What shitty things have your favourite bands/artists done?

∟⊔⊤∦∣≶@lemmy.nz to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 198 points –

Discovered recently that Electric Wizard were kinda dicks back in the day. "At the time, we were pretty bad people. I got arrested for arson of a car, outside a police station. Tim [Bagshaw] went to nick a crucifix off a church roof so we could use it onstage..."

R. L. Burnside killed a man "possibly at a craps game."

Varg of Mayhem Burzum burned a couple churches and killed a bandmate.

I could list other examples, but would like to hear from other people and other music genres.


Weird Al Yankovic is... really just an all around awesome person and probably won't show up anywhere on this thread.

I dunno, him and Coolio had some beef in the 90s. When Weird Al parodied Coolio's Gangsters Paradise with his Amish Paradise Weird Al didn't do so with the consent of Coolio. Gangsters paradise was a deeply personal song to Coolio so he was understandably upset. As a direct parody it was protected under fair use but Weird Al didn't feel right about it. So he reached out to Coolio, apologized and ever since then Weird Al has gotten the artist approval to parody their work despite the fact he doesn't need to. Coolio did eventually come around and agree it was a pretty funny parody. Plot twist, (not really) that's how humble Weird Al is, he didn't do anything legally wrong and yet he still recognized he could do better.

That was all from a miscommunication- Al had his people reach out to Coolio's people, and somehow wires got crossed. Al created it with the belief that he had Coolio's blessing. Al has always asked permission, and a number of artists/songs have not been done because they would not grant permission. Examples include Paul McCartney (Live and Let Die/Chicken Pot Pie, because of his strict vegetarianism), Michael Jackson (Black or White, because he felt the message was too important), and everything by Prince.

While it's never been tested in court, most of these parodies probably count as derivative works (i.e. permission is required) rather than protected fair use. A notable exception might be Smells Like Nirvana, since it was used to mock the original creator.

Edit: spelling

Al assumed that since Coolio’s people gave 100% approval they had cleared it with Coolio so it’s really on Coolio’s management…but Al being such a stand up human being felt bad as he wants artists to emotionally be ok with their art being used. I also suspected at the time Coolio manufactured a little outrage thinking he was being laughed at…wanting to seem tough. Although beefing with Weird Al is not very gangster lol.

I’ve always felt sad that Coolio didn’t appreciate (early on) how amazing the Amish Paradise phenomenon was, it kind of made him and his song even more immortal…and his life has always seemed kind of sad. Plagued by health issues, mental health problems, family and legal trouble, financial struggles, criminal involvement. He did keep making some music and touring, had 10 kids, was on some TV shows. Ran for President with a porn star. But he has never seemed like he was happy or enjoyed success. When he died of an overdose he was alone…like OD’s always are. They cremated him and didn’t even have a funeral. 10 children and none of them said no, we have to have a funeral for dad…? As a father that is devastating.

weird al's toxic trait is that he lost on jeopardy and hates bernie (he just wanted to see the twine ball!)

I didn't fall for it. I would've heard about it if he'd done something bad.

Cool answer, but ignores the question, no?

I wanted to inject a bit of wholesome into a question that will be littered with pedos, murderers and white supremacists. In the modern world it's way too easy to focus on the negative and forget that some people actually do live up to your expectations.

I didn't just want to troll with an off-topic response but make sure there was a glimmer of hope.

So, I’m the moderator of !ClassicRock…how do you want me to start the list? Chronologically, quantity, severity??

How about in order of "Most Pedophilic" to "Least Pedophilic". I'm aware that this list will be pretty top-heavy

So Gary Glitter is gonna either start or end the list…

jimmy page too, with his 13 year old girlfriend that he kept locked in a hotel

Never heard that one. It’s pretty common knowledge that Bowie, The Stones, Led Zeppelin and all of the massive stars of that era were fucking teenage groupies that followed them but 13…….eek that’s a few notches worse.

i believe page was 29 years old too, so its an even bigger gap. and it wasnt just casual sex dude was "dating" her (basically keeping her captive in his hotel room)

Passenger boat Chicago's Little Lady was hosting the 1 p.m. Chicago Architecture Foundation tour of the Chicago River.

all passengers were issued refunds.

The boat's deck was swabbed by its crew, and service was resumed for its scheduled 3 p.m. tour.

This boat crew is the most metal thing in this entire post.

