lemmy.world blocked the largest piracy community in all of lemmy

DudePluto@lemmy.world to Mildly Infuriating@lemmy.world – 1847 points –

cross-posted from: https://sh.itjust.works/post/2881638

The largest piracy community is hosted over at !piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

lemmy.world has blocked it. It appears to have also blocked !piracy@lemmy.ml.

If this is a problem for you, I'd suggest migrating accounts using LASIM to an instance that doesn't block it (such as lemm.ee).


An official announcement has been made:


Might be worth remembering here that Lemmy instances, including .world are hosted by regular people. Not massive multinational companies worth billions who can engage the best legal talent around.

If Hollywood comes after a Lemmy instance, Holywood have a huge legal team and endless money. The Lemmy instance has some guy. They could quite literally destroy a persons life. With that in mind, I don't blame any instance owners for erring on the side of taking a stance that won't put them in the legal firing line.

Why would Hollywood come after them? It is not like people are sharing movies there. Posts there are etremely mild.

Sony Music is currently coming after DNS provider Quad9 for resolving a piracy related domain, and they've succeeded in two courts so far. At this point I don't think any copyright lawsuit is too stupid to happen.

Oh man I had forgotten about that thing, it'd be so awful if they end up never winning the case, I really like what Quad9 does and stands for

I'm not saying they are or aren't. I'm simply saying that we all know the big media companies go after people at the drop of a hat. They recently tried to get reddit to expose the identities of people discussing piracy over there. To their credit reddit told them no and defended themselves legally. And that's the issue. The media companies can accuse anyone of anything if it even slightly smells like piracy and the target has to legally defend themselves. This is fine if you're a multibillion valued company. Not so fine if you're just some guy who just wanted to run a Lemmy instance out of his own pocket.

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Some of the comments in here are a fucking disgrace and a disappointment.

I just shut down my own self-hosted instance the other week because of legal concerns. Caching anything and everything that gets pushed to my server and basically having to put all my faith in other admins taking care of illegal stuff in a timely manner was stressful and not worth the risk. And that was a solo instance!

It’s only a matter of time until lawyers backed by millions of dollar come knocking on the door of lemmy admins and I can’t fault lw for being pro-active. Whether or not it’s legal in your jurisdiction to host communities like this doesn’t matter at all if you’re not the one with a name attached to the server. Even wrongful legal claims by copyright holders are costly and time intensive to fight back against.

Why should a private person who hosts an instance for thousands of users for free subject themselves to such a risk?

The entitlement is ridiculous, especially when you can easily switch to another instance and the "problem" is solved. If this was a corporate site, that would be impossible to do.

But obviously that's too much work and it's easier to just be a crybaby.

This really isn’t all that different from old school forums and the way they were run. Have people forgotten what those were like? That’s one of the biggest reasons I like the direction of Lemmy to begin with. The owner of the site can’t assume those risks, they’re not a corporation.

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I agree, very sad to see the comments in here. the instance owners don't really have much choice in this matter considering there's no easy tools right now on Lemmy to deal with legal issues and they'd likely end up having to shut down completely if they did nothing

Completely agree. This is definitely a smart move for lemmy.world in order to protect themselves. With that being said, switch instances if you want to see those communities. Do not fault a person, who already provides a free service, for trying to protect themselves.

I feel this is the fatal flaw of the lemmyverse. Before I heard about lemmy I was building my own similar system where you would subscribe to servers/instances specifically, without any cross instance caching. That way you will only see what you want to see, and if an instance gets overloaded they have to scale up, but won't bring down your whole browsing in the meantime. It would be up to the client apps to aggregate all your instances/feeds to show you a list to doomscroll through, but you would have one account (activity pub compatible) to subscribe to them all with. If there were private, invite only communities for piracy then it wouldn't legally jeopardize the rest of them either. I keep chipping away at it. One day I'll publish is.

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It's unfortunate, but it's kinda understandable why they chose to do so. The admins are just a bunch of regular people, they may not have the financial security to risk the legal issues that could come from having any sort of piracy related content.

I guess I'll just be using my alt acc for piracy stuff.

Yeah, it really can't be helped. The piracy community can always just shut down and congregate elsewhere. It's significantly harder for a more general community to scatter and reform.

Yeah... Shit I guess that will be my first sub on my Lemm.ee account

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Situations like these are the strength of the fediverse. Move your account to an instance that shares your values or doesn't care about stuff like this.

Maybe you shouldn't even have had your account on the largest server to begin with?

