X Purges Prominent Journalists, Leftists With No Explanation

uthredii@programming.dev to Technology@lemmy.world – 1086 points –
X Purges Prominent Journalists, Leftists With No Explanation

Remember back when Elon kept calling himself a Free Speech Absolutist? That just gets funnier every day.

Right-wingers only seem to care about free speech when it applies to themselves. Anyone else and they'll get talking of "defeating the woke mind virus" or whatever ridiculous way they decide to demonize others.

Reminds me of that Sartre quote

Free speech absolutist means "I am absolutely free from the consequences of my speech"

I also remember a bunch of people saying Elon will preserve free speech. It looked like a cult.

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No explanation other than Elon is a thin-skinned little bitch baby who’s carrying water for fascists.

He’s not carrying water for the facists, he IS a fascist and they’re trying to spill that water on everyone in an attempt to undermine people’s freedoms. Fuck him and fuck his kind

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I don't get why people still use that platform. It's so hostile to the users. This is an election year and we're just going to give him all this influence? Society is a big dumb animal.

I have never seen the appeal to Twitter. It's never seemed like a useful part on social media. I have never heard a change and go "well now I will check it out."

It was extremely useful in sports for quick in-game updates, especially from third-party groups (like the news beat reporters, versus getting info from the team).

It's really entrenched, though: Even with all of the chaos and controversy, it's hard to find articles that reference something that happened in a game that don't embed some tweets (or whatever they hell they're called now) for the video. It's extremely frustrating. I think, in part, that's why the hockey community here on lemmy isn't taking off - no one wants to link to Twitter, and there are basically no other sources.

ESPN's app seems to do my updates and I don't have everyone's opinion on it either. I mean I guess I can see the meme angle. But I think that would find it's way anyways.

ESPN's app doesn't note when a player is missing off the bench or something like that. The reporters at the game notice it and X it out.

It always felt like a big void to shout into, unless you have some sort of following that listens.

It is the only platform where I can follow specific people without a algorithm getting in the way. They all need to choose a new one to move to.

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Anyone who follows the alt-right, did Joe or anyone else go ape shit over this yet? I'm assuming that because they were going crazy over the previous Twitter about certain infractions under the old guard ... so this new shit must be driving them crazy. Being free speech activists and all that.

This was always going to happen.

Muskrat bought twitter specifically to make it Parler, GAB, and Truth Social all rolled into one.

Banning, shadow-banning, or purging any and all dissenting views or content that differs from the Far Right narrative on the sites is the norm.

The Saudis helped him buy it to try to stop future Color Revolutions

That too.

All the Far Right Authoritarians are just giddy about it all.

I can see several motives for him buying twitter.

Get trump elected, Because:

a) less taxes for the musky chodelet

b) less pesky safety and labour regulation for tesla/spacex/neuralink

c) drop support for Ukraine so he gets a shot at the rare minerals underneath it when russia has full control.

He's a useful idiot for trump and putin. Still not sure what the saudi angle is, though.

I don't understand why people don't collectively quit Twitter and flock to Mastodon. It's very simple, it's better for everyone

Because for the previous 15ish years before Musky got a hold of it it was actually decently regarded. Many people turned to it for up to date news and trusted it. It was a place where brands could interact with customers, celebrities with fans, etc. It had built up trust. People are having a hard time letting that go.

Because for the previous 15ish years before Musky got a hold of it it was actually decently regarded.

What? Twitter mob harassed game developer in 2019 into suicide. 3 years before american version of Rogozin bought this dumpster fire.

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ew. just ew

All those things that made twitter "useful" were terrible, even if it was good at it.

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Even today there are top posts on Lemmy that are screen caps of Twitter. Not even Lemmy users can stop reading Twitter and upvoting. I down vote them on principle but it's 100 to 1.

Reddit and by extension Lemmy were designed to enable content aggregation. I dislike people having so few principles in general but the system is working as intended by users posting things they find interesting happening elsewhere.

