Huckabee: 2024 will be last election ‘decided by ballots rather than bullets’ if Trump loses over legal cases to politics – 457 points –
Huckabee: 2024 will be last election ‘decided by ballots rather than bullets’ if Trump loses over legal cases

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Wednesday said 2024 will be the last election “decided by ballots rather than bullets” if former President Trump doesn’t win the presidential race because of his various legal battles.

In the latest episode of his show on TBN, Huckabee argued the legal woes now facing Trump are part of a politically motivated scheme from the Biden administration, an argument touted by many in the former president’s orbit.

“If these tactics end up working to keep Trump from winning or even running in 2024, it is going to be the last American election that will be decided by ballots rather than bullets,” Huckabee warned in his opening monologue.

Huckabee accused President Biden and his team of trying “to make sure that Donald Trump is not his opponent in 2024″ and “to destroy Trump in the courthouse rather than at the ballot box.” He also alleged the Justice Department, the IRS and the FBI are “conspiring to hide the Biden family crimes, while all the time being obsessed with charging Donald Trump with crimes.”


Arrest him for fomenting insurrection.

Seriously. They're just gonna keep doing this dancing on the edges bullshit until someone comes down on them fucking hard.

The Prison Boys leader who just got 22 years in prison admitted he knew all along that Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump did not win the election. The media needs to point out the obvious. That the Prison Boys and Oathbreakers are Tory militia groups who were trying to destroy the Founding Father's government and reestablish a dictatorship/monarchy.

Or a bunch of idiots kill a bunch of people.

No, that's what they're counting on. That certainly wouldn't stop them since that's the point of the entire exercise. Although this particular example comes dangerously close to dancing over the line into incitement if it doesn't already.

Feels like pretty strong linkages to obstruction of justice if you're trying to brazenly influence the outcome of a trial under the threat of violence.

let us win or we’ll kill you


The amount of Republicans that have no idea how strapped Democrats are is too damn high lol. While I'd love c/liberalgunowners to be as high as Republicans but, it's not THAT much of a numbers difference. 6/10 of Republicans live in a gun household vs 1/4 Democrats. Republicans usually sit at 40% of the pop vs Democrats at 50%.

Then they'll be fighting against the damn US Military with only the really full on bat shit Republicans. Jan 6th already showed us how many actually wanted to nut up. Hey, turns out not that many! There's a reason why there was a whopping 2, 3-star generals, RETIRED, that came out in favor of Trump. People think the military is filled with nothing but Republicans too, but Joe Biden beat Trump by 4 points in the military in 2020 lol.

The crazy fucks had their chance on January 6th already lol. Sorry people, it's not going to be a civil war. It's going to be increasing amounts of Republican extremism like it already has been for the last decade and more.

In the United States in 2022, 48 percent of Republicans reported that they owned at least one gun, and 66 percent said that they lived in a household with a gun. In comparison, only 20 percent of Democrats owned at least one gun, and 31 percent lived a gun household.

Pew Graph

The military is also really split along certain lines when it comes to D vs R. Higher ranks tend to have more education and some vote along their education lines. More junior people seem to follow point of entry political lines (which for many is admittedly the south but not all).

There's the observation that younger people are much more likely to be liberal. Which explains why the military voted Democratic. And the more educated wing of the military are more Democratic. Essentially, the military is arguably increasingly liberal over time.

Veterans are also more likely to learn left. I'm not sure if that's cause of what we saw, or because half the wannabe Rambo types got themselves killed, but the majority of people who survived tend to go left.

The senior officer corps of the US military despises Trump, for obvious reasons.

Liberals/democrats have better trigger discipline and training. I’d guarantee it. They could outnumber 10-1 but they also kill one another and themselves too often to not be a statistic to consider in this.

Statistics based on.... some shit you pulled out of your ass I guess?

Conservatives are a bunch of uneducated Cletuses. It’s not a stretch.

Luckily most Trumpers wouldn't last more than a few minutes in a firefight before they run out of breath.

