What movie have you rewatched the most?

Interstellar_1@lemmy.blahaj.zone to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 101 points –

Lord of the Rings.

"The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it. "

Queue the goosebumps, we're in for a hell of a ride.

That one is probably up there for me when it comes to total watch time (and we combine all 3 movies).

I've seen all 3 in the theatric release initially and after that I've watched through the extended editions 2 times. That's like 30h+ at least.

I rewatch The Hobbit trilogy and LOTR (both extended) every year with my wife. I would prefer just watching a fan cut of the hobbit as I don't think those are very good, but my wife likes them and a happy wife is a happy life.

So I think I have seen LOTR at least 8 or 9 times and hobbit maybe 4 times.

That still doesn't come close to a Swanlake cartoon movie that I obsessively watched 4 times a day when I was around 5 or 6. My parents insist I must have watched it well over 100 times.

Same, except I snatched up both the theater and extended the minute they came out and have watched through them all numerous times. As well as now watched a lot of reaction videos for them, which I guess counts too. It's fun to reexperience the first time through someone else's eyes.

Another entry for me would be "Robin Hood (1973)". I haven't rewatched it in a long time, but as kids we (my brother and me) wanted to watch that movie over and over again. I've seen it more than ten times at least.

The Matrix. No other movie is even close

Yup. Insane movie.

Crazy how dog shit all the movies after the first are, though.

Probably Chevy Chase's Christmas Vacation since it has been tradition every holiday season.

As a kid, Rescuer's Down Under or The Paper Brigade was re-watched a lot.

Apart from that, it's a close tie for:

  • The Matrix
  • Sin City
  • The Chronicles of Riddick
  • Terminator 2
  • The Sandlot
  • I, Robot
  • Joe Dirt

Just good replay value.

The Sandlot is such a great film. Even my daughter who doesn't know anything about baseball loves watching it with me. There is no other movie that gives me the same feelings as that. There is no major drama or traumatic incidents. Just kids having fun over the summer.

You know nowadays they would have made the stepdad an alcoholic or animal control would have come and taken Hercules away after they found out he was nice, or some other kind of drama like that. But this movie doesn't do any of that. It's just a fun story about a bunch of kids being kids.

Office Space. The Usual Suspects used to be on TV all the time back in the day and is probably a close second.

The Big Lebowski

You want a toe? I can get ya a toe. Believe me, there are ways dude, you don’t even wanna know about ‘em, believe me. Hell, I can get ya a toe by three o’clock this afternoon, with nail polish.

Home Alone. It was one of my favorite movies as a kid. I don't really rewatch movies anymore. There is so much content out there that I haven't watched, I would rather see something new than just rewatch something that I've already seen.

Top Gun. With all combinations of subtitles and dubs available.

Don't ask.

Asking .... I'm intrigued

Some 20 years ago it was kind of an in-joke between a few friends and I that whenever people were coming over, we'd be in the middle of watching top gun. I don't remember how it started.

Did any one ever notice?

Yes, so it became common that they sat down and watched it with us.

No, now I'm curious.

I mean, I lived through the 80s too, no judgment here, just are the subs and dubs that interesting?

This was in 2004 or so. And no, they're not.

As a child: Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer

As a university student: Heat, Léon, 2001

As an adult, before kids: Sicario, Brick

As an adult, after kids: Cars

What I wish my answer was: Koyaanisqatsi

Groundhog Day

It's my goto movie to put on when I'm sick. Can pass in and out of consciousness and you still kinda know what's going on.

It's been a while... but the most I have watched is The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Still know all the songs by heart :)

The Other Guys. At first glance, it's a buddy cop comedy that harkens back to Lethal Weapon, but with humor typical to ~2010. But, the more you watch it, the more Zucker brothers esque, 1980s surrealist comedy influences you notice. One of the most subtly weird and funny movies to me, I've probably seen it, no lie, 10 or 15 times.

I have a few that will be very close as I decided a bit over a decade ago to limit myself to one rewatch a year of each to stop myself sucking all the joy out of them:

  • Alien - my favorite survival horror

  • Aliens - my favorite Nam movie

  • Jaws - my favorite version of Moby Dick, although I really like Godzilla Minus One take on Jaws

  • Jurassic Park - best big stompy monster film for me

  • Lord of the Rings - this is always over Christmas. Its not faithful enough for me to the books but it still manages to be an outstanding Trilogy.

  • Emperors New Groove - favorite body swap film

It's a little embarrassing, but I think it's Scary Movie (all of them, but especially the first one)

It's Scary Movie 2 that really tickles me with its good hand.