What probably happened is that the boat absolutely stank, and they decided not to tell the people at 3pm what had transpired

On August 8, 2004, a tour bus belonging to the Dave Matthews Band dumped an estimated 800 pounds (360 kg) of human waste from the bus's blackwater tank through the Kinzie Street Bridge in Chicago onto a passenger sightseeing boat sailing in the Chicago River below.

800 pounds?! How?!?!?!

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Came in here to mention how much a of a dick Maynard was to a seamstress friend of mine. It was an hour or so before showtime and she had the audacity to replace the button on his vintage leather Cavaricci pants with one that wasn't an actual Cavaricci button. He treated her like a foolish peasant that should have been more prepared to deal with an elite. Seems kinda light considering the other posts, but anytime I can call him out for being a dick, I'mma do it.

Edit: a letter.

Yeah I am a bug fan of his music, but I can 100% see Maynard being a bit of a dickish prima donna. I guess they can't all be real ones 😞

Tool were my favourite band for many years. Actually not surprised Maynard is a dick, too much fame.

Tool has been my favorite band for ~25 years now. I've been a fan through nearly their entire history and if there's one thing that's been a consistent element of the band, it's that MJK is a fucking prick. No two ways about it. He's a little shit with a HUGE ego and he's just not a pleasant human. Creative as hell and damn good at what he does but a massive massive dick head. He's not the reason I like Tool though and I wouldn't even call myself an MJK fan, I dislike him in a lot of ways but when it comes to him, Danny, Adam and Justin laying down some badass fuckin jams, no one does it for me like Tool. Danny and Adam especially. They are the core of Tool for me and I think MJK gets waaaaay too much credit for the band.

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I used to love Avenged Sevenfold back in like 2005/2006. They used to fly confederate flags at their concerts, and even had custom guitars with the confederate flag panted on them. Back then I didn't understand the significance of that, but that's really fucked.

At least they have apologized for it and said they regret doing it. I believe people are capable of learning from their mistakes, but tbh, I haven't kept up with them so I'm not sure if they have truly become better people than they were back then.

I never knew that about them. I casually enjoyed a few songs here and there when I heard them and thought they were good but not really my genre of choice. I really respect that they apologized and changed behavior. As somebody in my mid 30s and was therefore mid teens 20 years ago, I also was unaware of the hurt and hate involved with things I saw and said and did at the time. But you're right, it's important to be capable of learning and growing and changing behavior and apologizing for the damage done. We all make mistakes, and to pretend otherwise and deny ones own mistakes is a sign of immaturity and responsibility.

As someone also in their mid 30s, I think a lot of people really misunderstand how the confederate flag was viewed so casually by many people up until recently. It was always offensive to some, but I genuinely was unaware of that as a teen growing up in the 2000s. It was just an image of being kind of edgy and rebellious but I genuinely didn't think much of it seeing any band using them. Watching Skynyrd or Guns N Roses videos of live concerts? There were "rebel flags" pretty often and I just kind of let it go. It meant nothing to me.

I was in my mid 20s, probably, when it really was explained to me how insensitive that can be. I never associated it with racism or slavery up until that point - and I'm pretty sure that's the same thought that a lot of these bands had. The absolute best thing to do is exactly as you said: own up to it, change your ways, and grow.

Yeah that's how many viewed it in Texas afaik, growing up it was more a "rebel" flag then a, "I'm a racist piece of shit who wants the south to rise again" flag.

Still probably better to leave it in the past.

There used to be tons of confederate flags in music, even Tom Petty had them on his stage.

Wasn't one of my favorite bands, but Iistened to them regularly.

Lead singer of As I Lay Dying hired someone to kill his wife. (Guy he hired was actually a cop, so he went to prison)

Fucking Tim! I don't like As I Lay Dying but I LOVE Austrian Death Machine (another band of his). Sucks that they'll never make any more music. Arnold Schwarzenegger themed metal is great. NEEAAAAHHHH! GUITAR SOLO!

Came here just for them.

I grew up on a lot of metal bands, including Iced Earth. Absolutely loved them, even saw them open for Megadeth as a kid.

Then Jon Schaffer went and proudly participated in the Jan 6 attack, so now it's kinda hard to listen to their music anymore.

Also hard to listen to Megadeth these days, too. Partly because they stopped being good after Risk, but also partly because Dave Mustaine turned into a born-again Christian nutjob.

In hindsight, Jon Schaffer might’ve been a total dick all along considering the huge turnover in IE’s lineup over the years. He’s probably horrible to work with.

