In which game did you spend the most hours? to – 250 points –

I discovered today that my most played game on Steam is Astronner with about 500 hours, and my second most played is Surviving Mars with about 500 hours.


Satisfactory. I'm well past 1,500 hours.

The factory must grow

The factory building genre is way to addictive, I only have like 200 hours as of now in satisfactory, but I must say Spaghetti bases on satisfactory are a work of art

The genre is crack for anyone in any kind of STEM job. Gets even worse if you've got ADHD too

Bad enough they stole Factorio’s concept but now we’re stealing the fanbase’s catchphrase too? 😜 /s

Stopped at around 100 hours with Update 7, might have to wait for 1.0 to fully get back in again

Has 1.0 been announced to be close?

I'm guessing before the end of 2023, considering the speed of their updates.

Plenty of time to mess around with other games!

In a year I had over 200 DAYS played on World of Warcraft back in 2005-2006. That's over 13 hours a day, then I quit abruptly and later tried a couple of expansions casually.

Second is probably Counter-Strike 1.#. No idea actual playing time but would estimate around 1000 hours.

The above two I don't regret spending my time in. Made a lot of friends and it all felt rewarding.

Then there are games like Civilization VI (~200 hours), Rimworld (~300 hours), Tropico (~200 hours) and even Path of Exile (~500 hours). These games are not really rewarding, other than little dopamine hits that gets you continuing playing forever.

Edit: Added hours!

Another WoW addict checking in. I was somewhere north of 12,000 hours from release to the end of Wrath with another stint during Classic.

I've since quit with no intention of ever returning. Despite how much I loved the game it doesn't love me back, and it's better if I don't play at all.

It was so easy to spend time in early WoW. The community was awesome before all the sharding and LFG/LFR tooling!

It's undoubtedly WoW for me too, but I don't know how many hours. I wish there was a way to check without re-subscribing.

If it ever gets added to Xbox Game Pass I'll probably give it another whirl.

I'm glad I never picked up wow. Its definitely a all or nothing type game.

Where are you people getting all this time from?!

20 years ago before I had a wife, a child, pets, or a mortgage and when I had a simple job, I would destroy weeks at a time with some Final Fantasy 8. Logged obscene hours, unlocked every secret and beat every minigame, more than once. There's just no time in my life now for a game requiring that kind of time commitment, but there's always the memories

Same. I get maybe an hour or two a week total these days. Which I'm ok with to be honest. Lots of other things on the go constantly.

Before those things that grow in your house and eat all your food.

I know, right? I have about 88 hours in PlanetZoo and I've had the game for 3 years.

Rocket league.. 4500 hours.. only a diamond 2

Also Rocket League. I've got like 2K hours and managed to get to Grand Champion (1) once, but usually hang around in Champ 2 or 3. In a way I just play like a very consistent Diamond player though. I can semi-reliably wavedash, sometimes manage to hit a half flip, and can't do any flip resets, musty flicks, etc. I solely rely on positioning, shooting at the right time, fast aerials, bumping, and boost stealing.

10k+ hours here, been playing since 2016. Got bored of ranked and the way people play in there at least 3 years ago.

Nice! I'm at 1400hrs and can proudly say I'm Champ 2 (in Rumble)!

Wow really? Maybe you dont play ranked much? I have 850 hours and am champ 2 / 3 by solo 2v2ing

Embarrassingly, I typically only.pkay ranked and am D2 in both 2v and 3v .. but, I haven't played in 2 or 3 months now and I understand they've changed the MMR or how players are ranked. Btw, I'm old

Fair enough, as long as you enjoy playing the game thats all that matters

Factorio - 364h on steam and god only know how many outside Planetary Annihilation: Titans - 332h BeatSaber - 230h

But compared to other gamers ...

Definitely factorio, but I can't tell you how many hours. I started playing on steam, but then downloaded it from and had multiple installs so I could play different mod packs. Steam says 1100 hours, but it's got to be 3 or 4 times that, total. I've played multiple saves that took several hundred hours

Same here. Steam says 200 hours. Which is a lot for me. The next closest is NMS at 50 hours.

My play time is also higher because I have played many hours offline and then reset my computer so it didn't track that time.

It's such a ridiculously addictive game. I regret nothing.

My longest NMS save is 80 hours. I mostly just do the expeditions.

Do you know of a factorio community on lemmy? I tried looking but didn't find anything.

This is a low ball but I easily have 3000+ hours in FFXIV and Old School Runescape (not combined)

Sheesh. I heard FFXIV is really good later in the game. But you first have to get over a 60 hour bump or something?

