What show are you re-watching?

The Giant Korean@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 144 points –

I'm re-watching The Magicians with my wife, since she's never seen it. It's been long enough since I watched it last that I don't remember a lot of things that happened, so there's a lot of "I forgot got that!" moments for me, which is fun.


Futurama, which is basically on an endless loop before bed. It is just so clever and a great comfort show, with a bit of different animation and storytelling styles through the reboots and revivals.

Except the most recent season, it doesn't work for me so when it kicks in I switch back to season 1.

That’s one of my bedtime / fall asleep to shows.

Also South Park, Simpsons, Rick and Morty.

I’ve got American Dad playing during the night. It’s being streamed on a loop from a channel on twitch (for now). It’s nice background noise to fall asleep to.

Community! It's still streets ahead.

I couldn't find a Community community on Lemmy, so I made one. Come join me and the one other person who's subscribed so far.


I just noticed this and joined ... thanks for making this ... Great idea!

And if anyone hasn't watched Community through at least 5 times, they're streets behind.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

It's my comfort show so I've probably watched it all the way through dozens of times, but it's still the best tv show ever put to screen.

I'm rewatching DS9!

I just Finished Voyager like a bit over a week ago, now I'm watching TNG, gotten up s5. (ofc seen both previously)

Next up, probably rewatching DS9 then. In like, three-four days (tomorrow is going to go to Dune Two)

Just recently finished rewatching House MD.

Hugh Laurie is ridiculously handsome. Olivia Wilde is beautiful beyond words.

And Jesse Spencer's hair, by the gods.

All up, the show meandered and was formulaic (by design). Parts of it aged terribly, but was a good rewatch

It is really formulaic. But in my opinion they really stirr it up nicely with some episodes where he‘s hallucinating while detoxing or being in a ketamine coma. Really liked the mindfuck.

My SO hadn't seen House so we're doing it now. It's going slow because while it's a great show, it's a little too formulaic to be binge-able. We're in the next to last season now.

I recently finished a Frasier rewatch which actually made me realize I'm not sure I EVER finished the last season. Still a great show but I doubt I'll watch the reboot.

Avatar: The last airbender

Because it’s good.


Theoretically it was in preparation to watch the new Netflix series.

After finishing the first season; before starting season two I put on the Netflix series. I made it about 5 minutes into Ep1 before deciding I’d just finish my rewatch of the original series instead.

Man, that Netflix show is bad…

I found it to be... fine. The actors and your expectations settle in after a couple of episodes. The Zuko actor is actually pretty good, Iroh is a different take but damned if Paul Sun-Hyung Lee's enthusiasm for every goony-ass genre part he does isn't infectious, and Sokka and Katara grow into their show personas. Aang... eventually gets less distracting.

The production design is authentic to the show, and Appa, Momo, and June's mole-wolf-horse thing are all well done. I don't think this show was necessary at all, and parts of it are stubbornly weak, but if it gets a new cohort of fans into the universe and watching the cartoons, it could be a net positive.

The thing that bothered me the most is how Aang sounds exactly like Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle

LOL. Fair enough. No two ways about it, he's a weak link, and that's a BAD part to have as your weak link, but eventually I found him to be okay. I think they cast him for his look and his ability to play "earnest," and he does that fairly well. I would have preferred they went with somebody who could pull off the mischief side more convincingly.

I liked the first episode of the live action show well enough. I might add it to our rotation.

Moderate your expectations, but it's fun enough if you are not expecting it to recreate the joy of first watching the cartoon.

It's like a big budget Ember Island Players. :-)

Everything you say sounds reasonable. I might give it another go but something about the whole universe my brain was just fine with accepting in animation but it just absolutely bounced off of in live action.

I am not going to lean in too hard on recommending it, LOL. It's deeply flawed, including too many costumes having that "straight from the wardrobe department" sheen, but with time and lowered expectations, I think there's some fun there.

