Federal judge indefinitely postpones Trump classified documents trial

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 658 points –
Federal judge indefinitely postpones Trump classified documents trial | CNN Politics

Trump appointee Aileen Cannon indefinitely postpones Trump classified documents trial, but I hardly see why that’s relevant.

And a particularly unqualified and ideological appointment, even by Trump standards.

Idk trump standards are "do the opposite of what is good and right" so this seems right up the trump standards alley.

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Open corruption. Cool cool cool.

Maybe there should be, idk, consequences?

Let's ask the rich people who groomed and appointed her. Oh, no? Well okay then.

Off to the m*l*t*v store.

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Make sure you don't vote for Biden though, because of that one issue you suddenly care about.

Inb4 the standard myopic replies from .ml accounts

that one issue you suddenly care about.

That will also be significantly worse under Trump.

Yeah, but then 81 year old Biden will have sure have learned his lesson (wags finger)

Anyone who says any politician has learned a lesson is lying.

What a bad "cynicism is easier than engaging with reality" zero-brain take.

Many politicians just suck. Of course.

But some politicians are clearly trying, growing, learning, and improving. And throwing them out with the bathwater, giving them no support, and equating them to the ones that suck is terminally, suicidally stupid.

But hey, cynicism is easy. People think you're cool, and you don't have to put any effort in.

I hope Biden can grow and improve quicker, like preferably before election day so a bunch of voters won't feel bad about voting for him. I really don't want Trump.

Biden is easily the best president of my lifetime by a factor of 10, but good governance is boring and quiet, while propaganda is loud and distracting.

If just doing a good job isn't enough, then what else is there?

He's pretty good on most things, except the genocide issue. Which is unfortunate because that's a big one for a whole lot of people. Which makes sense. No one will say Mussolini helped the trains run on time or Hitler's wars helped the German economy. The other bad things they did make those things seem less consequential. Genocide is like that. A lot of people here are lucky because they live in the imperial core, but for others who knows those being affected by the foreign policy, then it's priority rises even more.

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It is also the lone issue that Repubs somehow aren't oppositional defiant disorder about. "Let's get the Muslim ban guy back in there, he'll save Palestine."

Turns out there are plenty of useful idiots who think they are insulated from the consequences of an election by campus security and daddy's money.

But then others of them know what they're up to. They want Donald to help speed the collapse so China can gain more ground. That's hypocrisy, those guys don't give a shit about human rights abuses as long as the nation committing them pretends to be socialist.

I.e. russian trolls playing the "thoughtful liberal" telling a heartfelt story about how they cannot vote for Biden in good conscience because of this issue.

Myopia is common in all computer users though?

I like how you avoid saying what the issue is, because it sounds a lot worse when you say it's genocide. I think that's a fair line in the sand to draw for people. Hopefully Biden movies on that stance soon so we don't get Trump. We all better keep pushing him.

I think that's a fair line in the sand to draw for people.

If they actually cared, they wouldn't be willing to risk allowing Trump to take over and do worse.

I stopped voting when Obama didn't stop that thing that we "suddenly care about". Blue MAGA == Red MAGA

Also, leftist single issue voters == right wing single issue voters

Would a person be a single issue voter if Trump being the president was the issue? 🤔

Nah, once you consider being for or against someone to be a "single issue", then most votes through history get wrapped up in it, rendering it kind of moot.

Additionally, I can easily break down the actual issues behind why I'm voting against trump :)

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Fire her. She’s compromised and a Trump appointee that should have been recused.


Wouldn’t she need to be to be impeached by the House? The house is controlled by the GOP. Even if a few republicans wanted to remove her, you would still need the GOP speaker to bring this to the floor.

The prosecutor can request that she be removed from the case, but that’s extreme and, if fails, leaves him with a hostile judge that is also even more empowered than before.

She's been extreme the whole time. Sometimes extreme measures are warranted.

The prosecutor would have to ask for her removal, which would be difficult to accomplish for sure.

I'm sure he already has enough ammo to do so. That whole jury instruction thing was FUCKED.

And the house GOP passed a law that lets them oust their own speaker with a minority vote, too.

That’s not true.

It still requires a simple majority to remove a speaker. In the case of Kevin McCarthy, the vote was 216 to 210, in favor of removal.

What is new is that the GOP is allowing anyone to bring a motion to vacate to the floor. You still need a majority vote to oust someone, but any yahoo can now force the house to drop everything and vote on removing the speaker.

