Bidet users, how do you dry your ass afterward? to Ask – 218 points –

I’m new to the bidet scene, and this one has me slightly confounded. Should I install a new towel rack next to the toilet? Should my wife and I share the towel? Do you wipe first? There are so many unanswered questions in the ways of bidet-ing!


Bidet wash first. Then tp to dry and to, well there is no nice way of saying this, check how the bidet wash did its job. Used appropriately, you should use significantly less tp than before.

For anyone with a sewer system built for TP, this is an ideal workflow. Poops and poopers are not identical, and bidets are not magical. Trust but verify, friends.

Pet peeve. Whatever three-quarters of the world seems to believe, any sewerage system can handle TP. That is: real TP has almost zero fiber integrity, it literally turns to goop on contact with water. Goop that has no more structural consistency than an average pile of sh*t. If still in any doubt then just make sure to flush it in single sheets, each one will be a pea-sized ball of goop. This misunderstanding seems to be purely cultural. I've been to a ton of developing countries, all with the usual dodgy sewerage systems and narrow-bore pipes. Yet only some of them, notably Latin America, have the disgusting cultural norm of TP bins. The rest understand that there is a difference between TP and paper towels designed for the kitchen and your face. TP is always flushable, by design.

And generally, baby wipes, bottom wipes and face wipes aren't safe to flush, even if they say flushable on the package. If they were safe to flush, you wouldn't be able to pull out a wet sheet from the package; it would be goo.

I thought it was natural, but it turns out TP is using PFAS so that it disintegrates as much as possible. That was kind of a bummer to learn. :/

Wtf. Just looked this up and you're right. It seems like literally everything contains either toxic chemicals or plastics, unless you made it yourself without them.

Yeah, that was a bit depressing. The PFAS make it a lot more water soluble. My guess is that old TP didn't break down very well at all, and was kinda splintery (or at least more paper-y).

Luckily, the bidet removes much of that as long as you don't use TP. And for those that have bad pipes or a septic system, I think a bidet is an invaluable part of saving you lots of money, since you aren't packing extra material down the pipes.

The cheap toilet paper can be submerged in water for like 48 hours before breaking down. So for many who only buy the cheapest, clogging pipes is a reality. Their own fault, but still.

I try not to blame individuals for the failure of systems, especially ones as exploitative and damaging as capitalism. Why blame the people who can only afford the cheapest toilet paper when you could blame the corporation that made the cheapest toilet paper clog toilets? The people with the least money have the most negative repercussions. How are they supposed to know it clogs toilets without having to learn the hard way? Why wouldn't you assume that toilet paper would all be equally safe to flush no matter how cheap it is?

I mean you could always just wipe your ass, leave the TP in the bowl for like 48 hours, and then flush it, but then that kinda seems unsustainable unless everyone has their own toilet and only needs to poop every 48nhours which isn't gonna be the case in a poor country I bet.

Pooping solo, a roll of TP will last me a month or two. A pack of TP will last well over a year.

Gosh, I hope everyone poops solo. 🫢

I hope that one day you too can share a connection with a special someone or someones where you never have to poop alone.

You are valuable, loveable and you deserve this

I mean that no one else but me is using the ass loafs.

This has always disturbed me. As a non-bidet user, when I have used them (a dozen or so times) an additional final sweep has definitely been required. And yet so many bidet users are adamant everything is magically 100% clean. I now just assume they're walking around oblivious to a spot of wet mud peppered around the rim of their margherita.

People are different, some folks are hairy, some folks aren't. I am unclear as to why this is "disturbing".

My hot take is that everyone should be shaving their asshole, maybe even their crack. If your ass looks like someone slammed a wig in a suitcase, you need to trim that shit before extruding play-doh though it.

You cannot get that hair 100% clean, especially if shit dries in it.

Yeah no. Soap exists.

You wash your ass every time you take a shit, even when at work? :P

Most people shit the same time every day. If you just nudge your shit cycle to be right before your daily shower then all this hassle goes away

I think of it as being (sorta) similar to spraying and wiping down a dirty countertop. The spray alone isn't going to get it fully clean, but it makes the wipe about a thousand times more effective at finishing the job.

It's certainly much cleaner than just spreading it with paper...

Which is like trying to wipe peanut butter off a counter top with just a dry paper towel.

