Court agrees to block collection of Trump's $454 million civil fraud judgment if he puts up $175M to politics – 501 points –
Court agrees to block collection of Trump's $454 million civil fraud judgment if he puts up $175M

A New York appeals court on Monday agreed to hold off collection of former President Donald Trump’s $454 million civil fraud judgment — if he puts up $175 million within 10 days.

If he does, it will stop the clock on collection and prevent the state from seizing his assets while he appeals.

Delay. Delay. Delay.


Jesus fucking Christ I am so tired of this.

It’s like we’re all being forced to eat out of the same shit filled trough.

Hey Tommy, you got a little corn left between your teeth.

Life is a shit sandwich. The more bread you have, the less shit you gotta eat.

Miscarriage of justice. Hopefully the DA is ready with an immediate appeal.

AOC warned against this, now Trump gets more time for his shenanigans.

A couple of important details that got overlooked.

  • Don Jr. and Eric Trump do not have to put up the $5 million each that they were fined. Those collections are being paused as well.

  • The restrictions against Don Jr. and Eric Trump that would prevent them from running the business for 3 years has been lifted.

So much for that accountability. Can't wait to hear about the entire judgement getting tossed because an appelate judge decided that the Susan Collins rule of "He learned his lesson, and he pinky swears it won't happen again" applies.

It's fucking ridiculous. Anyone else would be in prison by now. This guy just gets to run out the clock because everyone in the justice system is too afraid to look biased.

No, they're afraid for their lives.

Districts have to beef up security when the DA makes a press briefing. Judges are receiving hundreds of death threats and have to hire their own security. Law clerks and random employees being dragged into it and threatened because trump thinks they're an easy target. Random low level officials having their lives ruined because they were randomly targeted. This is the life of trying to hold trump to account. Government officials admitting being unwilling to vote, speak out, or take action against him out of credible threats of retribution from lone wolf meth heads.

Given the political powder keg this country is currently in, it's not surprising that there are few judges out there willing to pull the trigger and risk having to go into hiding for their own safety versus just giving him what he wants and washing their hands of the whole thing, which seems to be the current game plan for most judges.

I thought this is the exact reason why we keep outfitting SWAT guys with army surplus gear? Isn't that so we can defend the country against terrorists and other violent criminals? So all that is actually exclusively for murdering unarmed people and throwing flashbang grenades in infants' cribs, got it.

Powerful people who run the U.S. made shitty selfish decisions for decades and then are surprised the country caught an illness like Trump.

Yeah, I agree. But saying that it happened over the course of decades kinda misses the scope of the problem by a bit.

The ability to have powerful, unaccountable people, in or outside of government that is the problem. It’s allowing these hierarchies to exist in the first place that’s the problem, and is it not the same source of the problem we had with the divine right of kings?

So who does and does not have to follow the laws is decided by religious conservatives in the country? Under threat of personal harm?

The US is a 3rd world country...

If he has $500/M on hand, this shouldn't be allowed.

If he DOESN'T have $500/M on hand... This still shouldn't be allowed.

I also predict he will COMPLAIN about this gift on truth social, saying they should have reduced it to Zero. Spitting right in the faces of those judges that just gave him the gift.

Right before they lower it, in 10 days time, to $50M which will be due in an extra 30 days.

Honestly, considering he stated on Truth Social that he had 500M on hand, which he was absolutely NOT going to pay his bond with, I would've denied his appeal on that alone.

I fully understand how people become radicalized now.

Yeah. NY will hold you without trial for three years on suspicion of stealing a backpack. But defraud the state of millions in taxes for years and there are zero consequences.

Because why should self proclaimed billionaires face consequences for their actions and statements. /sigh

Did the judge by any chance suddenly get $20 million richer?
How is this not corruption? All lawyers I've heard, say you need to put down the full amount. Are they ALL wrong?

How is this not corruption?

Its naked corruption. Everyone involved should be disbarred and be immediately investigated.

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This is NOT corruption and Mr. Trump did NOT BRIBE the judge as you are suggesting. The judge is honorable and just and made the announcement out of his own good graces. He even pushed back a flight on his new private jet for a trip he had planned for the christening of his new yacht JUST TO MAKE THIS ANNOUNCEMENT. You people are all just jealous and desperately looking to find some dirt where there clearly isn't. SAD!

