Putin has decided that Russia is going to be a 'safe haven' for people who want to trade liberal Western ways for Russian 'moral values'

MicroWave@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 670 points –
Putin has decided that Russia is going to be a 'safe haven' for people who want to trade liberal Western ways for Russian 'moral values'
  • Putin has signed a decree that Russia will welcome foreigners who want to escape Western liberal ideals.
  • Applicants may include those from countries unaligned with "Russian spiritual and moral values."
  • The application process has been simplified, and visas will be issued as soon as next month.

Huh, is the meat grinder not getting enough?

Probably also a massive brain drain to boot.

Yeah, I don't think this will help very much with that particular issue...

I don’t know. Maybe they need more cryptocurrency experts and sovcit hedge-lawyers to help with getting around sanctions

Maybe they need more cryptocurrency experts and sovcit hedge-lawyers

They can have them.

Preferably before November.

What are you on about? This migration will cause the IQ in Russia and the originating country to go up.


I have bad news for them if they think accepting people running from "Western liberal ideals" is going to help with that somehow.

Probably. "Come to Russia! Is safe place! Is not place with liberals! What? No, we don't need bodies for military! No conscription of foreigners here!"

“If it works for Isis, surely this will work for me.”

Odd thing is, he might not be far off. He could try to sell some incels on hot single Russian women whose men have all died in 60 year old tanks. Also maybe some gravy seals might be willing to sign up. Maybe when Trump loses he’ll move there followed by some of his MAGA cult, and they’ll be this English speaking enclave in Russia somewhere. Could be the premise for a sci-fi tv show.

As a western liberal, I would feel so owned if conservatives started heading over to Russia en masse. Just the thought of not being able to convert their children into Satanic, transgender bisexuals and forcing abortions on them makes me want to puke. Please stay, stop, don’t go.

I get your point, but if anyone goes over there, they're bringing their underage children, and those children will likely suffer. So, I'd rather them stay and be safe than be right and have them suffer. I don't wish ill on those hateful people, for the most part, I wish them a clear view of the social, political, and economic landscapes.

Now, the people who intentionally hatemonger for profit, like Alex Jones, I would not be sad if they met an untimely fate.

Spoon in underwear at the airport, kids, if you think your parents might be trafficking you to another country and you don't want to go.

Ok......I get the spoon would set off the scanner. I get you'd need a strip search......but I'm not getting how having a TSA agent finger your butthole to find a spoon would help.

Uh, that's not exactly what happens when the metal detector goes off but it gives you an opportunity to talk with someone without your parents around. TSA isn't police, but hopefully they can contact police.

That said, parents do get a pretty strong say in where they take their minor children.

Tsa don't take minors into a private room away from their parents

When did I say anything about a private room? You get a few feet of separation from your parents and a different adult to talk to for a moment. That may be enough of an opportunity.

They don't need a strip search to see you have a spoon in your underwear with the scanners they use these days. They can tell what kind of genitals you have in your underwear and which way it's tucked (at least they are technically capable of showing that, they might have pulled back from that due to the backlash about how much they could see). Spoon in the underwear is a specific signal to let authorities know someone is being trafficked and can apply to sex trafficking or kids being brought to countries where they can be married off into an arranged marriage. Not sure how it would work if the parents want to emigrate to Russia. Also not sure how thoroughly they block the arranged marriage thing if both parents are on board.

This is also just an attempt to shore up demographics after losing THOUSANDS of men against Ukraine, and a good chunk of Russian nationals simply fleeing the country to avoid conscription. So you don't get a nice apartment in Moscow or St Petersburg, you get a little hovel out in Siberia and all the farmland you could want.

you get a little hovel out in Siberia and all the farmland you could want.

Don't threaten me with a good time.

Conservatives grew up loving western liberalism and were later told to hate it. Kids brought over there will flip flop and rebel just like their parents did.

Yes, but that kind of rebellion is even more dangerous there.

I would cry rivers of proverbial progressive tears if every single repugnicunt took pooty poot up on his offer.

Go Republicans. Go to the land of *true freedom!

^^^true ^^^freedom ^^^not ^^^guaranteed ^^^nether ^^^is ^^^food, ^^^goods, ^^^and ^^^conscription ^^^highly ^^^likely. ^^^Visas ^^^surrendered ^^^apon ^^^entry ^^^and ^^^use ^^^as ^^^a ^^^bargaining ^^^chip ^^^for ^^^Russian ^^^spies ^^^guaranteed.

