Trump Supporters Have a Meltdown After Green Day Slam 'MAGA Agenda' During New Year's Show to politics – 1267 points –
Trump Supporters Have a Meltdown After Green Day Slam 'MAGA Agenda' During New Year's Show

When idiots realize American Idiot is actually about them.

Shame Kirst seems to be a bit of a dick

Novoselic describes himself as an “anarcho-capitalist socialist moderate I-don't know”. He has campaigned for political reform. In the 2016 election, he supported Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson

I haven't even given Kirst a thought since Nirvana stopped touring in the 90's. I wonder what Kurt would say if he was still alive though.

Also when the same crowd got super butthurt at Rage Against The Machine because they “got political”. What the fuck sort of machine did those idiots think the band is raging against..?

Critical thinking definitely isn’t a strong suit of the right wing base voters.

Haha yup. Punk, that famously neutral musical genre.

Gotta live how green day produced an album in 2004 about how destructive Bush was as a president, yet idiots think they are apolitocal somehow.

These are the same people who think Killing in the Name's "and you do what they told ya" is supporting them.

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How dare Green Day do the exact thing you would expect Green Day to do if you knew the first thing about Green Day!

It's like when Paul Ryan said his favorite band was Rage and Tom Morello wrote an oped about it

It's so fucking stupid. I'm not a big fan of either Green Day or RATM's music (nothing wrong with it, it's just not my thing), but I don't live under a rock. I've actually heard of the existence of American Idiot because I've been a warm body in America since 1977.

When someone like me who would rather listen to 1930s and 40s music knows enough about Green Day to not even bat an eye hearing this, these people are just drooling imbeciles. But then everyone here already knew that.

Got some 30s and 40s recs?

Sure. Lately, I have been listening to the Mills Brothers and early Ella Fitzgerald when she sang with Chick Webb's band.

Nice, not as familiar with the old trad pop stuff but I always like the early jazz

I love Ella Fitzgerald but I’m pretty new to her stuff. How do I find the stuff she did with Webb’a band? I’ve got Spotify and can download anything.

I don't know about it streaming. I bought this CD boxed set when it came out a decade ago and ripped it to my computer. Maybe it's on Spotify? Or maybe just look for a collection of Ella on Decca? Although she was with them until the 50s, I think.

Thanks. I didn’t find the record on Spotify so illl just download it from orpheus or soulseek. Thanks for the suggestion :)

Billie Joe never holds back.

"Get up here numbnuts, I'll fight you right now"

dropkicks the pervert for molesting a fan

Reminds me of Jack Kirby, one of the creators of Captain America. He drew him punching out Hitler on the cover of #1. The US wasn't in the war at the time and American Nazis were not rare, even in New York.

Some dudes came to his office building and offered to fight him (they called from the lobby). Unfortunately for them, Jack had grown up fighting in the streets of Depression era NYC. He agreed and by the time his elevator reached the lobby they had run away.

or punk rock

Wait… even all of those songs about Margaret Thatcher?!

songs about Margaret Thatcher

Based Chumbawamba, the EP in tribute of Thatcher was to be distributed on the day of her future passing, "and if you don't like it you can use it as a coaster or something."

I demand they go back to writing songs exclusively about masturbation and getting stoned!

If conservatives want to listen to music that echos what they hear in Murdoch media outlets, they might want to avoid punk. Also, hip hop and rap. Probably also want to avoid, metal, classic rock, folk, indie, jazz, and EDM. Best to just avoid cool, formerly cool, and or cool adjacent music.

You should be generally safe with pop country, Christian rock, and post-00’s butt rock.

Don't worry, conservatives still have Kid Rock, that dude from Staind, Gene Simmons, and Ted "shit himself to avoid the draft" Nugent. Truly the best of the best, huh?

He already said avoid cool music. You didn't have to illustrate it further.

I'm sure plenty of them still buy the urban legend about 311's name.

