Weekend poll: Do you currently use a third-party Reddit app?

lostwonder@beehaw.org to Technology@beehaw.org – 254 points –

How many of you use a 3rd-party app to browse Reddit?


Well... Not anymore I don't

Yeah, seems like this poll is missing an important ā€œI did before leaving Redditā€ option.

Same. Used both RIF and Apollo through the years. Havenā€™t used anything for a week now.

I had grown quite fond of the app Infinity over the past years. I uninstalled it last Sunday. I've also deleted all my Reddit content yesterday. Honestly I had thought it would be more painful to see all that go down the drain. But after a week away from Reddit I didn't even care about any of it anymore.

RiF for 10 years.

Same, until they announced it'd be shutting off at the end of the month. Damn shame, but oh well, it beats sticking around waiting for the end.

I've always used RiF - it duplicates the desktop layout better than the others, along with so many other features. Wish its developer was moving on to a Lemmy app, but he's cranking out one for Tildes instead.

I still use it to lurk - the shitstorm over there is quite amusing, read the latest announcement at r/videos. Yes, nothing but John Oliver videos - but the screed this is delivered with is a thing of beauty.

Define "currently"... I still have rif on my phone but I haven't used Reddit in a week

Yeah, "currently" is the wrong adverb to use. Relay and Boost were common apps I used and pretty much the only means I used to access Reddit. I only touched the desktop web app when I got a web search link.

I use Infinity and have found it to be absolutely excellent. I wish I could continue to use it rather than leave altogether.

I am also a long time infinity user, Jerboa feels fairly similar to me.

Using that too now. Could do with collapsing threads and skipping to next / previous top level comment and I'd be a little happier. But otherwise quite pleased.

What do you mean by collapsing threads? Currently if you clicked on a comment, it should collapse said comment and any children of the comment.

With regards to navigating to the next/previous top level comment, worth putting that as an "issue" on Jerboa's GitHub as a feature request if one doesn't exist for this feature already.

I mean, kind of...

I use Sync and still have it installed, but now it just aggravates me when I open it. Not because of Sync, but because Reddit is just... bleh.

Maybe I'll uninstall it later, but I'm tired and lazy. Not like I have a longtime account to delete since I coincidentally did that over a month ago for other reasons.

Do need to delete the one a I made a few weeks ago for NSFW shit. I'm sure Reddit will really miss having that 3 karma account.

Sync IS Reddit to me since I haven't used my desktop for primary browsing of the site in years. It's a shame Reddit is disappearing shortly.

Yeah, after I started using Sync and they did the redesign, desktop browsing felt so slow. Even old.reddit felt clunky compared to Sync.

I've used RIF for nearly 10 years. I can't stand the current state of the official app. It spends far too much time harassing you with useless notifications/info/recommendations for my taste and it's a laggy mess.

Currently? No, because I quit reddit.

But when I was on reddit, I used Relay For Reddit Pro.

I've been using boost for a little over a year. I have not be on since the blackout started.

The Boost developer has been unusually quiet on this entire scenario. It's possible he might not be shut down?

I got an app update just yesterday that cleaned up visuals a bit. Either they are sticking it out, or wanted to push some stuff out of the pipeline to finish on a high.

Caught me by surprised a bit. Been with Boost ever since release and will be sad if it goes.

RiF since I found Reddit so many years ago. I've tried others but they never stuck.

I desperately want a RiF clone for interacting with Lemmy. If RiF does actually shut down at the end of the month, I really hope talklittle open-sources it.

@tool @sirvesa if its any reassurance, Sync is coming to Lemmy

I've been a RiF diehard for about a decade, but I'll definitely give Sync for Lemmy a try when it's available.

What I'm really interested in is this. If this gets completed, theoretically any existing third-party reddit app could update the API URL it hits and their app would pretty much "just work" with Lemmy, they'd just need to add an option for the user to input their home instance's URL and their credentials. It was started by @derivator

Still working on this, help is welcome :)

Unfortunately I don't know shit about Rust. I use Python/PowerShell/Bash/some C#/etc daily for my job, but I haven't touched Rust at all.

What would you say the learning curve would be based on the languages I've worked in?