Also, looking back, his lyrics about hidden societies fucking shit up for humanity leave a sour taste in my mouth given that he fell in with the whole Q bullshit.

Damn shame because I loved me some IE but now it’s hard to listen to.

Yeah, it definitely puts a bad spin on the Something Wicked story they'd been telling. Which is a shame, because it was cool thinking it was just about aliens and magic curses and shit, but now knowing that he probably believes there's more truth to that story than he lets on, it just doesn't feel the same.

Gotta watch out for "hidden societies" because it's almost always a dog whistle for Jewish people

Oh yeah absolutely. It’s wild how much of this shit comes back to old-fashioned antisemitism when you know where to look.

Was a big fan of eric Clapton but I learned later in that he’s racist so now his music leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I regret seeing him instead of Chris Cornell. I was sure clapton would go before Cornell :(((

Knowing he's a racist makes it interesting that he made a living off of playing music invented by black people. Also makes it even sweeter that Hendrix destroyed him on stage while jamming with Cream.

It just says that he values money above everything else. Racism is #2.

BB King seemed to disagree that clapton was racist but kinda hard to say that when clapton went on that rant

Back when I was a teenager I loved Lostprophets. I didn‘t hear about Ian Watkins becoming one of the worst people in Wales until a few years after they disbanded.

Crystal Castles is also pain listening to nowadays with Alice and Ethan.

Forgot about Crystal Castles, that's definitely a strong contender for the top shitty place

What happened with Crystal Castles?

Ethan Kath abused Alice Glass enough to the point of her just up and quitting the band. She was only able to come forward when she found four other women who were abused by Kath .

Learning that Rick Derringer and Billy Corgan were guests on The Alex Jones show was a big let down for me

Corgan also put the NWA World Heavyweight Championship on Tyrus who is a massive outspoken transphobe.

I was real excited to see smashing pumpkins live but ended up leaving 7 minutes into his opening rendition of the national anthem because fuck that.

Doesn’t Corgan also have a history of beating his partners, going all the way back to high-school girlfriends?

Iced Earth guitarist was one of the first ones in the door on January 6th. The band pretty much said they disagree with his actions,but not his intent.

Guitarist from Manowar in trouble for being a pedo.

Years ago, Zazz Blammymatazz had a song about getting head from a 14 year old.

Iced Earth guitarist was one of the first ones in the door on January 6th. The band pretty much said they disagree with his actions,but not his intent.

They said nothing about agreeing with his intent. They condemned his actions and left it at that.

It's also hard to say "the band" as Schaeffer is iced earth. He has been the only constant member and to my understanding owns the rights to their iconography and etc.

Yeah. This is the one that came to my mind.

Dude straight up ended his career. His band members left, label dropped him and his colabs said they wouldn't work with him anymore.

Turns out he was a lieutenant in the oath keepers and the FBI grabbed him. Last I heard he made a plea deal and got put into the witness protection program.

He is the band and it can't exist without him. Even if he could continue, he'd have to rebuild it from the ground up.

It's a shame, I really Loved Demons and Wizards, the iced earth / blind guardian colab group.

... Based on some song lyrics I feel I should have seen this coming when looking back though.

Iced Earth was one of my favorite growing up, but I don't think it hit as hard because I had discovered so much better USPM in recent years. IE had kind of stagnated after Barlow left the first time.

I've only ever known Jon Schaffer to be an arsehole.

Years ago I was freelancing for a German heavy metal fanzine. That zine was attached to a record label, and for a few years ran a festival in its own name. The one year, Iced Earth and Nevermore, who were touring together at the time, were slated to be the headliners. Iced Earth were touring the Dark Saga album, and Nevermore had just released the In Memory EP, so must have been around '96.

I remember having a pleasant conversation with then Nevermore guitarist Pat O'Brien, who was happily browsing the label's CD stand - dude was big into Death Metal. I remember Jim Sheppard accidentally burning my hand with a cigarette and apologising for it. But what most stuck with me was Schaffer sending out his tour manager to order us to remove all CDs that weren't of bands playing at the festival. Original quote from the tour manager: "Jon ist schon tierisch sauer" - Jon's really pissed off.

Through the years Schaffer revealed more and more of his personality, culminating in him joining the Capitol invasion. I can't even get myself to listen to my favourite Iced Earth album ("Something Wicked") any more.

I agree, really turned me off to the band, although I will throw on Demons and Wizards from time to time.

Hansi seems nice enough at least.

(please don't turn out to be a dick)

I don't think I would handle that well, if Hansi turned out to be a garbage person.

