Lemmy Just Reached 1 Million Posts

Paulius@lemmy.world to Fediverse@lemmy.world – 5997 points –

Lemmy just reached a new milestone: 1 million posts, across 1,323 servers.

Source: https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/dailystats&days=90


The jump in posts over the last month is incredible. I find Lemmy quickly replacing Reddit which is great.

Not just number but quality. It was all memes at the start, now actual conversation is happening in more than just a few posts.

Good point! Iโ€™m hoping for some of the more niche communities to start becoming more active. Things are trending in the right direction though.

They will. My experience community building thus far is that if you can build up one anchor community to the point where people are organically sharing content and commenting, other adjacent communities will start to generate the same sorts of things with smaller subscriber bases because that anchor community is keeping people's eyes here. Just a question of time.

Speaking of sharing content, is there a way to crosspost around here yet?

Yes, when you make a post look at the line where the 'save post' button is at the bottom of the entry. There will be two overlapping squares. That's the crosspost button.

Never noticed that. Do any apps feature it too?

I've only used jerboa but I can't seem to find a crosspost button. Every app is alpha at best though so I'm sure it will come.

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I'm usually a lurker, but I decided to just go ahead and make one that I was missing. Something about personally wanting Lemmy to grow is motivating to me.

I made an XCOM community on Lemmy.world, and even though I'm the only one posting so far, it's fun to watch the subscriber count grow. Already at 50!

Please definitely don't be discouraged in the slightest, TPM.

Single-game forums were almost always the smallest gaming subreddits on Reddit, often times being several orders of magnitude smaller than the "gaming in general" communities.

But that special feeling of having other people passionate about that specific game you love can't be beat. Hang in there, and you'll definitely grow and get that engagement in time.

Thanks. Fingers crossed!

May I suggest doing an informal poll of some sort to boost engagement? I'm not that familiar with XCOM, but it's a pretty big series with a lot of games, right? Maybe just a simple "which is your favorite XCOM game?" thread.

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Iโ€™m dying with the lack of baseball communication. The biggest Baseball and Atlanta Braves communities are pretty much dead and I really miss talking ball.

Sports is definitely hard to have take off in these sorts of spaces, since sports are generally talked about much more amongst regular/casual users, than the more tech-savvy crowd who are willing to try these things out.

It's the same on the biggest ActivityPub platform (Mastodon) - the really popular regular subjects such as sports and cars just don't have a presence there.

The best thing you can do to help is to comment on threads. I know it feels weird to comment in an empty post, but it does tend to spur lurkers to respond.

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Phillies fan checking in. Agree. I have a community with a bot that posts game updates like Reddit (which is nice) but the game threads are mainly me posting once or twice and one or two other people with side off comments. No community engagement so to speak. Long way from the Reddit game threads of several thousand comments.

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We can just talk about Americas team then. Thatโ€™ll unify everything, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰

I was lamenting the lack of an NFL community here but no way in hell I'm joining a Dallas Cowboys community regardless of how much discussion it generates. ๐Ÿ˜†

Same. The White Sox community right now is just a bot posting game results.

Shameless plug for !baseball@fanaticus.social (check out our sidebar for the team-specific communities). We've got the game bots ported over and are working on improving them and adding new features.

I agree with !matt@lemmy.world though, the Venn diagram of sports fans and tech-savvy lemmy pioneers is pretty small. You can help by posting and commenting to attract more users. More content == more users (eventually).

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You need both though. Memes and shitposts to scroll though and chuckle, and then quality stuff to engage on. Lemmys got that, and the momentum will keep it growing.

I tried lemmy like a year or so ago, and it felt so stale. The technology is there, but the content just wasnโ€™t. Thatโ€™s clearly changed now. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Would be nice if there was a way for posts to be flagged such that memes and shitposts and more serious discussions could be separated, so you could filter depending on mood.

Yep, also an easier way to explore/sign up and filter instances and their different pages. I'm new and have no idea what I'm doing regarding that. So far I'm just signing up to instances and hoping new interesting stuff appears on my page.. I'm on Lemmy.world as I assume we all are, how do I view the different pages on this instance or is it all just in a singular feed?

Hit the communities button near the top of the page to subscribe and view. You don't need to sign up to more instances unless you really want to, we can post on any federated instance. It's weird at first but you'll get it.

