No rights no pussy rule to – 2385 points –

This is why I don’t fuck guys who “don’t pay attention to politics”.

That means one thing, and it isn’t that they are blissfully unaware of the day to day happenings in their town, county, state, region, country, or planet of residence.

It depends on why they don't pay attention to politics. Personally, I kind of have to go ostrich-mode and bury my head in the sand when school gets stressful because I just don't have the mental bandwidth to deal with both. I'm not going to judge someone too harshly for protecting their mental health from the absolute shitshow that is the American political landscape.

PS: This is not to say that any degree of modern conservatism is okay. Bigots can go fuck themselves and I'd be out punching Nazis and being a medic at protests if it didn't jeopardize my future so significantly. (Felony convictions make it really hard to get a medical license and I have to pay off my student loans somehow. Besides, I'll be in a much better position to make a meaningful difference as a physician than as a heavily indebted student or EMT.)

this. you can pay little attention to politics without being a "centrist" who isn't actually a centrist. news can be depressing as fuck, i'm hella glad i strongly limited my consumption of them, but that doesn't mean i'm gonna start both-sidesing shit. (with the exception of tankies vs nazis, because those two are in fact the same authoritarian, anti-west, bigoted crap under different flags that love to larp against each other)

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This is my go-to response whenever anyone wants to start talking politics with me. Mainly because whenever someone wants to talk politics it's usually not because they're liberal and I really hate talking with people who just want to prove that their opinion is the right one.

I'll admit I've used it for similar reasons. What I really should be saying is "I'm sorry, but I don't want to talk about this right now." Maybe I'll even be brave and say "I don't want to talk about this with you." but it's rare for me to find a person I don't want to hear at all from. That usually comes up because they've already made their arguments, and I've already accepted or rebuttal the points to my own satisfaction. At that point they'll talk themselves into circles looking for justification for parts of their stance, but unable to articulate it themselves. I'll listen to anyone's views at least once, given I'm in the right mindset, but I still wouldn't date someone I don't morally agree with. Life partners should have higher standards than conversation partners, and aligning values is a bare minimum for relationships.

This 100%. To not care about politics means to not care about how the entity with a monopoly on violence wants to take your money against your will and allocate it. If you don’t care about that, then you and I are not going to get along.

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I bartend. I was working on Easter, and one of our semi regulars came in with a guy that she was obviously on a drink date with. They'd been at at least one other bar before they came in; they'd had a couple drinks, but weren't past maybe tipsy.

At one point, she mentioned that the reason the last place they'd been to was slow was likely that it happened to be Easter. At the mention of the word the guy interrupted with,


To me this was a sign that this dude cared very much about religion and politics, but just like how scientologists don't drop the Xenu shit on you right away, he wanted to wait until any prospective partner was in too deep before revealing how abhorrent his views are.

That regular isn't my favorite person, but I was proud of her for pretty much ending that date after that.

Yeah, that’s another one of those.

I’ve never had anyone who said politics and religion aren’t good conversation actually be worth having those conversations with. Everyone else from every other walk of life has no problem having a nuanced conversation about that stuff, it’s only ever WASPs that get all indignant and force everyone else to stop talking.

One of my coworkers had asked something about trans people and bathrooms, and I started to say my piece, but mid sentence the owner comes back like “under no circumstances are you allowed to have this conversation here”.

Oh yeah, so threatening to say that I don’t care who is in what bathroom if they don’t do anything that violates another guests bodily autonomy.

So controversial and brave.

We’ve spent plenty of time talking about the different racist inspired restaurants in the area and the deplorable dog whistle specials they offer, never cared about that offending anyone.

The restaurant in question was the MoonCricket Grille, and they were offering $0.49 Bud lights after the outrage about them in honor of the 49 who died at the Pulse nightclub.

I hate this place…

That’s literally a bar rule. Lol. Alcohol makes people talk like they are on the internet in real life. Doesn’t make sense to discuss nuance when you’ve been drinking especially with the touchy subjects.

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Or they're pretending to be blissfully unaware, but secretly hate you for being an independent woman.

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Good lord the replies to this are sad. Believe it or not it's a perfectly reasonable expectation to only want to date someone whose core beliefs align with yours (and, y'know, actually respects your rights as an independent human being.)

"in looking for a woman who will respect my core beliefs as an independent human being, which include not treating her like an independent human being"

As someone with a right-wing father and a left-wing mother: for fuck’s sake date people with your same beliefs. Deep disagreement on something like that is NOT something you can build a trustful relationship upon.

