Which option lads?

Striker@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 798 points –

This is a question of passive income vs active.

Passive is king. You breath when you sleep. When you get too old to walk, you still breath.

The average human takes 20000 breaths per day. For comparison, the average American take 4700 steps a day so steps actually win since the break even point is around 4000 steps.

Good point, but when you run the numbers that works out to $1000/day for breathing and $1175/day for walking. With $1000 a day you won't need to take those steps anymore. Bonus, as you gain weight you'll presumably need to breathe more so you'll gradually make more and more money right up until the heart attack. Truly a passive income at its finest.

$1175 for the average person NOT being paid to get more steps in. I would watch a 2 hour movie on the treadmill instead of going to an 8 hour work day. Not including any other steps it would average around $3370 dollars there. Or just listen to music, watch a TV show, whatever it was. I could do that 3-4 days a week, make more money and stay in shape.

Jesus, I range anywhere from 9-15k steps every day. I guess I'll take steps.

Same here. I'll take steps and in 10 years I'll be set up to make more than the breathers even if I become a paraplegic.

For anyone curious (1000000/50)/12 is 1666.66 which is how many years you would have to live to make a million dollars.

Whoever thought that $50 a month is any sort of good income is brain dead.

Also should be noted, if you took that 1 mil and just put it in a bunch of high-interest savings accounts, you'd be averaging a little over $3k/month just in the interest earned.

It does make me wonder, at what point is the guaranteed $x a month a better call than one lump 1 mil?

You don't need a degree in finance to do this calculation. You are simply looking for the present value of a stream of income.

It depends on what interest rate you think is "risk free". Right now treasuries range from 5% to 3%. Just divide the yearly dividend (12 * 50) by that interest rate. $50 per month risk-free in perpetuity is worth $12,000 to $20,000.

Put it in safe low-interest investments and you'll likely still be making far more than $50/month

When you get too old to walk, you still breath.

But you should already be filthy rich at that point, so who cares 🤷‍♂️ the choice is largely irrelevant after a few years and, regardless of which option you choose, you should be well into the millions after a decade.

Steps let me build up actual wealth over the course of just a year or two. Breathing keeps me comfy my whole life, but I can't be really wasteful for a few years.

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I don't really care what makes more money, id just take the walking one to incentivise me to walk more. id rather be healthy than slightly richer

You only need 4-5k steps a day for it to be more money, which is pretty doable for most people. Of course, that would make getting your 10k steps in per day worth about $300k excess, which is a pretty compelling incentive

How are we even defining steps? If I shuffle around my living room like a penguin for a minute, do I earn $20?

As you accumulate more money the personal value decreases and the incentive is gone. Which is the root of money addition. Once you make decent money you need more money to get your dopamine hit.

With the passive breathing income you can just automatically give to charity when you get to a certain amount. Stop caring and thinking about money and do whatever you feel like. Do the sport you like because you like doing it. Its the best kind of incentive.

You can donate far more with steps, though. That can be your new motivation.

Like i said doing something you like is the best motivation you'll ever need. The biggest benefit id receive from a magic deal like this is that I could stop having to consider money even exists and that to me is heaven.

And when i get old i may no longer be able to walk but as long as i live i will breath.

You can do that with steps, though. You get in shape for a year and you invest that money, then boom. Free money for the rest of your life, without worry, plus the ability to make a ton of money quickly if you wanted. You can't do that with breaths.

I dont think you get my point. I want to live like money doesnt exist the last thing il spend thinking about on is investing.

Breathing is passive income and i am no big spender, its more then il ever need or Earn in real life. Plenty if for some unthinkable reason i want to play adventure capitalist irl.

I’ll Just build a system that any money over half a million (takes less then 2 years with just breathing) gets forwarded to my favorite charities and and then il get fit doing whatever sport i fancy.

Why would i want more money quickly lol? Looks Like your already addicted. Once you make enough money people get obsessed with “making” more. Either the money did not exist and your causing inflation or it did already exist and your just a middle man. Whats the point?

