Defederation from

lwadmin@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy.World – 1629 points –

Hello World,

Today, after careful consideration and evaluation of recent events, we have decided to defederate from Lemmygrad.

Regrettably, we have observed a significant increase in hate speech and calls to violence originating from the Lemmygrad instance. Due to the severity of the posts and comments, we are not waiting for the next Lemmy update that will allow users to block instances.

At, we have always strived to foster an inclusive and welcoming user environment. However, recent posts and comments from Lemmygrad have clearly violated our server rules and, more importantly, our core values. We firmly believe that hate speech and incitement of violence have no place in our community, regardless of personal beliefs or affiliations.

As always, we encourage all users to report any content they deem inappropriate or harmful. No matter one's stance in any conflict, will always take immediate action to remove and ban any posts or comments that incite violence or propagate hatred.

We encourage everyone to continue engaging in discussions within the boundaries of respect and understanding. As we move forward with this decision, we remain committed to providing all community members with a safe and welcoming space. We appreciate your continued support and cooperation in upholding our shared principles.

Thank you,

The Lemmy.World Team


Lemmmygrad supposedly is for people who support communism, but when talking to them, they really are supporting totalitarian countries which have nothing to do with communism.

It’s amazing what some state-sponsored troll farms can convince people of. Some people can’t evaluate content they see online critically and gobble up the propaganda

The tactics and attitudes definitely make me think of that. It seems like the same people who showed up and fucked up a bunch of subs on reddit 6-7 years ago, like how conspiracy went from discussing things like UFOs and MK ULTRA to conservative political conspiracy theories and opposing the Democratic Party and politicians.

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Whenever communists or socialists gather, the tankies take over.

It's been like that since the past 100 years.

I'm not even sure they're really tankies anymore (or the meaning of the word is changing). Actual tankies still ostensibly support communism, but all too often, it's blatantly apparent that they're actually right-wing totalitarians cosplaying.

Yep, it's easy to bait them too. You make a post or comment calling out tankies for supporting authoritarianism, and out of the woodwork scurry all the "socialists and communists" to downvote you.

Thing is, a real socialist or communist hates a tankie too.

They’re tankies in the original sense. The word came from an incident where there was an actual honest to god socialist movement when workers were seizing the means of production, and “communist” Russia sent literal tanks to shut it down. A reporter happened to observe the whole thing in person and tried to write up the story, but his editors would only print the official U.N. statement that the tanks were stopping a fascist movement.

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Tankies support russian or Chinese versions of communism, which really isn't communism at all.

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[Looks around nervously]

Aren't we gathering here too? This defederation seems like tankies not taking over.

Anecdotally I was in a bunch of actual leftist subreddits; I only departed because capitalists enshittified the whole website.

Maybe you just didn't recognize it. Reddit leftist spaces were famously led by tankie mods.

Yup, you would call out their BS and you get banned. The system was perfect and no one is allowed to fully criticize it.

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The bit that really irked me was that it was purely performative. It seemed like literally the exact same community that populated the_donald with memes and Trump train bots and the photoshopping of Trump’s pic onto Rambo. Their posts have fuck all to do with communism just like the trump posts had nothing to do with conservative politics. It was just edge faux-outrage and basically taking an opposite position for its own sake. They could simultaneously criticize Gov Newsom for not signing a trans rights bill while praising Putin who is doing his level best to make being gay illegal. It’s a mistake to see it as political discourse when it’s really just trolling. Like on the_donald, they egg each other on and have their in jokes and memes (in both the picture sense and in the actual meme sense) about walls the same way the trumpers did with helicopters.

Defederation is the best response imo.

It is funny to mention Trump around tankies and watch their heads explode. They can't pretend Trump is a communist, but their propaganda masters don't want them to turn against the Republicans, so they're just in this weird space where the only thing they can do is aggressively avoid the topic at all.

I've seen them actively celebrate that they don't suffer from "Trump derangement syndrome" like liberals (supposedly) do. The longer you watch them, the more pro-fascism you see slip through

I'll clear that one up since everyone here seems to be boldly making inaccurate claims. They say that because media outlets and people will spend more time analyzing and critiquing Trump eating McDonalds or typing covfefe than the US, say, drone striking innocent Afghani people or the utter shit show that Libya has become due partially to the efforts of Clinton and Obama.

