Trump Claims He Will Debate Biden 'ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, ANYPLACE' to politics – 322 points –
Trump Claims He Will Debate Biden 'ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, ANYPLACE'

Yea, Timmy. Wanna fight after school? Wait, you do? Well, I would, but my mommy said I can't.

Remember when Musk and Zuckerberg were gonna fight? Feels a lot like that, but older and somehow even less interesting.

I’m old enough to remember that we had actual debates between opposing candidates, but I’m in my 40s and not interesting

Yep. I remember the McCain vs Obama debates. I remember thinking their policies were pretty similar, and either would probably govern decently enough. I wasn't a Dem or Rep, though I had voted mostly blue thus far.

But then McCain picked Palin as his running mate, and I saw the VP debates. And holy shit did that make the choice easy, and Red has just been getting more and more extreme ever since.

I think Republicans saw how popular Palin was, not just in spite of, but because she was so fucking dumb. Then they realized their voters didn't really give a shit about policies, character, or the ability to govern. Their media bubble created the perfect atmosphere for a person like Trump to get elected. And they clearly have no problems with it, so they'll continue the trend long after Trump's cheeseburger clogged heart gives out.

The woman who was yelling that “Obama [was] an Arab” to McCain should have made it clear how screwed up the electorate was getting. McCains response was appropriate, but useless in the face of his racists voters.

I have a proposal...

I'd not seen that out of the water and it straight up looks like a pocket pussy.

Anywhere? Okay, how about at the bottom of the Mariana trench?

How about at the top or bottom of a ramp. Can he still do that? Amazing man.

by debate he means he will childishly shout over anyone he's on stage with constant bullshit and juvenile rhetoric - no thanks. having seen trump in debates I honestly question anyone silly enough to try, he'll never 'debate', he just gish gallops bullshit until his minders come to change his diapers.

So this means he's Definitely refusing to debate him. What a shit. Murica, you vote this guy in and I think I'm all out of sympathy.

Trump loving America is not the majority of America. It's not even half. It's just the "voting age" almost-halfz which is what, 30% of all Americans?

The reason Trump won in 2016 is because many people who didn't like Hilary didn't vote. And even so, Hilary got 2 million more votes than Trump.

Then Trump lost to Biden. If he was so popular, he would have won a second term.

So, no. Please don't think that the majority of Americans are deplorables.

But what does all that count for when people are busier finding excuses to not vote for Biden than to vote against the orange Putin?

That doesn't change the fact that Trump didn't get reelected (which is almost always the norm in U.S. politics) because people realized their mistake. Biden ain't a saint, but at least he's not a scorched-Earth asshole like Trump, and most Americans know that.

I hope what you say is also true this time around. Which is not guaranteed.

Definitely not guaranteed, but again, I think most Americans learned their lesson with the Hilary/Trump fiasco. They thought Hilary winning was a given, it was guaranteed and, well, it wasn't. So the America people wised up.

When you hear that "people are losing faith in Biden," you have to be reaaaally careful as to who is driving that narrative. Hint: the voices are not coming from within the room.

I don't think that, but a trump win means not enough people with half a brain got out and voted. In an election like this that makes you every bit as deplorable as the Trump lovers.

Not everyone in Soddom and Gomerra were terrible, but when enough fruits are sour you gotta just avoid the whole batch.

I don't understand the point of your comment, but okay. The reality of the matter is, most American people abhor Trump, so they will make sure he stays a loser.

Yet you (America) still vote this guy in. Somethings rotten and wrong over there and you guys better figure it out.

We can't pull a France. The police are already trigger happy and willing to work with non-police that have guns and just as trigger happy. You take charge for a bit and have your country become more influential ty.

Uh, we did figure it out? Did you miss the part in which Trump is no longer president?

Did you though? He's running again with a good chance to become president, again.

I can only speak for myself but I am sick and tired of the fate of the world hanging on whatever mentally deranged and unhinged extremist the US might elect every few years. Aren't you supposed to be the oldest democracy in the world? I expect as much from countries like Russia or China but the US should do better.