You don't have to think about investing. You can just buy a broad market ETF and you're done, you take the distributions and you have stable income for the rest of your life even if you don't take another step.

Breathing is exclusively passive, meaning if there's a big emergency, you can't make more money. You have to be far more careful about budgeting than you would if you had the big investment from steps.

Following, you can run for charity if you want. Donate to good causes and gain fulfillment. The breathing option requires you to budget for this, while the step option doesn't.

How much money do i need to start investing?

With my current salary and excluding all expenses i am projected to maybe have earned 1 million by the time i retire. Obviously i need money to live so the chance i will ever have a capital of a few hunderd thousand is frankly completely unrealistic irl.

In the meme, if i take 20000 breaths a day (which is average for a healthy person and i have very lungs) i will have obtained over a million in 3 years. Thats more money anyone needs.

I wont have spend much of it because id still have my job as i rather enjoy it. And i earn enough to save regularly. Thats also why i refuse to even considering a promotion.

The way i see it a million is more then plenty to start investing. Do all the stuff you would want to do so the o get bigger numbers. And i still be gething more. After 10 years of breathing il have 4 times all the money i will ever earn in my realistic real life.

Whatever emergency might happen that i still somehow couldn't afford then are all things i would never be Able to afford in real life. And none of those emergencies actually exist for me because i have access to really good and free socialized healthcare.

Money is evil and the worst drugs humans have ever created. In fact i dont want to give money to charity rather i want to join charity and help them do stuff other then collecting money. But i dp rationalize than in this world charity cannot operate without. And if i am going to accumulate free money by Breathing the only way i can stay ethical is by giving it away.

Is it that bizar to meet someone who is happy to be content?

You can get to your goal faster with steps, that's the point. You can be content far faster. Simple as.

Are you accustomed with the works of Alan Watts? I wholeheartedly recommend you give "you brough't it upon yourself" by Crippled Black phoenix a listen which uses some of his texts.

Its rather disheartening to see you put such honest dedication and persistence in trying to steer me towards the systems of which it is my truest desire to get away from them.

My goal is to get out of the rat race of constant pressure, to slow down and to live my life without having to remember that money is a thing i am supposed to accumulate. I would calmly archive that in less then 1 hour without rush. Because all i would need from the moment this magic deal goes active is wave my card around when i do need something, and i really don't need much. The limit on my bank account that funnels to charity is just a precaution i can setup to make sure i never become what i hate. A millionaire.

I am fully, completely uninterested in wanting anything faster then the pace i am comfortable with, or having more then i personal need to live a quit life where i am left unbothered. I am almost alreadyat that point. I have a home, healthcare and a way to contribute to society that benefits the poor and disadvantages (trough my job). The only thing i could use the more money for is making healthier dietary choices and maybe a nice telescope.

1000 bucks a day is more then enough, it accumulates more then fast enough. More then that and i am just going to burn it with actual fire to retain my sanity.

I have nothing to gain from your advise and so much to lose.

Thanks for giving it nonetheless, maybe someone else who is also fascinated in competition, being involved, playing the game (Alan Watts quote) reads it and finds it useful.

I have tthe benefit of a smart watch, so I know my stats quite well. Over the long term, I average 13 breaths per minute, or 18,720 breaths per day. That translates into $936 per day. When not injured, I average 22,000 steps per day, which would get me $5500 per day (currently injured, so no running, so I'm down to 12,000 steps or $3000 per day). Breathing would win only if I averaged fewer than 3744 steps per day. I think I get more just walking to my corner newsagent and back.

You would also have an incentive to walk more so even if you're normally very sedentary, you wouldn't be after taking the deal.

It's unfortunate that it's steps and not based on calories or something, I do cardio but mostly resistance training. Can't afford to lose gains or have to increase my food intake.

bruh, you don't lose gains by walking, Dr.Mike form Rennessaince Periodization literally recommends walking as one of the best forms of increasing your calories burned without excess hunger or fatigue

increasing your calories burned without excess hunger or fatigue

That's my point, your goals for exercise are to burn more calories, calories that my body needs to rebuild muscle. If I do more cardio I have to eat more food to maintain my muscle mass. I'm not worried about too many I'm worried about having too few.

but walking doesn't make you lose muscle mass, nor is it cardio.

