Would you be buried alive for 48hr for a million dollars?

The Giant Korean@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 143 points –

You are buried in a coffin 6ft deep, with no light or cell phone. There is only a small tube connected to the coffin from outside that allows you to breathe (edit: you can breathe with no difficulty). After 48 hours, you are dug up and given 1 million dollars. Do you do it?

Edit: No food and water, no diaper, and no contact with the outside world. Once buried, they leave for 48hr and come back to dig you up. The coffin is only wide enough for you to lay on your back (no rolling around), and the inside is wood and not particularly comfortable. The only items you're allowed to bring with you are life sustaining medication (e.g. an asthma inhaler). No knocking yourself out with pills or anxiety meds. The money is a briefcase full of cash.


You mean 48 hours of peace and quite AND I get a million‽ sigh me the fuck up.

That's what I was thinking. Like, I have kids and a high stress job. This sounds like a vacation.

48 hours without water? Absolutely not. There is a high probability of exiting a cripple or dead, at least for me. Not to mention my medicine.

Just drink a lot before and you'd be good to go IMO

Edit: at a normal temperature of course.

Then you'd drown in your own urine.

If you are producing enough urine to drown in a coffin in 48 hours you should see a urologist

Wait they didn't make the rest of you guys lay face down in the coffin? What the heck!

You definitely couldn't produce enough urine to fill the coffin. You would definitely end up lying in piss but that's not too bad for a million, plus it may drain out the bottom.

OP said no diaper, which means you are pissing and shitting yourself, and you'll be soaking in it at ground temperature, around 55f. Might be a tad uncomfortable, lol.

Unless you are God-tier at holding it....

I've spent that much time without water without knowing it lol. It's not a long period of time without water.

You probably ate or drank other stuff with water. The other person didn't mean "water" specifically, just some means of hydration.

48 hours without water is a no go.

You can go 3 days, especially with no physical exertion

Maybe you can. But the thing about statistics like that it’s that they avoid saying “the average person”, and problems with averages is that half of the people are under it.

If it’s not just made up data in the first place.

The thing is, the average person can survive about 4 days without water under normal circumstances. It would be even longer with no physical exertion, assuming it isn't too hot and the humidity is right. I don't think it's a stretch to say that the vast majority of healthy adults could survive not drinking for 48 hours if they're spending that entire 48 hours lying down. The things to worry about here are mental health and infection from waste, not dehydration.

The rule of thumb is "three days without water" because that's how long most people can go. It's not the ld50. It wouldn't be a very popular rule of thumb if it got half of the people who followed it killed.

I've lived through severe dehydration. It's nothing to fuck with.

I mean you lived through it. I can't afford to get this weird patch of skin on my arm or the bump above my knee checked out, so I might legitimately not live through severe not having money

Risk analysis is different. I was dehydrated thanks to less than 24 hours without hydration and my body was fucked. I'm pretty sure forty eight would kill me. You are pretty sure that shit on your body ain't right and that you can't afford to get it checked out, much less treated. You're risking your life if you do or if you don't, so might as well go for the money. That said, if it's serious, a million bucks might not be enough in this glorious healthcare system we've got.

The rule of three (human male, optimum health)

3 min sans air before brain damage/death 3 hrs in hostile environments before body succumbing 3 days without water before severe damage/death 3 weeks without food before death

You may not die immediately but your chances of kidney damage are pretty high in this situation.

Could I hire a guy and pay him 48 hours of minimum wage to lay in the coffin for me and then collect the million dollars at the end? I think I just invented capitalism.

What makes you think OP hasn't just been offered 10 million dollars to lay in a coffin for 48 hours?

I'd drink water until I was ready to explode, jump in that thing with an evil laugh and a wink, then emerge two days later as the world's most pee-drenched millionaire.

Guaranteed not to die?

It's certainly uncomfortable, but a million bucks for a weekend of laying in a box is a pretty good deal.

I'd be more worried about the dehydration and bodily functions than about being underground, assuming I am guaranteed to live.

