How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals to No Stupid – 241 points –

I constantly see angry mobs of people decrying "woke", "critical race theory", ""grooming"", and whatever other nonsense they made up this week. They march around with guns, constantly appending lib as a prefix to any word they can use to denigrate. They actively plot violence and spew hatred in the open.

You never see the inverse. There is no ConservativesofTiktok getting churches harassed into shutting down for the day or calling in threats. You don't see cringey boomer memes on the left. And whenever I openly express those feelings, try to create that sentiment; I get shut down. Noone agrees, I'm often shamed and muted. I just don't understand why that parity exists, it's extremely isolating to feel so alone in this


It's because being hateful has become part of the conservative identity. To be accepted as a right wing conservative you have to spew hateful garbage about something pretty much constantly. If you don't then they think your weak, or start calling you a RINO

Okay but my point is why aren't there nearly as many hateful liberals

It's really difficult to want everyone to be able to access food, shelter, education, and healthcare and also be hateful.

Because being inherently hateful isn't part of the liberal identity? The terms "liberal" and "progressive" imply acceptance and inclusivity by definition?

Conservatives approach things very differently. They tend to blame and make excuses whereas liberals tend to treat the problem and look for solutions in models of success. For example, little Suzie gets her hand caught in the car door. A conservatives would typically blame her or her little brother. A liberal would likely treat the injury and try to set rules to prevent it from happening again.
Another example, Donald Von ShitzInPantz wears diapers. The right hates it when they can't weasel out of a fact so they defend it, embrace it as normal even desirable instead of accepting there is a problem. If that was Biden he would be hatefully ridiculed, (blamed) to no end by conservatives.
Conservatives assume blame, (hate) is the solution. Liberals fit a solution to the problem. There is conflict because of the way they approach a problem and blame, (hate) is the conservative solution.

If little Suzie got her hand caught in a car door today's modern Republican would claim it was part of a conspiracy by foreign auto makers to destabilize the US education system.

Then someone would find out that little Suzie's parents are Jewish and claim the whole thing is part of a satanic pedophile ring trying to undermine the good Christian values this country was founded on.

Then once any sane person in the room points out that this is all clearly bullshit they would turn on Suzie and file a lawsuit claiming that she is somehow responsible for the downfall of the US automotive industry.

Several years later after Suzie has had to move 8 times because of death threats against her family the GOP would deny any wrongdoing, claim they've never heard of anyone name Suzie, and call the whole thing a woke liberal conspiracy.

Disclaimer: I wondered the same, since 2014, and this is what I puzzled together for myself, read it with that in mind!

I believe a lot of it can be traced back to the wealthy and to conservative think tanks / media control by right wing moguls.

Back in the 1960s and 1970s, conservatives were perceived as well-off business people trying to protect their own wealth (I've read that people used to say things like "I'm not rich enough to vote Republican" or children shouting "last one in the house is a dirty Republican"). You can even see old movies dunk on conservatives (i.e. take Stanley Kubrick's "2010: The Year we Make Contact" (1984), at the beginning, with the satellite dish tower, the protagonist noses off about reactionaries being in control of congress, thus leading the country towards war).

This is the rather extreme election result from 1964:

Political map of the US in 1964

Because liberals mostly were Democratic Party voters, Republicans and their wealthy donors tried to alter public perception of liberals (i.e. make it undesirable for their Republican indoctrinatees to be liberal). This included taking over the media (and Reagan conveniently cancelling the Fairness Doctrine in 1987, which gave political bias in the media some guard rails), then painting liberals as all things undesirable: arrogant, weak, clueless, leeches, etc.

Having a "hate object" worked so well that they kept capitalizing on it. Much of it was/is just slinging sh*t against the wall and looking what sticks, but think tanks are indeed looking at what sticks, so successful patterns get repeated. Some of these successful patterns I can see are: installing a victim complex in conservatives (feeling their back against the wall, they lash out easier, ensuring anyone talking about conservatives is conditioned to use very soft gloves) and the two-year bogeyman, often trying to capture, redefine and vilify some prior existing concept (thus, when the campaign hits, indoctrinatees can find lots of "proof" online of this thing existing).

For example, social justice used to be universally agreed on as a good thing, woke used to mean remaining aware of systemic inequalities, now they make conservatives pop an artery. This has been going for a while (the "hate object" over time has been rock music, hippies, metal music, supposed satan worshippers, pen and paper games, paganism+atheism, video games, social justice activists, cancel culture, black lives matter, critical race theory, wokeness, ...)

And I think, yes, your perception is spot on. This is, for example, what I get when I search for "anti-conservative t-shirts" (if it's too tiny, try it yourself - they're all anti-liberal):

Search result on DuckDuckGo for anti-conservative t-shirts, all results showing anti-liberal t-shirts

TL;DR: conservatives are intentionally made and kept angry. It keeps them unified against a bigger enemy (see Genghis Gambit), drives them to go vote and prevents voters from switching sides even if they do not like some things the conservatives are doing. Add to that Russia amplifying this division like there's no tomorrow. They're installing this hate for liberals both in tankies and in far-right bigots (and, as far as I can tell, anti-liberal sentiment is pushed into Russian society, too).

You need to cross post this or something, and keep researching as your an asset to humanity!

Would love to hear more of what you've found.

This is, for example, what I get when I search for "anti-conservative t-shirts" (if it's too tiny, try it yourself - they're all anti-liberal):

You make your point well. I just wanted to point out I believe at least one of them is anti-conservative (The devolution of humans into the GOP)

And one is possibly unintentionally anti-conservative: If Liberal Perspective is actually a liberal's perspective the subject is a conservative with their head up their own ass. I don’t believe that’s the shirt’s actual intention though. It would be hard to depict the interior of the rectum on a T-shirt

It's worth noting that you're looking at conservatives from a USA perspective, which is valid and very informative, it's just that OP didn't specify a country, so it might also be worth discussing conservative vs liberal culture in places like Europe too, or perhaps prefacing your wonderfully detailed response with something to clarify that when you're talking about conservatives, you mean a very specific subset of them (as opposed to, say, the conservatives of the UK, where their political party is itself called the Conservative Party).

Rock on! :-D

Because liberals see "the world vs the ideal world" we see problems and we try to correct them.

Conservatives see "us vs them" and burning the world to the ground is fine as long as "The others" burn with it.

They'd eat a shit sandwich if they thought a liberal would have to smell it.

"their breath" is the traditional end of that phrase.

They do hate them, but generally conservatives believe in personal failings so do direct action against individuals, liberals believe in systemic failings so direct their effort towards changing the system, not the individuals.

This. Conservatives tend to themselves be the victims of a failed system, hating them for failing to address it in a useful manner is hardly constructive. I reserve my hatred for billionaires.

That's a big part of it. I don't hate conservatives.

They are actively trying to make the world worse, so I'm not going to be sad if/when the ideology disappears, but as a whole, they aren't bad people. They are my family and coworkers. They are decent people who have been taught to fear the enemy.

I don't hate them, I pity them.

Although, I might also be a little jealous of their ignorance fueled bliss.

but as a whole, they aren’t bad people

I don't know if that's true. They have been misled, but they still perpetuate this hate. If they didn't hate people, a lot of the problems in modern America wouldn't be nearly as bad. I think making the lives of minorities and even majorities worse in every way-- harrassment, policymaking, etc.-- makes you a bad person.

Yeah, you aren't wrong. There's definitely a greater than average amount of assholes and shitheads in that group. You don't become the party of racism without any racist members.

I'll call the assholes out for being assholes, but I won't assume that someone's evil because they vote GOP. I'll assume that they are fragile and ignorant, of course, but they need to go a bit further for me to call an individual an evil person.

And someone who's part of a cult, or a significant other who is abused, will try to recruit people to their cause or downplay the violence or dig in deeper with their abusers.

Don't get me wrong, those who perpetuate the hate on the conservative side are rat bastards who have no place in society. However, those on the consumption end have been programmed to think this way. Deprogramming takes a lot of time and requires the cult member to want to learn more and get out. However, forcefully removing a cult member will usually just push them back to the cult harder.

Either these Republican rubes die or start investigating other sources of info. Either way, we have a long fight ahead of us, and that's only if we can cut off the head of the snake and stop the cult at the top.