I remember thinking 2 was so good in high school but watched it again much later and it just didn't do it for me anymore. NATM on the other hand held up great.

Ah, it was the opposite for me. Might be because I enjoy the type of movies SC2 riffs on a lot more than NATM.

I guess I am a sucker for all of those teenage/coming of age movies.

  • Liar, Liar
  • Office Space
  • Happy Gilmore
  • The Fifth Element
  • Ace Ventura 2
  • Nat. Lampoons Christmas Vacation
  • Planes, Trains & Automobiles
  • The Big Lebowski

Not completely by my own choice, but I feel like I've seen National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation - at least in part - once or more per holiday season since it was released.

The same is true of Elf, but obviously that movie is quite a bit more recent.

For movies I've watched the most by my own choice, it's probably the Kill Bills or Inglorious Basterds, but those have got to be way behind in raw count. Goonies and the Back to the Future series probably have honorable mentions because of how long they've been around and continue to be a fun watch.

Good call! I'm not big on rewatching movies, but I definitely see Christmas Story, Elf, and Christmas Vacation every year, so I've probably seen A Christmas Story more than any other movie in the past 40 years.

Runner up might be having Disney's Robin Hood on repeat when I was about 6. Oooda-lolly!

Shit, I was gonna say three way tie between Spirited Away, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and 21 Jump Street, but if I count what I've watched at school then National Treasure wins lol

Probably "The Man from Earth". Just such a good and well told story.

You've been on the internet for a while, yeah?

Are you trying to say I'm old?

I'm trying to say that that movie got popular online years ago and is still associated strongly with internet piracy culture!

Haha, then I guess I have been on the internet for a long time.

I remember downloading mp3s with Kazaa and it would take all night, sometimes days. Downloading videos in the shittiest quality was a month long endevour. But that was way before that movie released. I actually don't remember when I saw it the first time or how and where.

Spirited away... Something about the first opening notes of the piano when that movie starts always moves me and fills me with such warm feelings.

Honestly most studio Ghibli movies I've watched a lot... But man... Spirited away does something to me.

Not sure but these are on repeat at my house:

Lord of the Rings trilogy

Hot Fuzz

Into the Spiderverse

Pride and Prejudice, the one with Keira Knightly

So one of them but not sure which.

Seven/ Se7en I know most of it's dialogue by heart. Went to see it at the theater when it premiered and stayed to watch it three more times, it blew my mind! I had never seen anything like it. It is my favorite movie of all time.

My partner rewatches that as like a comfort movie. I always found it so dark and hopeless and disconcerting. It really felt like a vision of hell when I first saw it.

Although I've caught parts of it while she's watching so often that I've become a bit desensitized, so I can appreciate it for it's merits more. It is a great movie.

Aw you seem like a supportive partner❤️ I think me and her would get along just dandy. Weird women unite!

The Blues Brothers

Same. Growing up anytime I saw it on TV (which was often on TBS in the 90s) I watched it. I got my first DVD player in 2000 and that was one of the first DVDs I bought. I've watched it at least twice a year since then. So chances are I've seen it close to 100 times.

It's probably Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead or Wayne's World those were on replay for much of my childhood into my teens.

Dishes are done, man.

Glad to find another Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead watcher.

Kung Fury. It's a short film, so maybe that's cheating. Regardless, I love the writing. It's the perfect blend of absurdity and over the top action. It's a Swedish made film that's a satire of 80's cop and Kung fu movies. Free to watch on YouTube.

Strangely enough Shawshank Redemption

TNT used to be a non-stop Shawshank Redemption loop.

Yep you nailed it. And flipping through the channels we could never seem to not stop on it, hence the reason we’ve probably watched the ending maybe 50-60 times usually starting at random places.

  • Princess Bride
  • Muppet Christmas Carol
  • Lord of the Rings
  • The Beauty and the Beast
  • The Sword in the Stone
  • Dumb and Dumber
  • Young Frankenstein
  • Nightmare Before Christmas

Star Wars
The Matrix
Kill Bill

Probably my top 3. Airplane!

Napoleon Dynamite, loved that movie in High school and it's been a comfort movie ever since. Funny and easily quotable, it's a staple in my house.

saving private ryan, just such a good movie. and a Christmas story every year

Fight Club, but I can't talk about it.

I watched this movie and read the book so many times I either made up a scene in my head or it was cut between theater and video release. I remember a scene where Tyler tells everyone to take a page of the phone book go buy a gun report it stolen and trade with the person next to you. Maybe I should check for a director's cut.

You already broke the first two rules.

Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade

Saw this one so many times when I was younger

Maybe Lawrence of Arabia or Tora Tora Tora!.

