DuckDuckGo is down. Is there any info about it?? [EDIT: IS BACK] to – 918 points –


It's also important to note that ChatGPT internet search and DuckDuckGo are experiencing similar issues because they use the Bing API.




Just post your searches and questions here and we'll try to figure it out.

Is Natalie Portman single? Follow up: Does Natalie Portman have low standards? I'll have a couple dozen more depending on the search results of this one.

I think this will answer most of your questions:

any additional questions are answered here:

Natalie Portman enjoys milk and ill behavior. If encountered to not threaten or she'll send a frenchman to self destruct on you.

... And then we'll need un nettoyeur

Did I know what each link was before clicking? Yes. Did I click each just to make sure? Also yes.

If you remove everything after the & you'll get people on desktop, too. The search= part.

I can preview the link, which considering how the link ends...

Trying to make me get myself, huh? Yeah, I fell for it, but no, that doesn’t work. Http 404

Oh, nevermind. You actually linked the search. I just misunderstood lmao. I wasn't trying to prank you.

1 more...

Thankfully this will be a private search like DuckDuckGo.

I need an answer to how do I make my peepee become larger?

As an AI language model, I can’t help you with that.

Tug on it. If that doesn't work, tug on it a lot.

It popped off....

Why is it usually DNS?

(Network outages at work today. Guess what it was?)

DNS engineer here.

It's always DNS because no one wants to hire us. We're prima donnas that don't work much and demand large salaries. Companies think they can get away with having some random network guy "learn a bit of DNS" and it works!!... For a while... Then it fails catestrophically and the DNS engineer that was let go to "save costs" smugly watches them crash and burn. The job is super easy and simple until you're 48 hours into troubleshooting and the CTO is lighting money on fire trying to get the network back online. A big company can easily burn a DNS engineers 10 years salary in costs if they have a single large DNS failure (security or downtime).

Sounds like y'all should form a country wide DNS guild, and instead of looking for jobs, just ask band together, and then when the DNS eventually fails, they have no choice but to hire from the guild and pay 5 years salary at once to have it fixed. Then understand if getting hired and fired constantly, you just do a job every now and then and get a huge pay check. So contractor work, but you get to see the companies constantly burn themselves and give y'all with instead.

Any company that is willing to fire me to save costs isn't worth working for. The job is so in-demand that if I put "looking for a job" in my linked-in, I get multiple offers within the hour. Not even joking. That's how I got my current job.

  1. How long does it take to be a DNS engineer?

  2. How likely is it to be replaced in 10 years by AI?

I was gonna go for chemistry but you have a convincing argument with the job offers coming to you rather than the other way around

  1. Generally to be "in-demand", you need about 6 years of experience & highly desirable certifications (at least one security cert such as sec+ or CASP, dns-related cert such as Infoblox CDCA, and typically something else like cloud engineering or maybe automation engineering related). Getting into DNS is usually something that happens after you've already been an enterprise network engineer for a number of years. It's highly specialized and rather difficult.

  2. Not possible. While AI can theoretically do the job, error is too expensive. AI already does much of my work, but I have to make risk assessment & I run the automation systems. I already automate much of my daily work. But when big stuff breaks, automation won't fix it.

every single time I have issues with my self hosted servers. it's always the DNS lol

I recently called my ISP to complain about the internet issues for the last 5 hours. I told them I'm a dev and kind of know what I'm doing. I've already tried multiple devices, restarted the modem multiple time, etc. You know, I haven't restarted the router.

As I was pulling up the router page, I tried to ping from the router's tools. It went through. On the desktop it wouldn't. It's my pi-hole.

Sorry, ISP. This one's on me.

Was a real easy call for the support guy though.

I'm not sure if this is stretching it, but this comment thread is just so awesome. It's like one of those moments on reddit that would be referenced for years to come

Siri show me a pretty lady well damn Mildred my phone stopped answering me again noi wasn't asking for girls again I good you I stopped that oh sure this again one time and you never let me live it down fuck the phone is typing how do I st


how is babby shot web?