It's full amount to stop the state from beginning to seize assets yes, but his appeal can continue either way. I thought I read/heard that the appellate court did not have the power to do anything with judgements though, other than upheld/overturned. Now I have something to research.

He's still on the hook for the full amount if his appeal fails, he just no longer has to put it all up to start the appeal.

Sure, but if he doesn’t put it up at the beginning, why does anyone think he’ll pay up if he loses? He’ll just keep delaying, as he’s done all along with all of these cases. And if he wins the election, it’ll all go away anyway, which is the “all in” gamble his while life is basically riding on.

Well, if he loses, the DA can seize assets. He doesn't have to voluntarily pay up, lol.

And in the meantime, he can devalue and divest while building a political warchest. Deny, deflect, delay. He will not face consequences because there is no justice in America.

He will not face consequences because there is no justice in America.

Trump will die outside of any prison or jailhouse, having never been locked up, likely without even an ankle bracelet, of natural causes, while living a 1% lifestyle. Mark my words.

Honestly at this point, fuck it I just want the fucker dead. At least cholesterol doesn't care about politics, go team cholesterol

devalue and divest while building a political warchest

What does that even mean? Don't be a doomer. Every day he spends in court is less time and money spent on campaigning. Right now he has drained $50 million from Republican election funds to fight this, plus all the time and effort. That's less time and money spent on supporting downballot Republicans.

Even if he won every case (which won't happen) this is a distraction for him. Biden hasn't even started campaigning, and has a massive amount of funding. Trump will lose and every doomer will say "well of course he lost, he was in court half the time! Biden got lucky!".

Devalue: assets have only theoretical value until they are sold. You can borrow against that theoretical value, but the more you borrow, the less equity you have. Separate from using it as collateral for a loan, the value of an asset can drop for a variety of reasons. Real Estate can fall to disrepair. Stocks can fall due to lowered expectations for the future. If you end up owing more than it's worth, there's little incentive not to allow the value to completely evaporate. You can also use the loss to offset capital gains elsewhere, but that's not particularly relevant here.

Divest: means to sell off assets, with the indication that the sale is at a loss for quick sale. Rich people often engage in the sale of assets to friends, family, and associates who offer pennies on the dollar in exchange for favors. Hiding assets through divestitures is a common tactic for wealthy people who are about to owe a lot of money.

Engaging in both can be used to transfer funds from his personal holdings to his political campaign, which in turn is paying off his legal debts and can be returned to his own pockets after the election. So by increasing the warchest, he is more likely to win the election AND can make himself whole after it is over.

Those definitions don't mean anything here. Your explanation of how that would benefit him doesn't make sense.

transfer funds from his personal holdings to his political campaign

That's not what Trump has ever wanted to do, nor would it help him. Why would selling things and self funding his campaign affect the judgement against him? If anything, he wants to do the opposite.

If you owe a fine, would you give away your possessions? How would that help? It doesn't make sense.

Well, if he loses, the DA can seize assets. He doesn't have to voluntarily pay up, lol.

That's what I was told about the appeal as well, yet here we are.

He’s still on the hook for the full amount if his appeal fails

You know how long appeals can take right? Considering he can now get someone else to pay the relatively small bond, he'll be dead from old age before he ever has to pay a dime of his own money.

Believe me, I'm not saying this is a good thing. He's definitely getting special treatment, and I think that's wrong. However, it's not quite as bad as it sounds.

I agree with your sentiment. Just FYI the appeal was ruled on by a 5 judge panel, not just 1 judge.

Yes you are right, I didn't see that at first. That does kind of change things a bit, still a bit weird IMO.

From the article:

Monday’s ruling came from a five-judge panel

So maybe they had to split the 20 million?

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Never in the history of mankind has conservatism been stopped by pacifism. The plague of conservatism can only be cured through action.

Courts will not stop conservatives.

He's going to take every single Republican controlled state in the general. They'll just announce that he won despite what the polls say and if it gets to SCOTUS they'll pull another Bush v. Gore.