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That's my problem with it. For some reason they support countries which have nothing to do with being socialist or communist. It makes their philosophies and claims seem really inconsistent and not based on any real ideology. It seems like at most an anti-US, anti-EU ideology, and for some reason they scorn the same US politicians that conservatives here do, while never mentioning any problems with the people in the US who are even more against workers rights and in favor of unbridled capitalism. Also, the tactics of groups of people mocking people and comments reminds me of the shilled-out shit that showed up on reddit several years ago.

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As tankies often do. They are just a different colors of fascist, but damage the reputation of all lefties

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Good riddance

They can have their little hate fest in private now! I think they wanted that anyways.

They do it to so many smaller forums too. I saw an old board I used to frequent for game faqs and questions turned into one, under the guise of being mostly transgender positive.

It’s crazy to watch one user create a wannabe cult, user shame everyone and constantly move goalposts with straw men bs. Meanwhile, they had moderators discussing in Discord chats who to drive insane next and pick on. Not to mention using a serious issue as means to divide people that frequent the site by having over 30+ accounts to pad the numbers that agree with their views in topics.

It’s scary how far they go these days, especially considering the site was relatively respected around Y2K era, and now it’s full of republicans pretending to be trans and liberal for a psychotic gimmick.

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Yeah glad to see those fucks go. There's been an awful lot of bad takes filling up content sections on certain topics, every time I checked who had posted it it was almost always a lemmygrad user.

I need to start checking the instance when someone posts something stinky.

I’d honestly noticed it a lot over the last few weeks and thought oh well, eternal September.

There was a nice little period there where’s there wasn’t much discussion around and those actually poking their heads out were really kind of wholesome. Now I see so many people still coming across in that friendly, inclusive way and I realise it’s just a vocal minority ruining it.

Let’s hold each other to a higher standard.

One love.

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Their responses and comments have legitimately prevented me from coming here. Maybe I’ll actually visit and comment again with them defederated, I was so sick of their bullshit and posts clogging my feed.

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Thank fucking god. It's exhausting being around people for whom any meme, any post, any comment, has to spin into how good communism is, how bad the libs are, how good China is, and how bad The West TM is. It is exhausting.

Communism good, therefore China good, therefore West bad, therefore Israel bad, therefore dead Israelis good!

What a fucking worldview

Most of them have never spent time living under China / USSR as well lol. I'd like communism in theory, and I still think there's a possibility of it, but even just in Hong Kong the flaws of the CCP system of "socialism with Chinese characteristics" are very evident — and that's barely with any of the actual communism in Hong Kong.

Communism in theory is amazing. But it doesn't take the human animal into much consideration. We're a highly competitive hierarchical beast. We strive for our personal will to power too much for a pure communist utopia. Basically, we aren't ants or bees that can pull that kind of horizontal system off.

The idea that humans are fundamentally hierarchical and competitive creatures is just wrong. Of any indiviual trait could be said to be the character of humanity it would almost certainly be cooperation. Practically every hierarchy that humans lives takes a ton of organized forced to uphold, specifically because living in hierarchy is not natural for humans.

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This fundamental aspect of humanity was considered by the old comme guys . Lenin, and that. They thought humans had to be FORCED into that system, then eventually "good" communism would happen. I don't think the at has ever worked though.

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I just gotta say, the moderation here makes me so happy I joined this instance.

Same! I moved over from, and was re-creating my block lists when I discovered that had already defederated from hexbear. So that saved me like 40 blocklist entries right there! Good job, admins!

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Thank goodness.

I'm reminded of a story I read a while back - not sure where - about how if you let a Nazi into your bar, you eventually end up running a Nazi bar. I think the same applies to online forums. You let Nazis overrun a forum, everyone else leaves, and eventually you might as well just be running Stormfront.

Original Twitter post

I was at a shitty crustpunk bar once getting an after-work beer. One of those shitholes where the bartenders clearly hate you. So the bartender and I were ignoring one another when someone sits next to me and he immediately says, "no. get out."

And the dude next to me says, "hey i'm not doing anything, i'm a paying customer." and the bartender reaches under the counter for a bat or something and says, "out. now." and the dude leaves, kind of yelling. And he was dressed in a punk uniform, I noticed

Anyway, asked what that was about and the bartender was like, "you didn't see his vest but it was all nazi shit. Iron crosses and stuff. You get to recognize them."

And i was like, ohok and he continues.