Here's easy way to stop reading Twitter: not register there.

Twitter itself hepled me to stop reading it when it regwalled all the posts.

Because they don't care

Why are you booing me I'm right

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Who the fuck is still on Xitter? Jesus people, get the hell out of there!

i keep wondering this myself, so many places are still prominently presenting the xitter button to follow them on,like it's a totally normal thing to do. it's fucking bizzare imo.

Lots and lots of people, apparently. And lots of those really really should know better.

Stop supporting that shithole, people.

As opposed to what? It's where the people they follow post. Why would they leave for somewhere that doesn't have any content they care about? It's like asking who the fuck is still on reddit. The answer is the enormous shitload of people who just want a steady feed of the same content they've always consumed.

Sure, and when you petition the people they follow, and ask them to drop the platform, they say they have to be where their audience is. It's an ouroboros of apathy and cowardice.

A lot of researchers whose built a network on it. It's not as easy as it seems for them to switch to another social media. Each connection is important to know about new articles when they come out.

Too fucking bad. Also that's like .002% of the people there, at most.

The Nazi bar is open for business

Someone needs to hack the mainframe of xitter and put this as the default logo.

Wait, do we pronounce xitter and "zitter" or "shitter"?

I pronounce it 'Twitter.' Because since he's decided to remove the rule on Twitter against deadnaming trans people, I'm going to deadname his precious website.

Why do i get the feeling he cares more about that than about deadnaming trans people...

Censorship for thee, not for me.

I hate this little thought terminating cliche. It's trying to make everything into hypocrisy which it isn't. Say he banned everyone who ever said anything pro Israel...you can fairly apply that rule across all people, and have disparate impacts.

The problem isn't that he's censoring others but not himself, it's that the rule itself is bad on its face.

This is hypocrisy. He called himself a "free speech absolutist" after he bought Twitter. He called it the "digital town square." Ever since then, he's banned anyone who says things he doesn't like and keeps the Nazis. He's absolutely a hypocrite and he should be called out on it.

  1. Man calls himself as a free speech absolutist

  2. Same man buys social media platform

  3. Same man then mass bans people and removes comments when he doesn't like their political leaning or they criticise him/his companies too much

How is that not hypocrisy?

If that is what they said, it would be hypocrisy. The cliche is "X for thee and not for me" so the claimed hypocrisy is that he is censoring others and not himself for saying the same things. That isn't the issue, as you point out the issue is that he is censoring when he said he wouldn't.

No official, public explanation. We know why...

They'll claim it was an accident or outage, but those accounts weren't struck at random.

Internally, is someone curating a list of prominent accounts by political leaning? Are those accounts the target or right wing report bombing? I want to know exactly how those accounts were landed on.

Sounds just like old Twitter. Ban someone who you don't like politically. If it's causing to much uproar, day it was an accident/glitch. If it works, repeat. If not, repeat in a few weeks.

Anyone who expects the bourgeoisie to platform those whose politics are a threat to capitalist interests is a fool.

it's funny because even Elon's ego is a threat to capitalist interests, look how much he's tanked their company value! Honestly I'm cheering for his self-destructive downward spiral to continue - tw*tter was always a cesspool, decent people should have left years ago.

I don't like that, "leftist", has become a word used outside conservative circles. It sounds shitty and is as meaningless as, "rightist".

From a casual outside (the US) observer it just seems like it’s the price that gets paid in a two party state where there are apparently no centrists. Americans give me the impression that it’s either team Red or team Blue. Does anybody ever say: “I like a bit of this… but I also like a bit of that.”?