Unfortunately Dave Mustaine is also a Trump nut, but luckily I haven't seen any Megadeth appearances at Trump rallies

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My conservative, Trump supporting uncle listens to Bob Dylan and Neil Young and doesn't see the irony

Hey, I cringe a bit when I listen to A7X lyrics. But still scratches that diet metal itch

"Diet metal" is a great way to describe A7X, I'm stealing this.

Megadeth is my favorite metal band but it's my guilty listen, since Dave Mustaine is a religious Trump nut.

If I recall correctly, they did an interview with AP or Metal Hammer back in the 00's explaining that they weren't a Christian band, they just liked how brutal the story of Cane and Abel was from the Bible and used it as a framing device.

Correct me if I'm wrong, though; I haven't looked them up in over a decade.

Political conservative victimism is a recurring theme in their lyrics. It's pretty cringey, but those guitar licks are crazy.

Southern Man, when will you pay them back? Takes on new meaning when you've got a south will rise again revenge plot fantasy in your head.

I remember back in the mid 2000s when they latched on to the Dixie Chicks' pop country music as being 'wholesome conservative music'. And then their very vocal rage when the Dixie Chicks publicly dissed W.

That was pretty funny. Not quite on a level of 'freedom fries' funny, or 'buying expensive French wine only to pour it down the drain in protest' funny. But it wasn't too far off.

The Dixie Chicks are one of the few acts that were actually kind of "canceled".

I respect The Chicks a lot more looking back and realizing just how strong their position was when you basically had an entire media industry and censorship falling behind Bush, 9/11, the Iraq War.

first ive heard of the expensive french wine down the drain, is there a name for that protest? im a winemaker in australia this shit is hilarious to me

Not sure about a name for the protest, but the are a number of articles out there. There's a entertaining NYT article about a restauranteur pouring $1,000 bottles of don Peringnon(sp?) down his toilet in protest. But it's behind a postal so I won't link that one. But here's another related link:

That whole anti-French movement was insane. I remember my wife and I were going to visit England (where I am from, but I live in America) that summer. And the shuttle driver (who was taking us to the airport) and I got friendly chit-chatting. Very cordial and easy-breazy. But he stopped mid-sentence and asked if I was French (because French and English accents are so similar?!). When I told him I wasn't, he said "that's good, because if you were I'd pull over right now and leave you on the side of the freeway!" Kind of ironic too, that driver was a black dude, so I've would think he'd be a bit more mindful of how stupid discrimination is.

I am going to say it. I don't think it was real. I think they filled those bottles with red dyed water. It felt so manufactured at the time.

You know they drank it off camera and refilled it with cool aid.

People that actually invest in Dom sold that to some rich middle fucks and refilled the bottle.

WTYPpod brought up the Dixie Chicks in their bonus episode about country music.

Interesting to hear about.

You know, I just realized that Hitler failing to get into art school is so much deeper of a joke than I realized.

Dude was an authoritarian. Artists are pretty universally anti authority. You could say it was his lack of skill to get into art school, or his education, or a whole bunch of things. Or you can say Hilter was already anti-artist, why would an art school educate that?

“passable level of technique, entirely uninspired work without any semblance of originality”

they saw right through him.

The failed actor to right wing pipeline is definitely a phenomenon, see Crowder and Shapiro. It’s almost a welfare program for wealthy fail-sons.

Nope Taylor Swift and The Chicks are bringing in pop country too.

This being "the left can't meme" adjacent, my favorite one to pull out in this type of discussion is "name one successful right-wing comedian."

You should be generally safe with pop country, Christian rock, and post-00’s butt rock.

I have a counterpoint to Christian rock. The first album I bought at the Christian bookstore in the mid 90s, back when they had those "if you like [secular band], listen to [Christian band]" charts, was the Christian ska band Five Iron Frenzy's Upbeats and Beatdowns. The first chorus on the first song destroyed my sheltered church kid brain:

West we must, in God we trust, lets rape lets kill lets steal

We can almost justify, anything we feel

As the Bush years set in and the fight for gay marriage and abortion caused increasing political reactions from the church, many of these lyrics I attribute to starting my journey to the margins of church culture, discovering Christian socialism, New Monasticism, and an eventual leadership role. I later left the church and religion for other reasons.

