[Tom Warren] The PS5 Pro still hasn’t sold out in the US or UK. Looks like the $700 price point will mean this console will be readily available this holiday

2pt_perversion@lemmy.world to Games@lemmy.world – 502 points –

Build a PC

Install Linux

Fuck corporate bullshit.

Build a pc.

Install linux.

Get confused by linux.

What the fuck does linux want from me???

Rip hair out.

Be bald.

People confuse you for skinhead.

Wear wig.

Wig blows off on sunny windy day.

Lose wig.

Be sad.

As a windows main but steam deck user, can confirm Linux being confusing.

Fucking wine prefixes.

To be fair, it's just because windows is the most used and common desktop operating system and the two OSs are different. People would be confused about windows too if the tables were turned.

Also the Linux community is toxic and overcomplicates things for no reason.

This is true to a large extent. No one goes out of their way to make Linux easy.

Don't get me started on GitHub.

I see you're getting down voted and I feel for you. Linux is a breeze if you know what you're doing and git if the dev knows what they're doing. But if you're not an it wizard or very much an enthusiast, Linux just is more complex.

So this is nothing for you, but more to the gatekeepers downvoting you

What really pissed me off when I switched to Linux was I suddenly went from OS wars to sub-OS wars.

What? I'm an idiot for not switching to Linux? Ok, I've switched to Linux.

What? I'm an idiot for not using Arch? Motherfucker, all you told me was to switch to Linux and I'm already having trouble figuring it out.

I totally feel this. I came first to Ubuntu and people immediately went, why no debian/mint/arch. Now I'm on popos and happy and still some would say you doophus

What's confusing about wine prefixes apart from the fact that wine itself doesn't come with a graphical interface to manage them? On a Deck, Steam should handle these for you

Calling them "prefixes" is about the total of the confusion. Call them "instances" or even just "boxes" and it's suddenly clear what they do.

(The only reason I'm not using "sandbox" is because they don't really provide sandboxing from a security point of view, only a kind of separate instance with its own configuration but with access to everything via the Z drive)

Once you figure out that using a different "wine prefix" only really means a separate "Windows" with it's own config and file structure there's nothing confusing about it.

Oh I know what prefixes are. Configuring them is the bitch part

I just use Lutris, which generally does most of that work for me.

Same. However some mod programs that rely on Windows prerequisites like C++ and .NET don't have that (which is where my frustrations were stemming from)

I was led to believe you could put windows on steamdeck? Am I wrong? I don't have one.

You definitely can. The UI from Steam OS (Linux based) is much better though.

I agree for the most part but it really does "just work" for gaming. If you use Chimera or Bazzite it works almost just like a console.

No...no it doesn't. Ask me how I know.

Yes...Yes it does. Ask me how I know. Actually I'll just tell you: I use it every day.

It doesn't for everybody. What is so hard to grasp about the fact that your experience isn't a general truth?

You install the same OS, you get the same experience. That's what's hard for me to understand.

Then think about it this way:

You install the same os, you don't get the same experience.

That's it. Like really simple.

Edit: The underlying hardware has a effect on the behavior of the os. If hardware differs, the experience differs.

You install the same OS, you get the same experience.

If only...

okey dokey.

Let me elaborate. I have spent quite a lot of time providing voluntary tech support on Reddit and forums. In both of them you will see people having a blast & praising the community, and people pulling their hair due to frustrating issues right next to each other. Having the same OS or distro does not guarantee the same experience. People have different hardware, run different software and play different games. Also, choices regarding compat layers can make a difference, for example someone forces Proton Experimental on all games and it works out, while sb else uses Proton stable and it doesn't work. Or the other way around. Oh, also don't get me started on my Linux experience, it's a roller coaster.

That'd be cool if that was true... But I installed nobara on my brand new PC and kingdom come crashed when I fast traveled, Hades 2 ran at like 20 fps, and dragons dogma just wouldn't launch. I get Linux is cool and all but I don't have time to troubleshoot every game I install anymore...

Not quite "just works" but I'd be willing to bet that your computer defaulted to the iGPU instead of your dGPU because you didn't specify as such in your launch options

I'd be willing to get those games run fine on a console and in Windows with no extra steps.

No extra steps

So you don't download your GPU drivers? That's more steps than adding a launch option

I don't know if you've used Windows lately, but you get the GPU drivers on a fresh install (if you're using a remotely mainstream video card).

It is true. I specifically mentioned Chimera and Bazzite. The experience is totally different with those. Also if you have an Nvidia GPU, you're probably going to have a bad time regardless. Left that bit out. But I solved that problem by switching to AMD.

How do you know? Are you some kind of wizard?

I am indeed. I'm actually pretty proficient with OSX and Linux...but fuck me...getting games to run is a whole new level of hell. I fucked around with it for a day or two trying to get my gaming laptop to run steam games in Ubuntu...wasn't worth it.

  1. What games? That's a VERY big part of this whole process.
  2. What are the laptop specs? The hardware is also a massive part of it.