"you have to nip it in the bud immediately. These guys come in and it's always a nice, polite one. And you serve them because you don't want to cause a scene. And then they become a regular and after awhile they bring a friend. And that dude is cool too.

And then THEY bring friends and the friends bring friends and they stop being cool and then you realize, oh shit, this is a Nazi bar now. And it's too late because they're entrenched and if you try to kick them out, they cause a PROBLEM. So you have to shut them down.

And i was like, 'oh damn.' and he said "yeah, you have to ignore their reasonable arguments because their end goal is to be terrible, awful people."

And then he went back to ignoring me. But I haven't forgotten that at all.

Wiktionary has a fairly relevant definition for "Nazi Bar":

(Internet slang) A space in which bigots or extremists have come to dominate due to a lack of moderation or by moderators wishing to remain neutral or avoid conflict.

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Karl Popper's "paradox of tolerance"

In my other (non-Lemmy) life, I've written extensively about the paradox of tolerance, and how recognizing it de-fangs the arguments of wanna-be totalitarians.

For people not in the know, Popper proposed that infinite, unrestricted "tolerance" is paradoxically self-destroying, because it necessarily means tolerating attempts to destroy tolerance.

The solution is simple and obvious in retrospect, but so many people have trouble finding it and worry about whether they're hypocrites or not for refusing to tolerate Nazis and the like. The solution is this:

Recognize the fact that you never promised to tolerate Nazis.

No one ever promised to tolerate everything without caveats or restrictions. Instead, we promised to tolerate each other, to respect one another's right to exist. In other words, tolerance is a peace treaty.

As soon as you realize that, it becomes obvious that you needn't tolerate Nazis, because they have broken the treaty. You are not bound by it when it comes to them. In fact, given the nature of people like that, they were never really signatories to the treaty in the first place, because they start from a basis of intending to destroy it.

Oh, how they hate it when people realize this and refuse to put up with Nazi bullshit or apologize for that refusal. Well, sorry, Nazi turd burglars, we never promised to put up with your shit in the first place, so y'all can fuck right off.

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Isn't that also kind of what is happening to Twitter right now?

Yep. In welcoming back the Nazis, Elon made it clear he intended to make it a Nazi forum. Oh, he said a few things about "free speech zones" or something, but when you peel back the veneer of idealism, you just find a bunch of Nazis.

They love "free speech zones," because no one wants to share a forum with Nazis and leave when the Nazis take over.

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I think this is for the best, there are some seriously disturbed people posting on Lemmygrad. I saw comments cheering on and celebrating the Hamas attack and talking about how they hoped the people who were kidnapped get tortured. Whatever your politics, that is super fucked up and not "legitimate discourse".

"People always say this exists but it's just a smear on the left wing, I've never seen it!"

I really wish the first instinct wasn't for people to play defense, but to instead call it fucked up that people would possibly say that

The reason many haven't seen it is because it doesn't happen often. Next time it happens, grab the link or take a screenshot.


I really wish the first instinct wasn’t for people to play defense

This is not playing defense, it's being skeptical.

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Tankies mad

"You chose to not have to listen to our bullshit? Cowards!"

We don't fear you, we pity you, so we put you in the pity party corner. Come back when you develop emotional regulation. Bye Lemmygrad!

Lmao posted to the Communism community. How is this about communism? It isn't. It's just that to them, everything is about communism.

When you're called a coward you know it's a W because it just means you don't want to be dragged down to their level

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Lost all respect for lemmygrad when they deleted a comment i made about voting for the lesser of 2 evils being the correct course of action to advance the interests of the Prolitariat in the United States. They care more about larping as revolutionaries than enacting change that actually helps the Working Class.

Yuuuup. The phrases "harm reduction" and "multi-pronged approach" just really piss them off for some reason.

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I saw a lot of disapproval when California increased the fast food worker minimum wage and when Newsom signed the bill to increase sick days to 5. Yeah, they aren't where I ideally would want them to be but this is a nice win. The "revolution" doesn't happen over night but gradually democratically.

And amount of things Biden has done regarding unions and still bashing him for it. If Bernie did half those things people would be going crazy in the streets celebrating the "revolution".

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Good Job! You make my experience of Lemmy continuously better! You cleaned that CSAM up with the speed of light (I've never even noticed it), you managed the Piracy Community Troubles very well and now you made an well thought through decision about Lemmygrad. Well done Mods! And thank you all very much!