The world needs the US to do better.

Again, Trump is not president. He lost. He didn't win a reelection. He couldn't even, as the most powerful man on Earth (supposedly), overturn the elections. He will never see the inside of the White House again. Just make sure your vote counts.

In Germany we've something we call "wehrhafte Demokratie" which basically means a democracy capable of defending itself. There are measures in place (in theory) that prevent parties that aim to destroy the democracy from getting into power by winning elections.

Someone who openly admits his goal is to end democracy shouldn't be able to run for president. It's what happened in Germany back in 1933. The NSDAP won the general election and took over the government via democratic means and within weeks destroyed the democracy. Never again (hopefully)

Dude it's not me, it's them. There's a weird division in this country and for some reason there are people on the other side.

Bro I'm a leftist and I'm voting for Trump this time. If you want to win, don't run a genocider. Myself and other leftists have a few very hard and fast rules, and genocide is one of them. Id rather have J6 #2 than trail of tears #2

What the fuck mate.

Trump literally just said "time to finish the problem" regarding the Israeli bombardment of Gaza.

I know it's a shit choice, but it's the choice between the status quo of global imperialism, or global imperialism AND domestic fascism.

I don't want either of these things, but I really don't want to get executed at home.

Okay but we all know we can't believe anything trump says, especially anything he only says once. He didn't even build the wall last time, and he said that thousands of times. What he did do is get us out of Afghanistan. So yes, he MIGHT keep doing the genocide, but Biden definitely will. Trump is the only president in 50 years (maybe 100 or 150?) to not start a new war. So if we're going off what he each man actually DID, trump is the obvious choice, because he didn't do a genocide and did end a war.

Trump said he'd make the courts partisan and he did exactly that. Now we have some of the most extreme right wing federal courts, and an extremist christofascist supreme court.

Alabama declared that IVF embryos are children. A federal court is arguing that FDA overstepped in approval of mifeprostone, an abortifacient and uterotonic medication that is considered essential to first world medical care. Roe v. Wade overturned. Gay marriage on the docket. Interracial marriage in their sights.

Do you really want to have Gilead at home?

Okay, so nominate a guy who isn't genocidal. Leftists arent going to vote for a genocider, so give us somebody we can vote for. If I knew for a fact Trump would overturn roe v wade, and also attempt another coup, id still vote for him, because he didn't do a genocide. Like I've said, I'll take J6 part 2 over trail of tears part 2 every time.

We are NOT asking that much. Literally all we want is a guy who hasn't already committed a genocide. If y'all can't give that to us, it is not OUR fault when roe v wade gets overturned, it's yours. You didn't give us a choice in the matter. Waving off genocide warning signs is exactly how Germany got Hitler, and if the American voter does NOTHING else, the least we can possibly do for the world is not have a second Holocaust.

I don't care how it happens, but I think I speak for all true leftists when I say we will never vote for a genocider, period. I agree with you that trump is awful, but the Democrats have made him the only valid choice, and so I will be voting for the only candidate that good people are allowed to vote for. If Dems actually want to defeat Trump, they'll put up someone else. Personally I don't actually think they give a shit, cause the spice must flow.

I'm not even saying they have to oppose the genocide. Just stop funding it. Stop making me directly complicit.

We all said never again, and some of us meant it.

You don't speak for all leftists.

Signed, a leftist.

No, I said all TRUE leftists. No true leftist would vote for a genocider, and that's not debatable. I think Lenin actually said as much in his book on imperialism, where he outlines how capital is going to react to WW2 40 years ahead of time (he explains that they will flock to the fascists due to their shared interests)

You're clearly just a typical lib that doesn't understand politics. Read some news that isn't fake or STFU.

You are the One True Leftist, your head is burred in theory, you discount the possible unintended repercussions of your positions, and as a result you bring a dictator in to power that kills millions.

Or you are a troll.

By not voting for genocide, I will cause genocide. Incredible logic.

