Musk considers removing X platform from Europe over EU law - Insider to – 809 points –
Musk considers removing X platform from Europe over EU law - Insider

He should remove it from all countries. What a rich dumbass.

What do we need to do to get him to remove it from America?

Join the EU.

Or pass their Digital Services Act and GDPR Laws in the USA.

Sadly, for the USA, each option is about as likely as the other.

Get New York and California to pass it. Might be enough. California has sort of done it lol

I’d vote to create the EAU. I think there’s a real thirst for having some sanity over here.

As a EU citizen - no thanks, unless you get like ten seats in the EU parliament at most.

As a Californian, I am fully used to being horrifically underrepresented proportionally in national politics, danke. Tax our billionaires. Give us healthcare. Make us use public transportation and drive on better roads. Do your worst. I triple dog dare you.

and as a citizen of a country other than the US, we’re very used to america being horrifically overrepresented in any sort of politics ever no matter what :p so swings and roundabouts i guess

Okay, good note.

What if we made Canameximerica first and then joined?

I mean, I’m feeling a vibe here.

Or pass their Digital Services Act

Not likely. This act would never pass the 1st amendment check.

Laws like these would thankfully get killed dead by the first amendment in the USA.

Stop trying to kill the Internet with overbearing government regulations.

Do it. Go on, do it. A real man would do it.

A real aerospace engineer would do it, c'mon Elon, you are one of those, aren't you?

A real tesla cofounder would do it for sure.

That's founder to you! The court says so, so it must be true. I've had to go to court to prove I started the laundry, so it makes sense he had to too. 😆

The people who previously ran Twitter wouldn't have done it. C'mon Elon, are you as scared as they would be?

I hear Zuck once threatened to pull Meta out of the EU too. Musk is a real man though. No joke, he can probably be goaded to do it, just like how he got baited into buying Twitter in the first place.

Anybody know what a real programmer would do?

Ah, nevermind, he is too young for that.

As a Brit, I've never been more angry at Brexit than right now, when we could have been on the cusp of losing access to Twitter. I'd have been free from the temptation to lurk occasionally, but noooooo, the fucking Tories had to go and "Get Brexit Done" and so we have to still live in a world where I feel compelled to go over there and gawk at the mess.


Europe: “oh no! Anyway…” Me: “Do America next!”

Please do, and I would like to add a few more (only 180 more) countries where you should quit...

Do it. It is perceived much differently than government blocking site, speaking from experience. When cenzorship agency blocks something, people seek ways to be there, when something pulls out of country, people say good riddance.

The irony is that the real losers if Twitter pulls out of the EU will be all the misinfo actors.

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Looks like the European laws actually protects us digitally!

As an European just do it! This will spur a move from a lot of people to the fediverse.

I'd love it too. I actually wonder why news orgs, NGOs and governments don't already run their own federated servers for employees.

They can actually moderate their boards and reach a really wide audience. I believe it's because most news organizations barely have resources available. But governments should definitely be present.

I'm not referring to discussion forums, but employees of news orgs being protected from capricious asshole owners of social media platforms. e.g. CNN's Donnie O'Sullivan was banned from Twitter for reporting on Elon Musk's war with flight tracking accounts. He wasn't the only journalist either. Or news orgs as a whole not receiving media ticks or being tagged negatively (e.g. called US government sponsored news site) because (again) the owner of the network is an asshole.

Don't threaten us with good time, Elon.

Also no way he is going through. He is way too much in financial hole to give up European market. Like Google or Meta, sure they have the financial standing to maybe pull such move and survive.

Xitter? They need every visitor and account they can have globally to even think about staying viable.

Empty bluster and pointless empty bluster, since EU would just go "fine. Our continental economy or prosperity doesn't depend on your social media company. Social media isn't a critical industry, so we are just fine with you leaving. Plus there is 10 others like you anyway".

You can't threaten people with something that doesn't damage them and heck might be seen as benefit.

Imagine the world super power Europe would become,with no twitter, Facebook, instagram and til tok...