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Totally agree! I just have been a registered reader on Reddit. Now, itโ€™s the first time Iโ€™m participating - might be considerably because lemmy is trending. Nevertheless, I found communities and post Iโ€™m interested in within minutes - ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ whereas Reddit was mostly clutter.

i posted like 10 per year on reddit and did around 30+ within a week on lemmy

The memes were entertaining and it was content to attract users.

I actually blocked all the meme and shitpost communities because they were flooding my all feed and they aren't that interesting to me.

I'd also expect another big jump when clients like Sync and Boost get their apps for Lemmy online. That will attract an enormous amount of users from reddit.

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This comment is so good it has -1 downvotes

It just definitely needed to hit a critical mass. Enough that people had enough to read, stick around, and post themselves. Which in turn created a place that new people felt had enough content.

It's also about search engine indexing. It's happening slowly, but I've noticed Lemmy posts are finally beginning to show up in Google/Bing search results. As this trend improves, more people will stumble here by accident and then join out of curiosity.

I thought I was gonna be able to quit Reddit full time. Didnโ€™t look for a few days, then did. Still check since some niche communities arenโ€™t over here (or active) yet so I have to go there. But I only still check every few days (I was a several time a day redditor so usage is down) and Iโ€™ll check Lemmy at least once or twice a day now.

I quit Reddit cold turkey. I miss sports talk and some of the gaming and workout subreddits though.

Yeah same, most communities i frequent on Reddit havenโ€™t transitioned yet or is still tiny so I kinda juggle between the two apps.

Lemmy is nice for tech and nerdy subreddits but thatโ€™s pretty much it rnow

Same. Last night i went in and deleted all of my subscriptions except for the 3 i really want to keep checking in on.

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We all need to post this on reddit. Spread the word that this platform is booming and more people will come over!

Just don't post links. I tested it myself and they will shadow remove your comment.

I posted one yesterday on a major Subreddit. It did get a bit of hate. Couple of people signed up. Some of that hate seems to be bots, complaining that thereโ€™s no mobile app, and that it looks like old Reddit.

Iโ€™ll keep monitoring, to see if it gets shadow removed. I bet a lot of the major subreddits are running on skeleton crews, so they canโ€™t get everything.

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It's insane how well this timeline syncs with reddit's API bs!

From the very first day spez announced the API changes and steadily increasing until most of the 3pa shut down then BAM. Good for Lemmy and hopefully bad for reddit!

I literally only tried Lemmy because of the RIF goodbye message. I'm here because for me, Reddit was Reddit Is Fun.

Same here, but for boost. I never heard of Lemmy until boost for Lemmy was announced.

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Did somebody say sync...

Bro I CANNOT wait. Sync was the GOAT Reddit app and I know you'll do great with Lemmy. Glad to see you here.

What are you using now? I'm using Connect for Lemmy and it feels very close to Sync because of gestures. I'll be torn when Sync comes out because I'm enjoying this so much. (And Connect is Canadian like me. Haha)

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Sync was reddit for me. Such an amazing app. Now I am glad to be here for the next chapter. Thanks for all you do.


I love how active you are as a developer in the community.

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I'm super excited for all the development here. I'm looking forward for Boost for Lemmy, but I'm also really enjoying wefwef (soon to be Voyager) and the active development is really exciting to me.

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Hype is real. Feels like this is the place to be. Reddit 2011 vibes with the high quality discussions. It'll only get better. To the fediverse and beyond!

Reddit user of 12 years here. God I hope this place takes off like Voat was supposed to. Reddit has just changed so damn much. I was honestly sick of the place since before the crazy app meltdown.

I've got high hopes for Lemmy, and the Fediverse in general. Voat's issue was it was a haven for fascists and fascist sympathizers, and a centralized site made that the general vibe. The federated model makes it so they can do what they want in their own little corner of shit, and the rest of us can ignore them like they deserve.

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I think there's a decent chance it will. At the bare minimum, it already feels much better to me than voat ever did.

The only issue I have right now is that reddit is a good source of technical answers. Kind of like SE without the dismissive, condescending douchebag attitude that seems to be automatic there. Every single time it sounds like they are replying to someone that is actively bothering them. Like dude, you came on the website, checked the forums, and decided to answer. I didn't send you a text or some shit.

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I wonder what the first topic of Mondays meeting at Reddit HQ will be? And if the overall feeling is gonna be positive or negative? Oh I wonder.

Reddit seems like the type of company where nobody dares to tell the CEO about any negative developments.

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Let's not look back on reddit with rose tinted glasses.

Much of it was always a dumpster fire.