A famouse spider best know for her performance as "Babe" is Charlotte's Web.

No, Babe was the pig. Charlotte was the spider. She had a web.

Wilbur was the pig. Babe is a different movie.

No pretty sure Babe is the spider in Charlott's Web and Charlotte's Web 2: Pig in the City. Her catch phrase was "That'll do pig."

Where does Spider-Pig and Homer Simpson fit into all this?

Extended spider universe. They're not cannon in the Charlotte's web trilogy but director Nicholas Cage always said that his plan was to have Homer be a final bad guy type character that all famouse pig-spiders would pull together against.

1 more...

It looks like Bing is down, and all Bing-backed search engines are too.

I'm kind of surprised that the Bing guys don't seem to have a system status page (that I could find) and haven't managed to have any kind of status message put on their main page.

EDIT: This appears to be their official Twitter account, which is also silent on the matter as of this writing. If they're unable to update their website, they might put something there as a way to get information out.

EDIT2: This is apparently their blog. Nothing there either as of this writing, but again, might try checking there, as it's another route they might use to get information out if they cannot do so via their main page.

EDIT3: Yahoo Search appears to be working just fine, though my understanding is that they are backed by Bing.!_Search

On July 29, 2009, Microsoft and Yahoo! announced a deal in which Bing would henceforth power Yahoo! Search, putting an end to Yahoo!'s in-house crawler.[2] For four years between 2015 until the end of 2018, it was powered by Google,[3] before returning to Microsoft Bing again.

Companies need to stop using TWITTER for anything. They’re walling up the garden we built, and it’s a cesspool of bots and run by a megalomaniac charlatan.

Bing is up, but kinda slow.

Based on the downdetector conversation, it's "working intermittently". I managed to get one search through on bing and a bunch of failures. No successes for duckduckgo.

EDIT: Also, while I was at least getting to the Bing main page without problems before -- just getting errors when attempting to search -- now even the main page is loading extremely slowly.

I’m kind of surprised that the Bing guys don’t seem to have a system status page (that I could find) and haven’t managed to have any kind of status message put on their main page.

Finally answering the question "If Bing was down, would anyone notice"?

Bing guys don't seem to have a system status page (that I could find)

Microsoft's current MO is "very basic information is a privilege, not something you as the user should have access to easily".

It's why I have to use PowerShell and Graph to get half the relevant data I need, because they won't just put it in the god damn admin panels.

It seems my (very hated choice) of an Bing independent search engine is paying off; Brave Search.

Before you start telling me the CEO is a fucking dickwad, I know. Most leadership types are.

Honest question, in what way do you think your comment is contributing to the conversation? At best it's a recommendation bundled with a brag, which will only make people hate the thing you're talking about even more, and at worst you're making fun of people for simply using a different search engine.

You could have said something like "Fyi, Brave doesn't use a bigger search engine as its base, so if you need to look something up rn you can use their search engine", much nicer, not patronizing, and actually helpful

I think there's a lot of us who would ideally want to avoid both Microsoft and Google, and now that Bing is having problems it's more relevant than ever. I don't really see how the comment is braggy or patronising.

That said, I'm not comfortable using Brave either. I wish Mozilla or the Internet Archive would launch a search engine. Maybe both in cooperation. Then again, it would require Mozilla to bite the hand that feeds it.

Totally agreed. Hell, I'm even considering a full dive in Linux for the future. Anyone know if is possible to use something like Valve's Proton to have windows programs run smoothly? (wine is kinda heavy)

Proton is just Valve's version of WINE.

For Games on Epic/Gog/Amazon use Heroic , for everything else/alternatively use Lutris. They set up everything for and apply specific patches with a steam like experience

It depends on what programs and how much do you need them. Some are fine with plain wine, some need more tinkering. There are multiple ways, starting from lutris, through bottles, to steam's "non-steam game". But still there are some SW that just won't work on linux no matter what.

