What os do you use on your pc?

Read bio@thelemmy.club to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 89 points –

just wondering


On Lemmy most will say Linux.

OpenSUSE Tumbleweed in my case.

On Lemmy most will say Linux.

Ik i dont wanna go back to reddit so yeah

Well, looking at the comments I'm not so sure about that anymore... more like Linux as well.

4 or 5 Windows users and I think none exclusively. Guess they were among the first, because now there are at least 10 Linux exclusives.

Same. It just keeps chugging along whatever I throw at it, so I stick with it.

I'm waiting to see what my main machine will do when I'll finally get to bring it back online and it finds it has 1 1/2 or 2 years of updates to install though 🤔.

Make sure you update the mirror list and repository keys first, then read Arch news and do whatever they say needs manual intervention since your last update. Then you can update everything from the core repo and finally the AUR. Don't reboot until you're done with all the steps.

Also might be a good idea to read through https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/System_maintenance for additional considerations.

I think I'll just zypper dup and let it figure stuff out by itself as I tend to trust it to work.

But thanks all the same.

oops I thought this was about Arch.
Yeah, just do zypper dup.

Windows 11

I'm one of the few people who genuinely thinks it's a good OS despite MS' shenanigans

Clearly a bot.

Move along humans, no brain to engage with here. Let them sit in their ignorance while the real people get on with things.

Manjaro Linux. It has treated me well for two years. (Yes, I know about the controversy, I have had no problems with the distro for the last two years).

Same here, sometimes I feel actual shame, which is ridiculous, but it works for me and hasn't let me down so far in the past years

I have used Manjaro at work and on personal devices for maybe 10 years and it has served me well. When I got a new computer this year, I saw many recommending EndeavourOS instead, so I decided to use that instead. I don't understand the controversy to be honest ... endeavour is a-ok, but Manjaro was more stable imho, and if I have to do it again I might go back to Manjaro.

You shouldn't feel shame, the reasons Manjaro haters give are moronic. There is that one site they love to parrot and every reason on it is stupid... when you ask them about it directly, they don't even understand half the reasons. Manjaro is awesome! It was the first distro that got me to stick with Linux and uninstall Windows. And this after previously trying it multiple times, as far back as Mandrake Linux. Manjaro converted me.

I use Windows 3.1

Because of the limitations, I hired someone to create a program that yells letters and characters individually one by one on a text based browser.
It may sound tedious but I refuse to upgrade explanation mark explanation mark explanation mark

Ubuntu at work, Mint on my laptop, Win10 and Debian on my pc. I need to upgrade to Win11 at some point but I guess I'll wait until next year for that.

Debian. I distro-hopped a lot but I always return to it. It's like a kit you can turn into anything you want. As stable, bleeding edge, minimal or full-featured as you want, for all kinds of devices, with great third-party support and documentation.

Currently I run a minimal, stable Gnome system with a newer kernel from backports and Flatpaks for my apps.
The only thing it isn't good at is immutability and filesystem snapshots. Both are possible to set up, but it's an involved process, and I'd rather depend on regular backups.

3 more...

Work PC: Windows 11 (because that’s what was issued to me).

Home media / automation server: Ubuntu (latest stable distro).

Personal laptop: Mac OS Sonoma (I’ve always used Mac for personal computing. It’s comfortable).

At the risk of sounding like a meme... Arch on my desktop and laptop, Windows 11 on my home server/PC I play games with anti-Linux anticheat.


No, until recently I had been using a VM with GPU passthrough for that, but my power supply is losing its efficiency and isn't capable of keeping up with two video cards anymore, so for now, it's retired.

I have a 3rd desktop I'm gonna set up for gaming soon so I can replace the Windows 11 with some flavor of Linux better suited to what I'm doing with the server.

i think there is a workaround without needing 2 gpus i can be wrong tho

There is. It involves running a script to detach the video card from the host and attaching it to the VM, then reattaching it to the host when the VM is shut down, but it's more work than I care to do just to play a few games, especially when I have other machines I can just dedicate to the purpose and leave my desktop alone, ya know?