There are plenty of true leftists, we are bigger than you seem to think. We just don't include people who are genocide apologists. You can't vote for genociders and be a leftist. It's really not a high bar.

Leftist my fuckin ass. Go away liar.

No wait, you have to call me a Russian troll first, or else you haven't finished deflecting an argument you've already lost. Do you even know the first thing about being a lib online?

You may want to brush up on some reading comprehension. I didn't offer an argument. I just pointed out that you are a liar.

Right, because you're deflecting. But you haven't finished deflecting yet.

Bro I’m a leftist and I’m voting for Trump this time.


A Trump presidency will lead to an environmental disaster on a massive scale, we'll basically be a petro state with a dictator.

Trump is a "genocider" and he'll expand upon the genocide already being committed, while cutting all attempts to provide aid to Gaza, closing our borders to refugees and torpedoing any chance of a free and fair elections again.

If you vote trump because he's not currently the president during this current iteration of Israel+Palestine violence, then you are a fucking moron. That's a collective "you" by the way, no one in particular.

He might do that. But we all know that trump saying something has a very low correlation with him actually doing it. He ended the war in Afghanistan, a war which Biden spent 8 years overseeing and not ending. And I don't think trump can personally gain from the genocide continuing, so I don't see a reason he wouldn't end this too. Trump has a history of peace, his rhetoric isn't as bad as Bidens, what he actually says he will do isn't as bad as what Biden says he will do, AND... he isn't currently the guy doing it. I pretty much only care about this issue at this point, and I just don't see trump actually being worse than Biden on it. Biden's handlers care about maintaining the military industrial complex. Trump's handlers care about scamming the government $1 million at a time. If the end result is Trump steals a billion dollars and attempts a coup again, that is a fantastic outcome for us.

He might do that.

He might. He also has a history of enacting racist and anti-muslim policies to throw meat to his moronic base of chuds. He also has a history of backing Israel, such as backing them creating illegal settlements in the west bank. So I believe trump, and his republican ilk will jump at the chance to use our military and financial institutions to harm Palestinians, as the historically have for the last 60+ years.

But we all know that trump saying something has a very low correlation with him actually doing it.

All the more reason not to trust him as the president.

He ended the war in Afghanistan, a war which Biden spent 8 years overseeing and not ending.

No, he didn't. He made the same commitment to end the war, after his presidency, that every president since Bush has made. Only Biden was willing to take the actual blame for pulling out of that quagmire.

Trump has a history of peace

No he doesn't. He ordered a drone strike on an Iranian general in another sovereign country on a diplomatic mission. Mainly because he wanted to brag about killing "terrorists", since the Obama admin got to take down Bin-Laden.

I pretty much only care about this issue at this point...

And yet you have selected the almost universally recognized, absofuckinglute worst possible person to end this peacefully.

Please stop. Just stop. Trump has never made anything better, ever. Period. Full stop. Don't vote for him.

Afaik, Biden could not possibly have gotten out of Afghanistan in 2-3 months without actual moves that were made by the trump admin.

Idk how the drone strike issue lines up, but I mean, at least the ones trump did hit military personnel. Obama went after all of: an American citizen, a wedding, and a hospital. Trump could certainly be worse than Obama on that though.

It's not like I want to vote for trump. I'm just obviously going to pick the doofus con artist over the guy currently committing a genocide. I would vote for trump over Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot too, to be clear. Yeah, trump might just keep doing it. But he also might not. And we know Joe ain't gonna do shit to end it.

He's lying. He wouldn't do it if it was moderated by Jon Stewart or Mehdi Hasan.

I would pay money to see Jon Stewart moderate a debate. I mean seriously, like pay per view.

As much as I like Jon Stewart I think Colbert would be a better moderator.

...or anyone who's not on his side or a "both-sider".

And yet he cowardly backed away from a debate with Sanders

Trump didn't want that Bernie heat

Communist Grandpa > Moderate Grandpa > Fascist Grandpa


Good one featherclown.