Dang, that reads like a commercial for pharmaceuticals.

On arrival, you will be provided with a military uniform with minimal bloodstains, a rifle from WW2 that may or may not work, and free transportation to the beautiful Russian countryside of Kursk.

And if you don't like Kursk there are free accommodations at the Gulags.

About to be a bunch of confused conservatives showing up in Kursk with a few bullets and no training?

Who quickly realise that hunting deer isn't a proper way to prepare for modern combat.

And who have just relocated their best hostages to within Putin's power. Yes, bring your nine children and wife along to Russia--now stay in rank on the front line, or maybe your oldest gets to come serve in your place (earlier than they would have anyway)!

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I'll buy them plane tickets if they need help getting the hell out of my country

At first I was going to say "сука бля, nyet, we have enough shitheads already". But then I realized that they would honestly just fit right in. So you have yourself a deal... as long as you could also find a safe place for Snowden - the dude does not deserve to be in this hellhole.


I would donate a hundred bucks to a fund that offered free transport to any repugnicunt that couldn't afford to go but wanted.

russia is not conservative at all, but it is a fascist police state without 1st, 2nd, in fact all amendments I've checked up to the 10th, so they're going to love it, I guess.

Shhh, They THINK Putin's Russia is a conservative utopia so don't crush their dreams.

But they have bread...and shopping carts!

Not just bread, fresh bread! In many varieties! Something you would never see in one of those filthy American supermarkets with their shelves stocked with nothing but stale loaves of Wonder Bread.

Ok, ok, bread culture is generally better in most of Europe.

Sandwich loaves didn't even cross my mind :/

All I know is I would never pick up and sniff a flithy American loaf of bread.

Well, most countries aren't going to have the same constitutional rights as the USA has. In the same way, the US doesn't give their citizens the same rights as those in other countries receive. As such, I'm not sure if there's too much point comparing the two.

Otherwise. Yes, it's not going to be a nice place to live, and anyone that chooses this option has only themselves to blame when they realise they made a deal with the leopard that has a history of biting faces off.

Arend also highlighted the former Soviet Union's perceived "strength" to "stand up against Western pressures" and its ability to shield their family from ideologies they found objectionable.

"Other countries are under the Western influence and wouldn't be able to stand up against it," he claimed.

"Western chauvinist" to "eastern chauvinist" speed run any%

I'm not sure if that story is onionesque or real. Now, that uncertaintly is a problem with the modern world.

...it didn't occur to them to even start learning Russian before they went?!

Ok those people are dumb. But is the Russian government really hard up enough to steal the value of a Canadian farm from some yokels? Or more likely it’s some lower level corrupt officials. Come for the conservative ideals, stay for the corruption and scams.

My comment was about the irony them "escaping" to have freedom of speech, gun freedom and trial by jury of their peers to a country that has none of those, not being a bad place to live. It's not about "other countries". Other countries can do whatever they want.

(yea, I think I commented in the wrong thread, this was meant to go on the other one where magats ponder moving to russia)

Yeah, my point is, comparing them to constitutional amendments doesn't make too much sense for the rest of us.

But you know, I think they do have trial by jury. Just, I think like the elections there, the jury gets told the result, before they decide it.

If they want to own guns, no problem. The government will supply them, and even provide transportation to a place they can use them. (I hope the /s is implied here).

the US doesn't give their citizens the same rights as those in other countries receive.

The U.S. doesn't give their citizens the same rights that the U.S. constitution has.

You mean the same rights guaranteed by the constitution? Or you mean the rights of the document itself? Like no flash photography or stored in a climate controlled box or something like that?

Their Facebook feeds will be absolutely hilarious.

"They aren't respecting my second amendment rights!!" As they live in a completely different country...

In other words...."We're running out of cannon fodder"

I'm guessing it's more of a propaganda thing. I'd be shocked if he's hoping to net enough people for significant extra "мясо пушки", given that this sounds like it only applies to Western countries.

Agreed, but I think it's more than that

I don't think he's offering them plane tickets. That means they have enough wealth to move there - it would instantly be a shot in the arm for the Russian economy. They'd get a captive market, and he's not even inviting them to be Russian

That selector also means they're more likely to have useful skills, and the messaging is targeting people very susceptible to Russia style propaganda - he could censor their connection to the outside world, and they'd thank him for it

Also, if NATO arms hit American civilians, that would be a powerful message to reduce international support for Ukraine or NATO.

