Reddit Tries to Get Users to Pay by Making App Icon Ugly to – 1368 points –
Reddit on iOS has an ugly new icon – and you have to pay to change it

This is getting so stupid, it’s beginning to sound like The Onion. Why don’t they just start charging for reading posts.

Here’s an idea: Every day you get 5 Reddit Emeralds for free, and you can use them to read 5 posts. If you want to read more, you can get more emeralds from Common Reddit Loot Boxes. You can buy those boxes with Reddit Rubies.

You can get Reddit rubies from Rare Reddit Loot Boxes, and in order to get those, you have to use Reddit Diamonds. If you have 19 Common boxes you can also craft 1 Rare Loot Box. Doing so will also require 10 rubies.

You can also buy Reddit Diamonds with Superior Crypto-Augmented Money (SCAM), and getting those coins requires real world money.

Ok, so now that you have all these gems, you can put them to good use. Emeralds are used to read posts. When you comment, there’s a 50% chance that it will be deleted within 30 minutes, but you can improve your odds by spending 1 Reddit Ruby. For each Ruby, the odds improve by 10%. Posts have the same mechanism, but you need to spend Diamonds instead.

Dear God they'll have this implemented within a week. Why did you do this?

Some men want to watch the world burn and use the resulting embers to make some popcorn. 🍿

Twitter only lets you read so many tweets without paying, so this is entirely possible

OMG it happened again. Just say the stupidest thing you can think of, and you’ll find out that thing was already made reality some time ago.

Why don’t they just start charging for reading posts.

They're already discussing this, believe it or not. I saw an announcement about it a few weeks ago.

Going crazy with that scenario wasn’t enough since reality has already caught up with it. Need to up my game…

Got half way through your post and started to feel sick. Not because it's ridiculous, but because it sounds like actual other apps and this is our reality now.

Sorry about that. That’s what tends to happen with literary naturalism, a style I find my self gravitating towards every now and then.

The onion wasn't wrong. He is ahead of it's time.

The onion wasn't wrong. He is ahead of it's time.

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I wonder whether the average person is really as retarded as they are made out to be by large corporations.

Obviously yes. Reddit could change the app icon to a swastika and hide the real icon behind a $50 paywall and people would still use the app because of convenience.

"Don't want your friends to think you are a nazi? Simple, just pay us 1 bitcoin... every month"

What? Redditors would pay MORE to change their icon to a swastika. Change the icon back, and charge $50 for a hate symbol and you got yourself a steady income, baby!

just look at election-results around the globe and how easily a lot of people are fooled by populists...

Remember a scary thing about average IQ: half of the people have IQ below that number, hence “average”.

That's not really how averages work, that's the median, but I get your point. In order for that to be average there have to be scores lower.

Median can also be called average. Average doesn't strictly mean mean

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VC money very likely dried up and the IPO was the opportunity to raise more funding. all they needed to do was put ads in 3rd party apps and they take a cut of revenue…

I honestly thought that after all these things they would spring back but I honestly now feel like they’re going to go the way of Digg

Or just require an account to have reddit premium in order to use the API.

I mean I honestly don’t understand. I’m just going to assume that they aren’t actually retarded and want the best for the company, but this sounds like one person over there is making the decisions and everyone else is terrified of calling out the bad ideas. How else does a company just implode like this? I’ve worked in creative tech environments with super dominating bosses that was scary to even ask a question let alone call them out. So sad.

I was a daily (hours) Reddit user for the past 15 years and I quit…completely. I have not gone back. The hour Apollo shut down I was done. I said I would leave and I keep my word. Been here ever since. It’s taken some time but this is filling my Reddit need.

Only problem is looking up tips on video games always links to a Reddit discussion and I just refuse. Fuck u/spez

It’s crazy how easy this recent drama has made leaving Reddit for me. Saw all the user-hostile changes and just deleted my Reddit apps and have only been visiting it via google searches on very domain-specific knowledge.

