What’s The Strangest Thing You Do

Rocky60@lemm.ee to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 146 points –

What’s something you do that would make other people think WTF?


Eat fries first, main dish later, always. Good reason though: usually the main dish holds heat much longer than fries do, and it probably won't get as gross as fries do.

Cold fries are tasteless and soggy. A warm burger is still good.

Not strange at all. Everyone knows you eat the fries in the car on the way home.

Everyone knows you eat the fries in the car on the way

to drop off the door dash. you meant. I think.

I eat in the same order but because I like to eat my favourite bit last.

If I have a roast dinner I'll eat veg - potatoes - meat.

Me too. Once I was talled "Aren't you gonna eat that?" That's when I realised I was unconsciously saving food for the end.

I meticulously eat all the whites off my fried eggs then shove the intact yolk into my mouth. Mostly because I hate yolking the other food on the plate and fried eggs are best hot. I have converted my husband. Everyone else seems to think it's weird.

No way, I do the exact same thing! My husband thinks it’s cute but still prefers his eggs scrambled.

Mostly because I hate yolking the other food on the plate

I'm the opposite then, I guess. I don't need ketchup for my fries if I have egg yolk is all I'm gonna say.

I do this to not waste even a drop of the precious liquid flavor gold that are egg yolks.

Thank God I'm not the only one who does this. I want to eat all the yolk, thank you very much. The stuff left on the plate is a waste.

Yes yes yes! I knew I wasn't alone! We can start our own community now!

I do this but eat the intact and nearly raw yolk first. Then maybe I'll eat the pedestrian whites with lots of Parmesan and butter.

I eat bell peppers like apples. Just wash it and eat it, no cutting required.

Is your name Matt? My friend in uni whipped out a pepper one day and bit into it like an apple, and just as the OP title describes I was like wtf

But then I thought about it and I was like why should that be so weird?

I eat kiwifruit like this. Fur and all

YES. My friend recommended I do this years ago and I genuinely thought he was fucking with me; that on the first bite he'd wet himself laughing and say "gotcha". Turns out he was right, the skin is high in fibre and a perfect tart complement to the sweetness of the fruit.

My grandpa used to eat onions like this.

I'm assuming you are Alex Honnold? Check out his video with Magnus Mitbo

That's actually where I got the idea from! Been doing it ever since he released that.

I don't mow my lawn.

Fully invested in the no lawn movement, I've been slowly replacing my grass with "no-mow" fine fescue grasses that fall over when they grow long instead of standing up straight. They grow slowly and are meant to not be mowed most of the summer season, just a couple times in the spring and cut down low in the fall.

Between that and using shredded leaves as mulch in my flower beds or lasagna mulching to create a new flower bed, my neighbors definitely think I'm a bit off.

I like this, we don't mow often, and have 6 sheep that keep, not only the paddocks, but the back lawn short-ish

I got some crocus bulbs to plant in my lawn that I'm hoping work out. We have been adding clover seeds to bare spots, too, and we have a lot of wild strawberries (which I never get to eat because the birds get them first). I don't care at all for perfectly manicured lawns. I don't think my neighbours mind, though, since none of them have perfect lawns, either.

I never understood the obsession people have with mowning lawn. I find higher lawn to look better, greener. It's way less common to mow in europe where we have grass similar to what you are describing that don't need to be mowned.
And the fact that people can call the police for that and that home owner association can require you to do it is even weirder.

I once tried not mowing my lawn for a few months for the same reasons, and I ended up with a notice from the city, citing a municipal law that my grass and herbs can't be taller than 30cm, and that I would receive a fine at the next offence.

Note that there is no lawn police in my city, and this is the result of a neighbour's complaint.

The kind of grass I'm growing doesn't get that high except a couple weeks in the spring when it's going to seed. The rest of the time falls over and lays down, looking like a wind-swept meadow, so the overall height is no more than around 15cm. High enough that you couldn't see my shoes, but it looks relatively well-kept.

Here's some pictures of this kind of grass. It has some limitations on what kind of conditions it grows well in, but there are several different similar species that gives options.


There are also options to replace grass with other low ground cover plants like clover or thyme. And also definitely, you should work to change your local ordinances on pawn maintenance to be more eco-friendly.