It's true that it's not effective to try to remove these people from their cult, but again, that doesn't mean that they're good. Good people have the strength of moral character to recognize they're in a cult and leave one, with or without encouragement or intervention. Good people don't say things that they know are wrong, just to feel like they belong. We can help, and provide a space for them to belong without needing to say those things-- but if they were lead to say them so consistently for so long, they didn't disbelieve them strongly enough to be considered good imo. Neutral maybe, and that's acceptable, but they become bad when they are convinced to do bad things. If I'm convinced to kill, or dehumanize, or otherwise significantly harm someone over, and over, and over again, how could you possibly say that I'm good?

Many many liberals were raised by conservatives.

Many many conservatives raised eventual liberals and are aghast.

I don't need to camp out and bully conservatives. I spent enough of my childhood immersed in their insanity. I'm just done.

Conservatism is the past and once you're ahead u don't want to go back.

Because conservatism is no longer a set of political beliefs. In the modern conservative movement (basically starting in the 80s, liberals and conservatives were much different before that) conservatives had social beliefs, like preserving cultural norms, promoting religion, and maintaining the nuclear family, as well as fiscal beliefs, like limited government, individual liberty, fiscal responsibility, free markets, and a whole lot of other bullshit that basically boiled down to, "we don't want to pay taxes."

Now, conservatism is really only about establishing an in-group and othering their opponents. Oppositions to trans rights may seem like an attempt to preserve cultural norms, but it's real goal is to create outrage and panic over trans, "groomers." Objections go CRT and DEI serve a similar role in othering people of color. "Wokeness," is just a meaningless catch-all for, "enemies." Similarly, fiscal policy is meaningless, and can be picked up and discarded whenever convenient; corporations can be deregulated and given tax breaks in service of the free market, but subsidized or bailed out whenever needed.

This is because modern conservatism isn't a political ideology, it's a fascist movement. I mean that literally, and while the meaning fascism is notoriously hard to pin down, I use Umberto Eco's 14 properties of fascism. And, to bring this back around to your original question, fascists hate liberals because hating a group is very important to a fascist movement. The modern conservative hate for liberals is especially clear in Eco's 4th, 5th, and 7th properties of fascism (disagreement as treason, fear of differences, and obsession with plots, respectively).

So, tl;dr: the one-sided hate that conservatives have for liberals is because conservatism is no longer a coherent political ideology, it's a fascist movement.

Do you have any preferred sources for learning more about Umberto eco's 14 points of fascism?

Well, the essay is a pretty breezy read, it's only 10 pages. It's called Ur-Fascism, here's the full text. If you're looking for something lighter (and lighter is an extremely relative term here), Cody Johnston is a comedian and video essayist that delves into right-wing extremism on his show Some More News. These two videos are older, but they do a great job putting Trump and conservatives in context using Eco's definition of fascism.

Edit: Whoops, forgot the video links:

I mean I would say it evolved from the thing starting in the 80's. Especially that nothing mattered but lowering taxes on the wealthy (since sometimes they push for "flat" taxes and a lot of what they do just moves the tax burden lower down). Pre 80's conservative ideology was not my cup of tea but had some merit. they used to be against deficits.

Yes, it certainly developed over time from Regan-era conservatism. Conservative family values are inherently a rejection of modernity (Eco's second property of fascism), and the party was already othering people of color and the queer community. The Bush era also did a lot of work priming conservatives for fascism with war propaganda, xenophobia, and equating dissent with treason. Trump brought the party into full-fledged fascism, but it had been stewing for a while before he arrived.

yeah they did not really outright embrace it till trump. what he says is terrifying.

USA here. They'd likely consider this to be extremely patronizing, but I consider most conservative voters to be unaware of what it is they are actually preaching. It's crazy but the more extreme their views get, the more I'm convinced they're misinformed and misled. Some folks at the top of their pyramid I legitimately hate - I have no doubt they know exactly what they are doing.

So many of conservative beliefs just fly in the face of reality. I hate that they're perpetuating the harm that the beliefs and resulting policies cause, but seeing as how they are mostly based on clear and obvious lies, I have to assume that most of the supporters just don't realize they are being lied to and have invested emotionally in an identity that actively harms their own interests.

This is pretty much where I'm at too. I don't hate conservative voters, but I have such distain for conservative politicians for all the hate and pain they foment.

For most people I believe "no one is the villain of their own story" they believe they're doing the right thing with what information they are presented. For politicians, they're the fucking scum of the earth and I wish hell was real so those fuckers could rot in it.

This is my take also. I try not to think they're all idiots but more and more I'm just agog at the stupidity required to be conservative.

Conservatives seem to perpetually vote against their own interests.

Like my parents are pensioners, but will always vote for conservatives who will never increase their pension. They've been on this trajectory their entire lives.

I like the phrase "temporarily embarrassed millionaires". As in they think of themselves as wealthy and vote that way because it makes them feel like part of the club.

Saw a cartoon years ago. Panel 1 = "How Democrats See The World." It's a globe with the USA divided into Red States and Blue States. The rest of the countries are pink/green/orange except for a few black spots with a skull and crossbones marked 'Terrorists.'

Panel 2 = "How the GOP Sees the World.." Same globe, except there are only two colors; the Red States and everything else is "Terrorists."

In Germany, there is a conservative/far-right party that actually sees things that way. The AfD, the self-proclaimed "Alternative for Germany" (literally the spiritual successor to the NSDAP, the party of Adolf Hitler) once posted this picture on Facebook:

It shows a map of Germany, divided in two parts. The east, where the AfD has many supporters labeled as the Federal Republic of Germany, and the West where the AfD has been losing many elections labeled as an islamic Caliphate. These Nazis actually think that half of Germany is controlled by migrants and islamists. This insane view of the world is so fucked up, I can't really describe it. Fun fact: An AfD member of the German parliament has been caught accepting large sums of money from RuSSia. Their MPs repeatedly traveled to RuSSia during the invasion of Ukraine, including the illegally annexed Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea. They also think that RuSSian elections are totally legit and Putin the war criminal has been legitimately elected by the RuSSian people. Their MPs also work for the Chinese intelligence service btw:

the West where the AfD has been losing many elections labeled as an islamic Caliphate

Real "stay mad" energy.

Back in the day, the Soviets overtly backed Leftist positions across the world. They ended up empowering the Far Right by giving them a concrete enemy. Former KGB operative Putin reversed it; he's been supporting the Right to undermine the West for years.

A lot of the responses are correct, but there is one aspect being missed.

Liberals don't NEED to hate conservatives. There are real problems in the world that the left is trying to remedy.

Conservatives NEED to hate the left. Modern conservatism (and some would argue all conservatism) doesn't have any moral ideology. There is nothing they're fighting to for. Conservative ideology is the idea that there is a group that the law should protect but not bind and a group that the law should bind but not protect. To push this, an out-group has to be created and hate is the only way to dehumanize someone enough to treat them the way conservatives treat women, minorities, LGBTQ+ etc...

Conservatives hate Liberals because conservatism doesn't work without hate. They hate because they NEED to.

They are fighting for something: greed. All the other stuff is to distract you while they're robbing you blind.

Politics is fundamentally different for conservatives. They have to have someone to hate. It's drilled into them by their media outlets.

The tactic is a form of fear based control that conservative media has been working on since Nixon, and made into effect with the birth of Fox News in 1996.

Seriously. Nixon's think tank conceived the conservative media outlet as a catch-all, exclusive source of news that as a primary function would steer conservatives to not trust other news sources.

They did this because they did not want another Watergate, where conservatives turned against Nixon because of hard evidence laid out by popular unbiased news, which at the time conservatives still were informed by.

The Frankenstein's monster of a party that that tactic has turned conservatives into requires manufactured rage to fuel the fire. If the outrage ever simmers, you begin to see smarter conservatives recognizing what their party has become and it begins to fall apart.

So there's your answer. It's because the hate is necessary to continue the control. If you don't believe me, turn on Fox news. There's always the manufactured rage-of-the-day filling the air time.

Because conservatism is fundamentally based on fear.

fear leads to anger.
anger leads to hate.
hate leads to fascism, i guess.

“We’re cancelling the woke Dagobah agenda!”

