Game derulepment

Sam to – 527 points –

Now that 24 hours have passed we have our winner!

A huge thanks to for suggesting this awesome idea!

A survival crafting game where the tech tree goes backwards. You start in a prepper hole with working water filtration, food sources, etc, and everything is nice. Then something breaks and maybe you fix it. Something else breaks and maybe you fix that. Three things break at once, and at least one of them is going to stay broken. Have to do something more primitive and time consuming.

Eventually, enough things break that it’s no longer sustainable and you die. Game ranks you based on how long you last.

I would also like to thank every person in the comments for making their wonderful suggestions! I've read through every single one of them and all of them are really good!

You can view the game's code at, which is currently empty at the time of writing this, but every day from now I will contribute code there.

The game currently does not have any name other than "Project 196", so I will probably host a poll when we have at least something playable.

When the game would be playable? Making games ain't easy so it's pretty hard to estimate. I would say in around a week or so I should have a rough prototype if things go right.


Didn't really have much time to work on this this week, so my week estimate is going out of the window. I will not estimate anymore. But I am still working on things, so game will happen. :)


A survival crafting game where the tech tree goes backwards. You start in a prepper hole with working water filtration, food sources, etc, and everything is nice. Then something breaks and maybe you fix it. Something else breaks and maybe you fix that. Three things break at once, and at least one of them is going to stay broken. Have to do something more primative and time consuming.

Eventually, enough things break that it's no longer sustainable and you die. Game ranks you based on how long you last.

Return to monke! One of my favorite ideas this far

Gotta work on the name so it doesn't get confused with Return to Monkey Island. Then again, might allow you to get some accidental clicks.

I had some very similar ideas. This could be tied into some sort of a base management survival game like Rimworld. Start off with some educated people and nice survival tech like solar panels etc., friendly neighbours and ample access to information and so on. Then try to keep things going as time takes its toll on equipment and people and the climate gets shittier and shittier. First all fancy tech starts to get scarce when global supply chains start to fail and foreign imports stop. The internet starts to go down and you have to get your news via radio, then by mail and then as hearsay. At some point the local government goes fash and starts sending raids to you, or maybe it's a nearby declining military power that rolls in with some rusty tanks. Neighbours start to get desperate as crops fail and savagery spreads. Or maybe it's you who will be doing the rading and the cannibalism?

If you get far enough in the game that your original population starts to be replaced, you'd better hope that you managed to preserve at least some of their skills and knowledge by writing books and teaching the kids, because rediscovering shit is a whole lot harder.

24 hours have passed and this is the winning idea! Congratulations!

Awesome! Look forward to seeing the results.

Just for the record (because this can be an issue), I freely give this idea away with no expectation of compensation.

Almost like an anti survival game. I love that. I think the gameplay should start out fairly boring, but get more and more exciting as you have to manage more things yourself.

On reruns could see myself purposefully breaking équipement for parts, just to get to the "good part"

100% science based Dragon MMO

Coding an MMO would kill me 💀

Especially the one with scientifically accurate dragon breeding

Pretty sure it'd just be an IRC chatroom with no dragons, that's 100% science based :D

Unless you count komodo dragons...

I'm willing to bet there are herpetology enthusiasts that got into the field because they were interested in how dragons would breed. A game like this would be the apex of their lives.

GRR Martin does scientifically accurate dragons: No six-limbed nonsense, they have two legs and two wings. That's generally good world-building advise, things can be different from the reality we know but you have to have rules, there's got to be patterns, don't just throw shit at the wall. If you absolutely want to have six-limbed dragons you better also have centaurs and other six-limbed creatures, there's six-limbed gods, etc.

Discord Moderator Simulator 2024

discord moderator horror game.
you must moderate a discord channel while sth tries to break into your house, and also you need to go to the fridge to eat regularly

The questions is, what stereotype of Discord Mod can you Play?

