What's a single player PC game you can't get enough of?

agelord@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 309 points –

Factorio. The factory must grow. Started on my Switch until I could no longer save games, then migrated to laptop. Because the Factory. Must. Grow.

Never in my life have I been so hooked on a game.

For fans of Factorio I highly recommend Dyson Sphere Program. It’s a beautiful factory building game. It’s been in early access for a while now but can already be played like a finished game. There is a combat system coming but that will be totally optional. The only downside is that it’s far more demanding than Factorio when it comes to CPU, especially in the late stages of the game as your factory grows.

If someone else didn't say it I was gonna recommend DSP. It's galactic scale Factorio in space and 3D. If Factorio automation and interstellar logistics sound fun then get this game.

For late game do e of the hardcore players take ticks per second and such into consideration so there is a sort of meta think to the game with that regard. You can still just slap automation chains together and get the job done tho. I was getting 15 fps at end game with a RTX 3060 lol.

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Factorio is one of those few games (rim world too) that I can sit down and not realize that HOURS are flying by.

For that alone, Factorio is a must have for anyone who enjoys base building aspects in other games. Also, there is multiplayer on PC. At least with mods it's possible.

I have never played a game with such a compelling gameplay loop.

What's your favourite game set up? I just finished the vanilla set up with enemies.

Honestly if you don’t know where to start just play the bog standard free play with default settings. Maybe increase mineral deposit richness a bit if you’re just starting out.

If you want to make your life a little easier look for a starting map with lots of trees and deposits close together but not overlapping.

My time available for gaming is severely limited, so I'd timebox some time to play, set up a timer and build AFK factories. I noticed that I'd start to find excuses to go to the desk to check an email or pay a bill and would "just check in on my factory" which would turn into "just a quick replenish of my turrets" or to fix an idle driller, then an hour later I'd realize I was 'ate to an appointment.

Later, I set up a private multiplayer server that wouldn't pause on disconnect so that the game wasn't even running on my primary computer.

It's been a while... I should go check on my factory... BRB

Have you tried Mindustry? It's supposed to be like factorio and it is open source.

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Cyberpunk. They fixed most of the issues the game had at launch. There's a dlc coming out soon too that will add a bunch of hours, and with it they are reworking loads of mechanics for free. Can't recommend it enough.

Did performance improve? I couldn’t get it anywhere close to playable on my 2080 super without dropping the quality to potato, so I gave up on it.

I've got a 1070ti and it runs very smooth on medium-high. Obviously not doing ray tracing or anything, and no mods, but I dial back some of the stuff like anti-aliasing too. Definitely worth giving it another shot if you already have it

Same! Hell, I run it on mostly-ultra, as I prefer image quality to frames most of the time. (also, I'm not 4k or anything.. Just an old 1080p 60hz monitor)

I ran medium to high with 2080 super, 32 gigs of ram, and a ryzen 3600. Frames stayed above 60 in most cases drops in the 40s happened in populated areas.

I have a 2060 super and it ran perfectly on high. I think I had maybe one crash in my entire playthrough

I played it on a 5500XT and it ran fine. Maybe a handful of crashes per 100h and few bugs / glitches.

I played it almost all the way through on a 1080 and it looked and performed great. I did tweak a lot of the settings to get it to peak performance.

Average FPS was around 40. Obviously not running at monitor resolution.

It was a great game even with the issues it had. I'm really looking forward to the DLC, if only as an excuse to revisit the game!

The problems I have with cyberpunk stem more from the story. It's depressing and has no real happy ending, just an array of at best bittersweet possible endings. Maybe the new DLC will fix that but otherwise it's a bit too much art imitating life for me.

Ahh I love that part. Feels like a nice change of pace that the best ending (for me) is open ended with a little bit of hope. Don't want to spoil for anyone else reading which ending I mean, but I like that it doesn't wrap up in a fully positive way

See I like that one, I just wish it weren't the happiest option. Bittersweet is great for movies but for the best option in a video game that you pour hours into, it can be a bit of a letdown.