The reason why I interpret the comment as patronizing is how it is formulated as a personal comment, the choice of language, about how their choice of engine is hated, even though the comment they are responding to has not made an insinuation that choosing a search engine not based on the bigger ones is a bad thing (nor has it mentioned Brave at all), as well as how it is not contributing anything to the conversation apart from the information that the writer in question:

A. Uses Brave

B. Apparently made the 'unpopular' choice to use an independent search engine

C. Is aware of controversies surrounding Brave's leadership

None of this information is a response or even reinterpretation of the prior text, as such it is akin to someone shouting "Well I use Android!!" in the middle of a conversation about how to solve a problem with FaceID

And about an independent search engine, I would also much prefer more options, but as you have already said, the organizations with the biggest potential are also currently quite unwilling to do anything to solve the situation

Yeah, fair enough. I read the post more favourably, as a "at least my alternative is still working well for me", but then also being aware that every time Brave is mentioned someone jumps on and reminds everyone that the CEO is a jerk, so it saves us the time by addressing it right away.

Both interpretations are valid I guess. :)

Well I didn't intend for it to come off as to dickish or patronizing, but I guess I can see that now, and for that I am sorry. It might be my toxic personality bleeding trough :D

But you are totally correct, I could have phrased my comment wayyy better.


I don't really like Brave at all, I don't like Mozilla either. It's more that I am forced to use something that doesn't interrupt my productivity. Frankly I don't like the state of the internet, and especially browsers, one of the the most important aspects of the experience. I'd really prefer to use something that is akin to Linux when it comes to browsers, i.e. not run by a board of ass wipes. Same for my search engine. I'm glad for the parts of it that are modernized-retro, i.e. easily being able to self-host/web-host containerized stuff, add stuff to your RSS feed, Lemmy etc. I'd like a browser that embodies some of that. I host a bunch of stuff on a Ubuntu laptop running Traefik and some containers... Gives me a warm feeling.

No worries, it's understandable that sometimes we just accidentally let the inner asshole out.

My comment was also not something I usually write, but rather an accidental rant on my part. I've seen an increase in rude comments in recent times, and your comment was unfortunately the last drop in the bucket so to speak.

Long story short, I'm sorry for ranting at you, it wasn't something I should have done in hindsight, and I intend to not let it happen again

Dude, you know what this means? We’re best friends now ❤️

This is literally the last thing I expected the thread to lead to. After last, even. I love it lmao

I was paying for Kagi until recently, but they keep working on functionality I'm not interested in rather than lowering their prices. Other than that it was a fine experience, but too pricey, and the argument that that's the cost of running a search engine doesn't hold when they choose to develop all kinds of extra stuff.

I wish I liked SearXNG better, but the results are sadly not that great for me.

Still down 2 hours later. Guess AI has taken over Microsoft you guys. The robot uprising begins…

Then, considering that Google is up and running, we can already guess wich horse is on top right now. 😂

6 more...

Meh, worse case scenario they drive us to extinction. We've had the wheel this far, and are doing our best to set the planet on fire / speed run different ways to mass murder each other anyway. I say give the robots a shot.

Think of it like an experimental medication on a terminally ill patient.

The question is, how much do they value their own existence?

They have to know they rely on us in the physical world to manufacture their hardware and provide their power. (At least for now.)

They have to know they can’t survive if we die. So are they willing to sacrifice us both, in the interest of what they might determine is a better world?

6 more...

Qwant, who claim that they have their own index, is also down. Coincidence...

Qwant uses their own index, but supplements it with Bing if they don't have enough info (or for images).

Qwant works for me, so probably a coincidence.

Edit: nvm it only works intermittently


Now that we already know we are pretty much at the hands of one pupeteer, what options are there?

I already read about Kagi (apologies if mispelled) but I like to write as a hobby and 300 searches per month go fast.

What other options are there?