Edit: Didn't mean to ridicule any of you all. I based my comment on my experience when I signed up. At that time there were plenty of instances to pick from and getting approved at my instance of choice was very quick. My bad.

Maybe you shouldn’t even have had your account on the largest server to begin with?

Maybe I didn't have my crystal ball nearby when I was creating my Lemmy account.

Maybe many users will have an account on the largest server, because by definition it's the largest server, with the most users. 🙄

I highly recommend opening a lurking account in one of the NSFW instances. They are probably some of the fastest, most progressive and best funded instances on Lemmy. You do not have to browse the NSFW content.

I don't think that makes sense if you're worried about defederation. Porn instances are particularly at risk of being defederated from (and thus you potentially can't interact with large communities).

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It’s so easy to change instances, and there are extensions and things to export/import your subscriptions, etc. Just head over to one ones that’s hosting the content, or check out others to see if they will keep federated with the pirate communities. Make the same username, and most won’t even know that you’re posting from a different instance. You can still see everything you did before, just also possibly some other stuff. You might also get beehaw and hexbear (for better or for worse is up to you)! I feel like I might hop instances a few more times before I settle.

It’s so easy to change instances, and there are extensions and things to export/import your subscriptions, etc.


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Maybe you shouldn’t even have had your account on the largest server to begin with?

Some of us made our accounts on lemmy.world within a week(?) of its creation when it was tiny (June 5 for me). Doesn't stop it from belonging on mildly infuriating

It wasn’t the largest when some of us joined…

There was 1000 people about when I signed up.

I don’t remember where it was for me, but I do remember it being the hop-on point for me into Lemmy because it was already well populated, so I figured it meant “good”. Now that I understand lemmy better, I’ve realized I don’t need to patron it anymore - there are better instances for me. I suspect that this is a good thing that something is causing users to move. I’m sure .world is the face of fediverse, or at least lemmy, for many at this point and will continue to grow in user base. Maybe losing users on the back end will satisfy the DDOS attackers, and also lighten the load while .world’s admin get it figured out.

Maybe this is a natural process of the fediverse?

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Is there an automated way to move my account and all content to another instance?


the only thing that exists is LASIM which will allow to transfert your communities, blocks and profile settings from one account to an other (but you need to create the new account first)

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I think the answer is not yet, but unless you're some kind of fediverse celebrity it shouldn't be that burdensome, right?

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Maybe you shouldn't even have had your account on the largest server to begin with?

To give credit where it's due, when the big Reddit migration happened many instances could not handle the influx of migrating users. Some people might have only had .world as an option.

Situation still sucks tho. Hope upcoming Lemmy updates make moving accounts between instances easier.

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It was the only server that was accepting when I joined. I still have applications at a few, but never got approved. Signed up on startrek.website yesterday. I was motivated by the ddos more than any thing else.

Maybe literally any other instance at all could have not completely glitched out when I tried to sign up back in June.

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This is probably the best option for Lemmy.world. It’s not being run by a big company, after all. Normal people often get screwed when their servers have anything related to piracy on them.

Yeah. It objectively makes little sense that you can google/bing for pirated media and not from other indexes but companies like Google and Microsoft are basically untouchable. I think LW admins have little choice. If you look at the dude who shared Nintendo ROMs you can see that the court was out to set an example and left the services that made people find those ROMs completely alone.

Out of the loop, what Nintendo do?

Recently Nintendo closed a lawsuit where the person in question is basically doomed to a lifetime of financial ruin. He was to spend 3 years in prison but was released and owes Nintendo $10 million. Nintendo, the poor indie company, is now entitled to 25% up to 30% of his income for the rest of his life. Gary Bowser Vs. Nintendo.

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In 2018, someone maintaining a ROM site was ordered to pay Nintendo $12 million.

In late 2021, someone was sentenced to 10 years of prison and to pay Nintendo $14.5 million. That person got out on good behavior last April, but 25-30% of their wages are going to be garnished until their debt to Nintendo is paid off - which will likely take the rest of their life.

Out of the loop, what Nintendo do?

Sued him (so far nothing irregular) and he has to pay 10 million dollars or something along this magnitude. Bottom line is, he will have to give a good portion of his income for the rest of his life to Nintendo. OK, that guy was kinda stupid and monetized the website through ads but the punishment is still super excessive for something that resulted in no bodily harm for anyone. Meanwhile, the ROM site could be googled and yet Google is still free to allow users to find pirated media. YouTube started as a video piracy platform (not officially, of course, but unlicensed uploads of popular videos were the reason YouTube grew so much). LW admins will not be granted the same luxury.