Yes, there are some who say that. They get agreed with in person, ignored at the local party/voting level, scoffed at by media, screamed at in general on the internet, and scolded on places like lemmy or reddit (if not screamed at). There are policies that I like that for some reason have to be lumped in with policies I detest no matter which party I look at. One party (fucking GOP) is way worse than the other, but try to have a rational discussion with anonymous or outside-of-your-social-circle people, and any criticisms of a party are like blaspheming their god.

try to have a rational discussion with anonymous or outside-of-your-social-circle people, and any criticisms of a party are like blaspheming their god.

That's because of the nature of anonymous communication. It is literally pointless to try to convince individual people online. They rarely tell you their underlying motivations, and many times reveal that they know nothing about the subject.

Yeah. Succinctly put. I hope things improve, or at least change, at some stage; but as I said in another reply I don’t think the short term prognosis looks too healthy. Best of luck to you.

Also doesn't help that the USA political spectrum consists of "right" and "far right" so while they may call it "left" it's only left compared to the far right.

Good point. The idea that Bernie Sanders (?) is seen as ultra left wing is incredible to me. Americans would probably spontaneously combust if they got to read some of the left of centre manifestos from relatively normal European parties.

This is something I wish that more people understood. In almost any other democracy in the world, Bernie Sanders is only slightly left of center. On a global scale, US Democrats are a center-right party and US Republicans are a far-right party. There are no successful left-wing politicians in the United States.

No, the RiNOs were intentionally and specifically hunted to extinction through shame and exclusion. That's why the name, "Republican in Name Only," is applied those who don't embrace the party's wildest platforms.

Damn. I knew about elephants and donkeys but now I’ve got to read up on rhinos… all jokes aside it looks like polarisation is the problem - which is the two party problem. It must be so frustrating to have views you can’t sensibly talk about objectively with the majority of your peers.

It is wildly annoying. If you want to get the details, check out the book “What’s the matter with Kansas” for a quick history.

There are plenty of us. The problem is the two party state. Any independent or centrist candidate is going to get drowned out.

For as long as people like you exist there’s some hope… but I do fear ‘24 won’t be a year of political reconciliation. Perhaps things must get even worse before they improve? Good luck whatever happens.

I think the cops are useless at best and evil at worst and im pro gun/pro CC, I find that our model of capitalism has failed but I'd rather we revert to the political economic ideas of Henry George rather than Karl Marx. Not that either is possible without violent overhaul most likely. Even just a reframing of capitalism to correct for John Adams era economic fallacies would face nigh impossible resistance from those who have already taken most of the pie.

So yeah, we exist. It's just that we tend to get crowded out due to not falling in line with either ideology. I've been called everything from RINO to fascist.

I understand someone’s economic views would necessarily push them to one side or the other but what I’ve never understood is why gun ownership is so political in the US. From where I am it just seems sad that there’s people in a first world democracy that “need” to be armed just to go out and buy an ice cream. It blows my mind that more isn’t done by all sides (political, manufacturing and citizens) to lower the body count. Any society where members of the public are indiscriminately gunning each other down surely has a big problem. I have zero problems with fire arms - just their application in the US seems a bit fucked. But, like you said about the police, if your biggest gun-toting gang are that trigger happy and indiscriminate then I can’t really blame everyone else packing as a result. Kind of a chicken and egg situation. Hope it works out for you all one day.

Would you call yourself an Enlightened Centrist?

No, Im not some "hurr durr both sides are equal" moron. Both sides do have issues, but they're not equal. The left is on the correct side socially but they often have an incredibly naive view of how the world functions, often operating on "why can't we all just get along and be rich together?" Levels of fantasy.

However, the US right is socially authoritarian and wants to oppress anyone who doesn't fit a christo-fascist perspective, and their economic viewpoint is messed up due to conflation of where wages are derived from. So they fail both sides of the coin whereas progressives only fail on economics.

If I HAD to take one of two sides I'm going left, because I refuse to abide by people who hate those that are different, and I have a lot of gay and trans friends. However I don't agree with the lemming philosophy of Auth-Left being the solution to our problems.

Sounds like Socialist Libertarianism.

