What would you do/how screwed would you be if you woke up in the last game you played?

PortedCannon565@thelemmy.club to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 59 points –

The Last game I played was Splatoon 3. It really depends on a few things, Am I an Inkling/Octoling? Do I speak the language? Where am I? In Splatoon lore all humans died in mass floods, so if I was still human I would probably be studied. Also, if I'm in the middle of the ocean I would be screwed either way. Assuming that I am in a major city or at least near civilization, and I am an Inkling/Octoling, and I speak the language, I would be fine. As for what I would do, I would sign up to work at Grizco, and once I have enough money buy a gun and participate in turf wars to gain money, eventually buying an appartment.


Stardew Valley.

You know what? Iโ€™m okay with this. Sign me up, I accept.

Samsies and samsies. Mortgage free farm in a quiet town with a evil corporation to screw over? Hell yeah.

I'm playing fields of mistria which is basically the same so yeah I'm very okay with this

Sometimes you roll the Katamari, and sometimes the Katamari rolls you.

Minecraft Survival? Well, I wasn't playing on hardcore, so I guess I'd be alright.

Or, hmm, on my phone, Pikmin Bloom. A vast army of adorable minions to accompany me as we wander around Chicago in search of public art; not so bad.

Fallout London. It'd be an intense half an hour trying to open inaccessible doors before I'd crash back to safety.

No Man's Sky. Pretty sweet deal, I think.

I'd just start mining random stuff to put together to make better mining gear to mine better and more stuff.

Then just get on my dinghy and explore the 'verse while looking out for a better dinghy. Maybe plop down a few bases on nice planets, rinse and repeat.

Same here! Infinite universe to explore, I'd find a cool planet to rip around in exocraft, build a nice cliffside base, chill in a space station if things get dangerous, would be a sick time!

Baldur's Gate 3, I probably would be praising The Absolute.

Meanwhile me attempting the late game swoop on Mystra because Gale somehow managed to fuck up being the personal booty calls of one of the most powerful gods of the realm

Valheim. My homestead is beautiful and densely forested. I'm well equipped and have provisions for days. I'm good.

City of Heroes (20 year old game). As an NPC, I would be screwed, as a player character, it would be pretty sweet at for the first few days before the lack meaningful interactions and the constant "work" started to get to me.

The game that almost ruined my marriage, lol.

Those 8 hour task force runs aren't going to run themselves, honey!!

Happily married, with a brand new baby, living in a large house, on a well established farm, with financial security and steady income, plus a small fortune in extremely valuable wine aging in the basement, near a friendly town with lots of festivities, where no matter how badly I screw up someone will find me and bail me out so that I can get home or see a doctor.

Similarly, my egg farm has just hatched it's 10 billionth chicken that lays dark matter eggs whilst living in their own micro universe, my bank account is sitting somewhere in the vicinity of 80+ zeroes after the number, and I regularly send ships to space to hunt for artifacts.

I suppose I get to shoot down rogue drones while relaxing in an egg based utopia. I might have to deal with time cops at some point for using spliced timelines to make sure each egg is the highest possible quality, across all timelines that chicken exists in.

Deep Rock Galactic. It would be terrifying, but with some upsides.

"It ain't a gun unless it weighs at least one hundred pounds!"

Did I hear a rock and stone?

At least you'll always have supportive comrades!

I would be dead within 7 days. Quite apt as the game is 7 days to die.

I'd be a Starfleet Fleet Admiral in 2410, with a bunch of very OP starships under my command, so that would be pretty damn sweet!

You have to realize that sto with its "to boldly kill, once again, what too many have killed before" is actually the mirror universe. So it would be only time until someone with more ships will take care of you.

Maybe not so sweet after all...

Kerbal Space Program. So everything might be fine, or I might hit a mountain at mach 12, or I might be stuck on Moho forever hoping Matt Lowne joins Lemmy and can send the Blunderbirds to get me.