I agree with everything you said. However, I almost couldn't finish reading your comment because of your use of the R slur. I'm not reporting it or anything, just something to think on.

Yeah, It’s unnecessarily cruel. Hits like a gut punch ever time I see it now. Thanks for saying something.

A week or so on Lemmy and I've seen this slur on like 3 different occasions. It's disappointing. I guess I was just more familiar with what communities to avoid on reddit (wsb) if I didn't want to see it.

You know what, I appreciate your callout. As an 80s kid there was a LOT of terms we used and our vocabulary was quite robust when it came to offensive words. Although we never truly meant to hurt any person or group those slurs were associated with. I’ve done an incredible job of eliminating all that stuff from my lexicon, but this word in particular has been difficult for me and if I use it I’m always angry.

I’ll try and do better

Just keep in mind there are words you use today, oftentimes daily, that will be considered hurtful and maybe even a “slur” in a matter of years and at most a few decades. All we can do is try and be conscience of this and work hard to eliminate them from your vocabulary but it’s not easy when you’ve used a word or term for decades

Here’s a selection of words from a list that a Harvard group just recently deemed “harmful”:

American, You guys, Prisoner, Crazy, Victim, Karen, Walk-in.

The meaning of retard is to delay or impede the development or progress of; to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or accomplishment

Just something to think on

In the 21st century the that word is widely understood to be a slur and thus violates rules 1 and 2 on (where this community is hosted).

Also, you're quoting the definition of the verb, which is typically not applied to people, while the (now deleted, on at least) grandparent comment was using the word as an adjective... which is.

Yeah, it was even a medical term and then a bunch of kids (and less gracious adults) went around using it as an insult and now it's taboo. Welcome to living languages, they change. I said what I said, your "umm, actually" adds nothing to the conversation.

It’s totally appropriate to use in that context e.g. retarding a fire or the brakes retarding a car, but OPs are clearly not using it like that.

Well you see, finding a way to reliably deliver ads via the API would have taken far too much developer brainpower for a company that can't make a functional video player or a mobile app that doesn't annihilate battery with ridiculously excessive cpu use and keepalive requests...

Well you see, finding a way to reliably deliver ads via the API would have taken far too much developer brainpower for a company that can't make a functional video player or a mobile app

It honestly wouldn't be that hard at all. You deliver ads via the API alongside actual posts, as if they are an actual post, and forbid altering them in the developer ToS. If you want to be anal about enforcement, run popular 3rd-party apps in an emulator to verify that the JSON returned by the site is unaltered when it's rendered in the app. You could put this together in a weekend.

Which really just speaks to quality of talent at reddit, or the management at reddit suppressing that talent. Or both.

I'm pretty sure the real issue is the data collection Reddit wants about user habits. They can't get thst from 3rd party apps, even if they make browsing habit data (scroll speeds, post linger time, ads displayed, etc) a mandatory part of the API they cannot verify what the 3rd party app is reporting and it becomes junk data that advertisers cannot rely on. They need complete ecosystem control to make the marketing optimizers happy. So, fuck the consumer!

a mobile app that doesn't annihilate battery with ridiculously excessive cpu use and keepalive requests

Speaking of which, how on Earth it's such a slug these days? I pretty much quit Reddit when the protest started and moved to Lemmy. I never used any other Android app since I was reasonably happy with the official app. However, when I launched it to check how my old subs fared, I was quite surprised at how slow, laggy and bloated POS it had come.

I honestly don't remember it being this crappy just a few weeks ago.

It's some combination of developer incompetence- they've basically never put out any decent running code- and intentional resource use for the ridiculous amount of tracking they run. Reddit tracks everything about your browsing habits as well as actively loads ads in the background. It's entire purpose was never for quality user experience, it was for revenue generation (which 3rd party apps get in the way of)

There is still the free option of revanced, that patched the original reddit app so that you don't have any adds... You can also change the icon of you want.

They had a golden goose and rather than let it continue laying golden eggs, they cooked it for dinner.