Some folks in the state of Maryland, US accomplished getting their ordinances changed recently: https://www.wusa9.com/article/tech/science/environment/maryland-couple-fights-hoa-rules-on-grass-lawns/65-d87be2e2-a109-4b7d-99fa-7497b91c7347

Looks good! Mine is regular grass and I didn't intend to let it grow forever, just for No Mow May, and see what happened. My neighbour is a lawn freak and I heard her scream to her husband that she won't let me ruin her 25 years of hard work. Her lawn is "perfect", not a dandelion. She really hates me cause I let the dandelion grow on my lawn.

I sprinkle my lawn with white clove seeds every now and then, its starting to take over the grass. It's going to be lovely.

I talked with my neighbourhood representative at the city hall, and she told me a lot of people in their municipal party are doing No Mow May. They are a new municipal government and they can't tell blue collars not to apply the city rules. They need to change the rules, and they will, but it takes time.

Thanks for the link!

According to my husband and all my friends, the weirdest thing about me is my name for a sandwich.

Apparently, everyone else calls it a 'grilled cheese'. I have always called it by it's proper name, a 'toasted cheese'.

If you make it in a panini press, then it is a grilled cheese. But if you make a sandwich by buttering each side and toasting it in a pan on the stove until the cheese melts, then it is a toasted cheese. But every time I say 'toasted cheese', people look at me as though I have grown another head.

I had a friend growing up that called them cheese toasties

Oklahoma, USA- they are grilled cheezies. I can't call them anything else. YOU are my people.

Griddle Fatwitch, I'm not welcome most places.

That's what they're called from now on, I don't care what anyone says.

I want a Griddle Fatwich now.

This reminds me of the "melt vs. grilled cheese" post

My parents called it 'toasted cheese' and I never thought much of it, but that makes a lot of sense. I might start using it too

I grew up in the Midwest and we call them toasted cheese. In my family, it kind of morphed into 1 word though-- toastacheese

Did you grow up in a different region than your husband? Based on my mother and grandmother, I'd bet that 'Toasted Cheese' was prevalent in the southwest US in the mid-1900s. Both terms sound right to me.

No, we grew up in the same region of the same state and haven't moved from there. Most of our friends are native to the region as well. I have no idea why I call it something different, it is the term I have used all my life. Even my sister calls it a 'grilled cheese'!

But, you don’t “toast” anything in a pan. Toasting is done in an oven/broiler type fashion (counter-top work essentially the same way), often with a grill either horizontally or vertically involved. I guess if you want to get technical about a pan-done cheese sandwich, it would be a pan-fried-cheese? Like pan fried vegetables?

When recipes call for you to cook an item in a pan without first adding oil, they say to toast it to indicate that you are applying dry heat to it. For example, most Indian recipes call for toasting whole spices in a dry pan before grinding. That is also why you can toast marshmallows over an open flame.

Bruh you just blue my mined

Edit: but you said butter it first, is that not oil?

the only reason to call it that is to correct others on trivial bullshit.

My wife also says "toasted cheese". Well, her and her children. Only people I've ever known to call it that.

Do you have any other unusual turns of phrase? She's full of them. The one that drives me up a wall is where I'd say, "right side in", she says, "right side to".

Not really? I actually get confused if people use mixed up idioms or other weird turns of phrase. It is really only this food item in particular.

I still have what many people call my commonwealth influence and so I have a lot of names for things that people don't understand. Chips instead of french fries, shrimp (prawn) on the barbie, etc. Some friends asked if I wanted to see the Barbie movie and I jokingly asked if they'd serve shrimp instead of popcorn, and their utter confusion sent the message clear they didn't get it. Yup, I'm the weird one :(

That said, by now my vocabulary is somewhat hybridized.

Related to this, one of the weirdest things I do is how I like many of my foods. People are weirded out because I like... my toast to be soft... my ice cream to be half melted... my steak to be mooing (back when I active partook in that; I don't really anymore)... my tootsie pops to be eaten in one bite... my cereal poured after my milk... my pizza with pineapple on it... my milk with ice in it... etc.

I also like my ice cream to be soup lol! Pineapple on pizza is okay, but I can only have small amounts of pineapple. The rest are odd, but at least you know what you like!

Pineapple on pizza is okay, but I can only have small amounts of pineapple.

Allergy or something else?