Wouldn't say I was a big fan of them at the time, but LostProphets.

Ian Watkins is currently serving a 30 year sentence in prison for multiple child sexual offences - incredibly vile shit.

Apparently people had suspected he was a nonce long before he was arrested.

Many former fans went so far as to burn merch, trash CD's and pretty much disavow the band once the news came out. His former band mates dissolved the band and started No Devotion in its place.

Came here for the Ian Watkins comment.

Haven't found another band close to sounding like Lostprophets and it sucks.

deadmau5 used to be a massive internet edgelord for very much over a decade (think the targeted harassment of Krewella was particularly awful, even if their producer shared his lawyer) until he had some heated moments that forced him to realise he wasn't all there and change his ways. He's still very truthful about the world of EDM but he's not the edgelord he once was, and he's much better for it.

The time Josh Homme kicked that lady in the face

Also this fucker (bassnectar)

I've dabbled in listening to EDM more frequently, and when I heard Chasing Heaven by him, I ran up to my roommates who proceeded to open that can of worms... never heard of the guy before that, and won't listen to him again. Sick fuck on so many levels. The CP is a new one from what I knew then.

Dam, I enjoy a bit of Queens of the Stoneage from time to time.

Band fucking rocks. I don't know the story of the kick here but he's a fucking rock star. Don't go to a show and think you won't get kicked

He's still one of my favorite musicians to be fair...compared to most people in this thread he's golden

Lol he did it intentionally and she was a photographer for the concert. There's a video of it you can see. He's clearly being a dick. You shouldn't be expected to get kicked in the face at a rock show???

I have always loved Rammstein and I still do, however this summer their vocalist was accused of sexual abuse of fans or something but the lawyers found no offense so nothing happened, though apparently they did have a manager for finding hot fans for the band's aftershow parties which is kinda nasty but not illegal

It’s nothing rockstars haven’t done since there have been rockstars really. It used to be sort of acceptable but times have changed for the better.

All musicians have done the same thing from the beginning of time. Some are sucks like Jagger going for under she girls where others just want to pay with got chicks that usually want to party to.

I used to enjoy Lostprophets

Was going to comment this one.

Smh. So gross.

I'm out of the loop here but I'm not sure if I want to know what happened

Ian Watkins, the lead singer, is now in prison for sexual abuse of children. We're not talking the typical groomer here, he actually raped kids as young as toddlers. He's a monster. A lot of their songs are absolute bangers, but knowing about him makes it hard to listen to them.

The rest of the band (to my knowledge) are decent, though. They broke up the band upon learning the truth about Watkins, and has since formed a new band.

Oh yikes. That's just... Yikes. I'm glad the rest of the band got out of there, that's just absolutely appalling and horrible

Lead singer was a Cat 5 pedo. Was caught trying to organise baby rape.

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Justin Sane, frontman of punk rock's Anti-Flag, was recently accused of "predatory behavior, sexual assault, and statutory rape."

Allegedly he'd eyefuck girls from the stage during shows in a very "That's right, I'm a rockstar, lookin' at you" kind of way, and somehow get them invited backstage later.

His bandmates disbanded after the news broke. Bandmates say they weren't aware, that they stand with the victims, and they condemn his actions.

I saw Anti-Flag at a small venue years back and it makes me wonder if it happened to fellow concertgoers that night.

This one gets to me. Not because I liked them that much, but because Justin has always been a dick and I could just write it off as "yeah they were a bunch of dicks but they put on a good show". An Anti-Flag show in the 2000s, here at least, was one of the few times a punk show wasn't in a basement somewhere, so it was absolutely THE place to be if you were in the scene. They also frequently had great bands with them so it always made for a great time.

But after the accusations came out it left a real bad taste realizing that he's probably much more than "just a dick".

I haven't listened to a ton of Anti-Flag in recent years, but they were a big part of me getting into punk decades ago and this one sucked to find out.

I just saw them with Flogging Molly. Must have been one of their very last shows. They're new album is so good, but they're dead to me.

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Andrew Wood, lead singer of Mother Love Bone, recorded a song ostensibly about how he'll always love heroin more than his long time girlfriend/fiancé then ten days later he overdosed and died.

Well, King Buzzo tells this shitty story about Mike Patton


Dangit. I was mentally prepared for Mike Patton coming out as an asshole in this story, tarnishing my image of him from afar. Now he’s just that much more awesome.

Absolute legend. Even if it was only partially true, it's an awesome story. And King Buzzo knows how to tell it.