Most Trumpers won't pick up their guns, except to go to the range and show them off. They barely shoot. They won't fight.

Did Huckabees just threaten another insurrection?

An extremely violent one at that. Now, let’s watch how quickly nothing continues to happen as a result of it.

I hope they don't mind waiting a few months for me to move out of my shithole state first.

Maybe the Trump case sets some kind of new precedent that means desperate politicians using violent rhetoric like this will face real consequences?

He also alleged the Justice Department, the IRS and the FBI are “conspiring to hide the Biden family crimes, while all the time being obsessed with charging Donald Trump with crimes.”

Did all those supposed Biden crimes occur since 2020? No? Then why did the Trump administration let these supposed crimes go uninvestigated?

Anyone who says "Biden crime family" or a similar variant / transposition unironically, I have to ignore.

For my own sanity.

Not to mention Hunter Biden is getting his in court? It's just boring tax fraud and a gun charge and he's taking his punishments without much fuss and working to rectify his transgressions, tho, so nobody cares. Also he never worked for the government in any capacity ever.

Well it would be the perfect Trump response to know of Biden's crimes (not that there's any evidence of the current President commiting any) and then ask (edit: blackmail..again messed up, extort) Ukraine to help him rather than asking why the legal system is not taking action. Like what you'd expect the D student in class thinking is the correct response to a situation.

Of course then you have to forget that there were some people intelligent enough in the administration to figure it out.

These aren't even veiled threats anymore. These are actual, out-in-the-open threats and they continue to happen because Democrats aren't doing anything about them.

Within hours of Huckabee making these threats, the FBI or Secret Service should be parading him in the streets with handcuffs on as they bring him in for questioning. Make an example of him, Palin and all the other right wing lunatics that are threatening our democracy.

But as usual, we give right wing lunatics a free-pass and then wonder why they continue to escalate this issue.

And meanwhile, Trump is openly stating that his second term would be a revenge tour where he'll arrest anyone who opposes him. He doesn't care if there are any actual crimes committed because he thinks opposing him is a crime in itself.

Thus fascism. And a good 1/4 to 1/3 of the country agrees with him, and the remaining 3/4 to 2/3 of the country either have no idea what is happening or are too busy bickering amongst themselves.

We will look back on the Dems the same way we look at the socdems in Germany who put up almost no resistance to the Nazis coming to power. I'd love to be wrong.

I unfortunately have to agree to some extent.

There are so few Dems out there who are willing to duke it out with the Right. I don't blame Biden for not stooping down to the level of tweeting insults to the Right. He's president and thus should appear presidential not like his clown of a predecessor. But for fucks sakes there should be someone in the Democratic party that instigates the Right and is willing to play dirty and call them out on their shit. AOC was a firecracker and even when I disagreed with her, I loved that she would duke it out with any Republican. But there are so few others.

Lawmaker Jasmine Crockett from Texas of all places also comes to mind! Her direct, no bullshit approach calling out MTG with the receipts along with her personality has me rooting for her every time

There aren't many. There is an Asian Democrat from CA (Lieu or something like that) who throws out some jabs once in a while. Dems used to have more aggressive members, but in their infinite wisdom, they are quick to turn on their own for the flimsiest of reasons - Al Franken comes to mind. He wasn't so much as agressive, as simply being great at connecting with voters. But he's now gone. Slim pickings now.

Dems used to have more aggressive members, but in their infinite wisdom, they are quick to turn on their own for the flimsiest of reasons - Al Franken comes to mind.

What you're seeing is the neoliberal (i.e., moderately conservative) wing of the party systematically suppressing the actual leftist wing of the party. You say "in their infinite wisdom" as if it's a mistake, but they don't see it as one.