Conservatives on Degobah: there's probably oil here that must be liberated.

You have been hanging in the wrong places lol.

There are absolutely identity politics driven US liberals (as opposed to the use of liberal by the rest of the world) that are ranting, raving assholes. Always have been.

But, here's the thing. Those assholes are much more likely to be ostracized and/or shut down by the less batshit US liberals, progressives, socialists, etc that form the "left" writ large. But echo chambers for it do exist anyway. There's a few on lemmy, though they aren't federated with most of the rest.

Here's the key difference. What conservatives want to conserve is their sense of power. It's mostly straight, cis white people here in the US. There's plenty of exceptions, but they tend to not be as loud and asinine as the ones you're talking about.

That's where the anger comes from: fear. Fear of black/brown/yellow/red people. Fear of anything different. Fear of a non Christian based world leaving them behind.

The ones at the top also want to stay rich and powerful in the political sense, and are perfectly willing to weaponize their voting base to do so.

The ones at the top of the various non-conservative branches in the US also want to keep power and make money, and they'll use different fear to mobilize, but they don't usually weaponize it.

Fwiw, if you're one of the ones that does want to play petty, childish games instead of doing something useful, it's good you're shamed and muted. Shit or get off the pot. Engage in real work for real change, and do it like you know how to pretend to be a civilized human being. I'm not even talking about peaceful efforts. If you really want to force change, step the fuck up and do something about it. Start the revolution you want to see. Just don't be some douche harassing churches and pretending it's anything other than self congratulatory masturbation.

Because there is no mirror image. has given you a good description of fascist methods. They're not available to the opponents of fascism because they are not fascists.

Fascism appeals to the worst parts of our nature. It gives permission to those feeling fear, humiliation or shame to lash out in anger and destroy the people that make them feel that way.

You can't deploy the same tactics to make those people want to be on your side instead. If you try to shame them, they will just hate harder.

You should, of course, expose and ridicule the grifters who lead fascist movements and punching fascists is encouraged. But you need to distinguish between authoritarian leaders and the people they seek to lead.

You should not pander to the billionaire-funded leaderships (take note NYT), but you must not sneer at the people they are trying to lead (take note centrist Dems).

lash out in anger and destroy the people that make them feel that way

Small correction: "... destroy the people that they think make them feel that way".

Why the hell do you want them on our side? Why dont you want to destroy them? Thats exactly what Im asking about, where is the hate?

Because handing election victories to fascists is a really, really bad idea.

They'll just abandon democracy and go for force if they lose. We're past the point of law, brawn and control are what matters rn

You think there's going to be civil war and also, you want to maximise the numbers fighting for the fascists. Cool, cool.

"So I guess this is where I tell you what I learned - my conclusion, right? Well, my conclusion is: Hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time. It's just not worth it." ― American History X

"I am not altogether on anybody’s side, because nobody is altogether on my side, if you understand me: nobody cares for the woods as I care for them, not even Elves nowadays." ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers

To amplify from the other side of the world:

善為士者,不武;善戰者,不怒;善勝敵者,不與;善用人者,為之下。是謂不爭之德,是謂用人之力,是謂配天古之極。 —老子

A good scholar is not a warrior; A good fighter is not angry; Those who are good at defeating enemies will not compete with them; Those who make good use of people are inferior. It is called the virtue of not competing, the power of using people, and the extreme of matching heaven and ancient times. —Laozi

Thank you, this is a very good explanation of something I failed to mention.

Conservatives are afraid. They (at least the professionals and the GOP as an organisation) are well aware that they are on course to get irrelevent in the future. Not only are their politicians getting older, their voter base is getting older and shrinking. So the try everything in the book to stay relevant: Gerrymandering, reducing access to the voting process fro people who are unlikely to vote for them, etc. And as we all know, fear, or worse, existencial dread, leads to hate for the other side, the group of people seen as their very threat to their existence.

They are basically cornered rats, clawing and biting the pest control man.

Liberals are not leftists. You can choose your own definitions, but I would say that many so-called liberals are actually pro-capitalist anti-worker centrists. And the center is not so far from the center-right. So many liberals don't hate conservatives. On the other hand, many conservatives bundle liberals and leftists together, because complexity is so irritating, making it easy to hate the entire group (even though it's actually at least two groups).

And quite obviously, many liberals and leftists hate some conservatives. You aren't alone. That being said, hate is an emotion, and however you feel is totally fine because it's your life. At the same time, hate itself is not constructive. Many people read and write about politics online because we want to learn about or change our world. If the content you're creating doesn't help with either of those goals, some people are going to ignore or down vote it.

Anyway, your community is surely out there, if you keep looking.

Conservatives make politics their identity, and hate everyone that doesn't also identify as them. Most other people realize that's stupid, they just want a better life.

Seems everyone these days makes politics their identity, left and right. And center.

"Enlightened" centrism is not the answer...

That's because "centrist" is just what conservatives call themselves when they are too embarassed to admit they are conservatives.

Never has been, never will be.

The billionaire-owned media will continue to insist otherwise as long as we allow for billionaires to exist, though..

A table with 11 people, including a nazi, is a table with 11 nazis.

Don't compare choosing to not sit at that table with the bullshit republicans do.

Gunna take this as Liberal/Conservative as party brand names rather than strict social ideology and you're talking about "the left" more generally.

I think the short answer is empathy. When you dig down to the bottom a lot of the discussion on the left talks about different forms of human needs. A need to feel accepted and loved, desires to exist publicly without fear... It is a radical form of empathy that asks you to put yourself in multiple pairs of shoes and see the world through perspectives you aren't naturally born into. The ultimate aim is to achieve a picture of humanity which is inclusive of the widest possible range of understanding.

In that way "Conservatives" are also people. It is not impossible to empathize with their issues. It takes a lot cognitively to internalize this new data and a lot of the rejection from the right comes not from outright cruelty but a desire for things to be and remain simple and easy. They don't want to stretch themselves and are scared of a world where that is something they are forced to do. The issue is a lot of the people selling the pitchforks on that side are doing it because it benefits them. That desire to understand encompasses the motives of individual Conservatives and splits them apart. A lot of the issues Conservatives have is that the left is "preachy" that we act like we're better than them and that does come from somewhere. Some leftists do just want to be the smartest most correct person in the room but others are just waiting for the Conservatives they know to be more understanding of other people who they learned about so they stop being mean. The person who pitties the school bully is often their target because that empathy seems to the bully like condescension.

After a certain point, you have to realize your bully is either incapable or unwilling to engage in that empty. At which point, your option is beat or get beat

I'm going to take a somewhat different tack to describing this.

There are many ways to motivate large groups of people. You've likely seen this a lot and not really noticed or paid attention to it. Some examples are tribalism ("Hey! They're not one of us!"), nationalism ("Those dirty foreign people!"), religion ("Do what I say and go to heaven!"), money ("Do this and I'll give you something valuable"), etc.

One of the best motivators is fear. ("Do this or I/they will do something you really don't like").

Political groups need something to motivate large groups of people. When done well, they appeal to the better sides of humanity. When done by the lazy, the dumb and the craven, they go with the simple one: fear.

That's what Conservatism has been hammering for a while now. They don't really have a way to appeal to people's better sides, primarily because their platform isn't to make humanity better off. They platform is to make a few people better off to the detriment of everyone else. So they try tribalism ("Those brown people are trying to take your money!"), nationalism ("Those foreigners are taking your jobs!"), religion ("Those non-Christians are trying to install sharia law!"), etc. The most effective one is still fear. So getting their followers scared and angry is the best way to motivate them, get them to stop thinking rationally and build moats that will isolate them from people that might talk them down.

This is used to motivate people to vote in certain ways, as well as motivate them to watch advertisements. In other words: power and money.

Why arent you afraid of them though, they really will do actual terrible things

Hating people never leads to logical outcomes. I'd rather accept that they've been somewhat brainwashed and battle against it, than hate my neighbour.

Are you afraid of them or do you hate them? Those seem like two independent opinions to me, but I'm wondering if you're conflating them.

I'm afraid of them and I don't hate them.

I hate them because i have to constantly be afraid of them.

