"Don't Be Weak and Gay," a Missouri GOP Candidate Tells Voters in a New Campaign Ad

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 432 points –
"Don't Be Weak and Gay," a Missouri GOP Candidate Tells Voters in a New Campaign Ad

Be strong and gay. Got it.

Can I be average and Pan?

If you're pan you've got to be either cast iron or stainless steel. We don't have any averages in the pan community. We're all superb.

Teflon is non stick!

Just what you want in sex!

Ehh I think we're supposed to steer clear of Teflon because it's a PFAS and those might be bad? I mean you do you but still.

They also can't handle high heat, aren't dishwasher or oven safe, and shouldn't be used with metal implements. Teflon is rubbish.

Copper pans are great as well, properly cared for they will last for generations, just like cast iron and stainless. Also they look cool.

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You can be whatever you want. This bitch isn't the boss of you!

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The lgbt can't be harmed if the gays are armed

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"Stay fucking hard."


“In America, you can be anything you want. So don’t be weak and gay. Stay fucking hard,” Gomez instructs viewers in the video, delivering one of the most unintentionally homoerotic lines of the 21st century so far.

Great writing.

I am also deeply confused... this hateful message is coming from someone in paisley leggings.

in the 80's we kept getting told about the evils of homosexuality from men whose breath probably smelt of truck-stop foreskin.

What's the current over/under on her being outed in the next six months with an underage cheerleader, and having to apologize deeply to her family and constituents while continuing on her mission to destroy our country?

In America, you can be anything you want. So don’t be weak and gay.

So, you can't be anything you want? It's incredible that she doesn't hear the irony.

You can be anyone you want and if we don't like it we can subject you to indescribable horrors.

It's called Freedom, sweetie, and everyone has it.

You can be anything you want as long as it's what we want.

It makes sense though. They ruin the educational system, poison the waters and tell everyone that its a waste of time and effort, and muddy the waters to make understanding harder. Anyone who ever left the hood will tell you - education is fucking everything.

The one wearing a bulletproof vest telling others not to be weak. She's not strong enough to stop bullets on her own?

I wonder what her secret girlfriend has to say about that.

To be fair, that’s a weighted vest that a lot of (mostly Crossfitters functional fitness types (I don’t want to get sued)) wear to make their workouts harder.

I saw "bulletproof vest" in the article but missed the "weighted or" part just before it. I did partial research before I posted. Lol.

There's no real such thing as a true bullet proof vest, unless you enjoy wearing 25lb steel plates; a ceramic armor vest is significantly lighter but are not rated to take more than a few impacts of 7.62mm or even a few 9mm for regular consumer grade restricted for non-military use armor

Nah that's definitely body armor. I think it's an oversized plate vest but she's running, it's all black, and I'm shit at identifying such things.

Nobody is going to sue you for making fun of CrossFit. If they try, just show the court a video of people thrashing around with kettlebells and I think any judge would agree that CrissFitters are fucking stupid.

For women, wearing a weight vest actually legitimately helps reduce bone loss in the hips. Statistically marked improvements for women tested vs control group.

Source - Snow CM, et al. Long-term exercise using weighted vests prevents hip bone loss in postmenopausal women. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 55(9); M489-491, 2000

Weighted vests look significantly different than body armour. Also I haven't seen any weighted vests that have a section of velcro for patches.

She's wearing at least 3a.

"In America, you can be anything you want, so don't be weak and gay."

... What if I want to be those things?

Why doesn't she choose not to be fucking stupid and not an asshole?

can i be moderately strong and gay but probably slightly closer to weak than strong because i wanna get fucked senseless by a strong protective man be a twink

not that i want that or anything

Strong twinks are hot.

And you can be physically strong but still need emotional reassurance and tender cuddles after I fuck you deep and wild like the horny slut you crave being. You don't need to pick one or the other.

I want to be gay but I'm too weak to go through all the shit society throws at gay people, so I'll conform and hide my true self.

I know plenty of gay people that would beat the piss out of this bitch.

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I am not sure how anyone can be “weak” when they constantly face so much discrimination, bullying and harassment and choose to spread a message that is essentially love is love. That’s heroic, not weak. You know who else persisted with a message of love under duress and hardship? Jesus.

Edit to say that I agree with the other commenters about being Strong and Gay 💪🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

It's interesting because I just saw a documentary about Roy Cohn and even though he was gay as the day was long, he would never identify as gay. Mostly because he viewed gay people as weak and as victims. Which wouldn't mesh with his view of himself as powerful. It's an abhorrent mindset that might apply here as well.

What's with all the conservatives wearing soft armor with no plates in them? Fashion?

They're cosplaying as strong people, but really they're just stupid.

They also cosplay as followers of Jesus Christ.