Spare me the nonsense. The left couldn't win elections in the bluest cities in the bluest counties in the bluest states and yet somehow the Dems are supposed to fall over themselves to support far-left causes??? Why? Where is the incentive? The Left time and time and time again proves they can't bring in the voters. And to be clear, I would like it if Dems had more liberal members, but I know what the reality is. Something that far too many people on the Left simply refuse to admit - the Left doesn't have the numbers. So you can claim some conspiracy-level nonsense about "systematically suppressing" blah-blah-blah, but votes win elections, and if you don't win elections, you as a political party have no power to enact laws.

I am happy to vote and support more centrist politicians who I might agree with on 80+% of the issues out there and can actually WIN elections, than hold out for some unicorn candidate who I agree with on all issues, but has no chance in bloody hell of winning anything. Because ultimately the alternative is some far-right douchebag who I agree with probably less than 10% of the time on various issues.

Terroristic threats, in my mind. I don't understand why we let them get away with shit like this.

Because Democrats are cowards and will do anything to stop confrontation. Democrats are the nerds in school who were endlessly picked on my the Republican bullies.

When you step back and look at American politics in that perspective, a whole lot of things start to make sense.

They get a free pass because large chunks of the FBI and Secret Service agree with them.

I'm not sure that's wise. Using authoritarian tactics on them is just going to amplify their persecution complex, and create an opportunity for martyrdom.

The best we can do here is point out the dangerous language, and get these people under surveillance. If and when their followers do make a move, that's when you build the case and bring them in.

I can understand the problems of so many spouting these sorts of lies and calls to action, though. It is a serious threat to national security. The solution here is a quick, but well documented trial of Donald Trump and his cronies. Throw anyone in our government (R, D, etc.) that's violated the law out, and if need be, imprison them.

We desperately need to make examples of those who are creating instability with their crimes and lies. But they have to break the law in a very clear way, and we need evidence.

The FBI is pretty openly run by Republicans. They don't go after their own.

Gimme a break. That's such a pedestrian view of law enforcement. They had no problem raiding Mar A Lago.

They had no problem raiding Mar A Lago.

Two years late, after having given Trump myriad undeserved opportunities to get out of it despite him thumbing his nose at them every time instead, and only because the offenses were so egregious that they had no other choice?

I'm sorry, but I have to disagree here. We cannot allow ourselves to be dragged down to the level of accusing anyone who says something inflammatory with making terroristic threats. What he said was remarkably stupid, but not threatening.

Huckabee said two things. He parrotted the right-wing talking points alleging a huge Biden conspiracy, and he said that if Trump doesn't win, there will be violence.

Parrotting Trump's talking points isn't illegal. Profoundly stupid, but not illegal. If that were allowed, 95% of the GOP would be locked up behind bars.

And take a look at January 6th. Take a look at all the political violence over the past couple of years. Atlanta went into pseudo-lockdown a couple of weeks ago when Trump was arrested because the threat of violence was (and continues to be) very real. MAGA nuts have been attacking everything from FBI offices to libraries. The "bullets instead of ballots" bit wasn't a terroristic threat -- it's the reality of the situation: If Trump loses, for any reason, or is kept off the ballot through the 14th amendment, there is the very real likelihood that rioting will follow. Acknowledging reality isn't necessarily acknowledging support for that reality, or advocating it. It's simply acknowledging the reality of the situation.

There was no implied threat by Huckabee. He doesn't have the following Trump has. People are not going to be willing to follow him right into a jail cell. He wasn't saying that he'd be leading the charge or anything. He just said that if Trump loses, there will be violence in the streets. And strictly on that point alone, I agree with him. I do believe that Trump either being disqualified from the election or losing it will cause violence. Saying that doesn't make either of us terrorists, even if the rest of what he said was abhorrent.

If that were allowed, 95% of the GOP would be locked up behind bars.

I'm a registered Republican and at this point, that sounds like an improvement. Fuck all the spineless Republicans that have refused to call Trump out, and I have worse thoughts about Trump and his congressional supporters.

This is about as threatening as people advocating "eat the rich" or destroying American imperialism. Threatening a system is not and should not be illegal, only a person.