Metro 2033... as long as I'm underground and out of harm's way, I think I'll be able to survive

Tears of the Kingdom. Not bad at all, as long as I stay in places populated by the more friendly creatures. The worst thing about being stuck there is the choice between living in Tarrey Town, Hateno, or Kakariko. I could live a pretty comfortable life growing swift carrots or fortified pumpkins.

I'd opt for Tarrey Town because I live near a place called Tarrey Town IRL and am sentimental like that, plus getting to build my own place instead of hoping I just became link and can take his and Zelda's house in Hateno.

Y'all sleeping on Lurelin Village.

Maybe if my cheese obsession was a fish obsession

Alas, I'm pretty sure I don't actually have the ability to taste the Umami side of sea food, so I'm actually incredibly averse to it.

I'm not all that fond of seafood either. My preference for Lurelin is mostly a vibe thing. That crystal clear water in the inlet calls to me something fierce. And when I want to stock up on cheese, I can just hop on a boat and make for Hateno Bay.

sigh A man can dream. ๐Ÿ˜ž

Football Manager. I would be fired, but everything else would stay the same.

Phantasy Star Online? I'd be in great shape! I could essentially play that game indefinitely.

dam, I loved that game on the Dreamcast, the colors and the music. The small room aspect was fine because dam that game was something special when it was new.

I played Noita, I'm utterly fucked no matter who or what I am

Ooo ouch, you might beat the Helldivers 2 chap for fastest death in the thread.

I played Outer Wilds, so I'd be pretty cozy, for about 20 minutes.

You get those 20 minutes a lot of times though!

Helldivers2 vs bots on lv10... dead in seconds. pretty screwed.

Ace Attorney (nostalgia). I'm not weird enough to be a witness, the perp, or the wrongfully accused. If I was the victim I'd obviously be screwed. If I was a defence attorney my clients would be screwed. If I was a judge everyone but me would be screwed. Payne seems to make an ok living as a prosecutor although he sucks at it, I could do that. Or I'd just be one of those weirdoes cheering in the gallery, or an unremarkable resident of Japanifornia, which would both be fine.

Guild Wars 2. It's not so bad. Just hang out in one of the cities. Learn some magic.

Pokemon Emerald? So long as I'm not the protag, life is generally OK. Aside from Team Aqua/Magma and the whole "causing disasters to expand the sea/land", I should be OK.

Subnautica - I would be dead in minutes since I can't actually swim all that well in real life.

Drowning is probably one of the least worst things that can happen to you in Subnautica.

Strange Horticulture...I'm probably fine.

Plus the lake District is like the most beautiful place in the UK so you'll have nice scenery whilst you grow weird plants.

FFXIV. I'll probably go to one of the cities to work as farmer or something like that. Doesn't look like they have a need for programmer there.

Mine is Hearthstone, so my life basically just becomes Yu-Gi-Oh? I have to wander around Azeroth getting challenged by weirdos to increasingly elaborate children's card game battles?

I typically make high legend on ladder though, so I guess I'm okay with this life.

Ghost of Tsushima

I dont know shit about how to fight so unless I woke up as Jin with the fighting experience I'd be fucked

Warframe. Seems like there's some stability in some of the planets' different cities. I'm not far into the game, so I'm not sure what might happen.

Elden Ring. Welp, at least I guess i revive on death now?

Cyberpunk. I'd be a corpslave... ain't no way I'd survive anything else.

Yeah honestly seems like the most stable option.

Till some gang, merc, police, etc show up. Or you know. You get sick and can't cover insurance.

Yeah but thatโ€™s safer than any of the other options. Just gotta get that Trauma Team platinum coverage.

Mini Metro.

Guess who has two thumbs and is stuck on the train all day?

Pokemon, not bad could be much worse I was playing rimworld before that.

Escape from Tarkov. Yeah, I'll be dead shortly.

