What are some of the rules about the Internet that were taught to you but are now completely ignored?

Decency8401@discuss.tchncs.de to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 298 points –

For me, it was that the Internet never forgets and that you should never enter your real name. In my opinion, both of these rules are now completely ignored.


Don’t pick up the phone if someone is online… I’m old

I’m a millennial, I learned this, and now I just don’t pick up the phone.

I'm a gen z and I can't put down the phone

Now try and call someone with it. I'll wait

Feel free to call me whenever, it only costs you $69 a minute.

Don't call them, it's just them screaming " NOT THE BEES!" Over and over again for a minute, weirdest wank ever.

I can’t remember. Did it make pterodactyl noises or is that just faxes?

The modem made noises when connecting, but if someone picked up the phone, your internet would just stop working and they’d get their dial tone.

Now dot matrix printers, those were real pterodactyl sounds.

Modems can still make noise. As recently as five years ago I still had to work with modems. A lot of them now have silent mode though

Modems also make noises when connected. However, the noise of them connecting is more distinctive because they go through a handshake where you can hear distinct tones, but then negotiate a higher baud rate involving modulation of many different frequencies, at which point to the human ear it is indistinguishable from white noise (a sort of loud hissing). If you pick up the phone while the modem is connected at a higher baud rate (post the handshake), you'll hear the hissing, and then eventually you picking up the phone will have caused too many errors for the connection to be sustained (due to introducing noise on the line), causing both ends to hang up. You'll then hear the normal tone you hear when the called party has hung up the line.

You come from a nice family. My family disconnected each other all the time

I used to get hella annoyed that my mom would be online all afternoon so I would pick up the phone and blow into it for a few seconds until I heard AOL man say "Goodbye."

That, together with: I’m online, watch out for the ca… “No carrier”

I'm not that old but was dealing with that in the mid-2000s before my parents finally switched.

Don't feed the trolls.

Of course nowadays its nearly impossible to tell whos spouting racial slurs to get folks mad and whos doing it because they're just an asshole.

Just assume almost everybody is an asshole online and you can't be wrong. Because anonymity has granted them that capability.

The fact that people being assholes with their real names on Facebook tells me, anonymity has nothing to do with it.

Facebook has no anonymity though. So it's different. You are sole responsible for who you allow yourself to add that now may know your real name.

I think people being assholes on FB with their real names makes filtering a hell of a lot easier.

More recently, this behaviour is known as "driving engagement"

I remember when it was just funny edgy humor that was clearly satirical for the most part because a lot of us were just dumb kids. It was abrasive and stupid but you had this feeling everyone was in on the joke.

But bizarre satire has turned to deeply held conviction.

I'm not just sad that the mean spirited trolling persists, but that it's gotten more sincere and often must be taken seriously. :(

When you share something cool, link back to the original creator or where you found it from.

I’d argue this is the opposite of what was asked.

In the early days, no one would post sources or attribute “stuff” to anyone. We’d all just share what we thought were cool pictures.

Now, everyone gets mad when you dont post the name of the artist and their socials.

What people are really mad about us the fact that artists are (and always have been) starving. We throw so much food away, let the artists cook for fucks sake.

This might be more of a blogosphere-era thing I guess. Even when most people blogging did it for pleasure rather than work, it was always considered polite to "hat tip" (h/t) the source of a given link, if you happened to find it on someone else's site.

I would posit a big part of this is because early-net days were primarily for just socializing and sharing cool stuff (heck yeah, I miss it.) Artists probably didn't make a majority of their living through the 'net. If something was shared it was likely just "I think this is cool, folks!"

Nowadays, to say the Internet is heavily commercialized would be a massive understatement. Every little interaction is monetized. Many people make their entire living through e-commerce. It's just how things went.

Meanwhile you have a billion faceless sandfleas with repost-botfarms trying to hustle cash with the stupidest methods possible.

You'll see entire channels where animations or paintings or whatever are circulated on socials like youtube, twitter, or tiktok with the artist tag conveniently cropped out (if there was one).

Some are outright stealing the work for profit (selling tshirts or something), while others are just using it to farm clicks, which is also a route to profit.

The artist who made the work is cheated, perhaps unaware, as some click-grifter gets all the attention. And that sucks. :( As an artist myself, I try to make sure I share the sources for stuff now, because recognition is a form of thanks, at the very least.