The one thing that takes a bit to get used to is the borrow checker. Advice there is don't fight it. Trust the compiler to tell you your code is wrong. Once you understand the ownership/borrowing rules, it's honestly just a joy to code in. Static typing protects you from the inevitable mess that every large python project becomes, and the borrow checker gives you the comfort and safety you've come to expect from memory safe languages without the overhead of a garbage collector.

Ok. I'll give it a try some time this weekend, thanks for the tip. Hopefully I can contribute in the future.

Relay is what I use

I used Relay too for about 10 years. The dev is trying hard to keep it going and talking about subscription costs. Realistically I can't imagine anybody will be paying for a 3rd party app even if the option is there.

I've already gotten rid of it.

I have used Boost on Android for years.

The new update is gorgeous. Shame.

It's unfortunate timing. I'm going to give it an overdue glowing review. And hint that a lemmy conversion would be well received.

I had restarted using apps because the mobile webpage had become toxic with pushing me to the official app that I knew from reputation was toxic for UI. It kept forgetting where I was and reloading the whole page, uncompacting the threads I'd finished reading.

Reddit quite deliberately drove me off the mobile web interface, I just didn't go where they wanted, just to boost and bacon reader. I'll see if they still work tomorrow, but I'm enjoying using lemmy more, because it seems to be where all the sane people who like good conversation went.

Currently? No I deleted my accounts, when I still had them though I used infinity

I used Infinity but now I don't even use Reddit at all.

I also use infinity, but since I joined lemmy, i've been using reddit a lot less

Boost is still my favorite. I'm done after the third party apps are gone. Going to block Reddit in my router to stop me on desktop haha.

Sync for reddit pro for years, now using a browser for kbin.social.

Use Apollo and now only open/upvote posts and polls about the resistance.

I've been using Relay for maybe 10 years? It's a bit of an underdog and doesn't get spoken about a lot, but over the years I've tried a bunch of Reddit apps and Relay is the one I liked the most.

It used to be called "Reddit News" until Reddit cracked down on apps using "Reddit" in their name. Their rules changed to only allow "for Reddit" at the end of the name, so Reddit News became "Relay for Reddit", rif (Reddit is Fun) became "rif is fun for Reddit", etc.

I'm the same. Relay is so slick and I'm gutted about what is happening. Even if the dev manages to keep Relay going, I don't want to support a company like Reddit who seem happy to shit all over their userbase in pursuit of profit.

That's the exact same boat I'm in right now. I've been a big fan of Relay for years and I think it's great that the developer will probably be able to keep the app going with a small monthly fee. I would even be willing to pay a small monthly fee, but I don't want to support Reddit anymore. I haven't pulled it up since the protest started.

For me, it's the principle that you'd be paying Reddit a bunch of money only to not have half the content on the site. I mean, I couldn't really care less about the naked ladies because most of them are hawking OF anyway.

It used to be Relay for me as well. Other apps had neat features I wish Relay had gotten as well, but I couldn't get away from its neat UI and UX even though I tried pretty much every third-party reddit app there was.

I'm certainly sad to leave a handful of my favorite communities behind but Reddit overall can burn down for all I care. Even before the API BS and Huffmann lying through his teeth the Reddit experience had gotten more and more annoying aside from the coziest of subreddits.

Time to move on and perhaps some of the app devs try their hand at a sleek threadiverse app with all of the QoL goodies.

Before all this kerfluffle with the API, I have used Reddit is Fun for mobile for several years. I will be really bummed to see it go.

I used apollo, but I've not been on it since the protests started. Not going back to Reddit either now

When I was using reddit, I used Boost.

Same here. I might go back to Reddit for two subreddits that I can't get elsewhere, but for all the other subreddits I used to frequent, I'll be sticking with Lemmy via Jerboa.

I used Baconreader, Relay, and in 2014 got Sync pro and have used that ever since.

I stopped using reddit for the blackout and have been trying Jerboa and /kbin since then.

@Pulptastic @lostwonder I don't know why people are holding on. If u/spez can do what he is doing now who says he won't do it again? Let's say he let's third-party apps back. It's a matter of time when he shuts it down, this time for good!

e: Just delete your account

Love me some baconreader. The official app is just not pleasant to use.

I was a baconreader person too but I deleted it and moved 100% to beehaw when things started getting weird at that other place

I used too. Paid for Apollo until Christian started spamming ads for ultra and went back on his word that subscriptions were only to cover ongoing costs like servers for notifications.