I can both understand and relate to being afraid of them. As you wrote, they do real damage and they seem intent on doing more and they seem to feel it's their mission to do so. From what I can tell, they have been programmed to see the very concept of progressive thinking as evil. Fearing them seems sensible, because being aware of the threat makes it easier to defend against it or protect oneself from it.

But how exactly does it improve your life to hate them?

It doesn't improve it. You could argue it makes it worse since I often face social rejection from the left for it...for some inexplicable reason. But I don't simply choose to hate or not hate something, the same way one does not simply chose their sexuality or gender or race or emotions.

I relate to your position. You are wrong. You absolutely do choose to hate or not hate. This lies entirely within your control.

I used to have the impulse to hate them, but I don't any more.

On the list you cite, emotions is the one thing you choose, even though it might not feel that way right now. I don't expect you to believe me. I will cite Lisa Feldman Barrett and the book How Emotions are Made and you can decide whether you want to explore or not.

Either way, peace.

Hate comes from fear. All varieties of conservatives operate from a fundamental core of fear. They are often preyed upon in broken systems with limited education options and are often kept ignorant to so much of the world around them. Because they don't know, they fear. Further, they can be limited by a heavy blanket of religious fundamentalism, more systematic fear.

"Liberals", on the other hand, are often educated and taught to understand things and ask questions about things they don't understand. As a result they are often aware of their surroundings, their neighbors and that exposure breeds empathy. That empathy is what kills fear which means they don't generally hate.

The feeling towards conservatives for many "liberals" is likely more of a strong disappointment mixed with regret that, as individuals, they can't really do more to help them out of the predatory cycle that conservative politicians keep them treading water in.

All this while the majority of both sides are actually struggling on the sane listing side in the same class war that has already taken the entire middle class as a casualty.

Conservative Politics is about giving their base something/someone to be angry at.

LBJ summed it up the best:

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

Back then it was the african american population. Today it's trans/lgbt/migrants/muslims/etc... Insert your group of choice here and that's the Conservative political machine.

Fetishization of the concept of civility. Liberals have always preferred a negative peace to even incredibly mild disruption, and that'd include hating people who want nothing more than to see the world worse for everyone. Hang out with leftists instead if you want to see people rightfully angry.

Because the right doesn't have a system of morals, just a list of justifications.

The center and left actually feel bad if they don't live up to their own ideals and so try to avoid behaving in ways that run counter to those ideals unless it becomes absolutely necessary for them to do so, and even then they'll still feel like shit for it.

See also, all those AITA posts where OP is very obviously in the right and just snapped after years of abuse, but has been gaslit hard enough to start doubting themselves because biting back just feels wrong to normal people.

Conservatives are typically motivated by anger and fear. They tend to be less educated and more superstitious. They can be easily swayed by appeals to their religious beliefs.

Those motivated by anger and fear are far more easily tricked and manipulated by others with nefarious intent. They can even be deceived into going against their own interests, as evident by Republican politicians and their opposition to democracy and freedom.

Liberals are typically motivated by humanism and live-and-let-live philosophy. They tend to be more educated and less superstitious.

Democrat politicians have a much harder time trying to browbeat liberal voters to do their will. They're conflicted as they lose voters if they obey their rich donors, and they lose rich donors if they obey their voters.

I mean I'd probably change my answer depending on the phrasing of the question here.

If you mean like, classical liberalism, which includes both laissez-faire capitalism and interventionism, you'd probably find quite a lot of conservatives at this point who would define their economic ideology (if they even have any) as belonging to that kind of realm of thought, at least with laissez-faire. That shit's pretty old, we've been through like multiple cycles of that, both globally, and domestically in america, and calling for a regression to a period when your specific breed of liberalism was in place is pretty possible. Which would be kind of lumped under conservative thought, despite the window dressing of like, wanting to just kind of, hedge your bets, maintain the status quo, and "conserve" things, and even the branding of "this is the way things really are, so we need to conserve the real reality", it's mostly actively regressive horseshit.

So, that's to say, you could both be a liberal and a conservative at the same time, if you're going based on the like, actual political definitions of things. I get the sense you're more trying to use the term "liberal" to mean "progressive", or probably more accurately "socially progressive". If you want a reason why I'm making this kind of stupid semantic distinction, it's because I think it's important to distinguish liberalism, and neoliberalism, right, which refer to economic freedom, from other more actually socially progressive ideologies. I'll get to that later. In any case, it's pretty much part of the intrinsic nature of the ideology that, being okay with gay people, at the least, is going to be more chill than not wanting gay people to exist. The same for trans people, the homeless, racial minorities, neurodivergent people, whatever.

Socially progressive values are also kind of default, I think, in a vacuum (which hardly anything is), whereas nutter conservative ideology is something you have to be more actively radicalized into. If you don't give a shit about gay people, you're probably also fine with them just like, going about life and existing. You might also be fine with their oppression, but you're not actively hindering things, necessarily. You have to be actively radicalized and convinced they're bad, though, in order to call for them to be like, killed, or barred from marriage, or whatever.

You would have to more actively want gay people to have rights, to care about them more in a positive way, and actively oppose their oppression more, in order to like, actually push for things. It's a more active position, basically, to be actually socially progressive, or actually progressive. It necessitates caring. I think despite it just being on the surface more nice as in ideology, which helps prevent people from being like, actively hateful, I think it's probably also sadly the case that a lot of people who would otherwise pretend to be socially progressive don't actually give two shits about what happens or doesn't happen, and are just mindlessly occupying what they see as kind of a default position at the time.

If you go back to like the 2000's, lots of people who are otherwise pretty "progressive" nowadays would've been pretty turbo homophobic and transphobic. That's not really a slight against their character, right, we're all products of our environment, but they're just occupying kind of whatever position they think is acceptable to the mainstream.

Put even more simply, they kind of, understand that one side is right and one is wrong, but since they don't really understand the underlying reasoning behind either side, they're just jumping onto whatever they get better vibes from. That used to be some more reactionary stuff, because we were kind of in both a more apathetic and callous cultural era where "not caring" was seen as cool and offering a better vibe, and we were seen as being kind of in a "post-history", "post-racial" world, where if you were offended by racism, that was your fault, because we ended racism, and now the only real racism is you thinking racism is real, man hits bong. Just sort of like, the idea of racism as existing in a purely cultural state, just as a remnant, a cultural artifact relic which we need to move past culturally, but doesn't affect the "real world" in any way. Those ideologies were kind of appealing to a mostly white mainstream cultural population, who could pretty easily just walk around, and make edgy jokes, and pretend still that everything's gonna be okay because they haven't encountered a housing market crash and the consolidation of all of the wealth in a fraction of the population and a once in a century pandemic partially accelerated by huge misinformation campaigns. Basically, because the mainstream cultural consciousness, mostly controlled by white people, was still insulated from the worst of the worst consequences, and because they were still getting treats.

We still had a white suburban middle class, basically. We still do, but we used to, too.

Now though, people see being socially progressive as having a better vibe. Probably this is because we're on the long end of the economy being shit, and everyone having realized that collectively burning your children's futures in order to further white supremacy isn't a sustainable thing long term and just fucks you over, probably it's also because the internet has made it easier for marginalized voices to occupy more space in the cultural consciousness, whereas before they would've been screened by industry gatekeepers. Probably it's also because conservative nutters collectively lost their fucking minds and kind of went mask off with trump and gamergate shit, partially as a reaction to obama just being like, black, but also those other factors I've named.

Probably it's because the middle class that you used to see in all those 90's movies, like fight club and office space, got automated away, outsourced, or otherwise traded for a bunch of IT and internet developers, which can mostly take their place as part of the managerial class. We go from cubicles in high rises, to open floor plan offices in mid-rises, to work-share rental spaces in low-rises, to work-from-home setups, and the amount of people allowed treats from their overlords narrows in total population because you simply don't need as many. The amount of people who are actively fooled by corporate propaganda and bootstraps mentalities also narrows with the proliferation of the internet and with the lack of people who are now "in" on this middle class lifestyle, so your immediate social group is more likely to have people who you know are chilling but are also struggling a lot financially.

yeah I think that's all I got as far as this one goes.

ConservativesofTikTok hehe.

