Tesla CEO Elon Musk could leave if $56 billion pay package not approved, shareholders warned

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 536 points –
Tesla CEO Elon Musk could leave if $56 billion pay package not approved, shareholders warned

Save 56 billions and tell Musk to fuck off? What's the catch?

The catch is that Tesla has a bunch of problems that might cause the company to be in serious trouble soon, and if musk leaves before the company starts tanking then we'll have to hear endless bullshit from people about how musk was so great that he single handedly was what kept the company going.

It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make it that means musk is given a "fuck off" instead of 56 billions.

His other ventures will show he's not the Tony Stark level genius some thought years ago, so it's a temporary problem anyway.

If the company really tanks even after saving 56 billion dollars that they could spend on literally anything else to improve their products, maybe they shouldn’t be a company anymore.

They really never should have been worth more than the rest of the auto industry, that’s for sure.

He’s more like a Phony Stark level “genius”.

Eh, the company is already in severe trouble.

Whilst Elon was playing dumbass with that cyber truck monstrosity that can only be sold in a select few countries because it's so fucking dangerous, Tesla lost the entire headstart it had. It has a very limited set of older models for sale that only really are interesting for people with money. Meanwhile China is here now with loads of cheap EV cars. Then there are fraud investigations that will turn bad as musk has for years been promising lies. See Theranos for an example on how that would work.

I could go on for a long time, but suffice to say, Tesla will be bankrupt within 3 years and so will musk.

That's my exact point. Tesla's house of cards is about to fall and if elon leaves before it happens then idiots will say it crashed because he left, rather than the truth which is that he's the one who put it in that position of an inevitable fall. Though in 3 years i don't think it'll go bankrupt, it'll just be much worse off

Right! Where's the downside?

Without musky boy the Tesla hype would die and hype is the biggest money maker at Tesla. Yep, you're right, pretty much no downsides.

Musk being at the helm is 50% of the reason a lot of people won't even consider buying a Tesla. Boneheaded engineering decisions he dumped on the engineers are the other 50%. Replacing the hype with decent cars would be a win for everybody not named Musk.

You get permabanned from that one right wing hellhole social media network, whatever they call it nowadays

Edit: was it 3? No, maybe Y? S? I swear it had something to do with a Tesla model

Oh no, I'll lose all my followers on cybertruck!

I loved your joke and was excited to share it with my wife… who didn’t get it lol

Did you wake her up from laughing so hard? :^)

Is this a reference to something? I swear I saw a comment on Lemmy recently about a dude saying he laughed so hard he woke his wife up

I have been so fucking disappointed since I learned their naming scheme for car models. It's so intensely sophomoric.

“Their”? No, it’s literally just Elon forcing his childish sense of humor on the world.

I am the tiniest bit less annoyed since the Y was announced. For a while I thought he literally just thought the word “sex” was funny or something.

He just went from S3X to S3XY. It's the same joke but... well, the same. Models H and O likely to be announced as part of his pay package.

Yeah but people call cars “sexy.” It’s less weird than just spelling out the word “sex” like you’re a 10 year old boy laughing at the word “sex”.

Honestly. the naming scheme is not a problem for me. What is a problem is that they took away the option to have Tesla cars make fart noises to warn pedestrians that the otherwise quite quiet cars are coming.

When I was using that failed platform Reddit, I got permabanned from a Elon Musk sub because the mods read some anti-Musk comments I made IN OTHER SUBS. Talk about a clusterfuck. Hey hey ho ho, Phony Starck has got to go!!!!

nearly all my bans when I was on reddit were from posts on other subs on reddit. Libertarian banned me for a post in antiwork I think, lol.

The reason he's able to make this ask and not immediately be laughed out of the room is that Tesla's value is massively inflated based largely on the personality cult surrounding Musk himself. If Tesla starts being valued as a car company rather than a speculative tech company with a "genius" leader at the help (quotes doing a lot of work there) , the stock price will be a fraction of what it is now.

That's what shareholders stand to lose, and it's why Musk has any leverage to make this ridiculous ask in the first place.

