Trump World ‘panicking’ as Project 2025 gets on the radar of voters to – 984 points –
Trump World ‘panicking’ as Project 2025 gets on the radar of voters


Whoever added the citations to this is doing extremely important work. It needs to be finished though.

Be the change you want to see in the world

These kinds of projects are good for crowd sourcing. Nobody has read all 900 pages, and watched all the speeches and read all the articles, etc etc. But the community taken together, can. Or at least come much closer anyway.

Except that those page numbers don't all seem to match those statements.

How is continue to pack the supreme court "happening rn"? I wish Biden was doing that but...

I've said it many times, I wish the boogeyman Democratic party that exists in Republicans' fevered imaginations was real. They get shit done.

Assuming the poster meant "Get SCOTUS to engage in our fuckery"

Meaning federalist society continue to pack in next republican term... They are at least kavanaugh, gorsuch and barret - and leonard leo facilitates thomas's date night weekend getaways +++ with the billionaire oligarch.

I’ve been skimming through the listed page numbers so maybe I missed it but where in pg 545-581 does it talk about “[ending] marriage equality”? That whole section seems to be talking about the FBI and DOJ

Are you going by the page numbers on the pdf file, or at the bottom of the page? There’s several blank pages so they don’t match up

I’ve been trying actual page numbers since those are what matched up at first

Edit: I haven’t extensively gone through it all yet. Are they mixed between page numbers and pdf page numbers?

Not sure, I’m going to dig through it some more later.

I will say this guide cites page 449 a few times but I didn’t see where it actually says any of the stuff in the guide on page 449. I haven’t fully read it yet.

This is what's killing me. When our 'news' turns out to look like propaganda, it hurts our cause. There is enough bad. It doesn't need to be exaggerated.

Exactly this. If the pages listed do not support the claims it helps Trump in the end.

Lmao, how does they slipped "defund the police" there on plain sight

Defund Police when used by left is a poorly named refrain for "police reform".

When MAGA uses it they mean "defund police literally so that we can't get charged with shit, and the ghettos get worse."

What are you referencing?

Page 133

The graphic doesn't say defund the police that I see.

The FBI and DHS are federal police.

Are they? If so.... cool semantics, you pain in the ass?

The FBI is literally the federal equivalent to state police. So anything that violates federal rather than state law or involves a crime crossing state lines.

0% of people (who aren't idiots grasping at straws on social media) refer to the FBI as the police.

Jfc Americans. How did any one not know about project 2025?

The rest of the world is watching you elect your new supreme leader eternal and you guys are just sleep walking it through.

"Yeah, but the not fascist was bad at speaking, so I'm just gonna elect the fascist person by not voting."

...the not fascist was bad at speaking one time, so I’m just gonna elect the lying/rapist/felon fascist person by not voting

Let's not be ridiculous here, he's had plenty of times where he's struggled to articulate. I agree it's insane to not vote for him, but these type of statements just give ammo to trump supporters to point to Biden supporters and say how clueless they are.

Biden is old, but the man has also overcome a pronounced stutter. I'm more interested in policy and the people he puts in place.

Agreed. But pretending that this has just been a one time thing doesnt do anything but make you look like you haven't been paying attention at all

I mean, if we talking about gaffs, remember W?

“A fool can’t be fooled again”

Struggling to articulate is very different from bad speeches. He has never sounded like he did at the debate. It was him at his worst, ever. Probably because he had a cold and tried remembering every single data point that supported his successful presidency.

I see you're hip to the new form of left praxis on Lemmy.

It's how bad our media silos are and how disengaged many people are. Not a good sign.

My wife who has enough on her plate working in trauma just texts me out of the blue yesterday with something like, "just read about project 2025. Holy shit!"

I was like oh sweet summer child lol.

I told my wife the minute I heard about it a few months back... Do you not talk to her?

My husband has specifically asked me not to talk to him about politics. He has verbalized he feels powerless and wants to focus on things he can control more within his immediate realm (dont worry guys, he's still voting Biden). He's also asked me to decrease the amount of depressing topics I share with him overall. I did tell him I recommend him read up on it because its "scary AF" and that I was quite scared

However, I do agree with other posters that its the lack of news coverage on the topic is why so many people are uninformed. We need more individuals to share and educate about this.

This is pretty much the identical conversation that occurred with my wife. She tries to remain upbeat and outgoing and gets anxious and depressed by an onslaught of that kind of news. I tend to get more fired up and focused, but my circumstances admittedly permit that more.