I also hate the inclusion of the u/spez freakout about employees not wearing reddit colours in public for fear of physical harm. It is a full-on propaganda tactic, in the vein of Elon Musk or Trump's bullshit. It immediately puts shade on the userbase. These "journalists" should get their shit together and either write about how ridiculously stupid he was to say that or just not present it at all, it's barely relevant to the article. For anyone who has actually been following along, the way the article presents that tidbit is inane and completely false at best.

There's this super frustrating trend where instead of making the paid version of things better, they just make the free version worse. Like how you used to be able to do background play on the YouTube app. It's like they know these features are good so implement them to attract people to use their service, and then later take it away to force the subscription.

Oh it was so much worse than that. Google indirectly banned every 3rd party app on the Play Store from streaming videos in the background to push that feature. Seemingly overnight every app that could do it vanished or cut the feature. Sure you can sideload a fix but your average non-savvy users got screwed into paying up.

Firefox can with a "Recommended" addon

I opted to switch to NewPipe and YMusic and haven't looked back since.

I'm glad they do that, it makes people switch to open source alternatives, like NewPipe for YouTube.

They simply have better features and privacy.

YMusic ftw. if you want to listen to music in background, it's the better alternative compared with newpipe. newpipe is the best for videos..but YMusic for music.

What do you like better about YMusic? I've been using NewPipe for a little while and it's OK, but it's kind of annoying that you can't sort by date or views. I usually end up searching Youtube and plugging the URL into Newpipe.

YMusic is specific designed to work with music so the player, loading times etc are better. in NewPipe you first need to open a video, click play (or tab and hold to play), select play in background etc.. and also create your own playlists. in YMusic you click just on a song you like and boom, it plays. also it can download quickly the music and also recommend automatic new music etc.

YMusic is just way better for music. you can even login with your yt account and use your music playlists etc. from computer.

The problem with (almost) all social media platforms is they need a LOT of users. Because each individual users brings in such a small amount of revenue.

So these companies (running on investor money) go through a deliberate early “growth” stage, where their singular goal is to get as many users as possible. They usually do this by…actually making something people want to use. Plus some addictive tricks thrown in to keep people “engaged”.

Once they have their 100 million users, or whatever number they’re targeting, then the processor of turning it to shit begins. Because now they have the users they need to extract revenue from them. The problem is that growth stage often kills off competitors as well. So now you have a near monopoly tightening the screws on users, who have to just accept it because the cost of moving to an alternative is too high.

But eventually it hits a breaking point. Users jump to something new, and the cycle repeats. The users who stick around with a shit product are the ones who ultimately pay the debts that early users got to enjoy.

This is why so many apps and services have problems monetizing their stuff when they start out as free and/or ad supported as a means to pump the usage numbers fast for that juicy investor funding and sky high stock valuations.

Free/ad supported is essentially the "bottom" of race to the bottom when it comes to how to make money on a product or service. And it is hard to climb the ladder of convincing people to pay for something when the core product that provides most of the value has always been free. You can't exactly just paywall the core product or people will likely feel ripped off and leave. So that leaves increasingly sketchy "value added" options.

It takes innovation and creativity to make the paid version better. It takes nothing but greed to make the free version worse.

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This title is exceedingly misleading. This icon is not “ugly” and is an obvious marketing stunt to bring awareness to the return of r/place. Wether or not you think r/place should come back is irrelevant to this discussion. Reddit didn’t “make the icon ugly” so people would pay to fix it.

Two things can be true at the same time.
The fact that there really is an icon named “Original” that is locked away does not help. The old icon simple isn’t there at the moment as far as I could see.
So even if they changed the icon for /r/places the fact that you won’t even see the old icon in the selection and that it’s nowhere mentioned that that is the reason for the (temporary) change will properly lead enough just buy premium. Hopefully users that forget to cancel once the normal icon is back.

I‘m just glad seeing this place more and more active. Old stupid Reddit, you’ve made the Digg-move.

Do iOS users not have free icon packs? I'm so confused by this...