I feel like my last comment is easily misinterpreted. I'm NOT saying any of the three are at all the same. Those are comparison ">"s not pipeline ">"s

no one cares

So this is a "I've decided I hate you and there's nothing you can say to change that" situation? You know you'd have an easier time if you stuck to attacking your enemies?

He's cowardly backed away from all debates. Him saying this doesn't mean this has changed. It's just posturing. He never would have an actual fair head-to-head debate with Biden. He'll either say anything fair is unfair so he won't participate or hell say he can't make it for some reason.

Trump doesn't debate anyone ever. He shows up and steamrolls the other person with his version of reality.

And when he's done, he flips the table, shits on it, and then declares victory...

...and his base fucking eats it up with a -smile.-

It's baffling.

The kind of people that eat up his “debating” style are people who treat the idea of an open debate of concepts the same way - that is to say that they’d be flipping tables and shitting everywhere themselves. They’re uneducated and hold unqualified and unjustifiable positions, and the only way to maintain those positions is to simply ignore or reject all rhetoric to the contrary.

They eat it up because that’s exactly how they’d act when faced with reason, logic, facts or statistics.

That's what really throws me for a loop. There are a lot of dumb people that think he's smart, but there are also a lot of smart people that buy into it too... Is fear really that powerful? It is, I know... But damn...

He debated Biden and got crushed.

But were they debates? Can we really call them that?

I know that's what the forum called for, but I saw zero debating.

Jerry Springer episodes had more debating going on.

I mean, that's a nice opinion and all, but yeah. Technically yes, those were debates. That one of the debaters was poorly prepared is another thing.

In a professional car race, if one of the drivers decides to hit reverse se whole time, is it fair to tell the one that plays by the rules "oh no, you don't deserve the winner title because that wasn't even a race"?

If there were only two cars would it have been a race?

It was called a race, people expected to see a race, but no race took place.

It was not a race.

Yes. It would have been called a race.

Let's give you a better example, then. A boxing match.

One of the boxers just runs around trying to touch the other contender's butt.

He gets disqualified.

The other boxer wins the match.

What the public (including you) thinks of it is irrelevant. The judges were there and ruled who won the match per the scenario presented.

Let me try it this way...

If you had a coworker who got a new dog. They were excited and told everyone in the office about him.

Couple months later this coworker throws a party. When you get to their house, they excitedly show you the new dog, but when what you see is clearly a cat.

Which are you more likely to think? "What an interesting looking dog." or "Sir, that is a cat."

He said it was a dog, and everyone attending was expecting to see a dog. It wasn't a dog.

How about this scenario:

You have a disagreement with your neighbor about the property line. You mutually agree to settle it with a debate.

Your neighbor spends the entire time talking over you, sidestepping virtually every point you make, blatantly lying, personally insulting you and airing grievances.

You participate in good faith and the moderator decides that the property line should follow your plans.

Did you and your neighbor engage in a debate?

Here is an opinion: Donald Trump is neither classically or emotionally intelligent enough to engage in an actual, by definition, debate.

Your first analogy is flawed. If we compare it to the boxing example, it's as if the two contenders played poker in the middle of the ring. Then the audience would be like "sir, this is a poker tournament." So, no. Not the same.

The second one is still a debate. The neighbor is deranged, but there is a procedure, the neighbor didn't follow the usual rules, and it didn't help him at all.

Right. But no boxing took place.

Well, like I said, that's your opinion. A bit dense in my own opinion, but if it's yours, it's yours.

What does the word debate mean to you?

Edit for clarity: In the context of a formal, moderated event.

Debate means to me what it means to you. Whatever the dictionary says.

Informally I guess it's an event in which two or more parties have a side in an argument, and they intend to prove that their side is the right one.

If I were to define it off the top of my head, I'd say it means a mutually respectful argument.

That being said, your comment rang a bell: A couple weeks ago I stumbled across descriptive and prescriptive linguistics. I'd mostly forgotten about it, but it's super relevant here.