It just irritates my mouth. May be oral allergy or just a reaction to the enzymes in the pineapple. It isn't as bad as my reaction to wine and vinegar though, so I have to see more specialists to figure that out lol.

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When I'm alone I'll wear a full suit, because dressing up makes me feel nice, but I lack the courage to go full "retro men's fashion enthusiast" and dress up like it's 1939

Have a look at Darcy Clothing! They produce clothes styles from c.1600s to 1950s. There's some nice stuff there for both men and women. Comfortable and stylish, imo. Example: https://www.darcyclothing.com/apps/bundles/bundle/24247

Man, acquiring the pieces isn't even the hurdle I'm trying to cross right now. It's straight up a matter of confidence. Like. People will see. And they'll ask stuff like 'what's the occasion' x.x

Yeah, that's the whole being confident in your own skin thing. Tricky. Why not try clean, neat casual clothing first, like jeans/slacks, nice shirt, good shoes and put on a nice 'internal' suit first, good manner, curtesy/politeness, easy demeanor, well groomed, etc. that reflects what you want to be, or the reaction/response you seek from others. For those not terribly fond of the limelight/attention, any forced affectation will be pretty hard to carry. Sometimes it's just easier to blend in, depending on town, city, country. Sorry, got lost pondering your predicament. Hmm, tricky. Good luck.

I totally get where you're coming from. Try to remind yourself that:

a) life is fleeting. We're only here for a brief moment, so why let lack of confidence stop us from doing what we want to do?

b) if anyone judges you for your fashion then they're a sad cunt and their opinion is therefore meaningless


I'm a chronic joint-popper. Fingers, toes, neck, and back are all pretty standard fare for most people. But a lot of people get weirded out when I pop my shoulders, elbows, ankles, knees, or hips. Sometimes I can make something around my sternum pop, but usually only after waking up from a long sleep.

I can sometimes squeeze my ass cheeks hard enough to make my lower back pop.. first time scared the hell out of me.

I regularly pop my knees, ankles and jaw. I'm pretry sure if I could figure out how to pop my shoulders and elbiws they'd also start getting popped regularly

Edit: I should mention, don't hurt yourself trying anything in this comment. If you feel like you're about to break/pull/sprain something, stop.

Try this for the shoulder. Sit in your chair with your feet on the floor, about shoulder-width apart. Place your right hand on your right knee, fingers pointing toward your left knee and thumb pointing toward your torso. Now, try to pivot your elbow laterally "inward", as if you're keeping the same height from the ground but trying to rotate it around toward the area above the space between your knees. It won't actually move far because your hand is staying planted on your knee, but push just ever do slightly "past" where the rotation stops, and you should get a satisfying pop.

That's how I do it, at least.

The hips are the most satisfying, though, in my opinion. Nearly the same position as before: sitting down, feet planted on the floor, but with a slightly wider stance. Go full manspread for this. Keep the toes pointed slightly inward, or straight ahead. Hand on knee, and mostly using your thigh muscles (with slight force from your hand), gently pull your knee toward the other knee, while keeping both feet squarely planted in place. Keep your knee at the same height, you don't want to rotate vertically at all, only horizontally. Basically just need to make sure your feet and tailbone never move from their spots.

If done right, you should get a loud, deep pop that feels absolutely amazing. I wish I could make a diagram, because I doubt any of this makes any sense.

I do the same thing with my hips once or twice a day! For the deepest pop, I do it by sitting on the floor with both of my knees bent facing the same direction (one heel touching the other knee), then hold the inward-facing knee down and lean forward. I can also do it standing up, but there's no way I can verbally explain that. XD

It's weird though because it happens really easily, and if I don't do it first thing in the morning it'll happen while I'm walking and catch me off guard, and sometimes it hurts when it happens too suddenly. Oh well, lol

Unfortunately neither of these get close to a pop before getting uncomfortable. I might just be unfortunate enough that my body can't comfortably pop these joints and have to settle for what I can pop

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One day I saw advertised these birdhouses with little accordion-like appendages, the same kind most air conditioners have that allow them to fit into windows, and I bought several of these, one per window. On the side facing the outdoors, birds find a little hole and can venture inside, as is typical of a birdhouse. On the side facing the inside of my home, the same birdhouses have tiny windows, like those one-way viewers hotel doors have, that allow anyone to see into the birdhouses, as well as the secretly built option to open it like a door, either while no bird is inside (makes cleaning them easy) or, if someone for some reason felt devious (I wouldn't, and would never give anyone the key to said birdhouse doors), while a bird was in there, which would force it to honor the will of the owner of the home with all the said birdhouses (again, I would never use this feature, unless maybe a bird was injured or something and needed help).

