Ringleader of global monkey torture network, 'The Torture King', is charged

MicroWave@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 537 points –
Ringleader of global monkey torture network, 'The Torture King', is charged

A ringleader in a global monkey torture network exposed by the BBC has been charged by US federal prosecutors.

Michael Macartney, 50, who went by the alias "Torture King", was charged in Virginia with conspiracy to create and distribute animal-crushing videos.

Mr Macartney was one of three key distributors identified by the BBC Eye team during a year-long investigation into sadistic monkey torture groups.

Two women have also been charged in the UK following the investigation.

Warning: This article contains disturbing content

Mr Macartney, a former motorcycle gang member who previously spent time in prison, ran several chat groups for monkey torture enthusiasts from around the world on the encrypted messaging app Telegram.


I gotta admit, I was blissfully unaware that this was a thing. I really did not expect to read a headline like that this morning.

What in the fucking fuck is wrong with people? This motherfucker needs to spend the rest of his life behind bars. The biggest sign of a person becoming a serial killer is their treatment of animals. I mean, he's already been to prison, so it's not like he has any interest in being rehabilitated in prison.

I agree with you but to be fair our prison system is terrible at rehabilitation. Sure it works sometimes but it's not their main focus.

Did you read about the prison that is denying everyone in person visits so they can charge money for phone calls and video calls? They're getting a kick back from the companies whk run those systems. Fucking gross.

I am pretty sure that rehabilitation only happens in spite of our prison system.

The goal of the private prisons is to get the individual to commit more crimes so they get paid more. This means they are being paid to encourage and change people to break the law, as opposed to teach them to be better

The biggest sign of a person becoming a serial killer is their treatment of animals.

I’m going to guess this is the second biggest sign with the first biggest sign being specifically their treatment of the animals most closely related to humans.

Like torturing worms? Maybe 50% chance

Torturing dogs has got to be a good 80%

Torturing monkeys has got to be like a 99%+ chance of being a serial killer.

Jesus Christ.

The second biggest sign is the huge ass Trump and confederate flag behind him.

I kept reading "words" as "women"... felt real concerned for a minute there

E: "worms." I kept reading "worms" as "women." It's definitely time for bed now. ✌️

A woman who made crush videos involving kittens ended up being posted on 4chan. They did their thing. Last I heard she was never heard from again.

4chan is a true agent of chaos but sometimes they focus their powers on the right people.

Chaotic neutral at best. I tried 4chan a bit but hated the captchca system to post so looks like yall are stuck with me!

I've tried it more than a few times over the years. 99% of the time it's porn and racism. It's a website that's best viewed at a distance with people take screenshots of the shit that's actually worth seeing.

Depends on the board to be honest. The papercraft and origami one is surprisingly wholesome.

People assume all of it is like /pol/ since that is the most famous board with the highest traffic. It does leak into the other boards with the odd thread/post here and there but would say it's not representative of the site.

Yay for prison. And crush his balls first.

State-sponsored torture is still torture. And, in my opinion, worse.

This sounds cruel and unusual.

Please do not forget that we are NOT him.

Sometimes the hardest thing in life is to be a portrait of yourself, rather then a mirror reflecting the world around you.

My paint is fading...

Well I am shocked that a person like this would be A Trump supporter and love the Confederacy. /s

He should be up for now than 5 years. This is completely fucked.

Ironically, his 5 year sentence would be longer than the Confederacy lasted.

Don't worry. Trump supporters will just hand wave this as some sort of false flag.

LMAO, they'll call him a legitimate businessman running a legitimate business, why is the government getting in the way of a stand-up American's monkey-torture distribution network!

Whaaaaat? Confederate and Trump flags? I'm so surprised!

With motherfuckin Ice Cube on a T-shirt that's hanging on the wall, too. Says "Boyz N Da Hood" and everything.

What song of his do you think this POS likes?

That CAT shirt isn't a good look either. That company is full of sadistic fuckers. They'll probably promote him for this.

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... monkey torture enthusiasts ...


Pretty sure anyone claiming to be that just likes torture, and monkeys are the closest they can get to humans without facing way more prison time.

Pretty much this. They're about two steps removed from actual serial killer tendencies - I'm betting more than a few of these guys wound up needing a fresh pair of underwear after making a video, if you get me.

If this was an onion headline I'd think it's maybe a little too outlandish to be believable.

Dude literally just crushed monkeys for... Profit? What in the nine hells would compel a person to do that. To pay to see it??