If you have mud, your gi tract is not as healthy as it could be. Bidets are not designed to clean Peanut butter of carpet

You should advertise for a tutor.

Seriously, this is NOT difficult.

It took me a little bit to figure out, but it’s all about the “aim” of the spray. If you’re not positioned just right, it might not be washing the area completely. But when it does, it’s so satisfying seeing a clean piece of wet tp.

You have created a mental image that cannot be undone. I hope you're happy.

I personally can feel it if the water went everywhere and enough. I never had brown on the tp afterwards. You probably don't wash long enough or too low preassure or no movement, etc.

I can see that for a beginner there are things to figure out on how to use it efficiently. Sa.e as beginner of tp usage.

Depends on the nozzle size and whether you get one that oscillates, not all are built equally. Mine is always sparkling. Can confirm this on another person, as a corollary of dating, haha.

My bidet has enough power to strip spraypaint off concrete, lol.

I suppose it depends if you are using it correctly or not. I've used a bidet all my life, and where i live bidets are a separate bowl from the toilet, made from the same materials, and virtually every household has one. I've never had a problem of it not cleaning enough

EDIT: Here's an image. You can see the bidet has a kind of jet of water coming upwards with force, exactly below where you would sit. You can regulate the intensity and if done properly you can clean yourself completely

My experience has been that it makes the perimeter squeaky-clean, but obviously with a finger, you can do some digging. And if you dig deep enough, there's always going to be mud.

And also in my experience, this digging doesn't actually help. You've got a great gate down there. If the outside of that gate is clean, you're clean. Digging out from behind that gate doesn't do much, because new mud will push up against it pretty soon.

You bidet it clean enough, then use your hand to wash your backside, then dry.

What, and I can't stress this enough, the fuck?

I think it's a Muslim thing

Is it?

Are we in one of these social media posts where we rediscover that a bunch of people have not been washing their bums in the shower for their entire lives and we have to carry on living with that knowledge?

This is not about the shower. There's different kinds of bidets. Some just sprinkle your nether regions. Others are a full-blown sink for you to scrub yourself. And yet others are the so-called "bum guns", where you've got a hose next to your toilet to sploosh it away.

Water on your bum is water on your bum. If the caveat is that magical built-in bidets don't need a scrub (as much), why is your reply to my post and not the "muslim thing" guy? Wouldn't it apply equally to both?

I just thought, you got confused, because you mentioned the shower. I figured, maybe you're not aware of the bidets where one can reasonably wash their whole bums. If you weren't confused, then carry on. 🙃

Yes. Wash your hands, wash your ass isn't as common as you might expect in North America. It also isn't just a "Muslim thing" as you point towards. That invalidates Muslim beliefs and customs as well as reducing the pervasive and varying global cultural etiquettes around cleaning one's self after bodily functions. A wide swath of north americans are only taught the toilet paper wipe bit.

Hey, I do get that bidets aren't culturally well established everywhere, and even in bidet areas they don't often come with detailed instructions, so usage habits are kinda random.

But that's why I went to the shower bit instead. I would hope cleaning your nethers when you shower is a universal habit, or at least as much of one as washing your hands after a trip to the toilet.

But hey, maybe permanently sweaty, poopy undercarriages are just... you know, "an American thing"? I don't know.

Showers, bidets, ass rags, tp, hands, whatever combination follows the wash your hands, wash your ass ethos to get the job done. Your skin will thank you.

This is the case with many countries where toilet paper is cheap and shitty and will clog the hundred years old shared plumbing systems which probably drains into the same system as the rainwater drainage. They still have plumbing systems, though, so some form of bidet is still viable. So, wash with your left, eat with your right, as is common in india. Not too big of a problem, I'd say, so long as you have soap and water to wash your hand afterwards and you do a thorough job, and maybe also have a diet where you're not shitting your brains out every time, and maybe also have a shaved asshole or something, but yeah.

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Ryobi cordless leaf blower. You have to aim for the rim because if you hit home it makes you burp.

Actually though, just dab with TP. You'll use much less TP and not need "flushable" wipes that still clog your main sewage line

I know you're joking, but i think I'd enjoy a Dyson ass dryer.

Technically, why not?

Because the butthole is sensitive and repetitive exposure to heat can cause issues.

No heat, imagine just a hand holdable blower with a complimentary vacuum to suck in everything blown away. Like at the dentist. The dentist makes a mess in your teeth while the assistant uses a little vacuum tube to clean it all up.