So I went to ReddPlanet. Whoā€™s also shutting down.

I havenā€™t been on Reddit in about a week though. Iā€™m not too keen on the lemmy devs stances politically and will probably move to kbin when the documentation and setup gets fleshed out better.

I've used both RiF and Sync, and between the two of them I'd probably say Sync was my favorite. I hope both of the devs land on their feet, they produced amazing apps.

Didn't even know what a 3rd party app was until the protests (never used reddit on my phone to limit the amount of time spent there, and was never very tech savvy).
Left because of other reasons, like a couple mods of communities I love packing up and leaving and the sheer principle of it all.

Did you use reddit with reddit enhancement suite on desktop? I ask because I found reddit was such a terrible experience without being able to block off a bunch of stuff beyond what reddit offers you in their settings.

Felt like the longer people used reddit the more they ended up seeking out stuff like third party apps or extensions like RES as the feed started changing over the years of what got promoted.

I would have used reddit so much less without those or started avoiding it even if there hadn't been any api controversy.

I used Infinity until I deleted my Reddit account in connection with the protests. Now I don't use Reddit at all.

I used RIF for over a decade, it did everything I wanted so I never sought out an alternative.

Same here, I wasn't even familiar with the various other names that came up when the API drama exploded. I didn't realize there were so many. I've never even tried the official app.

I still use old.Reddit on desktop, though I'm now expecting that to go away sooner rather than later and that'll be the end of Reddit for me. Unless they come up with some whole new unexpectedly awful decision before then that I haven't even thought of yet.

I was using rif for years, I don't see myself ever downloading the reddit app partly because it sucks but now I have a bad taste in my mouth after all this. If they had of just improved their own app and left the third party ones alone I probably would have used it.

When I had an iPhone 3+ years ago, Apollo was the only way I interacted with Reddit. Once I switched to Android, I cycled through the choices before settling pretty happily with Boost. I don't intend to access or use Reddit on mobile at all once June 30th rolls around, and after the CEO's public comments since the protest, I don't really want to access it on desktop either.

It is relay for me on Android. Apparently, they are going to continue with a subscription version that won't get NSFW content. Why would I start paying for a worse product? Not to mention that I bought the ad free version way back.

Relay and reddit are one of the two non open source stacks I rely on, with the other being windows and steam for gaming. And it has bit me in the butt. The lesson to be learned is clear- no more closed source anything from here on out. Steps will be taken.

Relay user here. Been using it for the past 4 years and RIF before that.

Recently noticed that the app breaks when trying to open youtube links. Maybe it's a sign that the end is near.

Also a soon to be former Relay user, and it looks like dbrady is having trouble making the subscription numbers work too:

"I'm still looking into it, gathering data etc. Unfortunately the average call rates when broken down to the top 2, 5, 10% etc of users is painting a much different picture. This is the cohort of users I would expect to possibly convert to a subscription model and the average rates for those users can be 3,4,5 even 600 hundred calls per day just by the shear amount they use the app. Some of the top users are well over 1000 per day and sometimes over 2000.

So I'm not sure yet. It would probably have to be a usage based subscription model if it was going to be anything and I'm not sure that's worth doing. I am still looking into it but unfortunately I don't think my earlier price points will work." From r/relayforreddit pinned post

Yeah, I have been following it a bit, and I don't think it is going to pan out. I was already planning on not subscribing simply because I hate subscribing to things and try to have as few subscriptions as possible. I would honestly gladly buy relay for like $60-70 rather than pay $3/month (Although honestly, I wouldn't do that too). There is going to be no way to make that work if Reddit wants to position itself as a pay by usage, or conversation as a service company.

But I think it all goes to show is that this isn't a business model. Talking on the internet isn't a business model, and tracking people without their knowledge or consent (even if you technically have it on paper) isn't working either.

Infinity, FOSS and on FDroid

Reddit is Fun for around 10 years, Bacon Reader for around 2 years before that. I have quit Reddit since last week and don't intend to ever go again outside of the random Google search result.

Boost for Reddit is awesome!

Even if by some miracle the 3rd party apps survive, too late.

Fuck Spez... I'm out. (ā ā•Æā Ā°ā ā–”ā Ā°ā ļ¼‰ā ā•Æā ļøµā Ā ā ā”»ā ā”ā ā”»

RIF for many years, switched to Infinity a year or two ago

RIF user of many years. Pissed at Reddit. Although I see the financial motive for the API, the scumbag disingenuous moves have me believing it has jumped the social media shark and I had to move on.