He’s just a gossipy motherfucker all the way around.

Let’s not forget the fact that Varg is a right-wing bastard. Fuck him.

I used to love Brand New back in high school and college. When The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me came out, it pretty much captured my life for months. Turns out that the album's lyrics were a little more.. autobiographical than most people thought, and Jesse Lacy is a shitty person.


Varg killed Euronymous because Euro was talking about making a snuff film of Varg because he (E) was jealous of how much success Varg was having with his own project and activities.

Keep in mind that Euronymous's response to his band's vocalists' suicide was to take a picture of his dead body and collect pieces of his skull to hand out to his friends as necklaces. Out of all the shitty things Varg Virkernes has done in his life, killing Euronymous just about makes up for it.

At least Jesse Lacy agrees that he's a shitty person, and he'd probably be the first one to tell you he's a shitty person.

Relevant Brand New lyrics:

It's hard to be the better man when you forget you're trying.

Man, if I were in a scene where anybody was doing anything close to shit like that I would be like "I'm gonna just do my own thing in my bedroom, you guys can have fun with all of this, goodbye"

That whole scene of Norwegian Black Metal was a wild circus.

Crazy when I stop and think about how damn young they all were, too. Dead was dead by 22, Euronymous was dead by 25, Faust was I think 19 when he committed a random murder because "...I guess he wanted to know what it's like to kill a person" (according to a band mate).

Just an absolutely crazy little world.

More than a few of the musicians whose music I like have gotten in trouble for grooming, being pedos, and abusing minors. Two come to mind immediately because I found out recently: BoyInABand and Geoxor. There's probably more musicians like that whose news I haven't heard of.

edit: I don't follow this band but seems like lostprophets had an even worse situation.

Edit2: I read a bunch of the comments and a very prevalent trend is musicians getting in trouble for being pedos. Why so common?

The Boyinaband thing sucks, used to like his collabs with Andrew Huang :( Boyinaband won’t get any of my views anymore.

So I'm a huge fan of The Smiths...

I feel for you. My first concert was a Morrissey one. After finding out about his support for For Britain, I’m not supporting him anymore. Yet he still has his defenders…

What does it mean “defenders.” Am I a defender if I’ll still go to a concert? Morrissey didn’t start saying stupid things yesterday, he was always stupid. Reading his autobiography which I have done but don’t recommend to others reveals he’s always been a pretentious weirdo without the goods to back it up, expect the musical talent.

There's being pretentious and stupid, and then there's being a full on racist and hatemonger. The latter wasn't apparent until more recently.

Bengali in platforms…

He’s always had the race stances of a white British man of his age. You just weren’t paying attention.

Possibly. And had that one song remained the only indication of his mindset, I would still, possibly, be listening to his music. But it didn't, and here we are.

But most of his music is not racist at all. In fact that’s probably that one song. Most of his other stuff is about being a weird middle aged gay man.

He has only been middle aged for less than half his career, depending on your definition of the term, and he has at various stages of his life described himself as bisexual, asexual, celibate, 'humasexual' and explicitly 'not a homosexual', but besides that: Yes. Which illustrates why his various -isms haven't been obvious until more recently.

Spiritually he’s always been middle aged and gay.

Nevertheless, despite some of his loathsome views I remain a fan of the music, since the music itself is not loathsome.

Good for you if that's what you think. Meanwhile, I have no trouble finding other artists more worthy of my money and attention.

Yeah, Morrissey is a dick for sure. Such a shame as I love a lot of The Smiths and his other work.

it was hilarious how he got shit on for waving the union jack and then 2 years later its everywhere and every big brit band has one, like oasis and blur

Missing a pretty big thing about Varg being a white supremacist, and of the spineless kind.

I like to imagine Varg trembling in his military boots everytime he goes to the city and sees a black person. You just know he's an absolute wus from how he acts, just like how incels tremble when they see a woman.


Arcade Fire: Win Butler is a sex pest.

Brand New: Jessie is a groomer of underage girls.

Marilyn Manson: his videos from 2009- pretty much lay it out in the open, but he's the fucking worst physical and emotional abuser of women. Just a shit human being.

I have stopped purchasing these artists merch and they have all been removed from my Spotify. Their records now live in my basement. When I must listen, I listen to my personal rips, alone.

When I found out about Jessie I was very sad. I loved Brand New so much as a teen.

I still listen to them on rare occasion, but not nearly as much as before I found out.