Huh. I use Arch (obligatory btw) and iirc I just installed steam and it worked. 4th gen i5 with an rx 480 and things like Elite Dangerous run fine, the problem starts with UE5 but that's a hardware issue.

Linux is easy.

Not compared to using a console.

Consoles are easy, and I love my PS5 for chilling and playing games, and I love my Linux PC for its power and freedom from corporate bullshit.

Wait till you realize PlayStation is just Free BSD. 😏

Streaming with Sunshine 🌞 and Moonlight 🌙 is really spiffy too.

Playing games on my deck in bed with the power of my beefy PC 🧠🤯.

Plugging my Steam Library Micro SD Card from my deck <=> PC is as easy as a using Switch™ carts.

That you don't have admin access to. Good for not fucking it up, bad for freedom.

It’s remarkably difficult to really fuck up freebsd. On Linux, getting boots to fail is easy. FreeBSD is quite a bit more robust in that regard, as the base image isn’t updated piecemeal.

I'd easily make the trade of linux standard being impossible to fuck up without rooting it, if it meant it became as easy to run as a commercial OS.

You just described Android.

I like Android. If linux would be like Android, it would take off and be probably a lot more advanced than it is now. It's currently built as a cell phone OS, because that's what it is.

But if someone made a desktop android, that worked on raspberry pi, and pc's, and could be self contained on a usb stick like you can with linux??? THAT distro might be the thing to beat Windows. Especially if it was free and open source.

Right now, on android, you can use terminal. Before I knew what terminal was, I downloaded it on an old rooted phone 10 years ago.

So YOU can do all the terminal stuff you want in this hypothetical desktop Android. But don't make ME do stuff that I don't understand.

Right now, standard linux is essentially a keyboard OS. Where the bulk of important functions come from the keyboard. Windows is a mouse OS where the bulk of important functions happen with a mouse.

And of the two styles, I prefer mouse. You prefer keyboard, but linux CAN do both......it just chooses not to.

Give me a distro where they don't even include terminal. You can download it if you want, but it's not standard.

So I don't see why you're saying Android is some kind of insult. I like Android.

I didn't say it as an insult, just pointing it out. Fwiw, I use Waydroid on my computer, and it's pretty okay. I don't think there's any desktop OS, Linux or otherwise, that doesn't ship with a terminal program, though.

E: added "desktop"

Might be based on FreeBSD, but much in the same way as Android is based on Linux, it doesn't provide you any of the freedoms that a typical Linux distro does.

So? Fisher price makes some good toys if you want something easy to play with.

Same to your "Linux is easy" comment then.

I'm talking about an operating system, not a toy. Playstation is a toy, like a tonka truck, or a tricycle. Your rebuttal is bad.

Cool, but you're in a gaming community in a post about the Playstation, so I'm not really sure why you're talking about operating systems and behaving like this when someone talks about the console the post is about.

Sometimes people want to play with a toy and not scream at their OS because of… millions of possible reasons.

I love Linux. I've moved both my PC and laptop to Linux this year and gotten rid of Windows completely and I'm loving it. OpenSUSE Tumbleweed doesn't get enough love.

That being said..... Linux is not easy guys. This guy is full of shit. But I would still recommend trying it if you're an enthusiast with this sort of inclination.

It can be. But people don't usually read instructions or ReadMEs or Docs first?

I will never understand why not. Did you know:

National average Proficient 34% Basic 65%

That is totes a big ooof and explains a lot about many people. @.@

If I had to read documentation first, I wouldn't be using Linux. We write software so we can automate things, so we should be able to automate away most of the troublesome parts until we're just left with a useful device that does its job.

It really explains why assembly instructions are mostly useless pictures now.

Well, that also saves money on localization costs, when you're selling to people across many different languages.

You forgot the part where you get angry, because your hdmi doesnt work with linux

Bazzite is the answer you search for. Learn the terminal & eventually get a grasp on why atomic distros are cool and you'll be okay. I was on windows for years & when I learned the terminal for that it was like I was giving God powers.

The only thing I'm trying to install linux on is my Raspberry Pi. Upon googling Bazzite, it doesn't seem to support Raspberry Pi.

Also, I've been trying to learn terminal off and on for 15ish years, with no luck. I've been trying to get the fan to work, unsucsessfully on my raspberry pi, for 4 years now. Apperently I have to compile some code......I don't know what that means.......

the benefits of Bazzite are centred around it having good performance with nVidia / AMD / Intel GPUs.

RasPi doesnt work with those GPUs, so it makes sense Bazzite wouldn't support it.

Compiling means that you take code then run that code trough a program that checks if the code works like intended. After that it will put out a binary/exe/whatever that you can work with further.

From wiki:

In computing, a compiler is a computer program that translates computer code written in one programming language into another language. The name "compiler" is primarily used for programs that translate source code from a high-level programming language to a low-level programming language to create an executable program. There are many different types of compilers which produce output in different useful forms.

And I have no idea what that means.

How do you reboot? You click start>power>reboot.

I know what that means.

Ask me to compile a script? Uhhhhh.......

