if you don't use facebook, what social media do you use to stay in contact with family?

HurkieDrubman@lemm.ee to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 114 points –

Text messages and phone calls. I don’t need to see my boomer relatives racist posts.

That was disappointing, when you grow up thinking your parents are progressive and then as old age and its symptoms happen their guards drop and you find out that they always had some racist tendencies. I guess credit to them suppressing them for so long.

In my parents' old age they've gotten more progressive. I reject the notion that people naturally trend towards conservativism as they age... I just think there are a fuckton of entitled "I got mine" boomers.

I recently read an article that claims people become more progressive as they age, but society becomes more progressive faster, so it just seems like they become conservative.

i think it was just the case in the past because people tended to have more means and affluency as they grew up in the 70s and 80s, so they naturally gravitated toward people like eisenhower and reagan.

Yep. I saw a fairly recent study talking about this. The short of it is that they found no correlation between age and political leaning for ANY generation, but a strong correlation between political leaning and wealth.

As people begin to benefit more from the system, the more they support pulling the ladder up behind them.

The correlation to age here is that it gets harder to adapt to new information the older we get, so people are more likely to double down rather than change their perspective as society gets more progressive and inclusive. The best weapon against racism is experiences that put people in situations to meet people with different life experiences than them. Get them outside their little white suburban bubbles. This is why conservatives hate college so much. It's often the first time kids are put in a situation where they're both out from under the thumb of their parents and exposed to kids who grew up in different circumstances than their's.

Its not just "I got mine", it's " I got mine and I'm gonna wreck shit so you can't get yours"

I am originally from the south but my mother joined the Air Force and we moved away after she divorced my dad when I was very young. I’m so glad that I was able to experience life outside of that racist bubble. I’m not sure how I would have turned out had I grown up there.

Same with me. It’s weird, during the end of the Mayan calendar my grandparents asked my dad to leave his wife and two kids to go into their bunker to prepare to fight off the minorities that all follow the Antichrist during the end times. The reason we were not invited to their crusade was my mom voted Democrat, and Jesus would not give souls to children who would live to see the end times as that would be to cruel for their god. He told them hell no. And it was weeks before they resurfaced again and pretended nothing ever happened. Could i have been conditioned thus if my dad don’t join the NAVY? Scary thought.

Probably racist as well.

Source: anonymous with an irrational hatred of the French, despite several generations removed from the French colonies.

i really must be lucky because my mum and dad are as liberal and accepting as can be. i guess i was just lucky to grow up in massachusetts and attend a pretty liberal methodist church. my pastor growing up even hand wrote me a letter when i came out as trans and apologised for how some of the church needs to change.

How close did you grow up to Boston, or did your parents live in a city for a period of time? The closer you get to a city, the more liberal the population becomes, and there are some pretty backwoods areas of Massachusetts. My dad was conservative until he went to Boston College and worked at the bank collecting loans from the poorer sections of the city. Even Cape Cod had MAGA protesters yelling at the Bourne Bridge about the plan to house immigrants on the Air Force base for all 4 years of Trump's reign of terror, and I could probably still find the Trump 2016 flag that I used to drive by all the time.

i was always outside of worcester actually so i only got to go into boston occasionally i grew up in grafton, northbridge, and millbury and went to church in shrewsbury. :)

That's pretty similar to me, though I grew up just over the bridges on the Cape. I always thought we were in a super liberal area being in Massachusetts (plus we were like halfway between P-Town and Boston), but as I got older, I was shocked by just how conservative it is there. It's like a bastion of snowbirds' summer homes and retirees who all care more about their property taxes than the kids who live there.

yeah millbury tends to me more democratic but then auburn and leicester is more republican :P

honestly i do want to move overseas just as a goal but if that doesn't happen, i'd love to move to salem or northampton

We just didn’t see it in the past because we were all kinda racist. But we grew out of it.

FB got my sweet pre-school teacher who I never, in 30 years, saw be mean to anyone turned into a MAGA who hates people. The programming worked way too well.

This, but it was more surprising for other relatives, aunts and uncles mostly.

Like, Jesus Aunt Beth, I didn't realize you religiously watched Glenn Beck and believe Muslims are trying to take over American by genetic conquest.

I'm the opposite. I don't need to see my Gen Z relatives desperate pleas for attention.

My boomer relatives are relatively liberal and don't feel the need to share more than the vacation they're on, the cocktail they're drinking, or their high score on candy crush.

Edit: I assume the downvotes are from butthurt Gen Zers. I don't mean to generalize, I can't imagine anyone doing that when discussing an entire generation, I'm simply offering my own personal experience. When my cousin is posting photos of himself in a banana hammock and my sister is posting daily cringe videos of her words of "advice", AND IG keeps trying to show me this because the algorithm is trash, this keeps me off social media. Right, I should just not "follow" my relatives. Or, I could just stay away entirely. It's fine.

Seriously, every time I see stuff like this, I just wonder if people have completely forgotten that you can text and call your family and friends.