I don't wanna play Destiny that badly. 😂

yeah same i have a seperate ssd so i installed linux on that

Win 11 because I'm too lazy to migrate to Mint.

My plan is to switch on the next upgrade at the latest, but that might be a few years.

Pop! It's treated me well for over a year now.

Same. Well almost. I haven't been switched for a year yet. I think I started to with this build (new machine has never seen Windows) back in October and got a snag that I didn't have time to deal with for a while.

I finally finished it up sometime after the new year started, but can't remember when exactly. Either January or February.

Fedora Linux Workstation.

It’s great for almost everything. The only thing I’m not super happy with is the file manager, Nautilus. Its WebDAV support is too buggy.

The only issue is gnome i dont rlly like the macos style

You can install tweaks like dash to panel which makes it closer to windows. I do this on my PC. On laptop I use the default with gestures.

So, a bit of a list...

Personal desktop: endeavour, though I may go back to Debian. I've been using Debian for so long that nothing else feels right, that's a me thing. Endeavour is pretty great.

Work laptop: Windows 11 (stripped down since I have admin rights), unavoidable do to some software I need to run sometimes.

Testing/builds for iOS: M2 Mac Mini

Servers: proxmox, running windows VMs for software I need for work I can rdp into, various Debian LXC's, some Oracle, RHEL, and Debian for work stuff, and occasionally random distros I want to check out.

Edit: Forgot one unique, a 13ish year old Mac mini I picked up for free (bound for recycling) that's just a glorified way to run gcompris for my kids. Straight Debian stable.

My setup is pretty much the same as yours, only I use Linux mint for my daily runner laptop.

I am definitely thinking it's about time for a change though so I might give endeavor a try.

It's been overall positive, I like it, honestly my main reason to go back to Debian is it's like second nature to me. I've literally had Debian somewhere in my setup since the late 90s, probably around 2.1 I'd say.

Overall Endeavour feels like a great daily driver, I just can't tell you how many times I've had to stop myself as I typed in 'apt' or 'dpkg'.

Definitely a distribution worth checking out though!

Linux Mint 21 LMDE on both personal and work laptop.

How are you finding LMDE compared to base?

Pretty nice. More Debian, less Mint

I'm bound to try it soon; care to share any examples where it's more Debian or less Mint? And your thoughts on where that's a good thing vs. bad or neutral? Appreciate it!

I'm on my phone, so I can't be arsed typing out the details, but I haven't noticed any downsides yet.

Fedora Plasma Spin on my gaming rig. Wife’s laptop is MacOS. Used to run EndeavourOS, and I mostly loved it, but I trust the security and stability of Fedora a bit more after some experience with an Arch base.

I use openSUSE as a system and then your usual programs like firefox, steam, vlc, strawberry, discord (sadly), freetube, etc.

I use discord to i need it to talk to my friends

Exactly. I'd prefer to switch to something else like Matrix or something like that, but there's no way to convince everyone here to do so...

I convinced one friend to use matrix tho

I convinced my (now ex) partner to use Matrix, she seemed to really enjoy it.

Sadly I don't think I'm ever going to pull that off again in the future lol

Yeah, I convinced my wife to use Signal instead of Whatsapp to cummunicate with me.

Manjaro on my gaming PC, Xubuntu on a couple of lab PCs, Haiku on a very old PC, windows 11 at work with Xubuntu on a VM.

OpenSUSE on my desktop, Fedora Silverblue and OpenBSD on my laptop

Seven systems in my house -

3 Windows 10 - One my gaming/workstation rig, my living room HTPC, and a Dell XPS 13 1 Ubuntu - Rig I cobbled together from older parts for player 2. 2 SteamOS - They're Steam Decks after all... 1 Windows 11 - Work computer. I use the XPS if I can avoid it.