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I understand that they are staunchly pro-communist and also take a pro-Palestine, including some of them (many of them?) a more clearly pro-Hamas stance. And that all of this could annoy many of the centrist liberals that seem to dominate here. But from perusing the lemmygrad link I do not see clear signs of hate speech, certainly not a clear hate speech agenda as you would see with some hate groups. And judging by the comments on here many seem to be happy to be “rid of them” because they are “annoying”, or “immature”, or “tankies”, or whatever. It really reads largely like “their opinions annoy me” so I’m glad they’re gone.

There may be more to it, I don’t know, but personally I wouldn’t like, an otherwise fine instance by all means, to become a centrist liberal silo where no other opinion outside (mostly US-centric) liberal orthodoxy is heard. So yeah, not convinced that this was the right decision, basically because of a lack of evidence.

Hexbear and Grad users defend genocidal regimes like Ruzzia and China. They excuse their crimes and argue in bad faith. I had so many insane discussions before I decided to block both of these instances entirely.

They are, by every single sense of the word, tankies.

Tankie is not just an oblivious term that has no meaning. It signifies a red fascist. It's like arguing that it's bad that we don't let neonazis in discussions. They do not care about discussing. All they want is to spread their disgusting ideas while hiding them behind leftism.

By defederating from these instances, we don't become less leftists. These people are not leftist.

This is not a slippery slope. It is a necessary step to ensure the growth of this website and actually worthwhile discussions.

Well spoken.

interacting with them does nothing but benefit them and the spread of their lies and propaganda. It brings nothing of value for anyone else.

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I expect you need to look in the Lemmy.World moderation log to see to what degree users were or were not problematic (I've no idea either way.)

Moderation logs are largely public, you can check it yourself.

I could but I'm not the person who cares enough to want to look into it. I'm telling the person who does that doing so is a good idea.

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I was harassed by them and insulted for not agreeing with them (mistakenly commented in one of their instances posts) and elsewhere and they kept saying certain people deserve to die (which I’d classify as hate speech).

When there’s so many that can bombard or overwhelm the rest of the discussion they should stick to their own echo chamber. I don’t see the same problem you do with defederating from them and am more likely to use the site more without their presence.

Edit: We also don’t know what the mods or admins are seeing and removing from them. I couldn’t even have a conversation without being overwhelmed and shouted out/insulted

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Yes… agree with this take. I’m disappointed in the Lemmy World Admins for this move..

If Lemmy World is going to just defederate from instances where the opinions of users of one instance annoy the admins, then I will withdraw my monthly donation and go elsewhere.

Also, seems like there should be more of a process involved in defederation than a knee jerk post where the admins assure us it was a decision made with lots of deliberation. Despite that, it all feels very abrupt and top down and driven more by the admins’ personal geo-political opinions about recent events than other factors.

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I discussed a lot with people at lemmygrad and Because I really thought that these are people from a developing nation, which are fed russian and chinese propoganda all day and giving a second perspective benefits the discussion.

Ive never gotten death threats before. Now I got dozens. And not in private messages, but straight up as comment.

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tl;dr of this ramble: ignore the paradox of tolerance!!!

give me a break. If you disagree with this, set up your own instance or find another, you're acting like you are now cut off from this instance and thus this entire instance will become an echo chamber because it doesn't tolerate intolerable content. If you actually cared, you'd look at the modlog, but instead you post an emotional reactionary response.

Very cool

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You guys were still federated with Lemmygrad this long?

Most of their communities were blocked since months, that's why you didn't see much of them.

I'm just surprised overall because most other major instances defederated from them weeks or months ago, along with Hexbear and/or Exploding Heads. .ca has been defederated with those probably for at least two months now.

The administration of this Instance has a moderate lean towards not defederating in general, they have to be pushed in general. I would describe LW as a free speech leaning Instance, within the Lemmy environment.

Naturally the topic is very divisive overall and tends to draw heated arguments no matter what position is taken. Free speech absolutists find it downright draconian. I imagine being on Beehaw for longer than five minutes might reduce them to ash, I'm not sure.

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Free speech is important. Every opinion should be heard and considered. However, your freedom ends when it crosses over someone else’s. Good riddance, i had blocked most of lemmygrad’s communities anyways, since all they did was spread propaganda and hate.

Love the mod team (being ex-reddit, never thought I’d say that), the transparency and clarity of their communication with the community is great!

Free speech is important. Every opinion should be heard and considered.