A lot of Christian rock is purely marketing though, bands that could be signed to major labels but found a Christian label willing to pay them. It's a huge industry. Contemporary Christian Music/CCM swallowed up a lot of the industry back when I was more engaged with it. Newsboys going worship represents this for anyone in the know here, basically a pretty quirky and idiosyncratic band turning in to the most bland and boring Christian music possible. Could maybe argue the same for early Reliant K who turned in to pretty mainstream post punk.

Does anyone remember that Lee Greenwood song they used to play at every Fourth of July celebration in the 90s?

Why do they have the worst music, art, and comedians? The only ones I can think of over the past century are Wagner, HP Lovecraft, and Kelsey Grammer. The past 100 years has produced more culture than all of human history combined and multiplied. Of that ocean I can only come up with 3 names that might be remembered a century from now. Not sure about 2 of them.

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From the people that brought you, "I liked RATM before they got all political"

what’s that famous song of theirs?

ah, yes, that old chestnut…

or was it this one?

morello really gets around :P

oH My GoD ThEy sHoUlDnT Be PolitIcaL like ThaT!

Hey maga people, remember when you were really concerned about free speech and people being canceled for “just voicing their opinion”?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

It's never about freedom of speech, it's about freedom of their speech and only theirs.

It's about freedom of their speech and their freedom to control yours.

Same as it ever was. “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”

Roseanne Barry just kicked DeNiro off of some show she's doing for being "woke."

Of course, every MAGAt is cheering and not a single one is screaming about how um actually it's illegal to not do business with someone you don't like, like they do to us.

People who abuse and manipulate their family also have social media, which they use to abuse and manipulate society.

They're a certain type of person and for a lot of people, social media is their first real experience with these patterns of behaviour that were usually hidden behind closed doors.

But for anyone who grew up in an abusive home and broke the cycle, it's instantly recognisable.

The tricks and motivations don't change. They want to dictate how everyone around them looks, acts and thinks. If anybody gets it wrong, they lash out at them and try to hurt them physically or emotionally.

Everything that comes out of their mouths is just a means to that end. Things like logic and consistency don't even enter into it.

They have no qualms at all about deliberately misinterpreting "freedom of speech" so they can say what they like, then handwaving it away so they can prevent others from doing the same.

Except they've never hidden the fact that their "free speech" only applies to their opinions and they have never even once endorsed anyone else's right to voice their own opinions. Apparent in the fact that they consider things like LGBTQ+ advocacy, where members of that community express their opinions and exercise that right, to somehow be an active suppression of their free speech because, well because they disagree with the LGBTQ+ community and their messages so they don't think they should have the right to express it.

As with everything else with these types, it's "free speech for me, but not for thee."

Okay how about we stop calling it a meltdown and start calling it a temper tantrum just like the ones toddlers throw. The solution for both is the same, putting them in a corner and ignoring them until they act like reasonable people while the adults keep things running

Isn't meltdown just the modern term for a temper tantrum?

By corner they mean insurrection at the us capitol.

They still occasionally smear shit on the walls though...

What "Machine" did you think he was raging against? The dishwasher?

Definitely a printer

I once had a dark vision of loading up all the printers I "managed" (they manage us really), driving over to HP, and catapulting them at the building or/and parking lot while screaming things like

"Out of toner motherfuckers!"

"Cancel this print job"

"Oh look it's time for another update to enhance my experience"

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Who are you quoting?

"As far as i’m concerned you and Pink are completely done."

I know the article calls this out too but WHAT!? I mean, good for this guy for having diverse tastes in music, but Pink went full pop basically in her second album. (If I recall correctly, it was a long time ago and I'm not a huge Pink fan). But Pink has never hidden her tendency towards activism.