I did try it out and barely lasted a few hours. So many boring cutscenes, so much running from NPC to NPC. And barely any combat, the quests were like "Run 3 minutes over there, kill 3 enemies, then run 3 minutes back to the NPC". It was tough :-/

It does start really slow but once you get to the end of A Realm Reborn and the beginning of the first expansion it really takes off.

end of A Realm Reborn

Google says that's roughly 120 hours, oof.

I've been playing video games for the last 27 years or so. If a game isn't starting to be fun in the first few hours it's usually not worth sticking with it. For example anyone saying "The game starts at max level!" totally missed the point in my opinion, if everything before that is shit, why have it at all?

Btw. if you do slog it through ARR, what happens if you make a new character to play a different class? Do you have to go through it again?

It’s not that ARR is bad, just that Heavensward was such a jump in the quality of both writing and voice acting that it makes ARR look bad in hindsight. And the slog was actually the post-ARR section (ie patch content). It was awful. Largely cleaned up now though. Still long.

If you ever do play, the biggest mistake you can make is to rush to endgame. You’ll burn out. Take it slow, read the dialog, watch the cutscenes, and you’ll have a much better time. It is Final Fantasy after all.

You don’t need to make an alt to play a different class. The game encourages multiclassing and there is an ingame server transfer system so need to make one for other servers either. But yeah if you do make an alt you need to go through it all again.

The good news is that you don’t have to make a new character to play different classes or jobs—you can play every job on one character, so if you don’t have any intentions of starting an alt, you only have to put up with that ARR slog once.

Imo, the worst part of ARR is a particular quest you have to do about halfway through. It just kills the momentum of the storyline. But it does pick up a lot by the end. If you ever do decide to give the game a try, you can play up to lv60 for free (with some limitations), which covers the base game and first expansion (Heavensward).

I’d highly recommend ignoring all side quests and focusing on the main story to get ARR out of the way ASAP. After that, the game really opens up and Heavensward improves dramatically in terms of pacing. But yeah, I totally hear you about not wanting to stick around with a game that starts off slow. I literally quit FFXIV for years because of ARR until I got the whim to get back into it last year lol.

I’m usually not into games that “start at max level” either, but to me, going through the boring parts of ARR was worth it to get to the amazing expansions. I wouldn’t even say ARR is bad. It’s pretty standard MMO content for the most part. It’s just that the expansions are so good that ARR looks bad by comparison.

As for leveling classes, you’re free to switch classes pretty much whenever you want. No need to make another character to play another class. You mainly just play lower level content to level other classes but it goes much faster since you don’t have to replay the story.

They’ve been working on redoing and slimming down some of the base game to cut some of the fat. You’re not wrong about the structure. The story itself especially in the expansions 3/4 of them could stand on proud amongst the best of final fantasy stories. MMOs aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, though, I get it.

FFXIV for sure is up there. Probably my most hours in a single game. The first several Monster Hunter games are so similar that I kinda want to count all their hours together. If I did that then the MH franchise MAY surpass XIV. Either one is a hell of an experience and I don’t regret any of it.

All of these comments have amateur numbers. My most played is wow and over all of my characters its on the order of 500 days.

4,167 hours of DOTA 2.

Holy shit. Glad I quit.

Come back to us comrade. I have over 6000 hours now and it's still great. I've been playing since TI2 though so it's only like 600hr per year average.

Parent here, very badly envious of all y'all's numbers.

(but in my pre-kid days I'm sure I put in at least 300 hours on the pre-Steam version of Dwarf Fortress)

Same sitch, but my Dwarf Fortress hours are much, much higher.

If I can combine all versions of the Civilization series it might top it, but not by much.

World Of Warcraft. I stopped looking at /played once I passed 5000 hours and that was during WoTLK, I'm gonna take a guess and say i would have ended up between 12-13k hours. Just stopped playing one day about 4 years ago and have had no interest in logging back in for some reason.. just weird I'd had enough.

Europa Universalis 4. Actually most Paradox games.

This. I think I have 1.1k hours on steam and probably double that outside of it.

Mine is either Paradox Games although my preferred is CK series. Also, dabble in the Sims. Which I have been told is weird mix.

Team Fortress 2, i'm on like 2000 hours, which is rookie numbers really, but i joined during the pandemic so, thats why...

I'm at 5000. Don't play much nowadays, but used to play competitive and go to lans.

8k hours in Minecraft, 1.4k hours in City Skylines, about 1.2k of those in one city. 😂

Eve online probably well over 15k hours logged actual playtime closer to 10k lots of idle time. Still the most fun I've had in a game and has helped me be more comfortable talking to strangers and lead people IRL

Roughly 2.000 hours in Terraria. But Factorio is quickly catching on.