You can’t change icons from the system/launcher settings. Individual apps can offer icon options, but they are internal to the app.

What a scam...

But you can do what I did and use the shortcuts app to set custom icons and app names.

To each their own, I moved from iOS to Android in 2020 and first days I started experimenting with different icon packs, but not all are perfect or of my taste, nowadays I only use the monet icons feature for Pixel Launcher, but if it wasn't for that I'd just use stock icons lol.

I suggest the "Delta" icon pack, if you haven't tried it yet. It's really good, IMO.

Yes, that is what Apple products have become. Add Reddit on top of that and you have a double scam.

Have become? If anything, iOS have historically been getting more customizable over time not less.

And I don’t think it’s really accurate to compare iOS with MacOSX and earlier, entirely different systems with different use cases and form factors. I’d recon if Apple released a phone in 2002 it’s be just as locked down.

Not trying to defend this by the way, just surprised by the usage of the word “become” here as if it used to be different for iPhones.

There are plenty of apps that allow you to change the app icon for free. This is entirely on Reddit.

It's the same on the Reddit Android app too (although the icon option in the app looks ok, the icon in the launcher is pixelated)

At least you can freely change the icon on android

Sort of, you can use the Shortcuts app to make a custom launcher and use any icon you want. It’s not very intuitive for the average user.

Maybe it's just a Nova thing but any image can be an icon, you dont have to change everything.

I found an article from 2020 that said it wasn't possible to use custom icons on an iPhone. Idk if that's changed, since I don't have an iPhone. I know customization is not something they are known for.

It's more of a workaround: you need to make a shortcut (which you can set a custom icon to) to launch the app of your choice. This is still possible.

Anyone paying for reddit premium has to just be the biggest sucker. Then again I don't understand anyone paying for a similar privilege on twitch either. Batshit insanity.

I pay for twitch turbo because I watch twitch for hours upon hours and keeping up with the latest ad block for twitch is more effort than it's worth to me. Especially when on devices where ad block is more challenging.

I don't get it. What's challenging? uBlock Origin plugin installation? I watch twitch only to get warframe item drops, but i recently switched to twitch miner instead, but when i was watching the devstream(s) from time to time there were no ADs. So don't get me wrong but the effort is almost non-existent.

It is not as simple as install uBlock Origin. I have uBlock, it is very easy to install a plugin.

However, every other day the current ad block solution stops working for twitch and you need to install multiple plugins (uBlock, TTV LOL), modify your ublock, or use alternate twitch UI which has no features, and since it changes so frequently I need to manually keep up to date with the changes on github for multiple plugins and scripts. Not to mention none of that works on mobile when you're away from home, I use Pi Hole and it doesn't block twitch ads. The ad block doesn't work on chromecast or other devices.

Their ads are super aggressive, it is literally impossible to surf the website with ads. Every time you switch streams you're served an ad which makes it very difficult to find people to watch or to follow multiple perspectives (I mainly watch RP).

For a few bucks a month I don't have to deal with it and I watch Twitch more than any other streaming platform or social media, so to me it is worth the ease and consistency of use by just having turbo. The only two subscriptions I have are YouTube Premium and Twitch Turbo because I don't get ads and I don't have to deal with blocking them.

A service that so aggressively disrespects their free users is not a service I'd ever give my money to.

You're not necessarily wrong, but the people who create the content I enjoy are on Twitch, so to me it is worth it. Everybody values things differently

I read this and was like that is a good idea, I watch an okay amount of Twitch and the adblock arms race is getting exhausting. I look it up, $12 a month???

I'm still grandfathered in at $8 for a few more months, at which point I will re-evaluate

Ah it’s a tight race with the Twitter blue check mark

Reddit can go fuck themselves. I’ve been gone since Apollo stopped working. Have never & will never go back.

Sometimes I'll check Joey. Once, it actually worked for like 2 seconds then I refreshed the page by accident and it was down again. I did this like 3 days ago? Otherwise I'm here.