Well I’m going to at least push it until I see Uncle Iroh. I didn’t know Paul Sun-Hyung Lee was in the show and TBH that was the real selling point of you’re reply 😂

Agreed, holds up ridiculously well. What a great show, funny, emotional, mature, but appropriate and accessible for kids

Rewatching The Wire right now. I started clicking on a bunch of clips and my algorithm kept feeding me more so I figured I might as well just watch it all again. Never gets old for me anyway.

It’s so condensed with the way the scenes are edited together with no transitions. It really doesn’t hold your hand with the slang and jargon either.

I watched it last year but I feel like I should rewatch it just to understand it better.

I've just gone through it again. Must be the sixth time. And, as always, I spot something I'd missed.

The slang... My god that's amazing :)

Schitt’s Creek - about halfway through the second season where things really start to gel. I unabashedly want all of Moira’s outfits.

Currently I'm rewatching Stargate SG-1. It has held time surprisingly well. Lets see if I agree with concurrent watching of Atlantis when I get to those seasons, which I thought a little silly at the time.

Atlantis is a little silly, but in a campy way that never takes itself too seriously. SG-1 does a better job at keeping the tone pretty serious throughout, but with comedic intervals whereas Atlantis definitely tries for more humor. Both are really good though.

I love both, but I actually prefer Atlantis's ongoing series arc over the more episodic/season arc structure of SG-1.

Possibly unpopular opinion (?): Universe was a fantastic show that got cancelled right as it was getting really good. Stargate's answer to Voyager and Battlestar Galactica. Really wish we could have gotten more of it. With the way they left things, it's not too late to revive it if they can get actors on board. They can easily explain cast aging or not returning with the final cliffhanger.

Universe is my favorite, with SG1 close behind. I feel like Universe tried too hard to be Battlestar Galactica at first and the network wasn't impressed when it didn't hit it off like BSG. I would have loved another season.

I return over and over to Community, Fringe, and Justified.

With Fringe it's very easy to notice new things each time through since there are just so damn many Easter eggs.

Community is just comfort food, kinda like Justified. Not deep and intricate plotting, but simple fun.

Justified is coming up on my list to watch for the first time.

It's a great show, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Very well written and acted.

Timothy Olyphant and Walton Goggins are fantastic but there's also a recurring character, Wynn Duffy, played by Jere Burns, and I love almost every scene he's in.

There's also a weird amount of cast overflow between my three shows in minor supporting roles. Maybe that's true for most shows and it's just that these three I return to.

Goggins is a treasure. Between Righteous Gemstones, I'm a Virgo and Invincible he's killing it all over right now.

Can't wait for the community movie.

Wait, what?! I had no clue Community was getting a movie - you've just made my day!

Yep, all the cast are on board except for Chevy Chase of course. They start shoots this year.

Me and my daughter are (re)watching Samurai Jack. It’s a lot of fun and the art style is still gorgeous.
We’re going to skip the last season though. That one was definitely a lot darker and she’s still too young for that.

The game is really fun, if you haven't tried it then I would suggest that.

Going through The Expanse again. Such a good show that unfortunately got soured towards the end by a bad egg in the cast. But I'm enjoying it regardless, the work everyone else put into that show deserves praise. They found such a good balance point on the hard vs. soft sci-fi spectrum. Just enough realism and scientific accuracy to make the setting feel authentic without getting in the way of the story.

And Dominique Tipper as Naomi effortlessly code switching as she interacts with Inners and Belters is astounding. Not just her, all the Belter actors do such a great job with their dialects, but because of her screen time and back story it's a lot more varied for her.

who's the bad egg?

The guy who played Alex turned out to be a creepy guy toward younger women iirc

Cas Anvar, one of the main cast. Between the filming and release of the 5th season a massive wave of sexual harassment and assault allegations came out about him. He was dropped from the show for the final season in response to an investigation of the claims.

Babylon 5.

I rewatch it every few years, this time with the SO who finally caved and decided to watch it with me. Despite having seen the entire series half a dozen times I'm still finding things I never noticed before. And while it's always been rather timeless, a lot of its themes are so much more applicable now than ever before. Cannot recommend it highly enough.

Other recent rewatches shared with the SO and found to have stood the test of time: Gargoyles, Batman TAS, Brisco County Jr, Daredevil, Star Trek TNG.

