Kyle Rittenhouse's family plead for money as they face eviction

dezmd@lemmy.worldmod to – 654 points –

Kyle Rittenhouse's sister Faith is seeking $3,000 on a crowdfunding website in a bid to prevent the eviction of herself and her mother Wendy from their home, citing her "brother's unwillingness to provide or contribute to our family."


Huh. Have any of them considered a job? If the mom was capable of driving her child to another state to murder some people, I bet she could drive for uber or something. Or be a getaway driver for other criminals, idk.

There's a certain type of person who thinks work is beneath them. That's who the Rittenhouse family is.

...what? What are you basing this on?

When the children were small, Wendy and Mike worked various jobs, including machine operator, housekeeper, and cashier.


Wendy had become a certified nursing assistant, but she continued to struggle financially. The family was repeatedly evicted.


In 2018, shortly after another eviction, Wendy filed for bankruptcy. She developed a gastrointestinal bleed that required hospitalization, and Faith was also hospitalized, after an attempted overdose involving over-the-counter painkillers

Gotta love a conservative family that votes to undermine all the social services they’d need in situations like this. But they seem to be able to afford guns…

In fairness guns are way more affordable than healthcare is America. Sports cars are more affordable than healthcare in America.

See also: schadenfreude

"enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others"

I think it's an apt term for watching leopards eating the faces of their allies.

Edit: for those unfamiliar with the reference, here's a rundown of The Leopards Eating Faces Party.

  • Leopards Eating People's Faces Party

"Leopards Eating People's Faces Party refers to a parody of regretful voters who vote for cruel and unjust policies (and politicians) and are then surprised when their own lives become worse as a result. It has been commonly used to parody regretful Brexit and Trump voters."

A CNA does not earn money, it's pretty much a minimum wage job. This person did not have the necessary intelligence or drive to attain their bachelors and become a full nurse--it's as simple as that.

My sister in law, bless her, is really one of the angriest persons you will ever meet. She hates everything out there and the world is bad, blah blah blah. I asked her why she became a phlebotomist. She told me she wanted to be a nurse but could not pass English 101. Seriously.

Kyle's mom? She's the same.

I hate to defend Kyle's mom, but man, shouldn't a CNA or a phlebotomist be able to afford to survive in the area they work? In their case, I guess you reap what you sow.

Yea being a cna is tough and underpaid. My ex is one, takes a couple months of study and passing a test. I, with a highschool degree made 6 dollars more than her when her job was 3 times tougher. It's criminal. She worked harder and longer hours in a dangerous place with people who could and would harras and harm her. The harrasment was mental, verbal, physical and sexual as well. Fuck boomers.

You remember businesses calling everyone who worked a low appreciation job heroes? CNAs got the shittiest end of the stick on that I think.

Giant banners calling you heroes greet you as you drive on the lot of the nursing home, and you look at them knowing you're going to get physically shit on by the patients, and proverbially shit on by the higher level nurses, the administration that now works remote, the family of the patients, and of course the patients again as well. For $12/hr. And you're extra short staffed because anyone that could find travel work did. Brutal shit for them.

Holy hell if you aren't right. I recall her getting all of those things at her work too and a measly 40 cent raise lul. All those banners and pins and lanyards and little gift bags if tiny hand sanetizers and candy. I think she made like 16 here in cali at the time, I recall hearing there's a laaw that was gonna be passed or already passed to get them up to like 20 or 21 at the minimum. Crazy to think that's what mcDonald's employees earn here now while plenty of cnas in other parts of the state earn less still.

On the Dollop podcast if you've ever heard of it, one of the hosts is named Gareth. Gareth points out in an episode that in American culture we only ever call "heroes" the people we deem 'expendable'. I have been unable to find a counterexample to that claim ever since I heard it.

I mean, I'd bet the majority of people on here would say anyone working a legit full time job should be able to afford to survive.

It's no different than public school teachers, I suppose. It's not a field you get into unless it calls you for some reason--you're certainly not in it for the money.

We really need to reprioritize how we fund things around the world.