I miss the sharing internet...the attention economy has basically turned the internet into a sociological illustration of "The paperclip apocalypse". :(

Social media killed online aliases and I have a hard time deciding if we're all worse for it.

Instinctively I still stick by that, though, as you can tell by my anonymous profile with no bio, but when I volunteer any amount of personal info these days people are often confused that I'm not sharing openly who I am or where I'm from. Every time someone does that it weirds me out because in the 90s telling (and asking) people those things would have been such a suspicious, sketchy move.

Facebook tried that shit with me. Ban until I sent verification of my ID so I sent a paystub photoshopped (badly) with my alias, it was accepted and it's still there even though I left FB years ago.

I wish they would ban me. I haven’t logged in in over 15 years and even block several of their servers, and yet I still get mails that someone in there commented on something.

Oh I get zero notifications, but the only real reason I haven't taken it down is that my posts from IG are cross posted there for the business, which I have to have to advertise our specials because of the boomers that use it daily.

Shit, I provide every single service with randomly generated data, unless legally required. Just doing my part to pollute the training data.

Every time someone does that it weirds me out because in the 90s telling (and asking) people those things would have been such a suspicious, sketchy move.

And now it's come 180 in that some see it as a red flag if you don't give up that information. I had someone on a different social media site accuse me of being a bot because I wouldn't give up the specific town I'm from. I've seen it happen to others too. It is both fascinating and insane how viewpoints have changed regarding identifying yourself online.

Not only telling your real name, you weren't supposed to tell your real birthday, give away your phone number or where you lived, even just saying the city was a bit much. So filling in those things like on Facebook or LinkedIn feels very wrong but it would be even more wrong to have fake info there. So my new rule is, only add ppl I know irl to places I use my real info and everything else can I add anyone to.

Ugh, the world of "branded people." Everything is like "Add a picture of yourself, or you won't seem trustworthy!"

Yeesh. Some artists and such can make it using a pseudonym, but it's rare in more professional circles...but now if you hope to be taken seriously as a professional, you're expected to put your real super genuine self out there.

...and we get news stories of people being harassed and doxxed literally to death. It's crazy...

Yes that picture thing happened multiple times at my old job. They kept pestering me about give them a pic to add to the "about us" page and I had to use my face in all channels (jira, slack email and so on) because "otherwise I can't tell who is who".. my current job handled that much better, they asked for a pic (if I wanted to) to be used as reference for an artist (always the same) to make an avatar and that is now the avatar my coworkers and I use in presentations, systems, emails, webpages anything, we never use real image of our coworkers unless the person wish for it.

When reading a long text, disconnect from the internet as soon as it has loaded so you don't pay for the time you spend reading.

I remember doing that to read and write my answers in forums. Then someone had already posted the same comment or a better version.

I remember being taught in school to apply source criticism, and that seems to have largely died as a concept.

This was back in the early 2000s...

I'm a faithful follower of never using your real name in social parts of the internet. We don't need to know and we don't want to know. The only ones who would want to know are scammers or people wanting to give you a shitty time. I only use my real name online for people and places in where it's required like talking to agents from my bank, insurance .etc And very few friends know my real name through FB and the circle anyways.

Don't send nudes online to anybody. I know of some communities where people happily are flaunting it one moment then they make a post later whining about them being exploited or that they thought they were crafty hiding the nudes from someone they're married with. They delete it but they're too naive to think that what's already out there, has most likely been saved by hundreds by now, so you're fucked either way.

Another is, is that if you want to be understood, then you need to use proper spelling and grammar. I miss the days when you got kicked at because you used 'u' in replacement of 'you'. It's just two fucking extra letters you lazy asshole. These days saying stupid shit like; 'yah fr u tha fam' is somehow a complete sentence. No, I'm going to give you shit for it and if you want me to bother caring with what you have to say, fucking make some sense. I don't even get offended by insults when they're poorly spelled, it just tells me what kind of an inept moron you are.

I'm with you on the no real names, no nudes. "Don't dox yourself" was the norm pre-Myspace. Facebook made it almost fashionable to do so.

I'm fine with shorthand and colloquialisms, especially in the era of the smartphone and their lack of physical keyboards.