EDIT: The Back to the Future trilogy and the original three Star Wars movies are probably up there too.

There was a period of time in middle school where I was obsessed with Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Definitely not my favorite film anymore (not even my favorite Monty Python film), but since I don't really rewatch things nowadays it maintains its record.

Unless you count the one of the Disney movies my baby sister watched 3 times a day every day for months.

Life of Brian just gets better the older I get.

TheDailyShow/Jon Stewart's debate episode had cut aways of the puke scene from the end of Meaning of Life.

Appropriate and grin-inducing

And Oh! Do I wish my heavily religious family & neighbors would step up to watch Life of Brian

The Life Aquatic. I just absolutely adore the sad, disappointed and fragile characters. Fuckin hilarious!

Your Name / 君の名は
I use it for language learning, watching things repeatedly is very useful for picking up on new words and grammar!

Such a good movie. I don't follow anime much but my friend took me to see it when it was in theatres without telling me anything about it. So happy to have experienced it like that.

It was especially poignant for me because so much of the boy-girl bodyswap stuff was very trans coded.

The Star Wars OT. Probably ROTJ specifically. That was like an every weekend thing when I was a kid.

  • Shawshank
  • The Great Escape
  • Beyond the Clouds
  • Groundhog Day

Lost in Translation

I never really got that movie. What about it brings you back to seeing it over and over again?

It makes me feel like I'm in Japan, and fills me with a really wonderful loneliness and awe. I feel like the movie is a fairly accurate representation of the experience of being a Western foreigner in Japan, and I love everything about that feeling.

And I also enjoy the unconventional romance story, as well.

I used to fall asleep to John dies at the end for awhile so partial watches that wins hands down. But actually watching the whole movie probably lord of the rings or young Frankenstein.

Probably A Knight's Tale. Though Con-Air seemed to be on TV at least once a week for years.

Aliens The Martian Fifth Element Forrest Gump Stranger Than Fiction Incredibles Ice Age Shrek Passengers Oblivion Edge of Tomorrow

I don't smoke much weed anymore,but when I do, I watch The pick of destiny or Dude where's my car

Ever? Probably Return of the Jedi

Maybe Revenge of the Sith, but I'm pretty sure it's Return of the Jedi

Tron Legacy, the vibe is captivating.

Joe vs the Volcano

It's the first movie I remember going to see (at a drive-in theater when I was 7). It was kind of a flop when it came out, but it's achieved a certain cult status for its surprisingly deep philosophy on fear, self-realization, and facing mortality.

I haven't seen it a million times (3-4, maybe?), but the word "flibbertigibbet" lives in my head rent free

A lot of lines have snuck into my regular vocabulary. Flibbertigibbet, I'm not arguing that with you, I'm soul sick and you're gonna see that, brain cloud, I have no response to that...

"Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel" (Three Hazelnuts for Cinderella). It runs at least a dozen times around each Christmas since I was a kid, and is part of the usual Christmas habits.

For a while, it was weirdly "Long Kiss Goodnight". It was getting heavy rotation on TV during my high-school exams, and improbaly watched it 15 times over the few weeks I was meant to be studying.

But now, probably LOTR extended edition, which I've seen every year since it came out, at my friend's annual birthday celebrations.


Thought it might be the Matrix, but then I remember that when my parents separated we only had one tape at my moms, Robocop, and no like movie channels. I was rewatching it like crazy.

  • The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie
  • Mulholland Drive
  • Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

I know it has to be Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon because it's the only movie I ever watched enough to literally wear out the tape when I only had it on VHS. There were times in high school I would just play it on repeat all day.


This and frozen have to be some of the most rewatched movies of the last couple decades

Blade Runner 2049

Peerless vibes.

I mean it's super dark, but it's so slick

It may be a perfect movie. Robin Wright's acting is a little rigid but otherwise it's a very straightforward sci-fi noir.

has to be old bud spencer and terrence hill movies, pretty popular in germany. I know there is a couple of them, but they are all pretty much the same anyway. ;-)

Honestly it might be Finding Nemo. I think it was the first DVD we had and my younger sister was obsessed with it, so I'd watch it a lot with her. Things I'd watch at my own accord it's probably LOTR or Harry Potter though.

graveyard of the fireflies.

i don't usually rewatch, but if the plane has it, i challenge myself. again. and again.

this time, i won't cry

.......but why? (à la Ryan Reynolds in "Harold & Kumar Go to Whitecastle") Some movies are one-and-done, and that is near the top of that list for me.

shouldn't that be what challenges do to you? like if it's not something uncomfortable to you then you aren't challenged enough?

now, I am also curious what makes that a one-and-done for you?