And not to gatekeep, I get that people enjoy music for different reasons, but it just seems odd that someone would actually be a fan of Rage Against the Machine and expect anything less. And again, the guy acknowledges Rage's political activist nature in the article, but now it's apparently too much since he no longer agrees with their message. That sure sounds like "cancel culture" to me.

Yes, the tendency of right wingers to define themselves as oppressed victims seems to add to them regularly identifying with left perspectives for all the wrong reasons.

Another very weird example if this was a young female nationalist and xenophobe from Germany, who unironically covered the radical anti colonialist Get Up, Stand Up by Bob Marley and The Wailers, in a cringe af YouTube video. Before anyone asks, I sadly was not able to find it anymore, otherwise I would have posted a link for your amusement of course.

Then there was also the teenage anti-vaxxer, who held a speech at a protest organized by the Querdenker movement (german localization of QAnon) and seriously compared herself to Anne Frank during WWII, because she illegally held her birthday party in secret during the covid lockdown. You can´t make this shit up ...

but now it’s apparently too much since he no longer agrees with their message

Yep, sure has 'don't make me uncomfortable for having politics that sanction oppression' energy to it.

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That's okay. They can still sing "Born in the USA" because that song is super-patriotic and not critical of America at all.

Oh, wait....

Man, I liked all these bands before they got all political!

Rage Against the Washing Machine

They had all kinds of household item related songs like "Sleep now in the dryer", "Grilling in the name", and "Spatula radio"

(OK, the last one was a bit of a stretch.)

They play Killing in the Name at Columbus Blue Jackets games all the time and it cracks me up. I wonder what they think "Some of those who work forces are the same that burn crosses" means.

I still don't get it. Rage was always political and they never hid it. I can still remember on their first website having a detailed FAQ on exactly what type of communist each band member identified with. Also they were putting stuff out in the CD era when you would literally get a slip of paper that showed you the lyrics. So it couldn't have been that they didn't know what the songs were about.

What part was confusing? You can have all the debates you want about communism and about music's role in politics but there is no debate at all exactly what these guys stood for. It was a known product. How was anyone for a second confused that a band screaming about class warfare is leftwing? Those twats must have been lying about how they felt betrayed. It is "I am shocked shocked there is gambling going on here" on roids.

He's the one who likes all our pretty songs And he likes to sing along and he likes to shoot his gun But he don't know what it means

That was Nirvana, you know, the band that Green Day wanted to be at the start.

You're of the opinion that the Bay-area pop-punk band wanted to be like the PNW grunge band?

Kerplunk and Bleach sound nothing alike, I think I'm misunderstanding what you meant?

Ya, not even the same genre. If you don't like the music just say that instead of comparing them to someone else that you do like

They didn't even have the courage to say they don't like Green Day (I'm not a huge fan myself), all they did was show their knowledge of music is paltry.

I mean, I wouldn't say nothing alike. The fan base certainly hugely overlaps, and they both come from a punk rock origin.

I don't listen to Green Day, so I don't know about any of their albums' specifics. After Nirvana ended I saw Green Day first on a late night talk show, and they came out and played the same style of music that Nirvana made popular, with a similar stage presence and style. That's when I assumed they wanted to be Nirvana.

Later they changed into modern Green Day that is completely different than what they were at the start.

“I don’t actually know anything about music but I saw a talk show once in the 90s”


Yeah he's just an old dude that trolls, but he's an actual troll, so it's not like he's doing it to be a dink for karma, he's just really insufferable as a person. He migrated over from Reddit where he did the same thing there.

The amount of hours this guy has invested across Lemmy and Reddit is insane, so, at some point, you just have to respect the dedication and interact with him at your leisure. At least, that's what I do.

Really, you must be very interested in my comments then. What's my Reddit handle, since you know so much?

You must really not like all the things that I'm right about, have you seen a therapist about your cognitive dissonance problems?


