What's a word you haven't heard used in years?

RealWrastling@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 187 points –

Myrrh. I used to hear it as a kid in church. Haven't heard it in decades by now.

Ditto to frankincense

I've seen it on incense labels, but never spoken outside of a churchy setting.

There was a podcast episode years back about how large quicksand loomed in popular culture for a whole generation, before vanishing as a concept almost completely.

And sure enough, I remember as a kid in the 80s worrying about stumbling into quicksand while wandering around the bushes in rural Canada.

Then I forgot about it as a concept until I heard it on that one episode, and I haven't heard it since.

There's a John Mulaney joke about this

Huh...I can't find it on YouTube, but it rings a bell. Was it something like "quicksand played a much smaller role in my life than I expected"?

Found the podcast...

As a kid in 90s Australia I was also led to believe that quicksand was more of a threat than it turned out to be, lol

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I wish I could say the same. But my kids say it a lot..


(To be fair, they like looking up words to see who can find the biggest ones.)

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokenosis. Blow their minds.

Believe it or not, they know this one..! It's one of the reigning chanps. They have mini competitions with each other seeing who can spell it the fastest. Lol

Lots of fun!


I say this almost daily lol


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Affordable housing

So "affordablehousing" then? 😂

Looks German

We actually have a word for that: unauffindbar

Doesn't that mean unfindable?

You are right. It's a joke because there is absolutely no affordable housing to be found in Germany.

Seems like there's a word for everything in German!

There is. That word is "alles".

For a change the German word is shorter than the English one, and it's the English one that's smashing two existing words together.

Cowabunga and tubular!

80s were a good time!

Every time I see someone at work carrying tubes I can't help myself and say "totally tubular my dude!" Lol


As a software developer, I actually use "truthy" and "falsy" pretty regularly for "the computer thinks this value is true/false"

Just remember that even though None is Falsy, an array of Nones is Truthy. Gets me every time. I fucking understand it logically (because the array itself exists) but damnit if I can make my lizard brain comprehend it while coding it.

because the array itself exists

More specifically it's because the array isn't empty.

Yup you’re more right than I was. An empty array is still Falsy even though it exists. I accept the correction.

Vituperative. It's such a good word too.

Oh, that's good. A new one for me!

From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn]:

      adj 1: marked by harshly abusive criticism; "his scathing
             remarks about silly lady novelists"; "her vituperative
             railing" [syn: {scathing}, {vituperative}]

Isn't that a great word? I used to read a lot of Canadian classic literature and it was often in there.

Also garrolous is a good word.

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Dag. Not like Snatch “ya like dags” but like “dag, yo”.

Phat! As in cool. Haven't heard that one in wellllll over a decade.


I left Australia decades back, so all my slang vocabulary is stuck from when I left.

rorted - being high

having a pash - intense kissing

Too right. Someone in my household reminded us that we used to use munted all the time, so we're bringing it back into our vocab, haha

Munted - mutated, fucked up, borken

We used to use rorted to mean... well it would be past tense for hitting a bong, "to rort" being the verb. I am in the UK and have no idea where that slang came from.

Defenestrate. What a word!

Have you read Russian news in the past decade? Defenestration is the preferred method of retirement in the Ruzzian government.

Wait, what? There were a lot of defenestrations recently, you haven't heard?


I write firmware, this is a daily term

I too write firmware. Once the UART lib is done I never touch it again for the duration of the whole project. If you use it daily something weird is going on.




That pimpin' Trill just Booyahed their symbiont all over the holodeck...

Lol! ^ When you download the wrong episode of Star Trek off limewire O.O


French for drunk.

Only saw it on a British translation of Zola's L' Assomoir.


It was our clever and undetectable way to say boner in grade school

Whatever word was used before "caveat" took it's place. A few years ago, suddenly, everyone on Youtube and elsewhere started using it.

Cluster Fuck


I have a passion for the word "fuck" I need to get back to. I love the word "cunt" but thats too volatile so I had to retire that word.

Ass hat

Clown Shoes

Banana Head

Yeah most of my terms are personal attacks on morons I work with.

I use "ass hat" and "clusterfuck" regularly.

FUBAR is another

I also go Ricky (I'm an American):

Worst case Ontario

What comes around is all around.

BFE. Bum fuck egypt. A place far away

I live there right now, middle of nowhere VA

Also we used to call it East Bum Fuck Egypt :)

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicavolcanoconiosis. It's just not a word that comes up often


Haven't heard it in awhile because we agreed that saying it backwards was going a bit too far.


Heard it frequently 20 years ago and now it's dropped off the face of the planet as casual homophobia has become a bit less prevelant.

Facetious and Modicum.

I remember them being heavily used everywhere by everyone like a fad, disappeared like a fad. I don't miss them though

Dubba. Mostly cuz I haven't lived in New England for over 20 years.

Never heard that one, had to look it up.

It's definitely a very narrow colloquialism you hear in New England. Honestly, I think it may be specific to the Seacoast Region of Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts.

It's used in the same context as "bastard", but solely as a term of endearment.

"What's up, dubba?"

I really dig using "mook" as an insult, playfully or otherwise. It's somewhat normal in my tight circles but I get looks every time I'm in other groups when I drop a "what a mook"