If the calories burned are greater than those I can consume to maintain my body weight (currently about 3000kcal/day) then yes it will make me lose weight.

Also yes it is cardio, or it wouldn't be good exercise. It's not HIIT or running, but it consumes energy and calories.

Do you fundamentally misunderstand the concept of calories in versus calories out? If my body needs more calories than I'm eating it will harvest muscle to do so. I've been lifting weights for over a decade and diet is just as big of a factor in gaining muscle versus lifting itself, this isn't something new to me.

Also yes it is cardio, or it wouldn’t be good exercise. It’s not HIIT or running, but it consumes energy and calories.

Cardio is a shorthand for cardiovascular, if you do normal paced walking it doesn't challenge your cardiovascular system therefore it's not cardio.

If the calories burned are greater than those I can consume to maintain my body weight (currently about 3000kcal/day) then yes it will make me lose weight.

you said lose muscle, which it doesn't do, in your scenario you are losing muscle because of insufficient calorie intake, not because of "doing cardio", there is no extra effect from walking that would have you lose muscle other than burning some calories, which is what "losing muscle" means

you can just eat a handful of almonds and you will replenish all that you walked away.

Averaging 22k? Damn. I consider 15k a busy day at work, 25k was a full day of work plus an hour and a half walk. I respect it.

Walking the kids to school, walking to the shop, and an average of 70-80 km of running per week. Life is good when you permanently work from home.

I agree with the permanent work from home, all thst commute time you save and all the dead times you can use for something else useful. On the other hand my lazy ass only averages 3.5k steps daily... I also walk everywhere, stuff I need is just too close... I also do some mtb once or twice a week tho

13k steps.

If im getting 2500 a day, 1800 after tax im good.

More time to walk to get junk food too.

Breathing is at least 150k a year, that's more than enough, even after taxes and has me covered when I'm old and can't go for a walk anymore.

I don't need more, I'd rather enjoy my quiet time and taking an walk and standing still for a while at a nice vista, enjoying the view. I don't need the constant chase for money and even more money in my life and the stress of having to keep moving to get even more. When I walk at the beach with my better half, I'd rather think of how nice this is rather than how much this earns me.

Consider this: you can become a multimillionaire within a year of the step option, and have even less stress as you become able to live off investments for the rest of your life. You can even run for charity to have a more fulfilling life if you so choose, it stops being a constant chase for money.

Winning Capitalism is all about investing enough to take care of your needs indefinitely. With the step option, you win, and retain the ability to gain more money if you wish. With breath, you deprive yourself of that option.

I don't care about "winning capitalism", I care about living a comfortable life and being able to pursue my hobbies. $150k a year is more than enough, and I don't have to worry about investment bullshit, it's just guaranteed constant income. As long as I'm alive, I'll be breathing, that's 100% guaranteed. Winning the stock market is not guaranteed, and being able to use my legs for the rest of my life is also not guaranteed.

Winning the stock market is guaranteed unless society collapses just by investing in a broad market fund. You don't worry, you just make money. 150k is not enough in many cities to have a family, unfortunately, and you also can't run for charity.

You don't need to use your legs after the first bit. You get in shape, and then you have well over 150k, not losing to inflation with no raises ever again. You're done.

$150k per year for the rest of my life would be way more than enough for me and the lifestyle I want to live. I currently make less than that, but still have enough to invest and donate to charity, so this would be just a straight, guaranteed upgrade with zero changes to my current life.

I understand that I could make more with the steps option, but I'd be thinking about it. Any time I was off my feet, I'd be thinking to myself, "I'm missing out on money right now", and I don't want to have that nag for the rest of my life. Give me the no-work, no-change, fully automatic upgrade over the steps option every day of the week.

it's funny how many armchair money managers we have here who want to give up huge passive income in order to... have more money to invest and eventually get passive income.

how much would an annuity that pays $150k/yr cost for somebody in their 20s or 30s? I can't imagine it being less than $10 million. probably more like $50 million. so the logic is give up $10-$50 million in value, for the opportunity to maybe make it up in the long run, while hoping you never get injured or debilitated...

