'This reeks of desperation': Internet mocks 'Donald McDonald' for fast food campaign stunt

just_another_person@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 805 points –
'This reeks of desperation': Internet mocks 'Donald McDonald' for fast food campaign stunt

I guess he thinks he's one upping Harris or something? Weird.


Trump's campaign sent him to McDonald's because of Harris having worked there in college. Trump has repeatedly accused his Democratic opponent of lying about working at McDonald's, in large part because the job wasn't listed on her later resume for a legal job.

I don't often get jobs with a resume, but is it uncommon to drop low level and irrelevant jobs from your resume?

I dont think the IT firm i'm applying to cares if i worked at walmart in high school....

It common practice to curate your resume to the job you're applying for, you can smell the bullshit drifting off this one

That's just Donny's overfull diaper.

i don't think that lard ass will fit on the changing table in the restroom.

Donny has never had to apply for any kind of job. He was born with a golden-zinc spoon in his mouth.

You absolutely want to drop irrelevant jobs from your resume. You're spot on.

Trump's just mad because she's actually worked real jobs before, and he hasn't.

Cut out any experience that isn't relevant and is too old.

That being said, I did hire someone for a tech support position because he'd done five years at a McDonald's, which meant he was used to dealing with people.

Some amount of customer-facing work ought to be a required thing so people could understand what it's like from the other side of the counter. Empathy is a wonderful thing to develop.

I've had around 15 jobs since i was in high school, across multiple states with moves, some of them pretty brief when i found better opportunities, several in fast food, retail, and factory labor. I do not list any of them on my resume as a data engineer.

Nobody cares or wants to see your entire work history as a student. They want to see your professional work experience that is relevant to your desired roles. Hell I have even made multiple versions of my resume with different jobs listed or delisted depending on the field I was applying for.

But on none of them do i put that in worked at Burger King at 16 years old for 4 months, nor the better paying job I got at a Steak n Shake as a server where I worked until I left for college. I don't list my shitty campus dining court dishwasher job, or my Sam's Club Cafe job I had at College either. Now I have listed my programmer internship from this time though, even though I don't list the seasonal Gamestop job and the chicken processing jobs i had afterwards, because programming is relevant... chicken cutting is not. Just because there are gaps doesn't mean I wasn't working. I was far too broke not to.

It is common to omit short-term or less relevant experience from a résumé and to prioritize including jobs that are longer-term or more field specific to what you are applying for. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. If McDonald’s corporate was not directly involved with this stunt, perhaps they’ll clarify if Harris did indeed work for them in order to lessen the negative perception of Trump using their franchise.

Your pre-career jobs become less and less relevant as you get more experience. Once your career experience is sufficient for the jobs you are applying for all those pre-career jobs do is take up precious space on your resume and distract from the skills that actually set you apart from other job candidates.

I stopped putting McDonald's on my resume as soon as I stopped being a "college new hire".

Leaving it in would be like having your university GPA and fraternity / sorority house. That’s stuff you put in because you just graduated and have no experience in the workforce. It would look extremely amateurish and hurt your ability to get a job at a law firm. Not a lawyer, just know what you don’t put in a resume.

Yeah, the last business got the resume with all the shine for the one pager but still got the stories from the convenience store and the short order line.

Who the fuck puts EVERY job on the resume? Does he think he'd get elected if he talked up his Steaks?

When you get a degree you have hit the resume reset button. Only relevant experience from that point forward.

It is totally common to drop jobs from your C.V (or resumé I guess), many people, me included, put together a special CV when a job is particularly interesting. Mostly choosing which old job gets more description and which gets less, and which old job doesn't get on the list.

I wouldn't add a fast food job I needed to go through school if I applied for a high level job either.

Absolutely. I only keep a few recent ones, more for the skills/responsibilies they demonstrate.

If someone wants to know what I was doing at 18, get myspace or something lol

Yes, I only list my computer science related jobs. No one cares that I worked in a grocery store, the student center and even burger King while I was in high school or college. I don't bother listing high school under education.