If he left, the stock would bounce up 20%. Put an engineer at the head and start producing decent model 3, Y. Work on reaching 25k MSRP. I'm sure there's bottlenecks and inefficiencies that could get them there.

Tesla stock is worth more than most other car companies combined. Musk's genius is knowing how to pump stock. The company would do much better without Musk, but the stock would tank. No one else is willing to lie, cheat and sacrifice safety like Musk to keep the stock high.

I can certainly see that argument, but I'd counter that eventually the Musk bubble will pop and that day is coming like a freight train. Better to ditch him now while they can than suffer the cost of keeping him.

I agree, the stock will tank eventually. I just think it would be immediate if Musk left.

Better than spending 56b to put it off temporarily.

Shareholders don't actually care about long term viability as long as they can sell before everything goes to shit.

Tesla is in the sp500. Investors in that area tend to want long term results. It's sold on the basis that you stick your money there and ride it for the next 20-30 years.


Yeah I don't care how good you are at "pumping up a stock." That's not genius.

Cunning? Sure. Savvy? Ok. Clever? Eh fine.

Genius? Lol fuck off

They could also abandon the cybertruck and focus on building cheap easy to repair shit boxes. Theyd corner the market by simply being affordable. Especially if they abandoned the BS futurism crap.

I might actually consider buying a Tesla at that point. The SO and I nixed the car as an option purely because of that guy.

2 years ago I was certain a long range Model 3 would be our family’s first electric vehicle. I am now certain that a Rivian R2 will be that vehicle instead. As long as Musk is in the pipeline, making terrible decisions I have no interest in Tesla.

Model Y is the best car I've ever had. I suppose in spite of, not thanks to the ketamine man. Probably not my next car if Tesla doesn't do something smart about Musk.

That is the best thing that could happen to Tesla right now.

Musk leaving would probably help Tesla's share price

Probably help them make cars too.

Imagine how many model 3’s they could have made if they didn’t set up a whole new production facility for a 3 year olds drawing of a truck.

The Cybertruck is a fail on so many levels that I wonder why anyone wants one. It's not a good EV, it's not a good truck, falls short on price & range, is prone to corrosion, looks stupid, is totally impractical, and lethal to pedestrians & cyclists. The thing violates so many EU regulations that it will NEVER be on sale there and anywhere else that doesn't like murder machines.

It’s the emperors new clothes.

Remember, it was supposed to have 500 miles of range, accelerate as faster or faster than a Porsche 911, and have “Thermonuclear explosion proof glass” for some reason.

1/3 of those things sound useful as a truck. Having a long range while unloaded means it could have been decent for most weekend warrior/vacation hauling and towing jobs. But its actual range is closer to 300 miles, because the thing is absurdly heavy.

All the Elon fans insist that it’s the best vehicle they’ve ever driven, despite it having no clear design goal, and having a huge number of personal safety issues for the driver, up to and including the throttle getting jammed down due to cheap glue.

I haven’t seen one yet, but man do I wish I could, because I want to understand why some people are so in love with it. Unfortunately, I live in the rust belt, so I doubt I’ll see one of these rolling piles of rust for a very long time, as our climate will simply dissolve $100k dollar vehicle from under the owner.

It looks like a large appliance in real life, like an industrial regrigerator or rooftop air conditioner left on the side of the road.

I know this. And it's why i wanted one. Thankfully the problems have allowed me to not want one. But if someone can fix these problems i will then want one.

I can't explain it i just like how horrible they are

"I want vehicle geometry that decreases efficiency while guaranteeing any pedestrian I hit dies"

It's a terrible shape for a consumer vehicle.

Not a single person in the entire history of vehicles has ever bought a truck and said man this vehicles geometry is so efficient what a good purchase ive made.

And where are you getting this about instant death shapes?

Look ive probably driven more kms than you in the last decade. Maybe not but i certainly am in the bracket or 2 below long haul drivers. In my professional career as well as my personal vehicle history ive never hit a pedestrian, but even if i did there are vehicles significantly worse than this one that have been sold for decades.

Its an interesting vehicle. Its just unlike anything else that is a consumer vehicle today.