Not content-sharing with a website also isn't in any way a violation or stifling of free speech. Lemmygrad still exists. If you want to know what they're saying, you can go see it.

Freedom of speech does not guarantee an audience, and all that.

I think we need to start reframing it as some sort of combined right to freedom to speak and freedom to not listen. Right now the majority of the time I hear someone talking about freedom of speech is when they want the authority to force people to listen to them.

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Amen to the mod part! Shows just what forum admins actually caring about said forum’s community can do for it

Free speech is important. Every opinion should be heard and considered.

This is as good a place as any to point out that if we federate again after users have the ability to block instances, brigadeers with ill intent will ensure that some opinions are heard more than others.

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Before I saw lemmygrad: wtf are we doing?

After I saw lemmygrad: glad we defederate..

Pretty new to the lemmy thing. Learning the do not and safe zones of the federation.

Lemmygrad is a bit of a rabbit hole from the outside view. Like, holy shit. That place got wicked dark super fast.

Lemmy really seems to be full of landmines. A lit of people here have no filter at all. I guess that's one of the downsides of having many instances with vastly different rules interacting.

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Good, are you defederated from hexbear as well? If not, please do.

Actually, we’ve never been federated with Hexbear. It was blocked before they started federating with other instances.

What exactly is going on over there? Sincere question, I'm ignorant of the Lemmy drama and cesspools.

They have a group for celebrating trolling in any actual discussion. Bad faith arguments and just shit throwing trying to derail any actual conversation. Any online group, and I mean any at all, is better without them.

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Oh, c'mon...

People have been celebrating when governments open their own Lemmy instance to put state services and support there and now we're defederating the very first of such Lemmy instances, that of the People's Republic Of China???!


"... that of the People's Republic Of China's weird American fan club"

The best part is the first act of thanks the prc gave to lemmygrad for being a propoganda outlet is being banned in China, truly they serve a merciful god

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I'd never heard of this instance, but the name kind of gives away that it's no big loss.

I can tolerate communists, but lemygrad is mostly just tankies

They're not communists anymore than North Korea is a democracy...

Anyone that tries to claim the USSR or China are/were communist regimes aren't worth listening to. They're either lying or don't know what they're talking about

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Well, I already blocked any community and user I came across since the exodus in June.

Better late than never.

Keep up the good work.

PS: Free Tibet

I fully support this. I don't think instances that breed hate and radicalization should be allowed an audience.

I have seen so much propoganda, hate, and lunacy from that instance since I joined Lemmy.

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Excellent. Those people must be either deplatformed or confined. Thank you .world admins for being reasonable and based.

I can't even think of ONE good community on that instance

I do wonder why we didn't defederate from them long ago, it's not like they recently started showing signs of who and what they really are, they've been very transparent about their motives since day 1. Still though good it was done now before they started spamming things here (not sure if they do that or if it's just hexbear that spams).

Thank you, some of the most toxic content in the fediverse comes from there and am happy that this server’s experience will be better now.

i don't interact with lemmygrad much, and i don't really want to. so please could somebody tell me what sort of hate speech was happening there?

In short, there was a lot of users who were openly celebrating the attack on Israeli citizens and justifying it with the occupation of Palestein which is a very nuanced issue and situation.

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Not a fan of defederations in general, but I can totally see why. Lemmygrad will not be missed.

What, you don't want to be accused of being unreasonable by people that cavalierly discuss the need to murder people to bring about the revolution?

I've read a few posts from that instance and just no. I myself are on the left but both lemmygrad and is just not places I go to. is perfectly fine and I'm there sometimes. I signed up there because it was described as being specifically free-software focused, though in reality it's mostly a meme farm just like here. Lemmygrad is much weirder and I only looked at it for a minute or so. Its crazier political angles looked like mostly trolling to me, but who knows.

Good to see that instance go as it didn't contribute to public discourse. Thanks for the practice work!

Well this is a shock, anyone know what kind of stuff they've said exactly?

Whatever the equivalent of a Chinese weeb is.

You can imagine the sort of stuff, capitalism is evil, the west is evil, tinneman Square never happened in fact there's no place by that name / it was all a conspiracy by the evil West.

Basically what you get is a bunch of 12-year-olds decided that they were political commentators. They've looked at the world and they're unhappy with it and clearly the solution is communism.

It would be funny, but they engage in brigading and it's annoying. If you want to see it sign out of your account and go to the instance directly.