RIP American democracy.

This is objectively and verifiably false. Recommend you cool your jets a smidgen, the darkest hour is just before the dawn.

You sound just like the articles early in Trump's presidency, furiously hand waving away his fascist tendencies with similarly meaningless platitudes.

If this is verifiably false, I'd love any verification you might provide.

Never in the history of mankind has conservatism been stopped by pacifism.

  • American Civil Rights Movement
  • Indian Independence from Britain
  • Singing Revolution in the Baltics
  • Arab Spring

There are tons more examples but the point is that I only need one because your statement was so broadly inflammatory.

I don't disagree with your sentiment, but to claim that violence is the only way to make societal progress makes you seem intentionally obtuse.

American Civil Rights Movement...

MLK was murdered by conservatives. He tried peaceful resistance before admitting it was ineffective. Peaceful resistance famously did not work. It's amazing to me that you would try to cite this notorious failure of peaceful resistance as some kind of success story. It honestly just comes off racist with today's conservative rhetoric that racism no longer exists.

Indian Independence from Britain...

Again, Ghandi was murdered by conservatives. Indefinite detentions were enacted and countless Indians were tortured to death by conservatives. Peace did not work in gaining independence from Britain. Unending mass-resistance that caused the deaths of many innocent Indians led to it just not being worth it for Britain.

Singing Revolution in the Baltics...

Only Estonia earned independence through peaceful protest. And that was due to a great deal of support by western nations, and a lack of trying to stop it by the Soviets. Estonia was not being actively oppressed, they just wanted independence. But when Latvia and Lithuania tried the same approach, violence WAS necessary in the form of riots, and deadly barricades. Numerous unarmed citizens of both countries were killed in violent resistance that eventually led to agreements for their independence. And again, the Soviets were barely motivated to stop it. Active conservative oppression was not a motivating factor here for these countries. Simple independence to pursue their own prosperity was the goal.

Arab Spring...

Really? Really?! This is an absurdity on its face. Innocent people are being oppressed by conservatives in the middle east in record numbers today and no one on earth thinks any differently. Why would you even try this one? The brief victories earned during the Arab Spring were earned through well-documented bloodshed and violent resistance.

so if you defraud enough the government will bend over backwards to let you keep your ill-gotten gains. awesome.

If you owe the bank $100 you have a problem. If you owe the bank $100k, the bank has a problem.

This statement is way out of date due to inflation.

Probably on the order of tens of millions before the bank has a problem. Billions, if it's one of the bigger banks.

ONCE AGAIN, Donald Trump is treated with the kid gloves by the courts. Inconceivable. On the day the judgement was to be collected, Trump gets an absolute boon from the heavens above with a 10 day extension and a bond requirement of less than half of the original sum? For what reason? Trump defrauded the American people. He does not deserve special treatment.

Well, he did say that there is a two tiered justice system. Here is the proof that there is. I challenge any MAGA believer to attempt HALF what this guy has done and see if they get the same treatment as him. Go on, I'll wait

It feels like a TV show where the villain somehow keeps getting away because if they caught them the show would be over.

Summary of Trump being held accountable for his crimes:

Yeah I have no idea how I fell for the same, “Trump is in real trouble this time” article that journalists have been pumping out for the last 6 years.

It took me a minute to realize how fuckimg perfect this picture is.

Also: me trying to write fucking with swipes: Ducking chucking docking fixing cycling duckling… Apple really doesn’t want me to type it.

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5 days ago I was downvoted for saying this would happen. Yet here we are.

Expect this judgement to get appealed and tossed completely. They can't do it all in one go as that's too obvious. Doing a slow roll. Randomly extending the deadline and slashing the bond amount is just the first step. Expect more. Each time easing up even more on Trump.

We're all just clinging on to the last sheds of hope in order to not fall into the endless pit of despair.

I don’t really have any faith in the court system anymore. Why should anyone? They control neither the purse nor the sword, and yet unqualified political stooges can dictate policy.

Imagine if we did the same for engineers or doctors. “Hey, my completely unqualified buddy gets to design a bridge, and if it falls down and kills people it is their fault!” It’s ridiculous.