I just finished Babylon 5 and now I'm re-watching it's copy, Star Trek Deep Space 9.

Schitt's Creek. Only watched it (the series) one other time. Big fan.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I'm near the end of Season 3 now. I just love the chemistry of the cast and how the early seasons have a real DIY and loose feel to it all

I'm not sure there has ever been a show that has clicked for me quite the way that early Always Sunny did. I had never even heard of it before and I randomly caught the musical episode. I loved it so much that my broke ass immediately bought the first 3 seasons on dvd.

Been rewatching Leverage and Psych. Leverage for the 3rd or 4th time and Psych for the 6th or 7th

Love leverage. I've been meaning to try to get my wife to watch it

sopranos all day baby, gotta get my gabbagool

I never watched it, but I probably should. A friend recently sent me the diet soda scene. Eesh.

Game of Thrones

I like watching it because it's like studying really manipulative jerks. I find it so interesting how they operate. Interestingly, I noticed that I paid lots of attention the first four seasons. However, starting on the fifth season, I was more distracted on my phone. Now that I'm on the sixth season, an entire episode and a half will go by while I'm surfing Lemmy on my laptop. It just gets way too corny, predictable, and the plot armor is blaring. I'm still gonna watch it until the end...or at least play it in the background until the end. I guess I need my fill of disappointment and some practice rolling my eyes. It's still crazy to me that a show that became a cultural phenomenon tanked itself so terribly to the point that it lost nearly all respect.

Edit: Give me the mic! I've got something to rant about.

The fact that the armies of Westeros went from warring each other to caring about the Army of the Dead is ridiculous! The only proof anyone had was based on John Snow's and the Wildlings word from their experience at Hardhome. While John Snow had the respect to be able to convince the men of the Night's Watch, he didn't really do it. He didn't go on a persuasive and descriptive campaign to explain the danger they were in. He did such a poor job, that he was assassinated by mutineers. Yet, he is revived by the Red Woman, and all of a sudden, the families of the North are rallying behind him to prepare against the Army of the Dead. He then goes to Daenerys, a girl that has every reason to mistrust him, with this wild claim about walking dead without giving any sort of convincing argument, hoping she will pledge her armies and dragons to this cause.

So then, the plan to convince everyone that this is real is to send a team of some of the most prominent characters and best fighters they have, including the fucking King in the North, beyond the Wall to catch a wight. WTF. Why would you send the leader of the Wildlings on a suicide mission‽ Even more, Why would you send the King on a a suicide mission‽ If they die, the whole thing is done.

Of course, they find themselves surrounded by the Army of the Dead, and their only hope was to send a kid from King's Landing that hasn't ever seen snow until this trip, to run a damn marathon while sleep deprived, malnourished, and dehydrated. By pure luck, those that stayed behind were able to just chill on the island while the ice was forming. The Night King had long range weapons he could have used to kill them, but he just hung out for 4 days instead. Meanwhile, Snow Team 6 is freezing their asses off and likely starving, dehydrated, sleep deprived as hell, yet have the energy to go full on battle with zombies once the ice hardens.

This is just so ridiculous. I can't even watch it without disbelief and frustration. Thank goodness for House of the Dragon. House of the Dragon still has its ridiculous moments/story lines (e.g. an entire battalion sneaking up on a beach in plain sight of the Crab King's archers), but it's nowhere near as bad as the last 4 seasons of Game of Thrones.

send a team of some of the most prominent characters and best fighters they have, including the fucking King in the North, beyond the Wall to catch a wight.

This is a classic Star Trek move as well especially DS-9

Farscape! I haven't seen it since I was barely even a teenager. I loved the show and it meant a lot to me, but there are a lot of years between then and now so I've forgotten a lot. I've been shocked by how outrageously, flamingly queer it has been. Not like the unacknowledged, and often unintentional, homoeroticism of most genre shows of this era but gay sex only half way into the first season.

The show is just pretty great in general too, I love the Henson puppets and aliens so much. Ben Browder is a great lead with a ton of charisma. Just be warned if there are any topics you'd want to avoid, the show would have a fairly long list of content warnings. It can be very dark and not everything has aged perfectly.