They bury you and come back 48hr later, so no guarantee.

If there's no guarantee you won't die, I'm not too keen on it. The breathing tube scenario and no water situation is highly sus. And laying immobile for that long of a time frame puts you at a crazy high risk of blood clots and a resulting fatal stroke, heart attack, or pulmonary embolism. It's why people who are relatively immobilized in a hospital for any length of time are often given blood thinners. I'm pretty sure there have been cases of people dying playing video games too long without moving because of the resulting blood clots.

Happened to the girlfriend of the author of one of my skyrim mods. He created a character in her memory and posts a disclaimer to everyone warning about the danger of blood clots.

Yeah blood clots, rhabdomyolysis, kidney damage from dehydration, etc. You're guaranteed to sustain some amount of damage from this

I'm pretty sure there have been cases of people dying playing video games too long without moving because of the resulting blood clots.

Wow, that's awful. Not something I would have thought about happening.

I was in the hospital recently and had my legs attached to some automatic massagers (I forget the name) to help avoid blood clots. And I was only in bed for a day.

if I can sneak in some sleepy pills I'd do it. fall asleep and wake up two days later really hungry, stinky, sore, and rich as fuck.

if i can't I wouldn't. many people don't realize how dangerous sensory deprivation can be on larger scales than a couple hours. many people try to kill themselves to escape lighter/easier situations than you e described here

Is the air tube mechanically assisted? I'm not sure I could handle the effort of basically pumping air 6ft back and forth with my lungs for 48 hours.

It allows enough air into the coffin to keep you alive and breathing without any difficulty.

Then absolutely. Is this even a hard question for any rationale person?

I think you are trivializing it a bit. Just try lying in your bed on your back for 24 hours without turning and you would realize this is not going to be comfortable at all. Add to that the complete inability to tell how much time has passed and you may start to lose your shit. I would probably start to believe that I had been forgotten because my sense of time would be way off.

Yep. I get it. It’s going to be really fucking uncomfortable. I’ll be hungry, thirsty, sore, and will lose my concept of time. And then I’ll have a million dollars. How long will it take you to earn a million dollars in any other fashion? Unless your Jeff Bezos you’ll have much more accumulated discomfort and assorted bullshit over that period of time than just dealing with it all at once. This is a easy decision.

I think it's more than that. Was an EMT for a long time and had to scoop up many an old timer who'd fallen and been unable to get up. Unfortunately it's been a while and I've been bumped on the head once or twice, but I recall there being concern of issues like compartment syndrome that came from basically spending 10 or 12 hours on a floor unable to get up. I'm sure age and position have something to do with it, but I just don't know if your body will come out the same on the other side. And now you're spending that million on medical care if you're like me and from America.

Well remember a good 50-100k is going to be gone right off the bat for the hospital stay afterwards.

And there's always the chance of a blood clot. Very dangerous when immobile that long.

Still worth it tho.

Decades of work will do just as much damage to my psyche as 48 hours in a coffin, and it's going to do a lot more damage to my body

Yeah, there would really be no way to know how much time has passed.

Do it like Senku (Dr stone) and his multi processor brain. He calculated his entombment to the second for 3,500 years. True he’s a anime badass, but I could pull off 2 days using my internal clock. I hope.

Well yeah? 48hrs without being able to move, stuck underground without food or water would be terrible, I would go insane

A million dollars will buy you the best anti psychotic drugs you can buy ( and the legal ones will be less)

I'm not sure you know how much a million dollars actually is or how effective drugs are on your mental well-being. They're not magic, it's still probably going to be years of problems and while a million dollars is enough to make you live very comfortably, it's not enough to actually make you rich rich.

I personally don't think you can put a price on your health, mental or physical, and being immobile for 48 hours in a wooden box is going to be very hard on your physical health as well.

The sheer thought if this makes me slightly panicky. Which I guess isn't rational but yeah I don't think I could bring myself to do it.