Well if you want to talk about me, and are not brave enough to back it up, then you can have a block. Good riddance to the unworthy.


So weak bro. This isn't reddit, you can actually see who downvotes and when/if you're blocked.

Actually do it, it just makes you look impotent when you threaten a block and don't follow through.

It'll be ok. I'll be fine without you. But I'll never stop loving you! 🥰

What composed the "style of music" that you feel Nirvana made popular that Green Day was imitating? Music with guitars and distortion?

I think it was all the singing with their mouths and their guitars with strings, what a bunch of biters

Specific chord structures and rhythms actually. If you knew much about guitar you could see the similarities in their early stuff and Nirvana's popular songs. Overall the same punk-grunge style basically.

They both formed the same exact year, though, so I don't know how one would be copying the other. If you actually know anything about guitar, you would know all modern rock music pretty much copies the Beatles. It's why the chord structures and rythyms are similar in most popular rock and pop music.

Try finding a punk rock fan in the 90s who would argue that Green Day are punk. If you did, you'd find them surrounded by a group of other angry punks insisting otherwise.

They seem to have let off sometime after American Idiot was released, but there were long, heated discussions about this back then.

FYI Green Day plays and sounds like other bands. I went to a concert of theirs where they played like six different bands and sounded just like them. They are very skilled musicians.

He wasn’t attributing the song stanza to Green Day.

Just saying it was relevant to the context of the article.

This is so easy to debunk with a simple search. Both bands formed the same exact year 1987. I dont think either band knew about each other until the 90s.

Dude get the fuck off of my nutsack. This is not an important topic to keep on about.

Lmao you sound mad. I'll stay on whoever the fucks nutsack I want. Maybe don't comment dumb things if you don't want to be corrected.

OK well, you will not bother me again because you are now blocked, you dumbass dipshit.

Lol Green Day wanted to be Nirvana? Not a huge fan of either band really, and Green Day wasn't exactly groundbreaking stuff, but it's a completely different genre than Nirvana.

At this point it is remarkably refreshing to see a childhood hero still be based. Feels like a breath of reality in a stuffy box of hypocrisy and pretension.

Don't worry I am sure Billie will go on Twatter later and say something problematic. It is the way of the universe to correct these irregularities.

We don't get to have heros. We get people we like for a few minutes and then they go insane

He's never done anything even approaching that in his entire life. He's not about to start now. Billie Joe Armstrong is a fucking legend and one of maybe five people in the world I am completely positive will always remain a good person.

American Idiot is the millennials' Fortunate Son

Who gives a shit, they are professional victims.

I think for the Trump supporter delusion to work, it generally has to include the assumption that they're in the majority. "The Silent Majority(tm)" and all that. Which is probably part of why they get so butthurt when a public figure tells them to go fuck themselves.

I’ve always found it amusing that the loudest assholes in the world consider themselves silent.

Anecdotally, this is exactly it. Talking to my parents is like being in a parallel universe because they think everyone thinks like them and "is just too afraid to say it" or "is being silenced." The mental gymnastics are astounding.

Yeah. They generally expect it when it's someone famous who was already openly against what conservatives are doing. But when a big name person or group who is normally (at least in their minds) not openly political says that Trump is a POS, it further shakes their understanding of what those they like to think of as "non-woke" actually believe.

Green Day is anti-MAGA?!?

I’m shocked, just terribly shocked… /s

Not a single ounce of self awareness in that group.... Won't be long till these Maga Snowflakes are screaming for safe spaces away from the liberal agender.

Facts don't care about your feelings snowflake! Here you can have the participation trophies you give us when we were young, I think you need them more.

Screaming for safe spaces might coinside with Desantis saying, Florida is where woke goes to die.

Setting up a voting police force, germandering, unconstitutionaly firing minority officials, banning books, attacking companies free speech (large and small). Using Florida tax payer's money to ship immigrants coming into Texas to Marthas Vinyard (Also not in Florida), changing the "Resign to run" laws so he doesn't have to give up office to run for president. It goes on and on.

