Kamala Harris 'is in control of this hurricane' using 'weather weapons': Alex Jones

oxjox@lemmy.ml to News@lemmy.world – 637 points –
Kamala Harris 'is in control of this hurricane' using 'weather weapons': Alex Jones

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones accused Vice President Kamala Harris of having the ability to control hurricanes through so-called "weather weapons."

Jones kicked off his Tuesday broadcast by promising to explain how he knew the government could control the weather.

"I'm going to be covering today, and I've sent the crew over 20 clips, and I've got over a hundred documents right here," he explained. "I'm gonna do a big presentation for everybody on what's really going on with weather weapons."

Jones claimed to have interviews and government documents that would prove his point.

"Then we have the bold headlines that I put up on X that the Kamala Harris, you know, the Biden-Harris administration is in control of this hurricane," he said of Hurricane Milton.

"So they have the power certified easily with just five or six big aircraft," he opined. "And that's the old technology, not the lasers that are all certified and the Doppler radar. They also have on ships and in large oil drilling platforms that they've launched. They could totally just make this thing stop and dump the water in the ocean."

Jones insisted that the technology to control hurricanes was used before the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

"And on 9/11, the hurricane was gonna hit," he asserted. "Remember in 2001, but that meteorologists never saw anything like it. It just turned away from the coast went away because that was gonna get in the way of some of the stuff the deep state was up to."

Scientists have said it is currently impossible to control weather events like Hurricane Milton.


If "the libs" controlled the weather, Jones would be getting zapped by lightning every time he opened his stupid mouth.

Can I thank the government for all the sunny days as well? I don't understand how this work, can they only create bad weather or good weather as well?

Nah, need to update climate controller to version 2 and then we have to subscribe monthly in order to have that level of precision. /s

I like the current theory that this is god smiting those sinners who have turned his words into hatred.

A billion dollar judgement against this guy and he is still spewing lies.

It's truly unbelievable, isn't it. It illustrates the degree to which people are truly a slave to their impulses and delusions. No external factors will ever reform this guy, and it's really a sad thing to watch a person trapped in their own kind of hell.

He knows what the truth is. He just wants money and cocaine, so he continues doing these.

Kamala lives rent free in his head. I've heard, you know...on TV, that there's a way to get her out and it involves a power drill with a long drill bit. But, shhh...don't tell anyone - it's a liberal secret.

If we don't ever get to see the families of Sandy Hook take his money, I would at the very least hope to see Alex Jones incarcerated with no ability to reach a public audience. That's not all though. His only source of news should be restricted to daily governmental briefings on what democratic elected officials are doing and left-leaning news organizations coverage. One more thing. We give him a recording session of 1 hour every month so everyone gets their dose of schadenfreud.

That's the only thing he knows and sells.
How else should he get money now?

the thing is he wasn't in trouble for his lies generally speaking, he was in trouble for specific lies that made the sandy hook families' lives hell. As long as he's talking about general conspiracy bullshit that doesn't materially damage anyone, he can still say whatever the fuck he wants.

🤔 Isn't he making a specific lie about Kamala Harris here that could be shown to materially damage her election campaign? Plus all it would take is one of these nutjobs taking pot shots at airplanes or something to expand the scope of harm. He's definitely playing with fire on this one.

theoretically, perhaps, but remember you have to prove the damages in court somehow, and the jones was liable. The Sandy Hook families were dealing with very long list of direct consequences from his conspiracies, like people showing up at their houses and harassing them.

I suppose if there was an assassination attempt with evidence of the perpetrator saying it was due to this conspiracy then yeah that would be similar. seems pretty unlikely there would be clear enough evidence for that though, given all the stuff people hate on democrats for.

It's mindblowing to us non-Americans that such a large percentage of a purportedly first-world country can be so utterly stupid. I can't imagine that things were this bad even just 20 years ago. Why are y'all so dumb?

Decades undermining and underfunding education. They want dumb consumers just informed enough to work a shit job and earn enough to survive but not thrive.

I have friends who are teachers, and the education policies in place even here in California are absolutely asinine. They are required to have extensive documentation to fail a student, in that kids who did fuckall that year are promoted to the next grade anyway. There are kids entering highschool are struggling with reading comprehension and basic arithmetic, nevermind have behavioral issues galore and just a general sense of apathy. Admin tend to side with insane parents instead of teachers in the classroom, exacerbating the behavior problems. It's all bad news bears.