People have turned to suicide under shorter time periods. I don't trust my mental health (or bodily health, water etc) in such a situation, and it might permanently damage me for the rest of my life for a mere 1m. 1B before I even consider, and still probably no unless I think I'm making a sacrifice for others or something and don't expect to be alive.

I think it would be interesting to compare answers alongside things like our jobs, income, and location, because there's very little I wouldn't do for a "mere" million dollars

I would have 100% done this in my 20s when I was borderline homeless and dumpster diving to live. But now I’m older and a million dollars is less life changing than it would have been then. Sure more financial comfort would be nice but my basic needs are taken care of. Plus my body is in way worse shape now. I’m old and lame now and less likely to do ridiculous shit for the experience. I don’t think I would do it.

A million dollars is only about 15 years of wages for me, and I'd still do it (assuming competence on part of the people making the offer).

I'm not claustrophobic and I'm very lazy. I'd do it. I got pretty annoyed when I tried a "sensory deprivation tank" and there was light and sound leaking in. 48 hours is a long time, but not dangerously so.


In chamber REST, the subject lies on a bed in a completely dark and sound-reducing (on average, 80 dB) room for up to 24 hours. Their movement is restricted by the experimental instructions, but not by any mechanical restraints. Food, drink, and toilet facilities are provided in the room and are at the discretion of the tester, who can communicate with the participants using an open intercom. Subjects are allowed to leave the room before the 24 hours are complete; however, fewer than 10% actually do because they find the chamber so relaxing.[8] Chamber REST affects psychological functioning (thinking, perception, memory, motivation, and mood) and psychophysiological processes.

Those people were allowed to eat, drink and eliminate (and presumably get up and stretch while they did), but this doesn't seem terribly far off from your question.

I'm visualizing the experience, sitting in a 10'x12' room, and totally unconstrained. Just that makes me feel anxious.

I think that I'd have a mental break in less than a day. Probably in less than a few hours.

I couldn't do it.

So what you're saying is, would I lie in my own waste in the dark for 2 days tops for


60+ years worth of my current wage? I'll go in right now

As a parent, you had me at "no room to roll around". As long as I have a 100% guarantee that none of my kids will find me in there to ask for something, I'm in. I'm gonna get so much sleep.

I know how this one went....

Think I'll pass!

I don't understand Sadam's strategy with that hole. Was he planning on living there the rest of his life, or was he thinking the USA would get tired of looking for him and move on?

I have no idea, but I assume it was a last-ditch effort to avoid getting capped. Excellent meme though.

I currently don't have a problem with small spaces but I think this would give it to me. I was okay up until the part where I can't roll around. I was imagining it and that would be so uncomfortable to stay in the same position for 48 hours. I think I'll pass. I don't need a million that badly and I don't want PTSD.

This is what I alway told myself. "I have no problem with small spaces"

Until I went a day of cave exploring in the Ardennes. You are sent through a cave, without any light. At some points there are small beams of sun poking through holes, or at some there is a small ledlight indicating a step down/up Halfway you're going to reach an intersection, left for 'normal' right for adventure, we picked adventure ... This entailed a narrow pasthrough, barely wide enough for me, and a few climbs up and down. Your track is monitored, and you have max. 20 minutes before they come and get you, but still at some point I felt real anxiety of being stuck.

Since I KNOW I'm getting older, and admitting fear is nothing to be ashamed for ;)

Yeah, at first I was like sure I can just sit still/sleep for 2 days but then I remembered how I start to panic a little bit when I have trouble taking a shirt off sometimes and that only takes a second to fix.

Nope. I’d freak out before the first shovelful of dirt hit the coffin lid.

I’m not generally claustrophobic, but that level of confinement would be unbearable.

Assuming I could be confident the coffin would hold up against the weight of the dirt, I would do it. I remember the Mythbusters tested a myth related to being buried alive. To test it, they buried Jamie in a coffin and ended up having to pull the plug because the dirt was crushing the coffin.

I didn't see that one! I'll have to check it out. Assume that the coffin used is sturdy enough to hold up to the dirt.

