Elon Musk appearance at Valorant Champions tournament met with boos, crowd chanting 'Bring back Twitter'

stopthatgirl7@kbin.social to News@lemmy.world – 1204 points –

Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions.


I'm so, so sick of seeing his face every time I browse the internet

same. i've been downvoting any posts about him because it's always some bullshit. it's never anything good.

This is him getting loudly and publicly booed, which I personally consider good.

The sad part is, I think that’s what he wants. He seems to be a believer in the whole any attention is good attention.

What he wants is immaterial. This isn't a good sign for him and the BS contrarian "bad things said about or happening to are actually good for instert-right-winger-here" is delusional coping

I saw someone posit that he might have a humiliation fetish. It's the only explanation I've seen that seems rational.

He's got a sick addiction to playing the heel it seems, except people sort of like heels but musk has get off the planet go away heat.

I agree that I like him getting booed, but my preference with narcissists is to completely ignore them. They like attention, good or bad, but cannot stand being irrelevant. Since I can't stand narcissists, I make them irrelevant to my life.

Yeah, same here, I downvote Musk, Zuckerberg and Trump posts.

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Would be nice if there was a way to “spoiler tag” pictures for other reasons than nsfw

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Don't let this clown go anywhere without letting him know how much everyone hates his ass.

Bring back the classics. Not sure when/ why rotten tomatoes went out of style. Rotting onions could be a good remix/ update.

Tomatoes splat really well, especially rotten ones. Maybe eggs would be good, but tomatoes are cheaper. I think an open source easy to make at home slimy and smelly (preferably also something that stains) water balloon solution could do the job for a modern consumer base. Who wants to carry around smelly rotten tomatoes?

Definitely rotten veggies over eggs. Have you seen how much eggs cost these days?

Very true. Eggs are a bad idea. Maybe some of that artificial rotten egg smell stuff?

The cheapest dishwashing soap you can find mixed with water, maybe?

Why chant bring back Twitter, I mean if it was rebranded back to Twitter, it's still owned by Elon and it's still shit.

The new name alone isn't what made Twitter crap, but it is symbolic of the massive changes made to the site by the new management. I like to think of it this way: Twitter is dead. X is the reanimated corpse.

X is modern New Coke. At this point, I'm not even sure which of the worst CEOs I'd compare musk to. He's like all of their worst traits rolled into one. I have no doubt there's some weird financial accounting going on at Tesla, just that they haven't been found out just yet. His involvement into the crypto sphere and with doge should have thrown up regulatory alarm bells already.

There's only so much you can say in a chant. Not a lot of room for nuance...

A chant with more words becomes a song.

Now a song about how shitty x is, sang by hundreds, like what football fans do, that would be great to hear.

Yeah and the key part would be to get up his nose which "Bring back Twitter" + boos certainly achieves.

At this moment, I'm staying with my fediverse accounts.

Watching Twitter crash and burn under musk has been so much fun. It being a haven for all the worst dregs of humanity and an advertiser's worst nightmare is just the cherry on top. Old Twitter before mush for brains musk was still salvageable. He's somehow done everything to make it worse.

I'm not sure I'd call it fun, but there's definitely something soothing in the thought that no matter how much I fuck my life up, there's no way I can ever make a 44 billion dollar mistake. So there's that.

I would say specifically because he loves his precious X so much, thinks it's such a great idea, that it's a good chant.

Twitter was shit before Musk bought it. It's just even worse now.

I think what we really want is to have it restored to pre-musk-ownership level of functionality. But that doesn't make for a nice four syllable group chant. Also I doubt the douche is capable of ever admitting how wrong he was.

I hate Elon Musk as much as anyone else with a working brain but let's be honest, the world would be an infinitely better place if Twitter died lol

Maybe. But the fact is that it was used by people in uprisings. It is a powerful tool for the people. There is a reason why wealthy people from the middle east backed and funded musk taking it over. They wanted to take away a tool used by the people in revolution.

It probably contributed to a lot of stupidity and human suffering, but it also could have been used to great effect if us common folk could have learned to wield it appropriately. The rich and powerful were afraid of it, that alone should tell you that it's death is a bad thing.

Exactly it was allowing us lower class a place to try hold large corporations liable.

I remember using it to call out large corporations when some franchise fucked up. 9 out 10 times the issue was addressed.

But a lot of people use it to organize.

Musk wants to destroy any tool that would aid people to rise up.