Farscape basically asked, "What if our attitudes toward sex are specific to us and the rest of the galaxy shamelessly gets their freak on?" So you've got a primary antagonist in a gimp suit, one of the crewmembers masturbating on the observation deck with sunlight (on screen, no less), Chiana trying to frell anything with mivonks, and damn near every bar in the galaxy being some sort of BDSM club.

Farscape basically asked, “

Well it's good that they asked. Western sexual attitudes are so repressed it's disheartening.
You only get one go at life: why the fuck is everyone at home alone watching TV?

I love Browder and loved all the Henson aliens. The “oh the dad is gone so I’ll hop on the son” story bit is fucking gross and soured the show a bit for me.

Silicon Valley

Such a great show. I got to work with Martin Starr for about 8 months a couple years ago and he is exactly like that character in real life sometimes lol. His humor is so deadpan.

That's so cool! I loved him in Freaks and Geeks too

Yeah it was great. He's an awesome person, he regularly bought Ice cream for the whole crew or had taco trucks show up, on him. He'd even pick up the tab if we all went out to party or whatever. Have you ever watched Party Down? He's hilarious in that too. Plus it got a new season recently.

Also, what were you working with him on? If you don't mind me asking.

I was his permanent stand-in on Tulsa King. Basically he and I look very much alike so I did the scenes while they setup lighting and camera angles and stuff like that. Sometimes if Stallone was gone I would stand there while Martin "talked" to Stallone's character. They don't always film a conversation with both people present, sometimes one person just shoots all their dialogue then later the other person does theirs but they need a line of sight so the actor knows where to look. Stuff like that basically. But we hung out occasionally after work or during road trips to shoot on site or whatever. We became quickly acquainted, he's so easy to like.

Man, that sounds like an awesome gig. It must have its slow moments but I'm sure it was a great experience. Thanks for sharing

Yeah it was a blast but also boring as hell at times. But we always found a way to have fun on set and I made new friends for life. The days that we're particularly slow were usually the days that Martin would hire an ice cream truck or taco truck or whatever, just to keep all of us busy and happy basically. Andrea Savage also used to get us food catered for no reason. The food on set was already five star cuisine but still every times when we were just doing nothing and bored and suddenly a gelato truck or something would show up so that was always nice.

No I haven't seen party down, but my brother continuously recommends it to me. I'll have to check it out now

Def check it out. It's what I call cringe humor but it's pretty great nonetheless.


I need to give that one a run through again. Great show.

I love how his character is the exact opposite in Galaxy Quest in almost every way.

Monk is one of the best acted shows I've ever seen. That's comparing it to The Sopranos and Gilmore Girls!

Caprica. I rewatched BSG (the RDM one) last year so I’m continuing on. My gods, the technology used to seem so futuristic and now it’s basically a fun game of “pick out the parts we in the real world can do now but couldn’t really do in 2010 when the show aired”

Voyager, my girlfriend hasn't ever seen it all the way through. We're like 1 or 2 episodes from tuvix, so that'll be fun lol.

I hope you made sure the rest of the evening was clear before showing her "Threshold."

, I'm pretty sure we watch that just before bed. Good choice is all around.

I'm also in the middle of a Voyager rewatch but slightly ahead of you. Tuvix is a masterpiece of an episode. Enjoy it!

Just finished the fourth complete rewatch of Faracape for the family. For me personally it was my 8th rewatch. By far my favorite sci Fi series of all time.

After that we watched Firefly.

Just started Stargate SG-1. Second time for the family, 3rd time for me.

Dexter, the first couple seasons are incredible! The others do fall off a bit but still a great rewatch!

Lost. It's one of those shows with new details I catch every time I rewatch it.

Scrubs. Just a comfort show for when I don't have much time or before going to bed.

The Expanse, The Good Place, and for now Star Trek: Enterprise. Not that I'm planning to stop watching Enterprise, but in a few more episodes here it will start to be an initial watch. I forgot how it's Scott Bakula who's probably the worst part of the show in the early going, though.