Maybe I'm hallucinating because I can't find it, but I swear there was a Nietzsche bit about "It is a weak man who walks around in armor." In this case it's literal armor.

“In America, you can be anything you want. So don’t be weak and gay."

So in the US I can be anything I want... except if I want to be weak and gay.

Any other exceptions I should know off?

A lot. It's better to ask yourself if you are an old rich white man and if the answer is no you might be fucked

I feel like "Republican" is its own derogatory category now.

"Don't be a Republican, care about your neighbor" or "Don't be a Republican, check the facts" feel like completely reasonable things to say because Republicans have basically stereotyped themselves.

"Love thy neighbor" gets responses.

So does "What would Jesus do" about immigrants, homeless, etc.

"I love how you ask yourself 'what would Jesus do' and then do the opposite" is a break the glass response for genuinely monstrous statements.

This is the same shithead who burned some books w/ a flame thrower a few months back.

I don't get book burning. I've only burned one book, and honestly that was to put it out of it's misery. If you burn a bunch of books and tell people what they are, you're gonna Streisand Effect those titles.

She is so hard that she needs a bulletproof vest protecting her from the hard society she enjoys so much

Be strong and gay? Weak and straight? Moderately fit and bisexual? What exactly is she asking of her constituents?

She clearly isn't aware of the sexuality makeup found in the average gym.

She's a republican, she isn't aware of much of anything...

If you take into account past republican behavior, it’s quite probable that she’s either bi or a closeted homosexual, and is simply projecting her shame onto other people so she doesn’t have to acknowledge her tingly bits every time she sees another woman.

The march towards making idiocracy a documentary is ahead of schedule I see.

This is more straight up fascism.

How was the Idiocracy universe not Fascist? Women are treated purely like objects, and the President can throw people into a death match against monster trucks on a whim. "Talking like a f*g" is a medical diagnosis in that world.

At least they had the wisdom to put the smart guy in charge, so it isn't quite as kakistocratic as a Republican-led American tends to be.

Be strong like me: a woman who has to put on armor and carry a gun in order to be anywhere with lines painted on the road, drive a six ton tank vehicle, put up cameras everywhere, live in the middle of nowhere, requires militarized bathroom police to protect me from trans people, and wants the entire Mexican border covered in razor and electrical wire.

Fucking ew. Why are conservatives so childish and predictable

I hope reality turns out to be an incredibly immersive sequel to Idiocracy or something similar that I can wake up from and criticize for being dumb, if occasionally amusing. It's the only way I can make peace with things like this story.

I mean, you probably are in a simulation, if that makes you feel any better.

But it may well be a simulation of the history leading up to a society capable of simulating the past.

And as anyone who has ever sat through a history class knows, you tend not to be forced to study the chill parts of history where everything is awesome.

Clearly she's afraid of weak gay people, that's why she's wearing tacticool gear while running through a historically LGBTQ friendly neighborhood.

They have LGBT neighborhoods?

There are places like this or the Castro district in San Francisco that attract queer people and have large queer populations.

I think maybe y'all need a couple more Stonewalls to get the message right.

Remember folks. This is the side that the far left wants you to think are the same as democrats.

I don't believe the far-left does. I believe a subgroup have fallen for far-right propaganda that was disguised as leftist. I'd consider myself pretty far left, but I recognize that the messaging coming out of certain groups is not their own. They are just gullible enough to fall for it.

I have to call them what they call themselves, because if/when I call them what I think they are- I get banned. Even though they can call everyone “genocide supporters” all day.

That’s just how it is here.

No we don't. Call the dumbasses what they are, not what they're telling you to call them

I can’t. They will get you banned if you call them what they actually are.

Fascists ? Imperialists ? they don't have the authority to ban anybody from a different instance

They report your comments and get them removed for violating the vague “uncivil” rule.

I’ve been called a genocide supporter time and again by these people. I e reported them time and again- the mods do nothing. It’s allowed.

However, I call these people right-wing trolls and my comments get removed. Do it enough and it’s a ban for repeated offense.

I’ve even had mods threaten to ban me if I keep reporting these people for their accusations.

They both work for the billionaire class and benefit from the 2 party system. The status quo suits them just nicely. That's what the far left says and I don't see how they're wrong.

One side works for the billionaire class, the other works for the billionaire class and want to murder a significant portion of the population.

Totally the same.

Right wing: "Don't be woke and gay"

Centrist: "Be whatever, it's okay. Just so long as I get paid."

Left wing: "Be gay, do crimes"

People like to throw around the meme "least idiotic political take on Lemmy"

This might be the most idiotic.

Fuck off prick

idk this read like a joke to me 😅

edit: "be gay do crimes" is a very common meme i hear from my queers and leftists