your girlfriend gets an unencrypted copy of all your files. What happens? to – 132 points –

Nothing? She already has access to it all anyway...

This is the way, don’t hide shit, be open. If you feel the need to hide stuff from your gf/bf get out of the relationship. Them having full access is a trust thing and shows you’re mature enough for a serious relationship imo.

100% my girl doesn't want to know and I don't want the headache if she did. It's okay to have privacy in a relationship

I'd start by wondering how in the hell I got a girlfriend, then my wife would do the same.

My girlfriend would break up with me as she finds out that I'm married. Doesn't matter; imaginary score is still score.

Technically, your wife is still your girlfriend. You two never broke up before getting married.

Dunno, but I have a girlfriend now.

It'll take her so long to scroll through all the movies and TV episodes that she'll never get far enough down the file tree to find the niche porn.

How niche are we talking

NOT illegal, and not crazy shocking weird. But niche enough that when I find content I like, I do try to download it because finding it again on the typical streaming sources can sometimes be a crapshoot.

My current partner usually complains that my porn is not hentai or not weird enough for their taste. 🙈 I suppose they'd stop at the movies out of boredom.

If I had a girlfriend, then several gigabytes of my files would be largely useless

Ha, look at this loser, only has "several gigabytes" of 'Linux ISOs'

She would be disappointed in how untidy my files are.

"Why is the final version of this project called "test1_b_new_reworked_draft_2_prefinal_dif_font_b_temp_FINAL.png"?

She would then forgive me because her filing is worse than mine.

Use git.


I'm begging you.

For image files? I know you can save image files and git but I just don't know what it does with them.

Don’t use git for images (or most other binary data)

It's still way better than _final_fixed(2) version control.
What do you propose to use as a version control for images?

Idk, but not anything that uses delta compression like git does.

Game developers use Perforce and Plastic scm which is (supposedly) optimized for images and other binary assets. I’ve never used them, but I’m sure a less-overkill and open source alternative exists somewhere.

That's the thing, everything that I could find is a huge project made for storing huge projects, costs a lot of money and requires effort to install and even use. Yeah, naked git basically stores new version of an image for every commit, but nothing beats the fact that you need like two commands to use it and it just works, and storage is very cheap this days. And if you add LFS, it even does some kind of storage compression.

from what I remember, Git is just a file system under the hood. So it would just end up saving a copy of each image under the hood.

I’d imagine you’d be hard pressed to find a non-programmer who knows what that is.

I'm not a programmer and I agree. Only after getting into 3d art I started hearing about it and I don't think I've ever used it, let alone understand it, it's the sort of thing the technical artists know about. Nobody ever suggested me to use it for my images or 3d models.

As a visual artist I can confirm the "image_final_final2_b_final" trope is as real as it gets

Nobody ever suggested me to use it for my images or 3d models.

*nobody until now

Use git

Git is used in other contexts besides programming

Not in many. And usually it happens whenever a programmer does non-programming stuff.

1 more...

Apparently, OP is the only one who's got something to hide from his girlfriend.

I don't have one

Checkmate (or stalemate or checkmate against myself, not sure)

That explains the question in the OP ;)

Trust is the basis of any relationship. No trust, no relationship. At least not for long.

I'd then be asking myself when and why I got a girlfriend.

No how?

Probably not, I learned early on the "how" depends on the person. So asking how one gets into a relationship is like asking how one wins at cards. The cards decide. Your chances also severely change based on the environment you're in.

If she's my girlfriend, she's not going to judge, and instead lend me some of her clothes, help me with makeup, and discover that she's not 100% straight after all

Not sure how the girlfriend world react. But my wife would be pissed that I now have one.

My wife gets mad that I have a girlfriend.

I become very confused at finding out that I have a girlfriend.

My wife is my ex-girlfriend, but we're still dating. She gets mildly amused when I point this out, but she might just be humoring me.

My files are already unencrypted and she has the password to my pc. We're both adults so she obviously knows that I watch porn so they wouldn't surprise her. Everything else is just boring stuff.

Who saves porn?

Listen.. it's for.. archival and digital preservation purposes.

and we all have a white whale out there we wished we saved but can't remember what it was called and can't find it again, wishing we had saved it

Have faith in T H E C L O U D capitalist-laugh

Have faith in the internet continuing to exist.

Until the walled garden method and tax write-offs remove such things from the internet and leave them entirely to the realm of archiving and piracy, if that.

Have you been paying attention to what Discovery and Netflix have been doing?

People with internet that frequently drops would be one guess of mine

And even then, videos are constantly added and removed from the Internet. The offline spankbank is eternal.

She'll get bored as going through those files. Meanwhile I'll be trying to figure out if her sudden presence in my life means I'm now bi or homosexual

Eh, don't sweat it. If you like someone, you like someone, there's nothing more to it.

Agreed but that hypothetical instance of myself has no idea how she got a girlfriend in the first place. Know thyself

You know what, yeah. Maybe you should start asking questions if a girlfriend just appears out of thin air

Wife already has access to my computer and all my files.