The Good Place was such a good show. Need to finally get around to watching The Expanse.

The Expanse is absolutely worth it. The initial detective story in the first part of S1 starts slow, but it pays off and gives the world-building time to breathe. That show is the absolute apotheosis of "Toronto Warehouse" Sci-Fi TV.

Just finished rewatching Invincible inspired by the new season being out, now just started on The Good Place.

Parks and Rec. Still tons of hilarious moments but I find many of the characters less likable the second time. Still great though.

Currently rewatching both Star Trek Voyager and Malcolm in the Middle.

Voyager is better than I remember.

Malcolm feels like it has barely aged somehow. Amazing show.

I went back and watched the other old Star Treks after not having watched them when they aired but Voyager was the one that seemed not worth my while. Should I check it out?

Well, all I can say is that I'm finding it like comfort food. A nice easy watch at the end of a day when I have the kids in bed.

If you enjoyed The Next Generation then there's a good chance you'll enjoy it.

I'm watching an AI upscaled version that I found as the one on Netflix is a bit potato quality. They never released a voyager bluray because the TNG one didn't sell well so it's not really their fault.

Link to AI upscaled vsn?

If you look for a 1080p version of something that hasn't been released then you'll come across it quick enough.

So many good cold openings

How they managed to keep those fresh for seven seasons is honestly beyond my tiny little mind. Massive, massive props to the writers.

We're six seasons in now and the outrageously good openings just keep coming.

Top of my list is the spider and the light bulb.

Light bulb is an all time classic. So relatable and so well implemented.

I have to admit that I'd forgotten about spider but I laughed, again.

We're watching them slowly and to be honest I'm finding it hard to think of ones to reciprocate with.

I originally watched Malcolm on my PSP on my morning commute back when the PSP was a really new piece of technology and even I was encoding the episodes myself. It was perfect train fodder.

The thing that stood out to me was (while stifling laughing) thinking during season 7 "Good GOD. How are they still pushing out such quality in the openers seven seasons in?"

3rd Rock From the Sun.

Malcolm in the Middle.

I am perpetually rewatching Seinfeld, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Reno 911, Trailer Park Boys, King of the Hill, Letterkenny, MADtv.

I'm rewatching House, one random episode at a time. It's a more fun experience than watching it in sequence, and the show has held up amazingly well compared to my other favorite shows.

Huh, what's the logic to doing it on shuffle working better than the original order?

To be clear, it's more fun to re-watch on shuffle, not for the first time. If I restart watching sequentially, I would start remembering the upcoming plot points from my previous watch. This way, it's more fun to me. It's like viewing your old photos. It's more fun when you pick a random photo instead of starting from the beginning and moving down.

More fun to watch it randomly? Not sure I see why. :)

To be clear, it’s more fun to re-watch on shuffle, not for the first time. If I restart watching sequentially, I would start remembering the upcoming plot points from my previous watch. This way, it’s more fun to me. It’s like viewing your old photos. It’s more fun when you pick a random photo instead of starting from the beginning and moving down.

Nice , just started rewatching it too 2 weeks ago. But in order. :D

I also started watching it recently and gave up on it pretty quickly. It always seemed to be pretty much the same story arc in every episode.

Just finished rewatching The Magicians recently! The last season is so bad and cheesy lol. But I love it still. I’ll never not love Josh. I don’t know if you are at his introduction yet, but it’s so good, I always laugh so hard.

Currently I’m rewatching The Expanse. I’m having the same reaction, from the first season. Like I don’t remember anything basically, it’s great hahah

Josh is great! I love all the characters for one reason or another. We're in the middle of season 4 currently.

I gotta say I never “love” Kady, but I do love all the others in different points. They change a lot. Some I love all the way, like Elliot. Some are harder at the start but get much better at the end, like Penny.

I do love them all as characters all the way through tho, even Kady. She’s just a bit triggering for me lol, always storming out of places, never being able to talk… and by the end when she starts to get better in that regard she practically disappears.