And here I was thinking my 360+ hours in BoTW was excessive....

I forgot about The Nintendo Switch. I have like 700 Hours in BoTW. I don't know how you can see the playtime on the WIIU but since the release of BoTW I played on the WIIU about every day I got the Time to do so.

Same here! I think I had over 400 hours on botw. Now onto totk, and loving every minute. After reading this thread I just told my husband he should be thankful I'm not into WoW.

I can't believe the amount of time I have spent playing World of Warcraft. I am a recovering addict.

Must be Civ IV - that whole series makes you lose track of time - start a game and that's the whole weekend gone; even now Civ IV with the Realism Invictus mod feels like it's got tonnes of gameplay still left in it for me.

That said, OpenTTD has been an enduring favourite of mine for the past few years and because of its flexibility it might surpass it in the long-term.

Minecraft easily. The game doesn't record hours but if I were to guess it would be at least 10k hours.

Second most played game has to be Diablo 2. In Diablo 3; I have 350 hours on one character, 200 hours on another, 125 on another and various temp character that I play during seasons and delete probably another 400 hours there. With all that being said about Diablo 3. I've definitely put more hours into Diablo 2. I would guess at least 3000 hours for Diablo 2

Game with the most hours played on Steam is Town of Salem at 750 hours and then Grim Dawn at 360 hours.

The game with most hours has to be Minecraft. I don't know the exact amount but it has to be at around 4000 hours.

Second is CSGO with 3600 hours

Third is league of legends with around 3000 hours

Followed by Gmod with 900 hours

Fortnite with 600 hours

Fall guys with 500 hours

And after that it doesn't really make sense to list them

I was very addicted to gaming in my youth .


Reaching 1000hours and barely scratching the surface

2000+ hours in the original KSP. Still play it occasionally. Tried KSP2. When the itch strikes again, I'll be back in KSP1.

I would guesstimate over 12000 hours in world of warcraft

For perspective, that's like 6 years of full-time employment. I am equal parts impressed and horrified.

At the very least, that game has cost you over USD 87,000 in those six years in terms of money not earned. (assuming 12,000 hours of minimum wage work).

Yeah but we work to live, not the other way round. Apart from it being about the only way to get a trickle of money coming in, the time spent digging someone else's ditch is the wasted time, not the fun times we have from spending the money.

About 11k hours of EverQuest, 1999-2005. (I still consider it the best time of my life, too.)

I'm there with you as well. Put thousands of hours in. That game was a pure grind, but was so fun and boring at the same time lol

Slay the Spire 187 hrs and counting. No where near the time I see others have put into single games.

Are you already playing it with mods? I think that boosts this game quite a lot, especially when talking about pouring hundreds of hours.

More that I just don’t spend as much time playing games these days.

I really like it however as it is one of a few games in my collection I can just randomly play for a few min and leave or hours at a time.

I've got nearly 800 hours into Cyberpunk2077.
It'll probably be my goto game until its sequel comes put in a decade or so.

Considering picking up cyberpunk now that the bugs are gone. Is it that good?

In September the game is being vastly reworked. Lots of the mechanics are being changed. The skill trees are being completely re-conceived. This will likely be it's final form.

If you get it now and finish a play through by then, sure it'll be worth it.

Dota 6k hours hahaha

Yeah, at 7k+ hours, my Dota time dunks on pretty much 90% of the people in this thread. And I'm still not tired of it. It's a daily ritual type of game.

Thing is, the time I put isn't even close to the time of several of the people I've met.

Satisfactory with 752 hours. No mods, either. Most recently is Project Zomboid with ~123 hours.

Diablo 2. Heroes of Might & Magic 3 coming next.

I might have more hours @ World of Warcraft, but that's outright drug and wasn't played for most of time voluntarily.

  • Overwatch: 964 hours, still Bronze 🥉
  • Elite Dangerous: 823 hours
  • Eve Online: 504 hours, all in 2020
  • Portal 2: 195 hours *Team Fortress 2: 143 hours

Honorable mention: Deep Rock Galactic with 135 hours in the past 4 months since I got the game.

Edit: formatting.

World of Warcraft. In RimWorld, I have over 3000 hours logged. World of Warcraft? Conservatively, I would estimate 10,000. I haven't played since 2016, so I can't check, but that's in line with the /played time across several characters.

I basically lived in Azeroth for about 6 years. No other game will ever come close to the number of hours I played WoW.