So wait... Does that mean coffins all just cave in after burial?

Pretty much. 6ft of dirt is no joke, stuff's heavy.

Oh yeah. I've shoveled and hauled dirt. Shit is heavy. I just assumed coffins were sturdier.

I think it was in the first season before the show got popular.

I doubt all coffins get crushed, but the one they bought was definitely having problems. As I recall they bought a steel coffin because they thought it would be stronger than wood.

If I can stop whenever (without payment), sign me up. It will be boring tho.. Very boring. Probably will need to keep my mind occupied because that situation can make you go crazy.

No stopping. Once you commit, they bury you, leave, and come back 48hr later to dig you up.

I’d sleep so good. I think this is going to be answered one way by youths and another way by old people who would pay for 48h of peace and quiet.

Given people have died during these buried alive challenges, that will be a resounding no from me. There's also a small chance that something happens to the people that bury you and you die slowly in the dark, never knowing what transpired and why you're still there. Not worth the risk.

There's also a small chance that something happens to the people that bury you and you die slowly in the dark, never knowing what transpired and why you're still there. Not worth the risk.

That's a horrifying thought. I recall an episode of some show where someone tried to escape prison by being put in a coffin with someone who died so that she could be dug up outside, but when she woke up and checked to see who she was buried with it was the guy who was supposed to dig her up.

Man, just trying to imagine it, I wouldn't be able to do it. It's one thing to be confined to a small space, but a small space where you can't roll around? I'd need at least enough room to roll over or stretch out my limbs. Also, I'd have no concept of the passage of time, so it's very likely that I would go insane in there within the span of 48 hours. Sure, you could try and sleep a bit, but after 8-10 hours of that you'd be wide awake and have no idea how much time went by, with 40+ more to go.

I'm sure some people have probably done this for a lot less, though. I'm thinking of stowaways on cargo ships or airplanes who sealed themselves in a crate or something to get somewhere else, but I think in that case they at least had a little more space and hopefully a way to pass the time while voyaging.

Nope. They have a million reasons to figure out a way for me not to collect. I have faith in thier engenuity.

Hopefully this is like “squid game” “bumfights” with enough folks watching to make sure everything is on the up and up.

Risk too high for reward. Maybe with water? Definitely would need an emergency end to the whole thing.

I'd rather die to give a million dollars to my family than do this.

Yeah, that got way too dark way too quickly.

Anyone who thinks this is a good deal doesn't know what they're talking about. Experiments involving similar conditions have been done before, and it's never really a pleasant experience. Solitary confinement is fucking tough.

Take this for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqKdEhx-dD4 3 days in a small room alone with no real entertainment. Even that had significant effect on Michael's wellbeing.

Keep in mind usually you can still move around and exercise in solitary confinement to keep you relatively sane. In a coffin? Have a look at sensory deprivation tanks. That's the closest thing to this hypothetical situation, and the people who sell the experience recommend you don't spend more than an hour in there.

2 more...

A million bucks wouldn't even cover the average home in my city. No deal.

Usually I don’t have a problem with narrow spaces, but being unable to move at all is a deal breaker for me. I feel like that would be seriously painful after a few hours, mentally AND physically.

I feel like $1 million is more than enough to pay for any therapy necessary to patch up any possible resulting breaks in my psyche with plenty to spare.

I'm pretty sure many years worth of my salary for 48 hours of extreme stress is worth it given parenthood and career already yield moderate to high stress regularly; investing the $1 million well could push up retirement quite a bit.

Plus, let's be real - I get at least some legit rest in there.

Preparation is key here. Given a heads up and prep time, I’d go for it full stop.

A quick run to DDG for casket dimensions, along with some poking at my calculator tells me that if you were buried, you and your casket or coffin would have approximately 5,100 kg of soil on top of it. Caskets have thin steel in them, coffins are typically wood. I feel like any dead body containment device one could buy wouldn't be able to hold that weight.

Let me design the coffin and I'd consider it.