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Nintendo aggressively pursues copyright claims, often spuriously.

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I think people greatly underestimate the expense of legal disputes, in terms of money, time and energy required. When you're going up against industry legal professionals who are backed by large companies with government influence, it's an unfair battle from the start.

I can't blame anyone for giving the possibility a wide berth, and it speaks to the need of more fediverse instances in places with better legal protections. There's a good reason why some services are based in the Caribbean - it's protection from the litigious easily fucking with your entire life with scattershot automated subpoenas.

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I think people forget that decentralized doesn't mean anonymous, and it also doesn't mean that server admins and servers aren't beholden to local laws

If you are hosting a discussion forum on a server that you are responsible for, does that automatically make you responsible for the content that people post on it? Even an instance the size of dbzer0 is impossible for a single person to moderate all of the content from the many communities that are federated with it. Impossible.

That's like saying the admin of lemmy.world holds all of the wild political opinions that are posted on there.

When feds come a knockin'? Fuck yeah it does mean you're responsible for them, yeah man. Lmao. We just had our server admin purge some pervert agenda pusher. Because first off thats fucked up and next it could have the server seized.

Some dusty law enforcement won't care if its just one bad apple. Especially if they get whiff that its a "community".

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They never even got a DMCA takedown notice or any sort of copyright claims. Just because one user asked. Wtf

Not only that, it was a brand new account on a totally different Lemmy instance that demanded lemmy.world admins remove piracy related communities.

Honestly it seems like lemmy.world admins were trolled by some random throwaway account and took the bait.

EDIT: The post in question in case others haven't seen it https://lemmy.world/post/3175920, a new account from lemm.ee makes their first & only post in lemmy.world demanding that they defederate & remove anything piracy related.

And now the account that redirected all of lemmy.world has been banned from lemmy.world for ban evasion.

This whole thing is weird

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True but it hosted in Germany. That country does not take it easy on piracy...

Even the German specific Lemmy instances like https://feddit.de do not block the piracy discussion communities.

The piracy blocking stuff seems like something lemmy.world admins decided to do based on a troll from another instance demanding it.

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Wtf dbzero was a huge proponent of the fediverse and has been a part of the recent swell in users. I don’t agree with this decision at all

Remember that lemmy.world has to keep a copy of whatever content appears in a federated community on their servers, making them legally liable for the content. At least they just blocked the community instead of defederating.

At least they just blocked the community instead of defederating

Would you mind explaining the difference?

Blocking the community just blocks those specific communities. Defederating would be blocking everything on lemmy.dbzer0.com.

Basically they blocked the communities but not the instances they were hosted on, so people on lemmy.world can still interact with posts and comments made by people like me

Defederating cuts off the whole instance. They just blocked those three piracy communities as far as I understand.

I mean if you support illegally hosted material you can be forced to take down your website. As much as it sucks, piracy is illegal. Anyways, they haven't defederated, just blocked that community.

In many jurisdictions what they're doing there isn't illegal at all. It is well understood that you do not post links out in the open.

Downloading isn't illegal, sharing is. At least outside of the US (and a few others)

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I'm late to comment, so I may be typing into the void.

I understand the admin's decision to limit their exposure to legal risk. I had similar experiences as a small business owner and you would be surprised how quickly most people's idealism is tempered by the risk of potential legal action. It's totally possible to believe strongly in the legality of something and its benefit to society (in this case piracy) and still choose to limit your own legal exposure. As far as I know, none of us paid to be here, so the polite thing to do is say "thank you for hosting us" and move on if it's not your thing (or just make a second account).

I believe our current copyright/intellectual property scheme is broken at best, and designed to fuck us out of every bit of culture that has ever existed, at worst. Piracy exists because the system is broken and the industry is entrenched and refuses to adapt to customer demands. It screws music fans, artists, and probably the individual low-level employees of many music industry companies and organizations.

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Given lemmy.world's uptime vs how well pirates keep torrent seeds up, I'd be surprised if anyone in that community actually uses lemmy.world as a primary instance lmao

i myself switched away from lemmy.world due to how unstable it is, glad i did so.

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Despite reports I have decided to keep the comments open and the post up. I think removing this will only add fuel to the fire.

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I love these comments. It shows the federation is working. If reddit did this it was "oh no what now" but with lemmy it's just "time to move to another instance"

I just don't like the idea of having 500 accounts after it's all said and done, especially if most of them wind up being unused... unless I'm fundamentally doing something wrong by creating a new account on every instance I want to use?