Holy shit, I can't imagine being in such a relationship even just for a small amount of time. Having kids with someone I fundamentally disagree with is just on another level.

I guess if you're not into politics/news at all, it can kind of happen. 🤷

Admittedly, we’re not in the US so the divide is much smaller, but Jesus Christ listening to them arguing over half the stuff that came up on TV has definitely not been a pleasant experience.

This is what so many of them think. If they really don't have a problem dating someone left leaning it either means they get off on tearing down strong women or don't really know what they believe and are still just parroting mommy and daddy's beliefs.

There are a lot of trad women looking for these dudes, it's just that these dudes are often.. rather undesirable for other reasons

It's fine to have dating preferences. The issue is when people who are just calling anyone who is conservative leaning terrible. If you don't agree with someone's political ideology, you should just respectfully disagree, not call them a terrible person.

Also, calling people evil for their options is a terribly way to convince them to change, it just makes them get really defensive. If you want to convince someone to change opinion, you need to have a respectful, insightful discussion.

The meme here didn't even call anyone evil. That said, if you guys don't want to be called evil, stop supporting evil shit.

Conservative policies not only rob women of the rights to their own bodies, it gets them killed too. Either conservatives openly support this or they're somehow too naive to see what the politicians they vote for are doing, and both are good reasons for women to stay the hell away from them.

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Conservatives aren't evil, but they are bad cooks, and worse lovers.

Conservatives don't clean their own underwear, and they cheat in CS:GO.

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How do you have a respectful or insightful discussion with someone uninterested in being respectful or having insight?

How do you explain the suffering caused by separating children from parents at the border to someone who doesn't see those people as human? To someone who thinks they deserve to suffer for existing in the wrong color of skin? At what point do you call a spade a spade?

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Call that the free market economy biiiaaatch

Conservatives: "The free market is superior! Deal with it!"

Conservatives when the free market decides against them: "THIS IS LITERALLY SOCIALISM"

People boycotting businesses as is their right in the free market: "CANCEL CULTURE!"

to be fair, the idea of voting with money still sucks because it gives some people a lot more votes than others, but when wannabe future billionaire conservatives can't even get presently rich people to play along with their bootlicker bullshit that's just funny

Not when they’re the ones boycotting businesses. “go woke go broke!!” is fantastic, according to the same people who are obsessed with opposing “cancel culture”.

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Conservatives hate the free market when it tells them that they're free to go take a long walk off a short pier.

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The last conservative I matched with was immediately bragging about being unvaccinated, was in his late 30’s, openly religious, desperate for kids.

If you’re openly conservative, you’re baring your soul about women’s rights, and if women don’t want to sleep with you as a result, you made your damn bed.

Some women dig that. Not every woman believes the same things you do. There's even a thing called the quiver full movement where people like the duggars deliberately have as many children as possible to outnumber people like you.

Most women (and men) believe the things their parents teach them.

The thing with conservatives is they want to 1) prevent any other information flowing to these women, religious indoctrination only 2) get these women pregnant young so that they don't have a chance to gain independence

So yeah in those cases you have grown women who believe these things. The Duggars are an example of the 'quiver full' movement in action. Letting their son abuse their daughters young so that they get used to it and defend it as normal.

My parents used to fearmonger the everliving shit about LGBTQ+ and abortion, and as a small kid I ate that shit up. But then at some point, my brain probably developed some modicum of critical thinking and thought, wait a minute, why in the world does it matter to me what people do with their own lives, if it doesn't even affect me or anyone else for that matter? Why are my parents, along with every single bigot, incorrectly think that they are entitled to weigh in on someone else's life decisions?

Every single argument from them boils down to "because religion", but as someone who was raised Catholic (agnostic now), one of the things that they taught me was quite literally to "love thy neighbour" and to not shit on people only because of their beliefs. So why are the very same people who taught me that now doing the opposite of what they preach, trying (and fortunately failing) to shit on other people just because they don't have the same beliefs? "My religion says it's not OK," well they don't believe in the same things you do and could not give less of a shit about what you believe, so why not just leave them alone and let them live their life? It was around that point that I realised they were just hypocrites, and absolutely nothing more.

I grew up extremely conservative christian (homeschooled, no tv, women don't work outside the house) and was taught that anything other than married man and women was evil.

The thing is we were also taught critical thinking and logic albeit it was to compare "new teachings" against the bible. My parents always said since the bible is true [sic] it would stand up to any scrutiny. They thankfully never learned the lesson most christian leaders have that Christianity needs to be mandated for it to be effective. Obviously the bible did not hold up to logic and I'm now a proud atheist and in the process of healing.