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I used to really love R. Kelly's Bump N' Grind, until... Well, I think everyone knows at this point

You remember South Park's Trapped in the Closet episode? I was shocked to discover that it's a real thing. R Kelly made a musical drama about being trapped in the closet and it's absolutely absurd.

lol, watched that series of videos unfold in real time on The Soup, and am sheepishly realizing there's probably a whole generation of people now that were too young/ not alive yet when that train wreck went down.

What drives me crazy about this the most is that it was technically public knowledge as far back as the mid-90s, but it was mostly ignored. That man was left out for way too long before anything was taken seriously.

I like the Beatles, and there's the obvious clique joke of "John beats his wives, ya know?"

I like a grand total of one Megadeath song, "Hanger 18". That bad is very troublesome. I feel bad for enjoying it, but I don't pay for it, so I guess that's better? But it's nostalgic for me, and I like the words "Military intelligence, two words combined that can't make sense."

I'd have to go through each bands' wikipedia page, but I think some of the worst things are;

  • Disagreed on who wrote what, leading to members leaving or the band breaking up

  • Disagreed on who owns the name, leading to court battles and the band splitting in two

  • Important members leaving, and while the band is still fun to listen to both new and old songs, its not the same

And of course the dreaded sin of "Why does no one know who I am talking about, they need more fans." but that's not really a thing of their own.

You better run for your life if you can, little girl
You better hide your head in the sand, little girl
If I catch you with another man, that's the end, little girl

Fun pop lyrics or psychopathic threat of violence?

I've been surprised to read some of the Beatles lyrics, they seem quite rapey/threatening sometimes.

I mean, one is lyrics for a fictional killer, the other is real life spouse abuse. I don't know about you, but real life events are worse than written words.

John physically abusing his family is way worse than lyrics of an intentionally creepy song.

You're preaching an imaginary point here.

I was just making the observation that knowing about John's penchant for domestic abuse makes looking at Beatles lyrics an interesting thought experiment.

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Vince Neil killing Razzle. Then the band casually acting like Mick never existed.

Such horse shit Vince didn't have to do time for that. He has gotten a couple DUI's since too. On his Wikipedia page seems he likes to assault women. Total piece of shit.

I think Vince was rather surprised he did not have to do time also.

I wonder how many hotel rooms They Might Be Giants have trashed

I was a big fan of G.G. Allin, so it's hard to pin point just a single moment, but we'll let google and your imaginations take you there. It's pretty trippy.

When I was super young and listening to ace of bass i learned one of the members was also a white supremacist.

Lead singer of L7 whipped her used tampon at an asshole like a fucking champ.

The dude from Iced Earth and Demons and Wizards is a right wing terrorist. That's a bummer.

That really ruined the day of my partner when it came to light, he is .... was a huge Iced Earth fan for decades 😕

Yeah, the singer of Blind Guardian made it clear he wouldn't play with him again after that. I respect that choice.

Demons and Wizards

Oh. Damn. I've been listening to those songs for a decade.

Me too, they're one of my favorite power metal acts. I feel like it's okay to pirate them though. Dude tried to steal my voice, so I'm gonna make unauthorized copies of his.

Maybe not as bad as the others…

I’ve been a NOFX fan for about 25 years; still am.

Their whole Vegas shooting country music joke was really hard to wake up to & read as a fan. Also the ripple effect that had on the other bands playing with them; the shows getting canceled; it was all a huge shitshow.

Having said that, I’m sure NOFX themselves have done more fucked up things than that joke, but the timing and lack of sensitivity was really a gut punch (not just to the fans, but the people of Vegas and the victim’s families).

Have also been a fan since '92! Fat Mike, and I know it wasn't just him, but he kinda went off the rails there for a bit. For a while.. it got me down..I guess it was a ploy to stay a little relevant, or to get out of a business deal.

Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) is a prolific anti-Semite.

He's pro-Palestine and there's a villain in his stage performance that is a Nazi. I don't think Waters is an anti-semite though.

Besides all that, Waters is a dick really. Downplaying the role of the rest of the band in making Dark Side Of The Moon is a shit move.

Anti-Semite or anti Jew?


noun: antisemite a person who is hostile to or prejudiced against Jewish people.

Semite: Descendant of Shem, son of Noah. This includes Jews and Arabs.

Anti-Semite: a person who is hostile to or prejudiced against Jews and Arabs.


Anti-Semite: a person who is hostile to or prejudiced against Jews and Arabs.