No, it's not uncommon. You trim a good resume down for the most relevant experience. You could maybe leave it on for the teamwork aspect, but she's probably had better examples since then. I'd bet $5 her first legal aid or whatever resume mentioned it, but not as it's own line item.

Yeah, it is common to drop high school and college jobs unless it is relevant to the job you're applying for OR it is your first job out of college and want to emphasize your work effort.

Trump has repeatedly accused his Democratic opponent of lying about working at McDonald's, in large part because the job wasn't listed on her later resume for a legal job.

This man doesn't know how resumes or jobs work.

He also couldn't get hired at McDonalds for real.

They don't hire convicted felons IIRC.

If that's really in their hiring policy I hope there's a class action lawsuit against McD's for all felons they've turned down for jobs in the recent past and then allowing Trump to work there.

They don’t hire felons convicted of certain crimes. A lot of the people I used to work with had low level felonies.

A group of Republicans and conservatives who have consistently opposed Trump, called the Lincoln Project, also added, "Good practice for his next job in the prison kitchen."

Well, dayam.

Did McDonald’s corporate agree to this political stunt? Or was it just one specific location that agreed for him to come in?

One specific franchise location and they were closed to customers during the visit with the staged customers all vetted by USSS and having gone through a rehearsal ahead of time to practice what they were going to do.

Someone else I just read compared this to a make-a-wish® activity.

More like that time Michael Jackson paid to have a grocery store shut down for the day and filled with his friends and family as customers just so he could feel what it's like to be a normal person.

Did he have some kind of people phobia? Why not just go to a grocery store?

I already know your going to say "but it's MJ!?!" but honestly if he wore a baja jacket and some sweat pants with some tennis shoes or some beat up shower flat sandals. Everyone would just assumed he was another weirdo and advert their eyes. Then he would get the true shopping experience haha

A regular place would have soon been swarming with crazy fans had MJ showed up even unannounced.

Not if he pulled up in like a Subaru and did like 15 to 20 minutes of shopping. By the time they realized who he was and started dialing their friends on their flip phones he could be out the door with his frozen pizza, dunkaroos and mango juice.

I mean he wanted to experience shopping, not dart in for a quick grab of things for the night. You also underestimate how word would spread even back then.

People would have recognized him. Plus he wanted to peruse the aisles and check things out, not hide away. He wouldn't have known how to dart in and out, that was the point.

Also people didn't have cell phones in the 80s (I think that's when he did it). Would have been a payphone.

He was a star since childhood, he probably had no idea how to act like a normal person.

trump is dying, and it was his last wish to see where the hamberders come from.

I feel bad for the workers there. You see so many examples in the past of people meeting the President in "normal" situations and how it's an experience of a lifetime to remember. I guess this still will be something to remember, but not in the way others have been.

"I once helped this old guy through a shift in fast food."

"Yeah, how was that?"

"Terrible. He couldn't understand basic stuff like cooking fries. I had to help him do everything. Oh, he was a former President too."

I doubt even a few years ago when Carter was still building houses for people, no one had to walk him through stuff even more complex than cooking fries. Granted he's had experience working for decades. Can you imagine Trump with a hammer or a power tool?

Totally. He's mocking them on a number of different levels, and it's extra fucked up:

  • he's been wealthy his entire life and never worked a job
  • he's doing this to mock Harris
  • it's not an actual representation of all the bullshit and hard work the people working there have to deal with
  • it's a campaign stunt
  • he's probably never even ordered in an actual McDonald's before
  • he has absolutely no clue what those people get paid
  • those workers won't even be eligible for the "no tax on tips" bullshit he's trying to win people over with

There's like a dozen more I could pick out, but these are just the most egregious.

It was entirely staged. Apologies in advance for the Reddit link:


Of course. They're all staged. His barbershop bullshit last week was the same thing.

It’s so disrespectful to working class people. Of course most Americans won’t realize this.

Over half will. Of those, some will overlook it focusing instead on the perceived intent (“he’s trying to be like one of us”). The rest will vote for someone else.

it's not an actual representation of all the bullshit and hard work the people working there have to deal with

This is the one thing from the list I think many* people don't understand. Unless you've worked in some sort of retail environment, it's hard to relate to the shitshow they can be.