There's no reason to toss the judgement and the appeals court is a NY State Court. Every single judge has been appointed by a Democratic Governor.

The Court of Appeals consists of seven judges: the Chief Judge and six associate judges who are appointed by the governor and confirmed by the state senate to 14-year terms

There are no legal problems with the case against Trump, and his lying about property values is well documented. They are definitely not going to vacate the judgement.

Your doomer comment makes no sense. This dude is currently fucked. He has to pay $175 million in 10 days, and the rest when the appeals court boots the case. This is clearly bad for him. He should get it over with (if he can), stay out of court, and campaign for president. There's so many court cases coming that he will have to cancel his rallies, because of time and money constraints.

There are no legal problems with the case against Trump, and his lying about property values is well documented. They are definitely not going to vacate the judgement.

How many times have we heard this already? "They're not going to do the thing. If they do the thing, that's just a bridge too far even for them. Not even they will do the thing to protect Trump."

Courts: does the thing. Lawmakers: do the thing. GOP voters: do the thing. Trump: gets away with it.

Everyone else: Surprisedpicachu.jpg

Trump is facing 91 counts in four criminal trials:

  • A hush money case where Trump is in little legal peril, is based on shaky legal theory, and puts him at no political risk. And the DA has already caused two delays with their handling of their own evidence.

  • A RICO Case in Georgia, by far the most important criminal case in the country and easily the most important case in Fani Willis' career, and she throws the entire case into jeopardy because she cannot keep her personal and professional life separate. (I am not admonishing her for her personal life choices or actions, but when you have a case of this importance to both the nation and your personal career against this defendant, then you should be doing nothing to even give yourself a sniff of conflict of interest, impropriety, or ethics concerns.)

  • A stolen documents case in Florida being overseen by a judge who was appointed by Trump, has already repeatedly overstepped her authority to run interference for Trump, has deferred to Trump at every step of the case so far, and has openly stated her intentions to dismiss the case after jury selection has begun so double jeopardy attaches and the dismissal can't be appealed.

  • A Jan6 case in DC that is currently on indefinite hold while the Supreme Court (3 of which were appointed by Trump himself) decides to wait a couple of months before ruling on whether or not Trump is an absolute dictator that is above the law and I wish I were making that up.

Where's the accountability? And when (not if, when) the $464m award gets tossed out because fuck you thats why, will you continue to believe Trump will ever be held accountable for his actions? Because we have 8 years and counting of history to show that the answer to that question is "No", and those who are responsible for that accountability seem gleefully willing to bend over backwards to avoid giving it to him.

Until the day I see either Trump or Mar-A-Lago slapped behind a padlock, I will continue to refuse to believe he will ever be held to account.

Your doomer comment makes no sense. This dude is currently fucked. He has to pay $175 million in 10 days

He was supposed to have had to pay ~$500 million today, yet a judge appointed by a Democratic Governor gave him special treatment yet again.

Frankly, your unfounded optimism makes no sense.

He still has to pay the whole judgment. This is just the bond ahead of the appeal.

I believe the law was changed recently to prevent people from appealing and delaying the judgment. So a few years ago, he wouldn't have had to pay anything right now.

There's no way property would have been seized and sold by the end of today anyway. So getting $175 million in cash now and $280 million in property in a month is almost the same.

Not particularly, because reducing the appeals bond means that Trump can delay the trial even longer - which is the plan. Pretty much everyone sees that his plan from the beginning has been to push back and delay as long as possible, preferably until he's either confirmed as the Republican nominee (in which case he can beat the wardrum of "oh this is a political witch hunt, you can't sue a major political candidate") or, more preferably, he wins the election, in which case I'm sure the DOJ will move double-quick to find a way for him to not have to pay a cent to anyone.

This is a NY State Court. They don't answer to the DOJ.

They're not supposed to answer to the DOJ.

Seems that whenever Trump is involved, a lot of things that aren't supposed to happen keep happening.

He has to pay $175M in 10 days. For now. That could get extended. Or reduced. Or both. No reason to assume he'll be held to that now. All evidence points to it being reduced or extended again.