Okay first thing: there is no mainstream left in US politics. AOC and Bernie taper off at a hair left of center. I don't even dislike them. And normally that would be fine, but the right does include flamboyant, very loud fascists. So the right has no counter weight, and what there is are Centrist Libs, who long for days of "reaching across the isle", and "order," and "civility" While people talk about Fascists projecting, the Libs are too; they think everyone approaches politics in good faith. They don't realize the fascist uses their invitation to get in, and civility as a mask to play the game. The fascist uses any means they can to gain power, and then disposes of the libs when they don't need them anymore. The libs are left, like Eddard Stark holding a piece of paper, with their dicks in the breeze.

This last piece of this is that there is an aspect of the left that matches what you say, the so called "dirt bag left," streamers like Vaush and Hassan Abi, and Chapo Trap House. They are in fact quite controversy prone, and I don't think they are good people, but I think they do match the general vibe of your statement.

I hate racists and bigots, but there’s not much to be done about it. Stress and anger will take years off your own life - don’t let them harm you. On the other hand if you can troll them a bit, you may be sending some of them to an early grave, just with words. It’s not hard to do they’re triggered by anything gay, reparations, dominant women, intelligence and education, health foods, immigrants, solar power, and so on. So you don’t really have to send them any hate, you just need to be an example of the world you want to live in and they’ll rage about it.

Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh were largely responsible for turning politics into a team sport and convincing Conservatives that all Liberals are evil and that is a Liberal wants it, it must be bad.

Liberals are dismissive of conservatives. You can only hate people so much when you infantilize them.

The right is too angry to listen, and the left is too arrogant to listen.

This is how democracy dies.

Hey we wouldn't be nearly as smug if these fuckers weren't throwing their votes at a known grifter and a dog murderer. Back when it was W in charge we could actually talk about issues - now these fuckers jumped the shark.

Arrogant, interesting.

See, the issue to me is that one side comes up with real tangible solutions to problems, while the other side is busy smearing shit on the walls, getting red in the face screaming about deep state this or jew lasers that, and then people like you tell me we should engage those people and treat their ideas with respect and equal levels of severity.

See the issue here?

The right is too angry to listen, and the left is too arrogant to listen.

To listen to what?

Not to the racism and idiocy but to the underlying issues that fuel that anger.

Those underlying issues are what left-wing people are trying to resolve already, though - wealth inequality, poor mental health, too much power in the hands of corporations and the mega-rich, removing outrage politics, etc.

I don't disagree with what you're saying, except maybe we should switch to show not tell. I understand that it's not as easy as that but over the last let's say 30 years, how much has the left really improved life for the rural population? And by comparison how much do we preach to them that they're backwards and their world view is invalid?

It's exactly as you say, the working class should be an easy win for us on policy, but it hasn't turned out that way.

You can just say "well they're stupid that's what you get" or you can ask yourself why aren't we getting these people on board while some greasy billionaire can?

You can just say “well they’re stupid that’s what you get” or you can ask yourself why aren’t we getting these people on board while some greasy billionaire can?

I don't necessarily like to just dismiss people as stupid, but a lack of education and the ability to understand complex issues is both a big issue for these people and a reason why the greasy billionaires can get them on board. Convincing someone that them paying some of their money into a union will actually result in better working conditions and more money for them - rather than just being poorer - is a lot harder and takes more understanding on their part than someone convincing them there's less money to go around because there are more immigrants, for instance.

On top of that, people like to be able to absolve themselves of personal responsibility if they are given the option to. That's not exclusive to right-wing people, but when that's coupled with people wanting simple "explanations" because they don't understand more complex systems with all their consequences, knock-on effects, etc, it makes it easy for right-wing politicians and media to offer simple scapegoats and get people on board.

To use the immigrants example again: not only is it not your average right-wing voter's fault in any way - it's the immigrants' fault - but also, they don't personally need to do anything to fix the issue, they just need to let the right-wing politicians get into power and it'll all be solved for them. It's all very comforting for them - much more so than being told it's going to take ten years and some work on their part to improve things.

The ACTUAL left (unlike the arrogant center right to right wing corporate stooges in control of the Dem party falsely claiming to be on the left) SHARE that same anger.

We just don't blame minorities, secularism, the concept of objective knowledge and a lack of bigotry for what is clearly the fault of mainly rich and powerful white conservative and centrist people.

The underlying issues that fuel that anger

Fox News and AM Radio

To add to this, the opposite of love is not hate, but ignore.

Giving your energy and attention to hating something typically means that they occupy enough mental real estate in your day to day life that you feel the need to broadcast it on a regular basis.

The liberals I know tend to spend the majority of their free time focusing on improving themselves and the world around them rather than simply target blame somewhere else.

You go high, we go low

People on the left don't tend to act like people on the right and people on the right know that and exploit it.

You are reading this thread right? The names people call conservatives just in this thread alone shows that there is the same low level hate for conservatives.

See also: the tolerance of intolerance paradox. The difference is that liberal hate is reactive, and often we wish it was different. If liberals didn't exist, conservatives would still find someone to hate.

Also left"islam is a peaceful religion"...the left is only intolerant to whatever is PC at the time. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about telling fascist and authoritarians to pound sand, but I'm not about to turn a blind eye to a lot of the shit that gets a pass from the left these days.

You're mad because we're too tolerant? I mean sure, I agree.

Annoyed with the double speak. Like if we're supposed to be the side that's steeped in truth, why the biasness?

I think there's an equal amount of anger on both sides. Unfortunately.

There's no longer room for actual, mature debate. Just mud-slinging and slurs. The fact is that most people are somewhere in the center politically, but the extremists are louder and get the attention because it's entertaining and the media uses it to sell content. It sucks.

conservatives especially hate people pretending to be above the fray

Propaganda. For decades the conservative radio hosts have been vilifying democrats constantly and most of the time for no reason at all. It has slid into television as well but they started with radio a long long time before that.

most of the time for no reason at all

Not for no reason. It's a form of control. If you genuinely believe that the opposing party is going to bring the country to ruin, you're a lot less likely to consider their position in politics.

Look at the affordable care act. Conservatives hated/hate it because "obamacare" was portrayed as giving free health care to the lazy poor that you have to pay for as a hard working conservative. When asked if we should repeal Obamacare, conservatives poll something crazy like 95% yes, simply because it's a bad word they learned.

Many of those conservatives have health care through the ACA and get mad when Republicans take it away because they need it. Those same conservatives mostly aren't even aware that what they have is literally obamacare.

It's control all the way down.

I mean plenty of lefty folks hate righties but they hate the ideology and not the people. They hate the people in so much as they hate the ideology they spout and its hate. There is a lot of hate inherent to right ideology but not so much in left ideology. At the end of the day I don't hate any particular person just them pushing things on me or the world that makes either worse. Take the old order anabaptist types like the amish. They are ultra conservative but keep to themselves. Is there bad things in the way their communities run. You betcha. But anyone can leave and sure they will be shunned but otherwise if they accept just not being part of it then they are free of it all. I am sorta losing where I am going with this but hope it helps in some way.

All extremism leads to hate, whether left, right, or center. They just hate different people. It goes without saying that there is plenty of hate on the right. But, historically, the "left" has included The Terror period of the French Revolution, the Cultural Revolution under Mao, the purging of the bourgeoisie during the Bolshevic Revolution, and the vast pogroms and genocidal famine in Ukraine under Stalin. Being on the left of the political spectrum does not immunize a person against hate.

yeah I was generally talking about us current left and right and not the super extremes. thing is our left as a whole is close to center and our right is wwwwwaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy right. currently.

That's true. The current Democratic party is the "establishment" now, and the Repubs have gone far right.

I'm going to make a second comment, from the point of observation bias:

OP obviously knows people who have been attacked by vicious, hateful people on the right. But OP is probably hanging around neither the people on the right being attacked by vicious, hateful people on the left, nor around the vicious, hateful minority of the left who are attacking people on the right.

So she hasn't seen it. But I have. I've been attacked from the right for my progressive views and from the left for my conservative views, and from both by people who assume that if I think A I must also think B and C, no matter how benign A is and horrific C is.

What conservative views do you hold?