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I feel like when I browse All I still just see the same 20 posts

The default "Active" sort option does that. Try "Hot" instead.

Thank you. I have so many engrained habits from Reddit that I'm not using Lemmy to its potential.

My favorite is top12 or 6 hour. Feels like Reddit used to.

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Oh, wow! Until now I just assumed that you just need to wait longer to see new stuff, but this actually changes quite a lot. Thanks!

I still don't get why Lemmy instances don't default to "Hot". Kbin does it right by going with "Hot" as default. All "Active" does is dog pile on posts that are almost a day old, sometimes even older than that.

You know what, what's even the point of "Active" at this point with so many active users?

I agree. The way "active" is configured probably made sense when there was <1000 active accts bit things have changed.

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This is reminiscent of when I was first on Hotmail back in the 90's. I remember getting an email from the Hotmail team when they first hit a million subscribers.... They were bought out by Microsoft within the year.... My username is my original Hotmail address.

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I definitely held out thinking they would change their mind about the API but day finally came and I made a Lemmy account and didn't look back

I just switched over for good the other day when Boost stopped working and I honestly can't say I miss it too much. Still working on getting my feed how I'd like it but the more people join the easier it'll be.

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Hey I like you're name that's a great idea

I closed my subs on the 12th - Re-opened on the 14th. polled redditors if i should stay shut or open, They said close until reddit backs off. shut it down again. then deleted my account after the first verge article came out about u/spez saying this blackout will pass and everything will be back to normal and some other stuff. i knew then he wouldn't change!

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I'm doing my part. I had two posts on Reddit. One was superniche and got 30ish points. Whatever, I was happy. It had useful info for the other people on the sub. Then I posted something to the broader community and got two downvotes in like 1 second, killing it. How did they even look at it? I think someone was sitting there gleefully downvoting every fucking thing. I never posted again.

I've been here since mid June and have made 264 posts, like WTF. I'm having more fun here than I ever did on Reddit and I don't get that sick feeling I used to get from seeing all the outrage posts and mean comments (to everyone, not just me).

Loving Lemmy.

Iโ€™ve been here since mid June and have made 264 posts,

I have almost 300 comments over three weeks now. I actually had Lemmy bookmarked for some time, but started participating after giving Reddit the punt. That's way higher post frequency than before. Yeah it's great feeling like you can say reasonable stuff without coming under attack.

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Niceness fosters niceness. Glad we have a bunch of like-minded folk.

I know what you mean within seconds my post would be downvoted. Its either a downvote bot or a rude moderator. Lemmy is a breath of fresh air.

People still are arguing for downvotes here on Lemmy. I think they are poison to a good community. They are not helping to moderate - they are silencing opinions and creating echo chambers.

My philosophy on downvotes:

If I don't agree with someone here, I upvote anyway. Not because I'm a Pollyanna, but because I'm happy they're here and supporting Lemmy by posting and commenting. I really want Lemmy to stay up and stable for a long time and provide what Reddit used to provide for the wider community. Reddit still does, but hopefully we can too. I'm talking about political and health issues.

If it's a mean comment, I do nothing and move on.

If something is just messed up, that's a message for the mods. I've messaged once so far. Someone posted information about a person (image and real-life contact info) and said they were performing cosmetic surgery on puppies. The image was of the person flipping the bird, so it was clearly made as a hit piece. Mods got rid of it within a day.

For me while scrolling through a threat I upvote those that I agree with and leave alone those that I disagree, unless it's done in an asshole kind of way which I kind of despise.

But if I make a post I do tend to upvote everyone which I kind of justify as "rewarding" people for interacting with me.

I follow a similar philosophy, except I do downvote the mean but not rule breaking content. While it's not bad enough to justify removal, I do still want to discourage people being mean on this platform. For most disagreeable opinions, I'll either move on or reply with my point of view.

As Reddit has proven, this is not how the masses use downvotes. I have seen unpopular, but harmless opinions be downvoted.

I have seen people getting downvoted heavily by saying they don't like x game. That creates echo chambers.

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I was a bit baffled by your post because it seemed odd, but it's the second time today I've encountered someone mentioning it. It appears that lemmy.today is a no-dv instance; I presume it's a server switch option. The rest of the instances I'm on all have up/down voting, and kbin, of course, has boost/up/down. Not that there's anything wrong with it but, just so you know, it's a feature of your instance and not lemmy-wide.

Yup its configured on each instance in the admin settings.