Beekeeping simulator

Brb researching beekeeping and making this, great idea

I think it would be really relaxing but also a good way to promote beekeeping and teach people how to do it

Not quite the same (opposite maybe?) but I did see a game called Bee Simulator that was on sale for $2 yesterday.

Oh my God that sounds amazing. Why don't we have one of these already!

hatsune miku 3rd person doom inspired beat em up (with funky mode)

you gonna give the poor dev the money to license the hatsune miku IP?

legally distinct twintail anime idol 3rd person doom inspired beat em up (with funky mode)

You could do that and use the hatsune voice. from what I have read the voice is usable, even for commercial purposes, as long as you credit hatsune as the performer. Using the name and image is a different ball game though.

A game where you are a mosquito and you have to bite people and fly around or a game like untitled goose game but you are a crab at the beach ruining peoples day

I like this.

Your goal is to harm humans. You start with only itchy bites, but as you level up, you get diseases: malaria, dengue, West Nile, zika.

Difficulty starts with avoiding swatting, but increases as humans fight back with bug trappers, spray, and pesticides.

Great idea!

It's like some unholy combination of Plague Inc and Effing Worms, I love it. But of course I would, "villain protagonist" is my favorite steam tag. I would play and probably enjoy this game.

Ah ADHD: the only way I can hold myself accountable and do something is if random people on the Internet holds me accountable

One thing I think is severely underutilized is acquisition of limited information as a game mechanic.

Like, having the information available to the player change depending on how they build a character or interact with the world. So like, rather than just having the player know what the health of enemies is, or know exactly where things are with a compass, or being able to pinpoint their location on the map.

I play a lot of strategy games and particularly in those I think having to manage how orders get to units and information on what they see getting from them to me would be really interesting as more of a focus.

Or like in management games the player often has perfect information on the state of the market or organization they’re running, what if like, you had to get that through Jerry from accounting? What if Jerry lied? What if having to figure out Jerry from accounting is under reporting something to skim off the top was a game mechanic?

This game would frustrate the fuck out of me and I suspect others.

The challenge of the game shifts from the management of resources with complete information to I’m gambling about what information is coming in is reliable.

I don’t think this would be a fun gameplay experience.

The game play is as much about managing your information and access to it. Information becomes a resource that needs infrastructure and investment in. I’ve played some games that have elements of this, notably radio commander, and I found it very engaging but that’s because the game was designed around the concept rather than tacking it on to something without forethought.

An example of this in a management type game would be in CK3/2 where vassals and court members often have their own plans and motives that need to be accounted for, manipulated and planned around. Without this the game might be rather dull TBH.

I'm thinking an interface like papers please with some more expression and color.

You start as a hermit. Farmers and peasants come to you with problems and you craft spells, hexes and curses to cast on them. Sometimes you give them what they want, sometimes what they need and sometimes you throw a fireball. Maybe some rapid responses are required.

You gain a reputation and move from your shack into a town, and then into a castle where you become a court magician. Higher stakes, more options, more magic!

Get creative with how elements combine and have long lasting or delayed effects!

Not quite the same but you should most definitely check out the Wizardry! series

As someone else said, untitled goose game but crab. Please write it in rust

You bet I'm gonna use rust. Love that language

are there even game libraries for rust? I mean sure, there's gotta be rendering library you can use for games

There's dozens of game engines written in rust, and a few actual games.

there are 50 game engines written in rust and like 5 games

Hitman-style game in an anime high school setting. I hear there's a vacancy.

What happened to that guy? I heard there was a fall from grace

Is it really a fall if you propel yourself down?

Summary video of the most recent event. Yandere dev released a classic Youtube Apology Video where he basically admitted to grooming a minor for a considerable time, in full knowledge of her age, while trying to make it sound like it was okay.

Man making video game about dating and murdering children so that one MUST love you is a pedo? No way!

A simulator for callping customer support. The goal is to eventually talk to God, or the simulation creator, or whatever supreme being is responsible for this mess.