Do people not stream their porn nowadays?

There's other secret stuff asides from porn you know? Not that I have any. Heard it from a friend.

VR porn needs to be at least 4k for immersion and you can only get that quality with a paid account. But that's a waste of money so you pay for one month and fill a hard drive before you cancel.

Well I'm a datahoarding pirate so lots of movies, shows, games, porn, hacking tools, bot creation tools, firmwares, family pics, movie/show posters, ISOs, etc. Nothing to hide really. Might question my complete siterip of cum4k, tiny4k, and anal4k maybe.

Seriously asking: How does one get a complete siterip of a site that publishes new content all the time?

I regularly check the sites about 1 time a month. I also have a little bot the looks for WRB (scene ripper) releases as he is the one that rips those sites. I don't technically need to check the site but I just like to make sure 100% it's fully up to date. The tiny4k site is half me and the rest scene since there was a way to web-dl the videos for about a week before they fixed it.

I then post monthly packs on kleverig (usenet) to help the guys that don't want to do it themselves.

Probably its just a snapshot at some point, with maybe downloading new stuff when its published. At least thisbis how i'd do it.

My bf wouldn't care, lol. It's mostly boring. And the spicy stuff is already stuff he's seen.


Btw it's so lame that OP assumes it's only guys here. There's dozens of us!!!

Women can have girlfriends, too!

I think the better wording for the title would be "partner" rather than girlfriend 👍

Oh, I'm a guy, I'm just bi. But I also am glad it's more diverse than just guys too! :D

If you go to the sub-category of women with girlfriends (just to fulfill the specifics of the OP), that group gets smaller.

My wife would probably divorce me for having a girlfriend I didn't know about

What kind of question is this? OP you're sketchy af

I got mad that most of the questions in this community were boring so I decided to spice it up a bit

If by spice you mean ask questions that sound like they come from a horny middle schooler, then sure.

She immediately comes to me for tech support and asks what to do with this data, how to access it, etc..

You over estimate the technical independence of people near a geek. It's like they gleefully turn their brains off.

But the OP says it's unencrypted data. While that behaviour might be the norm- would she also need assistance to navigate an unencrypted, unprotected backup?

100%.. If the app updates and moves a button it might as well be broken until I figure it out and explain it.

She sounds persistent. If don't understand whatever I've just launched, I'll close it and move on to the next file

What happens? Well, I just got a girlfriend!

About the files, I don't even remember what's in there.
So much random stuff.
90 random PDFs some of which is books I planned and still plan to read, but firstly I need to somehow gain some understanding in mathematics
Files recovered from 128MB MicroSD card I found on sidewalk some years back
Files recovered from my tablet I had when I was 8
Files recovered from mom's old phone
Copies of DVDs I own as .iso files
1,118 songs I've been collecting since I was 8
54 "Educational videos" - Electronics plus GSM cracking series
Leaked source code of FarCry because why not
212 pictures of Hatsune Miku
Never Gonna Give You Up video
1,739 Screenshots
22 Firefox buttons and banners
140 satellite images received with my SDR
1,553 Photos (Camera)
3 websites downloaded with wget

And 10s of thousands of insignificant files I don't even remember. But that's just my phone's SD Card. I don't delete stuff, at most I move it to directory named ZZZ_Garbage.

Nothing. She has a login on my system and can access pretty much anything already, minus emails and dropbox I believe. But there's nothing worth hiding either.

Probably just ask why I have so many pictures saved of other people's cats.

Then gets upset that you didn't send her the cutest ones.

She gets bored looking at it all, probably. The most interesting thing I there is nudes of her.

Ok, she would get a little annoyed with all the pictures of her sleeping. She hates me taking photos of her asleep.

My wife flips her fucking lid.

Tell me about it! Never mind the girlfriend, what if she tells the wife?! NOW you're talking trouble...

None of my shit is encrypted because none of my shit is interesting enough to warrant it


My SO‌ already has my files, encrypted or not, on their NAS (part of an arrangement where I keep my backup on their NAS, and they'd keep their backup on my NAS--once I manage to have one). I doubt they even gave it a look.

I get nervous about her discovering I'm married to someone else.

I get incredibly anxious about her finding incriminating things that I didn't do and I know don't actually exist, but what if they do somehow?

She doesn't even look at them most likely

A copy? Not possible unless she builds a NAS

She has admin access on my server and can see everything so she already has that. We spend pretty much 24/7 together anyways so nothing to hide in the first place.

Not really much. Now if my wife would get the dump the story might be a bit different.

Absolutely nothing, other than maybe her questioning my data storage habits as it's all trash.

I wouldn't be worried about the files but more about my wife finding out that I have a girlfriend.

I don't think much would happen if my girlfriend or my wife had access to my files.

I have a 40tb NAS that I store most of my /home directory on, so I can share it between my desktop/laptop/steam deck. The only local files are coding projects, games, or device specific configs. My wife has access to all of it, and has never said anything.