Windows 10 for now. When they EoL it I'll switch to a Linux distro. Not sure what yet. I really like PopOS on my Surface because the gnome interface works well, but I think I'll go with something built with KDE for my desktop

I'm in the same boat as you. Don't like where Windows is going so I'm going to try to switch before 11 gets forced on me.

I've got Fedora KDE Spin on a mini PC that I am trying to use as a workstation while my main Win10 PC handles gaming. I have a Steam Deck so I know I can do a large majority of my games on Linux, but I'll probably have to figure out a dual boot or virtualized thing of some sort for the titles that don't.

I've got a few years to figure it out before Win10 stops getting security updates.

you want a easy to use distro or a distro that requires some tinkering to get stuff working

Tbh I prefer something easy because I'm lazy, but I'm perfectly comfortable with something that requires tinkering. Had to do plenty of that on my Proxmox homelab

if easy then prob linux mint,ubuntu (donno i heard they shove snaps in your face)

My daily rn is a laptop running Win 10.

I have the parts for a new rig, I'm thinking of running Mint on that.

Pop_OS for the main PC, Ubuntu for the laptop and Debian for all the servers (lots of pis). There are 2 PCs left that run windows 10, one is the media rig and the other was an AMD APU that lived in a briefcase as part of a "totally not laptop" thing I built. Its a slow process to fully migrate away from windows, but so far im managing.

"Totally not a laptop" haha, nice. You should make a post about it somewhere - with pics.

Apologies, I took it apart a few weeks ago as its bits were needed elsewhere, but I can paint a picture. You know those fancy Pelican cases, this was a DIY version of that. It was a cheap silver plastic briefcase with nerdy Linux themed stickers on the back (If it didnt have those on it would look like a nuclear football and freak someone out #ominousbriefcase) I 3D printed some standoffs and mounts for the components, fitted a 22-inch Dell monitor into the lid, used velcro to attach the printed parts and drilled a 2-inch hole in the left side which had a PVC pipe/cap end jammed in the socket to allow a surge supressor to hang out of the case.

The intent was to use it as a recording rig for my local hobby shop so I could record table top games (40K, Warmachine, Battletech, etc.) using OBS to manage cameras. It could handle 4 webcams (2 tripods, 1 ceiling mount, 1 dice cam) and a pair of lav mics. I haden't used it in about a year, but there were plans to upgrade it as there is need for it again. Its all functionally being replaced by an ATEM mini-Pro and a smaller actual laptop. Unfortunatly I have very little to show for all the nonsense as the guy on the project who was supposed to be the editor never really got around to producing something with the recordings I provided, really I just like playing with the hardware, and this season im going to do the editing myself.

Ubuntu 2204 with normal Gnome on a Thinkpad T14, used for both work and personal stuff. Been eyeing Fedora Silverblue for a while…

For gaming I use GeforceNow on that same laptop.

Ubuntu 2204

OMG! What's it like‽ Did Linux become a mainstream desktop by then?

How'd you smuggle it back in time? And no: It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that Linux maintained backwards compatibility for the ancient hardware we're all running for that long 👍

Dude I love you. ❤️

I used ChronoBox, a deravitive of https://distrobox.it/ to scp the source back to 2024.

And yes, we’re pretty sure 2204 is the gonna be the year of linux desktop!!!

Linux or ChromeOS most often. I keep one older windows 10 laptop around for specific software that won't run on anything else. I don't have to use it very often these days but when I do need it it's always for something important that can't run on any other OS.

I moved my parents to ChromeOS a couple of years ago, I use Linux on my work laptop and on my personal laptop as well.

Windows 10 on the HTPC, dual boot to 7 when I need to rip VHS etc.

Windows 10 on main computer as I need google drive sync, visual basic for excel, stream what you hear and Playit Live for broadcasting.

Right now I'm using Windows 11 but I will most certainly migrate to Fedora in the future.

Edit: I already use Fedora Server on my homeserver.