The basic idea according to descriptivists is that laguage is living and a words meaning can change based on how it's being used by native speakers as a whole. Meanwhile prescriptivists insist on rules and grammar.

Or in other words; We're both right.

I'm using the word debate as it's typically used to describe a mutually respectful discussion of differing opinions, wheras you're coming from a more by the books, black and white stance.

I found this video on Youtube that ultimately posits descriptivism works better for speech, perscriptivism works better for writing. I agree, and Social media is a little bit of both.

It's an interesting watch at around 7 minutes long:

Merriam-Webster has a decent write up on it too:

It does come off a bit pointed, imo, but I found that most sources unfortunately do.

Anywhere AND anyplace? Stable genius. Given his bouts with slurring and dementia I'd like to see him get shredded by Biden.

Sure makes me glad I'm not the only one that thought he said the same thing twice.

Nobody wants to see 2 old men ramble incoherently at each other. Right now trump is the more cognitively capable of the 2, unfortunately. Though it's certainly close.

No way dude. Biden's always had the speech thing. Trump has recently gotten even worse than usual. Called his wife Mercedes. Called Biden Obama. Decided to run for president.

Compare his speaking now to the 2020 debates. Very clearly worse, this isn't the same thing.

Shut the fuck up, Russian Disinformation Agent #3529.

Very clever, nobody ever called me a Russian bot before.

If everyone is calling you that here, maybe you should go back to truth social like the good little lap dog you are.

If every liberal on the internet calls me a Russian agent when I am not, you think that speaks poorly of me, and not the liberal ideology as a whole? Interesting. Like, when I get that comment, I immediately dismiss the speaker as unintelligent and incurious, because they instantly jump to trying to put me in a box they can ignore, rather than interrogate their own beliefs. Correct beliefs do not need to be shielded from interrogation, they will actually be strengthened by interrogation. In my ideal world, every single person fully understands socialism, because then most people would agree with it and make it happen.

Calling me a Russian agent is very much shielding oneself from my beliefs. If people actually believed that I was a Russian agent, they'd have to believe that all leftists are. But they don't actually believe that, liberals just need to dismiss all leftists as being right wing trolls, because otherwise we would challenge their ideology too drastically for them to keep holding onto it. And there's nothing liberals cling to more desperately than the status quo being acceptable, because liberals fundamentally do not want to change the status quo. So as a result, every single leftist must be dismissed as an individual bad actor, totally disconnected from a larger ideology beyond their desire to destroy democracy.

I understand why y'all do it, but I beg of you, please stop doing it and simply interrogate your own beliefs instead.

If you're spreading disinformation that benefits Russia, it doesn't even matter what your ideologies are. You're still spreading disinformation on behalf of Russia.

You can paint any moral picture you want, but that's the bottom line.

I don't spread disinformation, I spread information. It just tends to be information that conflicts with the official US propaganda, given how much the US media lies. Who is benefitting from the truth being spread should be completely irrelevant, we spread it because it's true, not because it makes us look good. If y'all want me to spread more favorable information to America, maybe America should start making the truth be more favorable to them.

American liberals call me a Russian agent purely because I spread the truth, and they don't like the truths I speak. Let that sink in. I'm telling y'all the emperor has no clothes, and y'all call me an agent of the emperor's enemies.

For instance, you ever heard of unit 731 in Japan? Atrocities on par with the Holocaust done to unsuspecting Chinese civilians, and America gave the perpetrators immunity in their version of Nuremberg in order to obtain their biochem research and keep it out of the soviet's hands.

Is this Russian disinformation? I mean it sure makes America look bad, so it must be, right? But it's also literally true.

Nah, you spread disinformation. Now, go away, you cunt (I say that with love.)

Explain why it is disinformation to tell people true facts, if you don't mind.

Only in your mind Trump is cognitively more coherent than a potato.

How do you explain this quote?

"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."

Reading anything trump says and acting like it should make sense is dishonest. He talks like a person (a very, very weird person), not a machine focused only on sound bites, and as a result you get that nonsense. You and I talk the same way to an extent, we just don't have a microphone on us 24/7.

