John Schneider (Dukes of Hazard, Smallville) calls for Joe Biden to be executed

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John Schneider calls for Joe Biden to be executed

"This man has got to face his maker and explain why he can't say 'Jesus Christ' is my Lord and savior and I will run my country under his guidelines," he said during a Newsmax interview at the time.

This line sent shivers down my spine. Fucking religious zealots.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

How about this for a reason?

Because they want to control people. Religion has always existed to control the masses and the GOP is more desperate than ever before to maintain their control over their dwindling voters.

They want a dictatorship and religion is just another means for them to seize it.

"... my country ..."

That's what caught my eye.

Conservatives have always wanted the president to be their daddy and rule over them like their daddies did when they were kids.

Certain conservative men will visit prostitutes, and claim to stand for family values, which is laughable but if you do good at mental gymnastics you could always say that you're ready to change because you now believe in "insert conservative shit" here, or bad experiences etc.

But if you asked me, you're better off believing that anarchy is the natural order and everything from government to the police force, including your own circumstances is based off a mix of luck, non compliance, misunderstandings and merit rather than any conservativism.

Just consider that even if you believe in "planned parenthood" technically a lot of accidents had to have happened for both Usain Bolt and for you to be born, nobody's life was planned out when while you were being pushed out the end of your mothers pussy.

The scary part is that there's arguably hundreds of mini accidental Usain Bolts which you're competing with every day, even if you're one of them that was planned

Conservatives are authoritarian always, many of them wouldn’t blink at reestablishing the monarchy, so long as a certain orange individual and his line of bastards were in power

Just to make it crystal clear, a Christian who is being inaugurated as President will swear a solemn oath, almost certainly with their hand on the Bible, to defend the Constitution.

Joe Biden, like every President before him, including Trump, swore a solemn oath not to do what John Schneider is insisting upon.

If a President elect believed what Schneider is suggesting, he would either be unable to take the oath of office, and thus could not ever be President, or he would swear to God that he was telling the truth when he was lying.

Agreed. John is clearly expressing himself in hyperbolic, perhaps he's frustrated about something?

Because the nutjobs see it as congress can't stop them from doing anything, not that congress also can't support them.

Also because biden is Catholic and the pope would probably be mad at him making a nuclear armed theocracy

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I always enjoy the nebulous “treason” accusation. At least when I call Donnie a traitor I have a concrete list of grievances instead of a dozen inferences and leaps in logic.

Yeah. Trump and his direct supporters engaged and were filmed engaging in actual insurrection. They made a gallows and had people with ziptie cuffs in masks roaming around the capital.

These asshats are just trying to water down the word because they know they fit the description too well.

They're trying to water down the word so they can invoke the 14th Amendment against Democrats who hurt their feelings. Texas threatening to remove Biden from the ballots is only the beginning of that particular shitshow.

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sees nothing

Besides federation issues this happened to me when I deleted my comment and it was always shown as one more reply fold. But maybe on newer version this displays as a comment was deleted

Well kids, gather 'round and let me tell you about the before times. Back in my day the Secret Service would be on this guy like white on rice.

Yeah but he's a white Christian male. Laws don't apply to them.

You're missing my point. Threats against the President of the United States used to be investigated. Every. One.

Hell, my gf wrote some shit about killing Reagan in her journal or essay or whatever. Forgot how it got out 35 years ago, don't remember. USSS showed up to question a cute little white girl. A high school junior. From a very nice suburb.

Nobody got a pass on shit like that.

they still do. this guy didn't say he intended to do anything though, which is a pretty big difference

Secret service used to take stuff like this more seriously

They did! Now we shamefully have a criminal on the Republican party ticket. All has changed for the worse quickly.

When the calls for terrorist attacks come from anarchists VS when the calls for terrorist attacks come from fascists

When the call is coming from inside the (white) house...

(Edit: to be clear, back in 2020)

Is this not 'I want to kill the president of the United States' level shit that is straight up illegal?

Recently unveiled as the Donut on reality show The Masked Singer, Schneider took to X, formerly Twitter, to share his violent views.

This is our nation's current political discourse in a (do)nutshell.

I'm glad washed up celebs are telling me their politics. Its what I needed in this close race /s

I feel more satisfied with my decision to quit that show.

In 2022, he criticized the president for not saying "Jesus" in his Christmas speech.

Because, and Trump has a similar problem with understanding this extremely simple fact: THIS ISN'T A FUCKING CHRISTIAN COUNTRY!

Has Trump even once mentioned Jesus?

He held the Bible upside down once.