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Leaving a comment to say I was here in the making of internet 3.0

I like that! Nice to see people โ€œvoting with their feetโ€ as they leave Reddit.

Here for posterity! Onwards and upwards lemmy!

Great! I was a bit sceptical about the new users grow in the past weeks, but I think this information is more reliable

You can tell there are more users by the number of the top up voted threads. Some are in the 1000s votes and a lot in the 100s. Wasn't that high before.

And the comment threads! You can find posts with multiple comment threads usually several comments deep!

It's really starting to feel like a legitimately good Reddit alternative around here, not just "Reddit like" or "Reddit light" and that's really awesome ๐Ÿ˜Š

The change has been super pronounced in the last week or so. The meme quality has almost gone too damn high. All the news subs / pol subs / game subs I subscribed to on reddit are showing up here which makes the switch easy.

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Also, check out the communities page on lemmy.world. A couple of weeks ago, the biggest communities had 1-2k subscribers and now many are over 10k 20k.

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So much of that steep was beans lmao

Nonsense, Lemmy's come a long way. We used to be hung up complaining about Reddit... but now we complain about Facebook.

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This is posts per day? The image makes it seem like so, the title not so much. 1 million posts per day and growing is a huge thing if so

Looks like the title is incorrect, and it's actually posts per day. At least, the graph shows a few days where the number goes down, so it can't be just the total number of posts (unless there was a wave of deletions outpacing the posts).

Edit: according to other people's comments, it is actually total posts, not posts per day. So my above comment seems to be incorrect.

The dips in the graph could be caused by some of the servers/instances going offline, post deletions, or a combination of both.

I think it's total posts. If you look at the list of instances and posts at the bottom it matches closer to total posts:


It's still epic and growing both in quality and activity, but it's still got a long way to grow. I feel optimistic. :)

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It's been really cool witnessing the activity of this place grow.

Lemmy feels like Reddit 10-15 years ago, which is great.

Yup! As someone with a 16 year old reddit account, I've seen it all. This feels like back in the day

The grit of a new community site is what I missed

Invest! Invest! Oh wait, Iโ€™m glad thatโ€™s not the point here ;)

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Well count me in. It took me two weeks to successfully create an account, but it finally didn't crap out on me.

Maybe this is the good thing. Let Reddit stay filled with the lowest common denominator and divisive politics. Making Lemmy a little more hassle than the common user wants to experience to get into might be the only thing that keeps it from becoming the ban heavy echo chamber Reddit is.

It's funny, because it's not even a very hard barrier of entry to overcome, just takes some patience, but it's apparently enough to keep a lot of low effort content out.

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Really glad I get to witness history in the making. This is definitely the future and stoked to see it growing so quickly.

Holy fucking shit that's insane. What's wild is, if I understand it correctly, that's basically linear with how many users have joined, meaning people are posting more than ever before (on a per user basis).

It feels like it is possible to have a conversation here. In Reddit I felt like my comments were getting buried

I don't have anything else to add, just wanted to feel included

After moderating a bigger subreddit and seeing just how much spam there was in the comments and just how many people spend time replying to these bots I basically stopped reading them. Here I haven't see bots yet and at least my home instance watches out that it stays that way.

Haven't seen any identifiable bots here either, on redshit they were everywhere, comment stealers and just plain weird agenda having bots. I hope it doesn't turn into that here, maybe since we haven't really been saturated with bots yet some type of preventative protocol could be put in place? No idea what that would be but it would make sense

I think instance admins will just have to make sure they don't have bots on their platform and block instances that do a bad job at it leading to others getting invaded.

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Agree. Even if you post a top level comment you are likely to get a response and start a conversation.

What's funny is I've been getting 10x more replies since the announced api changes which is odd. Before they were announced I would comment many times a day but rarely ever get many replies. Since the api change announcement? I've been staying off mostly bc fuck that place but when I have checked my account there have been 10-20 replies a day to older comments. Weird. Tin-foil-hat me feels like maybe there was a reduction of interaction after he screwed everyone over and maybe he's using bots to make it seem lively. Definitely seen an increase in bot comments

It makes sense, I mean consider that these big social media platforms started making sweeping changes the moment the technology to accurately emulate humans became available for mass integration. Changes that would Inevitably lead to an exodus of a significant number of users.

Now you can trick the real users by claiming you're still operating just the same as before when in reality half the website is just GPT bots and the population has taken a massive hit.