According to Steam, Arma 3. But I know for a fact that a lot of those hours were not technically in game because I would spent hours upon hours in Notepad++ scripting for my modules while I had the in-game editor running in the background to alt-tab in an test things every now and then.

TF2 is second, and that's all actual play time, baby.

However, in Ultima Online I spent a good 8+ hours a day, every day, from 1997 to 2003. So probably that; I just have no actual counter for the time put in.

According to Steam:

Monster Hunter Rise, 754 hours

Back 4 Blood, 616 hours

Monster Hunter: World, 581 hours

Cyberpunk 2077, 470 hours

Hitman 3, 288 hours

My man lol. I have 2000 hours in MH:Frontiers on the PSP back in the day. Only at about 300 between Rise and World though!

Ahh nice. I am 100% a World baby (don't judge!) but I bet if I had discovered MH earlier than World I'd have definitely been hooked.

Nah man no judgement. I'm just glad the games took off and I get to share my favorite series with others! Before Tri I had never met anyone else who knew of the series, and after World there's plenty of people who know and are excited about the series!

Final Fantasy XI. On and off over the list twenty years I probably have about 3 to 4 years worth of game time. 2 of those years were put in between 04 to 07.

There are two games that I have spent a considerable amount of my life playing Planetside 2 and Path of Exile.

Planetside 2 released it was exactly the game that I was looking for. The experience of playing in an organised outfit was the best multiplayer gaming I've ever experienced.

Path of Exile is like a sledgehammer of a learning curve. Never had played an ARPG before this but once I got to maps my soul was taken indeed.

Before this left4dead 2 was the game that I had suck many hours into - what a game!

+1 for Left 4 Dead 2. I just want to feel included.

+1 for Path of Exile, thats indeed a digital form of crack.

An MMO called Mabinogi, but only because it's literally designed to suck as much time and money away from you as possible without you noticing. Steam says I'm nearing 5,000 hours, but more than half my playtime was from before it was on steam, so it's probably closer to 12,000 to 13,000 hours. I haven't even reached the end game yet.

At this point, I don't really play it anymore. I think from now on I need to start avoiding games that are gonna absorb that much of my time for so little progress. Definitely wasn't mentally healthy because I wasn't even enjoying myself a good way in, I was just addicted.

League of Legends. I don't know how many hours I've put into it but I've been playing since pre-Season 5. This season alone I've played around 600 games. It's depressing.

Same on league, started on OG Aatrox release, thousands of hours in too. NGL, still love the game though. Viego is my go to cosplay for cons!

I have so many thousands of hours of rocket league across so many platforms at this point.

Worst part about transferring from console to PC was all my playtime data being lost.

That was me too! I guessed I had around 2k hours in RL overall, but Destiny 2 has recently just eclipsed 2k hours on just PC. Probably have 2500 in that game total now.

About 1200 hours in Destiny 2. My wife and I have about 2000 hours combined in Destiny 2.

I'm afraid to find out how much time I've spent playing League of Legends. Unfortunately the Time Wasted On website only goes back so far, so my stats aren't accurate.

This is actually a good question if I'm answering it entirely based on feels, not actual data.

Biggest game overall, single player plus multiplayer? Halo series. Maybe Destiny 1&2 too.
Biggest PC game? Probably Neverwinter Nights (2002). (This predated Steam, so fuck the statistics anyway.)
Biggest game I'm spending shitloads of time right now? TRAIN SIM WORLD 3.

Team Fortress 2. About 3000 hours and I haven't played it in years, I was addicted.

War Thunder. Well over 2000 hours across two platforms. I regret every minute and every penny spent.

Honestly? Skyrim. Played it a few times on different platforms. Different builds, different experiences.

No Man's Sky. I think I'm around 800 hours on that one

1056h in Team Fortress 2, which is the highest I can verify at least. I'm sure I've put more time in Sims 4 over the decade but with multiple installs of pirated copies I have no way to verify that lol

I'm surprised I had to scroll down this far to see someone else mention TF2. I clock in at around 2019 hours, although probably around 500-600 of those are from idling (remember idling?!)

Last time I played was in 2019, and last time I played before that was also a couple of years. But for a while, Team Fortress 2 was my life. I eventually got into surfing, and poured SO many hours into that across TF2 and later CS:S.

If anyone who used to frequent Omega Arcade's surf server on TF2 ends up reading this, Mr. Asplundh says hi! ☺️

Easily Rocket League. I think I’m somewhere around 2,000 hours at the moment.

Hard to say, I've been on an OpenTTD (since Transport Tycoon), Dwarf Fortress (since .31), Minecraft (since Tekkit) and Factorio (since .11) loop for several decades now, with 1000s of hours in each. I tend to play one at a time, currently doing Enigmatica 6 Expert.