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Dwarf Fortress is beautiful.

This is my answer. Donated to Toady1 a couple times, then bought it on steam.

Same here, donated to Toady and played for years before moving to masterwork DF, and years there too. Once the keyboard only mode is added to the steam version I'm sure I'll be playing for years there too!

I've reeeaaaally gotten into the rogue-like/lite genre. Dead Cells, Hades, Slay the Spire, FTL, Vampire Survivors... Just endlessly fun and entertaining. Also for all you Vampires lovers, I just picked up a game called Halls of Torment during the Steam sale for cheap. Super fun "vampires-like"

Check out Nova Drift! One of my favorite rogue-likes!

Haven't heard of that. Will check it out, thanks!

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Slay the spire. Probably have close to 1000 hours playing it and I'm still addicted.

Same. I also own it on the switch and phone. Most re-playable game I own.

I've heard about it a few times, need to give it a try.

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Rimworld - 2000 hours so far. I'm not done yet. The mod community and periodic dlc keep it alive for me.

I'm over 20,000 hours on Civilization III just on my current PC - that doesn't even count all the time I spent on it when the game first came out. I've tried the later versions, just don't like 'em as much.

I want to play again but had to stop each time because I get obsessively addicted to it


It's kind of funny because I bounced off the game hard the first two times I played it. What really did it for me was the Ideology DLC, gave it a shot on a whim and the amount of structure it gave me for RPing colonies was exactly what I was missing.

Hundreds upon hundreds of hours in now, and it is the game I keep coming back to. Not to mention one of the biggest modding communities I have ever seen in a video game. The only video game subscriptions I maintain currently are to a few Rimworld modders whose work I really enjoy. When I am not playing it, I am working on ideas of themed mod packs to put into it.

Dyson Sphere Program is a close second, it's my favourite factory-builder. It is still in early access but is a VERY polished experience already. Amazing dev communication too.

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Witcher 3 wild hunt. Game was released in 2015 and we are still getting regular patches 8 years later. Patch 4.03 was just released last May. Engaging storytelling, a vast open world along with 2 expansion pack, deep role-playing elements to create a memorable and immersive gaming experience.

Have they discussed any more show tie-in content? Was hoping they would use that for promotions.

I haven’t been following the Witcher fan discussion group for a while, but what I recalled was that the Netflix show has deviated drastically from the source material (books) which many fans are pissed about, even the main star and fan expert of the material, Henry Cavill left in season 3.

The game dev CD Projekt Red definitely has no rights to Netflix’s Witcher universe and it doesn’t matter. Fans are anticipating the release of Witcher 4 (code name Polaris) which will be a first of a trilogy.

Yeah I've seen the backlash from the community leading up to Henry Caville's departure, but I've been out of the loop so to say since moving over to Lemmy. I kind of assumed that it would be mutually beneficial for CDPR and Netflix to parter on promotions, since I assume it's mutually beneficial in terms of Netflix subs and game purchases. Can't blame CDPR for wanting to focus effort elsewhere though.

Dwarf Fortress, been playing it off and on for many years now. I happily bought the steam version when it came out!

When I first played back in 200...8? I accidentally stayed up all night. I'm itching to try out the Steam version but I know, I KNOW, that I can't afford the time I will spend on it right now.

Love the game but I'll need them to fix the fps issue before I get back into it. Would be great to have a fortress with more than 100 dwarfs without grinding the fps to a halt.

Ahhh good ol’ FPS death. I never make it that far, mainly because I love to embark somewhere with a waterfall.

Mindustry. People compare it to Factorio, but Mindustry (which also has an Android version) is open source.

I found out about it because of f-droid and after a single session knew I wanted the Steam version after I figured out it existed.

FTL. Theme song triggers ptsd in my wife.

I could hear the opening sound of the title song vividly as soon as I read that. I liked it but somehow never played it much. I think it was missing a little bit here or there.

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The Outer Wilds. Best space exploration game with environmental storytelling I have ever played. And that ending...chef's kiss made me cry.