That causes chaos and previously it required a higher bar to get a motion to vacate rolling.

It'd be nice if we had retention elections for these judges. The executive branch nominates judges and the legislative confirms them, but I'd like to see a choice on my ballot every so many years after a judge has been installed asking whether that judge should stay in office or not.

Funny enough, Wikipedia mentions how scholars are opposed to retention elections because the judiciary is supposed to be the most removed from public opinion and introducing that would lead to special interest groups swaying outcomes and generally breeding corruption. The squeeze is that we're already seeing corruption in courts anyways because of the very branches that install judges in the first place. All you have to do is look at this article or the Supreme Court.

Now the real question would be if Supreme Court justices should be up for retention. That's a rabbit hole I'm not sure what the consequences would lead to. Seems like term limits are still appropriate.

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Friendly reminder that Judge Aileen Cannon was a Trump appointee. So much for proving the critics wrong.

And she's also wildly incompetent and biased, with this just being the latest in a long string of obvious moves to help him.

And also wildly inexperienced and unqualified for the role when she was appointed, having had no actual trial experience at that point.

Man, what a totally legitimate government we have in the US.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

"We can go lower."

  • Republicans

They've been lowering the bar year after year after year and they finally chucked the bar into the ocean when trump came around.

I can't tell if you missed the sarcasm, or you're suggesting revolution.

My comment was a witticism about the potential loss of US Democracy if Trump is allowed to run for President again.


So, no laws for the rich and they aren't even pretending.

So, no laws for the rich

the only surprising thing about this is that not everyone already knew this.

it's not snark or sarcasm: this is true more often than not and i guess people really don't like paying attention.

Why always with the French. They waited for us to go first anyhoo. Let's take back the I word from them and those Redcoats, I mean hats... I'm rocking stars and stripes and remembering 76! This our goddamn America, and they can hate our freedoms all they want, but this is the US motherfuckin A!

their protest used to start revolutions and now their protests are safely ignored until they run out of steam; the people in charge have gotten really good forcing everyone else to choose between a future and right now

Yeah - my wealthy ex’s family bought him expensive lawyers, so he got to ignore multiple court orders during the divorce, while mine took $3k to do fuck all. “Justice” is contingent on being able to afford good lawyers.

As you get older, the internet remains the same cluster of ages. There are probably people on here twenty years younger than you.

Listen, I've seen this in every thread. The judges are just being extra careful so they can make sure the case doesn't get thrown out because it's a highly sensitive subject.

Four years just wasn't enough time. You have to be patient about these things. Give us another Friedman Unit or two to settle things out.

/s I hope? Otherwise you know she was appointed by trump right.

They're trying to conflate a right-wing judge's bias with those biG bAd LibErAlS who defend Garland's meticulous albeit slow investigation and hand-off to Jack Smith I guess.

This is case with the trial judge he appointed himself, not the criminal trial on the hush money. The latter is being handled seriously.

Not sure if sarcasm or not, but after following quite a few (yes, YouTube) lawyers on this subject, I think it's fair to say that a lot of it actually is that; Trump is a slippery bastard and getting him convicted is hard. last thing you want is to convict him, have fox news pull the "they made a mistake" cars, and actually be right. Once trump goes to jail, you better be sure he stays there.

Trump is a slippery bastard and getting him convicted is hard.

Trump is sloppy, inept, and surrounded by people who routinely rat him out.

He's not slippery. He's just standard-tier corrupt. That's all it takes to defer prosecution indefinitely.

Once trump goes to jail

He's not going to jail.

This. I cannot believe how naive people are being about this Trump thing. He’s not going to jail.

If you've been following it, then you would know not to believe a single fucking thing Aileen Cannon says.

So, it's corruption all the way down I guess.

Anybody know of any groups organizing a general strike? We are gonna have to stop the flow of money to these fucking vampires.

Probably not quite what your looking for, but I literally just came across this article about a potential general strike in 4 years:

“UAW president Shawn Fain on May Day calls on unions to prepare for strike in 2028”


“We are fully preparing to strike on May Day 2028,” Shawn Fain wrote in a proposal on May Day, or International Workers Day.

Fain said it is the only way workers can “win universal healthcare and the right to retire with dignity.”

[In an op-ed (https://inthesetimes.com/article/may-day-2028-general-strike-working-class) for progressive publication In These Times, Fain said the union’s recent auto contracts were all aligned to expire on April 30, 2028. He called on other unions to do the same as way to mass power to “reshape the economy into one that works for the benefit of everyone.”