Tabletop Simulator. In 2020 my weekly gaming group couldn’t meet anymore, until we discovered that solution. We still meet in person occasionally but we have been playing every week online. I’m genuinely not sure how I would have gotten through the lockdowns without it.

I must say, there are a surprising amount of factorio players on this threat, glad to see that!

ooh, astroneer is great! haven't played it myself but seen some gameplay of it. mine is Planetside 2 with about 2400 hours... most of that is from the past two years I'd say

I haven't played Planetside 2 for a few years now, how is the playerbase these days? When I left they had started limiting access to maps due to dwindling player counts.

oh? that has always been the case, open continents have always been based on server population, which itself has been pretty stable for the past few years. not gaining players, but not losing either

the Connery and Soltech servers are more empty than the others, but other than that, it's fine. Devs are still working on updates, and regularly bringing new things and doing balance changes. recently, Bastions have been changed to be more supportive and less death machines, construction has received a big overhaul, MAXes cannot be revived once killed, and last year a new map has been added, Oshur, with water and mechanics that go with it, to a pretty mixed reception, but I think they have done a good job at improving it over time!

The Playstation version is pretty much dead, with very low player counts, but mostly, it has stopped receiving updates for about a year, with no words from the devs so far

Kind of difficult since aside steam I have no clue on how many hours I have spent, especially for console games.

That aside, my most played game in steam are:

  • melvor idle with 1500 hours (it's an idle to be fair, kind of runescape but it's only a UI, you leave it open farming)
  • factorio at 700 hours (the entirety of the factory building genre is pure crack)
  • risk of rain 2 at 400 hours (it's the perfect sequel and a damn fun roguelike where you stack items until your pc breaks)

Rocket League has to be at the top along with Forza. Driving aimlessly without burning fuel in scenic views takes the chart

I believe the game I have the highest number of hours in is League of Legends, but I don't know the exact amount because at a certain point riot changed their API and the tracking site I used reset. But the highest it was ever at was 2,376 hours. The highest games I currently can still track are Skyrim with 789.5 hours and Skyrim legendary edition at 241 hours, then Stardew Valley with 953 hours, Fallout New Vegas with 612 hours, and Final Fantasy 6 with 557 hours(this was one campaign.). Everything after that is sub-500, but I give an honorable mention to Dark Souls 3, at 441 hours.

Definitely Morrowind! The Elder Scrolls III. Oh, I might actually start it back up again at some point.. Maybe one should try the Tamriel Rebuilt mod.

I probably have years of playtime on Super Smash Bros. Melee for Nintendo GameCube

Binding of Isaac, over 1170 hrs.

Have I seen everything or am I any good at it? Hell no.

7 Days to Die. It's an incredibly underrated game. I'd describe it as Minecraft, but for adults.

I'm gonna hold that is was immensely more fun around A10-12, but to be fair I haven't tried the latest release.

Idle Wizard 6k+ hours

NGU Idle nearly 4k hours

MHR Sunbreak 1k+ hours

BattleTech 1k+ hours

MH World 800 hours

Those idle games running in the BG sure racked up the hours. Ran them for more than half a year before I realized I was just wasting power for something senseless.

Dead By Daylight has consumed more of my life than any other game at 1600 hours (since 2018), and that’s still rookie territory. I’ve never been able to commit to a game for very long, maybe 40-80 hours max and that was only two or three games in my life. DBD just has a hold on me.

Same. I play until I rage-quit sometimes. But most times it’s hitting my dopamine receptors juuust right. Those perfect, risky escapes are so satisfying.

Risk of Rain 2, man. My absolute favorite game of all time.

I have nearly 3500 hours into Apex Legends (played competitively a little in college)

Also somewhere in the realm of 800 hours into factorio, a good 500 into Skyrim and literally uncounted thousands of hours into minecraft.

Team Fortress 2 with 2075 hours and that's on an account I made 4 years ago. My old account had 3000+ hours.

How on Earth does one spend 557 hours on Final Fantasy VI? I've finished it at least a half-dozen times over the years since it came out, and I doubt I've spent that much time with it. And at least one of those sessions I got everyone to max level and taught them every spell in the game. I suppose I have not taught Gau all the possible Rages, but doing that sounds insufferable.

Edit: Are replies broken? This was a reply to a comment, but it showed up as a separate comment.

If we count map editors then most likely C&C: Generals: Zero Hour or ARMA 3.

If we don't could editors then probably Halo 3 or MW2, maybe Stellaris.

What, recently?