Musk wants to destroy any tool that would aid people to rise up.

What about Falcon 9 and Crew Dragon?

Nothing > Twitter > X

Let's bring back Twitter then work on deleting Twitter.

Having X is the fastest way to deleting it. Let it die

But not the best way, since it gives unrestricted voices to horrible people.

I'd rather it has a slow capitalist enshittification, than a fast fascist one.

the world would be an infinitely better place if Twitter died

I think that Twitter is good for footage of emergency-type situations.

All sorts of people who don't know each other put images or video up, and the community is pretty good at associating it.

I think that Twitter is good for footage of emergency-type situations.

All that is happening is why Twitter was never the right place for this type of information.

Lazy journalism dictated by corporate bean counters and now we have whatever x is.

Imo the biggest problem is that it's way too easy to use. Something as simple as an 8th grade math question or hiding the tweet button in a menu would make it so much better

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Him showing up to a Valorant tournament is some next level "how do you do fellow kids". Like, what's his business being there? I mean, if you told me that he secretly just spends his days playing Valorant and shitposting on twitter, it would make a lot of sense.

heard somewhere that his son is a fan, so probably bc with him.

Must be his yearly visit with his son

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Like when he got booed at a Dave Chaplle show. The guy thinks he's loved and adored everywhere he goes because there's still a few pathetic worshipers on the internet.

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Fuck Musk. He built an entire automotive platform on the concept of "sustainable transportation" and took those on the right to task for denying climate change. NOW he's supporting the POS GOP candidate that had the audacity to call climate change a "hoax" repeatedly at the debate. Fuck you Elon!

Dude Elon never did anything. Only people he paid with emerald slave money did.

I'll call him apartheid boy faster than anything, but this claim is largely inaccurate and needs to stop being repeated, because the truth is bad enough.

He got rich by scamming Compaq and thanks to Peter Thiel, gay fascist, kicking him out of control at PayPal.

Bennett Tomlin investigated the emerald mine claims. It's really interesting: https://youtu.be/4oNoy7Ay-yU?si=Y4-2_nCk73sWHmhW

Not only did Musk's father own part of an emerald mine, but he was given that part of ownership after allowing shady people to use the family plane to transport things without asking any difficult questions.

Not only did his own father call Elmo out on his fake "rags to riches" story, by throwing a bag of unrefined emeralds on the table.

Elmo even went as far as to state his father had a stake in an apartheid emerald mine in an interview in Forbes of 2014.

He tried to get the interview removed of course, but it still is on the Wayback Machine.


JC: How do you handle fear?

EM: Company death – not succeeding with the company – causes me a lot more stress than physical danger. But I’ve been in physical danger before. The funny thing is I’ve not actually been that nervous. In South Africa, my father had a private plane we’d fly in incredibly dangerous weather and barely make it back. This is going to sound slightly crazy, but my father also had a share in an Emerald mine in Zambia. I was 15 and really wanted to go with him but didn’t realize how dangerous it was. I couldn’t find my passport so I ended up grabbing my brother’s – which turned out to be six months overdue! So we had this planeload of contraband and an overdue passport from another person. There were AK-47s all over the place and I’m thinking, “Man, this could really go bad.”

Elon sold his first company, which basically just owned a single useful program, to Compaq for $300 million, riding the .com bubble.

Errol Musk's net worth is $2.5 million.

His affluence gave Musk his start but it isn't why he's a billionaire, that's due to dumb boomers paying too much for funny numbers and Peter Thiel realizing he's a moron that can't be trusted to run a company based on public perception of trustworthiness.

Ehz he didn't built an automotive platform. Other people did that, he bought it and green it mostly through controversy and by now it's quite clear that Tesla's are quite shit to own and drive.

Teslas are awesome to own and drive. It's an annoying checklist that takes an hour when you first get the car to make sure your car isn't one of the ones with the bad panels, doors that don't close nicely, etc., But you can decline the car if it has any of those things, or they fix it right away. Once you are through that part it's really a great vehicle, especially if you have a charger at home. Gad stations are super inconvenient if you think about it.

Until you get into a fender bender. I've seen a few too many reports of people having to spend thousands for spare parts that should be hundreds top.

...I mean, I love my Tesla, and most people I know with one feel similarly. I'm not a fan of the way the company is run, and association with Elon makes me want to hurl these days, but I have no qualms with the cars themselves.