Be sure to grab extra batteries and keep one on the charger. Trust me

Got a solid chuckle out of me man, thanks. Needed that.

I wonder when Dyson is going to bring out their arse-sized airblade?

Copying the text from another comment i made here:

I have a standalone bidet, not the toilet bowl attachment, which is basically a mini sink, and it works like a sink in that you can regulate flowrate and temperature with the handle

with this kind, you have 100% cleanliness since you use your hand to clean everything, and after it there's a mini-towel for each person, usually in a towel rack near the bidet so no-one gets confused, and usually in a smaller size then normal towels.

If you're worried about the idea of using your hand being unhygienic, rest assured, there's a radical invention called washing your hands afterwards, which, by the way, you should do anyways even if you use toilet paper.

Why are people so confused about this comment? I live in a backward society that does not use bidets. However those from the image are the only ones I know from Spain. What is wrong about them? Or is it the hand thing? If yes, what is the alternative? Please, can somebody explain, I am serious.

they probably mean the Japanese style ones where you attach a seat to the toilet bowl, and on e you are done a small tube comes out and shoots water up

yea I don't know how those are popular either

I tried the fancy japanese robot toilets when i went there. I thoroughly enjoyed them.

Heated seats ✅
Music to cover up sounds ✅
Deoderiser fan ✅
Adjustable bidet squirt level from 1-7 ✅
'front bum' bodet for the ladies ✅
Heated seat ✅

Any bidet is better than no bidet. The hand ones are great. But the Japanese ones with zero hand contact minimizes the potential for fecal-oral contact even more, just in case someone doesn't do a great job washing their hands in a hospital or food service setting.

Side note, it really irritates me when people take a shit, wet their hands, and leave. Wash your hands with soap and water. It takes 20 seconds.

If you don't, you are now slinging potential shit water everywhere.

I saw one like this at a hotel in Austria once and was trying to figure out how to use it. I couldn’t figure out how the water stream was supposed to spray and clean coming out the side like that. Do you almost lay on it, face down or on your back to get it to spray your bum clean?

It never occurred to me that the spray wouldn’t be used to clean at all.

oh no I thought this was a courtesy water bottle filler for my room 🤮

When I was six or eight my parents were looking at houses and one had a bidet in the master suite bathroom, the kind that sprays up from the bottom of the bowl. I legitimately thought it was a water fountain for drinking and excitedly pointed it out to my parents. They did not buy that house.

This type is pretty good, but for food service workers, hospitals, and retirement homes, I'd prefer the hands-free ones with wide nozzles and oscillating sprayheads. Norovirus is a stupidly contagious GI bug, and for healthcare and food service, I want as little fecal-oral contamination as possible. Hand washing is great, but some people are terrible handwashers, and minimizing the potential vectors as much as possible is always appreciated.

Toilet paper itself is already pretty unsanitary. I wish all food service places had bidets for this reason alone.

Every time the bidet thing comes up, people are just DUMBFOUNDED by it. The sentiment is always “you smear shit all over your hands??” lmao.

No, first thing is you wipe thoroughly, then you use it aiming the faucet tangent to the bumhole, and with liquid soap on your hand, you clean it. Water is constantly flowing above your hand and against your hole, with soap on every contact surface. Afterwards, you wash your hands in the sink like normal.

Never had my hands smell like shit, never.

This is actually demented

People would rather have a filthy body than touch their own bumhole. I don't get it, it is your own body, what is so icky when you are in the process of cleaning it? Would you rather live with a stinking baby with a dirty diaper, or change the diaper and have a clean space? Same thing, just deal with the thing asap and be done with it. This is why we invented soap. I swear to god this is same people who would scratch their navel then smell their fingers, or would eat earwax, but won't touch their bums in a shower because it is gay. Guys would decry bidets but then go eat ass and pussy without a hint of self-awareness.

None of this explains why it's not cleaner to use toilet paper than your hand after using a bidet...?

You don't use your hand afterwards, you use your hand to wash along with the bidet, then you dry with TP or a towel. It is not demented. It is just washing like how you are supposed to wash when you shower.

I learned some time ago that some Americans just will never be ready for the bidet conversation, just let those people live in filth

Read the comment with instructions man. Wipe with toilet paper first, as normal. Then wash with soap and water. Then dry with a towel. If you’re smearing poop all over everything you’ve got other issues to work out.