The best gaming experience of my life. I wish I could forget everything and play it again. Did you play EotE?

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There's no game I don't eventually get tired of, but here are three that are fantastic and I can recommend playing for hours and hours:

  • FTL
  • Slay the Spire
  • Darkest Dungeon

All indie titles, none of them new, still fantastic and well worth it if you haven't played any on this list. Also all challenging roguelikes, so be warned. =P


I highly recommend Tametsi on Steam. It's Minesweeper, but each puzzle is designed to be solvable with zero guessing, and it uses different shapes and some other neat tricks to keep it interesting. It's 98 cents on Steam right now.

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Roller Coaster Tycoon.

I recommend https://openrct2.io/ - it's a fan made open source reimplementation that adds many changes, among them multiplayer, mods, UI improvements, bugfixes and so on. For installation you'll need a copy of the original RCT2 game. It also supports RCT1 scenarios and graphics.

Cities Skylines for me. It's like building my own little world that I would want to live and work in

I just wish it wasn't turning into The Sims: Cities with all the DLC packs.

I just want to make cool tiered cities with all kinds of parks and bike trails.

I get that, but the original game wasn't intended to be nearly as big as it turned out to be, so I'm not faulting them too much for having to release some should-be-base-game stuff later on. A lot of that will be included from the start in CS2 at least, like trams, bike lanes and better ped paths, so that's something.

I'm definitely gonna be checking it out when it releases. Thank God for GamePass lol

I love Cities Skylines, but I absolutely suck with traffic management. I know it's supposed to be the game's big challenge, but it's the one thing I really don't enjoy. Anytime I have tried to plan a city from the beginning with traffic in mind, I find myself not having nearly as much fun as when I just built stuff haphazardly.

I kind of just want a mod that abstracts out traffic (I know about TPM, but that isn't exactly what I want).

I enjoy city builders a lot too. Used to play this a few years ago.

I haven't see Horizon Zero Dawn in the comments so far. This is probably the best (by graphics, game play, characters, story lines) game I've ever played. I really hope that Horizon Forbidden West is released for PC soon.

Horizon is a great game, it's probably one of my favourite game series of all time at this point. Zero Dawn hit all the storytelling tropes that I typically enjoy in games, and had amazing dynamic combat too. It reminded a bit of monster hunter with the preparation you went into big fights with, but also there was a degree of improvisation when stuff didn't go according to plan.

As someone who didn't think Zero Dawn needed a sequel at all, I actually really enjoyed Forbidden West. I think you'll be in for a good time when you get a chance to play it.

Absolutely! Hunting Thunderjaws feels epic as all hell!

Cyberpunk2077 at the moment. Got more than 250 hours on it. Before that I played Dishonored a lot and that before the very first Deus Ex. The story was just incredible and IMHO still is one of the best in video game history.

Kenshi. It's very unique and one of my favourite games. It also has an amazing modding community.

I have launched this game several times and always end up wandering around aimlessly before getting killed in the wilderness. Is it possible to get into without following a wiki?

I didn't use the wiki until 50+ hours in. You need to make your own goals. I started by making a thief and just stealing my way to the top.

You can fairly easily make money and skill up by just running around carrying and selling shit. Specialize your first characters, make the next companions workers.

It's very much a sandbox where you make your own story.

When you start the game you are incredibly weak.

It absolutely is but getting some beginner tips could be a good idea.

For instance if you get bandits to chase you into a shop the gaurds will deal with them. You can then loot all the bodies.

Getting hit trains toughness and defense. Likewise hitting people trains your attack.

So getting beaten up is good but you need to make sure you don't get knocked out (you'll most likely bleed out with low toughness) or have a second person ready to heal you with med kits after the fight hiding somewhere.

Outside of towns is super dangerous until later in the game.

Also running is a very good option if you are out powered. You train your athletics by running. It trains faster if you aren't over encumbered.

I kind of had the same experience with it, except I actually managed to get really into it one time. I started as a prisoner in a giant mine, and had a shitload of fun trying and failing to escape. After many hours, I finally did it, and lost interest shortly afterwards because things got too confusing again.