But something that I really like about the show is how all of them are at one point or another really unlikable as people. They really just suck sometimes, in major ways. But it makes a lot of sense in the universe, given how magic works etc. I also guess this is one of the reasons many people hate the show and can’t get into it. Like in season 1 most of them are just terrible people hahahaah

Anyways, love The Magicians.

Loved The Magicians! I didn't even make it through the first book and I can't remember what on Earth convinced me to watch the show, but I'm so glad I got on board!

The audiobooks are among my all time favorites. I’ve listen to them 4 or 5 times all the way through. Mark Bramhall is the narrator, and he he’s incredible. Many times I think, “jeez.. how is he doing that? I know if I were reading that paragraph it would not have been that powerful or interesting”.

I think having been a young boy, and now being a grown adult, helps relate to a lot of the emotional parts of the story. The naive love of youth, and the conflicting feelings of welcome-banality and a desire for life to be more as an adult.

The books get criticism for being “Potter/Narnia for adults”, but I think people who say this maybe haven’t actually read the whole series. That is extremely surface level, and is plainly discussed in the story. The whole point is that this kid grew up obsessed with books like this, and is now just outgrowing the phase of youth where it’s not weird. All of the magic stuff becomes pretty meta after the first half of the first book.

That's fair, and I do remember it being explicitly discussed and still I wasn't into it. But I am always curious to try it out again. Art hits differently at different times, after all

I wish I was a reader. I feel like I'd enjoy the books.

I don't usually give up on books, and it's been a long time so it's foggy, but my impression was that it was trying too hard to be harry potter/Narnia but adult! And edgy! And I couldn't stand Quentin or really any of the characters. I only know one other person that's experienced both and he also gave up on the book series.

Sometimes I am curious to try the books again now, but the show is so good I'd rather just rewatch it!

Ah, thanks for the heads up on the book. It might ruin the show for me then if I tried reading it.

I replied to the person above to brain dump my love for the audiobooks. I can see where the first half of the first book could be a slog to actually read, but the audiobooks are really quite amazing IMO. Highly recommend trying it out.

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I couldn't finish season 1. Too much YA drama and it just didn't hook me.

For some reason, every episode had me expecting that and then it would turn out to be amazing.

Edit to add: every episode I actually said, "this one will veer too far into teen drama, and I'll have to drop out" but somehow they'd pull it off. It was really great television

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I loved Max Headroom (the American drama series) as a kid, and am now rewatching it and while there's the odd bit of 1980s cringe, it still holds way up in a "how the hell did something this hip ever get greenlit on a major network?" sort of way.

My wife is not into cyberpunk dystopia stuff, but she's watching for the first time with me and doesn't hate it.

Twin Peaks Season 3, although I've gotten distracted by the new show Ripley, which is excellent so far.

Doctor Who from Eccleston on. We missed much of it (including all of the Capaldi and Whitaker years) so it’s still new to us, and we’re catching up just in time for the new guy. I used to roll my eyes at folks who insisted Who was worth watching, but I was clearly wrong: It’s such a fun (and sometimes devastating) show. Loving it.

We are slowly making our way through it. It's weird, because it is a fun show, but we rarely watch it when it comes time to turn on the TV.

Final Space, kinda like a better Rick and Morty. Not an amazing series and it definitely did not age well, but it has it's moments.

Whenever I am cooking dinner or doing chores during the week after work I have a sitcom on in the background. New Girl, Friends, The Office, TBBT, etc. I've seen them dozens of times, but there is something about having them on the TV in the evening that reminds me of childhood. Simpler times maybe, I dunno. But I find it extremely relaxing.

Then every other year or so I'll go through Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis, because they are probably my favorite shows.

Mixing between MythBusters and Hogan's Heroes at the moment.

Hogan’s Heroes

Love that show. Watched it with my dad when I was wee. That theme song is the best. I can still hear it in my head.

Star Trek TNG anf DS9, for the nth degree time.

I'll never stop watching that.

Im watching the English dub of one piece. As far as dubs go, it's pretty good.

I quite honestly loved the live action Netflix adaptation. It's wonderful.