I don't love your Tesla, because they keep almost running me down because their self-driving bullshit doesn't know what a zebra crossing is.

So I'm not saying FSD is any good, it's incomplete beta software on public roads, but considering not even a fifth of Teslas have FSD, I'd be willing to bet you've just encountered some bad drivers with a nice mix of confirmation bias...

now it’s quite clear that Tesla’s are quite shit to own and drive

By whose metric? Tesla owners have a 97% approval rating. I know tons of people that drive Teslas and they have zero maintenance other than tires and windshield wiper fluid. Hate on Elon all you want, but to assume the cars are shit because he is shit is just juvenile.

I mean I will readily accept that the internet is a fickle place and nothing is ever as black and white as it would seem but there has been a metric fucktonne of examples lately for why Teslas are just straight up bad cars. Cheap materials, poorly wired electronics, broken features, etc.

Like just casually scroll through any car subreddit or other online forum and you'll see people recording their Teslas just breaking down.

My BIL just bought one, gas is around $6/gallon in Hawaii and there is basically no mass transport. He tried to buy another EV but there was a 6-8 month wait-list. He loves the car, it is what it is. QC has improved over the past few years.

Zero maintenance is a bold claim. They have repair people that go to your house to replace parts when they break.

I didn't claim anything about zero maintenance? Lol

The comment above yours did I meant to click on their comment but did yours instead.

But yet they keep selling a shit ton. And if you talk to an average owner they love their Tesla. It's almost as if you are looking at a biased sample that is not representative of the vast majority of owners.

I mean either way you aren't getting the representative opinion. Both of them are just anecdotes.

Well the model Y is the most popular car sold world wide so it's hard to argue that they are "shit".

ikr who would have thought a person who had zero issues with a car would go on a car forum and complain about it? google literally any car and you'll see forums of people complaining about them. does this mean All cars are demonstrably shitty? by your metric it does. which is stupid.

lol your point is actually the opposite logic. You're so close! Only reading about complaints makes you think that car is shitty. I'm actually saying that reading about complaints on forums is a horrible way to assess car quality regardless of car make.

oh you're so close too! I was actually agreeing with you. try lowering your defensive level 5 points and read it again.

I assume the cars are shit because they spontaneously combust.

gas cars do this an order of magnitude more though.

You got a source? I'm willing to believe the strength of the explosion is greater, but not that gas vehicles spontaneously combust more frequently.

Weird how you used a dead link to try and make your point.

ok bro. stick with your delusions I can't change them with facts clearly.

If the link isn't working spend 3 seconds google the paper instead of implying I'm deceiving you with a dead link.

"Stick with your delusions"

Brother you're comparing, using numbers from the US, a market of around 2.5 million EVs to 250 million ICE.

Of those 2.5 million EVs over 900000 were sold in 2022.

You have braindamage if you think that's a gotcha. I haven't even started filtering down to how many of those are Teslas and the actual percentages therein.

Stop embarrassing yourself. Not only is he correct that ICE fires are an order of magnitude more common PER CAR, but you are also much more likely to die in an ICE fire.

Says the monkey that sees big number and fails to understand old ICE vehicles (you know, the ones likely to blow up) still dwarf Teslas on the road by about 70 times.

But yeah man, maybe if Musk starts selling his cum in jars you can buy some for yourself! Then you wouldn't have to defend his honor online, you could just drink straight from the source!

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while it's probably futile arguing with someone who clearly has half a brain cell ill attempt to explain the simple maths to you.

According to a report by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), there were an estimated 212,500 vehicle fires in the United States in 2018, resulting in 560 civilian deaths, 1,500 civilian injuries, and $1.9 billion in direct property damage.

Considering that there were approximately 276 million registered vehicles in the United States in 2018 we can calculate the number of fires per million ICE vehicles: 212500 vehicle fires divided by 276,000,000 registered vehicles × 1, 000,000 and the this = 770 fires per million ICE vehicles.

The study i previously linked you reveals an average EV fire frequency of six fires per million EVs in Australia, aligning with the global average (a million is the same outside of USA if you were unsure).

So try really really hard to understand this basic math. maybe you could get one of your more intelligent family members to explain it to you?