If you're taking suggestions I recommend watching https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXFIaWk23rSznUxxUMAiNoo24Nx4IPBsX You can learn the basics as you watch him suffer.

It's not unlike Valheim in that way, to be fair. Use a wiki sparingly, just to get your feet under you, and then leave it behind. 🤌🏼

RimWorld, I can't stop playing it for at least 6 hours every time I launch it.

Also Factorio until I got stuck on making the fucking trains work

The trains aren't that mad to figure out.

  • Chain signals into crossings/junctions, block signals out.
  • This also applies to any track section where a train can block other trains.
  • Signals and stations only work to the right of the travel direction
  • Signals without another signal on the other side are strictly one-directional.
  • you can mismatch signals of any pair, i.e. a block sig opposite of a chain sig.
  • Using signals within a junction can be useful to improve capacity of said junction, though you must use chain signals for that.
  • Always make sure your longest regular train can fully leave a junction/crossing/flow-critical block before it hits another signal.
  • Having one train length across your entire fleet can make this easier to wrap your head around

As for station stopping instructions, that'll take a few more lines to go into.

You just need s good intersection blueprint to make trains work, after i found that i became adicted to expand the train network.

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I got Slay the Spire recently from the steam summer sale since it’s so cheap. I haven’t been able to put it down. It’s such a time suck, and I normally don’t even like card games. I would 100% recommend it.

I have been playing this game for years. A20 on all characters. Bought it on 3 different platforms. I am still playing it daily, and I'm not sick of it.

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Factorio, Satisfactory, and Minecraft. Generally sandbox games keep me interested the longest since you're just limited by your creativity there.

Came here looking for factorio. Great game and possibly the most stable piece of software I've come across

Looking at my steam:

Total: Factorio. Though I do think I need to put that one on hold after I'm finally done with my current save - which is not far out anymore. Also, this game has multiplayer so it may technically not count.

Recent: Derail Valley, a very down-to-basics train simulator, focusing on cargo rail in a fictional rendition of an area in the Balkans. They recently put out a major update, which makes all kinds of simulation features much more expansive.

I'm flabbergasted we're getting no metroidvania love in here so I'll list my two favorites: Hollow Knight and Blasphemous. Both with sequels coming out this year which I'm so excited about!

On my 3rd playthrough of Fallout: New Vegas

It just keeps on giving. I had so many playthroughs on my old Xbox before getting into the PC modding in college.

Thankfully, this will run on basically anything now, so I have all the nice stutter fixes and unofficial performance patches on my laptop lol beats the hell out of restarting the game on console every time it crashed.

I heard good things about the New California story mod and recently set that up, so I'm pretty stoked.

Haven't played around with Fallout 3's mod scene as much but I'd guess they may have some story mods that might be worth looking into as well.

It just keeps on giving. I had so many playthroughs on my old Xbox before getting into the PC modding in college.

Thankfully, this will run on basically anything now, so I have all the nice stutter fixes and unofficial performance patches on my laptop. Beats the hell out of restarting the game on console every time it crashed.

I heard good things about the New California story mod and recently set that up, so I'm pretty stoked.

Haven't played around with Fallout 3's mod scene as much but I'd guess they may have some story mods that might be worth looking into as well.

STALKER - with mods this game looks amazing and it's so immersive. I had so many fun/terrifying hours on this


Dwarf Fortress


Mass Effect



Hell yeah Morrowind! I like Skyrim ok but it feels bland somehow next to the weird setting and deeper mechanics in Morrowind

For basically daily consumption, definitely Paradoy Grand Strategy games for me, EU4, Vic3, CK3, HoI4, one of those almost always manages to work out.

As a game that I can endlessly revisit with short pauses in between, Disco Elysium, never fails to resonate with me.

Civilization for me... I don't mind the newer versions but I'm old enough that I've played it since Civ I and I do sort of feel like it's lost something as the graphics have improved and animations were introduced. Still, irrespective of the version, every game is a little different and eats hours like nothing else.