Send me a text or call me. The family and friends I want to talk to will make an effort. The rest I don't really need to know about.

Yeah we have one big group chat. And even that I have on mute. Some people glean energy from constantly seeing updates in other peoples lives. I’m the opposite, if you need something from me just call or text. It’s been 6 years or so since I deleted my Facebook and instagram. Don’t miss it at all

I don't use social media to stay in contact with family; I use various messaging/call technologies.

SMS and telephone and IRL.

I haven't used Facebook for over ten years. I was using Instagram for a while but the algorithm makes using it utterly pointless.

Do you really need to be on top of everyone all the time? Give your relationships room to breathe. Allow yourself to have engaging conversations with people to catch up and get to know them and the things that matter most to them. Allow yourself the liberty of not knowing the most ridiculous crap that they choose to share with the world.

Edit: Oh! I have a friend who I turned on to GroupMe a long time ago. He and his family still use it regularly. So, if you're looking for something, give that a look.

A private Signal group for nobody besides us.

Yeah it took a while to get everyone onboard but signal has been the only messaging app that I use. Now even some of my friends and family use it for chats I’m not part of.

I donate $1/year per person I convinced to use it.

Yeah same here, we even have a bunch of different groups like a sort of venn diagram. Works perfectly well including meetups.

They’ve been informed that if they’d like me to know something, they’ll have to tell me. As it turns out, the phone works as a phone too!

Seriously, has everyone forgotten what a "phone" is? I mean I have trouble hearing and don't like to hold long conversations on the phone, but it's still one of the quickest ways to get in touch with someone.

Do you have experience with Auditory Processing Disorder? I say that because I started noticing symptoms in my early 30s when I developed tinnitus.

Hadn't heard of that one and had to look it up... but no, my problem is that I had a loud car stereo when I was younger and blew out my hearing in the upper ranges. I can hear better in my right ear, but usually put the phone up to my left. When it's quiet I can understand people just fine, but when there's background noise it makes them a lot harder to understand. If I'm watching videos at my computer I can turn down the bass and turn up the treble, then I understand the dialog just fine, but everyone else in the house complains that it's now too loud.

I've had over 30 years to adjust and I make do, but don't try to talk to me at a concert. :-)

I don’t use any social media. I give my phone number to family members. They can call/text if they want to reach me.

Simple. My sister keeps in touch with the family via Facebook and I keep in touch with her by phone. 😁

You feel like you can't disconnect from these things, but you can. Group text plus family learn quickly that you're outside of social media. They learn to deliberately send photos or call and if your spouse is more social, they become the conduit for "news" and it's filtered down to you when important

What? You don't use phone as a phone anymore?

lol you are all such boomers. this thread has been hilarious

I’m a millennial and don’t use Facebook. None of my zoomer family members use Facebook. In fact the only people I know who do use it are boomers.

that's why I found it so funny. all of these responses could have been taken straight from a Facebook comment section

None, I like it that way. I also don"t pick up the phone when they call.

I have a few friends though, we Signal.

Signal for whole family chat; phone and SMS variously; discord for some

Not social media, just Signal. I was able to convince them to use Signal even just for our own family group chats.

Giant group texts. One has over 30 people, mostly used for baby/marriage announcements. Then a bunch of other group texts for different social groups (stoners, siblings, camping, etc).

If my family isn't on Steam Chat, then we don't speak.

Why would I stay in touch with family? Those people suck.

Bold of you to assume that I have family that I want to keep in touch with. Entire family tree is twisted and gnarled, and full of white-trash sociopaths and narcissists.

For the one remaining person I might keep in touch with, it’s a text message at holidays.

I don't use social media to stay connected with family. I lift up the phone, go visit, or if we need to communicate online, I have an XMPP server for the family with end to end encryption. Can share pictures, text, and can even do video calls if need be, send files, and so on.

Don't see the need to involve any kind of social media.

Phone, SMS, Signal/whatsapp (which technically belongs to facebook)

Why would I use a social media to do so

Lol, if I had family in my social media I would have to stop using social media.

Lemmy is my only online presence. I use.......

My phone.

Groups in Signal and Threema. For my grandmother, WhatsApp (she doesn't want to use more than one app and her friends are on that one) or calling (because her grasp of that app isn't quite complete.)

WhatsApp. I'd prefer something not owned by Meta, but tech supporting my parents already costs me enough time without adding extra apps to the mix and all their other contacts use it.

honestly it's sort of useless for that function. The only thing my family posts is dumb crap. I still basically have to see them or talk to them to actually catch up. As a means of keeping up with people I have found FB as practically useless.

My mother and my kiddo live with me. I don't really have any other family.

Signal, texting, emails. I've never been on Facebook, and never will be. I prefer to not be spied upon by evil billionaires.

They can contact me using those neat little messages that you can send with PayPal transactions

I've convinced them all to use matrix with me. For some reason they still use Skype with each other.