They're too valuable. They'd pay off for him immediately, and long term he'd have an isolated community that is just begging to chug the Kool aid

Took way too long in this thread to come to the real reason. They will become food for the war machine. Troops like that have a horrid survival rate.

I will fund to my best any repugnicunt that wants to go but can't afford it.

You can have 'em!

The reality is Putin is attempting two genocides, one in Ukraine and one in Russia. He has purged undesireables from liberals and independent media to the LGBTQ+ community, ethnic minorities, political opposition, boisterous oligarchs, prisoners, and so forth... He and his Rasputin, Aleksandr Dugin, believe they can create a stronger Russia by making it a more pure one. But good luck with that lol.

Putin be like, "Watch me speed-run becoming North Korea, stuck in the past and global pariah."

They made the same offer to men from Nepal...many relocated to Russia

So far 10 are dead and hundreds missing

So hundreds are dead

You never know, some may have safely defected to Ukraine.

This would be the most circuitous immigration route they could take to get to Europe... go to russia, head to front lines (and survive), surrender, become a POW, claim refugee status (and avoid being deported), land in a western country and start from scratch.

I was thinking just because they realized if they didn't defect, they'd be killed, not to get to Europe.

Sounds like a modern Don Quixote (though I imagine in their minds it's more like The Odyssey).

The great thing for Russia is that they know their target demographic will never see that news!

I think this is an invite for all magas.

Ok ok, just imagine that, Trump loses, moves to Russia and then since Putin has no use for him anymore he sends him to the front line!

Nah, Trump is incredibly useful as a mouthpiece even if he loses, he's got MILLIONS of people who hang on his every word, globally now. They'll do him like they did Assange and simply trot him out whenever they need to justify something, have him rant and rave about "the decadent liberal west", and when he's no longer useful, they'll find a nice pool for him to drown in or something.

I wouldn't mind my tax money paying for their one-way tickets. Especially if they leave their passport at the gate.

One only needs to prove their worth through an indeterminate amount of non-optional military service time.

Hey you!

Want to live ina dictatorship where no one gives a shit about you, until you speak up?

Want to walk very carefully by windows after speaking up?

Want to be nothing but a pawn in the game of a dictator?

Welcome to Russia!

Ooh yeah send all of em over to Russia to align with their spiritual and moral values. Especially the ones who "I would've been locked out of the Marines during boot because I'd have punched the drill sergeant" types and see what happens when they get conscripted.

The people of Bucha got a taste of the "Russian spiritual and moral values" and we will not forget!

I hope these people put their money where their mouth is and leave.

Bet the intelligence agencies will label anyone who takes up on Putin’s offer as a foreign agent when they return home.

Why would they take the offer then return home.

Russian internal politics is a heaven for MAGA types.

Wait until they find they don't have 2nd amendment rights there

They don't actually care. Trump banned bump-stocks and they didn't care. As long as they feel like the leader is on their side, policy doesn't matter.

If they're allowed to return home...

Oh no! Putin please do not take homophobes away from my country, oh no...

I would be so mad if suddenly homophobes went to Russia. They would really own me if they all decided to go to Putinland.

It would be an even bigger shame if they all got drafted when they got there and sent to the front lines. That would be so sad :(

"Give me your tired, your poor, / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"

Russia: "Give me your bigots, your religious fundamentalists / Your brainwashed masses yearning to hate free"

Great way to get new meat for the meat grinder.

Guaranteed, every person that goes in under this program will be given a rifle and a week of training before being flung at Ukraine.

More sunflowers grow!

A week of training seems quite optimistic.

Reminds me of that scene in 'Enemy at the Gates' where the first soldier was given a gun and some ammo, and the second soldier just gets ammo and is told 'Take the first guy's gun when he dies'

But no backsies, once you're there, enjoy your mistake for Life

Please please please let this be true and all the MAGA'ts move on Russia

Gogogogo. Let's fund their plane tickets with taxes! Make this as easy as possible.

Please give them free plane tickets, then when they get off the plane just do the beginning of Enemy at the Gates

Please give them free plane tickets

Great idea.

Announcement: I pledge to buy a one way plane ticket from any US airport to Moscow for the first two US citizens that can prove to me that they A) have a social media history demonstrating rejection of Western liberal ideals, and B) have had their Russian immigration visa accepted.

If they return to the US at any point in my lifetime, the offer is rescinded and they must refund me the cost of the ticket.