I’ve heard of KittenCrush, but not MonkeyCrush… I think the KittenCrush folks are also in prison.

...animal-crushing videos...

Somehow it gets worse with every sentence

"torture, murder, and sexually sadistic mutilation of animals" it gets worse

Mr Macartney has cooperated with investigators from the Department of Homeland Security and agreed to plead guilty to conspiracy charges. He will formally make a plea later this month and is facing up to five years in prison.



And of course hes a MAGAt. Fucking soulless, worthless cumstains on the fabric of society.

Distributing 500 grams of cocaine? 5 year prison sentence.

Distributing 5 grams of cocaine cut with baking soda? 5 year prison sentence.

Sexually abusing, mutilating, and slaughtering animals in the most sadistic methods imaginable? 5 year prison sentence.

American criminal justice system is extremely normal.

white conservatives get slapped on the wrist no matter how egregious their crimes.

And yet they still scream about “Woke”. I guess a part of their subconscious is self aware.

No jailtime will ever make up for that. This guy needs to receive the same torture he gave to these helpless animals until he dies.

*Up to 5 years. So probably 2 with good behaviour.

I could have done without knowing that this was a thing. What a fucking world.

I already knew that animal torture communities were present, especially on YouTube where they seem to focus mainly on feeding random animals to large snakes, so the news is welcome to me because it's one less thing to feel sad about. I hope those people continue getting exposed and charged for their crimes.

You see, sometimes you see some fucked up shit in a movie and you think "oh ok, this is just for the sake of story, there's no way this has ever happened in real life"
Then you read an article like this.

The groups were used to share ideas for custom-made torture videos, such as setting live monkeys on fire, injuring them with tools and even putting one in a blender.

How... How do you even come back from this? Is there any hope these people can get rehabilitated? I'm struggling to believe the answer is anything other than "NO."

I don't think there is.

I'd like to understand the physical and mental variations between the relatively normal population at large and these cretins, just to see if it's lead poisoning or what, but I'd pay tax money to let them eat nutrient loaf behind bars forever.

I say just do to them what they did to the animals.

That's problematic, you'll have to find the same kind of people and pay them.

Rather just terminate them.

Nah, you just put them up against each other, Thunderdome style, then execute the winner.

I don't like the idea of doing things their way, even by their own hands.

Just chair or gallows or something like that.

I think the same about Azeri war criminals (basically their entire army) too, for example.

On one hand I understand that society needs to be better than those it punishes.

On the other hand I'm wondering if we hit the hunger games or the running man first...

How… How do you even come back from this?

The sort of shit a 12 year old would come up with in a video game in an attempt to shock one's friends made manifest IRL by grown ass adults.

These people need watching for the rest of their lives to make sure they're not a serial killer in training because they're totally a serial killer in training.

Serial killers always escalate this is what they do they start off being cruel to animals and then it goes from there. These people can be stopped before they get anywhere else.

What. The. Fuck.

Monkey. Torture. Enthusiast.

Never thought I'd see those words together in a row.

There is a lengthy BBC article that went into the discovery of this network. Thank journalists. Without journalists this network would likely be alive, well, and thriving. Journalists infiltrated the group and started passing info to the authorities.

When people lament the loss of journalism, catching people like this is what we are losing.

The Investigation.

investigative journalism is the UV light to the problems in society.

Which is why those in power have done everything they can to buy up these journalism outlets and destroy their investigative teams.

You've just criticised someone for "sticking their nose in" and now you're defending investigative journalism?

You really live up to your username.

It sounds unreal. Like, it looks like it's the name of a punk band, not an accurate description of a human that exists.

This psycho is only facing 5 years in prison?! Yikes

Depending on the monkey or ape species I feel like this is on par with torturing human babies or young toddlers. They’re completely helpless and as intelligent and self-aware.

I guess it doesn't really matter how big of a shitter I am on my life, I'll always be outshines by a professional piece of shit like this.

It's not gonna stop me from wanting to improve myself and helping those around me as best I can. Peace

Five years in prison for that is a joke.

Wow, I’m shocked that somebody doing such horrible things would take the time to support “states’ rights” as well!

…well, not that shocked.

The Confederacy: Where states have rights and people don't.

Well, aesthetically there is a perception of "states' rights" which doesn't feel so ghoulish. I live in Russia, so outright racism is both less visible and more casual here, and I don't have most of emotional and social associations with this flag Americans have.