"Antisemitismus" was adopted by Jew-haters in Germany specifically as more "racialist" way of saying Judenhass (Jew-hate), because they saw racism as more scientific than religious bigotry. It's still the same old Jew-hate. Notably, neither the Nazis nor other antisemites particularly care about Arabs.


It hasn’t been used that way in hundred of years.

Aero Chord made some cool stuff, and then found out he sexually assaulted Mylk in 2014 when she was just trying to help him out... It fucked her up pretty bad, guy's a complete asshole.

That one was awful! I was so bummed when I found out

If I had a nickel for every time one of my favorite noise artists was accused of sexual assault by another artist I follow, I'd have two nickels. Which isnt a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice (Michael Gira from Swans was accused by Larkin Grimm and Alexis Marshall from Daughters was accused by Kristin Hayter).

Just saw Anti-Flag a few months ago right before they broke up suddenly because of an allegation.

That one was devastating 😭

Consider me out of the loop, I'll have to go looking now.

They're broken up because of some allegations. I'm sorry you have to learn this way. I never saw them live but have always wanted to, now I can't.

because of some allegations.

They are pretty horrendous and the women have similar stories, I think we're past the point of 'allegations' and straight up call him what he is: a serial rapist.

I think what's more shocking is Justin claimed to be pro-feminism and he committed acts on women who did not consent to the treatment.

Fair enough. I only used the legal language because I hadn't looked into it that much so I didn't want to say something wrong and then have people yell at me that he's innocent or something. But ya, this one sounds pretty bad.

Saw them with Flogging Molly. Complete surprise to me too, because I didn't see or notice them on the bill until that night. Show was killer. Then like a month later I see their description on the new album says "former band". Fucking heartbreaking and now I'm concerned about that sweet girl from Pink Shift.

My favorite musicians, writers, sports stars, and TV crew are pretty cool for the most part, though there's a childhood program of mine where all the original actors just hate working with one another, to the point where when Jason David Frank ended his life a few months ago, only one actress said a single word of sympathy. Arguably worse than being a jerk to the fans, from a certain perspective. That and the company/studio has some very EA-esque habits.

Good news is that of the original rangers, the only one who didn’t say something nice and was still living was David Yost. Walter Jones, Austin St. John, and Amy Jo Johnson all said something nice about him.

And David Yost has every reason to have nothing positive to say to or about that cast.

Hyper Potions. They split due to the other member being involved in pedophilia and rape, which shocked me when I heard about it.

I really liked this band called Issues but the band simply disbanded after some allegations of the lead singer grooming teenagers when him he was 18 surfaced. He didn't denied it and gave some very stupid apologies claiming that it was his fault for being too accessible to fans. Like, I get that he was 18 at the time but that is a very shitty excuse. I really miss them making new music, they were amazing.

I wouldn't consider 18 and 16 grooming. Younger, yeah.

The half your age + 7 system works.

They way I understand it is the power dynamic was the issue because he was the frontman of a popular band and taking advantage of young underage fans. There were also allegations of abuse, although I’m not sure what kind and if it was true.

Man I just discovered Issues a couple of weeks ago and loved their djent and r&b fusion style especially in Beautiful Oblivion. Then I looked them up and saw the lead singer’s issues (pun intended). It sucks because it’s his singing style that puts the r&b into their music, and they probably won’t sound the same. Glad the band kicked him out without a fuss though, so they can move on and hopefully make more of that style of music.

Yeah, Tyler was really good but the rest of the band was also so good, I'm sad they didn't try with a new frontman.

but the rest of the band was also so good

Oh definitely, their bassist especially.

Lead singer of sonsombre is a card carrying member of the sons of the Confederacy.

Cheb Khaled, one of my favorite singers since I was a kid, fleed from France to Morocco after France legalized LGBTQ marriage.

Was he afraid he would get LGBTQ married?? What a rando.

Desperately trying to find that meme of Bernie Sanders where he says that he'll make gay marriage mandatory if he becomes president. "And if you're not gay, too bad. I'm your husband now and we're in LLLLOOOOOVVVEEEEE"

::: spoiler Description/Caption

Three pane comic of Bernie Sanders speaking to you and saying the following while powering up like in a comic:

  1. "When I'm President, everyone will be married to me."
  2. "If you're not gay... too bad!"
  3. "I'm your husband, and we're in love!"


I'm sure I saw a hilarious skit similar to this, where some redneck dude reads that gay marriage is legalised and he is all 'well shit, now I have to marry a man. I don't even like men! Well I guess it will have to be my buddy Pete.' and no one can convince him that that's not what the law means.