I have many versions of the game but the one I keep playing despite all the years that have passed, it’s Civ 5.

I do sort of feel like it’s lost something as the graphics have improved and animations were introduced

Have you tried Unciv? https://yairm210.itch.io/unciv It's a free and open source remake of Civ 5 and already supports many of its features. I really enjoy playing it as it's much less hardware intensive which makes for near instant loading times and keeps the computer nice and cool on hot summer days.

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Workers and resources. It's like cities skylines on steroids.

Subnautica and Planet Crafter.

The best "just one more thing!" games I've ever found. Huge chunks of time just disappear for me and the people that I've had play it. Very rewarding.

Explain Subnautica. I have played a couple hours but I don't get it. I picked up some fish and some other stuff. I did some crafting but I don't know where the cool stuff happens. Can you build outside your ship?

The first 4 hours or so can be a bit rough because it doesn't hold your hand much considering how big the game is and how much there is to do. I suggest focusing on surviving and following your radio messages for a new game, while crafting all your basic tools from the crafter as you follow the messages. Craft and use that scan tool. And by the time the radio messages run out, you'll find some cool stuff 😁😁😁

And yes, you can build anywhere! The world is your oyster 🦪

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Oh man. Thanks to you I'm now going to be up all night playing Planet Crafter, I garauntee it... Game definitely has that "Just one more exploration!" Or "You cant give up, you're so close to the next tier just do it".

Not sure if it's the simplicity (which I initially disliked) or the absolutely no hand holding that I love about Planet Crafter, but this game has me hooked, and I cant wait to see the fruits of my labor.

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Rollercoaster Tycoon / OpenRCT2

Transport Tycoon Deluxe / OpenTTD

While they do now have multiplayer modes thanks to their corresponding open source projects, I still think the spirit of these games is firmly in the single player pc game category. Best of all they're both free and available on any OS!

Cassette Beasts, it's like Pokémon far more different than other pokeclones, and far higher quality imo. The beast designs are great, and there's a cool fuse mechanic you can use to fuse any two Beasts, with unique art (over 16,000 possible fusions). Also the shiny-equivalent is better done and actually useful.

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Outer Wilds. You can really only play it once though but it’s amazing!

One of my favorites of all time! Need to go back and complete the DLC!

Yes, yes you do. It's as wild a ride as the base game and I love it so much.

Since nobody has mentioned it, I'll throw in "X4: Foundations". The X series is janky in places but oh so satisfying if you can get past the jank. Build a military empire to take over the galaxy, or maybe a trading empire. Or maybe you want to become an industrialist and build huge stations to print money. You can be a pirate or a salvager or any combination of the above. And there are tons of interesting mods if you get sick of the vanilla game.

Love this game!

I recently just played through the whole Bioshock series for the first time. Top tier games for sure, and still hold up very well.

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Tony Hawk's Pro Skater games 1 through 4.

A bit more than once a decade I play them on emulator and try to 100% them. Great fun. I also try to make sure to visit the locations in the real world if I'm on holiday nearby where they based a level.

It's kind of sad that the Venice Beach area hasn't existed since the 90s.

Edit: I did just realise this thread is about PC games, but I do play them on PC albeit through a PlayStation emulator. I do believe the games are available on PC.

Dying Light, absolutely fantastic pakour zombie smasher with one of the best cities in gaming. Bought it originally (on a disc) many years ago and played it so much the disc died and I was inconsolable until Epic gave away the ultimate edition and I was finally able to play The Following DLC.

Now I go and look at Dying Light 2 on Steam and wish my stupid country wasn't so damn expensive, even on sale at 50% off it still costs almost as much as a brand new AAA game in the states. Regional pricing my ass, we always get stung so hard for tech down here.

Here you go friend - https://thepiratebay.org/

Eeeeh, I could but Techland has long been one of my favorite little studios so pirating one of their games just doesn't feel right to me.

Also piratebay hasn't been relevant in years and is most likely chock full of all kinds of nasty malware now, try 1337x instead. They're probably the best of the lot now rarbg is no longer with us.