Additionally the skeptics guide to the universe podcast recently discussed this and they quoted very similar numbers to my search, and so maybe you'll believe a neurosurgeon over me (but I expect not given your ludicrous position on this matter)

It's not about gotchas it's about facts. maybe Google what they are too?

ludicrous position on the matter

276 million registered vehicles, around a third of which were sold through the years of 2008 - 2023 (assuming all of those cars stayed on the field).

Leaving the other two thirds in question, whereas Tesla released its first Roadster in 2008.

Which means that you've got around 184 million cars skewing results. Let's say that half of those were sold in the period from 1990-2008.

Which means those ICE vehicles in question, you know the old fucked up ones, still dwarf Teslas on the road by about 70 times (I'm not getting exact numbers for you).

Meanwhile the oldest Tesla is 15 years old and they're starting to burn more and more.

But keep it up man, I'm sure if you defend Musks honor he'll let you swallow a little bit of his cum. Maybe it'll impart some rich magic onto you, who knows?

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Also, anytime when "97%" of people agree on something it's the same as "97% of people voted for Putin, they all love him!" and you know it's pulled out of some ass or another

hilarious you're so heavily downvoted for this. there are some rabid people on here who can only see negatives. I agree Tesla's are great to drive and I know plenty of peple who own them and love them and have had zero issues, and also saved a tonne on fuel, and maintance. trying to dismiss all Teslas as garbage is just utter stupidity and honestly sounds like sour grapes to me.

Elon is a awful human and I wish with all my heart he'd have a sudden TIA. but tesla cars are not Elon musk.

ps your downvotes just serve to make my point 💪 stronger.

Maybe they're being downvoted for the ludicrous claim that a car, even an electric car, has zero maintenance issues other than tires and wiper fluid. It's not like it has zero moving parts.

No, it has about 20.

All of which will likely need maintenance at some point.

How often do you replace the steering column, wheel bearings and electric motor bearings? Basically never.

How about the transaxle assembly? That's rated for 1 million miles.

These cars need very little maintenance compared to an ICE car that needs bi-annual oil changes.

all these butt hurt people who clearly can't afford an EV or invested all their money in stupid ice cars is honestly so funny.

'all we have left is the downvote and darn it we'll use it'

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Sued the owners to force them into calling Elon a founder.

Elon didn't even found the company. He just sick'd his lawyers on the founders and bought his way into the "founder" title.

Keep your friends close.

Keep your enemies closer. Where do you think GOP Republicans live? Texas. What vehicles do they drive? Gas/diesel.

Call him everything he is. But he is a fantastic businessman for going to the place of most resistance and turning his worst demographic to his biggest group of followers.

He moved production to Texas for tax reasons. That's it. He's not a fantastic businessman; he just hates paying his fair share.

How many of them are actually buying Teslas?

I don't have access to that data. And I don't won't to be misconstrued as promoting Elon or his activities (not that you're doing that but I see the downvotes).

I'm just explaining what I think he's doing. It's what I'd pitch personally if I noticed red voters trend and visibly meme anti EV and I had obligations to shareholders I had to keep.

People are better off buying EV anyways. ICE vehicles are disgusting. I think people just like to assign large structures like businesses and folks like Elon to their political idealogies. Businesses and governments have to be larger than that because they need to serve people at the end of the day with either product or policy.

But if he's doing what you're claiming he's doing, won't all the people on the left who bought Teslas jump ship when it's time to get a new car? Even if you're right, he's still an idiot.

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the corporate ownership of formerly-essential social media giant


The truth hurts.

This case is more like picking off a scab and it's actually kind of a relief.

If it was legal, Mastodon should just rebrand as twitter.

Isn't there a decent argument they've abandoned the trademark?


Elaboration on the reasons why would be nice.

If it's still registered you're going to need to wait far more than a few months before you can assume it's safe to use.


3 years without use according to that reference

Meh, if they did such a thing, they should go for 'Tweeter' instead. Not infringing on Twitter, while still humorously jabbing at Twitter LOL!

Ah, but they would have to sue to enforce it. I'd love to see his mental gymnastics on that one.

Do you guys think there's a part of him that realizes that people dislike him for a legitimate reason? I mean, he started out being the darling of the internet, when he was in the early stages with SpaceX and Tesla. His cult of personality was pretty large. Obviously he still has fanboys, but he has to realize that he ended up on the fringe, right? Right?

No way in hell. He thinks everyone is just jealous, not realizing that most of us don't want the problems that come with being ultra-rich, we just think he is a spoiled brat.