No, I would die of being panic long before being dig up.

How much of that million do I lose to tax afterward?

It's a briefcase full of cash.

It’s a briefcase full of cash.

I'm pretty sure you could just say "It's tax free" or even double the amount to $2 million and it wouldn't really change which people would do it and which wouldn't.

I'd do it, as long as I was really convinced that the only danger was mental, not physical.

Apparently you'd owe around $350,000 in taxes if the IRS found out, but I don't know if there's anything you can do to reduce that. Even after that, I'd do it for $650,000. That's still over 40 years of my current minimum wage job

Some magician tried this at a local children's theme park when I was a kid. If I remember correctly, he was supposed to escape or something. He miscalculated the weight of the soil and was crushed to death.

With how shitty my job is, I'd do this in heart beat. Just suffer for 48 hours and I'm well off for the rest of my life. I'll prob still need to work but I could buy a house and all. The just work same shitty job to just pay the bills. Or since I'll have some cushion, I could try and look for other jobs.

Sign me up.

I'd do it too. Here I am working my ass off for the next 30 years to save maybe $1m for retirement and someone's willing to just give it to me after 48hrs of suffering? No brainer. I'd ask questions about the plan to keep it safe of course, but if I was satisfied that they knew what they were doing, I'd do it no question. I'm surprised that most are saying no to this. I mean shit, at least try.

Having been in a MRI machine several times, absolutely fucking not. Maybe for 8hrs.

Ive already slept for 33 hours straight... Without drugs or anything... I guess that sounds like a good sleep (as long as its one of the comfy coffins and not just a wooden box)

I'd do it.

Yeah I'm just so damn tired all the time, I'd be okay. As long as I don't eat beforehand, I can go a couple of days without pooping too, probably. It's the dehydration that worries me, but with sleeping at least the first 24 hours straight I hope my bodily functions will be reduced enough that I'm alright after the 2nd day.

My first day off after work I always sleep at least 12 hours, sometimes up to 18. I've slept 30+ with just breaks for food, water, and bathroom before (after a couple of 20 hour shifts).

No. There's not a thing that exists in the known or unknown universe that could convince me to go through with that.

No way. Imagine being stuck in complete darkness unable to move your body for that amount of time. I'd lose my mind and probably have a panic attack thinking to myself what if they don't dig me up?. The money isn't worth the mental trauma that would cause me.

Never mind the issues with dehydration, I could not be alone with my thoughts for that long.

What's the oxygen situation like?

100% able to breathe with no issues.

Would that include my reflux going straight into my throat from laying on my back with my head down? Serious question...

Would ompreazole help?

(I have reflux and just had surgery to fix it. I understand how awful it is.)

I take meds (protonix I think - there have been so many), which help, but they only kill the acid, not stop everything from going into my throat (weak sphincter). So basically, it feels like I have the post nasal drip from hell in the back of my throat.

Now if you make the coffin where I can keep my head raised, that's completely different.

As an aside, I've discussed surgery a couple times, but the last time (years ago), they basically said it only works for like a decade and you can't throw up. Even the doctors were pretty meh about it. Anything changed? How was your experience?

For me it's kinda like lasik - I have contacts that give me 20/10 vision and I'm so used to them, why risk it. With Gerd, I have meds that work and the only thing that really sucks are the cavities and waiting for breakfast. So is it worth it?

The surgery was worth it for me for several reasons, and I realize that these reasons aren't applicable to most people.

I have very bad asthma, and apparently GERD can contribute to it quite a bit. Even though I was on a PPI I still had reflux fumes coming up out of my gut that I would breathe in. Strengthening the pyloric sphincter kept that from happening. I noticed that my breathing improved drastically a few days after the operation. I also had a hiatal hernia, which was likely not helping my breathing.

I also noticed that right around the time I stared using a PPI that I also developed multiple food allergies. It could be a coincidence, but even my gastroenterologist said that the change in digestion from the PPI might have contributed to development of the allergies. And I developed a few more along the way. So getting off of the PPI was important to me in that regard.