To answer your question, it is cleaner than just using toilet paper because you are wash with soap and water after you use the toilet paper. If you manage to get poop all over the towel when you’re done washing, then TP alone was never going to suffice.

Because dry spreading your poop with toilet paper is not cleaner than washing your butt together with water.

Not what I said. Bidet + TP vs bidet + hand

Ah, I see, I thought the bidet part only relates to your second option, there. I guess one reason to use your hands is that in some countries, toilet paper is not commonly provided, so it's not always an option.

No one only uses their hands guys. You use your hands in tandem with the running water to get all the shit off. Then you wipe with TP (modern) or a towel (more common before TP).

No one only uses their hands guys. You use your hands in tandem with the running water to get all the shit off. Then you wipe with TP (modern) or a towel (more common before TP).

Literally the whole world did this before we had pressurized bidets.

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Jesus Christ. I'm afraid to shake anyone's hand now 🤢

I assure you, people who bother to wash their asses with a bidet and soap using their hands definitely wash their hands with soap and water afterwards and are cleaner than people who don't use a bidet.

You touch your bare shit covered ass?

I bought a cheap $30 Chinese bidet that uses water pressure to blast the shit crust off without touching anything or even getting off the toilet seat, then I wipe dry with TP.

Your setup looks and sounds barbaric.

You touch your bare shit covered ass?

Yes, absolutely, and then I proceed to wash my hands because I'm not a Neanderthal

it might look and sound barbaric but it feels amazibg

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I'm sleepy and read that as "Biden voters, how do you dry your ass afterward?" and was very confused. But like.. not as confused as I probably should have been.

with the amount of US political shit on here its no surprise really. honestly I had a pretty similar thought as I was scrolling over.

Yeah, I came into this thread expecting to learn more about some new brain-dead meme the right is using to pwn the left. Then realized it was a normal question I could answer.

You dab with toilet paper, for the love of all thats good, do not share an ass drying towel with your wife unless you went her to get chronic utis.

I use 3 squares of TP, folded twice (into 4 layers). I never transitioned to a towel because the spray doesn't always get everything and the 3 squares are enough to dry it.

Trim your pubes back there and on your balls. It can make a big difference in how much water you can hold back there. I was using an extra two squares before my last trim.

This is the information we need but wouldn't dare to ask.

.....toilet paper...?

Wipe, rinse with bidet, then wipe again to dry.

Why pre-wipe? This feels like washing your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher.

So you don't splatter little bits of crap god knows where. The reason we use the bidet is because wiping isn't enough, so it's not redundant.

Rinsing your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher is actually a good idea if the dishes are very dirty though...

Scraping is definitely needed, but you might be able to make some changes to save water and time. Sharing this from Technology Connections, this guy saved me so much dish pre washing time!

Wiping first is just going to smear shit around and, if you have a hairy ass, get it more into the hair. Skip the pre-wipe and it will be just fine.

Spray with bidet then dry with toilet paper. Why are people so confounded by these things? Have y’all never used water to bathe before?

Why are people so confounded by these things? Have y’all never used water to bathe before?

I feel like some people were never given actual hygiene instructions from their parents growing up. I can only imagine the way some people are so hung up on genitals and waste products that they can't even think about it, those kinds of people going on to have kids... do we really think they're going to pass on useful information on self-care?

And it's not like there's tons of social messaging and helpful guides all over the place on proper bathroom habits, it's purely a passed-down skillset.

Every time this comes up on reddit, there are a lot of people sharing stories about knowing men who literally don't wipe their own ass or touch it while showering and just constantly walk around with shit all over their ass. I used to think it was a meme, but then met people in real life who also had encounters with men who thought touching their own ass would "make them gay."

So yah, people getting anxious about using a bidet? That tracks. I think a lot of people are at very least, just anxious because they've never really been shown anything and might be doubting their own habits. Basically the bathroom and poop and related topics are just this mysterious realm that nobody talks about. Insecurity over our most intimate and private acts is a tradition as old as time itself.

Pat dry with toilet paper

In Italy, where the bidet is its own "seat", we use small towels, one for each person. The ones that usually people vacationing in Italy think are for the face, they are actually for your ass. Hard to tell the difference on American tourists sometimes.

Especially because Europe doesn't do washclothes, so as an American I had to learn VERY quickly what they were for

What do you mean we don't use them? Those are exactly what I just described above.