His favorite book. There are a lot of good stories in there. He won't tell you about any of them because it's personal.

Yes but he was referring to his undocumented gardener.

An opinion that’s every bit as relevant as the person expressing it.

So will the feds hound Schneider like they did Kathy Griffin?

Ok he’s entitled to not LIKING Biden or his son, that’s fine. But I have several problems with this statement.

  1. Calling for him to be hanged for treason.

Ok what exactly has he done that’s so treasonous? Did he call for elections to be overthrown? Did he call for people to storm the Capitol? Did he likely trade/give foreign governments top secret materials? No? Well I know someone who did so shut the fuck up. On that note, I despise Trump but I don’t want him hanged. That would just turn him into a martyr. Will I be upset when he dies from eating too many hamberders? Nope, not in the slightest. Do I wish to see him stripped of his power and wealth and then thrown into jail? Hell fucking yes I do.

  1. Doing this accusation so publicly.

Ok not only is threatening a president against the law (which I’m not entirely sure that’s what he did) it’s just plain dumb being a public figure. Not that he’s currently producing/acting but I’ll never even consider anything he makes or produces. It’s better for people to think you’re an idiot than open your mouth and remove all doubt. Cough cough Roseanne …..

  1. Expecting people to not be upset at stupid shit you say to get attention.

I have no words. This just proves how irrelevant you now are. Now I can’t even look back fondly of a show I very much enjoyed as a kid.

Great job Bo. You’re an idiot.

What did you expect from the guy who drove this?

I used to think it was just a southern pride flag, but I've since learned the modern meaning of it. As someone who grew up watching Dukes of Hazzard, my dream car is now a bright orange 69 Charger with the American flag on it, dubbed the "General Sherman".

And every year you'll take a road trip in it from Atlanta to Savannah.

I hope in the future the Smallville wiki is just a list of the bizarre reasons its Alumni went to jail. So far we have NXVM cult leader Allison Mack, Drug Dealer-Sam Jones III, and hopefully in the near future - Terroristic Threats - John Schneider.

Everyone should listen to Biden on Conan OBrien’s podcast. He’s old but not demented. He’s the president we need but don’t deserve.

Isn't threatening to kill a sitting president like terrorism or something?...

He didn't say he would do it. He said he should be hung. Which was legal at one point. And is also the impression that would be done by the public.

So he didn't really directly threaten him. At least that is what he will say. And technically he's right. But we all know better if we read between the lines.

Stochastic terrorism is the tactic of cowardly terrorist. He's signaling to morons to do his bidding.

Their little dog whistles are getting more and more obvious. Someone should maybe do something about that. Like, oh… I don’t know-

Maybe lock these treasonous dipshits up for threatening the president?

I don't think that was a dog whistle.

I red it as a call to assassination. This is how they speak to one another now.

Does he also want Trump to be hanged for treason after being involved in an attempted coup against the united states? I'm guessing no.

What if it turns out Lex Luthor was the good guy on Smallville?

Fuck this extremist MAGA actor, but no; I will not be rooting for any billionaire.

Celebrity calls for execution but unlikely to want to face charges based upon the same precedent that he wants to set! He would be executed himself!

Bo Duke nooo, what happened to you?

Boomer Duke now.

How does this make him a boomer?

Edit: let me rephrase, how does him being a boomer have anything to do with this.

He was born in 1960. Boomer years are typically considered to be between 1946 and 1964. Ergo Boomer.

Because apparently quiet a few Millennials and Gen Z have no idea that a huge chunk of the MAGA movement is coming from their own generation. There is no safe 'generation' free of idiots, racists and morons.

They see a baby boomer spouting MAGA and immediately make the leap that he's MAGA because of his age, not because he's an idiot who has always been an idiot.

The protestors who marched for civil rights in the 60s and were beaten by police and set on by attack dogs were Boomers.

Many of the people who shouted racial epithets at them and cheered on the police were also Boomers.

The protectors who marched against Vietnam and who Nixon hired actors to infiltrate and try to discredit were Boomers.

The actors who agreed to infiltrate the peace movement and discredit it by committing vandalism were also Boomers.

Vivek Ramaswamy is a Millennial.

I'm not a boomer, but I'm old enough to know that any generation who thinks 'when these old people die, then everything will finally be ok' are going to be stunned when they find out there are evil people in every generation.

Don't wait to fight them. Fight them now, in every election, vote for the best available candidate even if you don't love everything they do, because without incremental victories, getting every single incremental victory you can, you will wake up when you're middle aged or a senior citizen and you'll realize you should have been fighting all along, not waiting.

I hate that 60’s civil rights argument.