*I say many because I have no idea how many people have had a touch of the wonderful world of retail. Maybe a lot have, and some people just are assholes anyway afterwards.

If you've ever seen someone like a reality TV personality or aging pop star try to start a restaurant, this is that exact same thing. There's always some SUPER awkward PR footage of these folks working someone else's job at this new business and trying to show they understand it. They have zero fucking clue. Most recent I can think of was the Eminem fried chicken restaurant he started. So bad.

One out of eight Americans have worked at McDonald's, so that's quite a lot.

That is an insane figure, that's like 41.5 million Americans.

There are 15,000 McDonald's in the US and turnover is pretty high. It's an old stat but I don't expect it's changed much over time.

My husband and MIL both worked there so it tracks with my family members at least!


How is he even in the race?

Lots of people didn't want to do their jobs. Sometimes I feel our whole government is just a giant grift.

My thoughts exactly, until I drove through Georgia and saw all the flags. I'm terrified.

He couldn't even make fries. The kid walked him through the easiest thing ever, clearest instructions ever, has obviously been teaching people. Trump still fucked it up. Kid tells him to put them slowly in the oil and trump tries to put it on the hanger. The kid had to grab his hands and pull him away to get him to actually put the fries in the oil.

Even worse than putting it on the hanger—which I could excuse as a first-timer mistake—he was told like 5 times that you don’t need to shake them when they’re done cooking, you just drain them. He took some out and shook, and the trainer corrected him and showed him again how to drain them, then just 10 seconds later Trump is shaking another basket and dumps it out without draining it.

Huh, I was taught to shake the basket to both drain it and also separate the fries. The fries tend to stick together as one large brick if you don't. I don't work at McDonald's though so maybe their fries are different.

Their fries are definitely different; probably designed to minimize steps.

It suggests that Trump may have practiced making fries sometime though; just not in a McDonald’s.

Nah, he just saw the guy shake them midway through to keep them from sticking and retained the info that you shake them so they don’t stick, then ignored everything else the guy said.

Do you really think Trump has ever done that kind of work before? Trust fund babies aren’t exactly known for scraping by with food service jobs.

I figured they might have done a dry run through with him at Mar a Lago before he flew out… but you’re right; he probably thought shaking the basket looked like fun and did it because he’d seen the employee do it.

Based on the video, they shake them midway through then just drain at the end. I can’t speak from personal experience but it looked like it worked well for them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Is there a video of this somewhere? It sounds amusing

5:40 but you should sit through the 5 minutes of cringe to get there


He could have told him to pick up the fries from the fryer by hand

I jumped to 5m and he was going on about the "size of the crowds outside like you wouldn't believe". The guy is even fucking obsessed with crowd sizes when he's cooking fries.

So I watched the raw video. Him trying to make smalltalk with the staff only to be rewarded with deafening silence every time he veered into anything political... That was music to my ears. Same with the denigrations against the press and Kamala.

On the other hand, the words 'crowd size' and 'never touched by human hand' have lost all meaning to me now.

Let's see him survive the Friday night dinner rush or those late customers coming in right at closing time.

He's really fixated on the Harris/McDonald's thing. I honestly think with his cognitive decline, he can't comfortably conceive something he loves and something he hates overlapping like this. I know that sounds insane, but let's remember who we're talking about.

He mentions it all the time.

I'm also expecting him to start talking about Biden's dick, given how much he desperately wants Biden back as his opponent along with constantly talking about people's "schlongs".

Doing fast food work when your are famous as a publicity stunt is desperate. One day as a pampered trainee with someone shadowing you all day is no where near the same as living day in and day out working a minimum wage fast food job, serving up shit food for customers that treat you like shit.

If i pulled up to someone doing this id laugh and ask "wtf is this" and tell them how it is. You fundamentally can't live the fast food experience when you have billions and fast food employees are trying to figure out how to get by when they make minimum wage and never get enough hours to get any benefits.

But that wasn't even what happened. The store was closed lmao. He made a batch of fries and fucked off. I honestly can't believe he even agreed to this outside of that he probably got free McDonald's.