In America a washcloth is a small hand sized cloth you use in the shower to clean your entire body, or your face

You mean "while" showering? With the water running?

Yep! Instead of a loofa washclothes are the thing here

Doesn't it get just damp and smooth? How can you scrub properly with that?

Anyway good to know what they are for when there is no bidet in sight.

I use my "body" towel for the cheeks and toilet paper for the crack, same ad when I shower

My doubt about that is that, if you washed properly, it takes a lot of (usual 3 layers) toilet paper to dry the crack properly.

I invested in one of those super fancy "smart" toilets with built-in bidet and hot air drying.

I used to work for the manufacturer and got a big discount on it before I left. It has a lots of overkill functions but damn I love that thing: Night light, dedicated remote, smell absorbing filter, mobile app, automatic flushing, sensor operated seat.

Its the fanciest thing I own.

what's on the app? profiles for different butts? live feedback from a down-under camera? AI stool analysis?

I have a bidet with the functions he mentions other than auto flush as it installs on a standard American toilet. You scoff, but profiles probably are a thing.

Mine has a remote that probably does what his app does. It controls:

  • Start/Stop
  • Water temperature
  • Seat temperature
  • Water pressure
  • Angle of nozzle
  • Oscillator
  • Turbo mode
  • Air dryer
  • Deodorizer
  • Children's mode
  • Women's hygiene mode
  • Default run duration timer setting
  • Power save mode

But what I really want is for it to say "Arigato Daddy-sama (⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠)" after I shit in it

I promise there's no scoffing here! I love my analog bidet, and am always on the lookout for an upgrade, if the price is right. Especially if it can be fitted to a standard american toilet.

Happily taking recommendations, if you have any. The features you listed sound refreshing, relaxing, and somewhat intimidating. Which, to be clear, I'm into.

The settings for different users + all the functions the remote has.

Nozzle position, water temperature, etc.

  • Some settings like when to open the seat/lid, when to

I never use the app it as its just a gimmick and the remote has dedicated buttons for everything, but in theory if I go to a place which has the same brand toilet it will set my butt profile automatically if I have the app on my phone with me.

Upgrade to one with power. Never look back. Automatic flush, automatic seat raise and lower with a foot sensor, uv lights inside, foam/soap dispense into the bowl before and after, all the bidet features with constant and pulsing, articulating arm, heated seat, heated blow dry air, etc. It's absolutely amazing.

Assuming you're in the US just because the question only seems to come up there, and for our house there we imported them from Asia for less than $1k to the doorstep. Adding a power outlet is usually easy as most washrooms in the US have an outlet somewhere.

Bidet is like going to level 100 from 5. Super automatic Asian bidet is like a level 5000.

Sounds like you're living in the year 3024.

Got a link to this black magic you speak of?

I am not affiliated with them at all:

I purchased from a sales rep for the company over WhatsApp and using Alipay because it was easy. They sell their products on Alibaba as well which would give you the sales protection and all that. I've bought about a dozen of them so far for 3 different houses. Wonderful.

What I didn't understand from their catalog until I got one, is that they are very modular. Basically they have a couple bowl designs, lots of lid module designs, and then a few tank designs. Mix and match them to get all the SKUs.

I got the extra large tanks in-wall with wall hung bowls and then the super awesome everything lids. So the final product installed is just a floating toilet, with some buttons on the wall above it. You walk up to it, the lid opens. You either sit and the seat is heated or you wave your foot and the lid opens for guy mode. When you're done in guy mode just walk away and it will flush and close and clean. In sit mode press the little knob on the side and it starts the water and then heat dry. You can also rotate the dial to get articulating wash and dry action. It comes with a remote control (why?) and an lcd on top. The soap dispenser inside creates a foam that shoots down when the lid opens. I've never been so impressed by a porcelain throne.

Just to second the other guy: Link? Brand? Any info to hunt this down?

I am not affiliated with them at all:

I purchased from a sales rep for the company over WhatsApp and using Alipay because it was easy. They sell their products on Alibaba as well which would give you the sales protection and all that. I've bought about a dozen of them so far for 3 different houses. Wonderful.

What I didn't understand from their catalog until I got one, is that they are very modular. Basically they have a couple bowl designs, lots of lid module designs, and then a few tank designs. Mix and match them to get all the SKUs.