The game takes place entirely in your apartment. You're equipped with a phone book and a corded phone with a long cord. it's the 80s or 90s. You have to carry out various troubleshooting tasks that get more insane as you punch through layers of bureaucracy. You also have to manage your anger meter otherwise you risk cursing and the cs agent hangs up on you.

Days should progress kinda like persona 5, and there should be a time limit. The stakes should be comically low.

Save points involve getting callback numbers after you've got to a higher level of management.

I have a very similar concept: with gameplay somewhat inspired by job simulator or keep talking and nobody explodes.

The general aesthetic is focused on silly and cartoon aliens, not serious at all.

You're in your alien apartment dealing with some machine that kinda reminds you of a printer (but silly and strange due to the silly alien theme), but you have no idea what the hell it does, just that it's broken beyond belief. (If made interesting enough, finding out what the hell it does could be a good hook for the player to keep playing)

The general loop consists of calling support and having the support people troubleshoot you into getting the thing working (you have to mess with it manually, opening flaps and moving pieces like the games mentioned above), except since it's a silly alien machine, some of the parts have silly names and are silly looking (think of the Plumbus from Rick and Morty), making figuring out what the hell the operator's talking about a challenge.

For added funny, you could see the portrait of the various operator's (silly aliens), and even better: you could animate them getting more and more exasperated or bored with you as you try to figure out the machine.

For even more funny, you could maybe give some funny references to common irl printer problems like complaining about no ink when you just replaced the carts. And maybe at the end the machine could do something really silly and stupid, fitting with the comedic tone of the game

Have you played the Conkers Bad Fur day multiplayer back on the n64? There is this mode called beach, where you play defenseless squirrels that have to make it over the border, which is guarded by nazi teddy bears. They have bazookas, snipers and turrets. All the squirrels have is their mobility.

So you run while there's stuff exploding and shots fired over your heads and around you while you run for your life and it was the most fun I had in a multiplayer game ever.

i've always dreamt of a similar game, or a mod for this game with more players and maps.

But imagine, a game where one team has only their agility and parkour skills to make it somewhere, while the other team tries to kill them.

So either you go the silly route with the squirrels and simple controls, or you could make a game with deep parkour gameplay and evasion moves and the like, but the rules and the goal would be the same.

EDIT: one detail that I forgot but is of great importance: the opposing team (nazi teddy bears) are pretty stationary and can just move up on their wall. They can't go down to the map where the squirrels run for their life

Pokémon Snap + Gravity Falls

Go take pictures of big foot, aliens, ghosts and loch ness. Each area will be swarming with those creatures but to pass to a new zone the pic has to be blurry, out of focus and foggy.

The Legally Different Bethesda Game Creation Game

You are !Todd_Howard and have been tasked with making the best game ever. Allocate resources between the following points: Bug Fixing, Marketing, Writing, New Features, Re-re-re-releasing Skyrim, Shifting goals

Can your next masterpiece be the most successful ~buggy~ feature-filled game ever?

As for a game I'd actually love to make/collaborate in making, a FOSS variant of Earth Defense Force 5. EXPLOSIONS! GIANT MONSTERS! OVERPOWERED WEAPONS! EXPLOSIONS! RAZING CITIES! ALIEN ROBOTS! BLEEDING ALIENS! MORE EXPLOSIONS!

You can theoretically make a Bethesda-Game-Studios-style game with no Bethesda IP if you do it with OpenMW. Come to the light side, our website has no tracking cookies.

I last played and finished Morrowind with their version 0.45 I believe. I have also been thinking about learning it for actual gamedev, after seeing that Robowind demo.

Though there's always Doom/Quake engines for that, too.

You know, I'm something of a failed game developer myself.

The #1 thing I learned was: Set your sights low. Lower than you think you should have to. And then lower than that. And now take that and cut it in half. Got it? Okay, now, from that, figure out what you think you could get done in 2 weeks. And now imagine that you're 2 days in and someone told you you actually only have 1 week to finish completely. Pencils down, you can never work on this again. What would you focus on?