It's more that it challenged me so much that the gut-wrenching horror has been burned into my memory to the extent that I don't need to watch it ever again.

The reality was much worse. The movie was based on a short story written by "Seita" (Akiyuki Nosaka) as a fantasy, apologetic version of what actually happened, in that in the fantasy, he actually gave his starving sister some of his food, but in reality, he ate it himself:

Nosaka said that in the story, Seita "got increasingly transformed into a better human being" since he was trying to "compensate for everything I couldn't do myself" and that he was never "kind like the main character."

Nosaka explained that "I always thought I wanted to perform those generous acts in my head, but I couldn't do so." He believed that he would always give food to his sister, but when he obtained food, he ate it. The food tasted very good when it was scarce, but he felt remorse afterwards. Nosaka concluded, "I'd think there is no one more hopeless in the world than me. I didn't put anything about this in the novel."

There Will Be Blood is another one-and-done for me, for similar reasons; the human cost of human selfishness and greed. Also, the atonal, discordant soundtrack of TWBB is amazing, and fits the story perfectly, but is also really, really uncomfortable.

thanks for sharing!

that's probably a good reason i only watch it on planes.

i'll also check out twbb. maybe it's another cannes entry.

I have a similar relationship with "Dancer in the Dark" whenever I get around to it. I always cry...

i just read the plot. this reminds me of how we get our other senses boosted if we shut off our dominant sense(mostly eyesight).

it looks promising! i'll be sure to check it out in the weekend.

Seriously... Tissues and a blanket. Required.

If you need to talk after, we'll be here.

All of these movies my family sits down and watches at least once a year:

Harry Potter series.. All of them.

LoTR/ Hobbit.. All of them.


Strictly Ballroom

Princess Bride

Music Man 1962 version

Court Jester 1955 with Danny Kaye

Full Metal Jacket.

Best war movie and best Kubrick movie of all time.

I have played Wonka multiple times a day, every day at my house since it released for streaming.

As a kid, it was a cartoon - The Little Mermaid. As an adult... It is a cartoon - Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse.

In the last few years? The Magic Sword (1962) about 7 times I think and I could go for another.

Honestly, it's probably Little Nicky for me. I do enjoy the movie myself, but back in my highschool days my main group of friends I would hang out and smoke weed with could always agree on this movie. If anyone would complain about what someone else wanted to watch too much, or none of us had a good idea for anything else, we would usually just throw Little Nicky on and be happy enough. I'll still watch every now and then even though I could recite the thing by rote.

I'm afraid they might be a whole bunch of oldies but goodies:

2001: A Space Odyssey.
The Empire Strikes Back.
Miller's Crossing (the third movie written and directed by the Coen brothers, from 1989).
A Bridge Too Far (from 1977, a sprawling, star-studded epic about the Allies and their costly, ill-advised and ultimately unsuccessful Operation Market-Garden in WWII).
A Bout De Soufflé. (Godard's seminal French New Wave cannon blast).
From Russia With Love.
The Spy Who Loved Me.

Ben-Hur. Loved it in my youth, when TV still aired this kind of movies regularly, and I absolutely love it and like to review it from time to time. There are others I've watched again lots if times (Star Wars, The Matrix...) but Ben-Hur is number one.

Let the bullets fly. It's a Chinese classic, I watch it with all my friends that have enot heard it before and they all love it.

Conan the Barbarian History of the World pt1 Star wars Raiders of the Lost arc Master and Commander

I can't say if RoboCop, Terminator, Blade Runner or El mundo es nuestro (I've never seen my parents laugh so hard).

There's a dumb Italian Horror movie called Del Amore d'ella Muerte (Cemetary Man in English speaking territories) that I absolutely love. It was made in the 90s and stars Rupert Everrit as a graveyard keeper who fights a zombie invasion with his mute assistant.

Hard to explain but the universe they create is very comfy where he's drinking red wine and shooting zombies.


Star Wars IV

A Boy Named Charlie Brown.

If we are including listening to a movie, then Star Wars IV wins because I had The Story of Star Wars on 8-track, and it must have played through (looped) hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of times. (Click click)

The Story of Star Wars

I've got that on a 12" record! You might be the only person I've ever encountered who had it too.

Sadly my copy is very scratched, probably because my brother and I played it so much as kids!

I can't say if RoboCop, Terminator, Blade Runner or El mundo es nuestro.

I’m not the kind of person who rewatches or rereads stuff. The only thing that I can rewatch endlessly is Pacific Rim. That movie is perfection for me. I even went to watch it on IMAX 3 times.

Contact or Big Trouble In Little China. Love those movies.