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According to the article his sister has been hospitalized and both her and their mother have a hard time getting work because of being associated with Kyle Rittenhouse. BTW the mother did not drive him that's a fallacy

Ok then I retract the part about driving. But I have a hard time feeling sympathy for her being unable to get a job. She's repeatedly defended him and said she stands by him, and she allowed her 17 year old to buy a gun he couldn't legally have and to drive without a license. Being associated with him is her doing. I have a family member who was a teenage white supremacist piece of shit (who was thankfully stopped by the FBI before he killed anyone), and you can bet nobody thinks I'm associated with him because I make it very clear where I stand. If I said he was a good person and I'll always support him, I wouldn't be shocked if employers said nah.

Sure, but she's also his mother, not a random family member. I'm not going to fault a mother for standing by their child, no matter what he did.

She didn't let him buy anything, but she couldn't make him get rid of it because it wasn't in her house. It was locked up at a friend's house in a different town.

She was also ill, poor, dyslexic, and a single parent dealing with a difficult child. She doesn't seem to have much in her life but her children, I'm not going to condemn her for not banishing him from her life. It's not an easy thing for a mother to do.

If that’s the case, it’s sad then that he apparently doesn’t seem willing to return the good will and unconditional support, if he’s refusing to help them with rent. Abandoning the one person who would always have your back…

Sad and entirely predictable; we already knew he was a shitbag

I'm not going to fault a mother for standing by their child, no matter what he did.

You can stand by your child by always having room in your home for them. You can still condemn their action and say they might not know any better or something like that.

Yeah absolutely fuck Kyle Rittenhouse but Kyle lied to his mom that night about what he was up to, and the mom clearly had no intention of being a willing accomplice to murder.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought Kyle lied to her about everything he was doing that night.

He did. The gun was never in her home, she couldn't do anything about it. It was locked up at his friend's house because his mother wouldn't have permitted him to have it.

Yeah, but she's related to him and loves him because he is her son, and we hate him, so obviously she should suffer too. Justice and empathy? Fuck that. We're outraged and out for some suffering.

No, she should have social supports, education, a safety net, retirement and security. The exact things people like her piece of shit brother actively try to deny others all the time. Society tried to help this person.

Now on an individual level before I would ever help her, I’d want to know if she ever saw a cent of Kyle’s blood money.

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You are spreading misinformation:

The spreading of that, along with medical issues, is why they are having troubles.

Did you read the rest of the thread? I already acknowledged that I was wrong about that part, but they're saying they can't get work because of him while still refusing to condemn him. The GoFundMe says he was "involved in a tragic shooting incident," which is a pretty weasely way to say he killed people.

I also question that it really has anything to do with him. He's certainly not having any issues making money, and there are a concerning number of people who consider him a hero, or at the very least aren't bothered by what he did (see the comments on this post for a whole lot of evidence). Surely some of them are hiring.

So, here's the thing.

He shouldn't have gone there. Being there, being armed, there to protect property, was taken to be provocative by the people that were protesting cops shooting an unarmed man.

But the narrative that we got in the news wasn't how things actually went down. The first person confronted him and tried to grab his rifle when he wasn't threatening anyone. The second person that was shot had just chased Rittenhouse down and struck him with a skateboard. The third person was pointing a pistol at Rittenhouse when he was shot in the arm. Source.

Given that he was not directly threatening anyone there, it was a clear-cut case of self-defense. Yeah, I don't like it that a shitty person walks away, but he walked because he wasn't guilty of a crime in defending himself. Is he still a right-wing shitstain that's supposedly too dumb to get into the military? Yeah. But self-defense is a right for everyone.

If Kyle has money (he does, from dumbass rubes), he should help his family. Fuck this shitty little selfish murderer.

She didn’t drive him there. It’s been factually proven. Dudes a fucking murderer for sure, but his mom didn’t drive him to kill people. He did that shit on his own.

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Is it possible that maybe he's a piece of shit?

I mean, maybe? But other than wild speculation, is there any evidence?

Fucking /s because those of you that don't get it are dumb enough to think The Boys got all anti-you all of a sudden too.

But other than wild speculation, is there any evidence?