Alright, with all that said... while I have no plans to ditch any of the birdhouses, I will admit I've received complaints that the combination of a few dozen birdhouses in unison is noisy in the morning, like you wake up at six in the morning and it sounds like the birdie house of commons. People say such bird hospitality is unbecoming of an inn attendant. Is it though? Is it? That said, this is usually when the noise cancellers aren't working.

It's not really weird to want temporary bird aquarium windows in your house. That's ingenious. I think I'd love that

Any increase in them smacking up against the window or do they just shoot for the birdhouses?

There is a huge increase if you don't mark the windows with some kind of visibility method. In my case, these are in the useless parts of the window, so it was easy for me to simply add tiny ornamental wind socks without anyone asking what I was going for in making those windows difficult to use (you know, aside from it being taken up by a birdhouse).

All 3 of the stuffed animals that don't leave my bed all have their own distinct voice and personalities. I sometimes have conversations with them (just not out loud).

Gavin, my stuffed turtle pillow has the personality of a chill middle aged man who's proud of his son since he's been with me since I was maybe 4-5 and has dealt with a lot of my bullshit. He loves when I rub his shell.

Jake, my polar bear I got from a hospital when I was maybe 12, is a pretty happy and optimistic man with a voice that is a little high pitched and scratchy. He loves wearing his little bandana I fashion around him like a neckerchief and his little when it's spring or summer.

Laura, my stuffed brown rabbit I got maybe a year and a half ago, is a female with a voice like Tsumugi from Danganronpa V3. She's Jake's slightly older sister. I like to cuddle her because she's the softest of all 3 and because she's the easiest to cuddle with. She's my little dress up bunny, despite the fact she only has one outfit. It took some time, but she eventually got used to her outfit.


Nobody probably thought this, but I totally looked this over and my autistic brain totally thought the part about Gavin made it sound like my actual dad isn't proud of me, which is false.

Also, I don't know anyone else in their mid-20s who does this.

There is weirdly enough another user in this thread who holds conversation with stuffed turtles. They are his wife's and he talks with them about his job as a finance journalist.

Oh my husband and I do this too! We have Roberto, a lazy penguin who only gets active when it's cold. Fluffy, a pink alicorn who loves running. Roberto sleeps with me and Fluffy with my husband. Then we also have Dolly, a sheep pillow plushie who speaks with a nasal voice. Lisa, a ladybird who keeps watch over us while we sleep, and also makes sure Fluffy goes to bed in time. And about 5 more who have smaller roles.

You might be too right.

My wife lives in another county and is only around on the weekends.

She is a huge turtle nut and has several stuffed turtle toys on the bed. I'm in finance journalism and sometimes talk to the turtles about convertible bond transactions and other boring stuff.

It helps me work through things. Probably headed for an institution in the future.

This is basically "Rubber duck debugging" for non-developers. You're fine, buddy.

Do you have a friend writing Cdrama ?

I, uh... I shave hair like 5 cm around my bumhole. Paired with a bidet, you wouldn't guess how much easier it made it to wipe. I used to use 30-50 squares of toilet paper per wiping session, today I can manage with just 10

More people should do this, honestly. Getting a hairy bumhole to be clean after a big dump is annoying as all hell.

However... 10 squares of toilet paper? Even with a shaved and hosed down bussy? That still seems like a lot to me

It is a lot. I'm a pretty hairy dude who stopped bothering with even trimming my ass hairs once I got a bidet attachment a few years back. 5 is usually enough, sometimes 7. Like 1% of shits require more than that. The other guy is either using way too much tp or he's buying single-ply for some ungodly reason.

No, I actually have triple-ply. I developed a stupid habit of folding multiple papers and using them together, so I wipe with like 9 layers at a time. It helps the paper not break up even being wet, but wastes a lot more overall.

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a bidet and a waxed butthole are the pandora's box of the bathroom. once you open them you can never go back

I use hair removal cream for the same effect. Indeed, anything less seems barbaric.