If the design is only fun if there are heaps and heaps of content, hyper-realistic art, epic soundtrack, and intricately-tuned parameters, you're pretty much doomed to fail. It has to be fun even with one basic level, placeholder art, some sfxr audio clips, and wildly unbalanced stats.

Been there many times and know this pain personally so well. I have been game developing as a hobby for around 4 years now and every single time I make a game I set my expectations way too high, start working on the difficult tasks until I eventually burn out and stop. So I don't really have any finished games in the past 4 years, but have couple dozen prototypes instead. But every time I learn something new from them, so that's a plus.

This time I plan to do it differently and will not give up until I make something fun and playable

Third person or top down shooter but you push around a shopping card with all your weapon and ammunition.

You can only switch weapons at the cart but if it gets hit it explodes.
This creates a balancing act of having it near enough to run back for a different weapon or more ammo but not to near so it doesn't get looted of blown up. You obviously can't take it up ladders or into ventilation shafts, meaning you have to fight your way back to where you left it with limited resources.

Ok this is actually great. I'm thinking Hotline Miami style combat but with bigger and more open levels akin to maybe Splinter Cell. Lugging the trolley around would probably get annoying after a while so we'll need to make it the main gimmick and give it some upgrades. Speed up while pulling, maybe an auto tether that will have it follow you around to a limited extent without having to lug it. Being able to hop in the trolley to stealth at the cost of being able to move or shoot. Final trolley upgrade near the end of the game can give it a shitty little auto turret and shield and let it assist you in some point defense rushes before the final boss.

The 1990's DRM game. A point and click mystery game where you have to find the DRM codes printed on the back of the disk, hidden in the CD-ROM jewel case, or the specific word on the printed in the manual to unlock mini games. You might even consider scanned JPEGs of each page of the manual in the file system of the copied CD-ROM that your friend made you.

I dunno if shitpost or not but I'd love to contribute to the soundtrack of this masterpiece 196 game!

This is not in fact a shitpost! I'm really planning on making a game from the top suggestion from the comments! And if you wanna help it'll be greatly appreciated, because making music is my weakest skill out of my skill set

Sweet! Feel free to DM me when you have some outlines with what you want to do and I'll get to work :)

Meh, still a better greenlight process than most major publishers.

dog in a pool (has as deep of lore as you can do)

edit: this aint going in a survival game, like imagine cats are liquid as a survival game

A puzzle game with simple graphics where you are the reanimated corpse of some environmental activist who was killed by being thrown into a chemical vat and flushed to the river. The forest brings you back to life with the goal of eating billionaires bad people who live in their mansions equiped with bunkers and panic rooms.

Edit for additional thoughts: bonus levels could be something akin to Epstein Island or Davos. Would be nice if "the help" could also get in on the fun, like you crack the safe with their passports and in return they give you the passcode to the safe room.

A game set in a world with no sun. You are in perpetual darkness. The only thing that provides light are special stones that occasionally jut up from the ground...but they don't last forever. You can either explore the darkness on your own, or with travellers like you that you come across, or you can set up a town around a large light providing crystal, and defend against the hulking, nightmarish horrors lurking just past the edge the light. In order to build you have to go out and hunt ever more powerful creatures and harvest their skin, flesh, and bone to make buildings, weapons, and equipment.

Youd have to include grappling/climbing mechanics similar to Shadows of the Collosus. The game needs to be permadeath. You can't savescum the boss fights in order to win. Fights need to be terrifying and intense....and when you win...the feeling would be indescribable.

this but easy/not permadeath mode.

It's a village. You go through more people in the village. Doesn't end the run. But you maybe you get more chances, the more people you have?

This, but add an easy move so I can enjoy it too.

It's a village. You go through more people in the village. Doesn't end the run. But you maybe you get more chances, the more people you have?

Career management game where you first create a character (gender, skin color, body type etc).