He did drive up to Ohio to shoot people.

those of you that don’t get it are dumb

I wish I didn't know people who would say that shit entirely unironically.

Not defending him, but it was Wisconsin, in a city less than 30 minutes from where he lived, barely across state lines.

This case is fucked in so many ways, and it's even worse because nobody remembers any of the details right.

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No no, see he shot a registered sex offender (which he couldn't have possibly known at the time)!

And even if he did know it, vigilante justice is not a route society should go down.

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Conservative values at work. Make a boatload of cash doing the grift circuit after murdering somebody, then hoard it and refuse to help your family.

He didn't even make much cash, lol. After the initial attention everything dried up and now he's got a hard time getting normal jobs, lol

gotta be honest, i wouldn't hire him

Yeah, you might accidentally bump into him in the hallway and he would stand his ground and gun you down for the audacity.

Just because of the whole murder thing? It was legal!

Typical leftist cancel culture. You commit just one white supremacist terror attack, and all of a sudden you're a pariah!

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Yeah, I feel bad for his mom and sister struggling but he clearly fucked around and now he is finding out.

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Kyle Rittenhouse's sister Faith is seeking $3,000 on a crowdfunding website in a bid to prevent the eviction of herself and her mother Wendy from their home, citing her "brother's unwillingness to provide or contribute to our family."

The piece of shit is being a total piece of shit? shocked pikachu

While shitty, what does him helping them financially have to do with anything? He shouldn't be responsible for them. There are many people in the US in worse situations, and they don't get special treatment because, I guess, they aren't family with a famous murderer.

well yeah, but like, if you get free money from people for shooting some guy at a protest, the least you could do is share some of that money with your family.

What makes you think this bastard comprehends the concept of empathy?

Aaaaand now we're back at the piece of shit acting like a piece of shit.

Bro djd you not see how torn up he was at the trial? He's , like, the most empathetic person on earth.

Share it wider: "it takes a village to raise a vigilante" or at least to look the other way.

I’m imagining the family from Million Dollar Baby walking in from Disney World going “What do you mean you ain’t got any more of that shootin’ people money??”

Most of us struggle month to month, most of us dont attempt to leech blood money to unburden our struggle. Most of us don't run to the media to cry about how our murderthing fascist familial connection isn't letting us leech their blood money.

If I was Kyle Rittenhouse, I wouldn't give a single dime to the people who created Kyle Rittenhouse. They created an unlovable twerp, they shouldn't profit from that.

In this case (according to the donation page), he is part of the reason they are in this mess, as his mom is unable to find employment since everyone thinks she drove him to the protest where he shot those people.

Although that sucks, I can’t blame people for naturally putting some fault on her even for the wrong reasons.

I don’t think she should struggle but she did raise him. The punishment doesn’t fit the crime but imo parents should take responsibility of raising shitty kids.

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Most people who aren't conservative psychopaths actually like their families and want to help them when they can.

they're trying to get libs who hate kyle to help


We know that we are not the only family struggling to rebuild after that fateful night

And look at the struggles his sister is going through. Profound tone-deafness is a real wipepo problem, a syndrome second only to affluenza in terms of collateral damage and suffering.

She needs help! Hit up your friends; especially the strong ones who like pizza and beer. Dig deep for those truck keys and clear the calendars for next weekend so you can help ... move.

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Kyle Rittenhouse learning that his family is struggling.


That's actually him learning that one of the people he shot at survived. Just a reminder, this shithead crossed state lines to dump gas on the fire of a protest and riot caused by disgusting, racially motivated circumstances.

He wanted to kill some people that night, so he brought a big gun. His success resulted in a lot of free money from the folks that want everyone else struggling to survive without violating a ten commandment to go hungry.

Just a reminder, this shithead crossed state lines to dump gas on the fire of a protest

The "crossed state lines" thing really irks me because does nobody know that maps exist? I'm thinking about crossing state lines today because I need to get more baby wipes. Shithead went to the next town over, which just so happened to be in a different state.

But let's also not forget he went and partied with KKK members immediately after posting his crowdfunded bail, just in case there's any questions on how much of a shithead he is

The straw purchase of the murder weapon the judge shrugged and tossed on a whim is something that can land you in jail for 10 years.