I got a notification for new comments in saved threads today, in Joey, couldn't actually check them but somehow that got through.

Just more subscription hell. It's ridiculous anymore. I'll need a subscription to flush my toilet at some point. I mean how much of this are consumers willing to put up with. Anyway Reddit is well on the path of monetizing themselves to irrelevance.

I’ll need a subscription to flush my toilet at some point.

It's called a water bill. You pay it monthly, even if you don't use any water!

Idk, I pay for my utilities based on usage, and there are fees too. The fees maybe could be argued are subscriptions, but they're not the majority of the bill

I'm sure you get my point. Yes you have to pay the water bill to flush the toilet. There's lots of other "subscriptions" for utilities like power, garbage collection, sewer. We call those bills not subscriptions and they've been around as long as modern society. I think we can take those for granted. Not in the same league as the subscription hell we're seeing for online services these days.

To that point you already pay for internet in the same way you pay for water. Paying for a specific website is like paying to use a toilet.

Analogy stands.

I'm from NL... Would be better if there was a subscription to use toilets instead of paying 50c or more every time. Always have to carry coins around just incase you need to pee. Super annoying.

I forgot that in some countries toilets aren't free to use. That's wild!

There's an app actually in NL to find toilets, and it tells you their condition and the cost, open times, etc.

And if you have IBS, you can get a yearly toilet pass (EuroKey)... That gives you quicker? And one time cost access to toilets.

Wild shit honestly.

I know the US is hella behind in payment technologies, but can you tap your phone in NL to pay for toilets? I haven't carried cash for 15+ years in Canada. If so, I honestly like that system. At least I wouldn't encounter a group of homeless people shooting up in the timmies bathroom at 8pm.

You'd think so right, and everything else here is super tap to pay oriented... Most toilets aren't though, maybe the ones at the train station, but that's a whole other kettle of fish. You pay for that, then they give you a voucher back to go use at a store in the station. Nobody uses them, so it's just extra overpriced and hella dirty.

Honestly it's a scam all round.


That's not how that word works.

Edit: I didn't say I I've never seen it used that way, i just find that particular use of it to be wrong.

The positive sense usage of anymore is a regional thing:

But the previous poster didn't use it in that way.

at the present time : NOW, NOWADAYS Hardly a day passes without rain anymore.

That's not how they used it though. Grammatical construction matters

Just more subscription hell. It's ridiculous anymore.

"It's ridiculous these days"

"I don't go out any more"

It's ridiculous nowadays. Have no idea how you're still not getting it, it's actually impressive.

I understood perfectly and I bet a lot of others did too. I bet you understood it. So, mostly or completely successful use of the word to inject the desired thoughts into others' heads. So, the word works that way, even if it sounds awkward to you.

It's colloquial to the USA, it's an expression. My grammar is usually good except when I bastardize it to make a point like, "I aint gonna take that crap" or "grammar corrections are getting ridiculous anymore." In the USA you'd have to live under a rock to have never heard that expression.

Leave that grammar nazi shit on reddit.

Never understood why people get upset for learning. My sister is 33 and has her own business. Every time she writes emails or company ads, she types at a 3rd grade level.

She uses the wrong "there", says "should of", etc.

When I try to teach her, she gets angry. Why? Do you want to stay stupid?

I don't believe it's so much about the correction itself as it is about ignoring what the person said and only piping up to correct. Imagine we are having a conversation and you spend 3 minutes telling me about how you struggled to get the lug nuts off your tire this morning while changing it and when you finished, all I had to offer you is "they're on the rim, not the tire" and nothing more. It can come off as a bit rude.

Time and place. Quite arrogant to assume someone isn't just using local phrasing, as is the case here. People talk differently all over. The official use of English is simply official. How people actually use it in their communities is correct. Hope I'm being clear with my sentiment here.

Please sir, the only English I use is the Queef's English.

It's all in the way the person points it out.