The people fighting for civil rights were a small minority, especially within the white population, and were almost universally hated. There is a stark difference in the way our generation and that generation viewed equality and civil rights.

It's not an 'argument', it's an example of how divisively branding entire groups is undermining us. It's divide and conquer, and it's working.

We need to work together now, everywhere, to enact change, not wait.

I used to believe that. The issue is that people legitimately don’t agree on what the solution is. And those solutions vary wildly, and many of them are actively more dangerous than our current precarious situation. I can’t march on the enemy next to someone who believes climate change is a lie spread by China, and they likely will have entirely different ideas of who the enemy actually is than I do, for instance.

The underlying point is not to march alongside someone who disagrees with you, its that there are Boomers and Gen Xrs who agree with you and they've been waiting for enough young people to join them. It's not just Bernie Sanders and no other Boomers. The same Gen X people who grew up on Public Enemy and Rage Against the Machine and still fight for the beliefs espoused in that music are here. We are frustrated that so many young people just seem to want to check out, when we've needed them to help us win these battles for so many years.

When I first became an atheist, only 9% of the US was 'none', meaning atheist, agnostic, or no religion. Now it's 30%. I haven't gone anywhere, just happily watching the world change and I know a lot of it is those younger than I am.

No I get that, but I’m not going to pretend that there isn’t a stark difference of trends between boomers and millennials.

Nobody is suggesting that. The suggestion is that we stop automatically assuming someone believes something just because they are a certain age. We should judge people on their beliefs alone. If someone is a Boomer racist, they are a racist who happens to be a Boomer and never grew as a person. If someone is Gen Z and a racist, they are not racist because they are Gen Z, they are just racist.

I know people in Gen X who claim to not understand 'anything about computers' and I'm clueless how that happened. We had computers in the 70s and video games in the 80s. We were labeled the 'slacker generation' because of our Apple computers and video games, and somehow there's a wide swath of people who just made the decision to be ignorant by choice of all of that. Are Gen X people just computer illiterate? They certainly shouldn't be, so if they are, it's by choice. If someone is a Boomer and a racist, it's by choice, not by age. There will absolutely be people in Gen Z who turn 40 years old a in a couple of decades and claim not to understand something that they have right now.

I also know quite a few Boomers who are completely openly accepting of LBGQT people and every race. At the same time, I know a lot of young tech guys who are clearly misogynistic and racist, if not overtly. I judge them on their beliefs and if they are trying to evolve, not their age.

The lack of opportunity for developing generations, in relation to the older generations, is driving a localism/tribalism mentaliyy that often will correlate to, if not conflate, a racial identity.

We're talking about a guy who got his big break driving around in a Dodge Charger with a big old rebel flag on it that's called the General Lee and anyone's surprised that he turned out to be a MAGA traitor?

I loved the show. I loved the car. I am so far removed from the MAGATs. I think they are complete fools and are being duped by the rich because they are gullible.

An actor can protray someone who is ignorant. To believe it is a choice. A stupid choice by an ignorant person, but still a choice.

The Balladeer: "Looks like Luke is in a heap of trouble. Tune in next week when..."

fifteen FBI and Secret Service Agents unload one hundred rounds into his car

TIL the dad from Smallville was played by a comic book villain.

He's making his way, the only way he knows how! But that's just a little bit more than the law will allow....

And why should I care what this clown says?

It's not about what he says, it's about the people that believes anything him or trump or other MAGA politicians says. They're the dangerous ones, they're the one that votes.

Then let them vote. The US will ultimately get the political leadership they deserve.

its always the ones you most suspect.

" I have $100 for whoever knocks that loudmouth son of a bitch out."

"Mr. Schneider, we're from the FBI. We're going to need you to spread your cheeks, and lift your sack. But first, we want you to put these Daisy Dukes on."

"Just here for the ratio and to let you know that it's "hanged," not "hung."

I guess the guy is only commenting on the Biden bloodline carrying good genes for big dicks. Or he's just a big dick himself.

God damnit. There goes one of my favorite shows from when I was a teenager.

Assuming you are going with Smallville. Because if this is what broke you on Dukes of Hazzard, I have some bad news for you about the car.

@USAONE @news
When Trump was president, every Liberal Hollywood celebrity called for the death of Trump. If this man is charged with treason, then so should every Hollywood celebrity be charged with treason.

Would love to see some sources for that. I'd be surprised if you could find more than 2.

Sorry I couldn't hear you with cheeto-dipshit's testicles so deep down your throat.

Trump should be hanged publicly, but not until death, until he shits his pants in public (again).