“They want us to believe that corporate bosses gave workers decent wages, benefits and safer working conditions out of the goodness of their hearts. That justice and equality for people of color, for immigrants, for women and for queer communities were gifts benevolently handed down from above,” Fain wrote.

“But we know the truth. Every law passed, every union formed and contract won—every improvement made at the workplace—has been won through the tireless sacrifice of the working class.”

Friendly reminder to vote for Biden this election. It's more important now than ever.

Oh man.

After all this blue-ball edging and postponing I would so dearly love to see Biden win and then Trump all these stalled cases can get wrapped up.

I'd prefer for the cases to get wrapped up before the election, but I'll settle for Biden winning and the delay tactics all becoming moot as Trump reaps what he sows.

It might actually become a motivational point for both sides in this election for Trump to either see justice or skirt by it.

I honestly think if Biden wins a second term he might just stop giving a fuck and just begin abusing his power in a positive way.

That's my hope anyway. It'd be both a good thing if done well and hilarious.

I will but, god, if I hold my nose any harder, I'll pinch it right off.

Northern neighbor here, thank you. I don't want to see Trump back, but am also glad I don't have to vote in your elections. Not that I hate Biden, but your Democrats make our conservatives look like Communists..

Where are all those people that said Cannon "wouldnt ruin her career" doing something like this after it was pointed out that Trump appointed her?

If Trump gets elected, she will get a seat on the SCOTUS.

He got what he wanted. The only thing that will happen is the bus bouncing a couple times after he throws her under it. Source: look at every other person in Donald's orbit.

Ladies and gentlemen, the party of law and order. We know who will be selected as the new supreme court judge soon...

Who’s the president right now? Wonder what he’s up to. Wonder if he’s fixing this. Wonder if he’s anything better than the capitalistic fascist of American conservatism.

I wish we had better civics classes in schools. It would be nice to skip past all the 13-year-olds' spicy takes on why this judge is somehow Biden's fault.

"the fact that i am at risk of seeing a 14 year old's opinion at any time of day on the internet is a human rights violation" - nostradamus, 2020

Republicans have the majority at the moment. A president isn't a dictator, though Trump is planning to become one.

Well if the supreme Court will give presidents immunity prior November, so that Trump can participate, then Biden just has to order a hit on him. because, you know presidents are immune... Problem solved

If Trump is actually, as so many claim, a threat to our way of government then he’s a domestic enemy.

I guess maybe that’s all just trivial talk though.

Seems like you want to say something there little buddy. Be brave, say what you want to say instead of asking questions.

Those questions are extremely easily translated into statements:

Biden is President right now
He’s doing nothing to fix this

Gosh my brain hurts after all that generous reading.

I agree with that. How is that relevant to the root of this conversation?

Just because the Republicans are shit doesn't mean that the Democrats are not also shit.

Do you even know what a president does? The fuck kind of idiotic take is this?

Take a fucking civics course dumbass

He doesn't have the majority needed to do all that needs to be done, otherwise he could've expanded SCOTUS already and reversed half the bullshit.

You wonder if the president is "fixing this"?

How do you think this country works??

Not even remotely surprising.

The only surprising bit is that it took this long. I pretty much figured she would do that out of the gate.

She had to let the clock run out a while first. Can't have this trial going on while he's president after all.

By dragging it out this long, she made it impossible for Trump’s other cases in Georgia and DC to be scheduled.

Judge Aileen Cannon has indefinitely postponed former President Donald Trump’s classified documents trial in Florida, citing significant issues around classified evidence that would need to be worked out before the federal criminal case goes to a jury.

In an order Tuesday, Cannon cancelled the May trial date and did not set a new date.

This is a developing story and will be updated.

You know, it may be because it was a military court, but Chelsea Manning seemed like she got a reasonably speedy trial. Pre-trial hearing in April to sentencing in August? Plenty of classified documents in that one, too.

It's not like this is the first case in US history that's had classified material involved. Ridiculous.

Cannon said in her new scheduling order that she will hold a hearing on what had been considered Trump’s longshot request for records from the Biden administration.

Cannon is going full clown mode.


America loves its criminals. It bends over backward for them if they’re rich.

No no no. This is just a very special exception to the Rules Based International Order we've always had.

Normally, America is very good about prosecuting plutocrats. But this time Russia stopped us. We just have to beat Russia. Only then can we prosecute Donald Trump.

Well, there's a shocker. But not to worry! He'll surely not get away with the next crime he commits.