Man, that's worse than what I experienced growing up. Out of curiosity, why did you decide to go with atheism? Personally, I'm agnostic (I think that's the right term) because I see no compelling evidence or argument for either side, and I am of the opinion that a human's finite brain could never even come close to figuring out the answer. And no, the Bible isn't evidence, not one that's even close to being the slightest bit rigorous at least. To me, it's as much evidence for Christianity as the Harry Potter books are for wizardry.

You're confusing belief with knowledge.

If you don't believe in a deity, guess what, you're an atheist regardless of whether you know for sure a god doesn't exist or not.

Most atheists are agnostic because it's not on us to prove that a god doesn't exist, no one should ever take the burden of proving a negative.

Huh, never thought of it that way, thanks for that. If you'll excuse me, I have quite a lot of rethinking to do.

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The journey went: disappointment with God, angry at God, apathetic, agnostic, then atheist. I considered myself agnostic for a long time but it always felt a bit like a compromise for me, like it's more palatable to think "Oh, I just don't know one way or another" over seeing god as a stopgap for holes in knowledge.

Rather than the approach of attributing less and less to the divine over time, I decided to attribute nothing and go from there.

Saying that one can't disprove god's existence feels the same to me as saying a watermelon is blue inside until it's observed.

Thanks for your perspective!

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Accidentally deleted but yeah I’ve noticed an influx of conservative men matching with me despite clear indications that I’m liberal. Unfortunately I do know these sorts of women exist, but maybe conservative men should seek them out instead of someone clearly liberal who doesn’t want to make their body a baby factory.

They like the idea of dating a liberal woman so they can control her.

"Hey girl, why don't you take those shoes off and come into the kitchen?

Oh yeah, you like those historic gender roles don't you... 😘"

That's hot.
You know what else is hot? This water for the dishes.

Lol I’m sure that’s a thing, but for me and most women I know, that’s a red flag.

Well, yeah. I think that’s the whole topic here.

Alternately, because she's attractive and some guys are idiots. For some guys "looks" overrides everything else.

It's unreal how many guy will date a flat out manipulative, immature, mean asshole because she's "hot". Compared to that a decent human being is a catch, regardless of if they're fundamentally incompatible.

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I think some of them fetishize the idea of "turning them conservative" with their dick or some shit

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That's been Catholicism's playbook since day one. There's a reason they're so against any kind of sex that doesn't lead to procreation.

Course, it also used to be rooted in the fact that medicine was trash for a long time, and a lot of kids died, so you'd want to have as many as you could to give some a shot at living a full life. But that's not the case anymore, so yeah, the only reasons to have as many kids as possible is as you say, to outnumber the sane people, and to keep the working class populated, so we inch closer and closer to Idiocracy becoming reality every day.

But hey, look at those shareholder's profits!

Well, that and replacement theory.

They think it’s up to them to keep the skin as white as possible.

I don't know why. I'm about as pale as you can get, and it is by far the WEAKEST of skin colors. We literally cannot go out in the sun without protection.

Sure, everyone should wear sunscreen, but I can get burnt walking out to the mailbox!

Ah. Sounds like you have fine genes my friend. The best genes.

Have you considered endless breeding?

Not only is it a lot of fun, but you can pass on those great genes you got there.

For real though, I have a red headed daughter and one that should have been a redhead. She got everything but the hair. The freckles, the pale blue eyes. A beam of light comes through the window and she starts smoking. Someone turns on a 100W lightbulb and she blisters. I get what you’re saying.

If there’s women who dig it, that’s their bag, but I’ve absolutely experienced an influx of conservative dudes trying to match with me and I’m openly liberal. Wild that these women exist but the dudes don’t seem as into them.

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You say that kind of like it sounds like a good strategy to you? Sounds like a fucked way to think about society to me

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I almost dated a conservative but covid saved me.

The moment it hit, her conservative powers went omega level and I was able to dodge a bullet by wanting to vaccinate early

Well, just you wait. You be dead by CHRISTmas 2021. That wat you get to.

Either you be dead or you be turned too zombie to be controlled by Fow-chi Chinese army.

This hole thing poplation control. Wat wuflu dont kill, vaxine will. Or zombie like I said.

Mark my world. Ded by CHRISTmas 2021. Mark my world

Soros. Hoosane Obama. Fow-chi. Biden. CNN. That ur god.