Historically, Destiny or Borderlands, probably the latter. But lately, I'm spending all of my time in Factorio.

I haven't looked at the hours stat; it'd probably only depress me.

They've reset mine twice before many years ago. I'm sure Minecraft is my top overall. In steam it says Metal Gear Solid 5 is my top but I would leave it running sometimes for the research to finish. Second is Garry's Mod. I played that A LOT when I was younger.

Before the community died off I had put just under 20,000 hours into Subspace / Continuum (mostly on EG). No, that's not a typo. I learned what addiction looks like as I grew older.

Between that, NexusTK, The Realm and an unhealthy obsession with SNES JRPGs I don't know how I managed to make it through grade / high school...

Continuum. I have more than 10 thousand hours on my main account, 3 thousand more on alts I do not have access anymore. Most of the time was afk or just being online since it had a chat and very lightweight. You can see top players by usage time on the trenchwars server website.

Dunno if counts as a game really.. But about 4k hrs of VRChat - love the place and the friends I made there!

Path of Exile, around 3k hours and it is still my favorite. Every 3 months you get to play again with a different twist, and Path of Exile 2 (just an update, but a huge one) is being worked on and will likely release next year.

My sister has more than 1000+ h in Sims 4

Not entirely surprising. If you think about it, that's only .13% of the time since it came out. Also, it's Sims, I don't blame her lol.

I have 1000+ hours in Forza Horizon 4 & 5, mainly due to weekly FOMO (new car every Thursday).

Probably Planetside 2, an online MMOFPS game.

Next are probably: (Don't know in which order)

FTL: Faster than Light (with Multiverse Mod)

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

A small multiplayer game called "Red Crucible 2" (browser based FPS game that runs in Unity Plugin, game's now dead)



Note: I don't have the times on these games because I might or might not have "downloaded" some of them outside of official stores... so its just based on how vividly I remember them.

I used to love PS2. Fallen away over the years, but I have fond memories of being in 4 different team speaks at any given time relating messages. It was always a great time.

I’ve noticed a bunch of dev work has been done recently. Is it worth getting back into?

That would be Elden Ring. Spent 200+ hours on that game (might sound like rookie numbers but that was my first open world game, was just a casual gamer before that).

Haven't checked in a while but I think my personal record is 1400+ hrs in Europa Universalis IV.

Either skyrim or oblivion. probably Oblivion. It's the most immersive game world I've encountered. Emminently replayable.

I don't know how much time I've spent in Minecraft, but it's probably over 1000 hours.

Second place certainly goes to LoL. They reset the statistics at some point but my guess is also close to 1000 (at some point I had like 700 and kept playing for a while).

I don't play either of those anymore though.

  1. RDR2 - 2,225 hours
  2. MGSV - 1,388 hours
  3. TW3 - 645 hours

I'm sure SMW is the real 3rd. place, but I don't have the numbers.

Hard to say for certain but on Xbox it would have to be Halo MCC or The Witcher 3. I also played a lot of World of Warcraft back in the day so that’s probably up there too.

Guild Wars 2; I'm at 6-7k hours or so. Been playing a lot less lately; I'm not sure if that's the recent content, or if it's me getting tired of it. I don't have a ton of objectives I'm interested in completing at this point; some "nice to have"s, but at this point any character or build I could possibly want to play, I have just about everything I need for. Mostly find myself logging in twice a week to do guild night with friends, and that's it.

Otherwise, GTA V, which surprises pretty much everyone I know except the friends I play with. It's just such an easy game to spend hoursblowing each other up or racing around or whatever in; really a fantastic game to play with friends.

Overall i've spent countless hours in minecraft and csgo for a close second

Recently tho I've been playing a lot of bloons and risk of rain 2. They're both really addictive

I'm over 10k hours on FFXIV, been playing since launch. Could get an exact answer when i get home. Next closest is Skyrim with around 1,500.

Edit: it's over 14k hours, more than 584 days worth. It'd be much more if I had more time the last two years but I can't do much than dailies with a 15 month old!

Old School RuneScape, by a lot!

Diablo 2 from launch, I won't even guess the hours because it's over 10k easy and that's just not good. Path of Exile says 4k+ hours as well. I'm an old fart though.

It's probably the same for me. I played, quit, and restarted Diablo II so many times since middle school. It just has a replayability factor after you've been away from a few years.

Crudader Kings 2 at 1400 hours and Total War Warhammer II and I at 800 hours

World of warcraft. Still true. I only played up through Crusade even. But it ate literally dozens of days of my life. I wouldn't say I regret that, as it was a learning experience for me. But I would definitely not have played wow if I could go back.