3.75 million dollars in a high yield savings account right now pays 150k per year, at a rate of 4% annually. Investing in the broad market pays 6%ish per year after adjusting to inflation.

You can make multiple millions off of intentionally jogging per year, which pretty much debunks your point. Yes, breathing is more passive, but will lose to inflation compared to what you can gain comparatively immediately with steps.

Someone did the math. It's $315,000 not $150.000. So plenty to live on and still have some left for investment.

As for winning capitalism: capitalism is a travesty that's killing both people and the planet. I would rather people stop talking about winning such a system - there are truly no victors. To be the victor in capitalism is to be a cell of a tumor that slowly kills its host; you only live until you finish killing the host or the host fights back. We should kill and consume those responsible for capitalism like macrophages consume cancer.

Oh there are Victors, the only real chance at liberation a Proletarian can have is to either end Capitalism itself, or join the bourgeoisie. At least if you have a ton of money, you can donate to strike funds.

The issue here is capitalism will destroy the environment so you won't have anywhere to go eventually, at least if you're not a billionaire. This is what I mean about killing the host, the bourgeoisie are slowly killing society and the planet.

Per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calendar_year 525,600 minutes per year

Per https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK537306/ 12 breaths per minute for an adult (which you should be for the mind cesspool that is the internet)

525,600 minutes by 12 by $0.05 is $315,360.00 per year.

Breathing is at least 150k a year

I decry you as needs improvement at maths.

is at least

yeah uh, let me just double check these figures... yes, that's absolutely correct! 300k is more than 150k, and therefore the person who needs remedial mathematics is not GP.

Cashier: You are 5 dollars short

You: starts hyperventilating

I doubt you average less than five breaths per step considering all the time one spends not walking, so this is really a no-brainer

Personally id still choose the per step so I stay active. Although the amount of time I spend on video games would make a dent in my profits.

Exercise would still increase your respiration rate. So you would be incentivized to get more steps either way.

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You would have to be bedridden, the average step count for most people outweighs their breaths.

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I looked at my rates. At 17 breaths a minute, I would make $1,224 per day. At around 7725 steps per day, I would make $1,931 per day. I have to go back years to find a month that averaged a step income below my breath income. Hands down (or feet down), I’d choose making money through steps. I would be making over $700k a year. The added benefit is that I can also increase my step count per day and it would make me healthier. Increasing my breath rate generally wouldn’t.

I had a small leg injury before Xmas, so I averaged 1-2k steps per day for a few weeks. Given this choice I would not want to risk losing my income due to an accident, so I would choose money for breathing, meaning I get payed as long as I’m alive. Also, not like you cannot make a good living with ~1k per day.

That was a thought that went through my head. In reality, as long as I was able to walk for a few years, I could invest that money and make passive income with the 4% rule. Assuming I could walk just a few years longer, I could retire very early. But yes, theoretically I’ll be breathing longer than I’m walking. And breathing income is safer in that way.

Same here. Also, if you exert yourself in any way, your breathing quickens. It's bonus pay for exercise. A win-win either way.

The more you walk or run, the more breaths you make. What's your pulse/breath while walking? What about "any other form of activity" that could introduce sweat? Skimming, cycling, skiing, fucking.. hell even hopping wood and lifting weights make you breathe faster if you strain yourself.

I'll be take breaths

You're not taking 5+ breaths per step even when running, and as your cardiovascular health increases you take fewer breaths.

That's the kicker. You work out to breathe harder and faster, but as you work out, your heart gets more efficient, meaning at least you exert yourself slower, requiring more work to get the same heavy breathing.

walking doesn't increase your breath count, maybe by 1 or 2 per minute, so it's rather insignifacnt, if it does more then you really, really need to walk more and get into better shape.

I’m in the same situation, but you also have to consider that your situation may change. I for one after getting money like this would probably quit my job and just stay at home and in general walk less.