This mcdonald's was not owned by mcdonald's. It was a franchisee who owned the restaurant. One that has actively publicly campaigned against increasing the minimum wage. Now you know why it was allowed to happen there

I don't think as a franchise owner you can just use the McDonald's name, or can you?

That franchise owner is 100% going to catch heat for allowing this to happen without a corpo stamp of approval.

Good. Fuck 'em.

EDIT: Nevermind, corpos are both-siding losers.


“McDonald’s does not endorse candidates for elected office and that remains true in this race for the next President. We are not red or blue – we are golden.”


You may very well be correct, but do you not think this person thinks (I hate putting the two following words next to each other) president trump will protect him? Of course the incontinent orangutan doesn't give a flying 🦆 if people who lick his 🍑 gets in trouble on his behalf

It was supposedly 15m, but I think that may be an exaggeration just like every thing else this broke ass sob I bragging about

They also closed the whole restaurant so that only Republicans that were screened first could come to the restaurant.

He took orders (I don't know if it was plural) in the drive through. The people filmed, and asked him to raise the minimum wage, but you know how he answers questions when hes on his adhd meds.

It was a glorified photoshoot, I wonder if it cost extra money to be allowed the privilege to attend and maybe have his dandruff in your fries

There's a show, maybe on CNBC, where CEO's put on a disguise and work as fresh hire trainees at their own companies. They talk candidly to their co-workers and either fire their ass, or give them thousands of dollars to accomplish their dreams, maybe pay for education. I have no idea how authentic it is, but I imagine if Trump did this show it would be him who was fired at the end. And then arrested for reckless endangerment.

Undercover Boss, and it's the most Corpoproganda thing you've ever seen. Tried watching an episode, they fired a guy for being addicted to drugs and talking shit about the boss for "Not knowing what it means to struggle"

The boss proved it by firing him. Didn't offer him drug consueling, didn't pay for rehab, nothing, and the way they edited it made it look like she was doing him a favor.

Complete clown show.

Yus.... He would not have been allowed only to enter because of his unprofessional blabbering

I'm just going to go ahead and avoid McDonald's now

I used to avoid McDonald's, I still do.

This is one for the history books that people won't believe is real lol.

They won’t believe any of it was real.

Hell, I've had trouble believing it while living through it.

None of it should be. One of the developers of our artificial reality went rogue a while back.

The rapture happened in 2012. All the good people ascended to the next plane of existence. Earth is now their reality TV show for them to watch and laugh at how pathetic we are. We're just the Real Housewives now.

Rage and reaction .... it's the only thing he's got going for him at this point

Just keep shit posting to the world and keep everyone talking about him in whatever context or situation ... it doesn't matter as long as we're talking about him.

And we are .... the campaign is working ... expect more shitposting, stupidity and insanity in the weeks to come.

Turnip may be dumb ... but we're all equally stupid for putting up with him and watching this dumpster fire and endlessly talking about it.

And yes ... I am guilty of it all too.

You're right. Also, we have to pay attention to him because he's hit a critical mass of people willing to burn it all down on his say-so. Catch 22.

Dress him up in a fireman hat, let him honk a truck horn, unwrap and rewrap a cheeseburger at a closed restaurant.

Grandpa is all gone

It was a closed restaurant? So that's why.

I was wondering why McD HQ hadn't thrown a fit when AgentOrange got to serve actual people actual food in an actual McDonald's. I mean the rumors about his personal hygiene would indicate that the restaurant didn't live up to the McDonald's hygienic standards.

You can say what you want about their food, but the hygiene at McDonald's is impeccable 9.9 times out of 10. So having an unwashed civilian, without training, serving innocent civilians just seemed strange.

I was thinking this same thing. Having worked there in high school they took hygiene and food cleanliness as possibly the most important thing. When you can back from the bathroom it was standard practice to ask someone if they washed their hands, and multiple people would ask.

People in the drive thru mad about food delay? Doesn’t matter, it MUST be cooked to temperature. Forgot to shave? Here is the little shave kit, please go shave in the bathroom. No one was rude about it, people sometimes forget.