Is it really "socialism" if I think the tax burden should fall on the land owners exclusively and the laborers should derive the larger portion of their labor value than the capitalist that simply made their work more efficient with their capital? Due to wages driving from labor value increasing capital?

We likely wouldn't even need social safety nets if the capitalists weren't taking the largest cut on the pretense that wages derive from capital, and the market wasn't being driven by those with excess wealth.

They used to use liberal like it was something to be ashamed of. And I think they thought we were ashamed of it too. They finally figured out we don't have a problem with calling ourselves liberal, so they came up with a new word.

What were journalists and leftists doing hanging out in a Nazi bar anyway?

Must be a joke in there?

It's the nazi bar analogy. If the owner is a Nazi, leftists shouldn't stay there in the first place.

"You let a couple Nazis drink at your bar without throwing them out and tomorrow you'll have a Nazi bar."

This is a terrible analogy, and really should be a dead idea. We absolutely need leftist dissent on X because the platform is that important and has that much reach.

This isn't a fair system, we can't disappear from the world's largest social media company over a principled stance, we need to be present and visible.

It's delusiona to think you can beat the nazis on their own terrain. Say anything uncomfortable and suddenly you're banned.

Twitter has removed efficient moderation and practically given carte blanche to bots and trolls.

Do you see ay infosec people on Twitter anymore? No, they all moved to Mastodon. In fact they were the first to move. Orgs are starting to move. So did Mozilla. So did LibreOffice.

Money can buy influence, but if you gather enough people and move away, the platform will sowly fall into irrelevancy. The only thing you accomplish by staying there is giving them legitimacy.

Needless to say, just like if r/conservative/conspiracy bans you you're probably doing something Right, X is just the new, louder, conservative/conspiracy echo chamber, although i still don't get why everyone senseable hasn't abandoned the platform yet.

What a coincidence. People critical of israel got banned

The account @Zei_Squirrel, which had 200,000 followers, explained in a Substack post that it was suspended over criticisms of Israel and Bill Ackman but was also not provided with an explanation from X. “If they don’t unban me, it will prove beyond all doubt that Twitter and Elon Musk are just explicitly doing the bidding of the genocidal Israeli regime and its deranged supporters like Bill Ackman.” The post continues, “There is no possibility that anything I have posted rises to the level of being ban-worthy, but nothing that Zionists posts constantly, explicit calls for genocide and mass killing of Palestinians, isn’t.”

Can people see now that when people clamour for controls on things like hate speech and disinformation, the question of "who defines what is/is not disinformation" isn't just sea-lioning?

It's a fundamentally critical argument against such controls. Sooner or later, people you agree with will be at the receiving end of them.

Using Twitter and substack? Could they possibly be working any harder against themselves?

Yes, they could limit their reach even further by only using the fediverse.

I mean... Many anti Israel folks are borderline abusive. Denying rapes happened, trying to call Hamas freedom fighters, praising the Oct 7th attack etc. This is the exact shit (and worse) platforms have been demonetizing or removing people for except this time it's the "other side" doing it.

What are you even talking about? There is** zero evidence** for any rapes that is a straight up IDF Zionist story. Most of the rape "testimonies" have been completely debunked and proven to be falsified. Here is an article completely debunking it

I don't understand how you are so confidently repeated straight up conspiracy theories as if they are cold hard undeniable facts.

The fact that you think it's okay to ban people for people to questioning an extremely shoddy story full of inconsistencies and many straight up lies is very weird to me.

Weird that I haven't seen any of that on lemmy

Remember when Musk painted himself as a free speech absolutist who would bring freedom to Twitter, and all of his fanboys believed him, and when he never delivered none of them did ever fucking care?

"Free speech is me telling you what to believe."

I don't know who said this, probably someone famous.

It's not free speech unless you mute people telling you you're wrong when you speak.

Don't care. The only people that can get kicked off of shitter are people still on shitter propping up it's waning credibility. There are no respectable people left on shitter because you can no longer simultaneously be there and be respectable.