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My go to would be Skyrim, but i actually stopped playing about a year ago. My current one would be cyberpunk but i'm waiting for the dlc and playing diablo 4 atm.


Edit: Of those that are on PC, anyway. I got tired of waiting for even an announcement that a BB or Demon Souls port was on its way and got a PS5 just for those two things back in January.

I am playing Skyrim. For the second time, now in Special Edition.

Titanfall 2's campaign. I don't replay a lot of games, but I've played through that one a good few times.

Played it on a whim a few years ago. Hugely surprised about how good it was.

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Rogue Legacy 2

If you enjoy platformers and roguelikes, you'll like this.

Neverwinter Nights, I enjoy playing some of the campaigns and modules every so often, trying out different builds.

Warcraft 3, just for the original campaigns and also the stupid amount of custom campaigns made by the community.

Is Neverwinter free now? Or are you playing another version?

Neverwinter Nights is the 2002 Bioware game, remastered a few years ago with its Enhanced Edition, can be bought in GOG or Steam. Pretty good still for those that liked Baldurs Gate I and II

Prey. I enjoyed it more than Dishonored, it holds a real special place in my heart.

Factorio, Rimworld, Terraria. In no particular order, they're all perfect at what they do.

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Outer Wilds, played it once loved it so much I still get tons of enjoyment by watching others do full play throughs

What's a good playthrough you can recommend?

Modded Minecraft. So many good mod packs available.

Exactly. I paid 15 bucks 12 years ago and got god knows how many thousands of hours out of it

Definitely Civilization in general. There’s a lot of other games I like that are completely different, but year after year I come back to the Civilization series. And even though they peaked at Civ5, it’s still one of the few games I’ll preorder as soon as the next one is available.

Skyrim. I've probably topped 1000hours over different platforms since release

For real. I was already over 400 hours logged before I got my Index, and now with the help of Wabbajack, I'm at a number that would likely get an eyebrow from my therapist. 🤪


A cross between Legend of Zelda exploration and discovery with Souls-like combat. Very tight controls. Fantastic art and soundtrack.

Heard so many good things about it, but I just couldn't get into it. Played it for one evening and haven't picked it up again. It was frustratingly hard sometimes and while the complete absence of clues was a refreshing change from the extensive handholding in contemporary gaming, I think just some more bread crumbs would have improved the overall experience.

It's 240 comments and no reference to Touhou?????

I play Taisei Project (FOSS bullet-hell shooter) and 3D Pinball: Space Cadet because it was #1 game in the list on Discover app.

The Sims 2. I’ve played a fair amount of all four Sims games including their mobile editions, and Sims 2 remains my favorite after a near (yeeesh) 20 years.

The modding community is still relatively robust, especially for a game that’s so old and out of the four, I feel like I can enjoy even the basic gameplay as a storyteller in Sims 2 more than in 3 or 4. In Sims 3, the focus was less on playing multiple families, so it had to be modded right out of the gate to get back to its foundation and I never liked the way the sims looked. Sims 4 “feels” a lot more like Sims 2, which a lot of people hated, but its expansion and content packs are a complete joke. It costs like $2K to have everything, and they’re still releasing packs. I know it’s just the state of gaming these days, but it just sucks the fun out of a lot of the game.

Half the fun these days, though, is just getting the game up and running on modern PCs. I installed a new hard drive a few months ago and it took the better part of a weekend to get the game fully installed and running. I do have Ultimate Collection, but the less time I have to spend in that stupid EA app, the better.

I'm currently working through my mod folder since I'm coming across an issue where my sims can't get married. It's painful but I've been unable to quit this game since 2006

Risk of rain 2, shit's addictive when you start getting decent at it

Yeah but once gearbox bought the franchise they stopped doing anything to support it on consoles, they were supposed to do the survivor dlc forever ago and still nothing, it appears they gave up on it in pursuit of the risk of rain remake.

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Total War Warhammer games. I keep starting new campaigns to play all the races and subfactions.