She dodge the bullet.


The really funny part was she was pretty normal until MAGA and the alt right radicalized her via lies

She turned into that shockingly quickly

My best guess is that something was wrong with her that she hid deep inside until it was let out

My best guess is that something was wrong with her that she hid deep inside until it was let out

Probably. Reminds me a lot of the guys back in HS who would be super women positive and "feminist" when girls were in earshot, but say horrendously awful shit when it was "just us guys"(I wasn't friends with them either, they just thought it was ok to say around guys in general), up to and including rape apologia in at least one instance. All asshole trump supporters now last I knew.

And they wondered why 90% of my friends in HS were girls.

They call it "locker room talk", I call it "being a complete asshole but too cowardly to do so publicly"

Mark my world got me. I'm picturing her squatting near some building to mark it as hers.

Why would anyone date a conservative, it isn't safe?

Even if it was safe like ew you don’t believe in equality that’s just unattractive af

Your username indicates you don't do much dating of men... (Not that it invalidates your point)

There are absolutely conservative queer women, they’re very much not the sort of person you want to date

Yeah. Regardless of what actions they personally take, they do advocate and vote for your death.

Imagine dating someone whose beliefs actively belittle you.

Well, Republicans tend to vote for policies that go against their own self-interests if they get boogeyman’s enough by Tucker and Donald, so it wouldn’t surprise me that there exist Conservative women who date against their own self interests.

Being ok with being conservative is akin to being ok with being stupid. It's basically an admission of idiocy.

No. Stupid isn’t something you choose. As an adult, bigotry absolutely is.

Ignorance is a choice, too. I've met so many people who are proud of being ignorant. I once met a woman who was in her mid 30s who was explicitly against learning new things because...reasons?

Ignorance can be something you choose, but only if you’re actually smart enough to make the choice.

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Seriously, conservatives want to pretend like we're all just regular people so what do our political views matter right? But if The last 8 years have taught me anything it is that every conservative is some level of a bigot, even if you can get along with them, purely based off their political goals. Sorry, you can't just work your ass off to deny people rights and sequester people you don't like, then call it a "political view".

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ngl, last time some conservative started flirting with me she got pissed of when i said i wasnt interested because they were a tory flag shagger, and then she called me a slur because im queer

It's like how kids throw meaningless insults when throwing a tantrum because they know they can't win in a proper argument.

Wow I did not expect so many right wingers on blahaj zone. Feels weird

It's federated with a bunch of other instances, they probably saw it on their "All" feed

This is literally top of the day on the entirety of lemny rn. That's how people got to it.

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"Why won't women, objects meant to feed and pleasure me, give me the time of day like this super old-ass book I had read and interpreted to me by someone who is likely a child molester said they should? Do they worship Saytahn?"

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The hinges on the meat chasm closed for all conservatives on 24 June 2022.

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You should date someone with at least some reasonable overlap of ideals. If you wish to have a family unit, like conservatives certainly do, you need to have common ground and mutual respect or you will end up with yet another single mother raising a potentially negative statistic and father losing his child or bailing.

So what you're saying is: relationships require respect? Yeah, that's one reason a lot of leftism is built upon respect for one another. Conservatism, the best I can understand stand it relies on feeding an outdated lie that there are multiple classes of people, some being better and more deserving than others.

But yeah, you don't respect your partner you lose your partner, but that does not a conservative or conservative argument make.

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Women won't date me because I'm ugly :(

You're right, but I'm not sure you understand the mechanics behind it. You probably think since you don't look like a gigachad, that you don't get dates. Women do care about looks sometimes, but not nearly as much as guys tend to fixate on. The quality I hear women trying to find most in a man is decency, followed by personality, shared interests, connection and then yeah, I guess looks.

The trope you're playing is funny, which is why we keep seeing it in media. A similar trope is seeing a "10/10" girl with a "3/10" guy and saying.. "him!?!" Or something about him needing to be rich or something.. because women only care about looks. In reality it seems that men think women only care about looks.

So, just keep in mind, if women won't date you, it has to do with a lot more than your looks. You can take that as a burn, or you can look within yourself, see if you think you have what women want (what I have mentioned) and if so, you're at the longest and final stage: putting yourself out there.