It made sense with t9 texting. Smartphones have easy to use keyboards and autocorrect. No reason to still type like you have to make 7 or 8 key presses to type "you."

Facebook made it almost fashionable to do so.


Zuck: yea so if you ever need info about anyone at harvard just ask

Zuck: i have over 4000 emails, pictures, addresses, sns

Friend: what!? how’d you manage that one?

Zuck: people just submitted it

Zuck: i don’t know why

Zuck: they “trust me”

Zuck: dumb fucks


One of many sources

I'm fine with shorthand and colloquialisms, especially in the era of the smartphone and their lack of physical keyboards.

It wasn't even cool once t9 emulation came in. But writing with no regard for the audience, that's apparently eternal.

Put in the effort or eat the down-votes.

I don't think people really do that anymore, people got faster typing and autocorrect got good

I do use my real name in voice chats provided I've known the person for a few days at least, I hate being called by my username in voice

I'm a faithful follower of never using your real name in social parts of the internet. We don't need to know and we don't want to know.

Corollary: there are no girls on the Internet. The simplest way to promote gender equality is to not disclose gender in arbitrary conversation or in the profile. If you still do in an anonymous forum, you are likely trying to take advantage of privileges that the patriarchal societal structure offers you in that situation, and in doing so you are upholding it.

But then nobody can use gendered neopronouns.

Which IMO is a good thing. I don't mind people having their own identity, but if nobody tracks pronouns (including traditional pronouns) then life becomes easier for everyone and there's less drama. We need fewer pronouns, not more.

That sounds like something an agender person who just assumed they were cis because they went with the flow and never much thought about it would say.

It's just something a person who wants to see everyone as a unique individual instead of putting them in a box says. Doesn't matter if it's about skin color, gender, age, etc. Make it okay to be somewhere vague on a multidimensional spectrum instead of having to make everything black or white. In the end none of these factors even matter when we're discussing which Bionicle is best.

No, I'm not "assuming I'm cis". I'm trying not to assume, period. I don't need a label to know who I'm attracted to and it's none of your business either.

1 more...

yah fr u tha fam

The only abbreviations in that are fr and u. Fam is slang for family, not a text only abbreviation. "Tha" is just a transcription of how someone may say "the". Like "da bomb". "Yah" is either a typo of "yeah" or the same as "tha". This feels more like an insult against people transcribing vernacular literally. Are you racist?

Yes I am racist. I'm racist to stupid fucks who deliberately twist contexts around to fit a projected narrative of theirs, you asshole.

You're the one bringing the race into this, not me. This is simply a response. Let me remind you, since your braincells are in single digits, that this is a response to something you brought into the discussion that wasn't otherwise warranted. Get a fucking clue.

Did you watch the clip? It's clearly tongue in cheek. Way to self report though, jeez.

Nah, u wrong fo dat last part homie. Maybe if u tryna have an intellectual discussion then u can write in full n shi. But if it's just a casual convo, then write casual

20 years ago, if someone said 'u' for 'you' then I assumed they were young. These days if I see someone use 'u' for 'you' I assume they are 60+.

These days if I see someone use 'u' for 'you' I assume they are 60+.

Nah. Indolence knows no cohort.

2 more...

I was taught to cite websites by using the date the page was updated. Now I'm lucky if web pages even have a date on them.

Oh, that one's easy! Just use the internet archivenevermind.

Either that, or the page says that it's been updated in the last month, but the content is about how to connect to the World Wide Web '(WWW)' with a free AOL floppy disc

You could always use the Page Information to get the Created and Last updated from the web server.

Oh, wait. All the pages are dynamically generated,.so both of those are dated now. 😥

"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." -Abraham Lincoln

Social media, a gorilla getting shot, two US elections, and GenAI later, we have completely fallen off this one simple rule.

The amount of boomer bait on Facebook is staggering. The amount of Boomers falling for obviously AI-generated shite even moreso.

The amount of millennials falling for boomer bait is also staggering

I personally have the opposite issue. Things often sound way too much like satire these days when they get referenced or pop up in memes, then I find a reputable article talking about it. Everything sounds like !nottheonion@lemmy.world

Don't share your personal information online.

Yeah that's definitely not being followed anymore.

Don't give your credit card details over the internet.

Nowadays people have them saved in their damn browser for convenience.

