watch some of this stuff sometimes, haven't seen that I don't think tho. I'm mostly herr because I didn't like what reddit was doing even though I used the official app the whole time

Looking for world and culture news in bed before starting my day

Figuring out whats up in the world. I open the all feed and sort by top in past 12 hours. Thunder client ftw.

My daughter and her netball team are having a session at flip out. It's 4pm and I want to go home. I have things to do. We've been out since 8am.

I'm having a coffee before I drop the kids off at the pool.

Scrolling when I should be sleeping

While also debating myself on sharing some art I recently made

Because I was banned from all of Reddit for ban evasion in a sub I wasn’t even banned from. Not coincidentally, it was right after speaking out against the the treatment of 3rd party developers over API use.

Spez stabbed baconreader in broad daylight so now I get my dopamine fix through Liftoff.

On the bright side, with smaller communities I have cut my time on lemmy in half from what it was on reddit to the point my wife has even brought up how less frequently I am staring at my phone.

Why am I on lemmy right now? Because it's Friday so I am doing as little work as possible. I think I'll go make some eggs.

I am in hospital and bored out of my mind. I keep scrolling and scrolling and...

It's Friday afternoon and I am experiencing a Brain Full Error.

You ever spent a day working on a personal project where you absolutely blazed through the work and are excited about jumping back in the next day but being so excited you can't sleep and just browse. Yeah

Because my normal iceshrimp instance broke and im waiting til i get home to swap it to akkoma

I’m bored and lonely. Used to go to Reddit but Apollo shut down, so now I’m here.

What app are you using at the mo?

Curious since i'm only aware of two and haven't heard about them in a while

I’m an iPhone heathen so I don’t have access to the Android apps. I’ve been using Mlem and it’s pretty similar to Apollo. Not as feature rich yet, and sometimes it’s a little quirky, but not bad for a relatively new app.

Because my roommates dumbass mother keeps waking me up after 5 hours of sleep and I'm too livid to fall back asleep

Just finished for the week and catching up on my social media.

To answer the question asked in this post...

to help grow the fediverse community, help kick start critical mass

I'm in the carpark at the shops and I got distracted after picking up my phone..

Because I'm waiting on someone from headend to get to a ssag, so I can trouble shoot why this light level is so low.

well I was on lemmy to avoid redditors

Hoping to see news that the US government has finally decided to stop the economy from melting down.

I keep being disappointed…

Today I'm scrolling and cleaning up my feed, banned chap traphouse and a few toxic commenters enjoying my first month on lemmy

Because the reddit official app suck. But reading comments in news subs I feel like the majority here are tankies. And I'd rather use dumb official reddit app than be with tankies

You couldn't even properly answer the question.

It was "why are you here?"

The answer you provided was why you don't want to be here.

Yet here you are.