Edit: just to clarify, I define "decency" with a simple test which is "do I participate in any activities that go against what women are asking have been asking for for decades?" Things like right-wing politics (abortion bans, subservience to men), a livable wage, repect for consent, etc.. if the answer is no, you aren't "decent". They aren't asking for power over men, they're asking not to get raped and to have the bodily autonomy just as men have. They are asking guys not to hypersexualize them from children and try to understand that they aren't flirting with you at work, they just need to be nice to keep their job, and that they receive a lot of unwanted attention. They're also asking for guys to take them seriously and a lot of them would want men to know that they don’t bring these topics up because it can create an unsafe situation for them, that it even might have in their past, possibly more than once. We think that we know who men are when we see how they behave around other men. Unfortunately an astoundingly large number of men are abusive to women when other men aren't around. So yeah, you fail the decency test for politics if those politics harm women.

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women won't date me cause I'm ugly and married :\

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Are you in therapy, the gym, the sun, etc?

Not judging. It's fucking hard.

You don't need to be buff or tan to get girls, but you do need to be healthy and confident.

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This kind of shit was a big motivation for me to leave reddit, and now it's already on Lemmy. Great.

You can have right leaning beliefs and not be a bigot. Hell, I'm not even right leaning but many of my friends and family are. They are not racist, sexist, transphobic.... This kind of post just makes the left look childish.

ETA: you can have conservative views and not vote republican. The republican party is a fucking joke.

I don’t see how people who aren’t racist, sexist or transphobic could vote for conservatives when 75% of Republican campaigning (other than “guns and taxes!”) is focused on being racist, sexist and transphobic. People who aren’t any of those things are turned off by it and would not vote for republicans.

I agree, just wanna point out that this post doesn't specifically mention the US

While true I think, as long as you're not some kind of an extremist, your political views don't matter that much, unless you're in America. Most people have their opinions vary on the political spectrum, some views are conservative while others are liberal. But in America it seems like you're either 100% liberal or 100% conservative and anything inbetween is hated by both sides. So you have to know if they're with you or against you.

I don’t have experiences with politics in other countries, so it would be difficult for me to comment about that.

Sure you can lean conservative but if in the modern era you're supporting and voting republican you're either in denial, or complicit. There's not much the Republicans have in common with conservative values these days.

Exactly. What's so conservatism about trying to murder congress and overthrow American democracy again, like what happened on Jan. 6? These traitors sure aren't trying to preserve the Union, that's for damn sure.

No, what we look like is people who've tried to give the benefit of the doubt for ages and gotten fucked for it. We've run out of benefit to give. Conservatives are actively hurting people in North America (probably elsewhere too) and we see ourselves and our children on the chopping block if we keep giving leeway. So we've stopped. You'll keep seeing more of this until conservatives stop hurting people. This meme is just a funny reflection of that. Maybe it's even gonna make some gears spin in some people's heads.

Exactly! You cannot support that party and be surprised when you get called a bigot. You're playing with pigs and you smell like shit, bud. Conservative values eventually turn into hateful ideology 100% of the time. Conservatism requires someone to blame for everything, and they never blame the people actually at fault, they blame minority groups that are easy to attack and exploit.

Being conservative doesn't make you a bigot. Being liberal doesn't make you a bigot. What makes you a bigot is hating someone just for disagreeing with you, or being part of a different group.

Bigot: a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

How can we tell the difference?

When the conservatives that's not bigots keep silent and let qanon do what they want.

Until then we we need more proof when people say "TFG was the best president, but I'm not a bigot".

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Your friends and family might not be vocally bigoted, but actions speak louder than words and if they're voting for a party that platforms on racism, sexism, and transphobia, then they are bigots. I hardly think it's childish to avoid dating someone who would support a party that wants to strip your rights away.

Also, Lemmy has always been like this. You came to the wrong fuckin' place, my dude.

Yeah, fuck, the “I’m being persecuted and censored!!” conservatives have shown up, great.

If not being a racist is your benchmark, I don't even want to know what else your family does.

They are not racist, sexist, transphobic....

But it's not a deal breaker either.

it’s already on Lemmy

Lemmy was created by communists for communists, conservatives, "centrists" and liberals gtfo out

You can have right leaning beliefs and not be a bigot

the entirety of conservativism is openly classist, the entire ideology is built on ruthlessly attacking and stripping away protection for those most vulnerable in society. Besides, just because your family wont openly call me a slur for being trans it doesnt mean they aren't supporting a party who market themselves on wanting to strip away my rights. Frankly, you cant be pro-american at all without implicitly supporting the horrific crimes they have historically committed whether within their own borders or outside.