Point being - there's "Firefly" series, there are Jabiim rebels in Star Wars (and a few other "bad guys against the Republic" groups which them became "good guys against the Empire"), and maybe something else definitely using the association with Confederates in a kinda positive way.

EDIT: I mean, in his case it's just that cowards usually feel the need to use symbols associated with toughness for them. Or torture animals.

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No thank you. I've had enough internet for today.

Yup. I'm going to read hunter s thompsons book on hells angels and actually feel relaxed from that compared to what I just read

Monkey torture enthusiasts? This isn't about saving money on cosmetics testing or some shit, they literally just like torturing monkeys?????

Put them all in the Titan submersible and weld the doors shut before you send it down

Oddly enough, I'm both not sure you could weld the doors shut, since the body was not metal, and also not sure you'd need to, since apparently the only latch was on the outside.

Fun to imagine a cheeky octopus freeing the hatch.

This is what the deep state is distracting us from. The tentacles in the deep (deep state).

I've said and written deep so many times now it no longer seems like a word. Deep deep.

They're only getting 5 years in prison. The article also says Macartney had been in prison previously. Since the US prison systems are designed for sadism and punishment, it probably did more to make the guy amenable to this kind of horror. It's also known that slaughterhouses frequently get their workers from the prison system, so it's very possible that this guy will simply have his unapproved abuses exchanged with ones that our society sanctions.

When he comes out, his mind is most likely to be more disturbed than when he went in.

Not condoning prison vigilante/revenge behavior, but if this guy's fellow inmates find out what he did, and that is very easy to do, he may be in for a horrible time in prison. Not sure if he will be put into a 'special-cases' prison for his own safety or whether he'll just go straight to a general public prison.

He has really bad paperwork and fellow prisoners always find out what your paperwork is as soon as you land in your new prison. Torture of animals is among the worst things one can do.

Again, I'm not condoning any of this. It's just the reality this guy faces in American prisons

Yeah, there's usually two things that a lot of people in prisons hold sacrosanct: animals and kids.

That extends to women as well, to a certain degree.

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Who are the individuals paying to commission this torture?

Definitely needs to be some investigation into the ‘consumer’ here.

Put these people to death themselves. No redeeming value for net of them.

Definitely disagree. It's disgusting, but something being disgusting to me doesn't make it wrong. And honestly, I eat pork, so I don't think I really have a leg to stand on with criticizing the torture of intelligent animals

Out of curiosity, have you personally looked into how pigs (especially factory farmed) are raised and slaughtered?

Yeah, its not very humane.

Sadly not. If you're interested in cutting back support for these industries, I'd be happy to throw you some recommendations for alternatives. Just let me know what country you're in and what you like to eat!

I'd be more interested in resources about the ethics/intelligence of pigs. Because, tbh my whole belief(that might be cope) is just that I've not really been convinced these animals are something who's life I value. And I can't complain about whether an animals being mistreated if I am fine with thousands of the same animal being slaughtered for people's pleasure, whether or not the time leading up to slaughter is humane.

Thanks but tbh it seems like they're not really presenting evidence- just making a claim. But maybe I looked in the wrong article. Also, they compared to dogs but I'm not really convinced to care about dog lives either.

Why do you value the lives of other humans? If it's intelligence that's the metric, then why value babies or mentally handicapped people? If it's their ability to feel sadness, pain and fear, then all land animals we eat have shown those same characteristics.

It's not about the ability to feel an emotion but maybe it's a lot of things. I know for a fact just the capacity to complexly communicate (with humans) would be a primary one. And so, I would say I value babies lives less to some extent.

Oof what a piece of shit. I'd say hurting animals for profit is just the lowest of the low but I guess as a meat eater I better shut up lol

There's a difference between killing and torturing.

You can absolutely make that distinction, but speaking as another meat eater, it's not really a given that factory farming is more like one than the other

That's on the factory farms (and the non existing government regulations) though.

Yes, but you can expect that what these people do is closer to torture, and what factories do is further from it, because for them graphic torture is the main criterion, and for factory farming profit from selling meat is the main criterion.

Animals used for meat are tortured. They call the rack they tie the cows to for mating to keep them pregnant and producing milk the rape rack.

Industrially farmed livestock is tortured, but not all meat comes from industrial farms.

I'm sure the deer meat I get from my brother wasn't tortured. As in I'm 100% sure it was not.


I can't agree. I think getting killed for food is torture. The deer wants to live.

I think getting killed for food is torture.

But you thinking red is blue won't make it so.