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I don't mind the content bashing capitalism.

Where I personally had a problem was the nonstop propaganda of revisionist history of communism.

But that led to Lemmy's problem, where the constant BS lead to violent threats to find specific people and make them pay - names including politicians and rich people. There is a fine line between "Eat the rich" and "This person needs to accidentally get shot in the back of the head 3 times".

Saying it's ok that Hamas beheaded babies because "settlers deserved it."

Also just fetishizing Hamas in general, made me feel violated and commodified being Palestinian American, by a buncha white folks who probably think chatscript is for people who are really weirdly obsessed with counting 2s 3s and 7s, nevermind being able to read MSA or understand Sham dialect.

What makes this conflict hard to stomach for many people is that there is no "good side". I'm sick of the people defending and downplaying Israel's genocide as much as I'm sick of people stating Hamas are freedom fighters that protect their kin.

Yeah the sad reality is that the entire situation is a mess and there isn't really a good guy to root for beyond innocent civilians caught up in it. (Though you can certainly argue about who is the worst bad guy... That doesn't make their enemy not also a bad guy.)

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No one was beheading babies. Please edit your post and stop spreading disinformation. This shit is exactly what Isreal wants to justify their apartheid state.

Biden said during his meeting with leaders of the Jewish community at the White House: “I never really thought that I would see and have confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children.”

The Washington Post quoted a White House spokesman as saying that neither President Biden nor any US official has independently seen any photos or verified reports on this. The spokesman added that Biden’s statements regarding the alleged atrocities were based on allegations by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s spokesman and Israeli media reports.

Hamas, however, has confirmed in a statement that the Palestinian resistance does not target children and called on the Western media to be accurate in its reporting.

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I'm a socialist and had a short lived account over there.

It's a bunch of "socialists" who are actually Putinists or unironic Hamas simps.

I'm absolutely pro Palestine but I absolutely abhor their views that anything that's not western is immediately good, even when they commit atrocity.

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Good call honestly

Ditto. I'm truly amazed at all the people making comments that boil down to "you're intolerant if you refuse to tolerate intolerance".

It's okay to ban shitty people. When a community is full of shitty people, it's okay to cut them off too. Don't like it? That's the beauty of Lemmy: feel free to start your own instance.

Can we get the links/receipts/examples?

I'm onboard with the post, and glad to see Lemmy working as intended. Making a post (instead of silently defederating) is wonderful. That said, I think its very important to say "because of comments like X[link] and Y[link]" instead of "due to severity".

Imagine if the roles were reversed and the CCP was saying they're "defederating from due to severity". Members should be given the 1st hand evidence, rather than 2nd hand opinions/summaries.

This is why I have logins on several instances.

Thank you so much, it’s like the Winter Solstice came early! They’re literally a bunch of sweaty, genocide-loving neckbeards who never outgrew the college commie phase crying about how hard and unfair their upper-class suburban lives are under (their idea of) capitalism and how North Korea is secretly a paradise because “something something healthcare that probably exists there”- all from the $3000 computer whose SSD made by abused children in Taiwan has 694.20 gigabytes of porn (shot by and starring filthy-rich adult content creators), in the comfort of their septuagenarian mothers’ basements on her personal, private property in Washington State- all made possible by capitalism. And they think they’d be better off under a system that would actually ship them off to die in Alaska on day one, instead of giving them a high rank and a state-issued bride. (But we Washingtonians don’t claim them)

I’m honestly surprised they had to cheer on the murder of innocent children in Israel for you guys to do this for us, when they’d spent months being all “ackchyually the Holodomor didn’t happen but I hope it happens again because daddy putin says all Ukrainians are nazis, therefore it must be true and they’d deserve it!!1”

Most of their communities were already blocked, for months.

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I reported a comment stating that the US genocide of indigenous was "rightful conquest" and it's still up. I totally get defederating.

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Id rather not interact with or even see a community that refers to the "working class" as subhuman trash. The mods and devs of are probably seeing even worse posts than what we have seen. Good riddence

  • edit* removed post # 2338719 on the lemmygrad server for those who think im lying
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I blocked their instance a few days ago when I noticed the described behavior. Good, now I won't see all the 'empty' comments

Holy shit, good for you, Was wondering if it would ever happen.

Thank you.

I hold out hope that they will reform their values and can be refederated in the future, but I doubt that will happen.