Probably become a vegetable from the brain damage/concussions/broken spine. Rocket league.

Modded Minecraft. It's going to depend entirely on whether I can still search the various wikis.

Minetest, backrooms test. I would not die, but being alone in the world, and walking monotoneous corridors would quickly destroy my sanity.

College Football 25, Iโ€™m good, worst case scenario is getting the best job ever, fired college football coach

Do I get the ability to build things instantly like the protagonist of factorio? If I'm suddenly stuck on a planet with super hostile aliens and I have to build automatic weapons and flamethrowers from pure iron ore with my current skills, uhhh, yeah I'm in trouble.

The question is if you can make yourself some power armour before you choke to death in the smog filled hellscape you've built.

Animal Crossing New Leaf. I'd be ecstatic.

Uh, technically the last game I played is this 2D puzzle: https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/puzzles/js/rect.html

So, with a bit of imagination:

I run for my life as walls and whole rooms shoot out of the ground in random locations.
But run where? There's a perimeter wall in all directions.
Eventually, I get trapped in a hallway. '5' it says on the floor. I can spot a '2' at the other end, before another wall slides up in front of it. The lights turn off.

A few more echos can be heard, before the lights flicker and a speaker drones "Completed!".

The lights turn back on, the walls and the '5' disappear.
A '3' reveals itself underneath my feet, and a '6โ€™ right next to me. A wall shoots up between. What the hell do these numbers mean? And who operates this sick game?

Stellaris. I was getting destroyed by an empire that wanted to terminate me. So not good ๐Ÿ˜‚

Spiderman 2.

I live in the suburbs of Chicago. Not much changes, except the super elite have some insane tech that might as well be magic. Oh, and I guess super powers are real.

Starfieldโ€ฆ Meh not sure if anywhere would be good because I have to walk to everywhere (until recently) and pirates are bothering me randomly

Hearthstone. So... Fine? I guess? I'm in a StormWind tavern as a human, and if I die I can resurrect at the nearest graveyard. Seems fine to me.

Cthulhu: Death May Die. So I'll probably go insane while killing cultists and whatever unspeakable horror is waiting this time. Should be a good time.


I better call my dad and eat this cookie while my friend gets his trout flavored yogurt ready

Guess I'm playing cards in the tavern with Thrall and Uther!

Shapez 2

It takes place in (outer) space so presumably I'd die pretty quickly.

I thought I'd be the only one mentioning this game. It's completely desolate. Only machines. One day the floor beneath you is deleted. You fall into the void.

Edit: I'm hopelessly addicted to the game. I've already played it for 40 hours.

I was playing Rogue Trader so unless I get to take over one of the PCs I'm pretty screwed. The 40k universe is not a friendly place. Even if I take over one of the party characters I'd probably still end up dead in some awful way. My character was a psycher so that's never a good idea if you want to remain demon free.

Playing Eve Online as I post this.

If I'm a baseline human, I am screwed. If I am a capsuleer - well, I'm actually going to have to learn how to fly a spaceship "for real", but hey, at least I'm immortal.

Timberborn. Humans died out and beavers are now the dominant species. So, I guess it could be worse..

Pokรฉmon Sun. Basically Hawaii with better healthcare. I'll probably survive.

I'll be homesick for the extreme four season climate I'm used to before too long, though. I just got back from a trip to Hawaii, and even just a week of it was bordering on too long.

At any rate, happy to answer this question today rather than two weeks earlier. I'd be better off in Alola than trying to survive alone shipwrecked on Nauvis.

Last game I played was astrodle, more or less an idle/clicker game but there is an end in which you become a god/goddess. Soooo I think I'd do fantastic!

SWTOR, I'd probably be fine as long as I stayed away from the ops hangars until I'd found a good set of armor.