The code is your ingredients, you put the ingredients together, then bake it (compile). When it's done you have a pie (a program you can execute and run).

Worst case scenario you can take it apart & put it back together to maybe find a defective part. Terminal is tricky because of the language barrier. It's all just coding with extra steps which isn't meant to dumb it down.

Yeah, and I don't know coding. I need it dumbed down.

to be fair, the Raspberry Pi has never been pitched as an idiot-proof consumer appliance.

it is supposed to be a cheap way for people to get into studying programming /computing / electronics.

Correction.......it's never been pitched that way by the makers of raspberry pi.

I first learned of it on youtube by some guy showing how easy it was to set up, and get your home arcade up and running in 30 minutes.


Sorry you're dumb. All you need for retropie is a RP4 and a SD card. The image burns directly to the SD card, insert, power on, play games.

Not everyone is a natural Linux user, no need to call other dumb for not knowing something you may know about.

But the problem is, I can't get the fan to work. So the whole thing overheats until I fix that problem.

What the fuck are you on about? I just build a Raspberry Pi based console running RetroPie with a custom cooler, fan, and power button with LED indicator. Check out my recent posts to 3D printing.

I compiled nothing but RetroPie since the Pi 5 isn't officially supported but it was dirt simple to do. Install Raspbian, clone RetroPie repo, run install script, press enter on the first option, wait a few hours.

Once again, you just suck at computing. Especially if after 15 years you still can't Bash. In 15 years I built a career as a senior linux engineer.

The Super Notendo -- https://discuss.tchncs.de/post/22628904

I just taught myself parametric CAD including both solid body and surface modeling in 3 months.

So you're stating on this post that you understand coding, and know how to compile. You're trying to "insult" me by saying I suck at computing.

Except I'm not insulted. You know who else sucks at it? EVERYBODY. It's like an auto mechanic trying to insult you for knowing how to change a muffler, and how it's so easy.

I don't know how to change a muffler. I just want to drive the car. Just like everybody else.

I just want to push a button, have my fan work, and play retro games. I don't want to have to bash in terminal. I don't want to compile a program. I just want to play video games.

And you know who else just wants it to work with no programming knowledge needed? EVERYBODY.

THAT is the reason that after 30+ years linux is at an all time high user base with less than 5% of the market, despite Apple being expensive as hell in a tough ecconomy, and Windows being universally agreed on as being dog shit. People STILL don't want to switch to linjx because NOBODY understands it or wants to deal with it.

They'd rather deal with Windows 11 spying on your screen, or paying an assload for a mac than deal with linux.

Boy that's a lot of work just to play some old crap from more than 30 years ago

I made a fucking console from the ground up. I didn't do it to be easy -- I did it because I could, and now I have something unique that is amazing to use, gorgeous to look at, runs everything up to Dreamcast/Dolphin with ease. And anyone can do it with the STLs I give away.

It even supports bluetooth audio but I will admit getting that to work was the only pain point of the whole build, but mostly because my un-official build didn't have bluetooth support out of the box for audio so I needed to install the pipewire service and enable audio to the bluetooth device. Still only took a few minutes to work out.

PS5 pro is a waste of money, but also lots of people don't want a PC to play games. Two things can be true at the same time!


I'm a die hard Linux nerd, but I would still Rather have a console.

But what I really want is a console that just runs Linux so I can keep it updated and fix minor issues without all the bullshit.

i'd argue that a console running linux would be a PC, even if it's plugged into your living room tv

I would argue that a PC without a keyboard, dedicated to gaming is a console.

Was the PS3 fat a PC? It ran Linux.

i'd differentiate it by the kind of it's ui. linux will still feel like a desktop operating system, made for mouse and keyboard, whereas the console has a controller friendly interface. probably not much of an issue if you boot into steam directly through.

genuinely curious, is there any linux DE that is optimised for being connected to a tv and controlled by remote/gamepad from the couch?

Or if you want something more turnkey, a Steam Deck. Want more flexibility? Put Bazzite on it.

Been building since 2003.

On Linux since 2018. Currently on Bazzite.

On meh 7950x X Sapphire Nitro+ 7900XTX and NVME 4.0 drive. 240hz 4k on Display Port.

Who would wanna play on cruddy console hardware lol. Based. Ironically I use a DualSense Edge.

Also have an OG and OLED Steam Deck.

I am spoiled by living near a Micro Center.

Tho the 9800X3D may launch as soon as next month for people wanting to wait.

How's the dualsense running on Linux? I opted for Xbox elite purely because I thought it'd have better support for the back pads but still not over bluetooth :-(.

Dualsense and DS4 have official drivers from Sony

I'm aware but last I checked the adaptive triggers and some haptic were unsupported. Was asking if that's supported now or not.

S.N. not sure why you're being downvoted.

Does Meh have good deals again? I used to check that daily but the last few years it seems like its been nothing but cheap chinese garbage.

I only go when fire sales are on.

I got my combo deal 7950x for cheap cheap when the 7800X3Ds launched. They were giving away free Ram with purchase at the time with them as well.