Decades of propaganda painting opposition to the GOP as literal Satan worshipping baby killing pedophiles, and when that's who you're running against, how could not vote for the GOP no matter how uneducated they are?

i agree this is the main thing, plus social media. that’s a recipe for conspiracies to spread like wildfire. any asshat can make a spooky video and appear to know what they’re talking about, and people are not nearly skeptical enough. Not to mention algorithms designed to keep people clicking, tapping, and watching.

sure education is facing challenges but i don’t think it’s THAT much worse than a few decades ago. it just hasn’t been able to catch up with the propaganda and social media.

The attack on education is part of the long term strategy. The early indoctrination and propaganda gets people into the conspiracies and a lack of education makes sure they stay there and don't stop to consider how utterly batshit insane they sound. I also think lead exposure due to usage of leaded gas prior to 1996 can't be overlooked. There's a very obvious correlation in violent crime rates that corresponds with the increased usage of leaded gas in the 60s and the sharp decline in the 90s following its phasing out starting in the 80s and outright ban in the mid 90s.

yeah I'm not denying education is under attack. I just don't think it's anywhere close to the same level of responsibility for conspiracy thinking as propaganda and social media.

It's essentially a force multiplier. The propaganda wouldn't be anywhere near as effective as it is without the attacks on education. The propaganda was the thin end of the wedge, and now that they're established they're attacking education to make sure they stay entrenched, as it's the only thing that could really threaten them.

The propaganda wouldn’t be anywhere near as effective as it is without the attacks on education.

yeah I disagree, but I doubt either of us are going to find conclusive evidence one way or the other.

Yup. We are just eyeballs watching a screen to them. If they make us angry we engage more so ad revenue goes up. "They" is the media

I've usually pointed towards our education system but I'm not so sure anymore. I think there's more at play.

I think it's more about the inherit individualism in America, "the American dream", capitalism, and the definition of The United States. There's a strong rejection of community support and social services. There's a desire to have more than we need. There's a fear of "others" who threaten your domicile and prosperity. The country was founded on a distrust of government with the formation of semi-sovereign states and multiple forms of checks and balances.

I think there's an argument that to "be American" means to be in opposition to and skeptical of government. At first, in wake of the revolutionary war, this seemed reasonable. With slow moving news and a journalistic industry maintaining the fourth pillar of democracy, without the temptation of ad revenue or competition with social media, Americans were, frankly, sheep to a small group of organizations. As a 21st century first first world country, we really need to get together and reassess what the role of government should be and how to draft a constitution that meets the needs of a nation in an increasingly connected (and shrinking) planet.

We are not afforded the tools to be competitive with the future of humanity.

I actually believe our lack of faith in religion has had a negative impact. We used to be more connected with our community. We largely trusted one another. It was not that long ago that hitch hiking across the country was a normal practice for teens. I don't believe in gods but I have respect for some aspects of some religious organizations. What seems to have replaced this is social media bubbles or tribes. Or internet forums like this.

We're an increasingly fractured nation that holds distrust of all things in high regard.

Also, we're a nation that defines wealth as the ability to acquire rather than the ability to give.

There's also an apparent pride in anti intellectualism that seems to be typically American.

I think that goes hand in hand with the attacks on education. They've painted themselves as being the voice of "working class" Americans and discredit experts that provide knowledge that runs counter to their propaganda as out of touch "liberal elites". It's truly ironic that they're implying that your average American is stupid with that statement and yet their supporters fully agree with it. They point to the correlation between higher education and disbelief in their propaganda as proof that the highly educated are wrong in a weird cyclic argument. Their stance is basically if the intellectuals don't agree with me, it's because they're wrong, not because I am.

Basically this:

I noticed that in the early 1980s in elementary school. The best students got teased and bullied by others who weren't trying. It made no sense, if you don't want to learn that's on you but why try to hold others back?

I don't think it's because people are choosing to be dumb. Knowing how to do things because you learned the hard way, because you failed over and over, or because your father taught you how to do it is praised more in this group. Gumption and grit is valued more than being told by "the elite" about how you're supposed to do things. "Science ain't got nothing on how my grandady's done it".