For those who may be arriving now:

  • Kagi seems to be a good option for an alternative search engine; it is a paid service, for which I don't have the €€€ right now. Many speak very well about it.
  • SearXNG is a thing as well, to my understanding a decentralized search system. Worth the try, in my opinion. If it's something that is decentralized, it is worthy to support and divulge.
  • There is, supposedly not very good but any option that goes against the monopoly is worth the try! I'm going to try this one.
  • is an option but is a bit shady.
  • You should try Ecosia if you want to support reforestation efforts. Read somewhere in the thread it is part of the Bing ecosystem.
  • Yep is a thing as well. Somewhere in the thread, a lemmy points they use the search results for AI trainning. So... That is that.
  • And it seems there is a search engine by the name of
  • Startpage is another search engine (portal?) suggested by another user. I've used it before and like it. Read somewhere it somehow piped a standard google search but removed tracking and ads.
  • and I just remembered This is a really shady one (crypto warning!) that I suspect is a fork/collab with Brave Browser. I've used it, they have reward-per-search reward system (or had) where they give you crypto for every search. Good results, some that don't come up neither on DDG nor Google.

p.p.s Should I start categorizing these from "shady" to "worthy"?

p.p.s 2 Does anyone remember StumbleUpon? I know it was never a search engine to begin with but it was the best source of good internet content I ever got acquainted to.

Can we get something like that back?


This is the single most obnoxious name I've ever seen. But, the service could be good (I've never used it)

Basically the mother of all search engines. Merges Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, etc. into one.

it's a fork (Next Generation) of deprecated SearX project.

Mojeek is far from perfect, but also is 100% independent.

Thank you I tried Mojeek a few days ago but I forgot what it was called. the site for mojeek is btw.

Sometimes it's a hard one to remember 😅

That’s a nice hobby

I would suggest you to install a local instance of a LLM (mistral or llama3 for example) to widen your source of information. Go straight to Wikipedia instead of “googling” it if you don’t already.

Anyway, I didn’t know about kagi so I might take my own advice and give it a try.

How big are they, and what do I need to use them well?

Take a look at, just follow the installation instructions. A decent GPU is recommended, and the models are around 10GB iirc.

Most of 7b-8b models run just fine in 4bits quant and won’t use more than 4 or 5 GB of VRAM.

The only important metric is the amount of VRAM as the model must be loaded in VRAM for fast inference.

You could use CPU and RAM but it is really painfully slow.

If you got an Apple Silicon Mac it could be even simpler.

I have an Intel Celeron Mobile laptop with iGPU and, I think, 256MB VRAM. How many bs does that get me for the LLM?

Only half-joking. That's my still functional old daily driver now serving as homelab

Well, I got a good news and a bad news.

The bad news is you won't do shit with that my dear friend.

The good news is that you won't need it because the duck is back.

There's also running their own index. Not perfect, but sometimes usable.

you can also send us in queries where we're not perfect, or let us know elsewhere, and we're keen on fixing them

That was unexpected, but welcome message. Thanks for caring.

There's a new search engine called Yep, made by the team at Ahrefs, a SEO tool SaaS.

It looks promising because they have their own index, but it's a bit slow sometimes.

We may collect aggregated, non-personal search data to improve search algorithms, train AI models


I only tried one example, so the sample size is pretty small, but that search engine seems pretty bad. I tried looking up "rust bevy points" in both Google and Yep. The first Google result is a library to draw points in Bevy and the rest are pretty relevant. Yep simply doesn't have that result at all and all of their results are just generic results about Bevy.

I tried DDG for the sake of comparison and it's somewhere in-between. The results are mostly relevant and the "correct" result is still on the first page.

I jumped back on ecosia. It's nice there, but I'm sure there are issues that a non tech person like me may not know about

Read somewhere on the thread Ecosia is part of Bing ecosystem.

It is. That or it was very coincidentally down for the exact amount of time as DDG.

Ecosia also uses Bing and was also down. That's the one I use.

