What is the most lemmy thing about lemmy?

Lanky_Pomegranate530@midwest.social to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 142 points –

The repost bots syncing vapid content from Reddit.

"Lemmy isn't Reddit" but here are hundreds of communities that have no engagement outside of a bot mirroring Reddit content.

I just blocked all of them when they started spamming my feed.


kind of a stretch to call those communities, when it's just a bot talking to itself.

I’ve honestly yet to see or feel those. I however exclusively browse my subscriptions feed, so I guess I filtered most of them out by my community choices?

Some people are insane/brave enough to regularly view all/new. The bottom of the barrel must be broad and terrible.

Not enough content to not use all.

Yeah, but all/new? If I go to all, it's all/ top day. All/new is before the mods can deal with the truly awful stuff.

Agreed, in reddit I just browsed my subs and found some new ones every so often. In lemmy I browse all and block communities I'm not interested in.

I blocked the lemmit bot so I don't see those, but still mainly view subscriptions

Block lemmit.online dude. Lemmy has supported users blocking instances for months. Or block @bot@lemmit.online, because Lemmy has supported blocking users for even longer.

Lemmy has supported users blocking instances for months.

Depends on your instance; mine only switched last thursday.

Same, and I still haven't figured out where to go to block instances instead of individual communities

I have one account I blocked it on and one I didnt.

Its useful for dumbscrolling.

Lets be real, the comment section of some of the meme communities is best left behind.

I love when it's a post where OP on Reddit was asking some kind of question.

It's awesome they keep it to just a few bot, blocking it will clean the hell up your feed.

I never knew the joys of spaghetti hentai until I saw a reposting bot on Lemmy. RIP spaghetti hentai bot. I'm not sure why it died.

Wait, the Reddit bot still works?

How so if Reddit changed (dumbed down) their API?

Anyway, I blocked that bot since long ago hah

Every day complaints about capitalism

To be fair, that was a lot of my Reddit, too. Antiwork and work reform were constantly on the front page lol.

It's more a vent for them than anything else because they never actually do anything.

You are saying this is a good thing right?

Does it make a difference to do it here though?

Define difference. For me personally it's pretty cool to finally have some sort of community that seems like minded on at least the surface level instead of just constantly being stared at as if I were a fish who just questioned the usefulness of water.

Will it spontaneously make come about utopia? Probably not but if that's your lower bar for doing anything I'm pretty sure you are gonna have a bad time.

Just block the communities, or even the two most notorious instances as a whole. The user experience gets 100x better.

That's just what happens when you don't have nazi mods/admins constantly suppressing everything left of hitler.

They just suppress everything right of Karl Marx here.

Which is good. All Karl said is "Don't exploit people" and "see politics like a science" all very reasonable stances.

Yeah, he was also a huge antisemite, so…..

It's the main reason why I don't get along with fundamentalists. Marx was a very flawed person and had a lot of garbage views.

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Constantly telling people to install Linux, completely disregarding any nuance.

Don’t forget your thigh high socks and furry butt plug after you install Linux.

People saying how it's no better than Reddit, without contributing anything but vitriol and negativity.

Yeah it does seem a bit more pessimistic than reddit to me, I wonder why it is

Interesting, I feel the opposite. I have had a few run-ins with… interesting people on here, but nowhere near as bad as on Reddit.

What subs were/are you on? I mostly only go back for my region-specific meme sub, so I guess it makes sense that there is less negativity. Plus sometimes searches with site:reddit.com

I don’t go on Reddit anymore except when some Google search brings me there hehe. I used to be mostly on gaming, tech and programming subreddits, plus a handful of hobby related subs like /r/mechanicalkeyboards, /r/fountainpens, and so on. Very little shitposting/memeing going on, admittedly.