Core keeper, not too bad if I stay near the core and chill

Let's see Horizon Chase Turbo, I would be fine because I would not be racing since they don't have electric cars in the game

chess was the last game i played...i think id do fine. the last real game i played was the newest forza horizon game like 6 months ago...id also do fine lol

I'd be just fine. Perhaps I'll respawn once or twice but at least I'll have fun

GTAV online - I would totally end up being screwed with all of the mayhem in the public lobbies. I told my wife I think we'd probably be an unseen NPC homebodies never setting foot outside and ordering from the Pizza place. :)

If it was the GTAV Story mode, I think I'd be much better off and be part of the beach groups as I love the ocean IRL.

I played PlateUp. I guess I'm doomed to continually start a restaurant, only for it to fail as soon as one single person is unsatisfied.

Bad... Dark. Bleak. Lonely.

CoD MW III. I deleted it a few days agoโ€ฆ

Tarkov, I don't like my odds

Lately, I have little time so the only thing I play is smash bros with my wife when she wants to. I would not fare well as "squishy desk worker man"

Sable. Iโ€™d be good with it. Seems like a decent place to live. The jet bikes are rad and doing some sand fishing seems relaxing.

Noita, I am absolutely fucked before I even run into an enemy.

I would be in Mario Kart... pretty sure I would look for Yoshi or Birdo at the lockers after, if you know what I mean...

Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires; it would really depend on if I were an officer or not, and then if I had a name or not. Best case scenario I worm my way into an out of the way post in the Wei clan and hold one mantra in mind: "Do not pursue Lu Bu".

The long dark.

Assuming the game mechanics are still in place? I'll be fine. Maybe I'll even live a few years on the Great Bear island.

However, if I am in that scenario with real world mechanics? I'm Fucking dead, so hard, so fast. Then again I guess the wildlife would be less aggressive and maybe people would actually be around. Still probably dead, though.

Descent, because some asshole playing Asteroids came and blew up the asteroid I was playing in from the outside before I could destroy the power reactor within...

Oh geez, I'd be in Silent Hill 1's Midwich Elementary School. I'm gonna have to fight the kids and roaches and the lizard boss to get out.

Risk of Rain 2, playing as Artificer. If I survive long enough to get a few key fire damage items, Iโ€™m set.

TOTK. If I was a random villager I'd probably be OK.

If I was Link I'd die to the first red Bokoblin I encountered.

If I was Ganondorf I'd be twiddling my thumbs waiting as Link got sidetracked by side questing and "hey I bet there's something cool at the top of this cliff".

No no no, I'd rather not be a three dimensional human in the world of Paper Mario. Bro turns into airplanes and boats. If they fold me like that, I'm in for a painful and uncharacteristic death in that game.

War on the Sea

Considering I'm a programmer with the physical characteristics of spaghetti, I'd be really screwed if I ended up on a USN vessel in WW2.

Splatoon 3 is also the last game I have played. I would be fucked, because I would die of a heart attack after losing a X rank battle.

I'd have to learn how to appreciate body hair, as well as get better at dart tossing. Could be worse.

I have three lives, death match to the end. I think it would be never ending battles if I won. Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

I'm playing Witcher 2 and fighting the first boss and got stuck.

So, I'm screwed....a lot....

Well I guess I would probably just stand very still, move forward one or two squares... and probably die. I guess if I ever move I might just stand face to face with a black dude until the end of my life.

Not sure how to feel about it tbh.

Forza Horizon 5, it's fine, I can drive a car.

assuming im just me and don't have the abilities of runners then pretty screwed as last thing I played was the old genesis version of shadowrun. I have no cyberware or any real skills for the world

Vagabond: Create a random Tarot card when a hand is played while you have 4$ or less.

I doubt I would even be bought from the shop most times. Unless I'm the player and not the most applicable joker, then having actual interest on 10$ might be a better life.

Farming simulator. So yea, pretty much the same as my daily life now

Factorio. I don't know how to build machinery from scratch so I'd be pretty fucked.