I once wrote a quick little scrapper that ran at midnight and would email me the listing. I think I'll have to re-write it if there's some sweet deals on hardware. Im still using my 10 year old 4k display i got for stupid cheap.

Who is making all those pc parts? It wouldn’t be corporations would it.

You're still beholden to the hardware manufacturers whether you buy a PC or a shitty console but at least with a PC you have choices and you're spreading your corporate money out to those you feel worth it instead of motherfucking freedom-hating Sony.

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Yeah why would anyone pay 700 bucks for a highly restricted device, that can't even play games online without an additional subscription. Just get a Steam Deck, which costs less, is portable, doesn't require subscriptions, and basically works like a full PC.

I have a Steam Deck and a PS5 that I will be replacing with the Pro when it ships. So to give you an answer: I'm not going to be plugging a Steam Deck into a 4k 65" OLED TV with VRR. Don't get me wrong, I love the Steam Deck, and I also enjoy PC gaming when mouse and keyboard makes sense, but sitting on the couch in font of a giant responsive display with amazing colors is by far how I enjoy gaming the most.

Ok but why are you replacing the regular PS5 with the PS5 Pro?

Because to me it is a worthwhile upgrade. If you compare the image quality in FF7 Rebirth specifically in the 60 FPS modes the differences are significant. The new ray tracing features in F1 2024 for the pro also made a big impact on how that game looks.

In general, I don't like gaming at 30 FPS and I've been noticing that developers don't always do a good job with their choices when dialing it back to get 60 FPS. For example, I'm holding off on buying Black Myth Wukong because their performance mode looks flawed right now, and I don't want to play it at 30 either.

Quick question though, why not buy a PC and link it to the tv? The features you're talking about are also on the PC and you're not limited to their proprietary services and file formats.

Not sure why people are beating up on @nxn@biglemmowski.win for saying his opinion. Different people value different things.

I think I can answer your question though. Buying a console is a plug and play experience. Building a PC is not. Not everyone has the time, the patience, or the technical experience required to purchase compatible components, assemble the machine, and install the various software.

Anyone that's ever bought a prepared meal has overpaid in comparison to acquiring the ingredients, prepping them, and cooking the dish. It's worth the price to do so because I sure as hell don't want to spend time making a bowl of French onion soup.

I actually get that. Was just curious. My girlfriend uses a PS5 and loves it tons whilst I game on PC. Both totally understand each other haha

60 fps is good enough to justify the upgrade? Could build a PC capable of well beyond that for not much more..

Yes, 30 FPS at best just makes my inputs feel laggy, but usually it also strains my eyes and has given me actual migraines. Bloodborne was the worst offender because of the need to focus on choppy animations of bosses.

I've already answered the PC build question, but to summarize: any comparable build to a PS 5 Pro that uses new components from brands that make reliable hardware typically cost over one grand USD. Also most people that I see recommend these builds typically don't even bother including peripherals like a controller and kb+m in the cost. Not to mention that by going into the budget gaming PC route will also generally require additional time to tinker with graphic settings in each game to try and get adequate performance.

Anyway, I've done this before, I had a higher end PC in my living room hooked up to my TV a few years ago. The experience wasn't terrible, but also wasn't as good as just having a console where everything is designed to be operated via controller. So honestly I don't see the point of paying extra money for something that seems like the worse option for me.

I'll be building a higher end gaming PC with a 480hz OLED display in mind next year, but yeah, I won't be using that from a couch.

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You can use a controller on PC and also connect to this display with the same responsiveness and colors. I always thought consoles were for the exclusive games and to play with friends, not performance or graphics.

You can use a controller on PC and also connect to this display with the same responsiveness and colors.

I've done this in the past when I had a desktop near my living room TV. I don't these days and the experience wasn't good enough to justify rearranging my house rather than simply buying a console.

Also, to get ahead of the people that are already twitching at the opportunity to inform me that I could build a dedicated PC just to keep next to my TV for gaming: Sure, but the cost of building one with similar performance to the pro, while using new components and avoiding Ali Express brands that may start a house fire one random evening, is over 1 grand at a minimum.

I always thought consoles were for the exclusive games and to play with friends, not performance or graphics.

Please, by all means, go email Sony and tell them to not bother with PS6. Tell Nintendo to drop what they're doing with the Switch 2. Us console gamers simply don't care about performance or graphic upgrades. Surely they should have learned this by now.

Makes sense, didn't mean to yuck your yum. Just seemed like your reasons were surmountable with cheaper alternatives and an additional system seemed to me like a large cost. But you want the console, and it seems a solution that better fits your wants/needs.

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For Europe it’s 800 EUR + disc drive + vertical stand, almost 1k in total. No thanks, Sony 🤡

The specs on the Steamdeck are pretty underwhelming, and the cost of storage upgrades is outrageous. I was thinking about buying one yesterday, so I just looked at all the specs. It's due for a second version, but that's not coming for at least another year. So, I decided to build a mATX computer instead. But I don't care at all about the portable aspect, so I'm probably not their target demographic.

30$ for 500gb, what the fuck are you on about storage being expensive?!