I’m too lazy to type site:reddit.com, I just append “Reddit” at the end of my search query lol

Haha I set up sr as a macro for that to make typing it faster

I’m also too lazy to setup macros outside my editor 🙈

I feel like they're a small minority of people who came here expecting it to be exactly like Reddit, but "better" without any clear understanding of what that actually means lol

The answer to damn near every question being "the complete tear down and rebuilding of society as we know it"

Well, historically the humans do seem to like doing that a lot.

And yet we've very very rarely done it,actually.

Well over short time scales, thankfully not :)

Rebuilding society is a lot of work I frankly don't need right now.

I hate going to work

Have you considered the same job, but socialism?

“ The same job, except I’m now paid the same at my part time barista job at Starbucks.” (I guess the /s wasn’t obvious enough)

Are you under the assumption that Socialism is when everyone is paid the same for different jobs? Lmao

What would a discussion about socialism be without someone who has no idea what they're talking about about chiming in?

Fair, haha. It's always funny to directly see the exact same incorrect talking points time and time again that have no basis in reality except via red scare propaganda, like you can trace it

Linux and the whole FOSS everything thing.

Except when it comes to entertainment. Then it's "Don't touch my Plex"

Decide: FOSS everywhere or where applicable and don't force your vision onto other users.

Really? I generally see people responding to Plex stuff by recommending jellyfin.

Yeah sure. But it's (plex) usually mentioned first and then either by the foss evangelists (the annoying kind) or those not willing to spend money on plex and just wanting to recommend something else (the not annoying kind)

I've been told the beans are pretty good.

Stumble across an interesting community that's been dormant for a few months

Decide to try making my own post there to see if others will follow and get the community going again

Get immediately downvoted by the subscribers who haven't posted anything for 6 months and yelled at for posting something that's not exactly what they wanted to see there, even though it clearly fits the rules

Make a few more posts in hopes of winning someone over then give up because people are being dicks or just not engaging at all

Eventually give up and watch the community die again

This has happened to me several times since I started using Lemmy lol

Post food in food porn. Gets ridiculed because my food is an abomination and should not be called by the foods name. See others post butchered regional food that i definitely know the locals will not recognize as that food. That post gets praised for putting an effort. WTF?

Is it really that in depth? I mean good looking food is what I'm there for.

What I expected was food appreciation no matter how it looks or how it strays from the traditional recipe. But what I got was someone telling me that what I posted was not a traditional food yet I'm seeing other non tradional food getting praised.

I simply want food appreciation not food gatekeeping.

I dare someone to post a pic of a deep dish pizza there. You’ll get wrecked.

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Honestly, just keep posting. You'll bend them or they'll start posting their own interests.

Which communities?

I've tried posting in metalcore, dnb, and phonk and the users don't get mad at me or anything but there's just not that much engagement.

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It feels more like a community.

Like it's not quite what message boards used to be, where every user seem to have their own unique identity that everyone seems to be aware of... But it's more so that then something like Reddit.

I've seen users call out other users saying things like You must be the guy that posted that thread the other day... Or something like that

I like that a lot of servers do regular "check in" threads where users just talk about what they've been up to.

We used to have this on some of my communities on Reddit. Sadly, even though total activity numbers seem to be back to normal in those subreddits, the casual chat thread is a shadow of its former self.

"Hey Lemmy, I need a new refrigerator. Are there any good FOSS (preferably federated) options available?"

That and Star Trek memes.

> thread about whatever

> half the comments are discussing how things have failed to federate properly

I personally haven't seen that a whole lot

Me either, but... is it because the comments about not federating properly aren't federating properly?

The world may never know.

I haven’t really seen that since August. But things were pretty bad June and July after the API debacle

A ran into it earlier this week. Though it seems to have been caused by someone from Mastodon trying to interact with Lemmy. Some of their replies came through, others didn't. And images attached to posts work, but not ones attached to comments.

The most Lemmy thing for me is that I see more wholesomeness here than on Reddit, I'm not sure if that is the answer you were looking for, but that has been my experience so far.


Did you intend to say GNU/Linux?