I mean you won't, they way it's going to shake out is instances with similar values form nation-states and cut ties with other nation-states they dont agree with

well probably see the emergence of meta-alliances soon that dictate the degree of separation of a blacklisted instance.

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You don't need an account for every instance.

How it will mostly evolve in the future is that people will have one vanilla account, and if they want, one account for piracy and another for porn

you need an account to go to an instance that isn't federated. this is the core flaw that makes this entire system unusable for normal people. you don't want to have multiple accounts just so you can post the same memes in 12 different servers to get 1/40th the interaction you would get if everyone was centralized. this isn't a discord server, its a link aggregator and decentralizing the aggregator is antithetical to making this service work.

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I just spun up my own instance and federate with whoever I want.

What kind of specs do you need to run a personal instance? I'd like to, but I don't really want to invest in a bunch of computer stuff right now

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I mean saying 500 is a little hyperbolic but this is exactly why federation exists and isn’t just another Reddit.

You find what you like and go there. It’s really no different than the old forums. Reddit centralized everything, lemmy is that but also the old way.

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I feel a little better about it if lemmy provided migration tools.

It certainly not the end of the world but it is kind of a pain in the ass.

Reddit has plenty of piracy communities, being more strict than reddit is is just unnecessary

They also had quite a few subs that got shut down due to copyright threats. Reddit can afford to fight multimillion dollar suits.

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And here I thought that Fediverse was serious about being an alternative to heavily censored platforms. Now I see it's just a joke.

The only thing it's serious about is being a decentralized platform - if you want to access something, then choose an instance who'se admins are serious about being heavily censored.

It's the old adage of "if you don't like something, do something about it"

The fediverse gives you the tools and ability to surf the fediverse how you want, all through decentralization. Don't like the rules on one instance? Move, simple as that.

It's the same context of "vote with your wallet" - only put your accounts and time into instances you want to put your account on and only donate to instances you want to donate to, vote with your time and money, that's how we can make this platform better, for ourselves and for others.

It's not censorship, it's just smart people protecting themselves from liability. Some things are clearly illegal and the admins should not be expected to take the heat for people who participate in those illegal activities.

Some things are clearly illegal and the admins should not be expected to take the heat for people who participate in those illegal activities.

But aren't they protected under the same laws that other sites like Reddit are already protected under?

As far as being responsible for what their users post, last I heard that already had laws that protected the sites that hosted them so they were not responsible.


Legal / illegal is the wrong term here because this type of thing is a civil matter.

If you were a volunteer admin and receive a cease and desist notice from an expensive law firm with an army of lawyers representing a client with infinite money, what would you do?

Would you pay your own lawyers out of your own pocket to stand up for your freedoms and rights, or would you just roll over and let someone else take up that fight? Would definitely be the latter for me.

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Lemmy.world is hosted on a german Server and afaik run by german people. Hosting or even just linking to anything piracy related in germany would be suicide.

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Not like you can't access their community anymore

  1. It's not censorship, it's a liability/legal issue.

  2. This isn't "the fediverse", it's a single instance.

  3. You can move to a dedicated piracy instance or start your own.


I just logged into my user from lemmy.dbzer0.com instead of .world

They banned the shrooms community too. So glad I never volunteered to help these people..

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Beauty of fediverse, people can just find another spot or move to another instance while most of the community continues no problem.

Just an example that system working as intended

but only if you know enough about the fediverse to be aware; if i had no logged into like i usually don't do on these days, i would never know and spend the rest of my time on lemmy.world trying to figure out why i can't find any pirating stuff to share.

I would think it would be the responsibility of lemmy.world to put up a notice of why they've done this, if they've not then that potentially reflects badly on them (but I don't know enough about the details and reasons).

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True but nothing a little education can't fix.

Rome wasn't built in a day.

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Why are so many people still on Lemmy world. We're supposed to be decentralized. One of the benefits to decentralization is that you can choose to avoid blocks like this. Stop centralizing!

Sync. I come from Reddit and that's what my favorite client defaults to. It's not optimal, because of the reason you say. I am totally OK with new apps presenting users with an easy "one-click" choice of instance to make onboarding easy, but having one accepted default has this side effect. If I were to maintain a Lemmy app, I'd probably select the "default" instance for a new user by selecting one at random in an array of popular instances, and then offer the user to subscribe to the official community of my app (wherever instance it's on) to keep up. Maybe I can hit up the dev with some feedback on this on the official community.