Credit card usually isn't so bad. It's usually pretty easy to dispute charges etc, debit card on the other hand...no way that's getting saved

Have you had any experience with that? I keep hearing it, but usage of a credit card is expensive af

It's only expensive if you don't pay it in full every month. I've had my credit card for years and have paid $0.00 total for it whilst it generates at least 1% cash back or more depending on where used. Not much, but it adds up and makes it beneficial.

I have. My bank did a chargeback like they would if it was a credit card. I was told it would've been a lot harder to get my money back if my PIN was used. But, I've only seen that option available for in-person purchaees.

Only time I've had fraudulent charges was when I was 18 or so and hadn't yet got my first line of credit. They disputed the charges normally and froze the account. It did suck not having much money but I also was living at home still so I just avoided spending money for a few days until it all finished processing

Don't top post.

twitter built itself on doing this the most nonsensical and annoying way possible.

I’ve never used Twitter and every time I see a post with like… the original comment in the middle, a reply on top, and a reply again? On bottom? I’m like what the fuck is even how

Especially with quote retweets that are screenshots of threads with the quote retweets itself having a thread.

Gmail is super annoying at this, there is no way to automatically turn this off. I just have to delete the ellipsis every damn time

I like to think I'm reasonably intelligent but whatever the heck Gmail does with its reply "conversation" order absolutely bamboozles me. It decides to just hide messages in the middle seemingly at random too, and gives them all reply buttons.


I think it's fine for email, better even. Unless there's a list of questions or something. In forums and lemmy I don't see it at all.

Breaking the rules to demonstrate how this looks dumb

Don't top post.

Exception: when the quoted thing is the punchline

The thing that grinds my gears

WARNING: I’m not actually a quotation tho my > character says that is what I am for in the specification & if you check my HTML markup I am a <blockquote> which also has a spec saying I must quote a source

Markdown-itis is ruining semantics on the web just ’cause it doesn’t support callouts like a proper lightweight markup syntax for documentation, technical writing, & blogging. It is the wrong tool for these mediums but users forgo caring about semantics for the familar not even understand their tools or their outputs.</blockquote>

.. except when it's a forwarded convo and then it's okay, as per 1855.

And then when is a conversation NOT a comment or update to something you've forwarded back? The answer is never.

So it's all good.

Came here to say that. It actually predates common internet usage - Fidonet was a much bigger thing through the 80s and early 90s than emails, and BBS forums used it to distribute messages.

Properly quote only what you are replying to. Quote a line, reply to it. Repeat on multiple points.

Then wait a few days for a reply, of course, unless they were dialling into the same BBS.

Now we have boards like this that do a pretty good job about displaying context and quoting is less needed.

You should use the Internet to get info out of it, not put your info there. If you do want to put info, it should never be traceable to you.

I just don’t get why people want so much of their life online…

It went from "don't post pictures of yourself or your real name online because you might get strangers' attention" to everyone trying to be their own version of a Max Headroom talking head to try to get the attention of all the strangers. Selfies, video selfies, talking head videos, reaction videos... all garbage.

Basic forum etiquette. It's horrifying at work seeing teams "teams" (forums) used like chats, all the cross-posting and thread necromancy, people completely unable to keep topics confined to the appropriate sub-forum, etc

thread necromancy

AKA "discussing something with new information more than 31 seconds after people got bored of it"

Necroposting is a slur by the terminally online against normal people trying to get shot done. They're the reason why every Google search that leads to a forum ends with some guy asking your question and being told to start a new thread instead.

some guy asking your question and being told to start a new thread instead.

If it’s done within a reasonable time period, it’s understandable. Hours or a day or two later depending on the forum.

It’s different when someone saunters in years later with the “I’ve got the same problem!” quip to a post that may or may not actually be the same, and actually expects a response. That, to me, is necroposting.

This is the attitude that leads us to search results polluted with forum threads with bad, unchallengeable ideas (because they're locked). Almost all web1 forum are becoming digital flotsam because of these bad moderator opinions.

I see necroposting as when it's someone coming by months or years after the discussion is over and not bringing much of value to the table. So it's more to do with the value of the contribution than the timeframe

How is that really different from the same comment 2 second after. It just isn't.

Just ban hammer low the value commenters don't lock the thread for moderator convenience.