Compared to what I'm used to regarding storage upgrades on other highly integrated devices like smartphones for example, the storage upgrade costs of the steamdeck seem much better and fair.

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A quick look on eBay suggests the only people buying them seen are scalpers.

Hope they all get fucked on this one.

It's already at scalper prices, the fuck are they going to sell it for? Lol.

This is a bit off topic, but it made me nostalgic. My first argument on reddit over a decade ago was with someone, either a scalper or a contrarian, trying to argue that scalpers provided a useful service that made things more fair, rather than assholes creating scarcity so they could profit selling a solution to a problem they themselves create.

So yeah, I hope they all get fucked on this one, too.

Oh they all say this shit, must be included in the standard issue dickhead guide book

This is why I like seeing new tech with a high launch price. Even if I want one, I'm patient, and it would be worth seeing a bunch of scalpers get fucked from just assuming that initial demand will set the price even higher.

I hope they thought they had to wait in an uncomfortable line to grab the ones they got and that the store only offers exchanges and no refunds.

Be nice if it actually came down in price eventually though.

Oh yeah, not just for others who want it but also to cause max pain to scalpers when others can get what they want to sell for cheaper than the scalpers paid for it in the first place. If the price stays the same, there's a good chance the scalpers will be able to at least cut their losses by selling at a slight discount (or even at par if they find the right location for a "you could have this in your hands right now instead of having to go to the store" kinda deal).

  • Negligible performance/visual increases.
  • Expensive
  • PS5 still has NO GAMES

If you buy this thing, congratulations! You are an idiot!

uh what are you even talking about?? It has block-buster console sellers like Concord

Astro Bot.

And no drive, so it's not like it only does movies

I can't wait to buy movies from Sony only to have them invalidated a few years from now.

C’mon, PS5 has great PS4 games, like Horizon, God of War, The Last of Us, …

::: spoiler Tap for spoiler \s :::

I think everyone should ditch consoles too, but I don't understand the "no games" comment, I've played through Elden Ring, Returnal, Final Fantasy 16, Final Fantasy 7 Intergrade, Ratchet & Clank, Gran Turismo 7...

There are clearly games for it, what gives?

There are only like 2 or 3 games that can only be played on a PS5 and nowhere else. Exclusives are one of, if not the most important part of getting a console, IMO. Like, why would I get this specific console if I could get any console or a PC and play the same games? I'm either going to get what's cheapest or go full bells and whistles and build a beefy PC.

Most of the PS5's exclusive games are actually just PS4 games and don't even have the enhancement features offered by the PS5's hardware. If you have a PS4, there's really no reason to upgrade to a PS5 unless you really wanna play the Demon Souls remaster or Astro Bot. Out of all the games you mentioned, only GT7 (and Retrograde tho I don't know if that is timed or completely exclusive; they pulled some fucky-wucky with that one) is exclusive. All the others are multiplatform.

That's also why the PS5 Pro is just dumb. There's not much taking advantage of the current hardware, and they wanna sell you more hardware to go underutilized ?

All that stuff about exclusive games just sounds like sunk cost fallacy. I don't understand how a consumer benefits in any way from exclusive titles, or how a consumer is harmed from having access to multiplatform games.

If someone gets a PS5 for a PS5 exclusive game, why wouldn't they want the option to play other games on there as well?

I do ultimately agree with you though, the PS5 Pro is dumb - and neither the regular PS5 nor any Xbox seems worthwhile compared to PC gaming

It's gotta have some reason to buy it. If it's not the price, and it's not the power, it's the library. Sunk costs don't even come into play for someone who is looking to get a game machine trying to decide what to buy.

Nobody wants to pay $310 ($80 for a disc drive, $30 for a stand) more for a machine that looks better if you pause the game and squint hard.

Here's a good example:

Can't see it? The PS5 Pro has added reflections on Venom's back and right shoulder. The texture on the door of the Jeep is marginally improved.

It really is tough to see the doubled framerate when you pause the game.

The picture that you posted was from a demonstration showing the Pro mode looking similar to Fidelity while running at double the frame rate.

No point in high fps when consumers don't know that their tv is only 60hz and they still have whatever motion smoothing options still turned on.

Well I’m a consumer and I can guarantee you that i can tell when a game is running at 30 vs 60 fps.

Still not buying a Pro though.

It's more, almost only, visible on the enemies venom is destroying. Overall it's slightly less blurry.

Wait is that really how blurry it is in game? That would make me sick trying to play a game like I was nearsighted constantly.

I'm sure it got jpegged to hell by the various sites sharing it.

The PS5 in general has just felt like a nebulous console. I don’t know if it’s just me not being as connected to console gaming anymore or what, but there’s no PS5 games that are “must play” or anything that I’ve seen/read/heard hype about that has made me really interested. Partly there was the Covid years where it was apparently facing shortages and during that I just switched my mind off to the idea that I’d ever buy one. It’s been out for years now though, but nothing about it makes me care to move on from our PS4 that’s still chugging along.