Musk can do whatever he wants, keeping Twitter (sorry, X, yuck) alive with billions that are peanuts to him. This news isn’t a surprise to me. He talked big about free speech, but it was just talk.

Musk's "free speech" is a lot like the Lost Cause's "states rights": a fig leaf that intentionally tries to distract from the fact that the only speech/right of concern was that of the most repugnant behavior.

I really do wish there was a viable popular alternative to Twitter. Phony Starks has been awful.

While it's not 1 to 1, mastodon seems to always be getting mentioned with businesses abandoning Twitter and moving there. I use it but it's just not the same experience

I've checked it out, but was never a twitter user anyways, so I'm not the right audience. I think the lack of an algorithm really hurts the experience for many users. Seems like you have to put work in to get your feed right. Also, the network effect Twitter has is strong. Mastodon is probably the least toxic social media I've seen though.

You say that like its a bad thing. Every twitter user Ive talked to wont shut up about how shit the twitter experience is.

He's not Stark, he's Justin Hammer. Always has been.

"I would like to point out that the social media network survived..." -Elon Hammer

Blue sky is close. Done by the guy that started Twitter originally.

Where is the "vote" to reinstate their accounts that closes like 58 minutes after going up?

There's an explanation, we're just not allowed to say it because for some reason in "ThE lAnD oF tHe FrEe" we're not allowed to say the thing because the faschie right's feelings might get hurt.

It's a conspiracy and fascism echochamber. No prominent journalists should be there either way

The platform whose CEO openly endorses antisemitic "Hitler was right" Tweets would censor left-wing views? What a shocker!

I mean... it was no secret that xitter was a rightwing shithole, for quite a while now...

I’be taken to nicknaming him “Xitler”

I've been considering calling the platform FascX. Not sure how well it works though.

That was the risk of remaining on the platform the moment musk took over. And if not then, when he started stripping it down and making it less reliable. And if not then, maybe when he started pursuing shadow banning again.

No government or news business has any business anymore being on Twitter. They should use the fedpub protocol and push out their messages there.

This will allow their readers/citizens to use a broad scala of apps to read them, allows more 3rd party apps to integrate them.

Governments and newspapers must hold the reigns over their own infra or risk this happening.

It's to entrench the far right audience so that Elon Musk can monetize and enrich right wing extremists. He knows that one reason they struggle to bring Apartheid to America again is that many of the hillbillies who support them are broke. Well now, if you're attractive, you can go on Twitter and if you spew enough unchecked, reactionary bullshit, you can get yourself a condo. They might even make you a fucking Senator.

The X accounts of several prominent journalists and leftist pundits were suspended from the site, formerly known as Twitter, on Tuesday morning with no clear explanation.

The suspensions affected several journalists and commentators, including Texas Observer journalist Steven Monacelli, Ken Klippensten of The Intercept, podcaster Rob Rousseau, and Alan MacLeod of MintPress News. The landing page for their accounts says it’s been suspended, but does not give any explanation as to why. A message on the profiles simply states “X suspends accounts which violate the X rules.”

The ban didn’t just hit journalists either. Several prominent-left leaning accounts were also purged from the website, including the account for the TrueAnon podcast and @zei_squirrel, a cartoon squirrel that tweets media criticism of figures like Glenn Greenwald.

You know what, great! While they're pretty fucking stupid for staying on the platform for this long, it's good that they have finally been forced off of it. Perhaps now they will find their way to something more federated friendly.

I'd purge the leftists who lacked an explanation as well. #commasCount

Musk is showing his other rich kid friends that he is got access to some buttons

Elon is psychologically compromised. Not sure if it's rampant drug abuse, mental illness unrelated to drugs, a brain tumour, or what. But the man is not on planet earth, and not in the way he would prefer. If he weren't a billionaire, he'd be sectioned/committed. Same with Kanye; that dude would be in care in no time flat if he were a regular Joe. This is one of the few ways that being rich and famous is a net negative; when you need help the most, you get enablers and yes men instead fermenting your insanity for their own purposes or out of fear for their own livelihoods.