Good point. To me it would be the opposite though. I would travel way more if I didn’t work.

so average person takes 20K breaths a day, that's $1000/day every day for no effort.

Steps obviously vary a lot more. If you get the recommended minimum of 10K steps a day then that's $2.5K/day.

I feel like were I given this sort of earning potential I would probably seek to get in shape as a first step, which would make the step choice the overall better choice.

But breathing is a prerequisite of living, so while you may not be able to walk every day you are alive (you become disabled or elderly) you will always breath. Over the course of a life, breathing is likely the better income.

The steps option has a way higher ceiling and can give you significantly more money when you need it most (i.e. early in this scenario). The breathing one will probably net you more money in the end, but that would likely be when you already have a huge excess and it doesn't matter much.

If you walk 10k on avg a day from 30 to 70, you'd have to live until 130 to break even. It only gets worse if we consider steps walked since birth.

That's before you consider that I'd rather have money while I can walk. Even looking purely at it from a most money at the end perspective I could invest the excess 1.5k a day and make far far more than you could breathing. I could also quite likely beat 10k steps on most days, when I go to a festival or other walking activity (which I would do a lot more with all the free time I'd have) I pretty often break 25k steps.

So the expected value is much higher for walking even factoring in the chance of a horrific accident.

Of course maybe you'd rather not feel obligated to walk every day, or maybe you'd rather play it safe with breathing. Those are both valid choices, 1k/day is still more money than anyone needs. But walking definitely makes you more money by the end, and personally I'd appreciate the incentive to stay active.

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But think about this, if you run, you'll breath faster. It's a win for breathing either way.

It doesn't outweigh the sheer quantity of step income though, even if you're hyperventilating.

That's a good point. Op doesn't state how much air intake a breath takes. Say you breath in tiny amounts of air really fast. It would be much faster to ear that money.

Does that first step also count? Maybe taking steps with your feet aren't the only kind of steps!

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  • Choose steps
  • Don't pay taxes on them
  • Taxman wants money
  • I run away
  • Taxman chases me
  • Each step I run, I owe more money

This is the absolute easiest question. If you ever get this, the answer is steps. Get your 10k steps a day, or even 20k if you're feeling frisky. Get in shape, buy some nice walking or running shoes, and invest the massive difference between walking and what breathing would get you.

Once you reach a good level invested, you're functionally able to retire and never even take another step. Your investments will cover everything.

Anyone who says breath doesn't realize the sheer difference steps can make.

But what if I choose breath n do cardio everyday? Wouldn't my number of breaths increase a lot during that time while also keeping me healthy?

As your cardiovascular system improves, you typically take fewer, larger breaths at rest, so improving your ability to breath reduces the number of steps you'll typically take. On the other hand, most people become able to walk more steps after walking consistently.

Unless you're handicapped, bedridden, very old, or otherwise prevented by health related circumstances from doing so, you can make more with steps.

Yes, but you wouldn't make nearly as much money. You have to breathe 5 times per step to break even.

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But if you get an unlucky leg injury, you are out of income at least temporarily. So breathing for mea, even if it’s less money

If you can't take advantage of the huge increase in income steps have over breaths, then that's more of a budgeting problem. It's incredibly easy to pay off your home and have a huge chunk of emergency funds available even if you get injured if you average 5000+ dollars a day with steps.

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According to my quick random search* a normal persons breaths 20k times a day, which equals US$ 1k

In order to achieve that with steps, i would need 4k steps, which is practically nothing

But how many more times do you breath IF you're walking 4k steps a day?

Average breaths per minute is about 15. You're not breathing much harder just walking than you are sitting around.

Getting 5000 steps a day is trivial for most people who can walk. I average around 7200 and that would get me 650k per year.

me who does 600 steps per day on average (with random spikes to 10000)

Bro.... You should move around a bit ya know?

You should probably work towards flipping those numbers. Regular 10k, random spikes of 600.

Brother, your quality of life improves massively from walking well every day. Speaking from experience.