And if our federal justice system works eventually, that will be the lead candidate for the GOP. Probably would wind up with him and Haley teamjng up.

I think Elon is praying to be the host of their safe space.

safe spaces

Isnt that just what home schooling, Fox News, and places that display Confederate flags out front are in the first place?

These people have no idea what their music is about, it seems. I normally have trouble understanding lyrics and have to look them up, but Green Day's are pretty straightforward

Don′t wanna be an American idiot Don't want a nation under the new media And can you hear the sound of hysteria

I don't know It's pretty vague /s

These jackasses probably thought the "new media" was synonymous with what they think of as the "liberal media". Green Day is not subtle, but it's still probably too subtle for some of them.

Well, maybe I’m the f*****, America I'm not a part of a redneck agenda

I agree with you. Just wanted to emphasize, they're not subtle lol

...when he sang out, “I’m not part of the MAGA agenda” during his performance. The original line is, “I’m not a part of a redneck agenda.”

So you were all okay with "redneck"? Are the rednecks offended by being associated with MAGA? What would be the reaction if some country singer sang "I'm not part of the woke agenda"?

Ugh. Ya know... the reality is that news outlets, Rolling Stone in this case, need to generate attention just as much as the outraged Trump supporters. I have to wonder if us normies are suckers. Why do we fall prey to the need to comment on something so irrelevant?

Edit: So, I just listened to and read the lyrics for American Idiot (it’s been a while and I wasn’t ever all that into Green Day). I hadn’t realized how on-point my comment was. It’s literally about the media manipulating us. Man, what a great song and meta article.

Don't wanna be an American idiot
Don't want a nation under the new media
And can you hear the sound of hysteria?
The subliminal mind-fuck America

Welcome to a new kind of tension
All across the alienation
Where everything isn't meant to be okay
In television dreams of tomorrow
We're not the ones who're meant to follow
For that's enough to argue

Well, maybe I'm the removed, America
I'm not a part of a redneck agenda
Now everybody, do the propaganda
And sing along to the age of paranoia

Why do we fall prey to the need to comment on something so irrelevant?

We lack political agency that has any ability to impact the economic arrangements we find ourselves in, instead we react to politics happening, from opposing ends of this economic consensus that alienates us, by engaging in the hyper-real spectacle of politics. This is what the Trump era represents, decaying neoliberal consensus, increasing internalized anxieties, and alienation from political institutions.

Hey, I'm a redneck. I'm probably the most gun shootin'ist, truck ownin'ist, motorcycle ridin'ist poster on here and I sure as fuck don't want to be associated with Trump and his MAGA morons.

Remember the (apocryphal) origin of the term "redneck" is potentially the red bandanas striking mine workers wore, both to show solidarity and to act as battlefield identification (because those people got into gun battles with police and mercenaries a LOT).

Yeah I think a few salty tweets are hardly representative of the image conjured by the headline, but in reality that's all it is.

a few salty tweets are hardly representative of the image conjured by the headline

This could be said about the vast majority of headlines these days. It's exhausting.

Like someone following you around with a megaphone occasionally screaming "fire!" or "oh God the baby!".

We are getting desensitized to the constant one up penmanship of panic and need higher and higher levels to even register. Go watch Faux News some time. It puts a bunch of 8 year old ADHD boys watching an action cartoon while sipping sugary lattes to shame.

If you would have gone back 50 years and said, hey, selling ads on the news is going to be a key part of the unraveling of society as we know it, they would have put you in the loony bin, but here we are.

This entire discussion is horseshit. Only a frittata or a person who's never heard of Green Day would be dismayed by their political ideology. Just wait until that mouth-breather finds out who started punk in the first place.

Yeah, I've found that the language is the same on both sides. It's stupid to have sides.

Unfortunately, most people have to pick a side to survive. Gay people, trans people, ethnic minorities, poor people, etc. Must all fight against fascism just to protect their very existence.