I mean you technically already do pay a subscription to flush your toilet by paying a water bill, just you get a lot more benefits

£5.99 a month...

i cant believe people actually pay that for what is essentially a forum.

it'd probably be decades before they made that off me in advertising.

They could have had my money too if what they were asking were reasonable and i retained the ability to use RIF

Yeah if they made it so that you had to pay $5 per month or moderate a sub with >10k subscribers to keep using third party apps, none of this would happened and they would have been able to make more money off of it.

$5 a month is still a lot imo. i'd do $12 a year ($1 a month billed annually or 6 monthly) which is still an order of magnitude larger than the amount they would get from advertising for me

Yeah $5 is a bit much for what it is. I picked that number because it's the upper limit for where I'll go "fine have money just don't bother me any more"

RIF is still working (not using it but i have friends that showed it to me) i dont know why

Boost still have access when I left. I read that it actually takes a while for the API changes to be implemented.

I was expecting this was just OP making a dumb joke.

The fuck.

Well. That's a joke. The current icon is ugly but it's for the /r/Place event.

still it's weird that they put the original logo behind a paywall

I know the feeling. Spent years on that app and it really hurts to watch it completely implode within two months.

imagine paying for an app icon... what next ? paying for a ringtone like in the good old days?

Zedge comes to mind. A site for buying ringtones (among other things like notification tones and wallpapers) or at least barred you from downloading the "premium" ones without subscription.

Oh my fucking god, memories of that scam service "Jamba" flooding back. It was like two years in a row of Crazy Frog ads for it.

I don't understand how Zedge still exists, and is apparently doing relatively well too

There will always be tech un-savvy people who prefer to pay for something (and have someone to call when it doesn't work) than have to spend 5 minutes learning how to do it themselves.

Reverse it. Make it play an annoying sound without paying, only changeable with premium. Late stage capitalism in its finest.

Ok so this is just desperate right? Like chasing 3rd party devs off could theoretically force more people to use their app, the reddit gold thing could be them paving the way to put in something more abusive. But this? Hoping to annoy your users to the point that they'll pay you a ransom to make you stop? How is this anything other than embarrassingly desperate?

I agree, it seems like they're doing everything they can to force users into the mindset of "you're going to have to spend money here."

However... I don't think that's going to work. It's a tactic that relies solely on Apple not allowing the user to customize their icons, which combines into a double whammy of "give me money to fix the thing that I broke."

Why do I have to pay when Android users don't?

Why is Reddit being greedy?

This other site is free and doesn't make me feel like I'm being taken advantage of every turn.

Reddit is trying to capitalize on goodwill they already spent months ago. And the quality of the site is just going to get worse from here.

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Spez has already made it very clear that he has went full Elon and will stop at nothing to make the company profitable. I expect much worse from Reddit in the future.

Imagine spending money on reddit premium

Especially considering they're removing all coins and awards. So you're literally paying $60 only to make your home screen icon a little more pretty

Spez is a fucking clown... I hope reddit dies soon.

“Dylanthedeveloper” on here apparently. He was spamming all over the other day about some drivel or another.

Yes! I definitely used to go to Reddit for their amazing icons! /s

Interestingly this may piss off more people than the real issues. Most people didn't seem to care at all about the API / 3rd party app support issues as long as they got their Reddit doom-scroll fix. But I bet whole bunch of these will be upset at having an ugly pixelated icon on their phone, muhawhaw.

what are you guys talking about? an r place themed icon wasn't put there to get people to pay money? it was put there because there is gonna be a new r place. this isn't some evil plan conjured up the criminal mastermind u/SPEZ that you just uncovered.

Yea, I was reading the comments here and people really think anyone gives a flying fuck about how ugly the app icon is? It's clearly for r place. Still, fuck Reddit for doing r place just to gather traffic again, but this article is just silly.

I can't believe they push third-party devs away and then try to make Reddit as unappealing as possible! Like, I used their stupid app and I CAN'T HANDLE how much that stupid app LAGS!! If they want people to pay, they better be a damn good app. Like, this is just evil at this point!