It's really very sad. Some people are so anti-establishment that they'd sooner see their younger generations struggle to prosper than to send them off to a university to educate themselves to make abetter life for the future of their family. Let's not even consider how they've been brainwashed to believe "republicans" are anti-establishment and in favor of the working class.

What I don't understand is how easily people accept claims by random uncredited people on social media. It was not long ago that we all laughed at the people who took any cover of the National Inquirer remotely seriously.

Context and intent aside, what's the difference between this Hurricane Helene has brought a flood of AI photos and conspiracy theories to social media and this Bat Child Escapes!?

One point I disagree on is that the country was founded on distrust of government. I'd say rather it was founded on distrust of dictatorships and autocracy. From the outset it was designed in a way that attempted to distribute power in such a way that no single individual or group had absolute power. It was one of the reasons why several of the founders were highly skeptical of political parties and considered banning them outright but instead settled for voicing warnings about them. They feared that a single political party could eventually become dominant and become the de facto ruler of the country.

In recent years there has been an effort to re-frame distrust of autocracy into a general distrust of government. I believe this has been primarily driven by powerful business interests in an attempt to remove regulations that get in the way of their maximizing profits at the expense of the public. They have rather successfully hijacked the anti-communism propaganda of the 50s and 60s and twisted it into an anti-government propaganda.

The really weird move is how right-wing attitudes in the USA have gone from distrust of government and its "interference" in their lives, through distrust of autocracy, to strong support for fascist autocracy that would be highly oppressive and invasive into people's lives. The last step is astonishing.

Absolutely, but it's also easy to see how the change happened. The original goal was to prevent autocracy, so power was distributed and checks and balances were created to prevent any one person or branch from being able to have too much authority. The message was corrupted into distrust of all government and combined with the debunked trickle down capitalism theory (thanks Reagan) that wealthy companies would lead to a wealthy public. The GOP then ran on a platform of eliminating "corrupt government" and removing "government interference" that was supposedly preventing that sweet free market capitalism they had been promising from working and trickling down to everyone. This then allowed them to re-frame stripping regulations and power from various government bodies and centralizing it within the executive branch as removing "wasteful and corrupt government", and removing checks and balances as removing laws and regulations that "protected corrupt government officials".

This also explains the "he's not hurting the right people" crowd, as they were sold on the idea that the autocrats would be using their power to attack government institutions and politicians, not the public. They never bothered to follow things to their logical conclusion and ask "once you've established an autocrat, and removed all government regulations, what happens next?", with the obvious answer "you have a dictatorship".

That's a good analysis, and helpful. Thanks!

Another important point that occurred to me on reflection is why they can simultaneously hold the belief in their head at the same time that all politicians are corrupt, and yet still have complete faith in Trump. They treat politicians like they're some foreign species, like they're not just normal people. In their mind there's a clear distinction between "us", and "politicians". But they don't consider Trump to be a politician, they've internally classified him as "business man", hence he's not corrupt, because he's not a politician.

Thanks for this interesting and deeper take. I hadn't made that link between individualism and this phenomenon, but it seems very plausible because we see less of this in countries that aren't as antisocial.

Because the Republicans have spent the last 40 years slowly demolishing public education. That combined with a steady feed of propaganda on AM radio and Fox News, plus mild lead poisoning from leaded gas usage prior to the 90s has resulted in multiple generations that lack even the most rudimentary critical thinking skills or scientific knowledge and are primed to believe whatever absurd conspiracy reinforces whatever their pastors and favorite talking heads are saying.

They're absolutely convinced that the US government has been infiltrated by "communists" that are engaged in grand sweeping conspiracies to destroy the US, and the only solution is to remove all power from the US government. They've been steeped in propaganda for decades that tells them all governments are corrupt and only corporations can be trusted, that the "free market" is the solution to all problems.

20 years ago my country used to look up to the US educational system and tried to adopt their methodologies, I'm glad we didn't

Decades of FUD. It's the same strategy totalitarian regimes follow around the world. You don't expect people to believe this shit. You just need them to question reality enough so that they don't believe the truth.