Then you select game difficulty via a slider. The slider affects visibly how many of your peers have different skin color, gender and body type than you, and invisibly how much you are rewarded for success and how much you are punished for mistakes.

I'm thinking an RPG Maker style game. You play as Morpheus, the god of dreams. Each level is a different person's dream. When you arrive the dream is a nightmare fueled by past experiences and internal feelings. You have to journey through the dreamscape and find these factors and resolve them to heal the psyche of the dreamer and turn the nightmare into a good dream.

An example would be a dream where the dreamer is delivering a presentation in front of a classroom naked while the other kids and teacher make fun of them. As that scene plays out, you walk around the school and discover little tidbits about the dreamer. Some of these tidbits are external factors that led to the dream, like memories of people making the dreamer embarrassed for being themselves. You could resolve these by fighting and defeating them in the form of nightmare creatures. And some of the tidbits will be internal factors, like feelings of insecurity and defense mechanisms like reinforcing ideas, that give power to the twisted logic of the dream. These, you have to heal by pointing out the flawed logic and encouraging the dreamer to accept themselves. Once you do everything, you go back to the classroom and find the dreamer giving a TED talk to an enraptured and admiring crowd.

Looking at that character; I'm thinking Cell-Shaded 3D Platforming with a spinning move like a helicopter.

Sorry to ruin your fun but that character is Hatsune Miku (well known creator of Minecraft and the Harry Potter series). I'm guessing OP just put her there to have some sort of art.

Tetris themed murder mystery

"Sir, we've found no traces of tetrominos near the body."

"My god, it's a perfect clear."

"How did he die, officer?"
"He had an L-block dropped beside him, while someone was by his side. Got vaporized instantly."

Not a game. Just an API. Simulate a big world and just let it run. Allow others to make clients for the world in different styles, viewpoints, and work different mechanics. But those clients connect to a simulated world.

a traffic engineering game where you have to design different cities as efficiently as possible to allow traffic to flow smoothly to and from various points. different goals can be met for different stages, like: connect zone a to zone b with maximum flow possible, cut pollution in zone c while keeping flow above a certain threshold, make traffic take so long that eventually people will abandon their cars in the middle of the road and start walking to their destination have crashes exist, and cause congestion because of gawkers have a setting for the shittiness of the drivers

Detective game where you have to find plausible explenations for paranormal events

Like a Men In Black cover-up team, or more of a completely inept skeptic? Assuming the aliens and ghosts and such are real.

I was thinking something in the cover-up team direction

Make sure your game includes a large amount of crypto-only micro transactions

a game where you have to pack your own bag of groceries at a self checkout kiosk without making the scale error out and avoiding direct confrontation with the attendant. and maybe bonus points for ringing up produce as cheaper alternatives.

Asimetric RTS, one player is controlling whole faction, and is fighting against faction consisting of characters controlled by other players.

Please make a spiritual successor to Crimson Skies.

The arcadey air combat, the alternative history air piracy setting, and the gloriously over-the-top voice acting and scripting.

After spending many hours of my childhood playing that game it would make my soul sing to play something like that again.

A 3d rpg and the story should be a nobles life that has to get to know his country because his father said so. Then you can decide if you wanna help your underlings or make their lives suffer. The timeframe is up to you

Its a game where you ride a grocery cart down a hill and have to avoid obstacles. The hill is infinitely long and your score is based on how long you can go.

Maayyybe unlike the usual lanes type system of an infinite game, where you can only move left and right into locked positions, in this game you can move freely left and right. With sway, and hitboxes?

Small cast of characters where each one has abilities and perks. And because its my idea... I want them all to be cute girls who are delinquent and dirty, as opposed to the usual princesses. I'm thinking a style a bit like Splatoon.

A game where to play as a squirrel trying to cache food, and the whole time you have to avoid cars, hawks, and cats. Collect food, bury it, hide from rival who try to dig up your food and bury it elsewhere.