Loved RIF, will miss the niches of Reddit, and this APIcalypse has opened my eyes to the deeper values of Reddit, but change is inevitable though.

RIF was Reddit for me.

During my 13.5 years of Reddit, I've used at least these, in possibly this order

  • Alien Blue (RIP)
  • Bacon Reader
  • Reddit is Fun
  • Reddit Sync
  • Joey, for the last ~6 years

Don't browse Reddit anymore, apps or browser. If I do end up visiting via Google, I use old.reddit.com.

If "currently" means before the debacle (because I don't use Reddit currently): no, I'm primarily a desktop user, I used old Reddit and RES and I don't really have much personal attachment to 3rd party apps (that doesn't mean I won't stand with those who do).

I think that the API issue is more of a symptom of something much more deeply wrong with Reddit, if it wasn't the API it would have been some other breaking point.

I've used Joey for years. (I've never used the official app.)

I'm not using anything right now and have deleted one of my accounts. I'll be deleting the other one in the next week.

Ah, another Joey user. It looks as though all 2-10 of us have moved to Lemmy. Incredible.

I never understood why it wasn't more popular! I tried others but always came right back to Joey.

There's no way this poll is accurate. Just looking at the Play Store the official app has 100M+ downloads. The bext closest, rif, has 5M+. I think people underestimate how many casual users go straight to the official app and don't care about any of this is.

I mean, I also thought there is probably not that many people... BUT your comment made me actually think otherwise. RIF's 5% is actually huge!! And that is just one app; we don't even know how many are using FOSS apps through F-droid... so I'd say the third-party app ecosystem is probably very, very big, I'd say easily at least 30 % of mobile users are third-parties.

How many millions of users actually installed the official app and went "oh, god, nope", or found out about better apps later on... I'd say that is also pretty big. And not happening the other way around.

So, pure speculation here, but this is probably Reddit's desperate move to change a very possibly growing tendency of third-party app users.

Keep in mind that rif has been around since 2010, and the official app launched in 2016. I think the opposite is true, anecdotally I've noticed discussion of 3PA has gone down in the past 5 years. People used to talk about it all the time, I didn't hear much until this controversy. Most redditors are not power-users, I don't think many of them would know what F-Droid is let alone use it. I'd personally guess that 3PA usage is under 10%.

I think this change was mainly sparked by cracking down on AI scraping bots, and killing 3PA was a two-birds-one-stone side effect to prepare for their IPO.

I used Apollo since itā€™s inception, and Alien Blue before that. Now Iā€™ve deleted all Reddit apps and exclusively use kbin, for the last week or so.

RIF, though I haven't visited Reddit in the last week. Call it me training for the 30th

I used Sync up until last week.

Won't be back.

I wouldn't say currently because I deleted it after moving to Kbin, but I was using RIF for as long as it existed and was a daily Reddit user for over 12 years. I've been happy using Kbin though this past week and have quickly seen subreddits migrating over and a lot more activity just in the past few days.

RedReader, although not so much since Spez started his API stupidity. Personal preference, I like the basic, clean interface, which is also valued for accessibility. Jerboa's interface actually looks quite similar.

I've used RedReader for many years. When the api changes were announced I was certain I would never use reddit before, as I usually browse it on the phone. I still want to migrate away from reddit fully, but since RedReader has an api exception it's going to be more difficult to break my addiction.

I used Apollo. Now I'm only using it to check whether Christian Selig commented on anything, but nothing more than that.

I plan to nuke my last remaining Reddit account on June 30th.

Apollo all the way, sad to see it go

I can't be the first to ask, but apollo for lemmy? šŸ™

I just saw somewhere on lemmy an announcement about an iOS app for lemmy to be published shortly called Artemis (as in Apollo's sibling). Hope that will be useful for you!

One can hope, Iā€™m keen to support whatever Christian builds next, but I think heā€™s not been super committal about his next moves

Apollo for iOS, RiF for Android I've pretty much been off Reddit since the blackout

RIF for as long as I remember. No more. Sad to see it go. Looking forward to watching this new fediverse community grow.

Did. Libreddit. Now Lemmy only. #FediFTW

Just curious if you know. Is libreddit going away with the api policy change? I still may use libreddit every now and then to research a certain topic.