We have kids, work opposite schedules, and she deals with death and stress on a daily basis that few other professions compare. I let her decide when she wants to tune in because she tends to get overwhelmed by it all. She and I see eye-to-eye and it changes nothing on how we vote anyway.

When I've shown people Project 2025 they often don't believe it's real. Despite evidence to the contrary.

it's real but is it "real" like how the border wall was "real"? I think that's where a lot of people are at.

There’s a level of apathy that has been a part of American politics my entire life, the logic is that all politicians do is make promises that they never fulfill and anything said about or by a candidate really doesn’t matter, and it’s treated as an axiom.

Obamas years in office without the Hope and Change we all desperately wanted when he was first elected cemented this in the minds of my millennial peers and it was already pervasive in the older generations.

Not pinning it all on Biden here but his quote from 2020 “nothing will fundamentally change” is very much what i reckon the average American believes. Very few believe anything good or ill could happen here.

Calm down…

Our news outlets are too busy reporting on Biden right now. Please give them some room to breathe…

Most people in all countries are extremely ignorant and disinterested about politics. Do not expect more of American voters than you'd expect of your own country's voters.

A great example of that is Brexit in my own country. People voted for lots of ridiculous reasons both for and against, and in the end we got a crazy close but negative outcome. Just under 52% voted in favour of brexit, but I guarantee much less than half that number truly understood the issues and knew what they were voting for. It was a vote that should never have happened - it was all an arrogant ploy by David Cameron to increase control over his own party and instead it has torn the whole country apart.

People complain about the news media but its just a product of the lazy and disinterested electorate. Mass media doesn't cater to fact and debate, it caters to shock value to try and get people watching.

That's why biden has to go - most people don't care that trump is a lunatic or biden has had successes. Not enough will care about Project 25 even though it will damage many of trumps own voters. All they care about is that biden looks old and sounds like he's dementing because that's all that's cutting through.

american politeness requires that we not talk about politics in public and that encourages americans to ignore everything until it impacts them; broaching the subject will label you a malcontent.

american politeness requires that we not talk about politics

Is that really a thing?

People who talk about politics and religion at work tend to get hated at best and fired at worst.

People who talk about politics and religion on social media risk getting lectures from relatives and losing friends.

So yeah, people do not talk about politics and religion in America a lot of the time.

Honestly, the only reason my mother-in-law and I have maintained a really good relationship over the decades is because we just don't talk about religion or politics. My wife and I are pretty much on the opposite side of the map from her on both. So we just don't talk about it rather than become enemies. Maybe that's not the right way to go about things, but it's saved a lot of stress where we don't need it.

Isn't that the same everywhere?

I have no idea. I was just explaining to the person above why we don't talk about it much.

And these days, with MAGA fanatics, there's also the possibility of actual physical harm.

the possibility of actual physical harm

Not only physical harm but social, economic, career and mental harm. They will definitely hurt you because the truth hurts their feelings.

No, but it's getting more and more so here (Sweden) too with the ongoing polarization.

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we just don’t talk about it rather than become enemies.

She surely won't worry when they cart you and your wife off to Gitmo because you probably had it coming to you.

Would it be better if we ruin our relationship with my wife's elderly mother? What would it achieve? Do you think she would vote differently? How would that improve anyone's life in any way?

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In my experience, yes. Mainly because for as long as I’ve been alive, if you have a dissenting opinion people tend to get very heated.

Obviously we still have political protesters and things like that but nowadays things are so divided politically that it is typically a topic that you would avoid in everyday conversation. If you were to bring up anything political with your coworker at a get together after hours for example and you find that you are on opposite ends of the political spectrum it could make it very difficult to work together at best and potentially endanger you at worst.

It's more of a thing so you aren't constantly fighting with your family.

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It's considered impolite to espouse political views here in Australia.

However, I've found that taking about issues rather than identities, with a modicum of diplomacy, is usually fine.

I think this would be a lot more difficult in the US with the issues at hand because you're not deciding mundane things like whether to subsidise roof top solar but rather, whether autocracy would make a nice change.

You used an conservative American political dog whistle when you mentioned identity politics and you're part of western hegemony as an Australian, so I would be a bad leftist if I let it be.

It's a dog whistle here because everyone has an identity that comes attached w perpetually unaddressed needs and the ruling class of people only considers their own identity to be the national discourse; establishing that other identities are little more than causes for division.

Aussies are not as wrapped up in identity politics as Americans despite some efforts to import the culture wars bullshit, fine sandy bottom was referring to actual identities such as Trump or Biden or Dutton and Albo.

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Total corporate media capture pulling the wool over eyes of primary voting blocs.