"Many of [your friends and family]" vote for legalizing racism, sexism, and now literally the attempted overthrow of the United States of America. If your friends and family vote for that and vote for taking away peoples human rights, they're terrible people. Maybe they're nice to you but they're actively ruining other people's lives. Your cowardice in continuating to associate with, tolerate, and defend these people and their evil behaviors is childish. "But! but! some of my friends are in the Schutzstaffel, they can't be all bad!" Grow up.

Many of my family and some of my um, not quite friends, are conservative, and all are varying degrees of racist, sexist, or transphobic. Granted, that's just anecdotal, but have a hard time believing people who vote for bigots aren't somewhat bigoted themselves if they're willing to throw vulnerable populations under the bus for 0.5% lower taxes or whatever.

they aren't

You just haven't seen it yet. Try coming out to them as trans, see how that goes for you.

There's always Voat you can try, it should line up better for you.

This post doesn't mention bigotry, racism, sexism, or transphobia. So what are you talking about?

One of the most self-damning things about Republicans is how quick they are to start defending allegations of bigotry, racism, sexism, transphobia, treason against America, etc. upon the first mention of conservatism, without noticing that they're usually the first to bring up those topics. It's almost like the very concept of conservatism and bigotry against people for their "station" at birth are inseparable, and any attempt to pretend otherwise is just that: pretend.

If right-leaning, but not bigoted, there is a lot of space within the Democrats for that, and always has been.

Which is less than ideal, as the GOP remains populated by a mix of extremists & the grossly inattentive, Democrats yanked well to the right of centre, and the left utterly stymied.

But, the point remains that if someone is turning a blind eye to the harm being waged against their fellow Americans in favour of some nebulous lean (which the GOP's consistently do not bother to address anyhow), then arguably they are far worse than a bigot, who at least one can consider to be haplessly hate-filled, rather than blithely lending support to the hate-filled.

people can be disinterested in dating each other for any reason they want, it's not like you have to reach some level of hatefulness before they can say "i don't care for your politics and i'm not interested."

I agree, the "holier than thou" attitude is really gross. I was hoping this was going to be less of an echo chamber than Reddit but it's starting to look like it's worse. Let's blow this popsicle stand bro I'm out of here

Don't let the door hit you on the way out, it's worth more than any conservative is.

Also lol that the "fReE SpEeCh" crowd cries a fucking river whenever people use that free speech to tell them they fucking suck.

Free speech is the worst possibly way to defend your opinion. Your basically saying "my opinion is valid because it's not illegal to state my opinion"

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posts like these make me wish lemmy has sort by controversial button

That's not true; I'd date someone I could reasonably discuss fiscal policy about taxation with.

So maybe it's not so much they won't date you because you're conservative and more that you're openly embracing fascism....

Why is it the only time I ever hear the word "fiscal" is when a conservative is defending their entire half of the political sphere 😂 let's all look past the human rights abuses and absurd gerrymandering/rigging of the entire democratic system and just think about the "fiscal responsibility" aspect (That, paradoxically, only ever actually seems to drive the national debt up faster when conservatives are in charge)

'fiscal conservative' = supports tax cuts for the rich because they believe in trickle-down theory, still, somehow

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Hey now -- don't be reasonable, this is the internet!

It's not unreasonable for a woman to tell someone who votes for people to take away her rights that she doesn't want to date them

Of course not. What's unreasonable is the tribalistic, us vs them attitude based on poorly applied labels that leave no room for constructive discussion.

People calling themselves "Conservatives" these days are actually reformers who are about the least conservative bunch you'll ever find. No true Scotsman conservative would join a death cult.

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Lol making up arguments in your head again?

Blue haired women with penises won't date us? Your terms are acceptable.

Lol making up arguments in your head again?

Being a bit hyperbolic. The kernel of truth is that the women filtering themselves out of the conservative dating pool are doing those men a favor.

I wish the rest of the conservatives would agree with you, but here they are banging on about 'women shouldn't be able to divorce their husbands' and whining online about 'the great replacement' because we don't want to fuck them

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This has to be a joke right? What kind of opinion piece is this? I swear the left is just as intellectually bankrupt as the right.

Sounds like you're suffering from an acute case of 'feels before reals' to me.

Not particularly surprising or shocking that women are less likely to date men who vote conservative. Ignoring the simple fact that the data suggests America is becoming less tolerant of intolerance, and that conservatives are increasingly out of step with majority opinion, the recent abortion thing is a real lady boner killer, as is making excuses for a convicted sex offender.

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Go to any online community full of incels and you'll see they're all conservative - and that their conservative ideals have a huge impact on how they treat women.