They mentioned on their github that they're examing alternatives. Which I'd assume would be scrapinggthe site. I haven't checked since Lemmy has started really growing personally and I don't plan on going back, but I'd recommend looking at their git.

I used to use Boost, I stopped when they banned the community showing how to switch to kbin.

I was with boost too. I deleted it at the start of the blackout after using it for like 7 years.

I started with RIf for ten first few years and then switched over to Sync. I loved the customization that Sync provides

Sync, but I already got rid of it and my Reddit stuff.

I was a RedditIsFun/RiF user when I was mobile but mostly I was a keyboard user on a laptop/desktop.

I was losing interest in Reddit over recent years due to the mobile user influx (terse posters, lots of memes and TXT-speak) but thanks to the last few weeks, I have lost nearly all of my interest in Reddit.

I'm really not a joiner or a protester -- I'm rather pragmatic about all of this stuff. But the fact is that Reddit Inc. has by its actions alienated the users most responsible for making Reddit a thing that I enjoyed. It is already to late to recover from that.

Reddit Inc. could do a 180-degree turn today and it won't matter much. In the rough-and-tumble of all of Reddit Inc.'s self-inflicted nonsense, the users they lost (the heart of Reddits culture and spirt) have discovered life beyond Reddit. It looks doable. A month ago, that was fairly unthinkable. Come back? To what? The main reason for Reddit being compelling to me won't return, leaving behind a rather less-interesting Reddit community. I doubt it will attract me.

To me, this just shortened Reddit's long tail. Reddit was already dying a slow death, but this nonsense has made it faster. My current usage is now a small fraction of what it used to me (I have 100 MB of comments and posts submitted over the past 15 years). My guess is that there will be little left of interest in much shorter time span.

I recently bought RIF golden platinum just to give back to the dev, knowing that very soon the app will stop working. I'm hoping the dev could reuse his code and swap out the backend to make a lemmy client of the same caliber. It really is a good app.

Apollo until last week. Deleted Reddit account.

Apollo since day one. When I searched for an app originally, I thought it WAS the official app lol. Now that they're gone, I'm gone.

I've been using Slide basically since I started using Reddit.

It was the only client that fits all my requirement (it being FOSS and in F-droid being the most important one), while having a non-cluttered UI and a good dark theme.

It has basically been a dead project for 2 years but I never had any reason to move away from it.

Well, now that's I'm quitting Reddit, it's a good way to move away from it.

Boost on android and Apollo on my iPad. Absolutely fantastic apps that made the experience so much better. I don't even remember the last time I used the ofifical reddit app. Though, I haven't used reddit since the blackout began.

I used Joey for about a year but since the blackout it's been uninstalled

I just uninstalled BaconReader. Long time user. Deleted the accounts that weren't banned for wrongthink.

Relay Pro. Stopped going.

Same. I haven't opened the app (or the website itself) since the start of the blackout. As the news has developed, there's less and less reason to.

I used Relay for years until I quit reddit a week ago.

I've exclusively used Relay for years until earlier this week. I've popped in a few times to see how things were going. According to my screen time usage app I've used Relay for under 10 minutes this week. Prior to that I was spending anywhere hour plus daily.

I was using Apollo before... well... you know, everything.

Well I did use sync, now using jerboa of course. Would be neat if sync or other apps could be remade for the fedverse. An app that could bridge different fedverse apps more easily like lemmy and mastadon for instance but keep everything easily readable and sortable would be cool.

I used RIF for years. Originally I installed the official app, but it was so bad I sought out alternatives.

For desktop I used the old.reddit site (the redesign was terrible!) I genuinely don't know how people can use the new look desktop site.

Relay Pro (android) use to be the app I've used for reddit, but I uninstalled it at the start of the debacle and will not be returning to reddit for the foreseeable future due to the nature of what reddit has become. It is no longer a community lead platform and instead a thing owned by a larger company with leadership that just wants to make money off of the people who use it. I believe the fediverse to be the future of the community that made reddit what it was and that community should not be owned by any one company/organization. There will definitely be growing pains and decisions to be made here on how best to handle so many things, but I have confidence in the community that it will be sorted out and we will get through the growing panins. It will result in a much better platform that will help take us through to the next stage of worldwide community, connectedness, and information sharing.