You missed item number three

They must turn over their passport

Unfortunately all of conservatism is basically about how accountability for your actions is bad. Even their literal accounts, they don't pay. So you ain't never seeing that ticket money lol.

Needs more western prisoners to trade for his goons.

If somebody openly defected and then gets in trouble, I'm going to say that should be a them problem.

Putin would probably turn them right around and drop them in the middle of the Ukrainian frontlines while laughing.

If Russian moral values didn't include brutal militaristic expansionism, this might be not a bad idea.

Oh good. A safe haven for our fundies hope they take him up on it

Translation: For people who want to trade moral values for confidence game built upon trying to find the best excuses for greed and power without realizing that those you will be submitting yourself to will also be trying to do the same.

Thank you Putin for taking out the garbage! Trump too if you please!

Hopefully the first plane is full of those fucktards who love wearing those American flags shirts that read "if this flag offends you, I'll help you pack"

Hey when you have dual citizenship then it’s legal for one country to revoke that citizenship.

Until next time.png

I know a lot of people who should go! They won't of course, but it would be great if they did.

History can only be made once, but you get to revise it every single day.

EDIT: To clarify I am mocking the Russians for re-stalinization.

I don't expect people who take him up on that will enjoy it if coming from America. Just a guess.

Oh no think of all the taxes they suddenly won't be paying.


If they're going to treat anyone nicely it'll be the first wave of people to sign up for this amazing plan, so as to encourage others to follow. Go sign up right now, haters of Western Liberal Ideals!

Oh please let this happen, the alt right fleeing to Russia thinking they'll have better lives only to get shoved into a shitty overcrowded apartment or forced to work on a farm with 19th century farming technology would be the funniest fucking thing.

None of this will happen. They will be sent directly to the front ending up as fertiliser for Ukrainian ground like the rest of the Russian military.

Its almost as if they are having a demographic crysis

I need to find the most liberal and decadent of these western places so I can make sure to stay away from it. Certainly not the US I can say.

Conservatives: "Those damn liberal communists."

Russia: "Hey American Communists that value our ways but aren't actually communists because we aren't communists. Bring your pro communist values to our pro communist values in our non communist country."

Conservatives: "yeah, we will let the communists of America lead America in to communism. While we go to an actual communist country."

I genuinely don't know how some of the people on the right have functioning fucking brains.

That would be a sideways move.

Changing from one oligarchy to another oligarchy.

Well, if you become a whistleblower or if you are a journalist that the west wants to arrest, or get rid of, that might be your best bet.

Edward Snowden is alive and kicking.

I dunno, seems like there’s a significantly higher chance of falling from a window and dying in Russia

As an American, I know about our regime-change wars and about our military leaks, including some of our real civilian causalities in our forever wars.

Not to mention our civil rights activists keep dying, as well as other information about the three letter agencies.

I try to avoid races to the bottom, especially when comparing citizen deaths in the US and Russia.

It will not make any nation more popular.

As an American

[X] Doubt

No Doubt is a great band.

As an American

I add that due to encounters with non-Americans.

We are strangers on the internet; feel free to think what you will, I will not try to force it on you, hahaha.

Edward Snowden is alive and kicking.

Alexei Navalny isn't. I wonder what the difference could be?

I wonder what the difference could be?

Actually, it's pretty simple. Edward Snowden exposed government surveillance and ran away, seeking asylum to protect himself after revealing what he believed was in the public's interest. Navalny, on the other hand, wasn’t motivated by public interest—he actively betrayed his country, aligning with foreign interests and openly opposing the government. Unlike Snowden, who wisely fled, Navalny stayed behind like an imbecile. And guess what happens to traitors in Russia? It’s not like in the US, where all that matters is money, fast food, and the latest social media trends—Russia doesn’t mess around when it comes to nationalism.

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this is just rebranding oligarchy in a way thats palatable to religious whackjobs, like US conservatives.

rebranding oligarchy

How? The billionaires and corporations own the most important resources while having great influence over our elections and politicians.

We are only a republic or a "democracy" in our dreams, but in reality, we are also already a fascist country with our police state.

Not to mention the Patriot Act and the many more policies that follow.

The USA PATRIOT Act was a landmark Act of the United States Congress, signed into law by President George W. Bush.

nothing youve said here negates my point. these kinds of messages arent meant for people paying attention.

im not disagreeing with you. rebranding is all about optics, and attempting to change peoples view of something... often a terrible thing.

Snowden never wanted to be in Russia. He was trapped there inadvertently by diplomats.

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