Not really. Eat the rich comes from the saying "when there's nothing left to eat, the poor eat the rich". Huckabee is advocating for actual violence in the name of a conspiracy theory. That's a false equivalency.

Lets play a game. How many elected republican officials can threaten civil war before they are barred from office?

Tommy Tuberville is singlehandedly ratfucking the entire military through inaction and still gets to collect his 6-figure check.

Doubt anything will happen.

Dude should be thrown out of his chair. If I was one of those military personnel he fucked over I would not have that much chill.

Is it zero? Cause I fully expect the answer to be zero unfortunately.

I'm just waiting, if the has-beens are feeling brave these same thoughts are floating in the elected ones.

America. Are you ok? Blink twice if you need international help.

Or about just a friend from the north?

Unlike Ukraine, I think we might benefit from someone invading us.

I think we were invaded by the same country. Just in different ways.

"If Democracy doesn't give me the result I want, I'll turn to Fascism!"

They're already fascists. If they don't win, they're threatening murder.

Now if that isn't stochastic terrorism, I don't know what is.

That seems like a vanilla terrorist threat. Not stochastic.

That's kind of just up to what you assume he means.

I honestly don't think he personally intends on shooting liberal voters, and he doesn't really have enough of a following to lead into the fray even if he did.

Then I guess there's how you interpret the meaning of threat, whether it has to be believable to count.

Also, the difference between the two is pretty much non-existent the more likely it becomes.

So depending on how big of an audience he has or how likely you think conservatives are in general to do anything, which version of terrorism you consider this to be becomes debatable.

Projection and threats, that's all they know how to do

Give them some credit, they also know how to smash windowspolice officers and wipe poop on walls

So… trying to make sure a traitor to America pays for his crimes is somehow wrong?

Wasn’t the Conservative Party in favor or patriotism?

They're the Law and Order Party - as long as the law is imposing their order on people that they don't like.

Just like they're the Personal Responsibility Party - as long as it's other people who need to be personally responsible.

The Republican idea of patriotism is just another flavor of Christianity - blind faith in a power you believe to be bigger than yourself. It used to be faith in America as a concept, unerring and omnipotent - under God, but when things started shifting leftward with the civil rights movement, it became faith in a president to bring things back to their halcyon days. It started with Reagan, and now it's Trump, who gave them new hope with his slogan of making America great again.

The Republican idea of patriotism was never about making your country great, it was about believing your country is already great despite all evidence to the contrary - essentially just another religion.

Look, another unindicted co-conspirator!

Let them try. Trump & his fellow republicans already attempted to violently overthrow our democracy once. Surrendering and allowing them their fever dream of a fascist dictator for life (however much time he's got left) will not improve our situation.

Republicans, particularly of the Gravy Seals bent, always seem to think they're the only ones that can own guns or know how to use them. Just because everyone else is sane enough not to be waiving them around or so insecure about themselves that they need to show them off like they're some kind of security blanket doesn't mean nobody else is armed. I think if they ever pluck up the courage to try a full scale civil war they'll quickly realize the tables aren't going to be anywhere near as one sided as they seem to think.

I like how they put their dumb political bullshit all over their vehicles. Someone should set up a database of license plates of vehicles with maga bullshit all over the car. First stop for weapons caches if shit really pops off.

Do it! DO IT!! Shut up talking about it, and let’s get the civil war started!! Because I suspect it will be over before supper time.

In reality all they’re going to do is talk about it, because they’re small weak little people. Look at the big bad Proud Boys. When faced with the consequences of jail, they cried like little girls and begged the judges to take pity on them. Only one defiantly yelled “TRUMP WON” on his way out is the courtroom, but that was even after he cried and groveled.

Right? I look forward to showing them how many of us "libtards" own guns and know how to use them. I'm glad their side is so inept that they blindly regurgitate a lie that will almost certainly end in a surprise version of the "find out" part of "fuck around and find out." Man I hate a good portion of the population here.