I'd take a billion dollars though. Live out my life without ever needing to worry much about anything.

It's that egotistical need to use that money to exert power to control people that I'm not interested in.

A billion is way too much. 5 to 10 million is all anyone needs to retire. I can see maybe "needing" 25 million if your hobby is racing cars. More than that is just needless hoarding.

Yeah, but in real life I'm Nicholas Cage and I gotta buy a bunch of crazy shit. Couldn't possibly retire on anything less than $800 million!

Agreed. Take the money and do your own thing. Or better yet, help people that want to be helped.

I think if it took him as long as it did to figure out people liked him, it's going to take at least that long for him to realize they don't.

Then again with the obvious ego boost of the first part of that, the question then becomes: even if and when he does realize it, will he care?

I look forward to the day his story is a cautionary tale.

I would think so. But at this point, he has made his choice. Don't think a baby face turn is in the cards. Might as well become Emperor Palpatine at this point.

If Musk is Palpatine, then is Zuckerberg Snoke? Does Musk have a jar full of Zucks like in that mess of a Star Wars movie?

He knows, and he doesn't care.

Once he became the richest person on the planet, he stopped giving a shit. Money buys anything he wants, so why should he.

Honestly, as much as I think he's a db, and i dislike what hes become, I kinda find it makes him more relatable. I mean, who wouldn't be consumed by extreme money and power? If anything, it distracts from the idea that you're a giant cash bag and reminds people that you're only human. Although from what I understand, he always been this way, and he just had a great PR team in the beginning.

I think he found out that all the money in the world doesnt make you happy.

This fucker could literally change the world for the better for all of humanity and he does nothing but grow his own wealth.

Hell you can figure that out by just making 6 figures straight out of college. There comes a point where you realize all you do is work because you're too tired to do anything else, and your disposable income can't get you anything meaningful to make up for it. I'm far happier for having quit and taking a pay cut for a remote job closer to my family.

I distinctly remember getting my hair cut when I was back home a couple months before I started working, and the stylist was someone in my high school graduating class. We chatted a bit and they mentioned money being a bit tight, and all of it just felt so wrong and gross to me. There's no reason why I deserved more for my skillset than she hers.

With the tantrums he throws, I doubt he doesn't care.

Pretty sure he employs a meme shitposter group that makes propaganda to make the internet like him.

Good job gamers.

Well now his ego is hurt and we get to see what else he ruins in a tantrum lol I wonder if he'll try to buy out the IP and call it EX or something equally dumb lol

That'd be fun, especially considering that he'll have to pay big bucks to Tencent, who wholly own Riot Games. All discussion would quickly devolve into a anti/pro China flamewar

Haven't drugs been used as an explanation for his mammoth missteps with Twitter? Because the way this guy is piloting the ship, he's going to crash it into Prince William Sound at any moment. They'll be scrubbing stupid posts off the seabirds for months.

You don't need drugs when you're stupid.

But some drugs can affect your intelligence, and if he was intelligent enough to at least lay low and take credit for others' work before, it appears he no longer has at least that baseline.

Constant praise by sycophants and people wanting to believe in a better future at the hand of high tech billionaires also does the trick. It works like a pump for inflatable egos.

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Well thank you for making me choke on my coffee. That seabirds comment really caught me off guard.

Drugs, a breakdown, midlife crisis, or just Elon showing us who Elon actually is. Find out on the next episode of downward spiral!

Are you suggesting that the front of Twitter is going to fall off?

Wasn't twitter coded so the front won't fall off?

Well obviously not, because the front's falling off.

It should have been built to hardcore rigorous software engineering standards.

Don't worry, it's been towed outside of the environment 👍

Yes, according to very rigorous maritime engineering standards...

Don't use cardboard, or the back will fall off too. I won't make that mistake again..

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The bring back Twitter chant is pretty hilarious.

Don't stop him! He's making the world a solid! He's eliminating Twitter ffs.

Give him new ideas like join with a paid invitation only.

The issue is, as others pointed out, that Twitter was extremely powerful for groups in oppressive countries to coordinate their activities. So much so, that some governments had resorted to switching off the internet for the whole country to combat social media; particularly Twitter.

It's entirely plausible that the supposed large sums of money that Elon received from Middle Eastern groups to help buy Twitter was for the expressed purpose to destabilize Twitter and destroy the brand. That way once Twitter is gone dissident groups can no longer organize and will be easy to oppress.