I recently switched from Windows 10 to Nobara Linux and it's amazing, right now I'm playing gta 4 which only required some tinkering to work without issues. Highly recommended

Ngl i kinda dont like about nobara is secure boot comptablity Yeah ik most distros dont support it

Win10 on my gaming rig for compatibility and because I'm comfortable with the usage of Windows. Arch Linux with docker containers on the ol' server

Windows 11 on my Surface Pro, Windows 10 on my main computer and bedroom computer (the smartest tv is a dumb tv connected to a cheap minipc), and Linux Mint on my server and old laptop.

Win 10. But I have Hyper-V enabled so I guess it is technically Hyper-V as the os and windows as the guest os.

Fedora and Fedora Server for my server.

I used to dual boot windows but after the 4th time it nuked my boot partition, I deleted it and did a fresh install. I really only used it to play one non linux game which was Halo Infinite, which was not really that fun tbh.

I used to dual boot windows but after the 4th time it nuked my boot partition, I deleted it and did a fresh install. I really only used it to play one non linux game which was Halo Infinite, which was not really that fun tbh.

happened to me i decided to install it on a 512gb nvme ssd i extracted from my old laptop

Which one?

Windows, primarily, because I need shit to just function. And there's no competition to OneNote and Office in Open Source land.

But I have multiple VM's and containers running lots of Linux stuff - on Linux boxes because it just can't be beat as a Host. Even VMware is Linux-based.

Windows, primarily, because I need shit to just function

Thanks for the first chuckle in my day.

I installed Linux on two Windows laptops so they would function better.

And there's no competition to OneNote and Office in Open Source land.

I'm curious what is missing between OneNote and something like Obsidian or any of the other notes apps.

I completely understand office though, i find OnlyOffice good enough that i run it even on my Windows setups but I can imagine there being features, keybindings, etc that are not present in any of the alternatives. I've also seen a lot of people switch to using Google Docs exclusively since it helps with collaboration anyway, but I hate how poorly it runs...

because I need shit to just function.

Yeah some things are just not there yet too, like VR... So understandable

I don't know myself but all I know is that OneNote fucking sucks. It's the lamest most boring cloud attached fucking notepad app ever.

Only boring ass project managers use that shit, and there are dozens of better note applications than OneNote, but these people won't even give them a try because it would require them to admit that onenote sucks.

Artix Linux on desktop, Unraid on NAS, OpnSense on router.

How do you like Artix?

It is great for desktop, it uses RT kernel by default. But, like Arch, it is not for everybody. Not that is unstable but it requires command line from time to time.

For greybeards like me, that is not an issue. There is no systemd, it has a lot of packages and it is fast.

Debian Stable. I have a W10 partition but I don't boot into it very often. We're talking about a few times per quarter.

Arch on a Chromebook, macOS on a MacBook Air, and FreeBSD on the desktop.

Fedora on my desktop and Linux Mint Debian on my laptop.

There's been some ups and downs with Fedora, but nothing too serious at the end of the day and I do quite like it. LMDE has been as stable as a rock and I haven't had any issues with it. I don't really use my laptop that often and its mostly just for web browsing/other simple things.

Nix and dual boot windows for vr only, but I might try vr on linux

Work and personal: KDE Neon

Home media/gaming server: Bazzite

I taste the rainbow myself. Here are my PCs and their OS's:

  • HP Thin Client t520: Windows 11 Enterprise LTSC IOT with Remote Desktop to my university's AVD instances. May downgrade to 10 IoT due to poor performance
  • Gaming PC: Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC IOT 21H2
  • ThinkPad T480: Windows 10 Pro, may replace with IoT in the future
  • Latitude E6420: Linux Mint Debian Edition 6
  • iMac 21.5" 2015: Dual boot macOS Ventura and Windows 11

My study is extremely Windows focused (expects use of Microsoft Project, everything submitted in .docx, etc.) and while it isn't impossible to do it without Windows, I also don't want to impede academic progress with macOS or Linux.

However, I have my Latitude which I've been using the most recently for all other study not requiring Windows, and my iMac I got from ewaste for doing anything needing macOS like jail breaking and syncing music to my iPhone 4s

Gaming Pc: PopOS Work desktop: Debian KDE Laptop: Fedora NAS: Unraid

Are you me? All that plus kubernetes clusters on a dell t430 running proxmox behind an opnsense appliance.