Sometimes I wonder whether a civil war is what the US needs. The American society is so fucked up that a great, painful reset seems the only option sometimes

Please just wait until after I've moved my family somewhere else, being born in Trump country™️ sucks.

You have that option I think, yes. Why do y'all always assume you're going to win though? You had a chance on January 6th, you had a chance every time Trump calls for a big rally at some courthouse proceeding, Trump had his chance not to surrender and to hole up with all his brave warriors and dare the deep state to come and dig him out.

I'm not saying there's not something very dangerous in these statements, because there is. But I can also confidently guarantee that just like with Ashli Babbit, as soon as bullets start coming back at Huckabee and a lot of these other extremely soft John "I-don't-do-all-that-well-when-my-plumbing-has-an-issue-let-alone-on-a-goddamned-battlefield" Eastman types, they're going to start all kinds of aggrieved moaning about how someone needs to enforce the laws against political violence, because this is crazy.

I'm not worried at all about a few neofascists doing suicide by cop when we have the most powerful country in the world.

So that's why the next really dangerous step is when the law enforcement apparatus (federal and local) starts to buy into the "all Republicans are patriots, all Democrats are the enemy" mindset in a big way. On Tyranny has a really great explanation of how this happens, backed up with some really extensive research on places where it did happen and exactly how it progresses. We're showing a lot of resilience against it in the US, but also, it's not at all impossible.

Remember, the Nazis were a bunch of weirdos and incompetent losers too, until all of a sudden they weren't.

I'm just not worried about that because it only applies to countries with small military/police. We have a gigantic military and police apparatus, combined with a longstanding democratic culture. There is not going to be any "civil war" in the most powerful and successful country in the world.

What these assholes will do if Trump loses (or assuming we're not in fact still in the absolute worst timeline, rots in prison) isn't really what worries me, so much as what these same assholes will do if Trump wins. History has some insights and they're very worrying. Something about shirts and the color brown. While there would be a certain poetic justice for these tools to end up the same way, I rather not have to deal with the fallout of the rest of that situation. Further the implications for the rest of the world should the US go down that route are very troubling.

I think this is how urban legends like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster start. He's been crying deep state for so long, archaeologists are gonna think it was a real thing.

1 more...

Y'know, this sort of rhetoric seems less about making a prediction (there will be violence) than it is about cueing his audience to prepare to be violent, or at least to accept that there will be violence.

Yeah, it looks like an innocent prediction from the guy that can see the writing on the wall, and that's why this kind of talk takes this form and not the form of explicitly calling for political violence from particular people- this way it's all deniable and stochastic enough that nobody's (hint, hint) actually breaking the law out in the open.

if former President Trump doesn’t win the presidential race because of his various legal battles.

Maybe he'll lose because so many people really loathe him.

Surprised to see this turd still floating around.

Even worse now that his spawn holds political office. o_0

Yeah but if he wins there is going to be violence. I'd rather take my chances with the violence that happens because he lost than because he's ordering people that disagree with him off into camps.

The problem is that even if this is empty bluster on Huckabee's part, some jackass is going to decide that "deciding an election by bullets" means murdering a dozen random people at his local Wal-Mart.

That's the goal. "Give us what we want or you and yours might get shot up at the local store."

Just like we don't let a nuclear dictator take what they want because "omg hed nuke us" we don't let some sister fucker redneck asshole have what he wants because he might shoot us. Either pull the trigger or fuck off.

Dear Liberals,

Buy guns now. You are severely outgunned and the police support the other side. There is no credible deterrence preventing fascist militias from waltzing into major metropolitan areas and doing pretty much the same thing the Khmer Rouge did in Cambodia (murdering everyone that disagreed with them). Being “outraged” is not enough. Putting “In this house we believe…” signs on your lawn is not enough. Reassuring yourself with op-eds in the New York Times is not enough. Buy guns now.