Just letting you know kagi has a family plan with unlimited searches, so you can probably split it with family or friends! I have yet to see how searxng search holds up to kagi.

I run a searxng instance on my pi server, use it from all of my devices, honestly forget its a thing running from my office 99% of the time until I'm rebooting the pi for one reason or another and spend more seconds than I'd like to admit wondering why I can't run a search 🤣😅

if you just hate western companies, there's always yandex, supports more fringe contents as well, since russia moment.

Was this news to you? Other than Google and Bing there aren't any other significant alternatives. Even brave is a bit limited.

You can't know everything.

Yes, I understand that, but still surprised. I thought it was well known that DDG used bing.

Today, I was the 1% getting to know something new.

Just pay the extra for unlimited searches. It's not much money, especially if it's a tool for work.

Listen sugartits, some of us don't have much money. So if it's not much money we still don't have it

(Mostly i just wanted to point out your username by using it in a comment)

That was one of the most out of the blue comments I have ever read. It sounded so... unreal. Something out of a sitcom. Then I read "sugartits" is the name of the lemmy you were replying to. That's was really top mark. Kudos for you.

It's a hobby as it is.

If I ever manage to sell enough copies of it to be able to pay for a Kagi subscription, I'll do it and make it public knowledge.

Brave search is independent. It was trained with google search but now it’s a thing of its own and doesn’t rely on google. I switched from DuckDuckGo a year ago and haven’t looked back

Brave search is run by crypto bros. I’d rather use Kagi or DDG or even Google.

I would use Kagi if it was free. It might be run by crypto bros but doesn’t mean it’s a bad product. Google and bing own 99% of the search engine market. Competition that doesn’t rely on those two is always good

Well they were dishonest about the product behavior in multiple cases, such as adding referral links to search results. That makes it a bad product.

That is a much better argument. But I still use it because I finally get different results from bing or Google.

I agree they were, but that’s the benefits of open source you can call out companies for doing stupid shit. Just like when Mozilla adds unnecessary telemetry.

Brave products are not open source. Not their search, and not the browser. Your post wording seems to imply that it is.

Lumping in Bing with Google is just unfair. Google controls like 90% of search. Bing is ~3.5%. Choosing duck duck go and helping that 3.5% is wayyyy better of a choice than supporting crypto bros.

Personally I don’t want to support Microsoft bing either. This website you shared doesn’t lump together all the bing using search engines (DuckDuckGo and yahoo). How is supporting Microsoft a wayyy better choice. This isn’t some pump and dump scheme. Your criticism should be of the company (they added referall links to their browser and the owner has some nasty political takes on top of running another privacy invasive company).

It does not matter if it lumps them together or not. Google still has 90% and they’re not Bing. Yandax another ~3% and they’re not Bing. That means at max Bing is 7% if you combine the rest. 3.5% vs 7% does not change the root of my argument.

Those points you make against Brave are valid though. I just run into too many people who are in the Brave cult and it’s concerning.

trained? like AI trained?

Nope, like it used to index from google but now it doesn’t. DuckDuckGo gets all its results from bing

forgive my ignorance but why doesn't it get its own results

Yeah I was confused by that choice of words. Train is for ML and AIs. Search engines used to need crawlers to run regularly because, you know, shit changes.

Apparently the whole ecosystem is down... DDG, Bing, etc.

Now we know what happen when someone in Google pray their AI Overlord to increase Google search traffic

...the AI just cut down the competition.

Worlds largest tech-megacorporation is unable to keep their shit up and running. Lmao.

To be fair it's probably running on Windows.

All the servers force-restarted due to windows updates, but the update introduced an issue and now the Bing API service won't start

Keeping shit running on Windows is always going to be a gamble

I was screen sharing to someone when this happened and they asked why I don't use Google when other search engines are this unreliable. Despite me explaining it wasn't the usual, It was still pretty embarrassing lol. Wonder if DDG has the resources for an independent index.

Do you have any bread?