What evidence? The judges on the NY State Court of Appeals are all appointed by Democrats. More than that, he personally insults judges, making him not a sympathetic defendant to them.

They are tolerating him so that he has no avenues for appeal to the NY State Supreme Court. That's exactly what Judge Engoron did in this case. Stop being a doomer and take the win.

The fact that they already gave him an extension and a reduction once, just now. How can you be in this thread, yet not paying attention? They are literally at this moment giving him exactly the special treatment you claim there's "no evidence" for!

Are you not paying attention? I just said they are tolerating him so he has no legal avenues for the judgment to be reduced or appealed. Like it or not, this is what you have to do with clients who have lots of money for lawyers.

He's not getting away with anything. These judges are making sure he's 100% fucked. If you don't understand this principle, just say so. Have you ever followed a court case with a wealthy defendant?

so he has no legal avenues for the judgment to be reduced or appealed

you just plain do not understand what is happening. They are helping him to appeal, the bond amount is part of the appealing process, its collateral put away until the appeal is over and the judgment enforced. This was an appeals court.

they are tolerating him so he has no legal avenues for the judgment to be reduced or appealed.

Of course! If the judges reduce it now then Trump can't get it reduced later! Just keep reducing it down and there will be nothing for Trump to appeal, brilliant!

What evidence?

The fact that is was cut 60% just because Donald said he wasn't going to pay

They are tolerating him so that he has no avenues for appeal

This is literally the opposite... they are bending over backwards to give him a better chance to appeal

Stop being a doomer and take the win.

Where is the win?

The judgement was not reduced. The amount of the bond he has to post ahead of time is reduced, and it's still $175 million!

Better chance to appeal? He can appeal whether or not he posts the bond. Read about the case more.

I never said it was the judgement, I knew it was the bond but the point remains... Why does he get a break?

Also, he needs to post the bond to appeal, that's the whole issue here... They are giving him a 60% discount to make it easier for him to appeal.... Maybe take your own advice and read about the case more

How about this. The fact the appeals court didn't even give a reason for the decision. So can the next person that wants to appeal cite this? Not really because there's no reason to cite. The piss judges couldn't even be bothered to release their rationale.

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Ugh. Yet more special treatment. I mean, I'm disappointed but not suprised.

I'm sure courts are happy to arbitrarily halve bond judgements for low level drug offenders.

What I want to say will get me banned. So I’ll just say fuck Trump.

Does it involve copious amounts of fire, by any chance?

Wow, just fucking wow. Once again you spineless fucks bend the knee to this piece of shit.

It's almost guaranteed that we will be back here in 10 days and he will be crying he can't secure the 175 million dollar bond either. It's not that insurance companies won't write a bond that high, it's that they are finally coming around to the fact that he is going to fuck them over no matter what.

he will be crying he can’t secure the 175 million dollar bond either

and bragging on Truth Social that he has ten times that much in a garbage bag under his desk right now

No. This he will have.

And it's going to be someone else's money.

the world of the rich vs the average person...

At what point do we the American people insist that OUR right to a speedy trial is being infringed?

That ought to swing both ways. The abuse of the courts

This is such fucking bullshit. The rich live by a different set of rules than the rest of us.

I hate the USA.

Please just hate our government, we do too.

Of course. Well, I hate lots of American people too, but not all. The ones I've met have been largely good people.

Well sure we have millions who actually voted for a dehydrated mango who tried to overthrow the government to become God emperor. Many of whom still support him afterwards. Trust me I get it.

I saw your comment on a thread a few days ago calling him Defunded Donald. I've been using the term but shortened to Defunded Donny

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Justice is a lie.

Ballot box, jury box, ammo box. It's a progression.

For anyone in the same mood as I am today, I think I'll rent The Beekeeper later, where Jason Statham kills scores of evil motherfuckers, because they drove his friend to suicide. It is a very cathartic and satisfying film, and trust me when I say the themes are very relevant.

Imagine a black dude who had a bit of weed on him and his bond is 10k and he's like: okay, what about a cool 1k, because i'm obviously not paying anyway.
Are americans really surprised why the rest of the world doesn't take them seriously?