Develop a game about game developing, but make this one good unlike all the others

I think that game is called Godot - unless you're hardcore, then I recommend GCC.

"Save the Lemmyverse" - a game where you are a lemming and each level is one Lemmy community, with insider memes and problems unique to that community which you need to fix. It has dialogue-based sequences where you need to investigate what's wrong with the community, and then a random minigame to finish each level.

There are shops where you can spend upvotes to buy stuff.

There are collectible memes scattered around the game and you can post them to c/196 to gain upvote currency.
If you accidentally visit without posting anything new, you lose currency.

I could go on and on with this :D

Be a scientist and try to convince people about climate change before disaster destroys the world!

A Steamboat Willie rhythm game where the animals make the music

Another one.

You're a soul reaper. You travel between bubbles that fall through Purgatory. These bubbles are the possible final moments of people's lives, and you can either help them or ignore them. In the end, you need a soul to get to the next Bubble, otherwise you have to brave Purgatory, an infinite black void full of gargantuan, terrifying spirits that consume the bubbles once someone dies.

It's an interesting concept that allows you to spin a lot of beautiful, small stories. Stories of hope, dreams, loss, terror, love.... Lots of freedom. But there needs to be a reason that you eventually start to explore Purgatory ....

I love survival games. And often think about how unrealistic they are, zombies, apocalyptically, etc. But there are people in actual realistic survival situations everywhere. Someone remember "This war of mine"? Playing civilians in a Battlefield and just trying to not starve or get killed or freeze to death.

Something like this in a new manner, or why not a game with a homeless main character? The char can be in different mood, hungry, cold, ill, drug addicted, whatever.

A game where you kill mobs of people and your power is demonstrated by transitioning into a girl and you start glowing. Think 2003 muave Gears of War but then as you spill blood, transition into a kind of Sailor Moon/Bayonetta kind of girl.

"red riding hood's grandma"

A hack and slash game, playing as the grandma beating up wolves with an umbrella or a cane.

tetris around a cube where you need to keep up with 4 separate tetris games at once and create a line along the entire circumstance for it to disappear

I'm just going through old stacks of paper. Yesterday I found around 10 pages of precise game planning I planned (and never made) when I was 12. Use it :D (it's totally possible without a huge game studio and team).

maybe a multi-player strategy/management game. i really enjoyed playing frostpunk, but getting your friends into it proves difficult when there's no peer pressure :)

also being able to jump in and experience the various scout missions in 1st person would be insanely immersive.

maybe have one player managing the city or whatever it ends up being, and the other players are at different points in the city reporting progress, managing small teams and helping out.

A game about a murderous pet rock that takes place in a quarry


Age of Empires, but you have no direct control. You're a god that different factions can pray to and you have to use your influence to gain more followers over your rival gods. You can do that through demanding conquest, sacrifices, hedonism, or many other ways!

I think it'd be fun!

Game about watching grass grow in real time. Scoring would be how long you kept the game running. The Menu will show high scores of players who watched the longest.

Must include an eye tracker to see just how much attention is being paid to the grass also

And you can serve ads since you can prove you have eyeballs on the screen! OP will be rich and we'll hate them and ourselves for even giving them the idea!

In a time which measurement makes even the biggest of brains strain, humans have finally become an advanced civilization. With wave after wave of new and exciting diseases wiping out the once controlling older generation and lowering the population to sustainable levels.

Earth was back, BABY!

The whole is not perfect, to truly achieve world peace, and to be taken seriously by aliens if they're out there ignoring us, a secret sect of specialized time jumpers has begun the task of correcting historic follies and stopping specific threats that at one point in time created insurmountable damage to humanity.

Now the technology is fickle. Still in beta and the procedures can only be completed by specific humans. We've sent out best and worst. There was an 87.00047 rate of time redacted melting.

Imagine how long it takes to melt if you have your time redacted by the machine. So it requires a very unique person who is quite likely a product of inbreeding. Scientists have been trying to figure out the melting matrix, and so far successful "Librarians" have had abnormalities that are most commonly found in branchless family trees.