I got the extra large tanks in-wall with wall hung bowls and then the super awesome everything lids. So the final product installed is just a floating toilet, with some buttons on the wall above it. You walk up to it, the lid opens. You either sit and the seat is heated or you wave your foot and the lid opens for guy mode. When you're done in guy mode just walk away and it will flush and close and clean. In sit mode press the little knob on the side and it starts the water and then heat dry. You can also rotate the dial to get articulating wash and dry action. It comes with a remote control (why?) and an lcd on top. The soap dispenser inside creates a foam that shoots down when the lid opens. I've never been so impressed by a porcelain throne.

As a vulva owner, for me, the big win with the bidet isn't the butt.

Either way though, the goal is to get clean with water, instead of a dry piece of paper, and then use either toilet paper or a dedicated towel to dry down the now clean area.

Just like with a shower. You don't clean yourself with the towel. You get clean with water, and then dry with a towel

My bidet does not shoot at my whole ass. It only laser focuses on certain parts, which I dry with toilet paper.

Exactly and you can control where it goes by wiggling your ass.

Just use TP. The manual (yes, I RTFM for my bidet) said that people in Europe have a dedicated bidet towel but that sounds gross. The bidet doesn't always remove 100% before I first go to wipe.

Then, maybe you should clean it better first before wiping.

I didn't get the add-on for my bidet that puts an IoT camera in the nozzle so you can see how much shit is still on your ass using an android app. I guess I should have sprung for that feature.

Nah, just get one with a nozzle that creates a stronger jet and also just wash longer. Or you could let hackers see your butt hole if you wanted to, nothing inherently wrong with that.

My ass is bone dry, mine has one of those fans and it can get very hot. Some sort of Toto variant I got years ago.

Unless you go absolutely stupid with the water, the bidet should dry your crack and the surrounding region. :)

You should name your ass Africa and count blow-drying as a blessing, mod the bidet to play the song every time it's used.

I have a bidet that has the heated seat, heated water spray, and the heated air dryer for your ass crack. Set your temperatures for the ultimate comfort while web browsing!

But yeah, the air dryer gets me dry just fine.

follow-up question. how do you deal with ice cold water in the pipes? do you have to turn on the tap every time you sit down to get the hot water going?

You get used to it. Only the fancy ones have hot water at all. Cold water is just fine.

In my experience your asshole puckering because of the winter cold water is counter productive to cleaning effectively, but If it's the only option it's still better than just TP. You just have to do a first dry with TP (pat don't drag) and do a spot check at the same time. Sometimes you have to go for a second round if the spot check fails

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Mine heats the seat and the water with electricity. They are not so much more expensive but what a comfort, especially in the winter.

An extra $10 and you can get a model that can pull from a hot water line under a nearby sink. Then you get a dial to adjust the temp.

A little extra work putting in, but worth it for folks with scar tissue from surgery etc.

To purge the line, most have a self clean that gets the water from the heater ready simply enough.

I bought the fancier model that can connect to the sink for hot water and never bothered setting it up, you get used to the cold water fast enough.

I honestly like it, a blast of cold water up the ass perks me up better than coffee in the mornings.

we have a standalone bidet, not the toilet bowl attachment, which is basically a mini sink, and it works like a sink in that you can regulate flowrate and temperature with the handle

It's gonna depend on your preferences. Around here, the water can start out around 40ish(Fahrenheit) before it bumps up a little as the water that isn't in the pipes exposed to the cold comes along. So we're talking a bit cold, but not ice cold.

That's during winter. At this time of year, the water stays around 50ish, which is quite pleasant most of the time. It feels cool, but not uncomfortable.

Obviously, the temp of the water is going to depend on what the pipes are exposed to. Around here, we have crawlspaces under houses, which means you only have a few yards of pipes exposed to the air to get cold. The rest is underground, where temps stay fairly steady. If you have more exposed piping, the duration of the cold water will be longer.

So, I don't even use the hot water at all, despite having it as an option. The regular water temp is nice for my preferences.

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My bidet has a heated fan dryer, although I usually just TP.

Mine too. I look specifically for this feature when buying.

I still do a TP dab-dry first; even with a heated fan, it takes forever to fully dry with only the fan. But a couple of TP squares to dab most of the water away, and the fan makes fast work of the rest.