Torture has an actual definition.

It isn't killed for food. These animals have to be killed to protect the environment. Humans have replaced apex species, and if we don't keep up population control, the deer overpopulate and destroy the whole ecology.

Why should you waste the meat?

And the way they're shot, they will literally be dead before they can even hear the bang of the weapon (bullets travel faster than sound.)

So where exactly is the "torture" in that, and can you not see that taking such an absolute position is absolutely indirectly devaluing the actual animal cruelty going on in industrial farms.

Postulating that members of a species should be shot because they otherwise destroy the environment is thin fucking ice as a human lol


I don't think you understand the meaning of that word.

Ecological Impacts of High Deer Densities

And in a simpler form https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deer_management

Well, reintroducing predators would be a good way too. Most of Europe has no wild wolves.

BTW, I really like those movies about Chernobyl area, where they show how it has turned into one big natural reserve. Plenty of animals, plenty of plants. I know it was a catastrophe, but I really like wolves. Especially wild wolves living in such heaven that they don't fear the cameraman and behave like very smart and independent dogs.

"Reintroducing predators" I always find this equally ridiculous. Like first off. Why? In your weird value world, why does it matter if a hunter or a wolf kills the animal? Who does it make it better for? Certainly not the deer or the deer population, because wolves are notoriously bad at doing statistical analysis that the felling amounts are based on. Even if the wolves had their own researchers, they probably wouldn't understand "felling quotas", would they?

Okay, humour me: if you were sentenced to death, which of the following would you choose?

  1. Being shot at some random time you won't even be aware about (in this hypothetical you agree to the execution and then get mindwiped so you won't know it's coming), with a single bullet that kills you instantly

  2. A pack of wolves runs after you and tears you to shreds and eats you while you're alive.

Personally, I'm pretty sure that option number 2 is closer to torture than option number one.

"Most of Europe has no wild wolves. Do you think those areas don't have deer browsing them? Because they do, and those populations have to be controlled, and have been, by people, for centuries.

"They don't fear the cameraman and behave like very smart and inpendendent dogs"

No, they don't. They do not do that. Sigh. This is frustratingly naive of you. Betrays a deep lack of understanding of the difference between wolves and dogs, and even if they behaved like "smart and independent dogs", you'd actually allow them in population centres in Europe, and all because you feel like it's immoral that the deer are being shot instead of violently mauled to death?

Certainly not the deer or the deer population, because wolves are notoriously bad at doing statistical analysis that the felling amounts are based on. Even if the wolves had their own researchers, they probably wouldn’t understand “felling quotas”, would they?

Wolves eat too many deers, become hungry and die, then there are more deers, wolves have more food, there are more wolves.

Okay, humour me: if you were sentenced to death, which of the following would you choose?

I'm talking about human effect on nature, you're talking about cruelty.

Cmon, so serious. I just like wolves.

Anyway, a wolf usually won't attack humans. If it's hungry and irritated - yeah.

I don't think it's immoral, I just think it's ideologically dirtier for humans to perform the function of wolves.

Why did you skip the part where I ask how and who is it better for if there are wolves instead of hunters?

What sort of mental knot have you tied yourself into? Do you not have empathy? We're talking about the experience of dying. Which is more cruel to inflict on ANY creature; being shot dead with a single shot without you even realising it, or being torn to bits by wolves?

You have no idea how wolves behave, which is evident from your ridiculously naive take: >Wolves eat too many deers, become hungry and die, then there are more deers, wolves have more food, there are more wolves.

That's just, incredibly ignorant. The science of populations studies in animals is incredibly complex, and the wolves won't care about the ecology of the area where they're hunting. They could hunt a deer population out and then move to another area. These are known as wolf packs and there's a reason humans have historically avoided living in an area with a large, HUNGRY pack of wolves. Can you guess what it is?

Or do you think that when the deer of a certain area are finished, the wolves will just stay there and starve to death instead of eating other things?

Anyway, a wolf usually won’t attack humans. If it’s hungry and irritated - yeah.

Again, you don't understand how wolves behave. They don't behave like they do in your animu-shows or documents from tame wolves. If you saw a pack of wolves while standing on a field, and they saw you and happened to be somewhat close, and you started running, there's a pretty good propability they'd start chasing you down and tearing you to pieces. If you just stand your ground though, not a high chance. Reading this, you'll disagree, even though you have no basis to, and then you'll wonder why I even wrote that, and then you'll open this and learn about what coursing predators are.