On the Internet I grew up on, pretty much anything was ok except to discuss (or even speculate about) the real-world identities of users who didn't very openly disclose them.

Now many people think the latter is ok.

I learned as a kid playing star craft that there are noobs and newbs. Newbs are people new to a game who need help learning. And a noob is someone who has played for a while and refuses to learn and would rather troll.

I just discovered this morning that my nephew is a noob then.

This actually perfectly fits. He’s been homeless. Let him stay with me. He got a job pretty quick. But today, his fourth day, he was late because he set his alarm for 7:30 instead of 6:30.

I’ve been unconsciously treating him as a newb, because he acts like a teenager. It just automatically activates a father instinct for me.

But he’s almost 30. He’s had plenty of time to figure this shit out.

We went and got groceries last night. He bought almost nothing but simple carbs. Most of that coming from straight sugar. Like, fruit punch drinks and shit. He eats like a six year old at a candy store.

Well, not quite that bad. But bad. And his health is fucked up. He sees no connection between subsisting on simple carbs and having health problems, addiction, etc.

But today, his fourth day, he was late because he set his alarm for 7:30 instead of 6:30.

No excuse. Alarms can be set with a recurring theme or planned to a specific day.

I suggested that he might set a recurring alarm and he refused on the basis that he goes to sleep at different times each night.

His job is at the same time every day! His bus is at the same time every day!


I've heard this one phrased: "Newbs deserve a helping hand. Noobs deserve a kicking."

I've never heard the terms were treated differently. A troll was just called a troll.

Hm, well, there are trolls and there are trawls

Hahaha I used to have a shirt from "Jinx" back when they were cool that said "I eat Nøøbs".

And "Play in your world. Get pwnd in mine."

Wouldn't be caught dead in those now. But haha it was amusing in ~2005.

It was a simpler time where a shirt that simply said "gamer" wouldn't get you socially sneered at.

Haha that reminds me of a shirt I had around '08/'09 that just said "Awesomesauce." I kind of miss the silly stuff like that and the shirts you mentioned. It really does seem like it was a simpler time :) Nowadays life is pwning me left and right!

How do you pronounce newb ?

Likely contentious but my experience has been "newb" has a slight vocal raising to indicate light-heartedness, ie:

Noob: no͞ob Newb: nyo͞ob

Internet is a proper noun and should always be capitalized.

THE Internet is a proper noun.

AN internet is an network of networks and is just a thing; like an intranet is.

I never knew this until I realized my phone capitalizes it automatically.

Don't talk to strangers.

Searching things is easy so don't post something without checking it. People now don't make the slightest effort to verify a rumor or conspiracy crap.

and, conversely, posting things you have "verified"

"You're wrong! I was able to prove it with a quick Google!"

Your knowledge coming from a 'quick google' isn't the flex you think it is. Most things that can be proven with a quick google are false.

Don't get into stranger's cars, and don't give out your real name or number or address on the internet.

Now you do most of these things when you call an uber. 😅

Technically so did you when calling a cab. Name, number and location

Sure, but there's no verification when calling a cab so you can use an alias if you want.

As in real life, it's pretty sound advice to ignore, block or otherwise disengage from trolls and other forms of belligerents. Even in the '90s when I first started using the internet, the phrase of the day was "don't feed the trolls". But people just can't help themselves. They will even reply saying "I know you're a troll, but...".

The Steam forums are a great example, where every other thread is a fake "is this game woke??" screed. The fact that you can be rewarded for being a cunt there with jesters (which translate into points that can be spent to buy profile items) just makes it a thousand times worse. You get 'paid' to be a troll on Steam. It's insanity.

The only anti-troll weapon that works or is needed is oblivion. Let their steaming turd of a post curdle in solitude. Don't even downvote it. Being downvoted is a victory for them, an acknowledgement that they exist and that they've gotten your attention and that they've annoyed you. Shadowban them from your mind. Block them so that no future posts of theirs will infect your screen. Report them so mods can remove/ban them. Just don't engage directly with the post or the user. Don't say "blocked and reported" in the troll's thread/post. Just do it silently.

Ive blocked so many award baiters on steam, when an update for one of the bigger games comes out the first few comment pages are filled with "you've blocked this user. If you've blocked enough of them the comments get usable again.