He yells out in the court about how rigged the system is against him and the judge is just like, "Now, now, try to behave a little better, okay!? Just let me know if you can't come up with the full amount! Love you, boo!"

“Well, I’d like to see ol Donny Trump wriggle his way out of THIS jam!”

*Trump wriggles his way out of the jam easily*

“Ah! Well. Nevertheless,”


October 2016

Mfer wasn't even president yet

Huh, I hadn’t even noticed that. Good catch!

He’s easily wriggled his way out of SO many jams since then.

“Well, I’d like to see ol Donny Trump wriggle his way out of THIS jam!”

Actually it'll be super easy. Barely an inconvenience.

I feel like nothing is ever going to stop this piece of shit besides his own mortality. I am afraid for the future…

Even then, the damage is already done. He has changed the political calculus forever. There is no going back to the pre-Trump era.

So, 10 days from now, when he hasn't paid the $175 million either... then what?

Do they go after $175 million in assets or the full $500 million?

We will continue to reduce the bond by 68% until moral improves

Did you ever see the movie Ruthless People? They're going to keep lowering the price.


Its worse, now he can get someone else, some idiot sucker to post the bond for him, and he'll never pay a dime on this. He will tie the appeal up in courts for a decade and be long dead before ever paying anything.

If the courts don't provide justice, eventually some other means will.

[X] Doubt

I'm not allowed to say what I hope the other means are. But it sure would be nice if he pissed off Boeing's board...

The type of people who would do that all support Trump.

In all this time it hasn't been attempted though. It's surprising, really.

A reflection of a disinterested and pacified population. Sadly I think things need to get worse.

What was the reasoning?

I'm going to need you to get alllll the way off my back about this Trump being a criminal thing.

Rich White men shouldn't have to ever have consequences for their actions.

I was expecting further bullshit and a "justice" system that enables the same but I am still somehow disappointed.

FfS AG James should appeal.

The money lets him appeal - it sets the bond for the appeal.

It does not reduce the disgorgement.

AG James should be able to seize $298M worth of property.

Why am I still paying for shit?

Just don't pay for shit ever again. I'm not. Until America wants to be truly equal for all I'm just gonna start emulating these people and taking what I want. Which makes me realize most of the things I buy is stuff I need, not want. So its still not even on the same level because these people have their needs met while I'm starving with teeth falling out my face.

The fuck do they mean an appeals court ruled on this, the 454 million was the appeal, the bond required to be posted to appeal the ruling. No other courts have jurisdiction over this shit, ignore that illegitimate court.

He can appeal either way. The bond just stops them from enforcing the judgement in the meantime.

I think this is signaling that they intend to reduce the fine on appeal.

Of course they intend to reduce the fine on appeal. Donnie owns the purse strings for the RNC. Conservatives cannot afford him going broke.

Oh not only are they going to reduce the fine to likely zero, the court will give him a hand written apology and back rub at the end of it all.

Lucy With The Football, strikes once again

Someone just needs to end this already by any means necessary. If the justice system won't provide justice, someone else will.

Is anyone still buying into these theatrics? They clearly aren't going to do anything to their both sides parties.

I’m numb. I care but I don’t. Nothing surprises me anymore. Fuck this guy and all his toadies.

It feels like there's increasingly one law he can't escape

Poe’s law? I doubt Trump is aware of the concept, let alone capable of employing irony for effect - he’s just hyperbole all the way down.

Asking the Court to Stop Enforcement of the Judgment: Filing a Notice of Appeal does not stop or stay the winning side from taking steps to collect or enforce the judgment from the lower court. To put the collection on hold, you may have to ask the court for a stay. You may have to pay an amount of money equal to the judgment amount, called an undertaking, to the court while the appeal is being decided.

Appeals Basics

IANAL, but does that may put this within the courts abilities?

The court judge ruled that he did need to pay the amount while the appeal is being decided. Not sure where the pay a portion came from other than the appealate court's ass.

Which is why I went to look for an answer, because I was under the impression the Appellate Court couldn't alter his judgement amount for appeal. That would need to be approved by only the Judge deciding the judgement. And that judge so no.

And the appellate court website states:

To put the collection on hold, you may have to ask the court for a stay.

So which court is that referencing?