Windows 11 across the board, though I'm trying to migrate. I used Ubuntu as a daily driver in the early 2010s but I was soured by the retirement of Unity and was disappointed by the gaming at the time. These days I've liked the idea of KDE Neon, but I've got a lot to do to be ready for a full migration. I'd take my time with it but the AI stuff has rushed me to move faster.

There is ubuntu unity which is a ubuntu flavor The ai thing I blocked it in windows not to long ago

I'm vaguely familiar with it, but it seems more like maintaining Unity 7 than continuing development of Unity 8. I've also seen UBports Unity8 which seems to have taken a backseat to maintaining Ubuntu Touch so I'm not holding my breath, but thank you!

The Copilot and Recall integrations just happen to be the straw that broke the camel's back. I've been wanting to make all my software as FOSS as possible, and the AI stuff has just been a catalyst. Especially for Adobe, I don't have a good replacement for Photoshop as GIMP has been a nightmare to use and Photopea isn't FOSS but I won't be using any Adobe products ever again.

I’m vaguely familiar with it, but it seems more like maintaining Unity 7 than continuing development of Unity 8. I’ve also seen UBports Unity8 which seems to have taken a backseat to maintaining Ubuntu Touch so I’m not holding my breath, but thank you!


The Copilot and Recall integrations just happen to be the straw that broke the camel’s back. I’ve been wanting to make all my software as FOSS as possible, and the AI stuff has just been a catalyst. Especially for Adobe, I don’t have a good replacement for Photoshop as GIMP has been a nightmare to use and Photopea isn’t FOSS but I won’t be using any Adobe products ever again.

There is krita but that app is focusing on artists rather then image manipulation I also tried going all foss but its pretty hard

Yeah, Photoshop is honestly a hard piece of software to replace because it frankly does so many different things quite well. Most of those things can be covered by breaking out into multiple software, like how I use Krita for illustration and Aseprite for pixel art, but yeah general image manipulation is really the main thing left.

I still run Windows 10 on my laptop. I have a few specialty apps that still require it, but I expect to switch to Linux rather than Windows 11. I also run a household server on Ubuntu Linux.

Win7 with microcode patches from 0patch.

dont know that existed the patching microcode

Yeah neither did I till I signed up for their service.

Full disclosure: I have no compensation relationship with 0patch, I've just been a full retail customer for years and highly recommend them to anyone who doesn't want to move away from win10 when it hits EoL.

highly recommend them to anyone who doesn’t want to move away from win10 when it hits EoL.

Ngl i love linux am gonna stay on it

I used to use endevour os and loved every bit of it. r8 now am on Nixos trying some stuff out and honestly i miss the shere amount of documentation and support that was there for arch but i have heard that nix is very rewarding once i understand the workings soo... Nixos

i think what throws me away from nixos is the immutable file system i had issues on fedora kinoite

Fedora KDE Atomic Fedora Kinoite

isnt kinoite still the current name

Oh, on second look I suppose you are correct. Silverblue and Kinoite kept their names, but Sericea and Onyx (and all future spins) use the Fedora [DE] Atomic structure. I was under the impression based on the announcement that all of them followed that naming structure, since they are collectively referred to as Fedora Atomic Desktop spins now. That actually seems much weirder than having changed them all to the same structure, because it was intended to lessen confusion, but now half of the spins use a different naming scheme than the other? Strange choice imo.

Here's the announcement I was referring to.

I multiboot 4 OSs...

Windows 10... some old, pirated patch.

Fedora 40


Arch (my current daily driver)

I am curious. Why the other Linuxes? (Linii?) I know people do that -- but I never knew why. I just settle on one for a bit, then hop away when I get in a mood.

I'm just a massive nerd and feel like switching things up a little from time to time.

Windows 11, I think. I never check but it's defo Windows.