Or as I call it, GNU+Linux

Because Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Fuckwits trying to spam their YT channel with a 20 minute video containing one minute of information

I see this but I always thought they were linking a popular YouTube video.

People complaining about privacy of everything, including lemmy itself (this is a good thing).

Not reading articles and just commenting on the headline. It's extremely disappointing that habit carried over from reddit.

As someone who tries to read the articles a lot of them actually suck. They barely contain more info than the headline and hit you with an annoying pop-up or paywall.

I would not ever recommend reading any gaming related news article.

Highly recommend Firefox with uBlock origin, and there's an addon called bypass paywalls clean which does exactly what it says.

I think it's worse here b/c 90% of the articles I come across are paywalled, so I come to the comments to see if anyone posted the full text & I just see a bunch of comments about the headline.

I don't find that, but when I do you can often find the page on https://archive.today/ or https://web.archive.org/. You should be able to set it so that you can pass them a url from the address bar using your browser (e.g. Firefox's quicksearches smart keywords) or search engine (Bangs on DDG, Kagi, searx), if it's not already linked from the post text.

Putting "rule" in the title for reasons I don't understand.

I think that's the 196 community. One of the rules is that if you show up, you have to post something, so my understanding is that people just put "rule" in the title to say that they're complying with that rule.

That's a thing only on one specific instance, I think

one specific community, primarily one one instance. The concept of "rule" originates on r/196, where the only rule is that you have to post when you visit.

Therefore, its easiest to write "posting because rule" in the title rather than something creative. AFAIK this eventually devolved into just saying "Rule" or some sort of play on it.

At this point it's almost a rule in itself that the title has rule in it in some way so there are many plays on the word but that's not official it's more of a community driven joke. It also came from the original 196 community on reddit.

Whack-a-Mole blocking anime posts and instances. With Reddit it was furries. Now this. Ahhhr!!!! :-/

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Tankie admins policing that you do not say improper things about totalitarian regimes around the world and banning people for "misinformation" if they say unflattering things. Don't believe me, check the modlogs.

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being flooded with links with clickbait-y titles. back in may more posts were organic.

edit: what communities have good content made by users? i seldom find intriguing discussion on comments, but few posts are engaging on their own.

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The shit memes.

Reddit is full of zoomer deep fried shit post. Lemmy is full on 2012 Reddit memes and I won’t complain.

I've blocked 20 or so meme communities and a few notorious shitposters, now it's bearable.

Being ambushed by revolutionaries from another instance when you least expect it.

We have the best Linux distro, no-poop weekend and eating butt tips and tricks.

No-poop weekend is a huge step down from no-poop November, but I appreciate you folk keeping the tradition alive.

  • Thing happens

  • there's a specific, on the ground solution

  • fuck the government! School is indoctrination! Everything is death!


  • large scale problem happens, but individuals are involved. (Driving cars, consuming products, etc)

  • "not my fault at all it's all the corps and govs. I can't do anything, I'm not responsible for my consumption, and will not change in any way. But fuck this or that!"

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One person saying actually I agree with you on that, and the other person saying NO YOU DON'T YOU'RE CLEARLY A MONSTER AND YOU MUST THINK TERRIBLE THINGS

That's just how people are now. I don't think it's specific to Lemmy or even the internet. Most people don't know how to have a discussion where lines are more blurry than a formal debate that has two opposing sides with completely separate, non-overlapping ideas.

Seeing 10 different languages on 20 posts. For some reason I get a big mix of lots of different languages in my feed. Had to start blocking them because it was getting to much.

people being reasonable. I hadn't realized the edges Reddit had given me until I snapped at a couple people on here and was definitely out of line

Defending totalitarian regimes and trying to get Biden to lose the upcoming election.

Pointing out how terrible capitalism is.

Edit: I’m making fun of myself here, folks, because I do it too!

People forgetting that it is not lemmy, but federation.
/posting from kbin