Oxygen not included

This is probably my second choice, I have actually never made it to the "endgame" of ONI despite that. Never actually lost a colony, but I just particularly like those first 50 cycles of scrapping things together the most.

I love the Klei art style, and the more engineering style approach to colony building is one I don't see that much.

Heroes of might and magic 3. What a gem! With the HD mod and Horn of the Abyss fanmade expansion (with a new town YARRR!), it's never dull.

I can't wait for the next update of HotA with a second town.

Such a good game. I played it so much in hotseat with my brothers when we where kids. Still playing it, when my brother visits, on the big TV. Last time we got us 1kg of Mett and some Roles, and played it the whole day. 😅

Ha good times.

For a long time it was Heroes of Might and Magic 4 for me -- I know it's the "black sheep" of the series, but I really like that heroes are actual parts of your party (I also played a lot while growing up, so nostalgia plays a role and that's what I got used to)

I’m gonna add Space Haven to the list. Still early access but I can’t stop. Been playing it on and off for the last year, 200 hours!

Cyberpunk 2077 story

I didn't care about the hype before it was released, then I waited when I heard about all the bugs and tried it in 1.6. The game is really good when you take it for what it is, rather than what you or others think it should have been.

I bought at the same time as you. Waited it out. for me, it was pretty true to the pen and paper game - which I enjoyed. And I loved the story. 10/10 for me.I rarely stick with games. I'm not much of a gamer. The only games I've played through start to finish are Super Mario 64, Neverwinter Nights (PC), CP2077, and Hogwarts Legacy. I tend to play sports or shooters, so it takes a lot for me to stick something out to completion.

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Crusader Kings, Europe universalis and imperator Rome. I know this is three games but it's the same general idea, as a history fan, this game scratches a very specific itch for me

There's also bannerlord/warband, amazing experience, sorta like ck3 on a micro level

It's not really a single single player game, more a set of specific genres: "Ubisoft open world", "Immersive sim" (especially Arkanes), "Bethesda RPG" (Even 76 which ye cna play pretty much solo), "Walking Sim" (a genre I fell in love with this past year)

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Dwarf Fortress and Minecraft. I don't play the latter online at all.

I love to start a new round of Civ 6 or a create a new city in City Skylines, because i learned so much from my previous mistakes and this time i will create a perfect civ/city... only to make super stupid mistakes nonetheless and fail miserably. It's still great fun though.

Most of them that I play since I'm not big on multiplayer. Lots of RPGs (Mass Effect Legendary), colony sims (Rimworld), city builders (Banished), and grand strategy games (Stellaris)

Vampire Survivors, The Binding of Isaac and Civilization 6, absolutely

Grand Theft Auto IV. I've always felt it has the most emersive storyline and setting out of them all. Once you get past the janky driving controls it was a hell of a lot of fun.

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice Sayonara Wild Hearts

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice made me gain a deeper understanding of what my BFF went through, almost 13 years ago, when she took her life after battling with psychosis and not able to fight her delusions.

It's an incredibly deep storyline, and they did an amazing job at captivating the essence of how some minds work. I cried when I played, and cried when I completed it, yet they were beautiful tears all the same. Very well made game, and I actually came to this post to give it a mention as well.

Caves of Qud

I tried a couple of times but I can't seem to progress anywhere past Joppa. I think I've seen red rock once. Anyway, I Either die or I get lost or somehow lose interest in it. Would be really cool if someone could tell me how to actually play the game, what to do when and how and what the overall goal/story is

I've always had a soft spot for Caves of Qud, I love exploring in games and it never disappoints :)
Just don't go to Red Rock straight away, it's way too tough to do that one. Talk to the inventor guy (Argive I think?) and do some quests for him.
Also, there's no shame in playing the easier Roleplay or Wanderer modes. It's all about having fun in the end!

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Rimworld and factorio cause time to disappear

Minecraft I keep coming back to year after year.

FTL is pretty fun too

Enter the gungeon. Played it so many hours across different platforms.