My money's on kompromat.

Given his general dumbassery that's been on display for years, or is it decades now, it is not hard to see at all that he'd be easy to compromise.

If he weren’t a billionaire, he’d be sectioned/committed.

I mean, I think everyone has "that uncle" who they have to put up with for the holidays, and those guys are all walking around existing in non-sectioned/committed society. He'd just be another crank who is drinking the Kool-Aid instead of this rich fuck who everyone listens to despite their being whack-a-doo.

Man I am so glad I ditched Twitter, now stupidly known as X, right when Musky took over. To be fair it's lasted way longer than I thought it would. Any bets on whether it survives 2024?

It's shedding advertisers and losing money so it's only a matter of time before the people Musk got to invest start making noise. It's in a downward spiral and there's no fixing it while Musk is in charge. I think it will survive another few years, but it's not going to be pretty.

These people need to get off Twitter anyways. This is a nonstory to me

Purging specific ideologies from a massively popular social media platform should probably be a story to you, regardless your opinion of the platform

Yeah i dont know why i click into twitter stories anymore.

The situation is perfectly self-explanatory, however.

Any explanation they'd try to give would be an obvious lie anyway. It's already clear what the real explanation is.

I know they are asking for an explanation, but they already know why their accounts were suspended.

He may have some success promoting that social network as "the social network for people who want to be like me".

"X" permanently banned me when I posted a comment saying that education and progress are good for people. Now I'm banned for life. That was just wayyyyyyy to "leftist" a thing for me to say I guess. Which is why I see my ban from X as a big accomplishment - you know you've told the truth when it makes people angry enough to ban you.

I don't trust any of them, all of them seem opposed to federation. Useful idiots.

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             Hi, read here!

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They're all back online now. I mean I dislike the ultra wealthy as much as the next guy but y'all got hate boners

If a couple of years ago "by chance" prominent people on the right were temporarily banned, what do you think the reading would be?

TBF they complain about being censored even if they haven't been banned, so they'd simply keep complaining about being censored. No change at all.

Are you kidding me? IME it’s the right that’s constantly pissing and moaning about being censored. That’s like Alex Jones’ biggest claim to fame.

Considering people ACTUALLY WERE banned here, if even for a short time, can you show even one example of this happening to a right wing journalist on X, with similarly no explanation? No pretending this isn’t a real issue because they were unbanned, really try here.

You seem to have misread my comment.

Ooh, that I have. Whoops!

Sorry, I’m currently on a cruise and near perpetually drunk.

The comments from when that happened a few years ago? Is that was you're referring to?

Because I'm referring to most of the commenters in this thread having a big 'ol hate circ jerk.

In my head, being on the left used to mean compassion and tolerance, but it's clearly the same spitefulness as the right. I'm beginning it think this is just how tribalism in general works, doesn't matter what team you're on

I’ve seen right wingers, in person, call for the absolute removal of trans folk from public spaces. When one side is doing THAT, I think it’s reasonable for the other side to get a tad combative.

Bear in mind, whacky right wingers are pictured all the fucking time open carrying large firearms. Couple that with the pervasive thought that every LGBT person is a pedophile (another VERY common right wing talking point), and suddenly it’s a little scary to be gay or trans in a red state.

This shit is so fucked. People take no accountability for the shit that their party says, no matter what side they’re on, and then get all confused when opponents have issues with the heinous shit they hear constantly.

Nazis are bad. Homophobes are bad. Motherfuckers who want to control the bodily autonomy of every woman are bad. How hard is that?

The reinstatement came after notable users such as George Galloway, a former member of the British Parliament, called out Musk for banning the accounts.

(Update at the top of the article)