I have never heard of that guy before three minutes ago, but your comment intrigued me and I couldn't figure out why gay marriage legalization would make someone "flee" the country. So I looked at wikipedia. Supposedly the reason he left seems to be more related to legal issues involving his not paying child support, and it was to Luxembourg not Morocco.

It's a pretty short article and maybe there's an escape to Morocco as well that just didn't make it into the article.

Red House Painters, specifically Mark Kozelek. I think the things he was accused of were from his Sun Kil Moon days, but it still sucks. Those first couple of albums I have listened to dozens of times.

Crystal Castles and Sweet Trip also have intraband sexual assault allegations, which really sucks because then I'm a fan of both the victim and the predator.

Mellowed out over time. They all do it and it makes me sad.

Oh hey I know what this hardcore three piece needs, a symphony backed album. A rock ballad. A mandolin solo. Interpretive drums. Take something pure and water it down until it is no longer recognizable.

Give me loud riffs, simple drums, and boss lyrics pls.


They all eventually release an unplugged album which sounds like all the old upbeat tempo tracks as 45 played at 33⅓.

I want to cry a lot. Mainly because I can't buy the aforementioned 33⅓ and play it at 78 because I don't have a record player anymore.

I'm Gen X and I still hate Country and fucking Western. If anyone sees me looking admiringly at corduroy or jackets with leather patches, have a lethal implement to hand. This note hereby indemnifies ..


I don't know about what they've done, but some of the lyrics in songs by The Offspring are pretty questionable.

"I wish I could fix you... and make you how I want you"
or there's an entire song called "she's got issues" - which is a fucking jam - where the singer is complaining about how his abused girlfriend thinks SHE'S the victim when HE'S the one who has to put up with her.

not the greatest look.

I love The Offspring. I bought tickets to see them with Sum41 which would have been the highlight of the decade for me but fucking covid happened and it never got rescheduled. I'm still bitter.

Yeah, it has been weird to see some songs that were completely unremarked on by media at release (rightly or not) become solid examples of really problematic cultural artifacts.

"Island Girl" by Elton John is one that never fails to stun me. I haven't listened to radio in years but I remember the song getting played occasionally even decades after release.

I see your teeth flash, Jamaican honey so sweet
Down where Lexington cross 47th Street
Oh she's a big girl, she's standing six-foot three
Turning tricks for the dudes in the big city

That's just the opening verse, it does not get better. This song was number 1 in the US in 1975.

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I quite enjoyed The Orion Experience, until there were allegations of the guy being creepy with underage fans.

Aaaand... unsubscribe.

I don’t know if anyone put Alice Cooper on here…Voyager doesn’t seem to have a feature to search within threads…

A regular guy who puts on a bunch of makeup, goes on stage and says “it’s ok to be weird…just be yourself” and then to turn your back on trans kids like he’s just another transphobic boomer… Oof. I can never respect him again.

Dam, he was cool

Always loved seeing him chime in on different bio shows like “behind the music” or whatever as a kind of self proclaimed nerd turned bizarre horror/rock star. Always had this cool “fuck you” credibility. Fuck him tho.

I was fairly partial to "tie me kangaroo down, sport" as a child of preteen years. Not to mention Gary Glitter songs.

Being bought up in the [UK] seventies comes with a lot of that kind of trauma these days.

I'm having to re-evaluate my life choices as a ten year old regularly in 2020s civilization.

Roger Waters. I think he means well and wants people to be happy and that's why he's a leftist, but wow that guy can pick the wrong side in a conflict. He is a terrible advocate for the causes he supports.

It seems EVERY rockstar has a penchant for really young women. I've lost track of the number of songs about underage girls ("she's only sixteen...","She was just 17" etc.) Paul Simon fell in love with a 16 year old, and took her on tour. She's on one of his album covers.

I think it's just that a lot of dudes are like that, rockstars are just more easily able to get away with it. I've heard a lot of guys say shit about very young girls or just the way they talk about women when no ones around that's pretty gross.

Electric Callboy used to be called Eskimo Callboy until somewhat recently. Eskimo is now considered a slur for the Inuit and Yupit peoples. I'm fairly sure thay EC meant no offense by the term and rather used it out of ignorance (as evidenced by them setting in motion the presumably rather extensive process of changing their entire branding, including pulling old songs and changing all their old album covers), but given their early albums were all about edgy funny provocation, it's not a great look.

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