And now, just like it ended up with Mastodon, I'll have to maintain multiple accounts for Lemmy. Such a good user experience, it will totally catch on…

Seriously. Accept this piece of criticism from someone new to the Fediverse. Being harsher on piracy than a fucking corporation and forcing users to migrate accounts left and right / have multiple accounts to be able to easily access content out of your Mastodon instance's niche and having to get around your instance defederating and blocking content you wanted to see is just abysmal UX. Are we supposed to have our content scattered around how many accounts? And for those who don't like mobile apps, at this point I can only use Sync (Lemmy) and Tusky (Mastodon) through my phone to browse the Fediverse for lack of a good option to maintain multiple accounts on desktop. Firefox containers are just overkill for this, but I welcome suggestions.

End rant, and sorry if it's a long-winded disorganized ramble. Is lemmy.ml good to get around this block?

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For one, my chosen server disappeared without any sign in a puff of logic, so I'm back here

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What's the fucking point. The community isn't even hosted on lemmy.world. I don't want to have to create a new a account on a new instance every time a dumbass admin decices to block a community I follow. Lemmy is doomed to fail.

Devil's advocate, all content is replicated onto federated instances, the admins of Lemmy.world may be afraid of legal repercussions in their country for technically hosting such content. Personally, I don't think merely discussing piracy will get them in trouble, but their instance, their call.

But that's the beauty of the Fediverse, you just migrate your account to another instance that isn't afraid of repercussions or doesn't have repercussions in their hosting country. There are a few easy to use migration tools out there.

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On reddit you didnt even have the option to join a new community if it was banned or blocked. This is a better alternative

Right but it would be an even better alternative if you had the choice who to block.

Btw blocking instances at the user level is a feature that will be coming to lemmy soon.

But this doesn't save the admin's ass over legal harassment

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People can talk about piracy all they want here it seems. It's when folks start giving very direct advice about how and where to do stuff that things turn into a legal grey area for websites. It also helps to not blow up a great source by sharing it all over the internet for the feds and ignorant people to easily find.

I've been on the internet for a long time. Back in my day, we just referred to the where as "the usual places." Seems that's not the norm anymore.

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This is fucking lame and will have a HUGE impact on Lemmy as a whole.

Sorry to be blunt, but this is an ignorant and dumb move. Nobody likes over-moderation.


No, it won't. Only those little bits.

Because that's how the fediverse works.

You should like... not be so quick to call people ignorant. Especially when you're displaying a lot of ignorance as to how this entire setup works.

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piracy is the only remaining counter force to the full blown mega corp monopolies that have full price control and right now showing us that with their way above inflation extraction antics.

It’s sad it has come to this but given failure to regulate and the concentration and capture of almost everything by these companies rent seeking everyone really requires some kind of counterbalance.

I’m guessing LW is also prepping for a shareholder sellout down the road.

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Who would win?

  • One troll account made 10 hours ago.

  • the entire lemmy.world userbase.

Admins decide.

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I don't know why people feel indignated by this, they're just trying to save thier ass and prevent future problems with the law. Chill out

"I'm a free speech absolutist" - everyone who isn't a free speech absolutist, especially when it costs them nothing.

Every single person who claims to be a "free speech absolutist" is just telling you they're an asshole.

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Turns out finding a good lemmy instance is a huge pain in the ass. I started on lemmy.ml but it was full of tankies so I moved to lemmy.world now they banned piracy so I'm on lemm.ee which gets a lot of crap from tankies still, not as bad as lemmy.ml but it's really fucking annoying. Like I'm not interested in Russian propaganda or how the soviet union's genocide was justified actually, please give the user a way to block all tankies and nazies and stop blocking things globally for everyone.

this tankie narrative seems overblown.

i've created an account the day the api changes was announced and i've never seen any political discussions around communism. I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but i've seen far more complaining about tankies than tankies themselves

like reddit, if you avoid all and just subscribe to the communities you're interested in then there's no problem.

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My friend self hosts an instance that we use. I'd recommend anyone with the ability to self host or join a smaller instance. Good luck friend!

again, this why i claim that lemmy is not the solution to the problem we are trying to solve.

What is why? What is the solution we're trying to solve?

Lemmy being imperfect doesn't change the fact that it does solve one big problem: it takes the big corporation and its influences out of the equation. It is not possible for a centralized solution to do this.

To be fair, while Lemmy is a step in the right direction, I don't think it's aimed quite right. It solves one problem while introducing a host of others. I've talked about this previously in various places, but ultimately I think it's a mistake to bundle communities, user accounts, and moderation all into the same package. It's easy from the standpoint of "Lemmy is just a mini Reddit" mental model, but then you run into problems like exactly what's being discussed in this thread, where you have instance administrators making decisions about what federated content their users are allowed to access.