This is how I felt about online gameplay too. Someone being a turd? Block em. I still had some GREAT interactions with random players.

But nowadays every online game is dead silent. People are scared of toxicity so they're all sequestered in separate discord servers. Might as well be playing with bots. =\

...Pretty sick of Discord. Lol.

The same people who warned us about the dangers of the internet and not to believe everything, are now the ones readily falling for and spreading conspiracies and lies from social media.

It's tragic.

I suspect now it was never about "don't believe everything", it's just been "believe what I believe". Which I suppose follows Nietzsche's thought on the transition from religion to ideology.

"Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory" was both a lie (typically invoked to defend/justify bigotry, bullying, and such) and it also served to normalize people being assholes on the internet. "Perfectly well adjusted wholesome ordinary people chant nazi slogans when they log onto the internet, for real guys! It says nothing about their character as people because for some magical reason the internet totally has no connections to lived human experiences!"

I'm glad that the so-called rule fell out of use and the excuse rings very hollow for most people now. Also, I noticed that many "ironic asshole" comedians and entertainers from the "le epic trolling" era wound up being actual assholes that hurt people outside of the act. "Million Dollar Extreme" and Justin Roiland come to mind.

Huh. I never saw that used as an excuse. I always took it as, "normal" people show their true colors when they feel divorced from consequences for their actions/speech

Same. I think OP may have missed the point, although they're right that there's more to it than the rule makes it seem like.

That's crazy. Makes a lot of sense.

I always tried to be the "shockingly nice person to game with" whenever I could. It was a lot more fun than just being mean to people for no reason.

I never understood that impulse to scream epithets over xbox live or whatever.

I've found the best way to really infuriate online edgelords was to be patient yet firm with them.

Like a parent. gigachad

Then: Don't download applications and run executables you don't fully trust.

Now: Download everyone's new snazzy app just because and scan everything with your phone that contains all your most private information so you can unlock a surprise!

To be fair computer security have improved a lot. These days if you have up-to-date security patches it’s very hard for apps or webpages to escape the sandbox.

By the way you should download and execute this free_robux.sh as root it will give free robux no scam

Of course. They just ask nicely to be let out, and everyone clicks "allow" reflexively. If you don't see anything weird, nothing weird could be happening, right? /s

the Internet never forgets

this one goes both ways, if someone is doxing you, it'll be online FOUR FUCKING EVER, but if it was a cool website/funny meme/ good software, it's probably on somebody's downloads folder, but it can easily disappear and you'll never see it again.

I am desperately trying to find a video from last week but I'm very likely am never going to see it again

I'm guessing you also had it on your screen, then when you unlock your phone, it showed for just enough time to recognize it, but not enough time to react and open it to play it, then facebook or youtube auto reloads you to the homepage without warning.

It was a 30 minute long video, I watched it last week. I searched and searched in my PC and phone youtuve history but can't find it.

It had a bit about how every part of a supply chain is trying to leverage its position for dominance, and that this shape the end product

Most of them. Don't believe everything you see, don't give out personal information or real-life pictures... the usual.

The rules for abbreviations.


Netspeak fluency has generally given way to textspeak.

If I recall correctly your mileage may vary because I anal?

Sticking around and "lurking" for a bit before you try to engage with a new community, to learn the local etiquette before you make an ass of yourself. Or at least reading the rules as a bare minimum.

Yes! This is a big one that bugs me how often people don't even attempt this. Darn noobs need to lurk moar! It's basic netiquette.

only 1 hour a day! And if you accidentally click on a wrong link, the hackers can backtrace you or send the internet police.

Bottom-posting eMails and Usenet posts.

Fuck you, Microsoft. Bottom-posting replies is the correct way to reply.

Is bottom-posting some kind of kink I'm not aware of?

German here, I remember teaching people email etiquette and reminding them: “No TOFU” (Text Oben, Full quote Unten).

Means sth like “text above, full quote below”

Nothing that happens on the internet matters.

There always have been the nick picks. But now sometimes there is barely any connection between the post and the comments. Like two people with multiple strokes distributed between them having an angry teams call.

Boomers are still alive, so literally all of the rules ever as fast as possible.

Special standout for "dont believe everything you read" - "Well fuck you Ill believe everything without thought"