Still have Apollo installed to use it until the last day. Been using less and less thou in recent 1-2 weeks.

Red Reader is my main app, but I use it a lot less than before because I'm slowly moving to Lemmy. Still on there for now to shitpost where it's been newly allowed.

Yes, Relay. Not nearly as much as before the whole API situation, but i still use it occasionally.

Used Sync for Reddit for few years. I paid for pro version after just few hours of using (super simple setup etc). Now I am enjoying kbin via mozilla and it is great.

Used to use Apollo, but traded my iphone to get back to Android a week ago. Perfect timing to be honest, haven't been on Reddit since.

I used to, Joey. It was a little rough around the edges but it was cheap and had no ads. I stopped using in January because I wanted to spend less time on Reddit in general - the site on mobile Firefox sure helped to keep me away :^)

Now I'm gone for good tho - thanks spez for helping me quit!

I was on digg but was slow to get on Reddit. Wasnā€™t until Apollo that it became regular part of my daily routine. Without the app I wouldnā€™t have been as engaged.

Depends on how "currently" is defined. If it means right now, then no. However, if it means until all this then yes. I used to use redreader before i nuked my accounts and content in protest and came to lemmy full time

@lostwonder Yup, I use Infinity, and I'll keep it installed until it no longer works, but I'm just trying not to use Reddit at all now.

I don't plan to use reddit anymore if I can help it, other than to find specific answers to things. I'll no longer just browse. That said, up until now I exclusively used RiF. I refuse to touch the official app, and use old.reddit and ad blockers.

I used RiF. Tried a few other apps over the years, but nothing beat the clean, uncluttered UI.

Apollo forever till the blackout. Replaced the apollo spot with Mlem to keep my muscle memory from screwing over my desire to not support the reddit changes.

I'm still using Apollo and am trying to get used to Feddit but it's hard, to be honest. On Reddit I'd know I'd get shittons of downvotes for saying this ;-)

1 more...

The only open question is, whether at least one of the popular apps will transition Lemmy. This should doable since the concept is so similar.

The world needs good Fediverse apps. If they include mastodon, we can say good bye to Musk's twitter as well.

I have Apollo Ultra, because I really appreciated the work that went into making the app so pleasant. I also was a reddit subscriber for over a decade ( since 2011 ). Already cancelled the subscription, and when Apollo goes dark I think my use of reddit will plummet. Pretty much just browser access with adblock on.

That poll isn't going to get good results because a lot of 3PA users have already left reddit

Currently it says 76% of votes use a 3rd party app.

Polls are biased toward people with strong opinions.

Ok, should we go with your personal opinion then? What percentage of that 76% of votes would you say is accurate? It doesn't matter anyway because the only ones who know for sure are reddit insiders and they won't release that info, they only break it down by app and website not 3rd party vs official.

Bias isn't a personal opinion. It is more likely that a person sees this poll coming from lemmy than from reddit, and people coming from lemmy are more likely to have left reddit due to using a 3rd party app that will shut down. On the same note, someone who is on reddit still is less likely to have seen this poll, and if they're still on reddit, are more likely to not be using a third party app and thus less likely to care.

This is heavily skewed towards more technical users who are more likely to care and use a 3rd party app

Your response reminds me of the people on reddit during early covid. People commonly were using metrics for mortality like # of deaths/# recovered or # dead / total cases and then refused to think otherwise, perferring a invalid metric because the numbers early on fit what they expected rather than realize they may be wrong.

I preferred the /.compact version of Reddit. They disabled it a few months back and all the alternatives suck.


No seriously, .compact reddit on my phone and old.reddit with RES on my desktop were all I ever wanted. They haven't gotten rid of old reddit YET but I can see the proverbial writing on the wall.

Have used various third party apps in the past, won't name, they've never been too bad.

Usually neater and pay homage to the original style of Reddit as a long form text based forum,. From what I've seen, the official Reddit app and front page on desktop has evolved into a Facebook style newsfeed of images and short videos.

Not my jam

I used Narwhal for a long time, switched to Apollo a couple of years ago.

I use Joey, a lesser known but very customizable app for reddit. But I've reduced my participation there.

I used to use rif. Now, if a search brings me to reddit, I use my web browser, but I haven't directly gone to reddit since the subreddits went dark.

Have been using Boost for quite a while now, but have used a few over time.