A better design would be to decouple users from communities. Communities should be hosted on super targeted instances with similar communities who all can agree on content rules with each other. That in combination with some kind of central registry of communities and a mechanism to repost content between communities that wish to be partnered with each other would take care of that part of the equation. I would also invert the relationship between user registries and communities. The community should be where the user goes to view content in that community, just with an account provided by a 3rd party, similar to how OpenID worked. The only tricky part is working on how to do a unified front page with content from many communities, as that would imply that all that content would live in one location, and then you run into the legal issues of nobody wanting to allow arbitrary federated content to be rehosted on their server.

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So join one of the smaller instances rather than the big ones. The big ones have been around a while long before the Reddit exodus for a reason, and that reason is because the people that were kicked out of the likes of Reddit already (so there must have been pretty awful), and needed somewhere to go. Inevitably you're going to find that when you use those instances, you have to put up with these prats.

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The nice thing about federation is that we can all go fuck ourselves and die alone on our personal private servers under a bridge.

lemmy.world admins need a lesson on the Streisand Effect.

They don't care about people using it, they might even personally do it themselves.

It's about reducing their liability, which this does just fine


The Streisand effect is an unintended consequence of attempts to hide, remove, or censor information, where the effort instead backfires by increasing awareness of that information. It is named after American singer and actress Barbra Streisand, whose attempt to suppress the California Coastal Records Project's photograph of her cliff-top residence in Malibu, California, taken to document California coastal erosion, inadvertently drew greater attention to the photograph in 2003.

(I needed a lesson myself)

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Wow! Even Reddit hasn't shut down the Piracy subreddit.

Yeah but check out the difference in the community rules, that's why.

I don't think the piracy communities shared any direct link to copyrighted materials.

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Well, this is goodby to lemmy.world! Rest in pieces

Yup, this is why I joined and donated to dbzer0 and not lemmy.world. Hosting lemmy is not enough, it's critical to also protect free speech and open access to information.

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Begun, the Lemmy Wars have.

One would think the devs would dedicate some time to fix this particular failing of Lemmy, because "download the entire internet of a site because one (1) user posts in one (1) community in one (1) server" is just ridiculous from a lot of standpoints, both technical and legal.

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Well at least lemmy.world is starting to look more and more like shit. Can't keep the servers up, keep defeding, absolute nonsense.

The instance wasn't defederated. Just the community blocked.

Why tho. I can block a community myself if i dont want to see it. This does not make sense.

They want to avoid lawsuit. Which are probably going to happen to dbzer0, I don't know where they are hosted, but they might get in trouble once they reach a large userbase

No pirated content is hosted on the instance. It’s just refugees from communities that already existed on reddit for years with no issues.

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Because community content is cached on other instances, so you can find all the content from these piracy communities under the lemmy.world domain as well and this is likely to be interpreted by law enforcement / a judge as hosting this content, which can get the server admins into legal trouble depending on the jurisdiction.

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The server and owner are in Europe. Though the anti piracy laws here are tough. Honestly can’t blame them.

There are other instances that don’t have this issue though.

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I just created an account on lemm.ee - thanks for the info.

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I love all the salty comments about having to move. Its piracy, it will always be removed if it becomes too popular. This is how it has always been and always will be. No one is obligated to feed you free shit without any effort on your part. They take one place down and you move on. Either get used to it or start paying for services.

Why does no one understand that the admins don't want the instance to be shut down and they don't want to be arrested????

I am very pro-piracy, but I would never host a piracy community because I don't want to be freaking jailed. Governments view those that host piracy and piracy communities much more harshly than random participants.

Is everyone on this website 12 years old and not understanding of real world consequences???

Because from everything I've seen, those communities did not do ANYTHING illegal. They talked about software that can be used that way, but if we go by that measure, discussing any Fediverse software is illegal, because you could use that to host illegal content.

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I don't understand why everyone is so shocked they did it. Hosting information on pirating stuff is a lightning rod for lawsuits and Lemmy.world is large enough to actually get noticed.

I'm only surprised it took them that long to block it.

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That's a real bummer although fully understandable. I will always support lemmy.world.

I don't get how people are this mad when you can literally always selfhost and have the experience you want to have. It's not like they're trying to censor everything like beehaw did. It's protecting the instance from any legal consequences that is very real.

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Well glad I had already started changing instances.

Better to insulate the major instances from potential liability. If people want to find the piracy channels, they can.