They aren't aggressive to people, but to say that "a wolf won't usually attack humans" is clearly indicative you don't think they're dangerous. So you would literally unleash packs of coursing predators to central European areas, and think it would somehow be morally and otherwise better than hunting. And you can't even say why it's better to be torn to bits by canine teeth than it is to be shot, but you are saying it is better.

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Whats the ecological impact of high human density?

*"I'm wrong but I can't accept it so here I'll jump to ridiculous whataboutism that will hopefully make us ignore the fact that I have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about"*

"Postulate": suggest or assume the existence, fact, or truth of (something) as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief.

I do not postulate that overpopulation of deer will destroy entire environments. It's a cold hard fact which you wish to ignore.

Its not whataboutism. If you want to apply "killing is good against individuals of a species responsible for environmental destruction" then you should apply it to the biggest offender. Or be a hypocrite I guess. Your choice.

There's nothing hypocritical about it.

Two wrongs don't make a right, didn't your mommy ever teach you that?

That is literally whataboutism.

Deer population has to be managed, or entire environments will die. You won't get out of that being a fact by going "well but what about corporate pollution?!1?"

If you were accused of murder and asked to provide an alibi, you wouldn't get off by saying "well what about Jeffrey Dahmer?"

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You missed the joke they were making. It's not questioning if deer have an ecological impact, it's about what to do with species that have a negative ecological impact. The thin ice being that if we apply that logic to deer then what if it's applied to us.

I did not miss it.

I explicitly addressed it, and trying to get out of having said something moronic by "b-b-but humans have negative effects so deer overpopulation isn't actually a real thing" isn't a joke, it's a bad attempt at evading the topic.

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Animals are not food, they have a right to live like anyone else. Hunting is cruel and factory farming is cruel, and all the nonsense of pasture raised animal agriculture is also cruel, and all the carnists mental gymnastics about how one is ok and the other is not is absurd. There's no good reason we should murder animals.

Everything on this planet is food ... including us. Every single thing on this planet eventually is food for something else. It's not cruelty, it's not evil, it's not barbarism, it's not wrong, it is life on planet Earth. Eating food does not have to come with torture. There is a gigantic difference and it is important to make that distinction, otherwise we will rip ourselves and this planet to pieces.

The gigantic difference is you are aware you are hurting animals and could be a better person.

I'm not hurting anything. And I won't be hurting myself by not eating food if it comes down to it. I am part of the Earth and I will participate while I'm here.

Keep lying to yourself or go watch the conditions animals are killed in, your choice.

Animals literally are food.

All animals are. And we too, are animals.

For what, that's a different question. Literally every living thing gets consumed by other living things as a part of nature. Well, putting aside "artificial" things like being blasted to dust in a furnace, and even then, you can be used to fertilise plants, meaning another living thing is consuming you.

Just how naive do you have to be to think that nothing should ever die, or if it does, that it should never be consumed by another living thing? That's illogical and crazy.

So... you would rather destroy whole environments, entire species, than accept that hunting is necessary? Because it is. It's necessary for the environment and it saves lives (because overpopulated deer cause more accidents because of constant migration and just the sheer amount of them.)

You don't understand what the word "murder" means.

This sort of absolutism is exactly why veganism has such a poor rep.

It's clearly a personal thing for you. This is part of your identity, but not something you've actually researched or thought about. It shows from the way you use expressions like "carnist mental gymnastics" while not being able to accept literally unchangeable facts of nature and crying that a deer who lived in the wild was equally tortured as a livestock animal who may have lived their entire lives without being able to even turn around in their cage.

You're about as good for animals and equally ironic as PETA.

I don't think I've ever read a stupider bunch of nonsense in my life. Animals are not food.

What do sharks eat?

Other animals, but they don't call what they eat "food". Do you understand or do I need to use pictures to explain to you?

Actually if you think you are making a valid coherent point please go into further detail. As I see it what they call or don't call what they eat doesn't change what it fundamentally is. Shark food is animals. Translate that into shark if you like but the meaning doesn't change.

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I don't even believe you read it, tbh.

Please name a foodstuff that wasn't originally from a living organism. I'll wait.

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When people warn you about the ideas they associate yourself with, this is what they're talking about.

This is one of the rare occassions when I hope the afterlife is real and what people say about near-death experiences is real. I want these motherfuckers to feel the full horror of what they've done.