One of our political parties discovered they can reliably achieve short term goals by politicizing facts and science. The success of this strategy points out that it's available to anyone who wants to use it, which over time has meant that group of voters just got continually flooded with nonsense, until we got here.

There's (almost) no one pushing back from that side - the strategy is too successful, the margins of victory for the party are too small, and most politicians in general want what's best for them and would put the long term health of the group they're representing as a distant priority, if at all.

Doesn't even really require coordination/cooperation. With enough people willing to employ this strategy for enough time, by now the distrust of science and official communications is extremely entrenched.

If you're looking for the "why" we're susceptible to it, it's the same old story - people angry at how things are going can often be manipulated into blaming people and things other than the true causes, with obvious advantages / incentives for those doing the manipulation.

Why are y’all so dumb?

There were truthful realities that some people didn't like. Those realities were communicated by experts. Instead of people accepting those realities, there was an attack on experts. This happened in two ways:

  • credentialed experts were discredited
  • non-credentialed people claim the mantle of "expert" for themselves where they pushed whatever narrative they wanted.

Because there are now two groups calling themselves experts, and they are giving contradictory information, further loss of trust occurs. So the masses are picking and choosing which experts to listen to with whatever criteria they determine, and I'm not seeing a lot of informed decision making or critical thinking questioning sources.

Couple that with Clarke's proclamation: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic".

So our technology has evolved to do so many amazing things, those without understanding of the technology assume it can do so much more, and don't question things like "Dems control the weather".

So a whole bunch of us are dumb now.

Systemic regression of education priority + non-stop conspiratorial propaganda. I was born and grew up in the US and have seen the shift first-hand.

At least what you're seeing here is still just a very loud minority.

Why are y’all so dumb?

this is the wrong question, The real question is:

Why are y’all so mean?

See, the people believing this shit are the ones who, if being able to create a hurricane, would do it in an instant to harm their political opponents, so it makes sense to them others would do it. They would steal an election, they would get rid of elections once elected, they would pretend to be a shooting victim if paid enough money... Once you leave all morals behind and get on the me and my version of America first train, everything is possible and thinkable. It is not about "is this possible" or "can they do it" it is all about "if I could do it I would so they are doing it".

Oh, this is interesting, and it ties into the other comment about it being essentially antisocial behaviour.

Several reasons that I know of and probably a lot more that I don't, but basically ignorance and lack of critical thinking skills.

  1. Our educational system is underfunded and has cut a lot of things that used to be taught, like Civics/Government, so no one knows how things work and assume the only important office is the presidency, and that it has control over everything. Other subjects and extracurricular activities that help teach critical thinking like Speech/Interpersonal communication, Current Events, Logic, Debate, etc. have been dropped or cut back to only superficial coverage. Watch some old videos of schoolchildren being interviewed about various topics and you'll be amazed at how informed and thoughtful they were for their age back then compared to now (not to mention polite).

  2. The information bubbles of social media and the algorithms that amplify disinformation on places like Facebook, X/twitter, YouTube, etc. They suck people deeper and deeper into rabbit holes of insanity. Foreign powers such as Russia, Iran, and other enemies of democracy exploit this by injecting and amplifying their own disinfo to sow anger and division.

  3. and finally one of the worst offenders: FOX "News". Ever since this station started it has been a brainwashing tool. Most of the people you are talking about, who believe all this crap, especially the older ones who are more into TV watching are avid FOX news viewers, used to listen to Rush Limbaugh on the radio and are also listening to people like Alex Jones and others like him. It all feeds on itself.

It’s just statistics, honestly. Greater population means greater number of dumb people. FYI, you can be rich and dumb, or college educated and dumb, too.

America also doesn’t implement strict control over information or discourse like other countries with greater populations, like China. The problem is that outside of gerrymandering America does have free and fair elections, which is why the greater swaths of “dumb” people can present an actual danger.

Its contagious. There's fascist uprisings going on everywhere, not just in the US. I think a lot of "Trump supporters" we see online is astroturfing, making it seem he has more supporters than he does

US citizens have always been this dumb. But the Internet has made it cheap and easy for the idiots to gain a platform. The media was expensive 20 years ago and complicated so the idiots didn't have the skills to use it.

Why does this sentient piece of excrement still have a platform?