God I imagine an internet free of corporate influence, I miss when they were visitors and not Gatekeepers

Imagine a world where corporations that retard human development are not rewarded more than corporations that promote development.

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Dear musk, you don’t have to consider, you can just remove X from rest of the world

Meta might as well ban the usage of Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and of course the Meta Quest headsets from being used in the EU. Oh, and all Google products as well (maybe except YouTube). We are so close to a new tomorrow.

I guess EU citizens are just gonna move to Norway if they wanna use those services (I'd assume VPN usage would be blocked as well)

Honestly, without these monopolies, yes it will suck for a bit but it would allow us to essentially rebuild the internet. It sounds exciting more than anything. If the EU blocks anything, thats a different story. The deal now is that companies are vaguely threatening to leave because they dont wanna deal with our laws.

Speaking from experience, it doesn't really help to vpn to Norway .

Unless there are some Netflix titles exclusive to the Norwegian version of Netflix, I don't wanna use a VPN.

Weren't they already threatening to ban it in the first place?

This has major "You can't fire me cause I quit!" energy

Great! Please do it! All the harm you do to Twitter only helps mastodon grow.

I love mastodon and the growing fediverse.

how can I block lemmy from showing me 800 musk rage posts a day?

If you use Sync for Lemmy, you can add filters that removes certain topics of your choosing.

Yup, also on Boost and possibly other Lemmy apps.

Both (Sync and Boost) are, in my opinion, the best Lemmy apps. An extensive set of features and customisation, lovely interface, they are 5 star products.

Agreed. I'll use your comment to mention that I also enjoyed using Connect and Thunder, which are free.

Oh, gonna try them too. Thanks for the tip!

Maybe just turn it off for the good of all humanity, why stop at Europe?

Given that Europe was talking about banning the app anyway, this strikes me as a you can't fire me I quit situation

Watching Musk and Twitter destroy each other has been my guilty pleasure for the last couple of months.

Hopefully that will get us another wave of users who have not really used reddit before and want to try something new.

Elon Musk, owner of social media platform X, is considering removing the service formerly called Twitter from Europe in response to a new internet platform regulation in the region, news site Insider reported on Wednesday.

Lucky them.

So apart from paywall, we now have even a singupwall, fck that. Could you please next time just prntscrn whole article? It's matter of 10s..

Musk considers removing X platform from Europe over EU law - Insider Reuters October 19, 20232:36 AM GMT+2Updated 7 hours ago

Tesla CEO and X owner Elon Musk attends the VivaTech conference in Paris Elon Musk, Chief Executive Officer of SpaceX and Tesla and owner of X, formerly known as Twitter, attends the Viva Technology conference dedicated to innovation and startups at the Porte de Versailles exhibition centre in Paris, France, June 16, 2023. Oct 18 (Reuters) - Elon Musk, owner of social media platform X, is considering removing the service formerly called Twitter from Europe in response to a new internet platform regulation in the region, news site Insider reported on Wednesday.

The billionaire has discussed removing the app's availability in the region, or blocking users in the European Union from accessing it, a person familiar with the company told the publication.

The European Union in August adopted the Digital Services Act (DSA), which sets forth rules for preventing the spread of harmful content, banning or limiting certain user-targeting practices, and sharing some internal data with regulators and associated researchers, among other things.

X did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.

Reporting by Yuvraj Malik in Bengaluru; Editing by Devika Syamnath

I'm going to view this as a boon to the good people in Europe.

Dude thinks he's so important that he can bully others into getting what he wants just by threatening to leave. Here's hoping the EU calls him on it. What do they have to lose? Twitter brings no value to anyone other than Musk these days.

Maybe the theory about the Saudis financing Musk to buy Twitter in order to kill it is not too far fetched afterall.

Here's hoping Zuck will do the same! Garbage misinformation platforms, with all around lack of moderation, and value.

The DSA would nullify the entire point of buying twitter, forcing him to reveal exactly how he is using the platform to further his goals.