There's no way they'd have been this confident in their choices without a backup plan like subsidizing with generative AI, which means their timing is either coincidental as fuck or exactly where you'd expect it to be based on the invention of the technology they need to ensure longevity.

It's like a scam isn't it, use chat bots to make your site look huge to sell high dollar add space and get big money from investors. It's almost kind of comical, spending all that money to advertise to a bunch of bots.

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Agreed. Because it's relatively smaller it feels more like a community than some of the huge subreddits

Filtering by rising and posting meta jokes was the standard if you wanted to get seen and interacted with.

Here you can just make a decently thought out comment and most of the time get at least one reply by the end of the day.

I think the hot algorithm here is weighted better. It pulls up brand new comments on a similar weight to older comments with hundreds of points, which makes people more likely to see and interact with new comments. The Activity and New Comments post sorts also prioritize ongoing discussions, which I think is pretty cool.

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What happened June 21st? It's the first exponential growth and it's also when I made my account, but I don't remember what was the trigger to finally make an account.

Edit: I think it's when they started trying to force subreddits back open: https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/14ffsk8/reddit_is_a_bully/

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Wow, over 4K. This might be the most upvoted post yet.

I did my part. Made a post here, never did on reddit in ten years.

I have definitely made more posts here in the month I have been here than I did on reddit in 8 years. They are mostly of my cat (and help posts on !selfhosted@lemmy.world and such).

I love it here.

(I wonder if theyโ€™re getting worried yet.)

Far from that probably. But hopefully they will eventually

That is one beautiful graph!

I'd like to see the logistic version as well!

You mean logarithmic? It wouldn't look as good at first but maybe over time the line will become at least linear, hopefully.

You can absolutely feel how much bigger it got, and it feels more and more populated every day.

I've been here only one week and the change has been so obvious.

You love to see it. So much better here than Reddit, community-wise.

Happy to finally be able to login and post something ๐Ÿ˜€

What happened on June 21st? The API shutdown was on July 1st.

It was around the days when spez goons started threatening moderators to open their subs

i think some migrated early

I came during the blackout and planned to go back afterwards. I committed to staying when spez opened his mouth.

That's what I was gonna say, the blackout ended on the 14th and then spez did his ama so I feel like that might've been the push people needed to make the change.

Some preemptively moved over in a transition period maybe?

It was clear around then that we might as well jump ship. No reason to wait to the last minute... I was ready to de-reddit and not go there any more.

Was that around the time of the spez AMA? Maybe that was a tipping point for a lot of people - the various protests had been completely ignored and admins tripled-down.

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Add one more. This is also my first fediverse comment. I've been lurking for a bit, but finally signed up today.

Welcome to the community. I hope you enjoy your time here, I know I have!

This is just perfect to see, and the change in communities and conversation is really noticeable

Hey! I helped do something! Youโ€™re wrong about being a 50 year old dead beat mom and dad!

โ€ฆwhenโ€™s lunch?

Just curious, does this include posts from kbin users to lemmy communities? I'd imagine it doesn't count posts to kbin magazines, since kbin is a different software altogether (maybe posts from lemmy users to kbin magazines count).

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That's pretty impressive. I hope it continues to grow. It would be nice if there was some way to mirror the content that gets posted on Reddit specifically the highly popular posts in news subreddits but otherwise I like it a lot.

If only there was some sort of Reddit API that we could use to retrieve & mirror content from Redditโ€ฆ ๐Ÿค”

Oh wait! ๐Ÿ˜…

We done did it, doin it out here, big things, wildin, etc.. Seriously though, I'm happy to be a part of this as a recent redditfugee. I'm never going back. I miss r/emo, I miss r/oneyplays, I miss r/twosentencehorror, I miss all my saved posts and threads, but I'm not fucking around with Reddit on principle, and also as everyone here has been so kind and helpful. I was in a community that posted something about Lemmy being founded as an anti-corpo movement and that's cool as hell and aligns with how I am. So yes yes, I'm all in on exploring and growing this Undiscovered Country

I could almost cry ๐Ÿ˜ข Toothpicks and rubber bands, your just like me, Lemmy.

That's an insane stat. As a Reddit immigrant, I would love to know the percentage of those who posted on Reddit and/or were mods, have migrated as well. That would correlate with the increase of posts in Lemmy, as well as the degredation of content on Reddit. Let's see how this goes.

What happened on 6/20? Hundreds of thousands where posted within a very short period.

Sync coming to Lemmy was announced on the 20th. I was on Kbin, but I came over here when I saw that, so maybe that was a wee push?