Most of the rest of us are too busy working 3 shit jobs to barely survive to be paying any attention to politics.

How did any one not know about project 2025?

Oh, the whole world knew about it, except here in 'merica where the media was gonna surprise us after it was installed.

Election news is especially dismal this year considering who the candidates are, so I think a lot of Americans are tuning out until the last minute.

Election news is especially dismal this year

This is a very effective psyops tactic to disengage voters.

Is it? Or is it the fact that we have two terrible options?

Well, one of them has managed quite well for the past few years. Sure he is old. Sure he might die. Is he a bad option because of this? No. He dies, you get Harris. Maybe not exciting but not Republican crazy bad.

And he might not die, he might just keep getting less able to do the job. Either way, that's really not someone people want to hear all that much about unless they're already invested in the horse race.

Most people don't want to hear about crazy grandpa or boring grandpa unless they're at grandpa's house.

If might was money, we'd all be rich. He might not. Missunderstand me correctly, I know it's not optimal and I would have preferred something else. All I'm saying is, there are not two bad choices. Only one bad. The other is eeeeh.

I understand what you're saying, and if the populace was rational, I'd agree. But they're not. They see two bad choices and I really don't think that can solely be blamed on the media. Part of it is just that they're both really old.

I tried putting off state and local election stuff until a canvasser came to the door last week and asked about public education funding, because the republican chain all the way up in this state wants nothing but charter schools (along with turning this place into even more of a cesspit). I would’ve found out closer to November, but now it’s going to haunt me for months instead of weeks.

Because the msm networks won’t cover it, if it’s not on cnn, msnbc, or fox then the majority of Americans will never hear it and won’t believe it if it doesn’t come from those anyway

I'm honestly a little envious.

Im so worried about the state of the world. The slide towards populism. The concentration of wealth. Climate change.

The worry doesn't achieve anything and doesn't fill my cup with joy. I wish I could just look at memes about local news and nannas cat or whatever.

So you’re on truth social, the Fox News comments section, OAN, and other far-right American outlets (you know, the people who most need to hear it) saying this too, right? Right? Of course you are. You’d be hypocritical af not to.

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Trump World sounds like the shittiest theme park. Even worse than that Willy Wonka Experience.

What the fuck, people are JUST NOW hearing about this??

You'd be surprised at just how little the average voter knows about politics. There's a reason a lot of people wish politics would go back to being boring and not something everyone talked about.

Indeed. Pretty much everyone I know over the age of 50 gets all of their news from Fox/CNN and maybe facebook. They're oblivious and make up the majority of the people that actually go and vote.

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A couple days ago, new evidence came out about Trump's pedophilia. I have yet to hear about it in mainstream media.

Jane Doe vs Trump & Epstein. All of the corroborating depositions are out there. Nobody cares for some reason.

About goddamn time. We heard more about Hunter Biden’s dick than how Trump rapes kids the last seven years.

The media wants Trump back in power. He generated so many clicks for them.

Afaik, it’s not really that clear.

I mean, it’s pretty clear Trump was very close with Epstein, and that already paints a very bad picture, but it seems like the whole Jane Doe case never got anywhere, and no one is sure she even exists.

The fox news affect. My mother thought all of these policies were coming from democrats, for some fucking reason

Never underestimate how uninformed people are.

Plenty of them are informed, and DGAF.

Tribalism and decades right wing propaganda mean that they'll vote for anyone on the GOP ticket, even when they are clearly terrible and debatably conservative.

I was so naive so as to think there was no way we’d elect Trump.

Now I just assume we’ll do the dumbest thing on offer.

Trump got too many votes in 2016, and even more than that in 2020, and you're surprised at how uninformed American voters are?

Our press is too busy with far more important issues than Trump's advisors plotting a fascist takeover of the country. You know, like Biden being old.

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Please, weaponize this! I know the last place you want to go is a Fox News comment section or FB posts but these people need to see how they will be personally affected too.

Weaponize the cuts to social security and medicare as much as you can. Yes, lots of conservatives are a lot cause. But I'm not asking you to reach them on the moral issues, I'm asking to get them rightfully scared of losing social security and medicare/medicaid. Make it personal.

They also need to know they don’t need to vote for anyone. It’s perfectly valid to leave the space blank if they are not comfortable voting for Biden.

The option exists to not vote straight R, and no one will ever know. They can vote Biden and vote R for everything else, and still pretend they voted for Trump.

Better to try to get them not to vote at all I think. Push that and it might convince them to go vote when they might possibly have been willing not to. And other offices are also very important.