That most changes are bad and this people who advocate for change are to be viewed with skepticism

That there is inherent value to human labor

That the family is the primary unit of society

That heirarchies are natural to humanity and can be beneficial OR destructive

That freedom of religion (including the freedom to disdain religion) is the most important human right

That human rights are real things on their own, an essential part of the human condition, and cannot be granted or removed by governments, only respected or infringed

That any discussion of policy must include a discussion of what will cost, the likely secondary effects, and how likely it is to actually address the problem it seems to address

That government spending should not exceed government revenue over a ten-year period

That the Constitution is a carefully constructed document that has seen the US become the longest-lasting liberal democracy in history, and should be defended as such

That Enlightenment liberalism is the best form of society thus far, and while it can be refined it ought not to be replaced

What do you mean about the family unit? It's used as a dog whistle for straight couples most times.

I actually protested for marriage equality here in Illinois; my wife and I refused to file our marriage license until the law was updated and asked our wedding guests to forgo gifts and instead donate to Lambda Legal and other organizations also working for marriage equality.

So when I say "families", I do mean queer couples as well. But also intergenerational households. The focus on individualism and geographical mobility has been destructive to intergenerational wealth and wisdom, to familial connections, and to mental health. It's one of my big gripes with the way capitalism operates in the US, honestly; the balance of power lies far too heavily with employers rather than the workers and this often means that family life suffers for the sake of economic advantage.

But yeah, I'm also talking about children. I don't think anyone who doesn't want kids should be pressured to have them, but for those who do want kids, that's something we as a society should encourage. To that end I favor pronatalist policies as well as policies that seek to make adoption easier and less expensive, especially domestic adoption.

And while I know sometimes pronatalism is used as a fig leaf for anti-immigration sentiment, that's not the case here; I'm very pro-immigration for a variety of reasons but it's no secret that immigrants tend to have larger families and are more likely to have international households.

Hear hear! The government should completely get out of marriage and leave it to religion, or completely go in on encouraging marriage (actually domestic partnerships) between whoever if we think it's going to be good for communities. Before Obergefell I would've said marriage is old, let religions have it. Encouraging people to take part in their community, have close ties with benefits like hospital visitation, tax breaks, etc should all be domestic partnership based, and we should've made everyone get domestic partnered - marriage should have conferred no civic benefits. As is, we have a weird hybrid religious and civic thing called marriage but at least everyone has access now.

But yeah as far as encouraging families we should do the same incentive wise with having kids and immigration to help with our birth rate problems, and continue trying to make home ownership more affordable (and more varied - looking at you missing middle housing) and encouraging it to again, incentivize investing in local communities. Civic policy like this stuff gets jumbled and we should be more clear about what we want to incentivize and why.

There are a few there I would argue arent specific to conservativism like labor having value and freedom of religion, but yeah I could see those on the left having an issue with too much concern over spending as the government isn't the same as your personal bank account that needs to be balanced.

Damn, typos, but this is not the kind of comment you want marked as "edited". My apologies.

I am shocked I had to scroll this far to find someone saying this stuff exists. Literally look around on Lemmy, check the comment section of the Washington Post, like half of TikTok, a huge portion of twitter, etc. All of it full of angry radical liberals, actual communists, people crying for guillotines, deriding uneducated hicks and rednecks. Mocking all christians instead of just the fundamentalists, constantly deriding white men for existing, even just dumb infantile names (e.g. Repug-licans). Literally last night at my local college, some portion of protestors started calling for lynching college administrators. Now I'm not saying pro-palestinian protests are full of those people, just like the average liberal would be pretty ok with universal healthcare but miiiight not favor seizing the means of production or banning landlords. But even though these people are a minority, they're just like the crazy right wingers - they are loud, and paint with the same wide brush that hardcore conservatives do, just using a different color.

And I want to be clear, this isn't some enlightened centrism bullshit where I'm saying "both sides suck." I am actually very, very left wing (though on Lemmy sometimes it seems like that makes me a moderate because I'm not calling for guillotining the rich, but I digress), and I probably agree with 90% of the angry people's actual policy views. But at least anger and vitriol wise, and even a tiny portion of radical policy-wise, the fringe of "both sides" do kind of suck. Not everyone who is angry fits that profile (certainly I get angry thinking about climate change, but I'm not out there telling everyone who drives a truck they're evil). But many people like that absolutely exist, and OP not seeing them likely is a result of our fractured echo chamber world, certainly not because they aren't there and angry.

Hate requires you to consider them first competent with shared common values that inform their beliefs and actions. Otherwise it's mostly pity and disgust that they have no values other than authority and loyalty like a criminal enterprise, and usually can't tell if they are being evil on purpose or by accident/inaction/ignorance.

Let me help you, its always all on purpose. They are as deep as the hostile npcs in a video game and worthy of even less moral consideration

I find it equal parts of entertaining and disturbing that you're trying to drum up hatred just so you can feel less lonely. Here's a genuine question, but don't answer it. Well, don't answer it to me (or anybody else here). Answer it for yourself.

Why are you so fucking dead set on hatred?

The answer to that question is for you and your therapist to work out. (If you don't have a therapist FUCKING GET ONE STAT!)

Because they're mostly a group of people filled with hatred. That's what's uniting them. And the other side less so, so they don't act that way.

Liberals hate leftists like conservatives hate liberals.

Liberals are a hop and a skip away from being conservatives.

Liberals like to live in reality, leftists like to live in "well both parties are the same so it's okay if Trump gets elected" land.

"Having principles is bad guys, you gotta fall in line 6 months before the election and just accept whatever shit the DNC scoops into your mouth or Democracy's gonna die!" - the brain worms in your head

there are definitely cringey liberal boomer memes, they're all on Facebook.

So you feel alone because you want to make cringey boomer memes and send threatening emails to Churches? I'm confused.

There are militant left movements, but there are just fewer people who align themselves with those movements because Communism and Socialism were basically illegal to talk about for decades, and the conservative fascism is basically just our mainstream government ideology (D or R).

Can't speak for anyone but me on this one. It's the same reason I don't hate anyone, really. We're all unique with completely different perspectives on the world, perspectives that naturally lead us to different conclusions. Me hating someone will only push them into their own world. I'd rather share my perspective, and hope it moves theirs a bit, so that we might reach a better common ground.

I’d have to spend time looking through conservative nonsense to make memes about it. I don’t care to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

For starters, Liberals are less violent, desire stability and an uplifting progression in social values, and tend to be fairly comfortable in themselves.

Other than that - when Liberals go far enough left, they become Socialists, and start to hate Liberals for their Capitalist elements and "economic liberalism"/neoliberalism.

When conservatives go far right, they turn into fascist conservatives... Conservatives, just more staunch, violent, and unreasonable.

If it makes you feel any better I'm on your side and I get the same whiny milquetoast doormat bullshit from liberals. They think they can get power to abdicate itself by begging, and they think violence is barbaric despite it being the only way things have ever progressed anywhere.

The right wing has a long history of real repression. Think slavery, segregation, Jim Crow (simply saying it doesn't do it justice), voter suppression, KKK, mob violence, etc. As much as I hate to realize it, they were fundamentally built on violence and hate. It's never left them. Especially the mentality, which is "my way or violence".

This is also why they project the left is violent. Because they are, so they assume everyone else is too. So they try to portray left groups as violent. Same with having an agenda. They have one, so they assume everyone else has one too. It's all projection.

You should really ask the same question - or its inverse - in a conservative forum. If you only ask it here, you’ll get a very skewed answer.

And to be honest, the question itself and the wording shows your bias as well. Whenever something about US politics is posted on Lemmy, there are always comments about how “they” are hate-filled people, how “they” are projecting, how “they” want to rape children. It’s a different expression of that hatred, but it is the same hatred.

Nope. No. Absolutely not. One side wants to take away peoples' rights. The other one doesn't. Miss me with your stupid bothsideism.

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The opposite of woke is random shit boomers happened to grow up with. If your politics are based on some principle you can justify, then if you lose you try again later. If your politics are based on a random collection of historical accidents you can't justify, and you don't even like most of them except for a couple, but you think the only way to keep the couple you do like is to defend all of them, then losing is the end. You have to fight to the death, and once you do lose you can't cope by doing better next time, all you have is revenge.