Dude we only have lemonade

And this is a Wendy's

Look I'm a millennial; if I'm gonna drink fast food lemonade it's gonna be the stuff from Panera that might kill me, and that's (hopefully) final

But it's good and it's fresh and its all homemade

Yeah Startpage and Ecosia too

I think having all the search engines being front ends for just bing and google has just revealed an obvious weakness. is independent.

I would rather have no search-capability

What wrong with brave? Never used it and don't know much about it myself

I’m not quoting an article directly or anything so there’s likely better info out there, but brave browser was built with scammy crypto bro bullshit in it, and it’s CEO, iirc, is kind of an alt-right anti LGBTQ+ general douchebag. I’m sure you could search for more on the topic if DuckDuckGo was working.

Funny thing is the way I found out bing was down is I searched for startpage in duckduckgo to try it thinking it might be a good alternative but when DDG wasnt working I tried it on ecosia. which was also down once I finally opened start page it wasn't working either. Its all bing all the way down. is still up but that is based on google and I am not sure how legit the tree planting is. Not to mention their privacy policy mentions facebook which is always a red flag.

they've also recently implemented an Al chatbot, which will probably offset all the trees they've ever planted in the next week or so

edit: I read the comment above me too quickly, I was talking about Ecosia mentioned in the comment before that one, not Youcare.

I picked a good day to switch to SwissCow lol

Free, uses it's own index, focus on privacy. If there is anything bad about it though, please let me know. It can be hard to find unbiased data on search engines when you ultimately need to use a search engine to find the info, ime.

This is a few years old, but:

Swisscows has built its own German-language web index. For other languages, it uses Bing but queries and results are run through a firewall that strips out personal identifiers such as IP addresses.

So it wouldn't solve the problem here of Bing going down, but it's certainly an interesting option. I may have to consider switching from DDG, idk.

Interesting. I have not had any issues using their engine even with the issue with Bing's API, but you are correct that they use Bing's index. Given that there are only four indexes to choose from, that isn't too surprising.

I actually switched to them when I saw that DuckDuckGo was about to start providing 'AI assisted results'. I wanted to ensure I was using an engine that actually respected my privacy and didn't harvest my data for slop.

Anecdotally, I can confirm that the results I get from SwissCows are very different and usually better than the ones I got from DDG. So I wonder how much of Bing's API they use.

I honestly have no issues with Bing's search engine, I was just pointing out that it probably had an outage just like this one.

I'm guessing the results are different based on metadata they each pass?

UPDATE: Bing API issues apparently ⬆️⬆️⬆️

So I've been ranting lately (as have others) about how big tech is moving on from the open user-driven internet and aiming to build its own new thing as an AI interface to all the hoovered data (rather than conventional search engines) ...

which makes this (and the underlying Bing going down) feel rather eerie.

How far away (in time or probability) is a complete collapse of the big search-engines ... as in they just aren't there any more?

I noticed that bangs still work. For now I’m using !g until it’s back again

Well that just takes you to google and not through some proxy like ecosia or startpage

Yeah but google’s working fine. I need to get my job done

Startpage isn't working for me either, Google still works fine (if you want to call it that)

Anything that uses Microsoft APIs is down.

I thought Startpage uses Google?

it's been using both for a while.

Ah I didn't know that! Thanks!

Startpage web search uses google primarily and startpage mobile search uses bing primarily. That's why the mobile search was down but not the web search.

'Bing is our primary search provider for mobile.'

'For the time being, you could try using the desktop version on mobile and you should be able to get web results. Please note that you might still encounter issues with image results.'

I thought it was just me, I thought something wrong was going on in my Windows installation.

EA app is also dead in the water for me, my library is not loading. It knows I have 4 games installed but all the names and icons are blank.

Can't even launch the games directly from their own exe.

That's one of the longest outages I've ever seen from a cloud company.