I bought a couple sets of washcloths that are only for drying butt. I fold them and lay them on the tank lid, and then put used ones in a little basket/bin beside the toilet. When I run out, I wash them in the laundry room. I haven't bought toilet paper in 5 years.

One piece of toilet paper. Just enough to get it mostly dry.

My bidet is a Japanese washlet and I wipe with toilet paper to dry.

In a hot climate I don't dry it, the water dries very fast, like a little bit of sweat.

When it's cold, two sheet of toilet paper.


It’s no grosser than wiping with dry paper and then walking around with poop smear to stink up the downstairs area.

And I’m not saying that to be mean. It’s the truth. We’ve been brainwashed by the likes of Johnson & Johnson to believe dry paper can fully clean your butt after pooping. It simply is not true. That’s the real gross.

It’s high time we start talking about all of this. How else can we learn and grow?

I love bidets but still don't agree with the idea of air drying because man idk what kind of bidet you're using but the amount of times mine hasn't finished the job.... Maybe there's just something wrong with my asshole.

This is what lack of education looks like folks

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spot check with 2 squares of tp, when clean use single-use mini towels (I bought a pack of 100% cotton terry cloth squares similar to those used in auto shops)

the butt/coochie towels go in their own hamper and get laundered separately with the hottest wash setting

i live alone though. if i ever manage to convince a woman to marry me i imagine modifications may be requested...

I wanting to hijack this thread and ask people what model seats you use? I bought a BioBidet Uspa from Costco on sale for $200. It has all the features of the well-regarded Toto Washlets but I found the spray was not very “focused” so cleaning wasn’t as effective with it as others I’ve randomly been able to try. This meant it usually took quite a few passes with both spray and TP to get clean (still, less TP than if that was all I used). I think the big cost difference between the Uspa and the Toto is they used much cheaper components than Toto. Three years on it’s broken just outside of the warranty period. The manufacturer has offered to consider applying the warranty but would probably still involve some costs. I’m thinking this might be the time to just upgrade to a better model.

Toto seems like the historic go-to choice and I’m assuming they should still be good quality. With my IBS it might be worth spending the money. But I’d like to know real-world recommendations on what people use, and I suppose how recent their model is.

Doesn't Costco provide a longer warranty than the manufacturer?

I think that’s why the warranty was three years instead of one; this seems to be a Costco-specific model. Mine broke at three years and three months, and the customer support rep said they could try to extend the warranty coverage to the repair. But I was heading out of town and still haven’t sent it in, so I’m not sure if that will still hold. Kind of thinking of getting another (better) for my bathroom, seeing what happens with the repair, and if it comes back repaired for a low cost putting it in the guest bathroom.

I use the Veken bidet attachment, it's not fancy but I have no complaints

Personally, TP when out and about, an arse towel at home.

Honestly, if you do the job right the towel is the right implement, in that you're just patting dry any stray droplets left over.

For insecure bidet-ers, a preemptive TP run to verify you're ready for a towel is a bit of insurance, I suppose.

Just... have one for each person in the household. It's one thing to be secure in your technique, quite another to hold everybody's destiny in your grasp.

Just turn on the drying fan? Should be on the same control panel.

I solved this by purchasing 2 sets of 15 white cotton rags. When I finish evacuating my bowels, I use the bidet. Then toilet paper to make sure everything is clean. Then I use one of the rags to dry off whatever water happened to get on my genitals, before giving the backside a good wipe down as well (women learn this young, but for the men, ALWAYS CLEAN FRONT TO BACK. NEVER BACK TO FRONT. That's how you get a UTI). Toss the rag into a small laundry hamper I keep in the bathroom, and voila! You're clean, dry, and ready to go. Just wash the rags with some bleach, and you can fold them as you take a dump instead of doom scrolling.

Washcloths dedicated to that use. We have different colors for bathing and bottom drying.

Mind you, you could use the same washcloths since they all get washed before being used again anyway, but it lets guests be less confused/bothered.

Now, I do tend to do a check with TP before going to cloth. After a while, you get used to how the stream feels when you've gotten everything washed away, but it's still a good idea to check. But for actually getting dry, it's cloth because TP just doesn't dry things well enough to preclude the extra moisture from being a possible problem.

We keep washcloths in the bathroom in a small cabinet beside the toilet. One shelf has the bidet cloths, and is labeled as such. There's a small hamper for them that gets emptied daily into the regular towel hamper at the washing machine.