  • Boost
  • Relay
  • Sync

On desktop, always old.reddit.com with RES.

RIF for a few years and Apollo for a few months, since both are going down I don't really have any incentive to stay on Reddit

Not currently using Reddit, but I started out with baconreader, and have been using Joey for a few years now.

Yes, Infinity. Actually I used the official Reddit app until all of this hit the news. Then I deleted that app and switched to Infinity. When infinity goes, I'll delete it and I'm done with Reddit except on an alt account on my desktop. And that will just be for correspondence.

Yup, that's why I ended up here. Used RIF on my phone, and can only stand Reddit on browser through RES on old.reddit. Gonna lose the RIF at the end of the month, and old.reddit's undeniably approaching death will make me stop going back there too.

Iā€™m not on Reddit right now; but I was on Apollo since it came out, feels like about 10y right now.

Not sure if the responses to the poll are skewed, but the vote suggests vastly different numbers than Reddit would lead you to believe

I'm looking for a gradual transition from Reddit to Lemmy. To make things easier, I started to use Redreader. Man, I wish I'd done this switch earlier.

Redreader's dev has expressed interest on Lemmy compatibility, so when (if) this happens, I know which app I'll be using.

Reddit is Fun back when I was on Android. Apollo once I moved to iOS. I will sorely miss Apollo.

Currently, as in up until the blackout: yes, Baconreader. I used it so exclusively that I only really know reddit as BR shows it to its users and I felt uncomfortable and a bit confused on old and new web reddit. I missed all the "innovations" new Reddit brought, never knew what people were talking about when they mentioned avatars and apparently missed all chats that were ever sent to me because BR would only show messages and comment replies. So without BR, to me there will be no reddit, because I wouldn't be willing to invest time into getting to know reddits official app. One, because it looks absolutely terrible and two, because I'm tired being treated like this by big corporations. You want to shit all over your user base, you won't get any of my data or money any more. Simple as that

Same with me, I love that Baconreader doesn't show any of the new features that in not interested in.

Apollo. So no more reddit for me when the app shuts down officially.

I wish Christian would made an Apollo-like app for the Fediverse.

Right there with you. The thing is, I've been trying to kick the habit for years now. Huffman is doing me and millions of others a favour here. I'll probably still log in online occasionally, but that's a small minority of the time I spend on the site.



Just the whole fact that 3rd party reddit apps like Apollo that everyone loved are dead now because of the api pricing and a bunch of people moved to lemmy. it just seemed like an ironic question.

Slide for Reddit was my app of choice. Now I'm just waiting for my CCPA data export request to come back to me. Once that's done, all the old accounts are going in the shredder.

Joey for Reddit

Hey, another Joey user.


Usually doesn't get mentioned when people talk about third party apps.

Another ex-Joey user here. Did exactly what I wanted. Nice and clean interface.

Joey devs had a poll recently asking would I pay a subscription for the app (for Reddit). I said no, but maybe they would consider altering Joey to work with Lemmy.. not sure how easy that would be though. Are any of the other clients' devs considering the same does anyone know?

I think it's dev, single person. All the more impressive.

Also probably that's why it is so good - one person's vision and passion project without anything getting on the way.

I was using Joey but deleted it along with my accounts on the 12th.

Just wanted to ask if Lemmy has an iOS that is not in TestFlight or has its beta full.... Or should we just make one!

I wouldn't say "currently", but I used to use Infinity.

I did, Apollo, before leaving Reddit for good. It was the reason why I used Reddit in the first place.

Apollo for the past years that I've been on iOS and BaconReader before that on Android

Apollo for years. I check in on Reddit occasionally and will until month end.

Relay until the blackout, browser only now since I've uninstalled everything reddit after.

I have used reddit is fun for my entire 6 years on the platform

I'm still using Infinity For Reddit until the app doesn't work anymore.

Never was a heavy user. I was using infinity, uninstalled before api change was announced actually.

I used Apollo until roughly a week ago or so when I started to detach from Reddit. Now itā€˜s since been uninstalled.

Apollo still works. I will use it until it does not. And then - cold turkey.

My main reason to rush was that I felt disgusted any time I opened it, because I kept seeing comments from people who didnā€˜t give a fuck and supported spez. Iā€™m used to feeling like shit and doom when browsing Reddit, but disgust was a new one.