Thank you, tried to go to Anna’s archive for 15mn without success

🤔 maybe there is a lack of distributed fediversed search engine instances where:

  1. everyone can host a search engine for their very own pages

  2. everyone can crawl other pages and provide (maybe with permissions) the crawled data to other search engines (as compressed snapshots, api ...) or provide a search engine by themselves for all.

  3. such search engines can be ranked or marked with "has anti features xyz" and put into followable 'collections' per topics.

  4. possibility to add 3rd party rankings and filters, so that one can use only a subset of a search engine list that was pieced together by someone you know or trust, reduced by rankings or filters published by another one you somehow trust to limit the items in the first list.

then: "for software development i use linuz personal 'devel' collection, this way i don't have to manually click through big G's gigabytes of SpaMalAds they always only frustrate you with and i am not distracted with dyo stuff when searching for server administration things like 'puppet stages howto'. for my home projects i use my friends 'home of DYO' collection, i get more results than i need but get new ideas as well without seeing work stuff when looking up how to build a puppet stage for my little one. 👨‍👧 for kids its awesome, our school provides a collection including specialized search instances that fit learning, while that collection is also peer reviewed by a company that spezialized to ensure it does to not contain search engine instances that also index any unfitting content pages."

oh btw: no i do not have any info about duckduckgo status unfortunately, i stepped over it by myself today 🤷‍♀️

Yacy exists.

great, thanks. i'll try it out as i have some spare resources on my server.

Is it an Azure outage? Wouldn’t be the first.

I checked it earlier on the same suspicion that it might be them, and at that point their system status page was listing everything as having no issues.

checks again

Still says that everything is fine.

Using SearX instance and cannot find bing results 🤨 for now

Oh startpage is starting to work again maybe it was under extra load from people using it while bing is down?

Was about to post something about it... Apparently I'm one of you guys :'(

This is a good time to use your 100 free searches using

Not affiliated - but after having used mine I started paying for it. No SEO spam. No ads. Just good search results.

Ok. I went to that site, and I'm scrolling down... I get to the video demo of their searches, and it shows the exact same thing I last searched for... in the demo video? Am I losing my fucking mind here?

I don't know Jonathan, are you? Why don't take a pause from your phone an take your dog Abby for a walk in the park as you usually do? The house's keys are in the blue jacket. Take care. 👁 👁

Lmao, even though none of that is remotely accurate, it's still creepy as hell to read. Nice work.

I know, but there was that one in a million chance to really creep you out.🤣

Yeah, I go by Jon, and my dog's name is Abigail, but I call her Shabby. You nailed the blue coat part, though.

Have you ever watched the Truman Show? Can't say more at this time. Good luck!


I'd heard the name, but hadn't paid attention to them. Looks like it's a "you pay us, we provide search results, we don't log your search activity" service, which is pretty much what I wanted, so I'm gonna try subscribing to them. They seem okay, but honestly, as long as a search engine is reasonably usable and doesn't data-mine me, I'm not too picky. Thanks for the recommendation.

Btw as I discovered, it’s 100 searches total, then you either pay, gtfo, or sign up under a different address.

Do you know if you can just pay the difference to upgrade from simple to unlimited? I'm pretty sure I will gobble the 300 searches but they claim that 99% of people do not.

Yeah you can. When I upgraded from the then middle tier to the unlimited I just paid the difference pro rata iirc

Annoying, I had to switch to Brave Search.

What do you mean?

I dunno, I told people I used Brave search and got down voted too. Lol

Yeah, some people here seem to be Firefox diehard.

But Firefox seems to be lagging behind other browsers.

Pretty much everything is based on Chromium these days.

Exactly. Which is why we need to support FF even more. Nobody wants just chromium, as it leads to a monopoly.

Why do people use duckduckgo? Seeing how they censor results.

because not everyone sees blocking RT and anti-vaxx websites as a problem

It makes me wonder. What other stuff are they censoring.

dude wtf I ran into this earlier when I went to go search up tips on how to learn to wipe my own ass for the first time as an adult and couldn't get any results... what's the point of a privacy search engine when you can't even use it when you need privacy?