He needs money to live now that the courts have started selling his business to pay off the last people he hurt by spreading insane conspiracy theories.

He’s a one trick pony, only thing he knows how to do is lie and sell snake oil pills that turn you red.

Because stupidity, hatred and lies are acceptable platforms for political discussion in a world where humans profit from harming others.

There’s a push to sell off the InfoWars name and branding - to liquidate the entire business to pay off the Sandy Hook families. He plays shell games with money though - even if he’s forced to give up the “InfoWars” name, he will find a way to get back on the air.

The sad thing is there are actual people out there who would believe this sooner than they'd see climate change as the cause.

That's a human nature thing. We are really much happier as people when there's a "logical" course of real events that lead to any disaster. We can understand "evil group did evil thing" better than "the collective actions of humanity over the last 200 years caused a fundamental change to our world that we cannot reverse in our lifetime."

We aren't good at nuance.

Some random wacko deciding to kill Kennedy because of mental illness and a general hostility towards his world view is harder for us to accept than a secret plot to seal power. Bad guys make sense to us. Chaotic elements just don't.

"Scapegoat" is the term. Humanity has always loved a good scapegoat to blame all their problems on. Whether it's true or not doesn't matter. Has never mattered.

We are really much happier as people when there’s a “logical” course of real events that lead to any disaster.

Even with quotation marks you're really stretching the meaning of logical. It's less about "logical" and more about "believable course of events". There's nothing logical about weather weapons, but people who already believe democrats are evil and deep state exists etc. have no problem throwing another make-believe ontop of their layered make-believe cake. And why wouldn't they? They already believe all the other nonsense that's necessary to believe this nonsense, they're just getting a bigger cake.

And just to throw it out there, they could've believed "Gods did this" as that's what we've historically believed. Weather weapons isn't the only option to believe in, it's just the one they choose to believe in.

If you believe this is caused by 'climate change' you're just as deluded. This shit just happens.

Is this a joke or does my block list need enlargement?

Climate change obviously doesn’t directly cause natural disasters but various changes and knock on effects resulting from man made climate change make cyclones far more common, have a much higher range, and have the potential to be stronger.

Let me guess, it's the sunspot cycle. That's what folks like you used to claim before we went through a couple of those and things kept getting worse.

This Alex Jones mf. Imagine running your mouth so bad you have to pay a billion and a half dollars to families of murdered children. I'd probably be terrified to ever open my mouth ever again.

There can't be snake-oil salesmen without customers willing to buy snake-oil.

We harshly punish those who purchase drugs and treat snake oil purchaser as victims but the outcome is the same; they are purchasing a high that is incredibly addictive.

Wait, this asshole still has a radio show? I thought he was bankrupt and had to liquidate all his assets to pay damages in the Sandy Hook lawsuit. How can he be broadcasting? Who is paying for it?

In my opinion, the real concern here is that this may be the demise of the need to address climate change. Just as these wackos convinced millions of people that vaccines were a government plot, they're setting the stage for the climate change hoax. There will be a large swath of people who convert to believe the government is in control of the weather and the change we've experienced in our climate. This should be a grave concern for all.

2000's conservative: "Climate change isn't real".
2010's conservative: "Climate change is real, but it's not caused by human activity".
2020's conservative: "Climate change is caused by human activity, and IT'S THE LIBERALS AND THEIR HURRICANE MAKING SPACE LASERS".

2030's we need to band together to stop this threat of climate terrorism 2040's we need to create our own hurricane creation array

And with that the monkeys paw curled it's last finger, fell limp and dissolved to ashes.

i dunno, these people were never gonna be on board anyway. maybe i’m just being cynical.

I was a conspiracy nut for a while, (not that I believed everything, I just really wanted UFOs to be aliens lol) and a rather large conspiracy from "back in the day" was HAARP, a series of antenna in Alaska if I remember correctly. They were claiming similar things that long ago, that HAARP was responsible for weather modification and not climate change. While it was Myspace and not Facebook that was the popular thing, this didn't really spread all that far.

Maybe now that Twitter is fully right wing trash and Facebook is just as bad this might catch on more, but I kinda doubt it. Some things really are just too stupid for a large enough percentage of people to actually believe.