I'm just saying, but Reddit is just becoming a money grab. I appreciated third-party devs because they made Reddit more enjoyable. My favorite app to use Reddit on is no longer effective due to Reddit's changes. That's why I'm on Lemmy now :/

What if they only introduced the API changes to get rid of the aware users and make it easier to monetize the rest...?

Honestly, the first few days felt quite sad, like a breakup. But now I am grateful because I've moved on and found something better.

These last few weeks of non-commercial social media have been pretty nice.

Thanks spez!

While we all hate reddit, them changing the app icon to make a reference to what used to be a fun event shouldn't be our main point.

This won't work on android because changing icon is trivial lmao

Assuming people know how to do that, this is preying on those who don't.

It reminds me of all the nagging and lying that MS does, telling people who download other browsers that Edge is better for example. Almost everyone here with a bit of technical knowledge knows that is ridiculous. Now Edge already has 5% market share, more than Firefox though.

Anyone brain dead enough to continue using that awful app is probably brain dead enough to pay for an icon.

What's crazy is that there are hundreds of 5 star reviews for it on the Play store. People have no standards and obviously don't understand that you can pick a number of stars in-between 1 and 5.

I think it was already confirmed that reddit paid for five star reviews a couple of weeks back.

Google when someone pays for good reviews: 😴

Google when people are upset at change and rightfully give a negative review: 🤬❌ (mass delete all negative reviews)

Ahh the Free To Play playbook. Have to pay to not be frustrated. Ironically what Apple ushered in

They ushered it by providing the AppStore or is there something more direct?

They welcomed constant payments, especially the exploitative ones. They loved their cut

They could have restricted the amount you'd buy at once instead of absurd things like $99 options or games that blocked you from playing after every 20 minutes unless you coughed up more dough.

They loved it and couldn't get enough.

It just encouraged developers to track $/user or % paying users and other shitty metrics that if they were not hit they purposely made their game worse to frustrate users

I see your point; however, if they stopped, the people would give them grief for that. But I'm with you. They should take responsibility and help stop exploitative practices.

Wow. That’s just crazy.

They might get a few gullible suckers to pay up.

I would never pay for changing an ugly icon.

This was honestly the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I used to check reddit every now and then, but after this I just couldn't justify it to myself to use it. I used to post a lot of stuff, and I modded a relatively small community, but it just feels wrong to use it.

My man, your camel has a strong back

I don't like change that much, so I can tolerate a lot of stuff before changing.

I've been using a third party app for Reddit since forever. Taking that away was, for me, equivalent to taking Reddit away as a whole. I had to change either way so then I'd rather change to a different platform than change to the crappy official app.

oh my god my bet with a friend that reddit will die within 5 years is going SO WELL! i never thought they would go this fast though

Quick question... Using the jerboa app, if I click a link... What happens if I accept cookies?

With RIF I knew they wouldn't be saved.

What's the situation for me now?

I don't know but what I do know is without sending cookies, the server won't know it's you. If you login to reddit on the app, cookies are saved so you can login again the next time you load the app.

They probably meant the in-app browser for browsing external links from Reddit.

Ok so if application xyz has a browser, assuming that browser isn't just an embedded copy of a system browser (something that I am not sure is possible with android or ios development, i am just a web dev), it won't know your reddit cookies unless you gave it. Or, more correctly, it may save your cookies for every site you visit, but that's just normal browser behavior. If you visit reddit, your cookies are saved but if you didn't login the cookies just identify you as a unique but otherwise unknown user. If you login, then your cookies are saved if you load up the in-app browser again and find that you are still logged into reddit.

The only time where you could expect to be logged into reddit already via an in-app browser which you didn't log in with previously is if that in-app browser is just an embedded system web browser where you are logged in.

Nope, still not what they're talking about. They're saying, if you follow a post link to, say,, and the app you're using shows you the page in app (usually using system default browser) rather than taking you out to your browser app. The question is, if asks for permission to use cookies will they stay in your browser or will they be cleared when you leave the page or close the app.