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A million posts and 6 million comments. Neat to see the change in servers 71 to 1400.

At the moment, I'm guessing gif support depends on the individual client app, probably? On Connect it shows up as a link, which opens the gif rather than it being embedded.

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I was not a hardcore reddit user. I made just 2 or 3 posts in those few years I was using reddit. I was mainly reading posts and comments. I was using Sync for Reddit and there I noticed Sync is comming to Lemmy, I signed up to get notification when it's ready, but that's pretty much it. But today I wanted to browse reddit and I couldn't, and I didn't want to use official app, because it's just crap, so I registered on Lemmy, searched for Lemmy app, found Connect, installed it, tried it and I have to say I kinda like it. I really hope Lemmy grew up even more.

The graphic seems to be like a wallstreetbets launch.

Very happy to see user engagement, its a very positive sign and will ultimately lead to downfall of reddit.

Nostr and Lemmy, these are now my only social networks. No more corporate and government control.


Still seeing the lil dip when all the apps went dark. Everyone went to say goodbyeโ€ฆ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ

.... Where are they? Besides a handful of posts I don't see much here.

You must be following the wrong communities, but obviously it's not nearly as busy as Reddit. Yet.

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Worth noting that Hexbear.net has 274,000 posts but isn't included in this data because it's not federated. Unless that jump on the 21st of June is it. Would be funny that Hexbear is more than 25% of the posts singlehandedly.

I was a bit surprised myself. Iโ€™m a lurker on reddit but addicted to lemmy. Canโ€™t explain it. But Iโ€™m glad Iโ€™m here to witness this. :)

Thanks Steve Huffman!

I hope in a few years he tries to pull a "I created the fediverse" thing like how Gore did with the internet lol

should there be a /thankspez meme farm community with trophies? or should we move on?

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Yeah we should thank him, without him we won't be here right??

Love you spez ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

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Left reddit for good when boost started acting up, leaving comment to look back on in the future.

This is so exciting seeing something new grow before our eyes!

Fun thing is a lot of the seeming Zuck fans are driving this recent spike, with the federation debates. The engagement is spiking our value, which some of the smarter ones probably know and are doing on purpose.

Keep arguing, internet, keep arguing.

as in, actual post originating from people using a lemmy based instance, or all fediverse ActivityPub entrances?

The linked page specifically tracks Lemmy, although it's not clear to me whether it's tracking posts by users from Lemmy instances or posts to Lemmy instances, which is a medium-sized distinction (the latter would include kbin, Mastodon and other Fediverse users who are posting to Lemmy from their home instance, while the former would obviously include only Lemmy users).

I find it interesting that it dipped on July 1st. I suppose the server issues were pretty bad.

Lemmy.world went under for a bit while they fixed server issues and upgraded the efficiency of the Lemmy backend, my guess is that would cause the dip in average posts.

I've found my feed really picking up the past two weeks. Plenty of decent content to consume which is great.
Nice growth.

Congratulations! Hopefully a billion will come soon (;

this chart just looks fantastic - i hope for the best

It's getting better. I am not even visiting reddit at all and I still find content here.

I also createdc/woahdude but not too many people adding content. Why is that?

Since the 30th I've stopped going on reddit, but I must admit I still don't participate here as much because the content I'm seeing it's not as tailored to my interests as I'd like. Searching for communities tends to show a lot of communities with no participation at all, which is useless.

Also wished there was a video player. Being constantly redirected to youtube is a bit annoying.

But I'm very happy with Memmy for Lemmy. Not as polished as Apollo, but close enough. And Lemmy feels freer from bot/ai/ad content, and that is worth gold.

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That's quite impressive. I hope it keeps growing

Reddit said I could only use their official app. But we all know its not very well done. The simplicity of reddit became to stressful and complicated.


Btw what's with those two dips in the past few days, deleted spam?

87% shitposts I bet lol

But really, thatโ€™s a cool landmark.

I played around with Friendica years ago, it wasn't at the time much to get into. The idea was to setup a Facebook like server that we could use for our family only. Ended up tearing that instance down as we didn't really like it at the time. I'm really excited about Lemmy though, so much so I again, went and setup my own corner of the lemmy-verse. The ideals this is built upon are the ideals that grabbed me into the internet so long ago, freedom and resiliency and the ability to discover something new, not have some algorithm throw it at you. I look forward to seeing this platform continue to grow and being a more active participant in it. Go LEMMY!

Does this include comments or strictly posts?