I know people have compared Taylor Swift's ability to pay, but whatever happened to Faux news and their almost billion dollar judgement? Did they manage to have the the cash? Thought Donnie was supposed to be personally wealthy which should make it easier to pull cash out his ass without having to consult a board or whatnot...

My optimistic side believes this is the courts humiliating him by publicly demonstrating that he is not an actual billionaire. They're aware that he has no ability to pay half a billion, and they want as much as they can actually get from him.

I still take say his properties away.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Trump’s lawyers had pleaded for a state appeals court to halt collection, claiming it was “a practical impossibility” to get an underwriter to sign off on a bond for such a large sum.

James, a Democrat, told ABC News last month that if Trump doesn’t have the money to pay, she would seek to seize his assets and was “prepared to make sure that the judgment is paid.”

As Trump arrived Monday at a different New York court for a separate hearing in his criminal hush money case, he didn’t respond to a journalist’s question about whether he’d obtained a bond.

“Finding buyers for assets of this magnitude is something that doesn’t happen overnight,” he said, noting that at any ordinary auction, “the chances that people are going to be able to bid up to the true value of the property is pretty slim.”

Trump’s debt stems from a monthslong civil trial last fall over the state’s allegations that he, his company and top executives vastly puffed up his wealth on financial statements, conning bankers and insurers who did business with him.

Trump and his co-defendants denied any wrongdoing, saying the statements actually lowballed his fortune, came with disclaimers and weren’t taken at face value by the institutions that lent to or insured him.

The original article contains 894 words, the summary contains 214 words. Saved 76%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

There was no way anybody was going to let him sell his properties in a fire sale with commercial real estate being in such a precarious position already.

Why am I only mildly surprised?

The thing people forget, half of NY's "real estate moguls" probably commit the same fraud, perhaps to a lesser extent and Broke Don was just caught with his pants down. But those business folk are of course whispering everywhere that this ruling could bankrupt NYs real estate market...

I do find it rather strange how it is worded "an appeals court has decided" ... so is this ANOTHER appeals court that is meddling with the court case of the original court and the upcoming appeals court? Or are/will these be the same folks who will decide on the coming appeal case? If the latter I will start assuming they'll throw the judgement out on a technicality ("the business in question is now located in Florida so there is no jurisdiction in NY" Or something lame like that)

Also it is unclear to me what their decision is based on, if the law states that on appeal a bond for the full amount needs to be met, how can they lower it just like that? Especially since Broke Don claims to swim in Billions of dollars... I can see the REASONING of wanting to lower it but I would think the law does not give leeway on it.

I could only think of just allowing a seizure of the assets but blocking them from sale while the appeal goes up, that seems a lot fairer than what they did here.

Frankly I am stunned how more and more explicit the justice system is openly breaking the US laws just to keep Broke Don in the saddle... is there anyone who can really stop them doing that?

Meanwhile I will not be surprised if the appeal for this case, and others will just get delay stacked on delay until well beyond the elections, probably stuffing it all in 2025. This under the feared and silent assumption the dictator from day 1 will have his Golden Throne from which he will excrete his decrees of revenge under his claimed full authority, impunity and immunity.

The law doesn't matter, it doesn't enforce itself.

The judges wanted it lowered for reasons, and so they lowered it.

The entire system is a lot more about people than most want to admit. The magic words on a page somewhere only exist to serve those in power, never to force them to do something they don't want to do.

This article has some interesting info for normal people trying to get their bail reduced.

  • The court isn't allowed to force you to go to jail by setting the bail so high that you can't afford it.
  • The court is required to give a reason for the bail amount, but it's not clear if the reason would be public information.

This is a civil suit.

Bring back debtors prison.

It would be wonderful to apply to Trump, but in reality with our current political climate, debtor’s prison would be used by Blackrock and BOFA to imprison millions of people.

They would do some fuckery with interest rates, look at businesses with some added columns, and see how many employees they could imprison through buying the company and causing its collapse.

this is one of the many problems with turds like the oompa loompa, turds are slippery.

At what point can we start rioting. The game is so fucking rigged and they are not even trying to pretend anymore. I’m ready to burn this shit to the ground.