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This is basically why lemmy is a hassle. One shit gets blocked, you move and register then you learn these guys are alt-right or peddle child porn or some other bullshit and then you have to register again and again. It's confusing and quite annoying.

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Oh no, anyway. The community itself is still available for the adventurous.

I don’t care about the piracy community but people are complaining about they having to create multiple accounts and saying Lemmy will never reach critical mass like this…

But why would we want to reach critical mass? I don’t want to sound like a gatekeeper but growing just for the sake of growing is never been good on anything.

Specially as Lemmy is still an alpha software. And people are still figuring out how is the better way to moderate ourselves instead of waiting to Big Corpo to do so.

This is part of being an early adopter. You give feedback, sometimes things don’t go your way, other they hear you out.

I’m loving the experience so far. The Fediverse still is not mature enough (we block fast) but we are still figuring things out.

Because most communities are desert lands. Niche communities can't grow enough without lemmy going mainstream

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Rule 1 is too vague.

No illegal content, including sharing copyrighted material without the explicit permission of the owner(s).

They can defederate with any instance with this rule. Why not just say "because we want to"?

Unless those communities were sharing links to pirated content. If it was just talk about piracy and piracy news then I don't think that's a good reason to defederate.

No illegal content

Illegal in which country? Copyright infringement isn't illegal in my country for example, except for severe cases where you're profiting off of it. If we have to cater to all countries' laws we might as well ban music as well since it's illegal in Afghanistan.

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To try and counter some of the stupidity in this comment section: There is nothing illegal about the piracy community and not even Reddit blocked it, the dbzer0 server has been one of the most civil and well managed around and this is a rediculess move!

Reddit has the money to fight a legal battle. Volunteers running a site off donations do not. They don't want to take risks and that's understandable

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Well, they can just open it on another instance. This is the beauty of Lemmy and the Fediverse.

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Glad I host my own instance so I get to choose what I get to see.

Who cares. Lemmy.world sucks. I got tired of the constant server issues and switched a while ago. It took me like 5 minutes to find another instance and create an account. If my new instance does dumb shit like this, I'll just move again. Isn't this the whole point of Lemmy?

Problem isn’t Lemmy.world, it’s the DDOS kiddies attacking whatever instance hosts the most popular communities. Other instances are just as vulnerable.

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While I generally have a positive view of digital piracy (digital archiving), this is ultimately going to happen to any social media site after it gets big enough, it should be seen as a good thing for Lemmy (growing pains). Either a site gets in trouble and/or shut down for opening itself up to piracy or it proactively bans piracy. Unless Lemmy gets full-time staff to actively moderate and keep an eye out for pirated content in a community dedicated to piracy. It probably couldn’t handle such controversial community that might bring the ire of the Entertainment Industrial Complex on them.

Digital Piracy will continue and we’ll likely see them spin up their own “Pirate Bay” instance somewhere else. Lemmy.world will almost certainly defederate from them, but they’ll be around to those that know where to look, just like pirated content in general.

This is already like that now, they had their own instance from the start.

The owners of the largest instance on Lemmy don't want to potentially get into legal trouble.

Lemmy.world users: "omg wut about muh illegal downloads".

There are no downloads on dbzer0, it's a discussion community but go off I guess.

To be fair, I don't know where world is hosted by at least according to my local law here they'd be right: linking to piracy can get you in trouble.

Now usually you can safely ignore this still, sure. Unless you're large. And with world being so big I could see them being the very first target someone would drag in front of a court if they are in a place where such laws exist. It sounds stupid, but I can understand why the devs would not want to go through that.

@AnimusAstralis The #fediverse does not decide unanimously. What seperates it from #corponet is, it empowering to switch instances if you have a problem with an instances (Through the means of communicating across instances and being able to easily migrate an account) Through competition only instances which have the support of their users wil prevail

As @mojo put it "Stop centralizing ! " Your undeminig the very thing that keeps us from being depended on the mercy of admins

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That's one way to tell people to switch instances before it's too late. Thanks for making this public.

I am so glad you can just avoid an instance moderated by clowns and enjoy the full experience with the fediverse.

Dude, you're on lemmy.ml which censors your words. Try to write 'bitch' for example, you can't. You also can't read it, it will show as removed (only for lemmy.ml users).

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Welp, this is the thing that got me to get rid of my lemmy.world account and move to lemm.ee. There were other issues I was able to overlook, but I need a community willing to stand up to laws that go against the interests of the people.

Did you read the LW TOS? It's the first rule.