Ya it was pretty great. I also loved that they did a Japanese dub with the og cast of the action that looks fantastic

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I've just re watched Avatar:TLAB and Legend of Korra for the 3rd time at least

Have also watched TLAB at least three times. So good. Korra two times I think. About to be a third soon I hope.

Star Trek (TOS), and Monty Python's Flying Circus.

And I go back to The Prisoner every few years.

We love the Prisoner! I have Star Trek TOS on vhs and DVD cuz I'm old. Have always loved Monty Python including the movies. Then went on to Fawlty Towers, another binge re-watch.

I rewatch shows regularly. Right now I’m watching The Lost Room, Glitch (Australian), The Sandman and Penny Dreadful again. And a Korean food series on Netflix called “A Nation Of Broth”, because I love Korean food.


As well as some anime I enjoyed in my youth.

And JJK because.... I love it.

The 4400.

I originally watched it some 15 years ago, and I needed something to watch during long plane trips recently, so I downloaded the entire series and stuck it onto this USB drive that works well with my phone.

Once done I will start rewatching New York Undercover

All three seasons of The Magicians were brilliant. Shame they didn't make any more. *clears throat*

Currently rewatching X-Men The Animated Series since X-Men '97 dropped. Even with all the production problems and janky animation, it remains a classic.

Watched Smallville for the first time recently! What a rollercoaster ride. Quality varies from "this is the best thing I've ever seen" to "this is literally a telenovela". 😆

You're making me want to rewatch Smallville for the 30th time. I NEED the movie or animated series to turn into a real thing. Hell I'd be happy if they were only able to get Tom and Erica back

Even when it was bad (and it gets SO bad in parts) we couldn't stop watching it. We watched it every free minute we had like Feb 9th-March 14th.

The high quality of the animation in X-Men 97 actually throws me off a bit!

Smallville would be another good re-watch.

Yeah one episode of '97 probably cost more to make than the entire original series haha.

I've also been enjoying Smallville Season 11. I was prepared for post-Buffy/Angel media level of quality but it's actually pretty good.

Just started rewatching Sakura Quest.

An Anime about a city girl who can't find a job, gets a call about a gig way out in the sticks, but only realizes after signing the contract that it's a one-year commitment.

The show is about her initially wanting to run back home to Tokyo then slowly falling in love with the tiny country town that might die out if she doesn't figure out how to restart their tourism industry.

Excellent characters, great music, low stakes, funny, might make you cry at the end. Highly recommended even if you're not an Anime fan.

Well now I want to go pirate Northern Exposure and re-watch that.

Make sure you get the newer versions with the real soundtrack - the first DVD release has a different soundtrack because the studio didn't want to pay for the music Chris played on the radio.

Money Heist (but in Spanish, the english dub is awful)

Third time. Such a great show

Rewatching Hazbin Hotel for the 5th time cuz it's so fun

Wolf Hall, because the books were brilliant and this, although not as good as the book is also very good and has Mark Rylance in it, who is always fantastic.

hardly any jizz at all

Edit: how funny, you're talking about a completely different thing. This comment must seem deranged.

Curb Your Enthusiasm. Added bonus of knowing there’s new episodes coming that I haven’t see yet.

X-Files. Its a superb remaster and great show.

Also Farscape but I'm soon done with last season. :/

Star Trek. I'm in Deep Space 9. I've never seen anything (except for the Abrams' travesties) that came after Voyager, so I'm pretty excited to eventually give the newer stuff a go.

Beast Wars. My wife and I both remember loving it when we were younger and wondered if that was just nostalgia and being a kid. It was not, the show is legitimately good.

I’m rewatching Star vs The Forces of Evil. Awesome show. :)

I haven't watched or re-watched almosy any tv shows since GoT but the one I've rewatched like 4 times is Prison Break.

Gradually going through Home Improvement on Disney+.

I haven't seen it since I was a kid, but it's still funny now and is such an easy watch.

Currently, re-watching Ghosts US with my girlfriend since she's never seen it.

That's my guilty pleasure. The high-concept, some of the performances, and the BBC heritage leave it a step above most of the CBS boomer-comedies, but I can't in good conscience tell people it's "good."