I had over 300 days logged on my main, vanilla through cata.

For me, and I think most people with an obscene amount of time logged - we weren't there for the game, we were there for the guild. It's been years since I played, but I'm still in regular contact with some of those people - WAY more so than old friends from school and such.

Those folks were my digital family - I don't regret those hours for a second.

ah i was struggling to come up with an answer, but it's probably still WoW for me too. solidarity, friend

CS:GO 5000+ hours wasted in my 20s

League of Legends, no doubt (and no idea how many hours across my two main accounts). Just... yikes on a bike, that one.

Other tops probably Sims if I can count all the different games. Stardew and animal crossing are up there as well, I'm sure.

Easily 10k hours throughout the Diablo series.


9 months until your game finally goes beyond loading screen. You pay it permanently and cannot stop playing it - and if you intentionally stop playing, you can't play again. No savestates - which sucks for exploring alternatives. You also don't get asked whether you want to play or not as well - you just get thrown in. Also there is no character selection screen and you start with whatever stats, region, context, etc. you rolled.

However, it is definitely quite interesting and gives you really very realistic experiences. Did I mention, that it's much better in its immersion than all the AR/VR stuff and co? You even can properly smell and taste stuff there!

I would guess I have multiple thousands of hours across the Halo and Pokemon series. My highest played steam game is dead by daylight (gross) at 1k hours. Deep Rock Galactic and PUBG are at around 500.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare

For me its MW2, 40+ days on PS3 if i remember correctly. Good days.

Breath of the Wild. I put about 300 hours into it.

Microsoft flight simulator thanks to slow internet and 200gb updates every time I play.

~800 hours into PAYDAY 2

~1800 hours in various sim racing games, assetto corsa, project cars 2, dirt rally/DR2, rFactor2.

And some ~300 hours in Stationeers

Quake Champions for sure. Best competitive shooter I've ever played (and I've tried all the popular ones), great option if you like movement & aim centric games

Pokemon Firered. One of my favorite childhood game.

1200 hours on Halo The Master Chief Collection on steam. And absolutely countless more on Halo Reach on the Xbox 360.

Looking at 600+ hours in Rimworld, and probably even more in Dwarf Fortress but 200+ since the Steam release, it wasn't tracked before.

Path of Exile. It literally captures you once you take a grasp on game mechanics and find an interesting character build.

Oh boy, theres a lot to talk about chatacter building.

Theres no ARPG game in the market with such complexity in planning your character. Dopamine hits when you reach your build's peak and while you chase for milestones, like upgrading gear, leveling, bossing, etc. Leagues are breath of fresh air, introducing expansions + new content, also possibility to start a fresh character in fresh ladder & economy.

Playing PoE with pals in a guild and sharing milestones, moments, items & currency, helping each other with progression sucks you even further in.

Its so addictive that I've had to stop playing it, because it takes so much of your time. But I don't regret playing it. Good times.

Evil Dead: The Game. 3k hours in the past year and still my daily goto. Probably the most underrated game of all time.

Minecraft. I spent a lot of time on it, especially when playing with friends on my server.

I had over 10,000 hours of Call of Duty 2 (2005 version). 4000 hours of the first Call of Duty Modern warfare and currently have 3600 hours of Csgo. It’s common to run into 6-8000 hour accounts in Csgo.

Anything less than 1000 hours in Csgo is considered new to the game still.

On steam it's dota 2 with about 3k hours but really my most played game is the old f2p Combat Arms. I nearly exclusively played that game after school to bed for like 4 years, I probably had over 6000 hours logged. Still talk with the friends I made there a decade later.

I racked up about 9000 hours in WoW before quitting, bit over 3000 hours in Runescape.

Acorn Revs. can't tell you the hours, thousands would be my guess. Elite: not quite as many hours. Discovered the save file format.

Because I've been playing on and off for around decade - if not a little longer - on xbox360, I'm going to say Borderlands.

I still have a ton of content left in the game since I only had the zombie island and underdome riot DLCs until three years ago and even then still had only really focused heavily on my main account for most everything in game, leaving my playthroughs with the others far behind in the dust.

I’ve yet to come close to my record of 800+ hours in Rust with any other game.

  1. Doom I and II with who knows how many hours since Christmas 1996.

  2. Minecraft since 2011.

  3. Binding of Issac with close to 1k hours.

  4. Factorio with 850+ hours and currently rising.

I'm at around 1750 hours playing The Binding of Isaac and I'm not done with the game......

On Steam my top game is GTA V with like 1.1k hours, I haven't played it in over 2 years tho.