You gotta grab the courts by their judges, when your rich enough they let you do it.

I was being pessimistic when I said he wouldn't be charged with squat if they run the Stormy Daniels case before, you know, ruling on the integrity of our highest office.

My father still remains hopeful "they'll get him like they got Al Capone" (on taxes), but I have a hard time seeing that through when he still has judges appointed by him, ruling on him. Oh and yeah we're not even going to approach his highest crimes because that would be disadvantageous to his campaign... give me a break ffs

I’ll totally pay back those loans. I’m just indefinitely postponing when that’s going to happen.

BS just come out and say it. You’re not interested in trying the case.

What is needed is a writ of Mandemus. Smith can appeal to the 11th Circuit to get her replaced.

This is the Latin police: it's "writ of mandamus" with an 'a.' First conjugation, indicative present, first person plural.

Won't matter trump is running out the clock.

Thank Merrick Garland.

He is the epitome of allowing perfection to impede progress.

His work on the OKC bombings was the same way. The two of them were dead to rights, but Garland insisted on obtaining every piece of evidence humanly possible. The outcome was exactly the same.

He tried the same methodology here and it utterly failed.

Judge: "So these documents contain a list of all active spies and informants in the Russian government? Maybe we can just wait for him to get sent to prison over the porn star stuff, rather then risk it."

Prosecutors: "Oh, there isn't any risk that the Russians will find out anything new. Why do you think he had the list?"

Trump wins election

"We have scheduled the trial for the day after inauguration. No reason."

Anyway I wonder who Trump's gonna execute on day 1. I bet there's a list

You're assuming Trump will win the election. He won't.

Jesus, why do people forget that Trump lost an election while being president and while trying to tamper with it? What makes you think he will win this time?

Remember when people balked at Trump being president back in 2014/2015 and then were very surprised come 2016 when he won?

Don't underestimate Trump

Don't be complacent... complacency is what put him in the white house the first time

Peoples memories are short, the republican propaganda machine is huge, and trump didn't lose decisively enough to reflect the damage he did to the country

Yes, I remember this. But people have wised up. How do I know? Because Trump lost while being a sitting president, an event that doesn't happen often. At least in 2015/2016, a lot of people were giving him the benefit of the doubt. And it wasn't the majority (he lost the popular vote, as we all know.)

And yet the polls pretty consistently show him ahead

Ignore the polls. Look at the trump signs around you. At least where I'm at in Florida, they're probably at tenth of what they were in 2020. I was a republican in 2020 that voted for Biden and renounced my affiliation after the senate acquitted in the second impeachment. The only demographic that Trump is seeing increased support from is young men, a famously allergic to going to the polls group.

We should fight like hell to make it a landslide but the polls published right now are only there to drive engagement. Democrats have outperformed the polls by 5-10pts in every election since 2020.

Indeed, but to be frank, I take political polls with a grain of salt these days. They rarely reflect the actual result of the elections.

In my experience over the last few election cycles the polls tend to understate the support of the right wing candidate

Almost all the polls showed Hillary winning

Almost all the polls showed Trump losing in a landslide, yes the dems got the whitehouse, the senate and the house but the majorities were much thinner than expected.

Exactly my experience. The poll would indicate a vast advantage of one candidate over the other, then the election shows results that are very, very close calls.

The polls are actually pretty good. There are two problems:

  1. The US is very closely divided when it comes to the Presidential Election. In 2016 the popular vote split was about 2%. In 2020 it was about 4.5%. And most of the polling was right in that range.
  2. People are shit at statistics. Most of the polls will be published with an error margin of 5% or so. For situations where on candidate is ahead 10-20%, this still puts that candidate winning by a comfortable margin. When the poll is showing a race with one person ahead by 2%, that means the poll is also showing that the other candidate winning is well within the expected result.

And unfortunately, people like clean story-lines and news organizations are more than happy to supply them. Journalists looked at the polls in 2016 and confidently proclaimed that Clinton was leading. The reality was that she had a slight lead and Trump winning was well within the normal margin of error. This turned into a rather famous spat on twitter.

Sadly, we've been stuck in that situation ever since. In 2020, Biden was a slight favorite, but Trump winning was within the margin of error. Right now, polls show a dead heat and either candidate winning would not be a surprise, if the election were held today. One upshot in this, is that pools this early are not very predictive of the final outcome. They shouldn't be ignored, but that also shouldn't be taken as gospel.