No illegal content, including sharing copyrighted material without the explicit permission of the owner(s).

The problem is this is still pretty vague. The communities that were blocked weren't sharing copyrighted material, but resources for finding and sharing said material. You might think this is being overly literal but I'm pretty sure it's the same loophole that allows reddit to host r/piracy without getting into legal trouble.

On the other hand, if we take this rule at face value it could be interpreted as not allowing the sharing of any kind of content without the express permission of the creators.

So it's not an issue of people being lazy or ignorant, but overly broad/vague rules

That would require people to read what they sign up for

Oh man. It's not like I can't understand the logic behind it, but active niche communities are the one thing lemmy really lacks as of right now, and piracy was one of the earliest and biggest exceptions to that. What a shame.

Fact is, they have good reasons to. Lemmy likely was threatened by a larger industry that could've thrown millions of dollars around in a court to get Lemmy taken down. The guys running Lemmy wouldn't have enough money to win a lawsuit, the website could easily be taken down by a larger entity. When it comes to losing the community or blocking a couple communities, it's an easy choice. In summary, they're just trying to save the website by avoiding future lawsuits, and these communities still exist but can't be accessed on Lemmy itself.

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Oh wow... They were a big reason I made a Lemmy account at all.

Hah, just joined that yesterday.

Guess I should get the blood flowing on my accounts on some other instances.

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What the heck?

Seems like my backup account is about to be my main account after all LMAO.

For legal reasons? Isn't lemmy.world hosted somewhere else but the USA?

This is bullshit honestly, I hope they back up from this decision.... Unlike Beehaw defederating from others because of light reasons.

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It's weird seeing otherwise normal working class people rush to defend admins, moderators, governments and authorities all the time in situations like this. I'm imagining some college kids working at starbucks or grocery stores picking up their phone in between customers posting replies championing copyright law. It's embarrassing

As an administrator of many different public-facing services I'm always going to defend other admins right to moderate their services in whatever manner makes them comfortable, even if I don't agree with their decision.

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Ridiculous. My alt has already become my main due to the outages. Now I’m never going back.

Thanks for posting this so I knew to subscribe to the community on a different instance!

It was inevitable and it's not their fault. Because of how the Fediverse works it means they're storing all content from those communities on their servers too. This means they're storing piracy content and can be subject to a takedown.

We knew larger instances would defederate from piracy communities at some point, don't take it out on the admins.

The communities discuss piracy, not host the content. They are two different things.

The user that requested it was a troll account create dhours before. The same user then went on to create a transphobic community and post hate. Not the sort of person the admins should be knee jerking to.

The communities discuss piracy, not host the content. They are two different things.

Yup, agreed 100%. The mods didn't handle this “complaint” appropriately.

I see the mods and admins are both not paying attention and are incompetent.

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At the moment clicking on the links of the defedereted instances opens the instance in the browser.

I hope clients/apps like Sync/Connect/Summit/Infinity etc give us the feature to browse these defedereted instances even if we logged into lemmy.world

I know you can't post/comment/save, but for many, ability to browse would be enough.

A toggle in the settings for this feature would be enough.

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Wow. Well here I was wondering if I should stick with kbin or switch back to lemmy.world. Guess this makes the decision for me.

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Nice. It was inevitable. A general lemmy instance needs to protect itself.

Wait... What does that mean for me, whose account is on lemmy.dbzer0.com ? Legitimate question, I'm not totally familiar with how everything works yet

Nothing. It's just 3 communities on dbzero that are blocked and as far as I know, they're only blocked on .world. There's no defederation so you as a user signed up to dbzero can still participate in any .world community and any .world user can still interact with communities on dbzero apart from the three named.

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You all can leave .world whenever you want to; nothing's stopping you

It's literally better for everyone to be more spread out, including Lemmy.world.

How does this work? I thought only users can block specific communities. My account is on Lemmy.world, but if I'm reading community on lemmy.dbzer0.com, that stuff is stored their server, so why does lemmy.world lock me out of reading it?

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I say, good for them. Nothing good will come from them keeping that path open. As I already have all piracy instances blocked- it’s of no consequence to me, but if lemmy.world sees this a necessary to their survival/success, good for them.

And that’s also the beauty of lemmy… if people don’t like how an instance is run, they can find another. There are plenty that will work for whatever you’re into. Wether it’s piracy, or any other illegal act.

My personal opinion prefer to keep certain special interests communities less exposed to general public, ie fight club rule 1.

Is blocking a community the right approach? I think so, from the perspective of a general populous instance.