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Why did you respond to this post and not this one?

Is it because your a disingenuous chuckle fuck fooling no one?

Survey says YES

PS no one is reading that scree. No one cares.

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I'm baffled that the republicans thought putting a senile proven fraudster, insurrectionist and sexual predator with a bunch of pending court cases against him was a good idea..

it's gonna be extra hilarious when he wins. (Note...I don't live in the states)

If Trump wins, grab your ankles, The USA has 2 major exports, Culture and Problems.

I'm not from the US either but I can't deal with that piece of shit. If he wins, I'm getting a dumbphone and give up on the internet and any other form of news.

i dunno. The news was a lot more entertaining with Trump in office. When he left, they went back to all statist propaganda all the time. I mean, yeah, they used Trump as statist propaganda too, but it was fucking funny and self defeating. What i get now is the news telling us it's good that Trudeau is making it illegal to say what you think.

The news was a lot more entertaining with Trump

Only for the Russians.

The news agencies loved the ratings too... but news shouldn't be entertaining.

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Ok. On the treadmill, at the gym.

If Biden does debate Trump, he needs to hit Trump with his rape conviction AND the $83 M judgement, tax evasion by fraud that will cost Trump another $450 M, and the multitude of civil suits that are coming. Being president does not affect civil lawsuits. And when Trump loses AGAIN, he is looking at years of prison, at the absolute minimum sentences. Hit Trump again and again for always being a loser. Remember how Obama roasted Trump? Biden can remind Trump how he was owned by Obama. Biden needs to hit Trump with the volcano roast. Trump is an emotional baby. Once Trump gets overwrought, he will be a babbling a word salad of gibberish.

How about a fucking nursing home and they can both stay there when it's over.

That would be great if he was actually able to debate. Instead, he'll interrupt and yell, sling insults, and not answer any questions. Biden should 100% not debate him. He should say "I'm not going to debate with a felon, or anyone that is responsible for an insurrection"

Oh, Biden should agree to debate. But with rules to cut Trump’s mic when it isn’t his turn to talk.

Trump would never agree to that.

Then the problem becomes "The evil dems wouldn't even let me talk, they just cut my mic. I couldn't say anything" Aaaaaand his cult shines up their pitchforks.

They cut his mic in later 2016 debates, as I recall.

He will make those claims no matter what. When he refuses to debate, he will blame democrat rules or some such nonsense.

This is the first time I've truly not cared at all about whether or not there is a presidential debate

Any debate with Trump in it is a farce. He just tries to interrupt, talk over, and talk louder than his opponent. It's all part of his faux-macho "establish dominance" strategy, just like when he pulls people toward him when he shakes their hand to knock them off balance. Remember the Gorsuch handshake?

Yeah, I always try to watch the debates, always. I'm a big fun of the democratic process, and I always like to try and give the candidates a chance to make their case, even if I know I probably won't vote for them. But you're right, I really don't give a crap about the debate. It's just going to be a globally publicized shit show, nothing productive is going to come out of it, and it's not going to change my mind. There's nothing Trump can realistically say that will get me to vote for him, and I'd, very seriously, sooner have Vermin Supreme for president before Trump.

Its going to be the best bit.. watching trump spew some insane bullshit then see him smacked down using his own track record. Delicious.

Sweet Jesus. After watching the SotU Address, Biden is going to mop the floor with this schmuck.

"No. Wrong. No. Mexicans. CHY-na."

Orange supporters declare victory as dear leader stands strong

You could do just that, but it won't make any difference for the GOP base. Biden can debate logically and factually For hours tearing down any bullshit uttered. They'll still claim they won.

Invite that dumbass to a debate and spring a geography and US history test on him. It'll be hilarious.

He'll just yell and talk over anything anyone says. It doesn't matter what you bring to the table.

You'd just need a moderator and TV network with enough balls to shut it down if he steps out of line. So, short answer, you're right. It would never work.

I really want Biden to start punching. He should make a video of Jill hugging him and look at the camera and say “Donald, that’s what they do when they love you.”