Let's say you walk 10,000 steps a day. That's $2500 per day. Sounds like a lot right? How long would it take you to become a billionaire? 400,000 days or just under 1100 years. That's for 1 billion dollars. Bezos is worth 192.4 billion... Billionaires should not exist and the world would be better off if we ate them.

breath! I breathe while I am asleep, case closed.

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The average person takes ~12 breaths per minute, so the left works out to ~$ 850 if you do absolutely nothing.

Generally, taking more steps will include taking more breaths, as you increase physical exertion, your breaths per minute goes up. It won't be nearly as much of an increase to make up the difference for the increased value of steps.

Basically, I see this as two distinct paths. Low risk low reward, and higher risk higher reward. On the low risk side is breaths. Even if you become paraplegic, you will continue to earn. It will be less than the alternative in optimal conditions, but it will be earnings for every moment of your life for the rest of your life. On the high risk side, I see that you can very easily outpace the earnings of the alternative by simply being more active. The risk is that you need to keep active to earn. Any lazy days on the couch are going to cost you. Any days ill, bedridden or injured, will cost you.

This splits most into a more communal vs capitalistic view: where more long term thinkers would likely go with breathing, and more short term and capitalistic thinkers will go with steps.

If steps people take their income from those steps and invest wisely, they can secure more long term income, which is a good move, since it not only secures your position, but you can also pass on those benefits to future generations. People picking breath are going to be earning less overall, but continually and depending on conditions, could end up better for it in the long run, especially if they are faced with a disability that prevents them from walking.

Personally, I'd go with breaths. I want stability more than high earnings. My current lifestyle doesn't lend itself very well to taking many steps per day, so in my current position, I'd probably make more that way. Also the idea that I can make money while I'm sleeping is appealing to me.

A consistent $600-1000 daily would result in more than $200,000/yr on the low end, which is more than double my current salary... In fact nearly triple.

So you're telling me I can triple my yearly earnings by doing absolutely nothing differently? Sign me up.

I probably take 80,000 steps every week just with my job and hiking. Might as well make bank while I do it.

You can also get the most lucrative delivery job ever

Consider that I could choose steps, and then spend a week of 8 hr days on a treadmill and earn enough to buy a house. It would take a couple years of breathing to earn that much.

I can probably make 20 years worth of breathing money in 1 year of walking. Then I can put that money to work for me immediately. That money earns while I sleep too.

Sure, there's a higher risk, but as someone who's already fit and active, I would relish the opportunity to continue hiking and pour myself into it to stack a big bank account, then just get on with life building the sort of business I want to build, immediately, with a few million dollars upfront.

And yes, while one could hyperventilate to cheat the breath count, I could also walk 50km in shuffling short steps to earn 40k in a day if I needed it.

I choose steps.

The monkey's paw will break my legs. I'll take the breaths.

If there's a money's paw in play you better pick walking. Monkey's pawing breathing is guaranteed bad time, if not dead time.

I chose breathing:

Money's Paw: it feels like you're breathing through a straw forever now.

The breathing one allows you to make money while you sleep

Yes, far less than steps would ever make you. Then you can invest the difference and make money while you sleep either way.

walking one allows you to make much more money even at 10K steps and also makes you healthier in the process.

Breathing so I can make money while I sleep.

You can do that with steps, just invest the massive difference in money you can make with steps.

The left is already 600 Bucks a day. This is sufficient money. Hence the right should never be chosen. Greed is not always good. If you can have enough forever vs. More + downside/condition you should always choose the easy out.

I am torn by this comment. The Internet says we take something like 20,000 breaths a day which is $1000 a day. Like you said that is plenty of money and you will collect it until the day you die.

On the other hand walking 10k steps a day is 1.5x that, and I get on average more than 10k steps a day, but I don't make money while I am asleep or if I am on a cruise or a plane, or if I hurt myself and can no longer walk.

Maybe what id do is take the steps, run enough in a couple months to have a sizeable seed investment and then put it in the market and then just live. Never look at or care about additional my walking money and just live my life like I want.

That's the correct answer. Get in shape, invest that money, then live as you want. Breathing forces a passive income that you can't take as much advantage of.

What will you do when you get old?