Work laptop is macOS and I don't get a choice; end up spending most of my time in emacs to pretend I'm using a different OS.

Primary desktop is Gentoo and I spend a lot of time playing with it. Also got an old thinkpad with Debian, and lastly an old Windows 10 desktop which is going to be put out to pasture soon.

I use 9 systems currently:

  • 5 Gentoo
  • 2 Arch
  • 1 FreeBSD (OpnSense)
  • 1 w11

And the w11 is a work laptop that is getting Gentoo whenever I get a minute, leaving w11 on as small a partition as I can get away with for a once a month check in to intune.

Dualboot Linux Mint and Windows 10 on main desktop.

Windows 11 on work laptop

and Xubuntu (i believe) on a cheap laptop i got a few months back for first experimenting w/ linux on

I think the path i took was something like win98, ME, 2000/NT, fedora core, Ubuntu, Arch, Manjaro, OSX/MacOS but also still using Windows on a corpo job laptop & Linux on work servers.

Ubuntu , I tried switching to arch recently but I could not figure out how to mount my drive that has all movies on it so I switched back for now. Any tips and mounting a NTFS drive .

i tried arch and drivers where missing uuid and grub would not install

Currently Linux Mint 21, using MATE as my desktop environment.

Bazzite for personal/gaming, currently Arch for my work install. Will be migrating to Aurora-DX for work one of these upcoming weekends. I still have Windows for the occasional game that doesn't quite work right under Proton and for my VR headset which requires Windows Mixed Reality 🤮. Don't do VR much, so it's quite rare that I boot it up.

Kubuntu 24.04. When 24.10 is out I'll switch to it (usually a week or two later because I'm lazy and don't feel like rebooting). I've got two desktops and two laptops running that. Then there's the HTPC which also running Kubuntu with font scaling set real high to make it easy to read stuff from the couch (that includes Firefox with lots of GUI scaling changes; uBlock Origin makes it a fantastic anime watching station 👍).

Mine and my daughter's phones have KDE Connect so we can control the HTPC without having to get up to get the wireless mouse/keyboard 😁

The three Raspberry Pis in my house are all running the latest Raspbian image.

My wife's laptop is a Chromebook.

Windows 11. And I hate it.

Yes, I did try Linux. I had a great time. But unfortunately my Windows installation always breaks whenever I dual boot it with Linux.

Did you try installing linux on a partition

Yes, I partitioned my drive and installed Linux on that (I only have one SSD installed, it's a laptop)

Maybe once I get my desktop fixed I'll try it again. That one isn't "officially" compatible with Windows 11.

oh i think its better to install on another ssd

Yeah, that's what I've been told.

I'll check if my lappy has another SSD slot, because if not, then... dual booting with a broken Windows installation is my only option.

some linux users try passing their gpu through a windows vm and make the vm look like a real pc

If I didn't straight up delete my Windows installation (which contains important files), I would have to use MORE space just to run Windows on a VM in the Linux environment.

If only I can just run the actual contents of my Windows partition on a VM, that'd be great.


This is quite literally my only barrier to actually using Linux. If I didn't have it, I would immediately take the chance to run away from Windows once and for all.

DietPi (debian) on all my ARM servers, Fedora-CoreOS on all the x86-64 servers, a pi400 as my desktop running fedora, SteamOS on the steam deck.

Windows 11, but I just finally got around to switching back to Garuda Linux last night. We'll see how it goes. Still have a lot of headaches and assorted annoyances to work out.

Why not a more stable and proven distro like Fedora workstation? I game on steam on an old P1 running Fedora 40 if that's of any worth.

Fedora has given me more headaches than arch has, per unit time. At least in arch I can fix the problems myself without looking at obscure bug reports.

It was a long time ago though, so I may be looking through anti-rose tinted glasses, misremembering, or misjudging my experience.

I like to tinker with my system.

NOTE: I'm not the person you were questioning.

I went from Debian to Arch to Alpine to Fedora, Fedora 38 was very much plug and play as far as drivers for the used laptops I buy. Been rock solid ever since.