There was a parallel case to Rittenhouse: Andrew Coffee IV. He was acquitted in his case but the charge of his weapon possession is what got him 10 years.

But Rittenhouse's judge figured hey, NBD, and everybody clapped.

I've lived in the edge of a state before. It's really hard to miss what side of the populated area is one state or another, and the fact that there are laws about crossing. I knew if I went shooting in CA I needed to keep my ammunition and firearm in seperate compartments, unloaded, and that I couldn't have friends buy me a gun to take across if I couldn't legally buy it myself. And I was just shooting clay pigeons, not my racially hated neighbors.

I sure as hell know which side of the state border my town is on is the one where I don't want to be caught with weed in my car.

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you think they don't covet their neighbors wives, take the lord's name in vain, worship false idols/put other gods before "him" and don't steal?

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But who actually cares? Stop talking about this useless waste of life.

I care because I noticed that all the people defending him won't talk about what happened afterwards meanwhile they never stop reminding us that the men he murdered had criminal records.

It is inconsistent. If they can bring up the past I can bring up the future.

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Another "family values" type doesn't seem to give a shit about his own family. Bet he has strong opinions on abortion though.

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Supply Side Jesus says they should just lift themselves up by their bootstraps.

Wow it's almost like Kyle Rittenhouse might be a piece of shit.

Can’t Kyle just go on another murder tour? That should raise them some money.

Their complaint is that he isn't sharing his murder tour money.

Oh, so the sister and the mother should go on a murder tour. Kyle provided a roadmap to follow and the justice system approved it.

Well what exactly did they do for him? Maybe next time they'll be a little more hands on with the murdering so they get their fair share!

I genuinely hate that this is accurate... This is 2024, everyone. Please vote against Trump by selecting "Biden" this November. You don't have to like Biden, you just have to understand that if we don't, our country is fucked.

Don't they know if he gives them a handout it will create a dependency /s.

Huh. It's almost like he's a really shitty person or something. They can't possibly be surprised.

they need to cross state lines to kill more unarmed people protesting against authoritarianism

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Why would anyone donate to them or why would he?

This is just putting family drama on online lol

Clowns all around

Why would anyone donate to them or why would he?

Virtue signaling, mostly. Saying you care but evil stupid leftists don't, because you're sending money to professional grifters a bunch of innocent victims.

Well, I’ll be damned. Piece of shit turns out to be a piece of shit. Color me surprised!

Let me take out my microscope real quick and observe my sentiment on the matter at hand


Does it involve a tardigrade and a string instrument?

Couldn't just leave you hanging. ;)

Sigh... if they're gonna photoshop a tardigrade playing a violin, can't they at least do it right? Not only is he holding it like a cello, he's trying to bow the strings on the wrong side of the bridge.

Incompetent tardigrade violinists, SMH

It could be a trombone and a Ryker.

Where's flying squid when you need him?

Time for some person responsibility from them on taking care of their home.

why does this kid look like a toilet seat

He looks more like what goes inside a toilet to me.


Nah, flyingsquid obviously means two floor bolts, a chain, flapper and a handle. I mean look at him.

No, something more solid and brown and that comes out of an asshole (which would describe his mother).

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Hasn't he raised enough money through charity to support his family? Isn't he currently filming an actual movie for Ben Shapiro's company? Was he not paid for that?

The grift never ends with right wingers. If you have given them money once, they know you are a target to be bled dry, so they will just keep coming back for me.

Tabloid News. Who gives a damn about this guys family?

I would bet their not great people. There is probably a reason he grew into the awful person that he is. I would wager those are the same reasons he doesn't want to help them financially.

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I'm honestly shocked that they aren't rolling in cash. I'd have thought that a whole lot of money got sent to Kyle directly after he became famous.

How much did his rifle cost?

Maybe they should learn about maintaining savings instead of making impulse purchases.

Who the fuck is he that so many comments are here?

I can't tell you how happy this makes me. I hope the whole family of human-shaped rodents spend the rest of their lives unhomed and living in refrigerator boxes.

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