I came here expecting to share about my ears, but will come away expecting to shave my bum 🤔

Careful, hair there is for a reason...think of how two slices of baloney stick together. Bonus thought: if you do this and work in a hot/humid environment cornstarch will be your best friend.

for me butt hair and pubes are far more uncomfortable than being hairless in hot weather. also getting rid of armpit hair stopped like 90% of my bo when I sweat, and smooth legs make socks far more comfortable. at this point I'm all for less hair in places that aren't my head.

that said I'm fairly thin and don't usually have chafing problems with or without hair in places, and I also either wax or use an epilator so anything growing back comes in slower and softer than the stubble you get from shaving. now that sounds like a nightmare between the cheeks

Electric clippers set with the lowest hair guard = no stubble. Everyone reading this needs to know options are available, you don't need to be stinkey pete

This is true. You will no longer be doing any sneaky farts when you lose nature's muffler.

As someone cursed with bum hair, I want to do this. I just cringe at the idea of a shaving cut on my rusty sheriff badge. Did it once and the growback was deeply uncomfortable too.

I bought a Meridian body trimmer a few months back and still haven't raised the courage to use it on intimate areas as it's intended for, ptsd after nicks from my other shaver.

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When I type on the keyboard I often always type F at the end and immediately backspace. I don’t understand why I do it and I can’t stop doing it.

If it really bothers you, every time you realise you did this, delete the previous word before the F and retype it, maybe even a few times, while paying attention to every movement. Slowing down helps too.

I have ctrl+s as a unavoidable muscle memory.

Mine is ctrl+shift+s, because it saves an incremental version. This way, if the client says "Actually I preferred the bassline an hour ago, can we go back?" I can say "sure, no problem!".

It also protects in case the file is corrupted. I know so many people who just save over the same file and it always amazes me.

I save a hundred times every 5 min. I never thought about creating 100 different files for it.

Whatever app you're using, check the shortcuts list and see if there's one for incremental save... it may just save you from losing many hours of work one day! Once your brain gets over the hump of adjusting the ctrl+s reflex, of course :)

Once after a particularly long and gruelling session, I tried to ctrl+shift+s a film I was watching haha.

cI used to start messages with 'c' because I learned to type by playing Minecraft and had rebound the chat button to C.

I often do the same, but with "/".

Did you used to press / and then backspace to chat, or did you just send commands more often than messages?

Definitely more commands, but at least seding a message with / doesn't expose my mistake. :p

This is wild I picked up this quirk like 4 years ago, F key even. I code so a lot of the times I'm already ending something with a semicolon, but then the line gets an extra temporary F just to be sure

I couldn't imagine doing anything like thatf.

I do the same thing with a space.

I have no idea why I do that and when I started

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When I feel very bored, I go to the Wikipedia page of a movie that I do not intend to watch anytime soon and just read the entire plot write-up, as well as the "Critical Response" subsection.

"Yeah, I do really feel like the plot was underdeloped"

Why is it so much easier to read about a movie for like 15 minutes than to spend that 15 minutes watching the intro?

That's OK. I want to get into comic books, but their information density is that of foam. I start to read and get bored. But I love the stories, so I just find a synopsis on Wikipedia or some other site and read it in prose.

I wander around at weird hours with food and drinks on me, offering them to homeless people. A lot of them are initially (understandably) suspicious because they might think I'm trying to grift them into attending some church or exploiting them in some startup scheme, but with some patience and established trust they often get used to you when you come around the next time.

There's lifetimes lived out there and people that will share their stories with you if you brought some pizza.

I run molecular structure optimization calculations for fun. i.e draw molecule in jmol, export atomic coordinates to nwchem or ocra, run optimization and freq job, open output file to visualize optimized molecule structure and orbitals rinse repeat.

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I brush my teeth in bed and swallow the toothpaste at the end. According to the chemical fact sheet swallowing my toothpaste is well within osha defined limits for sodium flouride, and people who live in places with naturally more fluoridated water than where I am are exposed for far more than I am. so I really don't think there is any health concern. I have been doing it for a decade now and I have no symptoms of over exposure. I find it greatly helps me fall asleep if I don't have to get out of bed to brush.

Get out of bed to brush? Why not just brush before you even get to bed?