You don't find these people on the other political side. You find them on that side. It's a categorical divide, those who use empathy correctly, and those who pretend to suppress it and instead become obsessed with witnessing pain. You know they're all cowards, the shit-my-pants-in-fear kind. Reduced to snot and tears the second the bad cop comes in. Just so incredibly weak and no amount of manmode posturing could ever hide it.

and those who pretend to suppress it

This is your own interpretation.

Do not get it twisted. There are people that exist who absolutely do not have the capacity for empathy. They are not simply suppressing it.

Death penalty would be appropriate here. I'm not a believer in general but what else can you do with this human trash?

Those monkey torture videos on youtube had some very disgusting comments, I'm glad I don't get these people at all.

Thousands of years ago smoke machine kicks on

Buried deep in our DNA are these types of people, and I've often thought of exactly why. Back in the jungle our species was born in, we NEEDED shitters. The original battle royal called nature was a harsh mistress, and we carefully evolved these types to carry us through the dark ages.

Sociopaths: to help manipulate the tribe into staying together

Psychopaths: to kill to defend the tribe

General Anxiety Disorders: to stay alert for threats to the tribe

Depression: to keep the tribe realistic about existing on planet earth

Personality disorders: to unlock the creativity it takes to get out of sticky situations

Schizophrenia: to give a sense of higher purpose to the tribe through delusions of grandeur

And so on. Plus when selecting for certain genes to keep the tribe strong, there will be unintended consequences.

I hope yall enjoyed my very unscientific ramblings about this.

dna: mutates randomly

lemmy comments: This is a grand plan to help our survival as a species! without monkey torture we wouldn't have made it through the before times!

nb: I did enjoy the unscientific fan fiction, please subscribe me to more evolutionary psychology facts

Evolution isn't a plan, its the result of the RaNdOm MuTaTiOnS. Which sometimes proved useful for the survival of the being that mutated, allowing them to pass on that gene. The above comment is speculating reasons that those particular mutations might have helped them and therefore allowed them to live to breed.

At the same time that I'm not surprised this stuff is on YouTube, I'm shocked at how brazen the criminals are to upload this shit to a public website.
We'd think the way these things operate are all Hollywood style, deep-web websites with passwords, 7 proxies, invitations and initiations to "join the club"

Well geez, I guess sometimes it's just Telegram Groups and fucking YouTube.

And let me guess, YouTube is moving at an snail's pace when it comes to removing the videos and banning the channels uploading them, eh?

This makes me root for Planet of the Apes

I think I last heard the words "monkey torture" in the 'Barry Lutz Show' sketch by The State in 1994. Can't find a copy of it on YouTube, ebaumsworld has a copy but it didn't want to load for me and the site itself is ad heavy - direct link to the .flv should work but might not play natively in browser. To be clear, the video link is a comedy bit about psychologically torturing monkeys and doesn't show or inflict any harm to any.

I don't have anything meaningful to add to the discussion about the IRL monkey abuse so I'm hoping to inject a little bit of levity to an otherwise terrible subject.

I want to see them make little edible luggage, because that does sound good. I have the DVD box set, and a friend of mine whom I used to date and I bonded over The State when we met in 2014. Terrific stuff.

Pretty wild how most of that troupe had successful careers in entertainment even outside of stuff they did together. I'm glad at least a couple other people remember the show fondly :)

Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, I thought of the same thing.

what the actual fuck.

Well, if you really don't think about it, I was threatened with 20 years for bud, so this sentence checks out.

This is truly sadistic behaviour. Considering how close they are to humans as well...

on the encrypted messaging app Telegram

Retards excitingly writing about ghouls, nothing new.

A bit similar to how "against the system" Americans watch RT, which is literally Russian state propaganda, adapted for international audience.

But TG is not even pretending to be secure, to be fair to them. So I don't understand why.

Can we bring in eye for an eye executions? Like not for everyone but when you're such a horrible disgusting soulless monster and you do something on the level of this, can we do the same to them, slowly.

Simple execution or jail doesn't seem fitting for people like this.

Eye for an eye has been obsoleted by better moral views for ages. The last thing we need is more moral regression.

No. It does nothing to prevent these crimes from happening (let alone undo the damage) and you can't say "this act is immoral and worthy of deliberately slow, cruel death... unless I do it then it's fine". It's nothing more than bloodlust, leaving you with more in common with people buying monkey torture videos than with a genuinely good person.

Eh, I wouldn't want to lower myself to the standards of a horrible POS.

Why not? I mean like, personally not a fan of monkey torture, but I also eat pigs so idk if what I do is that much better.