I would have paid $700 for the Pro if it came with everything the 30th anniversary edition had, and maybe a little more if it also included the Portal.

Unfortunately, Sony can't stop tripping over their own incompetence and limited the units to 12,300 for a reason that can be simplified to be: "money." So it sold out in less than a minute to scalper's bots and can now be found on eBay for five times the price.

You forgot the 10k for "Attempting to buy the ps5 pro for you" lol

I don't get the hype for the anniversary edition.

I haven't heard it would launch, and one day I saw people offering 2000$ for one on a trade site. My only thought was "wow, glad im not a fucking idiot like these guys".

I sure might be stupid, but not that stupid.

It's mainly the colors, but it came with some extras as well. And a paperclip.

Like I said, about $300 overpriced even with the additional items and only hyped due to limited edition. How many times has Nintendo released a console in NES colors without making it limited? Just a ridiculous move by Sony.

I bought some SNES shells to put on my joy cons. Was pretty cheap and decent fun. Even switched to hall effect sticks.

Didn't even need Nintendo to produce them and sell them as a premium. eXtremeRate and probably many others let you make your own limited edition. As long as you don't want any copyrighted trims like logos.

$700 for a console that's barely even better and in some ways is worse. What a deal!

In what ways is it worse?

No disc drive

It's not an option at all? I paid extra for the drive on my PS5, but tbh, I haven't used it and I don't foresee that I will use it. I can't even remember the last time that I bought a physical game, and I have a dedicated LG UHD DVD player for movies.

It is an option, and uses the same drive that is available for the PS5 Slim - the one you have.

Why buy a console when for roughly the same price you could buy a PC that does everything the console does and more? Yeah $700 is an insane price for what is effectively a toy.

It's about the same as the inflation-adjusted PS3 price, but here's the thing: the PS3 had a difficult first couple of years. If not for the Red Ring of Death, Microsoft could have come out ahead that generation. One thing Sony is good at is capitalizing on its competitors' mistakes, and combined with price reductions on later models, they pulled out a victory. Being >$750 inflation-adjusted dollars at launch wasn't why it won.

Also $700 isn't going to buy you much of a PC if you don't have one already. Maybe mid spec 1080p.

Not that I'm arguing for PC. I'm pro-console in most circumstances. Only for power modders, power gamers or power purchasers would I maybe argue that PC is the better route. Everyone else, console 100% (except this joke of a console).

Because PCs are worse for living room/controller gameplay, you have to deal with Windows or Linux, and many other factors?

I very much enjoy playing PC games with a controller on a big TV away from my desk. With an optical HDMI cable I've never had issues pushing 4k, 120hz, and HDR. Bluetooth mice and keyboards are incredibly common. And 8BitDo's "Ultimate" controller has been really great over 2.4ghz.

A 700 dollar console with no games.

It’s not the price point. Most of the people who’d be in the market for one wouldn’t buy it because it doesn’t take discs. When I bought my PS5, I specifically bought the disc version. So I’m not going to ‘upgrade’ to a machine that doesn’t have one and only really offers ‘improved performance’ as its main selling point. It just doesn’t make sense.

If you’re new to the platform and are used to buying only digital, it might be more palatable. But as someone who’s been with Sony since the very first PlayStation: I’m gonna pass.

This happened with the ps3, the chief at playstation at the time said we wouldnt be able to find them at retail. My friends and I made some fun snapping pics of them sitting on shelves.

We were way into the game news scene at the time.

The PS3 also had damn few games to play at launch. If it wasn't for Sony's decision to ship it with a BD-ROM drive it probably would have been a total flop. Home theater nerds saved the PS3.

And I'm thankful for that because, when the promotion was right, I bought one. Warhawk, MAG, Demons souls and KZ2. What a great generation of games.

Even though nobody from the government wants to admit it, the proof is in the pudding. North America is in a recession. People don't have $700 extra + the cost of the disc drive and stand, to throw down on a console that's only marginally better than the same console that's been out for 5 years now.

I don't know about recession, but I know I've hit a personal inflection point with prices where I'm just sick of the bullshit and only buy if absolutely necessary, or on sale.

Everyone is so fucking greedy, everyone wants just 5 more dollars bro to the point where the consumerism has been driven out of me.

I actually have money to buy shit, I just don't want to anymore because nothing seems to correspond to its value anymore.

A new car? 35 k for a fucking base kia, gtfo out with this shit.

New phone? 1.2k for the same screen bullshit as the last 5 years.

Same with this PS5, they are pricing this shit like it's lifesaving medicine, when in reality it's just shit no-one really needs

35k for a base Kia? Hell naw, I bought a fully loaded 2024 hyundai elentra hybrid for 34k out the door. Base Kia K4 is 22k plus tax title and reg. That's like almost a third less than what I paid lol

We also don't give a shit.

If you own a PS5 already, it doesn't offer you much and if you own a PC, it offers you less.

I have a PS5 with the disc drive, which I paid extra for. I don't see any reason to get this when it doesn't even come with that. The performance of the base PS5 has been very good. If it's just a hardware boost, I don't really need it. I don't get the purpose of upgrading. The battlefield games I play run like butter, and the new titles, like Dead Space that I've played also run great.