Sometimes liberals also want to defend historical accidents that they think fit their idea of liberalism, and then they adopt the same kind of aggressive deterrence strategy, like pro-Israel liberals with college protests or the English with trans people.

This is the broadest stroke I can make of it:

Conservatives decisions are based on instincts and lower brain functions like fear and hatred.

Liberals decisions are based on marginal benefit and rational decision making based on a combination of large and small scale unbiased data and historical outcomes.

There are tons of outliers and vocal minorities that break the rule, but basically a conservative thinks a liberal should face eternal punishment, while a liberal thinks they're not fit to judge a conservative.

Liberals decisions are based on marginal benefit and rational decision making based on a combination of large and small scale unbiased data and historical outcomes.

[citation needed]

Liberals have their own idiotic biases and foolishness. Biases and foolishness that have led to the "disappearing" of many LGBTQ+ activists in China, incidentally, which is why so many such groups in China are distancing themselves from their western counterparts.

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One is a political party and one is a group of religious extremists?

I do hate them, but I'm secure enough that I don't need to make adversarialism my identity.

Because we have elderly people in our life that we care about and they weren't monsters when we were young. Think of how much effort it would take you to objectively look at ideas your grandparents held/hold and what it says about them. I know I can't do it. I can't see my grandfather as a person who used to refer to homosexuals with a word I won't repeat. The man who took me on so many hikes and fishing trips? No way.

Now extend it. Do you really want to go through your life thinking everyone passed a certain age is a terrible person? So evil becomes misguided.

The reverse of course isn't true. No one gives a shit about a 30 year old. They ain't cute and they are starting to run stuff.

You're letting your heart get in the way of the mind. I got to enjoy knowing my grandparents abused my parents. My maternal side in particular revelled in spewing hate at demographics including myself and abandoning all the values they claimed to hold dear for their pentacostal magat cult. Needless to say I do not have the same issue.

Regardless. If you really care about defending people's rights, you need to be able to look people like your grandparents in the eye and say "No, you're wrong, and should suffer for it".

And old people arent cute, not sure where you got that

Well a. Mind are dead b. If they were alive I wouldn't do that c. I don't got to do anything

My right wing uncle just yesterday posed this question in reverse oddly enough, it was a jarring conversation, soon ended when I pointed out the plentiful admittions of hateful rhetoric the right have spouted.

His information comes from YouTube personality's and I take great pleasure in researching the shit he regurgitate and showing him my finding with carefully selected source as unbiased as possible. in a way I feel sorry for the working class right winger, misguided, fueled purely by escapism and negative emotions then peddlers with skin in the game wrap them up with crazy notions of patriotism and conspiracy

The conservative strategy has been to polarize politics in America in order to have a very aligned power. This means that if you aren't 100% behind them, then you are an enemy to them.

It is only through this that the GOP can both say that they are protecting individual freedoms but limiting or taking them away (of course opponents to this will be quick to point out the one and only counter point which is fighting against restrictions of the 2nd Amendment and only that), say that they are for smaller government but yet want private companies to be regulated that attempt to censor hate and misinformation (which has nothing to do with the 1st Amendment when it comes to non-government entities) yet still say that they are for businesses to operate as unrestricted as possible. They are anti-union because they are corrupt and take away accountability yet strongly support the worst of the worst of unions -- the police unions. The GOP constantly cries that there's a nanny government, yet they push laws to restrict people's choices, censor libraries and try to tear down citizen protections. The GOP cries that this country's deficit is out of control but when they are in power, they over spend. They complain that public schools indoctrinate but at the local and state levels attempt to indoctrinate in public schools. They talk about needing to stay in power to turn America around, yet when empowered in all three federal branches fails to pass meaningful legislation and run the government that they are overseeing and yet blame the government because they will eat each other alive for their own individual gains.

There so much more but the GOP is a party of hypocrites. Without polarization mixed with some fear mongering their party would likely cease to exist with any real power because they do not stand for the ideals that their own voting base supports.

The GOP constantly tries to create an environment of being constantly under attack and spews hate. Their voter base is simply a product of that.

I honestly don't think there's much of a difference between these groups. Both have lots of people hating the guts of another group. And both are substantially radical in views. This all is just crazy

Not sure "liberals" is the right word, because it kind of encompasses all of the left, of which liberals are more center than left.


Because it's at odds with with our moral compass and our knowledge of how human psychology works. We believe in people's ability to learn, change, adapt, and become a better person. We see it practiced better in Europe than America, at least very often in respect to the criminal justice system, which the American version is abusive, unhelpful, and, well, conservative. On the other hand, the left thinks that even the conservatives that hate us deserve at least a bare opportunity at education and redemption. (Or at least most of the left anyway, tankies notwithstanding, of course.) We have science that supports compassion and conversion works better than abuse and ostracism. It takes a lot of fucking time and effort. A lot more than many would say they're worth, and I get that, but it doesn't mean it's impossible.

We don't hate them the same way because we're not in a brainwashed cult like they are. While a lot of them may be too far gone, not all of them are, and as things spin out of control in the conservative world, increasing numbers of them are starting to question what they're backing. It's part of why the crowds protesting for Trump have slowly dwindled to pathetic numbers and have gotten increasingly strange and unhinged. Only the true believers are left, and their numbers are already dwindling in terms of those willing to come out and risk it for Trump.

Even when understanding the Paradox of Tolerance, you'd be hard pressed to find large numbers of leftists who think the best solution is the same kind of senseless eradication of the enemy that conservatives want. You'd find a large number of them who increasingly want to be armed and prepared if they are attacked by violent conservatives, but far fewer that want to be the one to fire the first shot in such a war.

Also, as to a counterpoint, I don't know many leftists who don't hate cops. Cops are pretty much universally conservative thugs and universally hated by everyone on the left.

If I'm trying to actually be realistic and understand it rather than just insult people—I think this Is due to a lot of different things, but a large one is that conservatives see liberals as "the ones running the world". They feel oppressed, and silenced, and therefore lash out. This builds overtime. Liberals do not see conservatives the same way.

It's the classic good vs evil.

Evil hates everyone and good is displeased with evil.

Assuming that you used "liberals" to refer colloquially to the American left wing and "conservatives" to mean the right...

You do see the inverse. You see it in this thread: Calling conservatives rats, saying they don't have morals. I just read all the current answers, and less than a third of them made any attempts to understand those on the right instead of othering them.

Oh noes, the idiots who literally tried an insurrection aren't being coddled and offered a handy, it's just awful!

Even if we're using "conservatives" to refer to the entire right wing here, insurrectionists and those who support them are a tiny minority.

The problem is that minority of people hold enough positions of power to exert their twisted desires on the majority regardless of what anyone else wants.

Lol you're a walking part of the question being asked. A literal version of it.

The hate for conservatives is just as strong from liberals.

Conservative: punches someone in the face

Literally anyone else: Hey asshole, don't do that!

You: The hate for conservatives is just as strong from liberals.

Lol you need to read more. Have you read the shit people say on here even? You're blind if you think their is no strong hate for republicans out there.

Republicans are great. Conservatives and death cultists aren't Republicans.

Well, a lot of both conservatives and Republicans are part of a middle-eastern death cult, but so are are a lot of progressives and Democrats and moderates and independents. I am.

Some don't like to think of Christianity in those terms, but the shoe fits.

Thats a loaded question if I've ever seen one.

I live in a heavily liberal city but have unhinged rightie friends in other states, including Texas amd Florida. The most unhinged ultra maga shit I see on their feed goes blow for blow with the brainless, bitter, amd sometimes hateful nonsense I see coming from my lefty friends feeds.

If one is a hateful loser of a certain ideology, they naturally blame the other side. It's human nature.

ROFL!!! Spend another ten minutes on Lemmy before asking this question.

You and I are on different parts of the internet it seems. As a non American, your guys' politics frighten and confuse me. The amount of hatred seems pretty damn comparable on both sides. Also neither of your partied are actually very different. Just different flavours of authoritarian.

Too late at night for lolitarianism


It is too late in the evening in the time zone I am in right now to hear libertarian ideas being taken seriously.

You know how when you had a long day and someone wants to explain to you whatever conspiracy crap they buy into but you can't? You just have no energy left to even pretend there is something of value there.

Go watch V for Vendetta and read some Rothbard if you feel you need to.