We can all pretend to have so much outrage over Biden and his debate. Clearly the last four years in office of him doing a great job mean nothing, only that debate mattered. No way we can vote anymore, my fragile liberal heart couldn’t take it!

"trump world" sounds like the most disappointing and predatory theme park ever.

I want to get off Mr. Trump's wild ride!

You don't get a choice in the matter. You get to leave when Trump's Wild Ride is done with you.

Sign: "You must be this ($$$) rich to ride this ride."

If you are not rich, you may donate ($) to those more fortunate than you until God decides to make you rich!

the sequel to bush gardens

Bush Gardens was/is awesome, how dare you 😂

For Drumpf, it’s more of a sequel to Action Park (NJ)

You know he considered investing in Action Park but decided the vision for the park was too risky, right?

Like that place was such a horrifying deathtrap that Trump's conscience kept him from getting in on it. That's a fucking low bar.

ROFL for Trump to not invest… that’s not a low bar. The bar is buried and no shovel would help.

Not at all (as long as you're rich enough to bribe him and get served by his capers).

my job has me on i40 in Tennessee a good bit and there was a huge mega porn store off one of the exits

it has been shut down and reopened as a Mega MAGA Store

trump beat titties official the country is fucked

I think that store shut down because of a thing called the Internet

Project 2025 has been around for years. How have people not noticed it?

Because republican voters don’t pay attention to what their party is doing. They only know that trans bad, brown bad, gay bad

Or many republican voters do know about project 2025 and they like it.

There’s some of those, sure, but this shit like banning contraceptives, banning no fault divorce, attacking Medicare and social security-these are universally unpopular policies. That’s why trump is trying to pretend his campaign didn’t literally write this shit.

The conversations I’ve had in the Deep South with Republicans always boil down to: they have no idea.

I have found that the best way to argue with republicans is to tell them directly what they’re actually voting for, because they don’t know. They’re either dumb as shit, or they’re greedy and think democrats will raise taxes.

The positions that a lot of the trump supporters take up are whatever they all mutually agree are their positions, and/or whatever they are told is their position du jour… in other words, today they may say that they are pro one thing and con a different thing, but their loyalty is to the party, not to the merits of the positions they espouse.

The moment they were told that they no longer feared and hated Russia, they started saying “you know that Putin guy isn’t so bad after all”, as if the Cold War never happened, as if their perceived greatest enemy for the last 50 years wasn’t Russia and communism.

A lot of them hated Jews too until they were told that their side supports Israel.

It’s straight out of 1984… “We were always at war with Eastasia.”

They will easily adopt the project 2025 positions if that’s what their god emperor tells them to do.

A lot of them hated Jews too until they were told that their side supports Israel.

They still do hate Jews. They just consider Israel to be a convenient solution to their "Jew problem". Not to mention that it's the sort of ethnostate a lot of them would really like to create themselves.

I wish i could talk to some. The few i know are work friends so i don't want to go there with them. In the very few conversations we've had they try to talk about the economy/stock market.

I live in the South, you have people who actually study politics (Left Wingers), and Right Wingers who get told Democrats are "Just people from up North coming to take your fried chicken and make you drink chai tea out of a paper straw instead!" who "Can't take a joke, cause they're too busy putting men in little girl's pp places" by Fox News

Luckily the second they actually get a fuck clue, they're quick the switch sides. The problem is the older ones that are already set in their ways and only vote how the Baptist Church tells them to.

It's a long manifesto. If you stop reading after 3 pages, it hit all the buttons of a usual Republican. The real crazy is spared for later.

Don't forget helping the poor bad. I'm pretty sure they hate the poor more than any other category. They don't help the poor, just like american jesus intended.

conservatives help the poor by personal, direct giving. there's lots of data on charitable giving broken down by party affiliation.

Regressives only give to people selectively. The statement above reminds me of the Sikh family that moved to my hometown in the early 80's when I was a kid. They came to take over a gas station that one of their family members had recently bought. They were the only sikh in town. All kinds of names thrown at them like towel heads, sand n*****r and so on. A unofficial but damn near complete boycott of the gas station commenced. Their kids were treated like shit at school by nearly everyone bar the Catholics who were mostly Hispanic. I was eye witness to that part. The station was not making enough money and rather than ask their family for help they finally reached out for help feeding their kids to a local food bank that was christian in everything but name but were rejected. They however stuck it out and finally after thirty years or so sold it to a regressive couple who promptly ran it into the ground after embezzling lottery money.