Also it sounds like you still use facebook? In which case doesn't that make you the boomer of this comment section? I don't see why you would use a public social platform to communicate with your family - that's what messaging services are for. Also what's wrong with SMS? It's literally just another messaging service, built into phones by default.

also also if SMS is for boomers.

and people's parents are likely to be boomers.

does it not make sense that people will use SMS to communicate with their parents?

something something something I win.

Mainly WhatsApp. Would love to use Signal but a lot of our family members won't be switching to anything else.

Only hearing from family when they deem it important enough to pick up a phone and call or text me directly is one of the benefits of not having social media presence with non any anonymous accounts for me.

Email and the occasional Skype video call. One of my family has a digital album thing we upload to.

With Covid and the wake of Covid with a return to various aspects of austerity in the US… well most connections I would have had on something like facebook are now trivial or obliterated. There has been a progressive narrowing among most (not all) of the social circles I perceive including family connections.

I really can’t stand Instagram though so I was already fairly isolated before and I am sure plenty of other people have had opposite experiences.

COVID was what put me back to wh*tsapp now I have a tons of family -and coworkers- convo muted

Only a few friends and my dad use Signal I cannot imagine convince the others to leave meta or instal something outside the playstore like the internet though guyz ITT (still love you lemmings but come on)

I don’t. I’m estranged from my family for several reasons including that I’m trans, gay, in a different city, and a pain in the ass to get ahold of.

When we talk it’s via text

Texting. My parents and sister in law keep me in the loop of what's going on with everyone else. I've never had a Facebook and they all know how to get in touch with me if they want to. Half of them won't even talk to the other half due to drama people started on Facebook anyway and that was years before all the Trump shit started. Social media is the worst thing that ever happened to society.

We had a whatsapp group for a solid decade and then finally migrated it to signal last year.

I don't get the point of using facebook to stay in touch with groups of people. For individuals maybe, but if you want to talk to more than one person, it's pretty useless.

My younger brother. He's on social media platforms. He's my link to the rest of the clan.

Lemmy. Or the phone, email, actual physical letters/post cards written by hand (people really appreciate these).

1 more...

I don't really keep in contact with my family. They can call if they want, and I do the same, but otherwise, we don't interact much. I'm definitely glad I stopped using Facebook, personally. I'm not interested in seeing them fall prey to conspiracy after conspiracy and then demand I participate.

Well I just deleted everybody I didn't really interact with until I realized that everybody that mattered was already in my address book.

So I use phone calls and SMS mostly.

I don’t. I’m estranged from most of my family because I refuse to use Facebook.

I don't!

My wife does it for me, lol.

I have a group text with my immediate family so we can coordinate semi-regular get-togethers, and I do the same with my own kids, but that's it.

(There's no way I'd be able to get my parents to learn how use anything more complicated anyhow, and just getting everyone in my own household to use a shared calendar was a whole thing. Simpler is better.)

My wife, however, likes staying informed, if not always in touch, and so dutifully does all the obligatory proud parent posting on facebook. She lets me know if anything important comes up from one of the relatives on there.

Distant family stays distant, which is how I like it, because most of them are pretty right wing anyway and the less I have to engage with their gibberish the better. Otherwise I only visit facebook occasionally to browse a shitposting page for a podcast I listen to. It's better this way.

Your comment made me think of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQDdmobnGcw I don't know if it really fits your case, but the general message of men oftentimes not learning to keep up social relationships and that it sometimes huts them in the long run might be something to be aware of :)

The ones I do stay in contact with either call or text me. With the rest of them I only hear rumors and I assume they do aswell.

whatsapp for family, because that's where family is.

nobody uses facebook to connect with family, they use facebook to connect with people from high school they haven't seen in 15 years and don't care enough about to actually keep in touch.

Unfortunately it's WhatsApp. No matter how much I convince them to get rid of it (because I wanna get rid of it), they choose not to.

itt: no answer

There are three main themes:

  1. Group chats in a messaging app.
  2. Call or text me, otherwise don't.
  3. I don't have/talk to family.

Personally, I'm a mix of 1 & 2. 1 for close family, 2 for everyone else.

Delta Chat is encypted packets sent over email. Easy for whole family. Send, text, pics, files, push-to-talk messages, Jitsi videocall integration

Has an alternate UI too, DeltaLab.

this post is hilarious. half of you were like fuck my family I hate those guys and the other half are talking about texting and telephones like a bunch of boomers 😭😭 (I mean that lovingly)

You probably wipe your ass after taking a shit, what a fucking boomer!

now you just sound like a redditor

You sound like a Redditor tbh mate

like, I'm legitimately having fun, but people are deciding to act like I'm being a dick. I've never had that happen on Lemmy before, only Reddit. on this platform, when you say something, people generally take it at face value and don't concoct bizarre motivations

I mean are you saying that making phone calls is “boomer” now?

I almost hate to ask but you’re what, 14?

no no. the way everybody is saying it. "uh, have you ever heard of a phone". "what, you don't know how to text anymore?" that's how boomers talk. and I made it clear I didn't mean it insultingly, it's just a caricature of a mannerism. I'm 37