I agree its ugly. It is a great excecution of an idea. Ive been a fan of sci fi and cyberpunk for 30+ years and this vehicle is exactly that. Its a vehicle i never thought anyone would ever make and its also and electric vehicle. That last bit alone is significantly important.

Many vehicles have problems. This vehicle deserves the failure it has earned.

Its a vehicle that should have beem almost impossible for its build and production to be worse than its curb appeal. yet musk in his musky ways musked it up damned good.

Talk to a Countach owner. They are awful vehicles by lambo standards or even any half way decent performance vehicle. Yet they are also beloved. The DeLorean is hilariously similar to the cybertruck yet a single movie turned that heap into an absolute icon.

Are you incapable of believing that what you see is not the whole picture? That people can be attracted to something not because of what if fails at but how they feel about it?

Are you a robot that cant understand the world you see and know is but a mere insignificant mote in the depth that is the world of reality and human experience?

They're still worth a lot more than almost any other car manufacturer. Without Musk and his pie in the sky promises, what else is left to justify that?

Well theres 56 Billion dollars to invest into the company and make a better product. Fix the many issues with the company and get back building something people cant wait to get.

I dont think most people who wanted teslas really cared about self driving, that was just inventive and marketing. Its neat...if it worked without the problems, but i think ive said in an old post that tesla will be a much better company long after musk is out of the picture. I didnt expect it to happen now but ide be delighted if this company that like it or not is the one that kicked off the EV race would actually become a company forcing other manufacturers into a better world.sooner than they otherwise would do on their own.

EVs were inevitable is exactly what musk predicted was going to happen. He saw it as unavoidable and so he bought his way into tesla and spent a lot of time money(much more of other people than his own) and effort into building the Tesla brand

Maybe musk is just good at picking a horse, but i think its better for him to get out of the way of the real work of building the product and not just a brand.

I want Tesla to be so much more successful, and more importantly more respected, without musk than with him. That would be the best version of this brand

I do believe it'd result in a better company. I'm not convinced it'd result in a higher stock price.

Oh that's fair i don't really care about stock price. I can't invest in anything so it's just rich people fantasy football to me

Pay me a bonus that is multiple times the profit that the company has ever made, or i will stop sabotaging said company!

Eeeeh, no?

The reason he's able to make this ask and not immediately be laughed out of the room is that Tesla's value is massively inflated based largely on the personality cult surrounding Musk himself. If Tesla starts being valued as a car company rather than a speculative tech company with a "genius" leader at the help (quotes doing a lot of work there) , the stock price will be a fraction of what it is now.

That's what shareholders stand to lose, and it's why Musk has any leverage to make this ridiculous ask in the first place.

All I'm learning from the last 10 years between musk and that orange fuck among others is that starting a cult is really the way to go...

You end up with tons of money, those that could enforce repercussions are held hostage, and you get worshipers.

Along the same lines, let's not forget L. Ron Hubbard, who founded Scientology some years after telling a sci-fi writers' convention that starting an actual cult would be a great way to make far more money off science fiction than just by writing it.

He's gotta pay back the Saudis for Twitter or else he'll be Khashoggi'd, so I imagine he's quite desperate to be asking this in the first place. I wonder how many people invested in Tesla as a way to raise funds for him personally, eg millionaire friends propping up the stock for him as a favor.

The Saudis assassinating an American billionaire with such a high profile is simply not a serious possibility.

Sounds to me like shareholders should call his bluff and be rid of him. Maybe then the company won't be wasting money on boneheaded vehicles like the Cybertruck.

Wouldn't it be better for Tesla if he wasn't CEO? Hasn't he repeatedly demonstrated that he's a shitty leader?

Macrotrends.net says Tesla profits over the last year were $16.8B. So is this jack-hole really worth three years worth of profits? Seems like a bad financial decision to me.

Would be excellent for Tesla if Musk leaves. They might finally make cars that have standards and quality to existing luxury brands like Mercedes, BMW etc


Yeah the poorly built oil canning bricks are billed as luxury cars.