I just do my job and don't bring up any of that at work. Half the people I work with speak either Spanish or French. The French is kinda surprising tbh.

And lots of those folks mentioned are just trying to do their job and mind their own business when some chud walks up and says, apropos of nothing, "what are ya, some kind of f*ggot?" and it just goes from there, typically poorly.

"I just do my job and don't talk about it" isn't the slam dunk you think it is because the people being abused and/or assaulted and/or legislated out of existence, are overwhelmingly also just trying to do their job and not talk about it. All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

I've had dudes call me all sorts of names including that one. It basically doesn't matter. I'm also not making any kind of slam drinksy or whatever. Just wondering why your circumstances are so special but can't approach the topics in any better way than they do.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Green Day took the stage during ABC’s broadcast of Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve With Ryan Seacrest and used the opportunity to call out Trump supporters by changing the lyrics to their 2004 hit “American Idiot.”

Frontman Billie Joe Armstrong drew cheers from the live audience when he sang out, “I’m not part of the MAGA agenda” during his performance.

Many of them took to Twitter to bash the band and accuse them of being part of the “propaganda machine.” “Sad, they are irrelevant and get a chance to play and use it poorly.

During the band’s tour back in 2017, Armstrong would shout “Fuck you, Trump!” before launching into “American Idiot.”

“There are a lot of people in the quote, unquote red states that get a big sense of relief when I say something like ‘Fuck you, Trump.’ That’s because they’re in the minority where they live and at our shows they get this sort of release,” he continued.

Dick Clark Productions, which produces New Year’s Rockin’ Eve,  is owned by Penske Media Eldridge, a joint venture between PMC and Eldrige.

The original article contains 382 words, the summary contains 180 words. Saved 53%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

It's not the right time to be sober

Now, the idiots have taken over

Spreading like a social cancer, is there an answer?

Mensa membership conceding

Tell me why and how are all the stupid people breeding?

Watson, it's really elementary

Industrial revolution

Has flipped the bitch on evolution

The benevolent and wise are being thwarted, ostracized What a bummer

The world keeps getting dumber

Insensitivity is standard

And faith is being fancied over reason

Darwin's rolling over in his coffin

The fittest are surviving much less often

Now, everything seems to be reversing, and it's worsening

(guitar riff)

Someone flopped a steamer in the gene pool

Now, angry mob mentality is no longer the exception, it's the rule

And I'm startin' to feel a lot like

Charlton Heston

Stranded on a primate planet

Apes and orangutans that ran it to the ground

With generals and the armies that obeyed them

Followers following fables

Philosophies that enable them to rule without regard

There's no point for democracy when ignorance is celebrated

Political scientists get the same one vote as some Arkansas inbred

Majority rule, don't work in mental institutions

Sometimes, the smallest softest voice carries the grand


What are we left with?

A nation of god-fearing pregnant nationalists

Who feel it's their duty to populate the homeland

Pass on traditions

How to get ahead religions

And prosperity via simpleton culture (ah-)

The idiots are taking over

The idiots are taking over

  • Fat Mike

oh fun, a bunch of anti-democracy and pro-eugenics sentiments. cool.


saying modern life is so comfortable that intelligence is no longer an evolutionary advantage isn't pro-eugenics, it's the fucking truth. As far as anti-democracy, I am actually an Arkansas inbred, and my vote against magatardism goes straight in the trash thanks to the electoral college.

Intelligence is still very much an evolutionary advantage. Idocracy isn't science and getting your ideas about evolution from a mark judge film is not a sign of intelligence.

You’re just asserting something without evidence too.

You know, generally as wealth increases birth rate decreases. Just look at the population crises coming up around the developed world.

Fertility goes down as wealth increases because developed industrial societies don't use child labor and infant mortality has gone way down. It's not because intelligence is a disadvantage.

You know, generally as wealth increases birth rate decreases. Just look at the population crises coming up around the developed world.