Anyway, my experience has been pretty positive. I can burp. Not sure if I can throw up from my stomach yet, but I have thrown up stuff that was sitting in my esophagus (I tried challenging foods too quickly street my surgery - learned my lesson there). I can finally sleep flat without regurgitation. So I'm pretty happy.

I don't know if you have any desire to get off of Protonix, but if you ever do, I read this recently and it's pretty interesting:


That's great that it worked for you!

I game never heard of the turmeric, but I'm all ears for getting off of meds. Thank you immensely for that too!

Sure thing! Let me know how it goes. A friend has tested turmeric and it works for him.

A lot of people concerned about water but if it’s not very hot and you’re not sweating too much 48 hours shouldn’t be a problem.

Yeah and 6 feet underground the temperature is gonna be in the low 70s.

I imagine in a few hours that environment will be around body temperature.

You severely underestimate the heat storage capacity of the ground. Geothermal heat pumps work off that principle: at 6-8 feet underground the temperature is constant (in spite of the sun shining on it all the time, that should give you an idea how minimally one human body would impact it) and moving heat into it dissipates it in the ground and has a minimal impact. You probably wouldn't even get a noticeable change in temperature in 48 hours. You can cool a whole house for a whole summer and probably only locally notice a 1° increase in local temperature around where it's pumped to by the end of the summer, heat that then can be used in the winter.

Gimme a panic button to press in case of emergency, so that I won't die if something happens, and yeah. I would. Prisoners do solitary confinement, and it's awful, and inhumane, but clearly survivable. I have no problem talking to myself and keeping myself company. I routinely spent 8 hours totally alone 5 days a week as a kid, and yes, I realize this isn't the same. But I believe I could keep my mind occupied, and sleep through most of it. This isn't one of those insane ones, where they do it for a year. It's 48 hours. Sign me up.

Would you have a countdown clock or a watch to indicate how much time left? I think that will mentally help me a ton.

No. No electronics or other devices.

Yeah I think this is the deal breaker for me. At least with a clock there's something that I can focus on other than my own thoughts.

Yes as long as I'm certain that I'll get the 1 million dollars after the end. But if allowed by the rules I'd prepare myself some time before being buried. Mostly to make sure that I'm hydrated and fed just enough to endure it, but not enough to shit/piss in the coffin.

Would I get to wear a diaper and get at least 2 bottles of water?

No and no.

It's the damnedest thing. These pants I picked to be buried in came with a built in water bladder and refuse collection system. Weird huh?

They found your modifications to be against the rules, and now you're buried pantsless

Meh, I'll just deal with it and drink lots of water first. Fuckit, sign me up!

No. Money is not that important, by far. I'd play you for 10k, holdem or Omaha, anytime, though. Send me location.

I would. It would be the worst 48 hours of my life especially since I'm claustrophobic but 48 hours are really not that long in the grand scheme of things. Better than working for 15+ years for the same amount.

In certain circumstances 10 seconds can be an eternity.

It can feel like an eternity in the moment, but it's still just ten seconds.

Unless you're trapped at the horizon of a black hole but I don't think that's really relevant in this conversation

Which matters more in this scenario, actual reality or your perception of it?

I've tripped balls where the concept of time was torn asunder. Wasn't a great time, but time still passed by, and my mind didn't "break" or whatever it is people believe will happen.

You can't actually experience a lifetime in those moments of eternity.

There are absolutely experiences that will permanently traumatize a human mind which take less than 10 seconds.

The circumstances described by the OP are worse than you think. Minutes would be fine, hours would progress from misery to torture fairly quickly. Those of us saying it’s not worth it aren’t saying it because we don’t want a million bucks, we just value our sanity and understand how life-ruiningly horrible it would be.

You're just asserting things without evidence or reason.


Most people in voluntary isolation (with sensory deprivation too!) will quit after a couple of days. I don't know what $20 a day amounts to in today's money, but it ain't a million.