Except there is a bit of truth to this. The government does seed clouds to impact rainfall. It's not that far of a stretch for a regular person to believe getting as bunch of these planes together could plausibly nudge a hurricane into existence.

This should be a grave concern for all.

I think that actions have consequences. I am not 'concerned', I am just expectant that a large number of people deciding to act badly will have worse consequences than otherwise.

I don't feel emotionally attached to being human and I am middle-aged without children.

Here’s the thing… If we can control the weather so easily, why can’t the Republicans? Have they not figured it out yet? I don’t want to vote for someone who can’t even destroy Florida on a whim with a few clouds.

Weather devastated a place they don't like : god is punishing sinners

Weather hits their dirty little chode-land: THE DEMZ CONTROL THE WEATHER!

K, got it...

Fascism 101: my enemies are strong and simultaneously incompetent.

They stopped with the ‘it’s God punishing sinful States’ when it became apparent that all the states that kept getting hit with natural disasters were mostly Republican controlled ones. 😂

Perhaps the strongest argument that it is God punishing sinful states. The old switcheroo right there.

when it became apparent that all the states that kept getting hit with natural disasters were mostly Republican controlled ones. 😂

Yeah. Almost like electing a long string of sociopaths makes the citizens more vulnerable to disaster impacts...

Didnt this guy just get bankrupted?

If Trump can be convicted for his actions and still get more money and still run for president, Alex Jones can lose lawsuit after lawsuit from being a total fucking moron and still be a total fucking moron.

Yep, fuck you Jones and hope you make a lot of money's for the sandy hook parents

See legal eagle on YouTube for more info

Isn't he supposed to be liquidating his equipment and not using it to get into more trouble. 🤔

I've heard this before but if Harris and the Dems are literally controlling the weather, why wouldn't you vote for them?!

Ah yes, because if a politician could control the weather, of course the thing they'd do with it is attack several swing states right before the election /s

I don't understand what the word "certified" is supposed to mean in his rant. Is this some new teen-speak redefinition that he's trying to appropriate? "power certified"? Huh?

You'd probably need the bold headlines to understand what he means. I wonder if he's posted them on twitter yet. 🤔

Why is this even in the news? This is the same kind of dumb shit that would get talked about on AM radio stations and other conspiracy theory circles that nobody paid any attention to because of how completely stupid it sounded to a rational person. Can we stop giving these people any attention?

Yes, because closely-scrutinized disaster responses that are having to be done in multiple states for multiple storms are such a huge winner for the incumbent party. This is one of those conspiracies that is not only stupid on its face, but it doesn't make any sense at all even if it was true. It's a failure of critical thinking on so many levels.

Not a conspiracy theorist but a scam artist.

Pretty sure he doesn't believe those lies, he's just scamming the poor bastards that do.

I listen to Knowledge Fight and they find him in his lies regarding his beliefs all the time. It's an act.

So she is targeting Democratic leaning cities to stop people from voting for her. Idiot.

Please. Let's not post conspiracy theories in the news channel.

Wasn't this motherfuckers show broken up and to be sold to pay the billions he owes? How is this asshole still allowed to go on the air and spew this bullshit?

well, but it is news that Alex Jones is at it again.

Unfortunately, what he says is influential because idiots, and it affects the rest of the world because US elections.

Can somebody just get this nutjob committed to a psychiatric institution already? He's very clearly delusional and paranoid. I'm not sure what he needs to be on, but he definitely needs some kind of medication.

I think he needs iron supplements. I recommend a dosage of around 220 lbs, administered from a height of, oh, let's say 100 feet.

Why not just send our weather machine after him? Maybe a nice targeted tornado strike, or TTS.

That any double digit percent is falling for this bullshit is a sad commentary of the state of the world today. And I'm not singling Americans out because there are plenty of idiots on the other side of the ocean as well.

can confirm (source: am on the other side of the ocean and certified idiot). But this is beyond even my level of idiocy. The part on 9/11 is really the icing on this shit cake: he manages to pit two conspiracies against each other:

  • hey man, what are you doing with that hurricane? Today we are doing the "flying airplanes into towers" one, remember?
  • oh shit sorry, totally forgot that one! No worries, I'm just turning this thing off before it hits the coast

Scientists have said it is currently impossible to control weather events like Hurricane Milton. first laughed out loud, said "oh you're serious?" and then let out a deep sigh while patiently explaining that "no - nobody can do that." They then picked up their scotch that was half-finished at 10AM and took a deep gulp.