The rose colored glasses Twitter junkies suddenly got for Jack Dorsey is astounding

I wonder if Howard Hughes was met with boos when he went out in public, and is that why he ended up becoming a recuse?

Is Musk a germophobe yet?

Howard Hughes suffered from really profound OCD and chronic pain in a time before effective medications for either of those. Arguably, effective treatments still don't exist. He became a recluse because he wasn't well enough to appear in public. I understand why the comparison might spring to mind, but I'm pretty sure Elon Musk is just an entitled asshole and not disabled.

If Threads had hashtags and trending topics, everybody would abandon X in a heartbeat.

And I'm honestly quite baffled that Meta haven't implemented them, since even Mastodon has support for this...

Because Meta wasn't finished and wasn't expecting Twitter to shit itself so badly over a weekend. They were ready for the slow burn and Musk gunned it when he did his rate limit

Fuck Twitter. Twitterites need to grow up and move on.

Easy for most of us casual posters in the west to do. What sucks is that it was the platform for legit entities to transmit information from for years. Those accounts can't just up and leave a readily as us response accounts

So what's to stop them from posting to literally any other large social media platform?

You act like Twitter is the only platform for sharing information when Reddit literally exists.

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Now his acts will be even more stupid and attention-seeking.

Looking forward to several rounds of the videos getting banned on Twitter and Elon claiming he isn't banning them the videos while also claiming the boo'ing was for something else

Bring back Twitter

I've never had an account on the service before or after the rebrand, and for the three or so people who I occasionally glance at the accounts of, I normally use nitter.net.

However...was there actually any significant functional difference associated with "X" rebrand?

The most-significant technical shift that I was aware of was many years back, when they increased the tweet character limit.

No, it's just a very poorly thought out rebrand. Articles keep saying "X, formerly Twitter" because without it, articles actually sound pretty bad and look silly. It's a bad name for an Internet service. It's generic. It doesn't do well in web searches. It doesn't sound good when talking out loud. It's all around a poor idea according to any marketing theory. People are used to saying tweets. It already essentially had total mind share. It was the standard for microblogging. It reached "Kleenex" or "band-aid" status in being the default reference for the concept.

And he just ditched it because he likes the letter X.

There isn't supposed to be, but with the number of engineers and devs he fired a long with his whimsical attitude towards changing things, well, things have broken.

Embeds seem to be hit or miss. The two factor auth API went down for awhile. I'm not a big Twitter person. I'm sure there's more to list.

For a few days they required you to have an account to view tweets, but they changed back pretty quick.

I've also noticed that previews have stopped working when someone posts a Twitter link in Discord, but I don't know if that's intentional.

I bet he'll wipe his tears with the thousands of dollars he made there.

How else do you propose hurting him, and he deserves to be hurt, other than bruising his massive ego? He's never going to be anything but massively wealthy whether we like it or not.

I don't think he really cares about random gamer nerds booing him.

I would think most people would not be in favor of a giant crowd booing their presence when they were there to enjoy themselves. Maybe that's one of the ways Elon is special.

Thing is, Elon styles himself a gamer, so this one might sting a bit.

Then he’ll go roll around in his money and do some ketamine, so hey.

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Who cares. Moving on.

Y’know, I’ve never understood claiming “who cares” when someone must care enough to comment. When I truly don’t care about something, I just scroll past it and ignore it. If you’re truly “moving on,” why not just, well, move on?

Because when something is constantly in your face that you think is overblown, asking who cares is a sign that you are sick of the thing that you are unable to avoid.

It is hard to ignore when it is everywhere all the time.

…I think you missed a word there, because I’m not quite following your first sentence.

All the words are there, but maybe rephrasing it would help you.

People often say "who cares" about stuff they are sick of hearing about that they think is overblown and they cannot avoid it. It is shorthand for "Why do so many people care about this pointless topic and won't shut up about it."

My comment was meant to imply that Elon Musk is talked about far more than he deserves. Especially when most of what he does is meant to troll or generally antagonize people. We have to stop letting disingenuous and downright dastardly people infect our daily conversations.

because it's annoying as fuck to see it all the time

Then curate your feed better? The only one responsible for what you see is you.

And scrolling by is a lot faster than opening a post to reply to it.

Am I the only one who finds it in bad taste to use an "admin"-named account outside of their own instance?

It certainly gave me a moment of pause, and I had to look up who they were.