In addition to the liability exemptions, the DSA would introduce a wide-ranging set of new obligations on platforms, including some that aim to disclose to regulators how their algorithms work, while other obligations would create transparency on how decisions to remove content are taken

Do the stupid self destructive thing Elon, you know you want to.

Translation; I'm going to throw a temper tantrum because the you're being mean to me after, someone who totally is not me, ruined my plaything that I was, forced to, buy.

Also I am totally wearing clothes, you're just too poor to see them.

EU is starting to more heavily censor things. Social media that is "terrorist sympathizing", "misinformation", or "pro-hamas protests" when in reality what they're doing is cutting off access to information from the other side.

Even on Twitter we're seeing certain accounts get banned. I followed a guy who's part of Hezbollah that would give on the ground updates. He got banned. Many other accounts have too.

Is this what we want? An iron curtain around the internet? So we can't see the other side and they can't see us? It's a dangerous path we're walking towards.

I’m not so sure it’s a dangerous path. There should be limits on what people can say.

I’m saying this as someone who up until the pandemic was very much against limits in ANY speech. There should be consequences for spreading hate and misinformation.

I’m aware that it’s a VERY dangerous and slippery slope too.

have no idea what the right amount of limits even looks like. I’m not an expert by any stretch of the imagination. What I do know is that what we have now isn’t working.

What I do know is that what we have now isn’t working.

Why isn't it working? What is the harm in people seeing beheadings? Reading the media of the opposite side? We start outlawing "misinformation" and the only information allowed is the official state narrative. People are so quick to forget that governments lie all the time. Weapons of mass destruction was an elaborate lie perpetuated by both governments and the media. When the US blew up a hospital in 2014~2015 in Afghanistan, they immediately denied it and blamed in on the Afghanis. There's multiple examples of Israel killing journalists or bombing civilians and then lying about it.

We live in a post-truth age. Outlawing one lie simply allows the other to proliferate more easily. It's dangerous and we're looking more and more like authoritarian China every passing day.

People should have the right to decide for themselves what sort of media they want to consume. They should be able to decide for themselves what lies they want to believe.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Oct 18 (Reuters) - Elon Musk, owner of social media platform X, is considering removing the service formerly called Twitter from Europe in response to a new internet platform regulation in the region, news site Insider reported on Wednesday.

The billionaire has discussed removing the app's availability in the region, or blocking users in the European Union from accessing it, a person familiar with the company told the publication.

The European Union in August adopted the Digital Services Act (DSA), which sets forth rules for preventing the spread of harmful content, banning or limiting certain user-targeting practices, and sharing some internal data with regulators and associated researchers, among other things.

X did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.

The original article contains 121 words, the summary contains 121 words. Saved 0%. I'm a bot and I'm open source! he flexing?

I get the feeling he thinks he's always flexing, even when he doesn't notice that his pants just fell down and everyone's laughing at him.

Come on man do it! DO IT!

Musk threatens to kill off Twitter in the EU, and all the Europeans are going "hooray! Finally we can forget about that cesspool and go on with our lives"

Kinda reminds you of that scene from lethal weapons, Musk is the jumper, Riggs the Europeans and Murtaugh the Twitter employees.

Why not just adapt to the new rules? Others have to do the same.

developers would have to add features to the platform but they only learned how to remove features

But add features are easy. Just put a X there and call it a day.

I dare you. I double dare you, motherfucker!

He doesn't have a choice. He wants to keep the misinformation farm going.

Apparently, this news is not true, sadly.

Elmo said so himself on Xitter according to a Belgian news site.

Couldn't verify it though since I don't go on xitter.

If only Facebook would follow that lead. And others, too!

A lot of these other comments seem upset. I don't care just as much I always didn't.

how do i read this

With as little effort as it is possible for a human to put into something without literally just collapsing from muscle failure.

With enough sarcasm dripping off it that an elephant would have to start swimming in a minute or two.

I dare you. I double dare you, motherfucker!

I dare you. I double dare you, motherfucker!

Great, now do tesla too. Stupid Tesla chargers popping up around my country. I've got an aging nissan and want chademo damnit!