Look, with your level of logical thinking I don’t know if this is the right thread for you

That….doesn’t seem like a high bar

I like a cup of tea (nothing caffienated) / hotchocolate before bed.

It skips a trip to the bathroom, no more "Oh, I forgot to brush teeth when already in bed". Weirdly enough I think it makes sense and is convenient but I personally won't do it because of the swallowing part.

For anyone curious, toothpaste has 1,000 to 1,500 ppm fluoride and tap water typically has ~1 ppm or less. Assuming OP swallowed a pea sized quantity of toothpaste (which is the reccommended amount for brushing) the amount of fluoride in that toothpaste would be about equivalent to drinking a cup of tap water.

pea sized quantity of toothpaste

lol and q-tips are only used on the outside of the ear. mmhmmm.

Uhm, I really like laying on the floor with the largest bag of cat food/litter/dried corn/rice that I have available on my head.

Does the cat food/litter/dried corn/rice matter or anything that matches that consistency?

Pretty much anything that is heavy and malleable. We have a weighted blanket that I sometimes use but it's not really heavy enough for my liking sometimes. The cat food/dog food didn't always work because sometimes the bag is semi-permeable and you can smell the food.

In order of preference it is probably soil (loam or aquarium), Rice, and then sand.

I have little dance moves that I like to use when walking around the office. Little turn on heel here, stand on tiptoe there, round the corner in a fluid motion, balance on one leg, little jump, etc.
It's not that obvious if you look at me at first glance and I make sure to keep the really visible moves for when I'm alone. But it's something I'm doing (un)consciously most of the time. I guess I just like being light-footed :)

I have little dance moves that I like to use when walking around the office. Little turn on heel here, stand on tiptoe there, round the corner in a fluid motion, balance on one leg, little jump, etc.

You might enjoy the 1996 Japanese film Shall We Dance?. The protagonist is taking ballroom dancing lessons in secret but when walking around the office subtle dance-inspired moves creep in. :-)

Just watched the trailer, this looks quite fun! Thanks for recommending this to me :)

I don't change my clocks for daylight saving time and live on permanent winter time all year, and just do the conversion in my head when dealing with the outside world.

For some reason this really confuses some people and I get all kinds of questions about it whenever the clocks change.

I think it's perfectly reasonable and think people setting their clocks to the wrong time for half the year is strange.

I think you inspired me. Maybe I will try this next year too. My job allows me to do so, so why not

Go full on anarchy. When the clocks go back, you put your clocks one hour forward.

Are you from the US? Aren't they phasing this out?

Overthink everything

The WTF part of that for me is thinking that is strange.

My estimate would be that 20% of the population do that regularly and 80% have done it a some period in their lives.

I tend to do that also. It makes me horrible at logistics and I also consider myself a horrible driver because I expect everyone to hit me.

No, you're supposed to do that, aren't you? When I was learning to drive they taught us to be defensive drivers.

Microwave a piece of cheese for a few seconds before eating it. I like room-temperature cheese.

I warm wrapped cheese (cheese sticks, baby bells) in my pocket before eating. If I'm feeling fancy or rushed I'll plop it into a cup of hot water. I feel a microwave would be too inconsistent, with cold spots and melted spots; I want the cheese to be uniformly soft.

I’m already married, but will you also marry me?

I stick the bottom of my earlobe into my ear. It's just a nervous tick I have had my whole life. But I've also noticed recently that I really like how cool my earlobe feels and maybe that's part of the reason I do it.

As a kid I had a small gap between my front teeth and I used to pick that thing we have in the inner upper lip and pull it through the gap.

I regularly talk to myself when I drive to and from work. Obviously, I drive in alone.

It’s not a self conversation, it’s more like verbalizing my own thought processes. It helps me work through problems and make decisions.

Same. I'm starting to think that talking to ourselves (while alone) is more common than society would have us believe. It's hard to know what other people do when they're alone, tho

Yeah, the common phrase that "talking to yourself is the first sign of madness" has been drummed into many of us... of course if you're experiencing auditory halucinations and replying to them, that's bad. But it's actually perfectly fine to talk to yourself out loud.

Whenever I fart and I'm alone, I'll audibly follow it up with a hearty "Mmmhmm". I don't know why I do it, but it only happens if I'm alone. It's involuntary at this point.