Oh you're one of those kinds of people. Gotcha. Well sorry me reminding you that governments like power makes you exhausted.

Yes I am one of those people who thinks welfare programs and environmental regulations are a small price to pay for the benefits we as a whole get from them. But hey why not just move to the many countries in the world that don't bother with them?

Brother when did I ever say anything about any sort of social safety net. I think you're arguing with the wrong person.

Just in my observation, people who lean more liberal are more emotionally regulated. If there’s anything to “hate” it’s ideas. Now, as a person I’m wary of conservatives because of those ideas. Whether it’s due to poor judgement or some other reason, if someone embraces social conservative ideas, I cannot tolerate them in my social circle.

Liberals are conservatives, they hate leftists.

Have you seen half the liberal posts on here? I have never seen such hatred for another political party in my life

"I constantly see angry mobs of people decrying “woke..."

There's nothing remotely liberal about Wokeness

"Conservatives" are just liberals either openly flirting with fascism or simply are fascists pretending not to be fascists. They don't hate their fellow right-wingers (yes, liberalism is right-wing ideology) - they are goading their fellow liberals into either joining them, or, at least, remaining quiet while they hand more and more power to fascists.

I think this is us convervative/liberal. like bernie sanders is a liberal in the us.

I think this is us convervative/liberal.

Yes. It is.

It doesn't matter where you are... liberalism is purely a right-wing ideology - there has never been anything "leftist" about it. It's very easy to check for yourself - simply try and find an anti-capitalist liberal.

You're going to be looking for a long, long time.

why would I look for that. That is the extreme. left does not star way on the left more than right starts way on the right. Its like saying someone is not right unless they are against any social program or public property of any kind.

That is the extreme

No. It isn't.

Being pro-capitalist is extreme... which means being liberal is extreme by default - it has merely been so normalized for you that you don't actually see how batshit insane it truly is.

Its like saying someone is not right unless they are against any social program or public property of any kind.

Do you require me to explain to you what left and right actually mean? I'd be happy to do so - and I can guarantee you that it will be perfectly painless.

Your entire description of what liberals dont do is nonsense. Lemmy is basically 80% cringe progressive memes that are mostly propaganda.

You agree with progressives so you don't notice it as much.

But they do? All the conservatives I listen to or hang out with don’t say a word of hate about liberals. But all the liberals I hang out with hate (as in actively, as in take time out of conversations to spend words and energy and time doing this), they actively hate conservatives.

They complain about conservatives. They say they’re evil and inhuman and ascribe all sorts of evil intent. They express the desire to purge them from the neighborhood, to disenfranchise them. I’ve seen calls for blood, many times.

When I hang out with conservatives, we don’t even talk politics. We talk about cars or whatever. There’s no time spent on hating anyone or anything. We talk about problems facing us, how the week went, etc.

Maybe the liberals I know just happen to be extremists, I don’t know. But that’s my experience. Liberals sit around and talk politics and how bad conservatives are. Conservatives sit around and talk about all sorts of stuff, and almost never mention liberals.

I think it depends on the particular people. I know a conservative whom it is impossible to talk to without them turning the conversation into politics full of hate in the shortest possible time. I'd love to know, whether there's any statistics about this, because obviously the experience from our social bubbles is not enough.

Maybe it's just your friends? I know my ex and his brother cannot stop talking about politics when they come over, they are extreme as heck though. It's all conspiracies, voter fraud, everyone out to get them because they are white guys, but they should be in charge because they are white guys, they made it all the way to thinking women ought not be allowed to vote, not kidding. I wish they didn't talk politics because what they say does make me want to hate whoever is profiting from this radicalization.

Or maybe they don't have to care about politics because it's going their way, all sunshine and rainbows (well maybe not rainbows) as far as the eye can see? They don't have to care that abortion is getting outlawed or that the state is gerrymandered to make the legislature more conservative than the state, they don't have to care because they are winning? But would talk about politics if it wasn't going their way?

I do believe you, just not sure your friends are typical. Also hopefully mine aren't.

Well, well, well. Looks like we got ourselves a real thinker over here.

Let me grab my decoder ring and my degree in bullshit interpretation, 'cause this shit needs unpackin'.

First off, ObliviousEnlightenment, huh? More like ObliviouslySpoutin'Nonsense.

Lemme tell ya, this whole liberal versus conservative hate thing is a load of horse shit.

Hate knows no political boundaries, kid.

It's like ravioli—some folks love it, some folks hate it, but it don't matter what side of the aisle you're on, you still gotta respect the ravioli.

Now, as for this "us vs. them" mentality, that's just human nature, plain and simple. We all got our gangs, our tribes, our little groups we run with.

But the problem ain't the conservatives or the liberals, it's the goddamn extremists on both sides stirrin' the pot and throwin' gasoline on the fire. They're the ones spewing hate and takin' things too damn far.

As for the whole muting and shamin' thing, lemme break it down for ya: liberals tend to police their own when someone goes off the deep end, while the conservatives let their crazies run wild and pretend they don't exist.

That's why you see more visible hate from one side than the other. But make no mistake, there's assholes on both teams. As for you feelin' isolated, boohoo.

Welcome to the fuckin' club. Life ain't fair, and neither is politics. You wanna survive? Learn to navigate the crazy and find common ground.

Stop whinin' and start thinkin' for yourself. Don't be another sheep bleatin' out talking points.

That's my two cents.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I got a date with a meatball sub the size of my head.

extremists on both sides

Right Extremists: Murder our political opponents! Kill the queers and the coloreds! Install our dictator! Anyone that isn't a white christian nationalist doesn't deserve to live!

Left Extremists: Everyone deserves access to health care, housing, and basic necessities! Limit the hoarding of wealth and power! Protect democracy! End mass murder and genocide!

"bOTh sIdeS Are THe sAME!"

What political opponents have been killed? Of any political stripe??

Bad faith misdirection question is bad faith, misdirection.

E for effort, though.

Idk man conservatives in recent history have a pretty consistent track record of assassinations and assassination attemps on liberal and leftist politicians in the US based on their politics. Tommy Burks was outright killed by his Republican opponent less than a month before the election (Burks was one of the most conservative Democrats at the time, but he was certainly killed by a lot more conservative Republican), Clementa Pinckney (targetted in a white supremacist shooting at a primarily black church that he was the pastor of), Gabby Giffords (shot in the head by an anti-government right-wing conspiracy theory consumer).

When Republican politicians are killed now, it's pretty much only by personal enemies/drama that is unrelated to liberal or leftist politics, or by schizophrenic/criminally insane people who also weren't doing it over politics. Like Linda Collins (her friend killed her after being confronted for stealing money), Mike McLelland (he was killed by a former lawyer who's theft case he prosecuted). Hell, even Ronald Reagan was shot over an actress, not over the guy's personal political views. Ironically, Republican John Roll was killed by the right-wing terrorist targetting Gabby Giffords, he was caught in the cross-fire. I don't think there's even an in-office conservative Republican politician that was assassinated by a Democratic rival this century, or even a single instance of a conservative Republican being assassinated by a liberal over politics recently.

I want you to think of how frequently you hear of terrorist attacks which were committed in the name of white supremacy, christian nationalism, dicrimination against LGBT, or some other far-right bullshit, and then think of how frequently you hear of terrorist attacks committed in the name of progressive beliefs like, oh idk universal healthcare and better public transport. it's gotta be at least like a 20 to 1 ratio, and that's me being conservative with the amount of conservative attacks.

You got it backwards

Has a Democrat president ever amplified messaging like "the only good Republican is a dead one"?

Stop it.

See you're doing it right now

Give me one example of liberal hate and I'll give you five of conservative.

Fun fact: providing an accurate example of someone spreading hate isn't itself spreading hate.

Only cult members consider good faith accusations leveled against their leaders to be inherently hateful.

And no, that's not hate either. That's ridicule based on observed behavior patterns.

The parties differ not so much in their (propagated) goals, but in the methods they are prepared to use.

points at trans youths

Yea uh... the goals are definitely fucking different. Let's not fall back into that old rhetorical trap of being fair and balanced.

Nah man, the goals are further apart than the methods are. At this point I'm not even interested in hearing your justification. If you can't see it, you're blind.