The browser stores the cookies, so if it is a system browser then the system browser stores the cookies even if embedded in the app. It also means that the app isn't likely aware of those cookies as it's part of a separate app.

Also, generally speaking, few developers want to build their own browser. It is far easier to just ask the OS to put a browser in a space provided by the app, than to build a browser that works well to be used on the greater internet and the actual app itself. I say this because "the browser stores the cookies" so if app xyz doesn't use a system browser then app xyz is the browser. Like, any app can ask you for your reddit username and password, store that, make HTTP calls that login with your username and password, parse the HTML it gets from reddit, and report it back to you. This is essentially how lemmy apps work at a high level with one big difference: these apps and the server are both aware of each other, which is the same sort of situation where a company like google or reddit gives API access as a sort of contract between how the apps and servers with better security and full consent of all involved.

Basically if you see reddit apps pop up which don't use the official API, you should be wary. Doubtful they would make it onto the app stores but it's always possible. It doesn't mean they are nefarious, just that they could be.

The good news is it's pretty easy to tell what you are using.

Logged into somewhere on your device, then you open a freshly installed app, click a link to and you are already logged in? System browser.

Logged into somewhere on your device, then you open a freshly installed app, click a link to and you aren't logged in? This could be another browser if you have more than one installed on your device. So the ask.. does it look and function like shit? This isn't a great test but again, building a browser that actually renders html css and js is difficult, so it's likely to not work or look very well if it's something built with the purpose of stealing data specifically.

They should just buy the icons from Apollo if this is all their designers can muster up 😬

Glad I used a 3rd party app since March 2021

are you trying to show off that you are some kind of third party app veteran?

They should pull a Howie, and do a prolapse icon.

I saw this way before Reddit went batshit. I had the pride doge one, it was one of a couple of free ones.

Yes, Reddit is a shit show. But this isn't a new thing they've just done. So I don't know why it's being brought up as ammo now. It's been around for ages. Reddit are assholes, but bringing old stuff into this as if it's brand new, not cool.

Wasn't the original icon free though? Now you only get the pixelated one.

Yeah that's the main thing, the original icon is now paywalled, with the idea being you get this crap looking one until you pay

If you told me reddit was just funded as a giant psychological experiment to see how much shit people will put up with to stay on social media, I might believe you.

This is new because they removed the regular free icon and replaced it with an ugly pixelated one.

Why would this matter to anyone? You can change any icon you want on your phone with a management app. I use 3K SR Black for mine.

On iPhone? I doubt it, I'm pretty sure that only applies to Android

I’ve changed icons with shortcuts on iPhone, and it works pretty well. I can’t tell the difference.

Oh I love that every lemmy post is about reddit it's so new and cool to be part of this (NOT)

I would probably pay tbh. I hate my home screen looking bad. I'm on Android and use custom icons, but if I had no other options I'd pay for it.

that's the whole point of what they're doing, to get people like you that aren't bothered, to pay for something that could be easily fixed. they created the problem on purpose...

That must be great to have so much money to spend it on things so futile and unnecessary 🤔

Necessary is a matter of perspective.

Sure, but don't you think that when an app's icon becomes a necessity, maybe it's time to question yourself ?

Not really. I've been styling my home screen for years. I use kwgt, klwp, and icon sets to create a custom look. It's what I enjoy doing, so no I don't think doing something you like requires you to question anything.

If you enjoy doing it, good for you then

So, 6 dollars a month just to unlock the original icon?

There's no way you can be serious about that one. What else does reddit premium offer? No ads and an icon? How can anyone justify the price for that. At least with youtube premium you get a music service as well as no ads.

I am serious.

Do you have no boundaries?

It's 6 dollars for no reason. Do you just roll over for every coporation that wants to fuck you over?

No but I have money. If I see something I want, I'll pay for it. If I was strapped then yeah I'd be upset.

It's a subscription, you're telling me you're willing to keep paying just for the icon? And not a cheap one for what it's worth either.