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lmao, I remember you. Don't you have an ancient LGBT conspiracy to be chasing?

Ooh, what’s the conspiracy?

I’m kinda pissed my lesbian sister has been keeping it from me.

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It's pure projection. They put up a wall thinking that they're the ones choosing, but they're actually the ones that aren't attractive to others because of the black-and-white way they see the world.

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Treating people differently because of their beliefs? I'm not even that conservative, but you sound like the real bigots.

If someone's beliefs are a danger to my life or others' then yep, I won't be pursuing a relationship with them, romantic or otherwise.

Pffft, just means that your beliefs have consequences.

Something something tolerance paradox.

You realise that beliefs are a shifting scale, right? Not everybody with beliefs right of center are alt-right Nazis. I can't stand those people either.

I used to be similar to you, until I met people with a whole host of opinions. I wish you well.

Never said you were, but that doesnt mean the cutoff point has to be all the way "out there" for conservative and problematic in the long run.

Besides, what do you even know about "me" given you say you used to "be like me"? You know, well perhaps not nothing but not much. And i too have met people with lots of different oppinions, yet i didnt leap towards the right, quite the opposite in fact. So... if you "used to be similar to me", well then you're close to falling into the deep end.

Here is some free advice: careful with what you assume you know about someone you never met before.

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You realise that beliefs are a shifting scale, right?

We're discussing ideologies of hate, exclusion, and domination. Such ideologies do not tolerate anything less than absolute compliance. So no, there's no shifting scale here; your side won't allow there to be one.

I wish you well.

No you don't, and that's the whole problem.

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Excuse me for... *checks notes* ...choosing who to pursue relationships with based on our common values or the lack of them.

I also treat racists differently because of their beliefs, as well as sexists. I guess I'm the real bigot here.

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My favorite thing is when a conservative finds themselves outside of one their safe-space, echo chambers and are shocked to discover that not only do regular people not agree with them, but they find their views so abhorrent that they actively view all conservatives as complete pieces of shit. And they are not wrong to do so.

i'm the real bigot because i dont want to shag someone who happily advocates for making it as hard as possible for me to get gender affirming healthcare and openly supports the neoliberal privatisation that's devastated my country?

yes i very openly discriminate against conservatives, i have no plans for stopping or apologising

Would a black person be justified in not wanting to date a white supremacist? Or would you call the black person “the real bigot”?

Not wanting to date someone because of their beliefs sounds like a perfectly valid reason. Especially if those beliefs can impact someone's rights

You should 100% treat people different depending on their beliefs.

If the beliefs in question are like, banning books, oppressing gender identities, removing reproductive rights, oppressing the needy, undermining elections with baseless conspiraciesand selling out to the highest bidders, then yeah, they and their beliefs can suck a fuck.

Right? Whenever someone is confused about my dislike of conservatives, they act like I disagree with their tax policies.

Obviously there are bigger things at issue here.

Conservatives: "We don't believe that you should have full control over your body and will happily pass laws to prevent you from exercising that control, including laws that will send you to prison for a life-saving medical procedure."

Women: "oh fuck. Wow. Uh. Okay, I will not be associating with you."


Choosing not to date someone isn't really treating someone differently, 7 billion people on this planet you're not gonna date most of them

Not wanting to date somebody is not the same as "treating people differently". You're arguing in bad faith

When it comes to dating? Yes. Absolutely. Why would you think that beliefs are a non factor for dating?

"Im not that conservative" said every conservative ever when arguing on a left leaning platform

I kinda get a kick out of the ignorance some conservatives bring to the table. It's almost cute, if not so stupid.

You should read up on the paradox of tolerance, and why Conservative attempts to play the victim card only expose their hypocrisy.

Believe it or not, it's perfectly normal to only want a relationship with someone who shares your core values. You conservatives (don't lie) might understand that if you actually tried to have an actual relationship with someone instead of trying to establish ownership over them.

I mean I form all judgements and treat people different based off their beliefs and actions as the former lead to the latter...

No cause we don't advocate for them to be punished in any way. We just don't want to fuck them.

When their beliefs include hating me, yeah, I'm going to treat them differently.

I don't mind their different beliefs, what matters is the fact that they try to force it on everyone else. You think being gay is bad? Then don't be gay yourseld. You think getting an abortion is bad? Then don't get an abortion. But the moment you try to force that on anyone else is the moment you're inviting the world to shit on you. After all, no one is passing laws to discriminate against straight cis people, or forcing everyone to get an abortion.