Live off investments, the same exact thing I'd do within a year or two of getting the step superpower. You can become a multimillionaire easily with steps within a year, save up enough and you can live extremely comfortably forever, with far more money than just breathing can get you mathematically.

It really is simple. You can get far more money far faster with steps, so do that, build up the nest egg, then you've won the game of life. If you do breathing, you can't get nearly as much money.

You can then run purely to raise money for charity, strike funds, whatever you want. You stop running to earn more for yourself and it becomes volunteer work. It keeps you in shape and healthy for longer.

Haha what a deep thought experiment from a shitpost

Its really just the same financial strategy everyone is already trying to reach, just far easier, haha.

True! The only way to not be a wage slave is to have enough investment income to live off of. I am never gonna get there unless I start playing the lottery but it is fun to wish for.

The recommendations for health is 5,000 to 10,000 steps per day, which is $1,250 to $2,500 per day.

While the first is better on the case of unexpected disability, the second is probably going to lead to a better life overall.

According to my watch I average 14,000 steps a day. I pace nonstop though. I can’t stand to stop moving.

I work out, and my job is fairly physical.

Averaging 15,000 steps on work days and 10,000 on off days.

So 95,000x0.25= $23,750 a week. $1.2M a year.

I'm taking the steps.

It forces you to get in shape and you can start running to raise money for charity.

Let's do some math, shall we?

Average person takes 12-20 breaths per minute. 0.05 × 12 = 60 cents a minute on the low end.

0.6 × 60 = $36/hr at minimum.

I was initially gonna say the steps one, but $36/hrs minimum just to exist? That sounds kinda tempting...

I average between 8 and 10k steps a day, so 2000-2500$ a day vs 36*24 ~= 864$

Someone pointed out you could loose your ability to walk in an accident or due to old age but you'd be breathing until the end, but at 3x the income you could easily invest and save to end up much wealthier than you would with the slower but more reliable breathing option

But regardless of which option you choose you'll be set for life, but it'll still probably take you hundreds of thousands of lifetimes to get even a fraction of Jeff Bezos wealth

I think I'd go for the steps just so I could build a nest egg faster and that generates passive income that way. 10000 steps in a day isn't too tough (especially if you don't need to work anymore) and that's $2500 which is about triple the breathing amount for one day. Hell, I do over 20k steps some days. Even if I only get steps in on weekdays I'd still easily double the breathing income and getting more money earlier makes all the difference.

Plus I'd be getting paid super well just to stay somewhat active which is a win-win.

Your last sentence where I realized I’d get paid to go running has me sold.

Ok … where do I sign up?

  • you don't walk while sleeping (at least most people don't) but still breathe

Ok, so average respiration rate for adults over 18 during sleep peaks at 20 breaths per minute. That's 1200 breaths per hour, and with a cushy 8 hours of sleep, that's a whopping 9600 breaths while asleep, maximizing the average. That would net you $480 just for sleeping.

In comparison, on average at a 3 miles per hour pace, it takes 20 minutes to walk 2,252 steps. $480 would take 1,920 steps, and would take about 15.5 minutes to walk at the same pace.

So, 15 minutes of relaxed but purposeful walking would match the total amount you'd make on average for sleeping.

I just want enough money to be comfortable. I'll take the breaths option for the free low effort money.

I am not even sure what the irs thing is about.

If i had this much passive income of course id want to pay taxes. What else am i going to with the money? Move to a different shitty country where everyone is unhappy?

Considering my fitness tracker shows I took 121k steps in January, and the average breaths of 12 per minute, I'd have made 30k in January. 5k more than just breathing. Assuming a resting heart rate, breathing faster because of exercise is not a factor I can quantify

so it's about 20% more for walking based on those numbers.

i would definitely take the breathing! there's been too many times i couldn't walk, that's only going to increase as i age.

imagine getting in a bad car crash the day after starting the walking deal, both legs are broken. now, you are broke two ways! it's like adding insult to injury. that would be the worst feeling in the world.

when it comes down to "enough money to never need to work" vs "enough money to never need to work +20%, with extra risk if you get injured" i'll take the safe bet every time

That's true it'll pay you till the day you die. And any kind of exercise will increase your breath rate

Also, your descendants can keep you hooked up to a ventilator to infinite money glitch.