Same here. Great game. If you've finished everything the Gungeon has to offer, check out Voidigo. It just released not too long ago and scratches that itch while still being very unique in its own right.

Ring of Pain. It's a creepy dungeon crawler roguelite. I don't know why, I've seen everything the game has to offer and somehow I keep coming back to it.

Secret of Monkey Island.

Every so often, I play it again ( thank you, @scummvm@corteximplant.com )

Even though I know every puzzle, it's still fun 2½ decades after I played it for the first time.

I'll still install Duke Nukem 3D every couple of years to replay or to play the custom maps that were so easy to make.

OpenTTD is also great to mindlessly play while listening to podcasts.


That's a name I've not heard in a long time.. A long time. I used to have a beat up old laptop I'd play that on while chilling in a hammock in a crappy little bungalow in the middle of the woods. Good times!

Minesweeper. I can always guess the first one right, but after than it gets way harder.

Another vote for Vampire Survivors. It feels like a game that has given the developer so much joy to make.

In the category of "bullet-heaven" / vampire survivors I have been putting a lot of time into Bio-Prototype. It has a really amazing upgrade/combination system for your weapons. And it also only costs like $4

Some of mine have already been said, so I'll bring up Barotrauma as one of mine! Give me some mods for extra content and I'll be able to play for many many hours.

Same with Doom, actually.

Technically not a single player game but Elden Ring.


You can play single player or

$ telnet nethack.alt.org

to play online

War for the overworld. I have thousands and thousands of hours logged.

Hollow Knight

One of the most challenging / beautiful games I've played.

Sekiro also falls into these categories

My friends make fun of me for it but...

Football Manager.

I know it's a spreadsheet simiulator but I can't stop.

Spelunky (HD/2) is my goto chill game. Put Spotify on and just start going for the hard end. It's a 2D, roguelike platformer about exploring a series of caves, and shouldn't be as addicting as it is.

I have no idea why, but I cant get enough of it. 200 hours in HD, 250 in 2, and I also had it on X360 a while back that didnt track time.

Eufloria Classic

Almost perfect "simple" rts. Nothing terribly complicated about how it works. Really the only thing that keeps me from saying it is perfect is the lack of ability to set rally points for units or select multiple planets to move all the seedlings(units) all at once.

Tyrian, but I'll just go to the main menu, enter the secret code and play the hidden turrets game for hours.

Stellaris Cyberpunk No man's sky (idk if it counts as single player per se)

I tend to get bored of games fairly quickly. I'll hop from game to game to game, over and over again, never (rarely) beating a game before moving on to the next. Sometimes I come back to these games I've abandoned and start over, only to repeat the cycle. There's only one game that I keep going back to again and again. The Sims. I do wish there were other competing life sim games that offered a similar amount of content and mod support, but alas, there's nothing out there quite like it yet.

I've been watching and waiting for Paralives to come out for a long time at this point. I really like the art style and having something built not by EA seems like my kind of thing.

For now, guess the sims is all we have!

Paradox recently announced that one of the studios they publish for is working on another life sim too. Don't know much about that, but given it's Paradox it's going to suffer the same issues that EA has with just so much DLC to make it a complete game.

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It's good to know I'm not alone..... I buy a lot of games and have a huge catalogue over a number of systems. It really is the thing I enjoy most as downtime.

However, I can count on one hand how many title screens I have seen over the last 5 years. I get so far, lose interest, move on. Several months later I will feel like playing again, wipe the save and start over rinse and repeat.

Games that keep calling me back however are Skyrim, Fallout 4 and the Bioshock trilogy.

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Quake (1996). Still playing it more than 25 years later :)

  • Skyrim. Curse you, Todd!
  • Dwarf Fortress (still on the old v0.47)

I've also recently began playing Spacebourne 2. It's janky and unpolished as fuck, but it's proving really interesting thus far. Considering it's done by a single dude, it's a miracle it even works.

Yeah it’s Farm Sim. Something wildly calming about just tractoring around, watching the sunset, feeding the sheep, etc.

X4 and Farm Manager 2021 (I'm super fun at parties)