So I pulled the plug early and overall, I feel good here now, I can share in some negative news about Reddit which makes me feel less alone and also participate in new and growing communities, itā€˜s awesome.

Only thing I miss is the app, Apollo was a wonderful app and you could tell a labor of love, RIP. I can see why you might want to use it till its last day.

I use Redder on iPad for the last several years. It apparently hasnā€™t been updated in 2 years, and I have no idea if there is a userbase of any size.

Just bought the Mac version of Redder about two months agoā€¦.

I've bounced around through a couple different apps over my almost 14 years on that site. I never loved the official app.

  • RiF
  • Sync
  • Apollo (for my Apple devices)
  • Relay, though has been my go to for the past years though.

I used to use Teddit.net and Stealth on F-Droid before the u/spez tomfoolery.

I used Baconreader on Android but I may have subscribed to RSS at one time too. 14 years but not so much recently.

I supidly used the official app despite it's blatant flaws. Out of spite I switched to RIF up until the blackouts.

Always used RIF, the stock Reddit app has always been unusably terrible.

I used to use Narwhal app but I don't go to Reddit anymore.

I used Bacon Reader up until recently.

before i quit i used infinity on android and old reddit on desktop

I was using Sync for years and years. This month, I deleted all my Reddit accounts. That was a well polished app and I'll definitely miss it, but I'm not really missing Reddit itself.

I used bacon reader for a couple years before switching to relay and staying there for like 10 years or something like that. Tried others here and there but always quickly went back to relay for one reason or another. I'll be sad to see it go

Sync for years, then when the dev had done one of his up-and-disappear-for-half-a-year's I switched to Boost. Now I just won't use Reddit.

I used Apollo for over 5 years. Before that, I had an Android, so I used Baconreader and later Relay. Before THAT, I used Alien Blue.

Ever since the blackout, I have only visited Reddit once. Definitely making Lemmy my primary forum nowadays.

I used BaconReader for a long time and then switched to Relay several years ago. I'm going to miss it dearly.

Bought multiple copies of Sync Pro and Ultimate. Apollo was good, RiF was great but Sync Pro was GOD! The GOAT!

Still holding out hope that ljdawson does a sync pro for lemmy. Hope he at least adds a splash page on the 30th explaining why the app no longer works and where to go.

I definitely have used a client for years, that being RedReader. They actually managed to get a non-commercial accessibility api requirements exemption. The creator of it may be interested in adding support for accessing Lemmy and similar federated networks within the same app. That would actually be a great idea, I really hope they can make my favorite client a all in one. https://reddit.com/comments/145du4j

Trying to avoid Reddit at the moment... but Apollo is my go-to on iOS, rif is fun on Android. Both are shutting down at the end of the month so here I am!


I used "Now for Reddit" for 95% of my time on Reddit. Once I discovered it that was it for me. Only dealt with the web if I had no other choice.

Never did web on mobile.

Crazy that it took this much scrolling for me to find someone mentioning "Now for Reddit".

It was the same for me - I've tried all the apps mentioned here, but Now was just coded for exactly what I needed functionally and aesthetically. Everything else felt less. I think it speaks so clearly to the importance of 3rd party devs and app choice, we all have a different definition of perfect.

All that said, I haven't even opened the app since the blackout started. I hope the dev ports over to Lemmy/beehaw/etc.

Reddit didn't have a third party app (just the compact and mobile interface) when I used it, so I picked up an app and never left.

I mostly use Alien Blue and Apollo, both of which are almost certainly on the chopping block. I tried the official Reddit app for a little bit, but my iPad Mini 2 is too old and slow for it, so it tends to crash almost instantly, or run rather poorly.

On my phone, I started with relay, but moved to Redreader and Infinity, since they were open source, and have better performance compared to Relay. I still keep relay around for the message notifications, since they're better than the other two apps.

Youā€™re asking a rather biased crowd, seeing as weā€™re on Lemmy. Iā€™ve used Apollo for a long time.

Well, I technically still use Boost, though I haven't really used reddit since the 11th.

Same here. Still installed but I haven't touched it since.

Used to use Apollo and Reddit sync now switched over to Jeroba for Lemmy (android) and pwa for iPad

Might consider sync for Lemmy after it develops.

Me. I use Slide for Android, an #openSource one (do we do hashtags here, can't recall!)