Sometimes, guests that aren't familiar with post evacuation bathing can end up leaving a bit of residue, so that hamper load gets washed the same day when we have guests. But not everyone uses it tbh. We only have maybe five regular guests, and only three of those use the bidet. Well, if the others are using it, they aren't mentioning it and they're drying with TP despite the little instruction manual lol.

Basket of old t-shirts cut into washcloth sized squares. The used ones go in a basket beside the toilet to be washed with the rest of the laundry.

If we're out of rags I just use TP. But you only need a few squares to dry off so it ends up using a lot less paper than if you didn't use a bidet.

If you feel like you have a bunch of shit stuck on your ass, probably wipe first and then begin the spray. I wouldn't want shit-clumps splattering all around the bowl area.

What I do is alternate the water and the TP until the TP shows nothing but water. It may take a couple of sprays and wipes, but the end result is a much cleaner ass than wiping alone could ever accomplish. I might be using about 60% as much TP as without a bidet but I don't care, because my ass is very clean.

BTW this requires decent TP that will hold up to gentle wiping of wet areas, not the cheapest weakest TP will suffice.

Pre-wiping is just smearing shit around. You're almost certainly better to start with the spray.

I had a fixed bidet and it got water all over. I switches to a wand style bidet and it was a fucking game changer. I can focus specifically on where I want and my ass is clean, even after Chipotle lunches.

I ended up getting a bunch of small towels and a bucket. So I rinse, dry my cheeks with a small towel, wipe with two squares of TP, then dry again with the towel and toss it in a bucket for washing with my regular towels.

Why are you bothering with special towels if you’re just using toilet paper at the end anyway?

I had my gallbladder taken out years ago, so my feces is not as solid as most people's. The TP is to scrape what the bidet doesn't get, and the towels are only for drying, not for wiping up shit (I don't want to put shit in my washing machine). I use about 75-80% less toilet paper than I did before and my ass is cleaner.

If you stick the wand up your ass it might work even better.

My mom had Crohn's so she was on the toilet a lot, and my dad got her a toto washlet, the fanciest one possible. It uses the seat as a warm water reservoir (never a cold toilet seat), has a light, and has a heated air dryer. When I grew up and we redid a bathroom, that was my single ask...and outlet next to the toilet and that device. It's absolutely key, we put an unpowered bidet in the other bathroom and no one will use it.

As another person who also has Crohn's, that sounds absolutely perfect!

Mine has a built in fan for drying, that gets it most of the way and then a final swipe with toilet paper.

Toto bidet owner here, mine has a warm fan that only needs about 5 to 10 seconds to dry off. Then check, verify dryness and cleanliness with a bit of TP. But a little bit of wetness dries off quickly anyway.

I've already commented this down below, so i'll just copy paste here.

I suppose it depends if you are using it correctly or not. I've used a bidet all my life, and where i live bidets are a separate bowl from the toilet, made from the same materials, and virtually every household has one. I've never had a problem of it not cleaning enough

Afterwards i'll just dry a bit with a towel specifically used for that

Here's an image. You can see the bidet has a kind of jet of water coming upwards with force, exactly below where you would sit. You can regulate the intensity and if done properly you can clean yourself completely

I’m new to the bidet scene

OP after entering the bidet scene

::: spoiler spoiler :::

I dab with a square or two of toilet paper. A roll lasts a long time. Probably unnecessary because ours is precise but it’s really humid here.

Wipe - spray - wipe. Toilet paper is fine.

Am I doing it wrong? I just do spray - wipe.

I guess it depends on the consistency of your stool. Wouldn't want to blast brown soup all over, y'know.

Bidet or washlet? I have a toto washlet that has a built in air dryer. Love the damn thing, but I still use a few squares of toilet paper to make sure it's completely dry.

personally i still use a few squares of tp and just blot dry and flush it

Kitchen tissue is strong when wet. Tear that square sheet in half lengthwise (because of oriented fibers), fold each half once, and you'll have reasonably sized pieces.

Don't flush kitchen tissue though, it doesn't disintegrate as toiletpaper does.

Lol the plumbers must love your stupid ass 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

Rip ur sewer line lol

Don't wipe, don't dry, let the underwear do it's thing. I live in a hot area though so your mileage may vary if it's cold where you are.

I just send the butler to roam the streets looking for some orphans who would like to blow-dry me.