So ya, the polls are fine and do a good job of reflecting the actual results of the elections. The problem is idiots that only look at the top-line outcome and don't look at the actual numbers and see that they are actually saying "it's close and could go either way."

It's not like I disagree with you, but we're looking at the same thing with different lens. You're saying things like "science is accurate" which I can agree with. But then you see headlines like "science says vaccines cause autism," and that's what I'm talking about.

So, in your own words:

The polls are actually pretty good.

People are shit at statistics.

And unfortunately, people like clean story-lines and news organizations are more than happy to supply them.

We're not disagreeing.

If I see a report that says "polls show that Biden/Trump/Clinton is winning," I'll think "I'll believe it on election day."

Really, like which ones?

Just do a google search with these terms: polls show clinton trump biden

You will see polls largely favoring Hillary, or largely favoring Biden, or saying that Trump is winning. Then in the end the elections are pretty much 50/50.

As far as I can tell, reputable sources placed Clinton in the lead for 2016 with some margin of error to account for the electoral college. She did win the popular vote, so the polls I've seen were correct. Similar for Biden, but he had a larger lead in states that Clinton previously didn't.

Sorry, I'm on my phone or I'd put more work in here, but you're the one with the concern anyway so I'd think it would be better if you took the time to demonstrate your claim more thoroughly.

Trump mostly lost because of his handling of COVID. If he had just said, "hey everyone, this virus is dangerous you might want to take more care and listen to doctors" instead of making it political or denying it so long then he probably would have won. People have already forgotten COVID and are upset with inflation, and many of them blame Biden for that. They rightly aren't happy with the economy, since rising stock markets and low unemployment doesn't equate to rising wages to match inflation.

Biden has done a ton of good things as President, but it never gets press. The bad stuff he has done has gotten a ton of press. I think it will be close again and am hopeful Biden does better at highlighting the good things he's done.

Because his cronies at the state level have had 4 years to gerrymander and pass laws to allow themselves to cheat.

He also won when no one (least of all me) suspected he would. I still remember my wife waking me up (i had gone to bed, so sure was i) to tell me Trump had won, and i actually could not believe the words out of her mouth.

Complacency was very helpful in his winning the election last time, so remember that fact if nothing else. Biden may even be less loved as a candidate than Big H was in '16.

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After decades of Americans saving the world in movies I can now confidently say that they instead will just sit at home continuing their consumption until someone comes and shoots them like a dog. We jUsT NeeD tO VoTe HArdEr

Or people just need to vote. Seriously. That’s the solution.

For who? Democrats just idly sit around and get even older while republicans rape every single institution without consequences. They commited a fucking insurrection and nothing happened. Democrats had a majority for years and yet the american society and politics continue to be more fucked up. American democracy is just an illusion of freedom they allow you to have. Their two party system is the best proof for that. They will never allow you to change anything because the for profit government is working as they intended.

They commited a fucking insurrection and nothing happened.

Thousands of people were put in jail. Nothing was done about Trump because Republicans blocked that and Democrats couldn't do anything on their own. Currently nothing is being done thanks to the help of judges Trump appointed.

There's a huge difference in these parties. But it seems you just repeat propaganda by implying both parties are the same.

Vote for the best option you have. Maybe you don't feel like the current options are great; but just suppose you keep voting for the best of your options, and that best option keeps winning. The idea is that later someone will think "maybe I can win by being even better...". That's the theory of democracy anyway. If the best candidate keeps winning, then the competition improves to challenge them. But right now that doesn't seem to be happening.

As long as someone like Trump can get even vaguely close to victory, that either means that a near-majority of Americans believe Trump is the better option, or that not enough people are voting. I think it's probably the second one. The republican strategy has nothing to do with fielding the best candidate. Instead they rely on feeding voter apathy, anger, and doubt. They want anyone who isn't a zealot to be uncertain about voting. That's how they win. We're not going to see the best candidates while that strategy is in play. And to beat the 'don't vote' strategy... well, you just have to vote.

Why would they change a damn thing if young adults never vote?

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jUsT vOtE

For what? No change? The status quo? I’d rather vote for America’s downfall so that the pain and terror Americans inflict overseas, is felt here in our borders.

Americans love violence so much, why should you have peace in your streets?

What a psycho. Were you asleep in the WWII section or do that cover that in a later grade at your school? A fascist dictatorship will be invading foreign nations harder than it ever has. All while removing the rights and lives of minority groups domestically.