But the actual top game is probably Minecraft, tho it's hard to get an exact number.

4000 hours in the Sims, Sims2, Sims3 and 4. Around 8000 in WoW Retail and around 2000 in RimWorld.

Diablo 2, mostly back in the early days, but resurrected is still fun

MF sorc and Uber killer pally ftw

CounterStrike. Haven’t played in years but there was a while when it consumed my free time.

Mass Effect Trilogy. Each game when I initially played had 3-4 careers of 50 hours. This was when one game’s choices affecting another game to this degree was very new so I would be trying many different permutations.

Definitely the case if we include LE later on.

Quake II consumed about a decade of my life. Alright, 15+ years.

This depends on what you define as in game. According to Steam, I've spent the most time on NGU Idle at 3306 hours, but a large amount of that was spent with the game running while I was asleep or at work. For Steam games with the most hours, I've spent 840 playing Path of Exile but that doesn't include the 200 or so hours playing the standalone client. This is followed up by 440 hours playing Terraria (which doesn't include console version hours), and Realm of the Mad God which I have 325 hours playing.

If we include MMOs in the mix, I've easily clocked 1500 hours playing both World of Warcraft (between Classic and Retail up to and including Mists of Pandaria) and Guild Wars 2 over the years.

Funny enough, I wouldn't include any of these games in a list of my favorite games other then Terraria, so that's good to keep in mind :)

Got around 300+ hours into Borderlands 2 and around 600+ into Warframe

Either quake 1 as a kid (netquake CA)… RTCW as a teen, or world of Warcraft as a growing adult.

Arma 3 and that is mostly "Escape From" as it's an easy drop in game mode. Although I think I still have way more hours in Europa Universalis 4 but that isn't counted for... reasons.

Also I swear my hours used to be way bigger years ago. I am not crazy right? Like only 170+ hours in TF2 I have definitely played that way more.

On Steam it's Phantasy Star Online 2 (which I am no longer actively playing.)

Throughout my life it's probably Sonic Robo Blast 2 (a fangame.)

Ark: Survival Evolved. I'm at just under 1000 hours, and Rocksmith 2014 I'm at 466 hrs.

Team Fortress 2 with over 1,200 hours. I've been playing it regularly for over a decade, so the hours have added up

I dont know exactly but I have around 300 hours in every soulsborne game inkluding elden ring. Such good times.

not really a single game but probably accumulated the most hours playing Super Mario World kaizo romhacks

single game would probably be Battlefield 4 though

Top 3:

  1. Minecraft - Probably over 1000 hrs
  2. Stardew Valley - 491 hrs
  3. Sims 3 - 425 hrs

4000 in arms 3 1000 in TF2 Around 2000 in osrs

Jesus Christ, didn't realise it was that bad. I just wish I was any good at any of them

DS1 to DS3, I lost count of the hours.

Toram Online, 700+ hours. Not counting the time spent on the PC port though.

Near enough 3000 hours on destiny 2 and g-mod in second with 992 hours. And third is advanced warfare multiplayer woth 699

Grim Dawn with 800+ hours. Slay the spire is 2nd with 600+ hours

First Chivalry game was dope. Funniest pvp hack n slash ever. Can't even get mad when you die cuz the voice acting and emotes n shit was over the top hilarious. Imagine if "Were knights of the round table" from Monty python was a medieval call of duty that was it.

Chiv 2 is pretty good too but didn't get too deep honestly cuz I sunk in hundreds of hours on the first and retired.

Probably GTA Vice City back in the day. So much room to just dick around and kill random people.

Metin2 my whole childhood. Then Minecraft and Counter Strike

Kerbal Space Program (not 2) has around 300 hours on my steam account. I have played around equally much on another account. KSP2 is painful to see perform so badly.

Minecraft. I don't know how many hours, but I bought it before nether portals were a thing and I've been playing it ever since. Sometimes a game just clicks for you.

What do you even have left to do in Minecraft at this point? Not asking to be rude, but as an ADHD guy I actually can't imagine playing a game that much!

I probably spent the most time in Red Dead Redemption 2 or ARK, but that's because I went for 100% completion and there were always things to do for me. Once I completed the games (about 400 hours each), I was over it.

Explore. Build. Minigames with friends.

It's a sandbox game and they've been adding content for 10 years.

Modpacks. There are hundreds. And probably tens of thousands of mods. You can easily make your own modpacks nowadays, using a launcher and config editor.

It's been so long since I've played the vanilla version, I haven't seen any content from the last few updates. I've started a vanilla world just to explore them.

At this point I'm spending more time making mods than playing with them