Trump lost every debate he has been in. Biden needs to get Trump to agree to 3 debates right now.

Disagree. A Trump/Biden debate probably doesn't move the needle much at all for anybody. Trump's brash refusal to debate with civility looks as good to his base as it looks bad to Biden's. I don't see a point. It only gives Trump air time he doesn't deserve.

The people who love Trump debates love them because that is how they debate at family dinner. Biden supporters hate Trump debates because it reminds them of the dinner table debates they had to deal with.

Yeah... Idk what is to be gained from this.


Biden: Wha-


Biden: Will you ju-


Biden: Oh for Christ-


Biden: Excuse me?

I mean, exactly? That is what would be gained. Independents and Haley voters would watch that and hate it and it would help Biden.

I think they're already on "our" side though. The only people really still on trumps side are the brainwashed faux news/Facebook addicts that will never "see the light" and the conservatives that absolutely will never ever in their entire lives agree with what Democrats want. They'd rather 4 more years of "what did this nutter say on Twitter this time" than to allow Democrats to enact policy, which I understand in a way because that's how I saw Biden. I'm happy to have been wrong, but I was ok with 4 years of the status quo with no progress as opposed to a Trump dictatorship.

Those previously mentioned conservatives just refuse to believe that Trump will try to bring on a dictatorship and the wrestling match that is a current day debate won't affect that thought.


46 should know not to debate 45 because 45 is an idiot.

Never get into arguments with idiots, the will drag you down to their level and beat you with expirence.

Besides, we havent had a real debate since the advent of cable TV... Just dont bother of your not in it for the spectacle.

Oh my God, can you imagine a trump and Biden debate now? Trump just making shit up lying incoherently talking. Biden returning fire but no one knowing what the fuck he's saying through the murmuring. Trump responding to things that he thinks Biden said because he can't understand him. Biden returns with more murmuring.

Part of me wants it to happen for the memes.

May I suggest the humble Four Seasons? Would be great if we could Rudy Giuliani to serve refreshments to the audience.

They should have a bunch of red containers in there that hold a wonderful drink for all the Republicans to have.

Good idea. I've heard that it's a very respectable venue.

US-American presidential race finally becomes what it was always meant to be - a WWE match.

The orange pathological has a shit load of lies that nobody could possibly keep up with

Even if they had real-time fact checkers their heads would explode.

The center of an active volcano sometime before November

Pretty sure Trump still has an arrest warrant in Iraq.

He could be sent straight to the Hague right now to stand trial for crimes against humanity if the US would just recognize the authority of the court. Separating parents from their children is an act of genocide, and last time I checked the penalty for genocide was death. He clearly did that shit. It's funny how recognizing the legitimacy of the world court would just instantly remove one of the world's biggest problems.

It's funny how recognizing the legitimacy of the world court would just instantly remove one of the world's biggest problems.

I remember saying this about George W twenty years ago.

Alright so we should get him to show up to a live interview on something and ask him the question, have biden in the back come out right then...

"what's this?! It's Joe Biden! And he has a Steel Chair!!!"

Lol exactly. Trump voters would have such mixed emotions

If it were sanctioned by the league of women voters I'd be happy, otherwise not really worth it

"Old men yell at each other, both believing their opponent is a cloud."

I'm voting Biden to attempt to stave off the fascist, but having 2 senile men argue with each other would be entertaining to say the least.

Just let them both sit and have little snacks and Ensures available during it, no need for elder abuse.

It's pretty disheartening that there's apparently no one in either party within the span of decades of eligible age they can put forward as leaders.

The nosedive of democracy in action.

There are leaders available. You have to help find them. Right now you're just sitting there, having tried nothing, and you're all out of ideas.

Oh man, you're right. I totally forgot I run the political parties. My bad.

That doesn't prevent you from volunteering for or donating to small candidates. Do you think Obama was the establishment favorite over Hillary Clinton in 2008?

If you want to make snarky comments instead of doing anything, that's up to you.