I find blanket statements encouraging people to buy guns to be disingenuous. They rarely if ever include any advice for how to store, maintain, or safely use a firearm.

Stuff like this:

People have easy access to guns, such as a Walmart, and I think a lot of people have inclinations to get armed if gun sales are anything to go by. But everyone running to buy guns and then cowering in their homes or apartments isn't going to do any good. We need people everywhere to get organized. Then people can make decisions together that reflect the circumstances that they live in. I'm not convinced I would be making my neighborhood safer by independently buying a firearm.

I've had two people show up, multiple times, on my family's property to do something with a small box, we aren't sure what. We solved that by putting a gate on the driveway they were using. Adding a gun to whatever those situations are wouldn't make them better.

If a fascist death squad rolls up to my house, I'm dead. Getting to shoot back with a rifle is a nice thought, but it's not going to stop them from killing me. An organized neighborhood that took steps to prevent violence, whether that's firearms or some other method, is always going to be more effective than anything I can do individually.

Also, even if most people did decide to buy guns, they probably wouldn't being carrying them at the places where domestic terrorist attacks happen. People usually don't take their guns to schools, work, places of worship, fairs, etc. I live in a liberal democracy. I do not want to have to take a rifle with me every time I go on a grocery run or shop at local stores.

Even if everyone did bring guns to every public or private space I have played and watched social deduction games. People are really bad at managing an unknown shooter situation. We make random guesses at best that lead to everyone getting killed. If I'm at the grocery store and people start shooting at each other, I have no way of knowing which person started it, which one is the fascist, who is acting in self defense or if the people standing where I can see them with a gun are actually the shooter. Everyone's best survival strategy is to runaway and that's something we can do without guns.

It's not enough or desirable for everyone to buy guns with no organization whatsoever. We need organized militias to combat domestic terrorists if we can't trust police to do it. Everyone walking around with a firearm is just cover for mass shooters if the majority of us do not know and trust the other people holding a gun.

I agree that organized militias are the way to go, probably with all the guns in an armory. My comment lacked nuance. But I still believe that the real power imbalance between the left and the right is a recipe for volatility. The perception of a credible defense would preclude the fascist death squad from showing up in the first place.

Yes, if there's one thing the US needs it's more guns.

PLEASE! I've been saying this since 2016 and have been kicked out of so many left-leaning circles. Buy a gun now! Before they make it illegal for you to. You don't even have to use it.

You don’t even have to use it.

That's a terrible idea. You need regular practice at the range in order to be effective with it.

Does anyone else remember the 2000 election with Gore and Bush and the state of Florida ?

What the ever loving fuck is wrong these people ?

And why is Biden's family included for Huckabee while Trump is a singular entity ?

They really do want violence.

I hope, when the smoke clears, they serve the remainder of their days in prison.

Because They. Won't. Win.

Dude has lost the plot.

huckabee and all his humunculoid offspring are the evil itself, they never had any interest in the plot

Like all terrorists, the RW threatens violence if they don't get their way.

Funny how these bastards always find someone else to do their dirty work for them. But what would you expect from Mike Huckabee, whose dick is so small he couldn't fuck a bee?

Their "reality" doesn't jive with actual reality.

Are there really Americans that would respond to threats like this with "Well I don't like them, but maybe if I vote for them they won't shoot me?"

Who am I kidding, of course there are. Probably the same Americans that insist our rigged capitalism can fix the many crises our rigged capitalism caused.

Believe it or not, there's still a shit ton of people out there making the "both sides" argument.

If this shit just passes by without consequence, we have no DoJ

DOJ should def. have a chat with Mr. Huck. I mean really, like today. Tomorrow would be too late.

Don't hope for that, Mike, it will not go the way you think it will go.

Be my guest, assholes... Just like on January 6th, all of these fascist talking heads will be nowhere to be found when shit starts going bad or getting violent. They want to foment insurrection and pit Americans against other Americans, but then they very casually wipe the blood from their hands and sit back in the comfort of their mansions. It'll be their dumbest and most gullible supporters, the useful idiots, that end up committing crimes on their behalf and suffering the legal consequences.