This just runs better? Not necessary to me.

And I do own a gaming PC. I just prefer having a dedicated game console for a couple good reasons.

Curious to how the lone downvoter views this topic. They disagree with me apparently, but on what point? The fact that people don't want to spend $700+ on a marginal upgrade? Do they though? The fact that we're in a recession? We are though. They bought a PS5 Pro and are actively experiencing buyer's remorse so they have to chime in on every PS5 Pro post with a symbolic "nuh uh"? Probably.

you did not just make a whole comment responding to one single downvote

Not the down voter, but as a day 1 PS5 buyer who could afford the pro I will just say they didn't offer any value to me. I've played 1 game on the PS5 that I couldn't have on my base PS4 (Demon's Souls) and I could play the original of that on my PS3. They promised all of this great stuff on the PS5 and under delivered. Why would I put down the $700 why would I spend that when I hardly even use my PS5 and even when I do I could've just used my PS4?

I'm not arguing for or against being a recession. But the sales for this console don't prove or deny a recession, they just show that either no one actually wants this thing or Sony has managed to misjudge demand.

This makes no sense. Why would a company want their product to be sold out? The goal is to balance supply and demand. So they SHOULDN'T sell out. It's not a limited edition product or anything. This post is sensationalized as fuck.

I think they're implying a comparison to the PS4. It was notoriously difficult to get a PS4 for months after it's release because it was constantly sold out

I think that the perfect storm of high demand and low supply ha. I'm sure Sony didn't want that outcome.

He's saying that it's a good thing it hasn't sold out yet, allowing it to have plenty of supply for Christmas season. It's a good thing due to the PS5 previously being sold out everywhere last Christmas.

While I think it's still too high a price point for me personally, it's at least a logical increase in price because supply and demand has caused it to be increased.

The price alone isn't the problem.

If the launch came paired with great new games it would be a whole different story, like as if it would be a new generation console like a PS6 with new exclusive games I doubt that the price would even be an issue. People would still complain, but they'll get over it.

From what I've seen it's practically only PS5 'Pro Enhanced' games, which are mostly games that have been around many years already. Plus it doesn't have a disc drive so it's more expensive if you want disc support too.

I still got an original PS5 (with disc drive), I mostly only played PS exclusive games and a few games that I prefer on console, it's perfectly capable of doing 4k and/or high resolution graphics and framerates depending on the game. I don't see a reason to upgrade to the Pro at all. And I think new players are more likely to just go for the PS5 Slim instead.

The last thing we need is Pro consoles getting exclusives. That would be PS6 in all but name.

The PS4 Pro made some sense. The PS4 was underpowered on launch, and 4K became pretty commonplace shortly after they launched. It still had an underpower CPU, but at least you got an upscaled HDR 1440p image for most of the time which is good enough. Even PC gamers accepted upscaling to 4K once they gave it a fancy name and told them it was exclusive.

But here, you've already got a choice of pretty RT mode and 60 fps mode, and if you really wanted both of those at the same time, then you could lash out a big pile of money for a PC.

It's 700 notes for half a generation of slightly prettier gaming. It's aimed at the "turn everything to ultra and have a fit when it drops below 60fps" PC gaming demographic, who have no need for this.

I don't think most PC gamers are running 4k. With all the price shenanigans in the GPU market over the last 5 years, actually achieving 4k has been an expensive journey for anyone doing it. Especially when games play just fine at half or a quarter of that.

They're not. Steam survey has 4K monitors at under 4%. Well over half are at 1080p and below. There's exactly 1 GPU in the top 10 above the nVidia x060 series.

The way things get reviewed, you'd think 4K was a minimum. I suspect the majority of high end cards out there aren't even used for gaming.

After I posted I was reminded that it's still common in FPS games to brick the graphics so there's less hiding spots. But also my graphics card is like 7 years old and runs everything I've come across except Star Citizen. (Which is its own whole level of fuckery)

I'm afraid that if they keep making 'superior' versions of the same generation of consoles that we'll end up with 'semi-exclusives' anyway. Simply because those will run a lot better on the more expensive hardware, and what I'm most afraid of is that a lot of developers will get lazy in optimisation, because why the hell would they bother if they can just make it run good enough on the 'high-end' platform so to speak.

And bet you that Sony will encourage developers on this too, because they're gonna want to have reasons to sell the Pro, especially if there are no exclusive titles to promote it with.

They were already lazy because the hardware was powerful enough to hide a lot of sins.

FF7 Rebirth for example. It looks much better on the Pro, but frankly, it should have looked much better on the base console. And it came out well before the Pro was announced.

But at the same time, the majority of PC gamers are happily still playing at 1080p. Resolution was always overrated and an expensive thing to chase.

The only semi-exclusive from last gen was Cyberpunk, and I can't really see things being much different. If a game engine was capable of running at 60 if you reduce the graphics, they'll still offer that. If it wasn't, then the Pro won't be able to run it faster either. It's pretty much the exact same CPU under both.