One of the only ways to get a paid day off was coming into work and having stomach pain. Immediately sent home with pay, no questions asked.

You know this fat piece of shit that was covered in a dirty diaper and smelled of piss did none of that. Nasty fuck. Ice cream machine is permanently closed.

Yeah this just reeks of desperation

You would think that maybe he would do photo op volunteering to help the hungry, but working at McDonald's is apparently more hot for politicians right now.

Then he would be compared to Walz, and we can't have that.

Right along side of the NFTs and crypto and steaks and sneakers and bibles and …

I already don't eat there and now I wish I could eat there less; that man is gross.

"So why do you think you would be a good fit for a vice president?"

"Well, I worked in McDonald's three decades ago so..."

Because sane people definitely put a McDonald's job from their youth in their political career resume

One of my great regrets from this past year or so was not coming up with a Ronald McDonald meme for DeSantis and Trump.

a while back in the second borat movie they say "McDonald trump" and I remember being surprised I had never heard that before

Fake, like his fake union workers ad and his fake-patriotic chinese-made merch.

He looks tired in the photo. And sad

Tired. SAD!


You know it's not real because there's no machines beeping loudly in his ear because a car was in the drivethru for >16 seconds, or manager screaming "Hurry the hell up where are those large fries!?!" or people throwing crap at him for tiktok cred.

I would lose my appetite if I saw that bloated orange shit smelling fuckwit touching my food.

Man I hate these fucking headlines. The race is insanely close and news headlines like this aren't helping that. It just helps reinforce Trump's narrative that media outlets are irrationally out to smear him.

It’s not really “media outlets” there are about a half dozen of these places “raw story” being one of the biggest offenders that sensationalize absolutely everything that Trump does. I’m pretty sure that they are AI generated at this point.

i woulda had a health inspector on standy just in case his diaper started leaking

This makes me think of the time Paul Ryan broke into a homeless shelter, washed some already clean dishes, and left without saying a word to anyone.

No seriously. This happened and it was weird as shit.

Donald is desperate to talk about Big Macs and Arnold's Palmer.

I've literally already seen Trump supporting family members post about how Trump has worked at McDonald's and Harris was lying about it, so that's why he should run the country.

Harris has those same numbers a week ago, and headlines were still trash talking her. So what?

Nobody believes that trump is capable of working a shift at mcdonalds or any other job. He has zero skills.

The Orange Shit Stain does not care about the working class. The drive thru time quadrupled when he wrecked the entire process.

They'll have to make sure the fry oil is a cool 60°F or else this fuck will 100% burn himself.

This is the taco bowl meme all over again, lol.

Not gonna lie. If he stays and works a 40 hour week I'll be impressed. Maybe that's a bucket list item for him.

Finally a job he is qualified for.

That fucker is absolutely not qualified to do anything working at McDonald's. He's not qualified to handle food, work a register, or even clean a toilet.

Opinion: The race isn't actually close, Harris has basically already won, but they're cooking the books for ratings.

Edit: Not sure why I'm being downvoted. I'm not saying the election is fixed or that you shouldn't vote, for the love of God don't repeat the mistake douchebags who thought "Hillary's gonna win, so I won't vote" made but.... I figured her victory was a foregone conclusion.

Harris won for sure. They just need to make the rest of these idiots believe there was a REAL election, because the shadow swamps need to really make it believable.

You're the real hero here.

There is a real election.... What the fuck do you think I'm implying?

Yeah, they should have pulled Bush out of retirement and paraded him around. Have him tell people to vote a certain way based on their skin color. Way less desperate.

Of course, Bush ACTUALLY retired and doesn't seem as thirsty for the limelight as other ex-presidents.

This is ugly but you have to admit he is putting in the hours now that Uncle Joe isn’t running.

He sure is putting in 2 or maybe 3 hours of work a day. What a ball of energy!

Putting in the hours cancelling interviews and wandering aimlessly at rallies, heh

He's doing nothing, canceling interviews, not showing up for debates because he's exhausted and scared, and dancing in stage instead of answering questions.

He's too old to run and everyone knows it