Yeah make sure you consider more intensive breathing during the walk/run.

Then the picture will be different.

🙌 If you're not hyperventilating during your run, you're not doing it right 🙌

I can do anything when I'm breathing. Walking kind of puts everything else on hold.

Breathing would give me enough money. I'd choose it to be able to be free from any obligations.

Standing desk + treadmill. It's easy to go for an hour or two

Become a millionaire with 1 year of getting in shape, then you can be free of obligations and stay in shape. Steps wins.

the IRS is a feeble, gutted institution. its task is to collect money from the rich and use it for the public good, but it has become so underfunded and hogtied by the fat cats in power that it can barely do this job.

so, no, the IRS ain't fuckin watching any of us, and probably won't have time to ask for your money unless there's enough of it missing.

and we should start respecting the institution and bring some power back to it so they can at least go for the rich guys not paying.

They just got several billion from the inflation reduction act to actually fix themselves which is why they can finally do our taxes. They are also projected to be able to collect an additional 500 billion from tax evaders into the next decade.

Billionaires make 10000x that, and the IRS can't afford to check them.

Breath is relatively constant, so yeah.

If you do the average 8,000 steps a day that's $2,000 just by walking. IRS may be watching, but I'll pay my taxes on that just fine.

My breaths per minute is like 13 or less. But I get like 12000+ steps in a day. For a really long run I can get in like 50000 steps.

So I know which way the math swings for me

Dude, based on an average stride length of 5ft, 50000 steps works out to over 47 miles.

That's some long ass running.

I just looked at what my stats were, and I was over estimating, but I still got a lot of steps in that day

1 more...

Breaths no question. It’s passive and if you do cardio you breathe more. Taking away the steps for health argument

You still step far more during running or walking than breathing, though. Steps is still passive, and allows you to actually get in shape and front-load your money. Invest your gains and that covers the passive income aspect.

Too much trouble. If I choose breathing I never have to worry about money, get paid just for sleeping. Until I die. I don't have to worry about investing or saving, I know for a fact that I'll have money if I wake up.

You do the same with steps, just far faster. You can make 2.5k or so per day with steps, easily. If you get into running? Far more, maybe 5k per day. Even after taxes, you'll be a millionaire or close to it within 1 year, which you can't do with breaths.

Choosing breaths is like choosing 50 bucks a month forever instead of 1 mil up front. You get your money slower and you can make far more with the 1 mil just by investing, even if you wait forever. The 50 dollars a month literally can never catch up outside of insane market crashes, and even then you're only up 50 a month.

Well it's not, it's $1k per day vs $2-10k. I don't think you understand my viewpoint on this. I would never have to think about money again because it would always be there no matter what. I don't need to invest or save. If I open my eyes, I made enough money I will have extra at the end of the day. It would stop being a concept for me. If I get hurt, if I lose my legs, when I'm old, it doesn't matter. You had to plan and save and invest. I do nothing, I just exist and never think about money.

You can do all of that with steps even if you moderately touch grass. It's extremely passive, and you can leverage it to get in shape and make a ton of money in the short term if you need it, and can use it to invest if you want.

Not if you get hit by a bus and paralyzed your second week out you can't.

That's planning for absurd edge cases, and if you're truly concerned about that, you can buy a treadmill.

That's like saying you could get shot in the head randomly if you pick breathing, because you look odd hyperventilating to make cash.

My time has come. All that time spent on the Power Pad as a kid will finally pay off.

Plot twist, both options are only paid by in their respective coins. And payment is automatic: it falls on your head from a small portal.

Steps. It's less money, but will probably lead to a better quality of life overall.

It's actually several times more money, especially if you actively pursue it.

Oh really? I guess I hadn't thought it through. I really like jogging, so figured it would be a nice motivation. Hell maybe make working out my job

Unless you make millions a year, jogging should absolutely be your job. You can make over 5k a day like this and retire in a couple years, forever.