The only family from India who owned both motels were treated fairly well, to their face at least.

So go on tell me how giving regressives are.

Which usually includes implied "follow my religious beliefs to be eligible." A big difference between personal giving and allowing a social safety net is the decision to limit who gets your money. Which I do get; I want my team dollars going to stuff that helps everyone, like welfare, education, transportation, etc, not to military industrial complex or subsidies for already massive and union busting billionaires.

Still, on the conservative side it tends to aim more towards extremely limited targets, usually filtered through a lens of bigotry.

Reminds me of that early South Park episode with Starvin Marvin. “Open your bibles, everyone…Bible = Food!”

there's a pretty big difference between what you are saying, "i don't like the way they help", and what the person i responded to was saying, "they don't help and hate the poor".

Dont forget socialists,l - they're after their money they might earn if they just worked harder or won the lottery.

That's actually quite right. Google single issue voter

The news refused to cover it until people made it a big deal online.

It's how it always works.

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If he is elected, they won’t keep trying to pretend that they are against these positions.

BS. This is exactly what Rump world wants. They love consolidation of power, Christian nationalism, and taking power away from non-white men. They are worried that centrist and moderate red voters will hear about it.

It's the finer points, like SS and Medicaid that they would worry about. People care when it hits their wallet in a way that isn't hidden behind taxes.

I'm sure they also love the part where social services are cut and retirement age increased!

That's the kind of shit that will make someone rethink their choices.

Sadly my Right Wing friends insist it's "Just the Heritage Foundation" and that the "REAL" GOP already rejects it

So naive...

No conservative voter thinks poorly of Project 2025. Every conservative in the U.S. is either fine with it or excited about it.

A conservative who pretends it's not their platform is lying, either to placate you or to save face.

Every word uttered by a conservative is deception or manipulation, even when those words come from friends or family.

Actually Trump is shitting himself over Project 25 because Moderate Republicans don't wanna give up their porn and condoms.

I heard an NPR listening, CNN watching person tell me yesterday that the Heritage Foundation was conservative extremists and not to take them seriously.

They were proud of it up until not long ago, trusting to the ignorance of the "average American" about policy details. Then the Supreme Court ruling came.

My family is pretty politically aware and my brother only just started talking about it, so it will take a bit for word to spread.

The thing that pisses me off the most about Project 2025 is that there's no Project 2029 from the left.

Why would the left wait until 2029?

The left shouldn't wait. It should have started years ago.

Project 2025 didn't start yesterday.
It didn't even start in 2023. That's the culmination of years of planning.

My point is that if Trump wins, there will be no use for leftist political projects in 2029. If it's a political project we should be starting now, and if Trump wins it will need to be a military plan that should start right away.

Even the right wingers are pretending like it's nothing.

Not even arguing

What a bunch of idiots. A group funded by their politicians that frequently provides them with "model" legislation now has a manifesto regarding how to overthrow democracy and we're supposed to believe it's no big deal.

Fascists know what they're doing when they gaslight you.

Of course they think Doogie Howser is the good guy in that scene.

Yeah, I thought that was him. He's gay BTW. I wonder if those conservatives know that.

Just learning what this is - and it honestly sets off my BS detector.

Seems like a great way to other people who support any kind if conservative position.

Not American though, so it’s hard to even tell if shit like this is real from the outside…

Our conservatives aren't like conservatives elsewhere in the world. Our liberals are like your conservatives, policy wise.

Our conservatives are brainwashed by four decades of targeted conservative media that's explicitly designed to keep them in an anger loop in order to create a political climate where republicans (who are the actual politicians) don't have to appeal to the conservative base with actual policy.

Republicans, through channels like Fox News and OANN (seriously, go watch some of it and see what we're dealing with here) have demonized everyone to the left of them so hard that entire generations of conservatives genuinely believe that there's a bloody revolution coming.

It would be nice if it were actually bullshit, but these lunatics who make up half of our voting population put a con-man entertainer with zero political experience in the whitehouse for four years and installed conservative justices to our highest court who are systematically dismantling our democracy.

It's very real. It's so real that some of the less insane conservatives are waking up to how dangerous the details of this plan actually are, and that's why Republicans are panicking about this.

The Heritage Foundation is wild, and one of the most significant public policy groups with deep ties to American conservatism. Basically, any crazy policy that the Republican party has taken on as a major party plank in the past 50 years has a distressing high chance of having its roots in Heritage's recommendations.

For example, in 1981:

Among the 2,000 Heritage policy recommendations, approximately 60% of them were implemented or initiated by the end of Reagan's first year in office.