I mean I didn't read or go to school either, but people tell me hands-on is the best way to learn, so why don't we do it ourselves? ^/s

You're not yourself when you're hungry, have a SNICKERS^®

You need to get off the internet for a while if this post is actually serious

Because a majority of people dislike the same violence, want to see military spending reduced to pay for the things the population need. However, the best we can do to get all that it's vote and protest and they're making both "illegal", or at least trying. Don't think everyone here is a craven money leech.

Many of us just want to live free of worry and pain, be happy with family and friends, and try to make this planet as livable, as we can for all, with the husk of a world we are left with.

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Are folks going to show up here to scold us all for thinking he'll never see consequences like in every other discussion of a similar headline, or are we starting to move past that point?

At this point, it’s really all we have left. Please don’t take that away too. Then we will have nothing left to help us cope with the ever-present sense of disappointment we’re living through.

Fully irresponsible to not have "trump-appointed..." leading that headline for all the out of touch people seeing this for the first time.

Just federal judge, huh? No other relevant context to mention?

It's ridiculous, just let the FBI edit the evidence however they want so long as they get their convictions.

Come again?

There are allegations, and even a court filling from the prosecutor, that the boxes of evidence have not been maintained in original condition, and that evidence photos may have been staged by the FBI to appear more damming.

The president can declassify documents. If biden cared about justice he should declassify all the documents at issue in this case.

You can't delay a case due to classification issues if the documents are no longer classified when the case goes to trial.

Simple solution. Make it happen.

No, the President can't just declassify ANY document with the stroke of a pen. Extremely sensitive information, for example nuclear weapons technology, has to be subjected to bureaucratic review process to determine what can actually be declassified, or not.

But none of that is relevant to this situation, so it wouldn't solve it. Judge Cannon would simply generate additional reasons to delay the trial.

If someone was going to jail for having those documents, making them available to the public might not be the best demonstration of why they needed to be kept secret.

On the contrary, releasing the documents would demonstrate exactly why the documents were kept secret. However, doing so would not retroactively legalize mishandling the documents when they were classified.

Oh, declassify the documents in question in the case so it can proceed?

It won't help, though. This Judge is colluding with the defense. There will just be another excuse. Everything would be declassified for no reason.

IDK I guess it really doesn't matter if they're declassified now since Donald already sold them to foreign adversaries.

Trump is only being charged with mishandling the documents. If he sold them, that is a much more serious crime and they would have charged him for that instead of just mishandling.

If the documents really were sold there wouldn't be a good reason to keep them classified. The worst has already happened. The only thing keeping the documents classified does in that case is hamper the prosecution from pursuing the case.

If the documents really were sold there wouldn't be a good reason to keep them classified. The worst has already happened. The only thing keeping the documents classified does in that case is hamper the prosecution from pursuing the case.

How would declassifying not help? How would declassifying not cause the case to be impacted negatively because the case is about classified documents?

Juries make decisions on the facts of the case when the crime occurs. Declassifying the documents now does not change the facts of the case as the documents were classified when the crime occurred.

Keeping the documents classified is an issue because they are evidence, and juries can't do their job if they are not allowed to see the evidence.

Declassifying documents is a process with a known timeframe. The jury issue isn't.

Quality is shit, point stands.

Correlation ≠ causation.

Shhh shh, quiet now. No more talking.

If the accusations were credible they would be in a court rather than on twitter. Countries are constantly trying to uncover the spies of other countries. If russia or any other country is capturing more spies that itself is not evidence of a breach, it could be caused by many other factors.

It is possible to evaluate the credibility of claims even when those claims are against someone we all hate.

Unfortunately that depends on the contents of the classified documents, it could be anything from what did the president have for lunch one day to all the details one could ever want on the nation's nuclear weapon capabilities. Even if the president technically can declassify such documents, it is not a good idea to actually do so.

The president can declassify documents.

There's a process only for certain documents. The president cannot declassify all documents.

You're making claims but you aren't providing anything to back that up. A bit unfortunate.

You can't delay a case due to classification issues if the documents are no longer classified

They are classified for a reason. Further, that'll destroy the case. I really urge you to read up on this. Plus avoid right wing media.

If the case needs a jury to make decisions of fact, and the jury is not allowed to see the evidence, you have an unsolvable problem.

Declassification is a process that takes a known timeframe. It is something the executive branch can do, and because they know which documents they are releasing, they can prepare for the results.

Juries make their decisions on the facts of the case when the crime occurred. The documents were classified when trump had them. The future status of those documents does not change the facts of the case.

You are also making claims without evidence or anything to back them up.