40tb NAS for /home

I'm not sure what's worse: mounting a network device on /home or needing 40tb

I assume your movie/game collection is quite large

It's just sub directories like ~/Documents, etc. /home is just quicker, but I guess that's moot with this explanation. And yes, I have a very large Movie/TV collection.

V2 of the NAS will have 200tb for media, as well as an nvme array with a 40gigabit connection to my desktop. Still working out the specifics though.

Ohhhh, that makes alot more sense. I was wondering how you would use the devices while not connected to the internet

Yeah, that's valid. I'm also a software engineer and work from home, so when I leave the house, I don't usually take any computers with me. I stare at those enough at home. :)

"Why do you take so many goddamn pictures of our cat?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

RPG books. So many RPG books.

One day, I'll play all the different white wolf games, FATE, and whatever else is in there. One day soon...

Either she is nerdy AF, at which point I am going to get silly and probably scare her off, or she is going to be extremely bored hopefully she gets the hint and that will scare her off.

She tells me how intensly geek and boring my life is, before asking me to fix something on her computer.

A great deal of confusion, I imagine. I don't have a girlfriend, and since I rarely even leave the house on my own, I doubt my wife would believe that I do.

Nothing. She has no time to read Excel spreadsheets.

She’d probably ask my why I have full archives of a lot of old websites, and why I have archives of everything I have ever written for school or work.

It's all Linux isos and indie games and project files from game engines/programming languages that I got distracted from. If I had somehow convinced her that I was funny or interesting, all of that magic is now gone.

She'd probably blush because I have a lot of pictures of her I never bothered to send her.

She'll be confused about the situation but it's not like I have any strange files or anything, if that's what you mean

My wife and merged CD and DVD collections years ago and all our photo albums and documents (in binders) are all in the office, so I guess technically we have access to each others files... does this count?

Duh, OP said girlfriend not wife.

So some other girl now has all yours and your wife's stuff.

i haven't hidden files from my pass two girlfriends. the had complete access to my computer, and i showed them where all the risque stuff was at. while i dont have one now, if i had a girlfriend, we'd probably have some kinky sex.

An avalanche of boredom ensues.

Also a great disappointment in my interest in Linux memes.

Not much probably, even discounting the fact that I have no girlfriend I am so bad at keeping files ordered that it is pretty hard to actually find stuff by following file paths and even then the most incriminating things that I have are just loads of pirated games.

If I don’t have a girlfriend, does it go to my closest female friend or to my wife?

She would learn what I have planned for the next dnd session but otherwise not much

Damn, you reminded me that I have to plan one as well. Any cool ideas for a one-off that anyone wants to share? We got a total beginner who wants to dip his toes in.

In my case, not just the next session, he would find out what the big mystery is and also all the secrets of the other characters.
But I don't think he would read any of it, he loves D&D too much to spoil himself :)

Yeah and she's the new player for me, this would be a really unfair advantage. And she would know who her characters Dad is

She gets to enjoy a ton of porn, all of the songs I've written, all my games, some anime.

Y'all saving this stuff locally?

The cloud is just someone elses computer

But why save it at all? Like I don't think many people save YouTube videos.

Edit: maybe your talking about things in general? I was referring to nsfw

The 3,2,1 method, my friend

But why would people want to save it at all? I don't know anyone who saves YouTube videos after watching them.

i dont save ALL videos, i only save videos i would really miss if they disappeared.

some people have the storage to save entire channels though, and if i had the space for it i might do the same

Most probably outcome from her face; disappointment.

It happen that she will leaves me, and not because horny stuff but mostly nerdy and videogames junks. Already happen actually and I see how many women looks a guy who lives on games stuff. You as man become a kid in the eyes of this girls.

Are you 70?

Seriously, gaming is the most popular hobby in the under-50 set. More popular than football and fishing put together. This persecution complex stuff is just sad.

Also, peak /c/arethestraightsok energy.

But if she's your girlfriend, wouldn't she also be into games and nerdy stuff?

Probably not because girls interested in nerd stuff are still a rare minority that become even more rare with the overage. People believe that things like gaming are a common reality but then the reality fails on simple alot of casuals that's believe owning a playstation make them nerds. This ruins the relationships, not just nerdy stuff, but everything that is a religious dedication, and when this things are hobbies like games easily a casual will not understand and will blames you for how you spending your time.

So given a hypothetical scenario in which you somehow got a girlfriend, you are inclined to think you got that far in a relationship with someone and somehow don't see eye to eye on gaming and hobbies (in spite of you acknowledging women who are into the stuff do exist)?

I would think the fact you and the hypothetical girlfriend are in a relationship means there is a pretty good chance she is one of those.

This is a weird mentality and not my experience at all. Many women love and are deep into games. You just need to be a nice person and keep meeting people.. and like, actually meet new people, many struggle with that part.

It may be less but certainly not a "rare minority".