Distro hop and try it out, a live image is only a dd command away.

I know it was. Drivers are simple for my system anyways.

I care more about the AUR and system customisation. Fedora has nothing like aconfmgr that I'm aware of. Nix's system seems to be better but even more complicated.

I just use SaltStack for that


Sounds complicated for a personal machine. Looks similar to ansible/etc. Learning curve.

I dual boot arch and win11 (for stuff that isn't compatible yet).


Do you have a problem with win using localtime and always being an hour behind? Frustrates the hell out of me.

Of the machines I own: 2 are running Ubuntu server (one for hosting a Minecraft server, the other for testing as I'm still relatively new to Linux), a NAS running trueNAS, A laptop running dual boot Windows 10 and Kali, and my main machine running Windows 10 with Kali and Ubuntu running though WSL. As I am typing this, I am installing Mint on one of the drives of my main PC. I've been putting it off for way too long as the majority of the programs and games I use do not have Linux support.

Windows 10, but planning to switch to openSUSE Leap/Tumbelweed (currently running latter on laptop) or alternatively Fedora Atomic after Win10 EOL.

archlinux and planning to install gentoo on my ibm thinkpad soon

My desktop PC runs a dual boot of Arch Linux and Windows 11 (for the few things that don't work with Linux cough Destiny 2 cough - damn it Bungie, and VR stuff). My MacBook runs a dual boot of Fedora 40 and whatever is the latest version of macOS that can run on it (its an older Intel model, Apple dropped support for it a couple of years ago - I think its running Big Sur? I hardly ever boot into macOS).

And then my Steam Deck (its effectively just another x86 PC afterall) of course uses SteamOS.

What about you, OP?

What about you, OP?

my gaming rig runs fedora and dual booting windows 11 (Fortnite and roblox dont need them often why epic why roblox corp and beamng will run poorly under proton) i also tried passing my ssd and booting it on a vm and it gave me a error

Ah gotcha, I'm sorry to hear the stuff with the VM didn't work out too well. I'm not really familiar with how that type of setup works. I have a friend who uses a looking glass setup to do this, but for me its just easier to boot into Windows on the few occasions I need it haha.

1 more...
1 more...
1 more...

Windows 10 or 11 on all (three) day to day systems. Linux Mint on an old laptop which is hardly ever used, and windows xp on an ancient laptop that's only used as music player, and not connected to any network.

Windows 11. It sucks but I have apps that don't run on Linux, and there simply aren't any alternatives. I dual boot Kubuntu on my laptop and Kubuntu is great. I just wish software compatibility is better

wine is great for this tbh.

i had a couple of holdouts i used in wine until i found a good alternative

Dual booting NixOS and Windows 11 on my desktop, macOS on my laptop.

I’d get rid of Windows if it wasn’t for some games that are annoying on Linux.

I’d get rid of Windows if it wasn’t for some games that are annoying on Linux.


Arch with hyprland, switched from Fedora Sway when I felt like trying something fresh. Installing arch was more difficult than expected since I had a couple weird issues I couldn't really find in the manual, but after a while I got it all figured out.

Installing arch was more difficult than expected since I had a couple weird issues I couldn’t really find in the manual, but after a while I got it all figured out.

I agree, i would search the issues on google

I kept having an issue with keys not being valid when trying to install packages. Ended up being an issue with the keyring not being initiated on boot which as far as I could find should happen automatically. No idea if I messed something up or if something else went wrong ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

i had a issue with disk uuid missing and grub would not install

Windows 11, when I have time to install new SSD I plan to dual boot with Linux Mint

On my gaming systems I still use Windows 10.

On my internet browsing and writing systems I'm using ubuntu or linux mint (debian)

All my retro computers use period correct operating systems like (ms-dos 6.22 with) windows 3.11, 95, 98, 2000, XP.

MXLinux on one if my laptops. Manjaro in my desktop and other laptop. OMV on two of my servers. Dietpi on the 3rd server.