Well, in your study they still got to eat, drink, and walk to the bathroom. They had rooms, beds, and tables, and they were fed by humans. They could stop at any time. OP’s scenario has none of that; you’re in an uncomfortable wooden box with no room to move for 48 hours.

I couldn’t find any studies that extreme, and maybe you’re right that it might be tolerable for some, but I’m pretty sure I’d come out of that box broken in a bad way.

They were sensory deprived to an extreme extent. It doesn't matter that there are people around if you can't see them, can't hear them, can't feel them. You're severely downplaying the effect of that to make the box seem worse.

In the box, you can stimulate your hearing so you won't get auditory hallucinations. You can also feel things and tap the side of the box, etc. I assume it's dark, so you may get some visual hallucinations. I'm not sure how darkness affects that. It's manageable, though.

Isolation is torture when it's a very long or even indeterminate duration. Two days is a duration that most people can endure, as per the experiment. You know that going in and can prepare yourself mentally.

I've endured severe pain, I've endured panic attacks, and I've endured bad trips without time and a fractured reality. I don't know what kind of life you've led, but my experience tells me that while two days in a box is absolutely going to be a miserable experience, it will quickly be forgotten.

Edit: And with a million bucks, I can pay for a good therapist, which I need regardless.

As long as I have enough oxygen and food.

No food.

no deal

You can't go two days without eating for a million dollars?

Make it two weeks in the coffin and it would be a hard sell, but this seems like a pretty easy call. It would suck shit but it would be physically safe and more than worth the money.

Two days without water or without standing up can be very dangerous to your health. Not to mention at some point you'll pee yourself, which is also dangerous to sit in for that long.

People who are saying no to this cuddos to you having it good. 48 hours of misery discomfort and I’ll be able to get ahead by a lot and make my life a bit better

Are you forced to eat only asparagus as your last meal before going in?

Sounds good to me. I'll have friends and family watch from the outside so I'll be confident it isn't some kind of ruse.

If it was done at that moment, no. BUT if I KNEW that in advance, I’d could prep myself for that ( and even if I had doubts there’s a MILLION reasons to go thru with it) and some old school perseverance will win the day

If it was generally safe, maybe yes. E.g. could they get me out of there quick enough if I had some medical emergency?

I think this is a pretty good pitch for a twitch stream, you just need a way to record live footage of the poor person in the coffin.

You guys are getting paid for this?

I just needed a place to crash.

An apartment like that goes for a couple grand a month in NYC or San Fran, and you still have to cover utilities.

Can I do it again later if I need another million?

can I bring a pillow? I'd love 48 hours with no disturbances to catch up on my sleep.

No pillows, book, or anything besides life sustaining medication.

Wait wait wait...

We're allowed medication, but not water?

Now that don't sound right at all yo. Everyone needs water at bare minimum, plus you can't swallow many medications without water...

Nice try. I’d like a restraining order now, and stay within my line of sight please.

Only 48 hours of suffering to live comfortable the rest of my life?

That's a great deal.

This is probably the worst concept ever for a reality show.

No. Not even dead.

Very much no. I wouldn't last an hour, let alone 48 and if I did I would be fucked up for life.

If no animals/bugs can get in, I'm allowed enough room to roll around and I have a phone with hours of downloaded content and a power bank I'm all set

He said no cell phone, so you're just alone with your thoughts.

Damn so sitting in your own piss and shit too. I dont think I can do it then

Tight enough that you can't roll around. You're basicslly stuck lying on your back.

Pretty sure standard coffin sizes would be big enough for an ordinary person to roll over.

Not even 48 seconds. Just thinking about being buried alive for too long can give me a panic attack. Noping out of this thread now!

I wouldn't be buried alive for an hour for a million dollars.

idk, people that would care to get me out now can inherit a million $

Just 48 hours or a MILLION? Yes. YES. Sign me up! 100%!

ITT: parents using this 48hr torture session to get away from their kids.

Yep, I guess I still don't regret having kids.