Quality is a spectrum. Sure, Mercedes isn't Rolls-Royce. Mercedes makes cars as their main business and turns a profit from that, Rolls-Royce is a company that makes aircraft engines and produces cars sometimes as publicity stunts (because a car built to the tolerances of an aircraft engine is, shockingly, going to be very precise and well-made).

But Mercedes is definitely a higher quality of build than like. Fiat or Ford. To an average person, you buy something like Toyota if you want reliability and a long-lived vehicle, or Mercedes for a smoother drive full of tiny little expensive gadgets that will probably develop a fault after 3 years.

(No idea why they've listed BMW here though lol, those things just love perpetually breaking down, because the systems they use to get that unique tactile feedback while driving that some people crave are absolute dogshit when it comes to life expectancy. They use a fucking chain for a timing belt instead of rubber. Don't ever buy one unless your idea of luxury is constantly having to shell out on repairs and tow trucks. If you have to experience one, just like. Get one as a hire car so you don't have to own the fucking thing.)

Mercedes sports cars(along with Toyotas) actually do really well on annual German fault statistics.

Don’t threaten me with a good time!

(Not a Tesla shareholder tho)


Warned or promised? Don't threaten shareholders with a good time.

So that's what they pay the most irrelevant person in the company?

Perfectly fine and rational economic system we've got going here...

Like most CEOs, Musk's job isn't really to do things. His job is to weedle tax incentives, private investment, and low interest loans out of his network of rich friends.

He's been incredibly successful at it. And that's what makes Tesla valuable as a brand. The US government will pay you a cool $7500 to buy a brand new $80k cybertruck. Meanwhile, Chinese EVs are taxed at 100% of their sticker price.

And let's not forget politics. When you're golf buddies with the right politicians, winning those extremely lucrative public tenders will become a cakewalk.

Musk is abso-fucking-lutely NOT responsible for the tax incentives, private investment or low interest loans that Tesla got, he's only been good as an eccentric personality to convince investors that he's the best and full self driving will be a thing the following year... For the past 7 years.

Musk is abso-fucking-lutely NOT responsible for the tax incentives, private investment or low interest loans that Tesla got

He has wormed his way into a number of national economic advisory boards under both Barack Obama and Donald Trump. His close relationship with Peter Thiel and Catherine Duddy Wood has afforded him a number of opportunities to access investor cash at below-market rates. And he's spent a fortune on lobbyists at both the state and federal level to influence public tax incentives, grants, loans, and bailouts.

he’s only been good as an eccentric personality

The reason he's in the public eye is thanks to his extensive investment in PR and advertising. He's one of the original Silicon Valley moneyballers, having determined that a small kickback to the tech media can reap enormous windfalls of retail investment cash and publicly approved state spending.

does another bump of ketamine

"Wait, I'm staying."

does another

"Nah. I'm gone."

does another

"Yeaaaah I'm gone"

passes out, shits himself

Will I stay or will I go now?

If I go there will be trouble (for Musk)

And if I stay it will be double (for Tesla)

Why does ketamine have to be catching strays just because this one douchebag uses it

The stock will go through the roof if he goes....It'll drop at first as the fanboys bail, but then institution's will have faith again and invest and it will pop off when he stops kneecapping the company.

I think the rebound would wait until a new leader was named and would depend on who that is.

I don’t know enough to have my own solid thoughts on this, but people I trust and know more than me have all said that Tesla is wildly over valued compared with any other auto makers and considering their P to E. Considering that, I’ve been thinking that once the Musk distortion field goes away, the price may just drop down to where it “should be” by normal standards.

My heart agrees with what you’ve said, implying that musk is actually holding back the price at this point, but my brain says that might not actually be true.

The best thing for Tesla would be to dump Elon and move its headquarters back to CA. It needs to rekindle the love with its customers. Also Apple could buy Tesla and the world would go nuts.

Also Apple could buy Tesla and the world would go nuts.

People thought Teslas were overpriced before, imagine the valueless Apple upcharge!

Yeah but apple has iBags that deploy in an accident to protect the passengers, and the patented iWheel allows the front tires to turn 35 degrees in either direction.