Hello! You have fallen into the tolerance paradox; how can you be tolerant when you're intolerant to intolerance? Easy I'm tolerant because I don't tolerate intolerance. Beliefs aren't equal, anyone who believes in inferiority or inequal treatment for reasons outside ones control should be called out. It is not a live and let live mindset, it's a "live the way I tell you to or you're a bigot" doesn't sound very liberty loving to me. You can dislike it, you can rant, but once you limit peoples access to equal rights and treatment you're infringing on their rights. Any freedom loving American can respect that.

You'll notice that on the list of things that are illegal to discriminate against, everything is either an immutable part of the person (national origin, race, gender) or is something that is unethical to ask a person to change about themselves (religion).

Political beliefs are nowhere on the list, because they're not immutable and it's not unethical to ask somebody to change them.

Discriminating against somebody for their political affiliation or political beliefs is legal and, in some cases, moral/ethical.

(As an aside, this is what makes all the people wanting to discriminate against LGBTQ people on religious grounds so egregious; they always had the right to discriminate against LGBTQ people on political grounds, but that wasn't enough for them. They had to do it "in the name of God.")

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I see conservative men getting with conservative women all the time, if they're complaining about nothing being available they need to look at themselves in the mirror or look in different places (maybe hip, urban environments aren't the best places to date for conservatives?) Switching up politics isn't some magic solution to getting laid.

No, it isn't. But it's not going to hurt em to drop that bigot shit either

For most people politics don't matter much. It's just those angry about it are too intense and aren't fun to be around.

I think we run in different crowds. One of my friends once confessed to making out with a trumpster, didn't even go further. It was considered a point of shame and we made fun of him the rest of the night. I firmly stand by my role in reaffirming sanctions.

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Putting people into boxes doesn't really help anyone.

People are more nuanced than that.

It's not about nuance. It's about deal breakers. For some people, a deal breaker might be something like poor hygiene. For other people, it might be voting for or otherwise supporting politicians who belong to a party that's actively trying to curtail human rights for anybody who isn't a white cishet man.

That you or anybody else would find the first example acceptable, but not the second, is ridiculous.

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Idk if you don’t think LGBTQ+ folks deserve equal rights or think that social programs are “too generous” I’m not really interested in how nuanced the rest of you is.

Not saying that’s your beliefs specifically. Just that enough of us are actively harmed by the results of conservative laws and governance that I’m not really interested in knowing the nuanced part of someone who supports those policies.

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Depends. I'd say racism is a great box to put people into.

What does being conservative have to do with being racist?

Conservatism by definition is thinking "Things are good right now, let's not change anything" or even worse: "Things were better before, let's go back to that".

The issue is "better for who"? Women, queer people, POC, working class people were NOT ok. Implicitly you can see that conservatism is bigoted by (at a minimum) ignoring or misrepresenting the realities of people they don't care about. It's just that lately, more and more conservatives are explicit about it and showing their true colors, but the philosophical underpinnings are the same.

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lol only one of the cleanest 1:1 correlations there ever was.

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The meme has the conservative saying they’re a conservative though, so they put themselves in the box. There’s not much nuance to that.

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Interesting, as a leaning conservative myself I never had any issues getting women. Something tells me it’s not really about your beliefs but confidence. If you project confidence in your beliefs women and people in general will be drawn to you. Also I noticed from my previous serious relationships that my girlfriends would tend to agree with my point of view after some time.

"Baby, I want to take away your rights" he said confidently.

I swooned. The masculine strength of his opinions assaulted me in waves. I tried to resist but my feeble feminine brain was unable to come up with a single rebuttle, my resolve cracked under the strain.

"Oh take me, take me now under the steely gaze of your Anne Rand poster" I gasped, racistly.

Also I noticed from my previous serious relationships that my girlfriends would tend to agree with my point of view after some time.

Did they enthusiastically agree or just stop challenging you when you started talking about it?

I heavily suspect it's more about the specific type of person you get together with.

Wow that an alpha! Did you know that wolves only display alpha behavior and hierarchy while they're in captivity? The author who originally wrote about alpha male behavior in the 80s realized this later and has spent the rest of his life trying to walk back his findings because human males in captivity have been trying to emulate his flawed findings. It's very ironic that self proclaimed alpha males are actually just saying that they're imprisoned in some way and are coping with that by trying to desperately find some kind of control in a fake air of "confidence". It's pathetic and sad really. Actual men are empathetic and looking for an equal partner instead of someone they can bludgeon into their way of thinking because they're so insecure.