That may be the way consoles go.

We aren't seeing the kinds of innovation happening in hardware that justifies dropping backward compatibility and the AAA gaming market hasn't released games in the quantity they did before.

So Sony and Microsoft can update the hardware in a way to maintain backwards comparability and game companies have the option of developing to the current generation only, both generations with different graphics, or the older generation.

Yep. This gen has been pretty barren when it comes to AAA games that aren’t remasters/remakes and it’s not just exclusives. The handful of AAA games I want to play run perfectly fine on my low spec PC. Sure not at 4k60, but upgrading my pc or buying a PS5 pro just for those few games just isn’t worth it.

still be sitting onthe shelf after the holidays at that price point

599 US Dollars.

It’s Ridge Racer…RIIIIIIDGE RACER!!!

Man we don't even get Ridge Racer anymore, it's why the generations just haven't been the same.

My ps5 is collecting dust. I wish it was more like a Steam machine.

The supply chain problems of covid REALLY broke everyone.

Consoles selling out is actually "bad". Why? Because they are closed gardens. If people can go down to best buy or browse amazon and pick up a console they are more likely to buy a few games to go with it. Rather than needing to frantically monitor five different discord servers to get into a queue as fast as possible to MAYBE get one. The former encourages browsing and impulse buys. The latter is basically only for people with very targeted shopping lists.

Also... it is not even October. MAYBE come early November you can start to make these assessments for that most holy of holidays, Black Friday. But hell day and xmas are still months out and the holiday rush of shopping hasn't begun yet.

I personally see nothing compelling about the ps5 pro. But this is the equivalent of buying an xbox and saying microsoft are going to win because they have a stronger supply chain.

Isn't the PS5 like 5 years old? Why would it be sold out?

Ps5 pro, just got released. But it’s entirely too expensive for what its offering over base ps5, doesn’t have a disc reader, and while I love my base model there really aren’t that many games taking advantage of it so having to pay more for remastered last gen games doesn’t feel like a good value for most folks I’d imagine.

Wait wait wait...I haven't been paying attention to the pro at all since I hard the price point...it really doesn't have a disc drive?

This is the Pro, the mid-cycle refresh with more power and whatnot.

well i guess sony found the mark what they can charge and what not. don't expect the next one to be cheaper

Its funny how people are clowning on a 700$ console but buy phones for twice as much happily every year.

Almost nobody buys a new phone every year. And if a phone is your only computing device, buying a high end one isn't a bad idea.

The $700 console is overpriced relative to its power and has pretty much no games.

Every year? The only person I know within my immediate vicinity has phones ranging from 2019 2022.

Also something you use probably 3-5 hours a day vs something you might use only a few hours a week isn't immediately comparable.

A modern day necessity vs a relatively niche item.

What puts me off is the lack of games this generation. I'm not spending £700 on a console where the only worthwhile exclusive that isn't already on PC is Astro Bot.

If that's the best thing that Sony and Microsoft can give us after three years of releasing their current consoles, then we're well and truly on the verge of another market crash.

Who even buys a new phone every year?

People usually clown on Apple users specifically for doing this, but every Apple user I know uses their phone for multiple years. In fact, Apple was giving users multiple years of software support while Samsung and others were only doing 2 major Android updates for flagships. Google was the one to FINALLY change the status quo in the Android world, so that's good at least, others seem to be following suit. Previously, Android users I knew would just keep going without software updates. Luckily they mostly still receive security updates for a few years after the OS updates stop.

None of the manufacturers gives you a compelling reason to upgrade every year anymore. 10-15 years ago the changes were big because the first smartphones were shit compared to what you had just a few years later. Between the original iPhone and roughly the 5 or 5s, every upgrade was pretty major. Same on the Android side.

Now I think you'd have to go from an 11 Pro to 16 Pro to notice anything. And good news in that department, if you still have an 11 or 11 pro, that still got the iOS 18 update. Actually, so did the older XR and XS.

The only reason to buy a new phone every year nowadays is because Apple, knowing EXACTLY what they're doing, changes the camera arrangement every year so clout chasers would know you have last year's model. It's stupid as fuck, but luckily none of the people I know fall for it.

I know some people upgrading Pixels every year because with trade in and sales they only need to pay like $200. I don’t think Sony will take an existing PS5 though…

That's in the seven years a $300 - $400 phone holds for me, 4 times as much.

I think the demographic is slightly different. The people buying consoles might know more about what they're buying and do some research about it. Whereas the newest iphone getting released all the normies will flood to it and get the newest shiny apple product after they hear about its release.

wasnt the iphone 16 just made of titanium and thats it

Something along those lines. Also they might've gotten rid of the sim tray. Camera might've been better?

When iphones went from 400 to 999, I do remember people having an outrage, soon after samsung also raised their prices. It is that moment for console gamers right now.

It definitely is. The PS6 is going to be around $1000. When the phone prices went up I started to change phones every 4 years instead of 2. And now I will get the Slim instead of the Pro, even though I always get the latest and greatest.