It deploys to protect any passenger with a paired iphone app. Other passengers will get a coupon to upgrade.

Latest update. You won't be able to adjust seats, mirrors or steering wheel. Apple knows best how they should be set. Customers are too stupid to do it apparently.

Would you like to adjust your seat? How about your mirrors? For only $35.00 per month for seat adjustment and only an additional $10.00 per month to adjust mirrors and you can adjust them yourself 10 times per day!!!! A deal too good to be true, hurry and talk to AI agent today!

Apple buying Tesla would be kinda crazy, might turn out good since Teslas are basically computers with wheels. But the two companies design way differently than each other, I doubt Tesla is as good of craftsmanship as what Apple typically does, and may sully their brand unless they can find a cost effective way to turn out a better product for similar pricing

I could see Microsoft making more sense between it or Apple. Tesla could give them that "sexy" edge they've literally never had before and that Apple's always had going for them. But there are tons of legal issues and regulations with the automotive industry, idk if they will want to.

Other interesting options would be NVIDIA or Alphabet, they have the spare capital for it but again, weird industry for them to get into. Likely Toyota or Ford etc would buy before a tech company imo.

I doubt Tesla is as good of craftsmanship as what Apple typically does

If you want to maintain that feeling, don’t ever buy Beats headphones. I’ve had a few and their build quality is worse than Teslas.

So Apple has bought at least one crummy brand and not corrected build issues.

I think alphabet have a good partnership with jaguar. They would have to redesign to bring in line with Waymo. The bones are there though.

Man, Tesla and the shareholders should take this opportunity to tell Phony Starck to not the the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. Tesla would be so much better off without this spoiled nepobaby.

Il run tesla for half that, and by simply doing nothing I will do a much better job than Musk.

It's typically a bad idea in negotiations to say "the thing you want to happen will happen if you don't do what I want!"

He’s clearly too distracted by his new found social troll celebrity. He’s not been doing Tesla any favors in recent years. Better he get removed at this point.

Ok but hear me out. We could also pay him $56 billion

Lol Im sure some of the Shareholders would be glad to see him move on, given his recent self-destructive behavior. He fired his most successful department at Tesla for...no reason?

Well it worked when he whined and moved Tesla to Texas because he couldn’t get what he wanted. Maybe he’ll leave Tesla now. Problem is a billionaire like him at loose ends could send him into politics.

Not born in the US so at least he can only Schwarzenegger it.

Do it. but first let me go buy some puts.

(for the record, that's either way. cuz. you know. tesla's getting shitfucked now that they actually have competition.)

Sounds like a sensible investment.

This shareholder says "Bye!" and I'll buy more when the market is done panicking over his departure.

I'll give Tesla a bargain basement deal and take the job for 1% of that, and can guarantee I will be less of an obstacle to improvement.

If all he does is leave, that will be fantastic. More likely he'll just cripple the company in his rage. That's the real reason a lot will vote to pay him.

Were you just made a moderator of c/news, @jeffw? If so, congratulations!

Moderating a forum isn't really a thing to be proud of or congratulate someone for squid.

"Oh you were just made a moderator? I'm sorry." is more appropriate.

It's true, we do have a lot of thankless work to do (I moderate a bunch of communities), but we also, or at least I do, try to promote community growth and discussion. I sort of view my jobs as much as an ambassador for the community as I am someone who enforces rules.

Shareholders: Please don't threaten me with a good time!

IM GONNA LEAVE, I SWEAR!!!! In just two more years...

Exploitative schizoid druggo leaving promising company? That sounds like a win for Tesla.

Warned? Weird way to spell "exclaimed".

Maybe for the rest of us, but his sycophant making this plea to the board thinks he's invaluable and they must keep him around. That's an awful lot of money to make working a part time job.

"my money first in my money last out"

who could've expected this!

I would consider buying a Tesla after a couple years then ... maybe.

At least he's open about extortion, & using his leverage in any company he owns only as a means of gouging all for his personal-wealth..

A kind of honesty, eh?

Let the loser leave. His smug smog smeg pollutes the air out here enough

We're just 1 year away from the pay out, same planning as FSD and others "predictions"!