Masturbate 1 to 3 times a day. Sometimes with, sometimes without porn or erotic fiction. Wife doesn't know. She's not interested in sex. I'm 58.

Not strange. A lot of men do it. No one is ready to accept in public especially when they are in a relationship.

I'll one-up you, and I hope nobody I know reads this. I work from home as a web dev. I have ADHD. I sometimes work deep into the night because I procrastinate all day. I'll be working with one hand and stroking it rock hard with another, with no real horniness or need to cum for hours. It's just like a fidgeting thing. I'm looking at code, sleep deprived out of my mind, and somehow rock hard. I don't get it, but I'm too stressed to care.

I also (very likely) have ADHD and used to do this when doing homework for school. I think it has something to do with keeping dopamine levels up to a neurotypical level, in order to be able to focus.

One of my favourite sandwiches is strong cheddar cheese and strawberry jam.

I don't think I'll like it, but I really want to try this combo now! How did you come across this?

My dad got it from his grandad, his family are from Leicestershire and Ireland.

I also recommend tomato, onion and peanut butter (the sweetener-free version, a yank offered me a foul sweetened version of peanut butter and I now specify the one made exclusively of peanuts)

And cheese-and-honey is a not unusual school lunch sandwich option here in Australia. But then, so is cheese and vegemite.

Grapes, sharp white cheddar, and crackers are delicious together, so I could see this being good

strawberries and Beecher's Flagship Reserve Cheese. it's like fireworks for tastebuds.

Try it with a salty white cheese like feta. Just crumble the cheese. Trust me, it's delicious.

It's really good, strong cheese with jam is a popular side dish in some places. I would also recommend goat cheese with honey

I like that, but I prefer brie+blueberries, which is not weird for some reason.

When I mention that I want to try bikepacking/biketouring and mention my bucketlist route around europe (each EU country and capital string together). Peple look at me like I am ready for madhouse room.

Hell yes. I've been wanting to bikepack across New England

I just realised that I probably wouldn’t realise it was strange, I might have to ask someone who knows me

So apparently my girlfriend thinks it's weird my family keeps a knife in the toilet. You know, just in case it doesn't flush down. I thought everybody did this.

I have a computer desk set up in the living room, so I can watch TV while I work. I'm divorced so I figure I don't really give a shit what people think.

If I have just about any kind of bread, I have an irresistible urge to dip it in liquid. Specifically, chocolate milk, apple juice, or certain types of soup. Peanut butter sandwiches too, but not in soup lol. Well, maybe?

It started in kindergarten. Every morning I'd eat breakfast at school: chocolate milk, cereal, and a biscuit. Chocolate milk goes in the cereal, eat cereal, then dip the biscuit in the milk in the bowl. This continued through fifth grade. I was pretty anti-social to begin with, but this weird quirk scared away any would-be friend who tried to sit with me. Heh.

Never grew out of it though. Now I just do it when nobody's looking. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

I need at least 3 pillows for sleeping comfortably. Doesn't matter if I even actually touch them, but I do need them just in case. One primary chonky one, and 2 slimmer ones to adjust height and etc.

I always read out loud. Always. And I do most of my readings while walking. So I imagine hearing me waking around taking to myself make other people think 'wtf?'.

I say something unique to myself (like the date or something I'm working on today) when I lock the door, so that I can think back to that moment later in the day and remember that I locked the door. Otherwise I start worrying about if I locked the door or not.

I'll start using this trick today

I point at things I want to remember like that. Same concept, memory for actions is much better than remembering thoughts.

I got a spectrum diagnosis as a kid, but worked really, really hard to get good at socializing. Part of that, and something I still do to this day, is to run lines like an actor when I'm alone, or think I'm alone. I'll say the same thing again and again in different ways, until i've found the "performance" i like.

I didn't realise it was strange until my sister complained about it being incomprehensible gibberish, but I listen to podcasts at at least double speed.

One of the characters on the Hideous Laughter podcast Interlude episodes had long pauses between words so I kept speeding it up until they stopped bothering me. Then everything else sounded weird at normal speed and I'd get bored during the pauses between people speaking, so now they're all on 2-2.5x speed.

When I read the IMDb trivia about a movie or series, it means I really enjoyed it. It's like, my stamp of approval.

I do the same but with interviews with the people that made the movie, especially the writers.