Trump committed crimes and, despite being rich and despite being a former president, he is not above the law.

Boy, Republicans are the biggest scam artists of all time. What fucking crimes did Biden commit? There are receipts for the crimes Trump broke. Destroy Trump in the courthouse rather than the ballot box? Are you fucking high? You don't debate criminals on policy, you prosecute criminals.

You dickheads already tried that. Now a whole fucking lot of you are going to prison, for, idk, 22 years or so. I say once more, pull out the gun or shut the fuck up, coward.

The kill-billy cowards prefer to invade Wal-Marts and black churches and use them as shooting galleries, where nobody has a chance to fight back. Because they're pussies.

"Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?" 2023 edition.

I thought he called him "quarrelsome," but I'm probably conflating something

Since Trump has made clear that if he wins, he’ll use the power of the state to persecute his political enemies, sounds to me like this is the last free (I won’t pretend our elections are fair) election for a while, regardless of who wins.

We have laws against making terrorist threats, but this one was made by a rich white Republican, so it’ll be overlooked.

Huckabee has nothing left but Trump. Once Trump is gone Huckabee goes to the old folks home. He did nothing for Arkansas and nothing for America.

that is not what mike huckabee looks like now

He looks like he's fondling the ass of a skinny invisible hooker

"They almost forgot about me. I better grab some headlines."

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Mike Huckabee (R) on Wednesday said 2024 will be the last election “decided by ballots rather than bullets” if former President Trump doesn’t win the presidential race because of his various legal battles.

In the latest episode of his show on TBN, Huckabee argued the legal woes now facing Trump are part of a politically motivated scheme from the Biden administration, an argument touted by many in the former president’s orbit.

“If these tactics end up working to keep Trump from winning or even running in 2024, it is going to be the last American election that will be decided by ballots rather than bullets,” Huckabee warned in his opening monologue.

As Trump campaigns for the White House in 2024 — after losing his reelection bid in 2020 to Biden — he’s been faced with multiple indictments on federal and state charges in courthouses across the country.

The former president now faces charges related to attempts to overturn the 2020 election results and to his handling of classified documents following two DOJ investigations.

Huckabee, who unsuccessfully ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 2008 and 2016, went on to laud Trump, who has long polled as the front-runner of the GOP field.

The original article contains 403 words, the summary contains 202 words. Saved 50%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Sadly, I think he's right, it may come to civil war.

HEaven forbid, the world is dangerous enough as it is.

I wonder what kind of gun he thinks Jesus would use to murder the gays, libs and brown people? Just asking questions...

He's not wrong. You can't backdoor disqualify him. You need to beat him.

Nothing backdoor about this. The wheels of justice always move slower than we like. The GA interference and Jan 6th investigations started shortly after they occurred in 2021 and they've finally culminated in charges. The jury will decide if Trump committed crimes, and thankfully in GA at least we'll all get to hear the arguments and testimony of both sides.

Nobody is above the law. We have all heard Trump attempting to manipulate the GA secretary of state to throw the election. We have Pence stating clearly Trump wanted him to illegally invalidate state electors. We've heard Trumps claims the election was rigged but none of his lawyers have submitted any evidence of that in any of the states, so was he intentionally lying? I'm sure we'll hear much more during the trial. The jury will decide.

There's lawsuits out now trying to dq him ssns conviction. And suggestions of Congress declaring him guilty by fiat.

Already did.

Yes but if the Dems decide not to run one of the two least popular Democratic presidential candidates in my lifetime, they'll beat him soundly enough to end his whole political movement.

And in your opinion, does the 14th amendment of the Constitution prohibiting individuals who engaged in seditious acts against our democracy from holding office count as a "backdoor disqualification"?

It does if it's Congress deciding that the seditious acts happened instead of a criminal court convicting him of it, which is part of what's being discussed.