The job, is to go back and chronicle everything outlined in your directive packet. You'll have to find ways to stop some of histories worst people without killing them. Prevent catastrophic events, without alarming the public. Be light on your toes, good with your fists, and focused in the mind.

We know medically, this might be incredibly difficult. You can't get distracted by attractive cousins. No time for darts with the boys. The season finally of Pappas pig, forget about it. You're there to stop the worst of the worst and the world's largest disasters.

Or in rare cases, ensure that the disaster goes through. It's a tough job and the whole time, you and your fellow Librarians must constantly be recording and creating a record of your travels.

Ultimately, your information with create the Human Chronicle, and complete a book that will ultimately teach the world how to grow, and avoid the monsters that exist to create chaos and destroy humanity, one bit at a time.

TL;DR: Sweet, but stupid time traveller's going through time to secure a prosperous future for humanity. Use hilarious and out of the box thinking to stop bad guys, and ensure you're taking notes of the time and place you are sent to.

TL;DR pt2: if you didn't read it, you dodged a bullet.

a dark fantasy rpg with gameplay and graphics like ultrakill and ui (especially dialogue ui, without voice acting), modular armor and unique seeting like morrowind. No matter how you do the character creation you need to have a dnd dragonborn/tes argonian style lizard race cause I love them oh also spears :3 oh and skill checks like baldur's gate 3

A platformer where the characters have powers based on every fetish ever. All of them.

In depth character customization with meaningful impact on the game. Kinda like CDDA

Treasure hunting story driven action game with dinosaurs, zombies, and aliens

Boneraiser kinda did that already. But reverse a vampire surivor. You are the enemies. You create hordes of monsters (amount of kinda, maybe even some individual changes you can make per monstertype or just frankenstein them together). You can change their strategy in attacking and formation. And most importantly you the money you gather you can use to support and upgrade the heroes making them stronger and dropping more experience as a result. Oh, and then simply make it an MMORPG, thankies.

Quiz race

Everytime you reach a checkpoint you get a mutiple choice question, if you answer it right till the next checkpoint you get a short boost and your car improves (higher max speed,better handling etc.)

Fetch with your dog simulator.

A first person game where you throw a ball for an AI controlled dog. You get a score based on how well the dog can catch the ball, assessing things like distance, on the full, and whether the dog catches the ball in the air.

Areas are things like a backyard, a dog park, and wherever else. You could make one dog and add other breeds if you want to continue the project

Sonic Adventure 3. The game's plot is written entirely by a LLM trained exclusively on Sonic fan-fiction, and the art style can best be described as "live action furry", starring all of your favourite original characters from DeviantART.

I have a better idea but I won't tell you, so, a racing game that has the Minecraft ice boating mechanics

I want a realistic down-to-earth show game that's completely off the wall and swarming with magic robots.

And, also, you should win things by watching playing.

A game that is only perceivable through electric motors on your body

Do mods count?

For the longest time I've wanted a Left 4 Dead 2 mod where you play as your choice of the TF2 mercs.

I don't deny it would take some creativity to combine the game mechanics, and would definitely break the difficulty curve, but I don't care one bit. I think it would be delicious.

War thunder but it's open source

All I want is a game that doesn't feel like a game. As in no invisible walls, no repetitive game mechanics, no duplicate assets, and unpredictable AI, for starters. Such a game has yet to exist.

What game engine will you be working in? (nudge nudge 🤖)

Probably Bevy. It's the game engine I've always dreamed of, being written in Rust and having ECS. I've never used Godot before, and it is probably easier to work in it, as Bevy does not even have the editor yet, but I just love ECS and Rust way too much.

5v5 card game MOBA like league of legends mixed with hearthstone/slay the spire.

Add gacha mechanics for unlocking new skins for the avatar, but make the rolls always give players the same copies of the crappiest gear. The twist is that they actually get awesome gear, but it'll only be visible to other players.