What do you volunteer for?

You're the one worried about "democracy nosediving". I'm just telling you that you can do something about it. Your response is "no u".

I can see why you're frustrated. You've tried nothing and you're all out of ideas.

I don't know how you managed it, but you sound as ignorant and opinionated as a presidential candidtate. I'm confident you arent (if you are a real person) only because you're on Lemmy

Edit: ohhhhh. I get it now. You're a nihilist and like to prove people wrong.

Haven't we heard this before like 20 times... And he never follows through.

Yeah, I read the headline and immediately thought, "Huh, looks like there won't be any debates this cycle." The more strongly he claims something, the less likely he's telling the truth. That strong of a statement makes me think he has no intention of participating in a debate.

At public hearing of Hunter Biden. Get it all over with. Let the man speak.

Yeah right!

Also have y’all seen this fukin sheet 🤦‍♂️

alt-text: screenshot from RCP source showing an orange criminal is polling better than our president

The only poll that matters is the election. Get out there and vote, America!

Is it dangerous to share polls (will it discourage voting)?

I would hope that sharing polls showing a trump lead would help insofar as it may motivate apathetic anti-Trump people to get out and vote where they otherwise wouldn’t.

Side note: the only reason he’s ever won anything is because the US doesn’t have mandatory voting. The fact that you have to encourage people to engage in the most fundamental expression of democracy is a little bit baffling.

Lol. People are betting on Obama to win? People are idiots.

It doesn't matter what these polls show. Georgia has two progressive Democratic Senators and this shows Trump leading by 6% there! That's obviously wrong. Nevada is not going to vote for Trump by 8%. They voted for Biden by 2%! It wasn't even close.

Polls mean nothing now because there's no reason for Biden voters to answer that phone call. Trump voters want to shout "Trump!" to anyone who'll listen. Biden voters don't need to be heard because their ego isn't wrapped up in their choice.

It's true Biden is down in "approval ratings", but that doesn't mean those people are voting for a Republican. A large part of them probably want a progressive instead. Biden can lose the "approval" popularity contest and still win the election, because the other choice is so bad.

I mean, while it isn't true whether these are likely voters, registered voters, adults, etc. and there were polling errors in 2020, it's definitely possible that if the election were held today, Trump would win. RCP leans a bit conservative, and are probably overestimating Trump, but it might not be enough to change the outcome.

That said, it's probably true that a few percentage point swings in a few key states could move the election back towards a Biden win. Six months enough time, but it'll take work to get there.

There's no option to fix major issues on the ballot, and there may never be, but we can slow them from getting worse, and express ourselves politically outside of voting

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Donald Trump is only a few hundred delegates away from securing the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, and after a dominating performance on Super Tuesday and the withdrawal of his last GOP opponent, Nikki Haley, Trump really, really, wants to debate President Joe Biden — or so he claims.

“It is important, for the Good of our Country, that Joe Biden and I Debate Issues that are so vital to America, and the American People.

Trump’s debate-me fever is a stark reversal from his recent position on debating his political opponents.

Throughout the Republican primaries, Trump outright refused to participate in the debates hosted by the Republican National Committee, instead holding competing rallies and airing an interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson at the same time his rivals took the stage.

Now that his nomination at the July RNC convention is all but guaranteed, Trump is quickly shifting into general-election mode and wants to get in Biden’s face as soon as he can.

Jean-Pierre did not confirm if Biden would be participating in the traditional pre-election presidential debates, and directed questions about the matter to the president’s campaign.

The original article contains 374 words, the summary contains 189 words. Saved 49%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

The man is the head of a semi-terrorist organization of weaponized autism, a debate is his goal because his supporters don't gaf what he says

1 more...

Biden is so slow, he would never even get to speak. The other old moron would just yell delusional nonsense non-stop.

The fucking clash of the farts that should be in special care.

EDIT: to any US people thinking both sides bad: Biden is a functional old man, Trump is a christo-fascist moron who will rip the US from the international community. Also an old man.