This is the exact opposite of why people are having fewer kids in areas with population crises.

People generally have fewer kids in developed nations than in developing nations because all of their children are likely to survive.

Population crises arise due to social and economic factors.

I’m not sure that you even disagree with me here.

My only disagreement is where population crises come from. These are cultural and economic issues, generally, not necessary consequences of wealth building.

Otherwise yeah you're spot on

Not sure why you’re downvoted. These are absolutely the reasons. Unfortunately in some developed nations people are worked to death and buried under debt so they decide not to have kids, or are simply not left with a choice at all. Also, well educated societies can also see the world heading in a bad direction, economically, environmentally, and/or politically and decide to be responsible and not being a child into such a world. Unfortunately, the latter means we leave the world to an ever increasing population of idiots.

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I legitimately want to hear your reasoning for that statement.

It literally complains about majority rule and says that society is decaying because more intelligent people are being outbred by their inferiors.

One of many things that the right, left, and center can all agree on is (pro) eugenics.

Idiocracy, and this song, are so explicitly eugenicist and yet people who consider themselves "enlightened liberals", or even "leftists", choose not to see them as such.

They choose not to because to accept that obvious truth would mean that they have some things they need to work out too. That it's not just MAGA supporters that are upholding white supremacy and ableism.

In the past 5 years I've come to terms with a lot of abhorrent things I used to believe, and a lot of harm that I've unknowingly caused in the past.

Learn better; Do better.

If you haven't done hard introspection that has made you uncomfortable, especially if you're an abled white person, then you're probably not as enlightened of a person as you see yourself being.

Not sure why you're pointing this at me talking about enlightened beings etc.

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Oh, no!

Did their feelings get hurt?

That's just a shame, if it keeps going like this anyone that acts like an antisocial asshole could be criticized for it, too.

It's a slippery slope, y'all /s

Tangential point but I do wonder how much of an effect Taylor Swift will have on voter turnout this year.

MAGA already tried to cancel her and failed when she encouraged people to vote. Imagine if she actually endorsed a candidate.

You don't get famous by having opinions that matter unless you start with the money.

I love how saying "you should vote" is unacceptable to them now. They have no quiet parts anymore.

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"trump supporters" and "meltdown" are redundant

Anger and cruelty is all they have to navigate their fragile emotional landscape. They are emotionally too uneducated to come up with anything different than hate. Or to use the words of a german punk rock band:

You're stupid as a pig

That's why you're feeling good

Hate is your attitude

Your blood is constantly boiling

Everything has to be explained to you

Because you really don't know anything

Most likely not even

What attitude means

Because you have problems that no one cares about

Because you're afraid of cuddling, you're a fascist

You don't have to project your self-hatred onto others

So that no one notices what a nice guy you are

Your violence is just a silent cry for love

Your combat boots long for tenderness

You never learned to articulate yourself

And your girlfriend, she never has time for you

Oh-oh-oh, asshole! Asshole! Asshole!

Schrei nach Liebe

Die Ärzte

A Die Ärzte reference in the wild! I love this song...and a lot of their other ones. They even slip it into "Ich, am Strand" - Ich auf Demo: Nazis raus!

These are the heartwarming holiday stories that I usually only ever see in Lifetime/Hallmark movies.

“I liked Green Day until they got all political.” 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

I remember they were bashing Rage Against the Machine for being political too and someone said "What machine did you think they were raging against? The dishwasher?"

"but... but guys... we've literally only ever been talking about you"

A *meltdown” SLAM?! Such a rare type of slam!

I hate that I've gotten used to reading "slam" in the titles. It's stupid, but it's new standard.

Article: some people are upset by something that they should have seen coming.

Comments: I'm upset because "slam" is in a headline.

Wow, imagine how upset they'd be if they listened to the rest of the lyrics!

Finally someone criticize fascist Trump. Our government, using it's CIA hand did their part in silencing MAGA stupids on facebook, twitter and reddit. Good that we use artists to send a message too. /s