But if you ask him about climate change, humans don't have the ability to change weather appreciable.

No recognition of how stupid he sounds.

Not at all. Other climate deniers, sure.

But if you ask Alex Jones about climate change, his usual line is that the earth actually needs more CO² because it makes plants grow good, and the globalists are tricking us into reducing emissions to destroy ourselves.

Where are these assholes getting all these ideas about "weather weapons?" Oh, wait...

Trump Kept Asking if China Was Shooting Us With a ‘Hurricane Gun’

Near the beginning of Donald Trump’s time in office, the then-president had a pressing question for his national-security aides and administration officials: Does China have the secret technology — a weapon, even — to create large, man-made hurricanes and then launch them at the United States? And if so, would this constitute an act of war by a foreign power, and could the U.S. retaliate militarily? Then-President Trump repeatedly asked about this, according to two former senior administration officials and a third person briefed on the matter.

“It was almost too stupid for words,” said a former Trump official intimately familiar with the then-sitting president’s inquiry. “I did not get the sense he was joking at all.”

Hypothetically, if China did have a hurricane gun, what benefit does it give them to constantly shoot it at the US? America is one of China's biggest trade partners. It is highly counterproductive for them to do it.

The minute his last microphone is auctioned off and he's looking through dumpsters for his next meal can't come soon enough.

If dems could control weather why wouldn’t they use it for the benefit of States they favored, like maybe ending the drought in California or putting out the wildfires there or in the PNW?

Big question: So when they're in control of the weather, why not send hurricanes to Ukraine/Russia instead. Or China? Or Iran? Or Irak? Or Gaza? Or ...

Cause the machine sits in Guantanamo Bay due to a deal Biden made with Fidel Castro's ghost.

Why not lock down the midwestern vote by ensuring perfect weather for all the farmers?

Ah yes, the tech the deep state so controls, but somehow Trump still let hurricanes hit and refused to use the same technology for whatever bullshit he would while he was president and had control of this supposed technology.

The password is “Barrack Obama was born in America.” Poor guy had a weather machine sitting right there and could never use it.

Alex Jones is AI generated, don't trust him.

Pass this message on in other places please.

Alex Jones "interviewed" ChatGPT on his show. Three separate times.

Just going to drop a plug for the extremely excellent Knowledge Fight podcast.

This statement is supported by just as much evidence as his other claims. Fair is fair!

That is not normal, he has to go straight to jail, to think for a while how being a retarded lying asshole is doing wrong for the society. How hard can it be to stop being one?

booooring... we have crazier people in congress now. who even needs this guy? you lost the sauce. boo. hiss. go away.

He doesn't seem to have learned much from his existing court cases.

he knows he can still say pretty much whatever he wants as long as it’s not materially damaging to anyone.

Boy this dude’s gonna be pissed when all his livestream equipment gets auctioned off in that firesale to pay his legal expenses.

Most likely his dad will buy it.

His dad’s a billionaire? I did not know that!

I recommend listening to Knowlege Fight. They critique Info Wars episodes.

“So they have the power certified easily with just five or six big aircraft,” he opined lied.

Doesn't he have some drinking and crying to do?

The drinking is real, the crying is performative.

I don't know how performative it is anymore now that all of his assets are being seized.

Idiots like this are not totally to blame

The government, the leadership, the establishment, the country, the people are all complicit for allowing someone like this to have such a prominent place in the national discourse.

Jones isn't the only idiot .... the entire country is for having a large percentage of the population who listen to him.

The fact that MTG can still be in government in any form kinda backs up the founders beliefs that the general population is just too stupid to handle directly electing their representatives lol

I really can't believe this is what they are rallying around. This is the thing they've all decided yep that's the hill we're dying on.

I spent some time on Threads. It’s shocking how many people (or trolls) are promoting the belief that all of these disasters are instigated and/or the impact deliberately worsened by Harris. Even though Biden is still president and Harris has no power over any of these issues.

For those who don't know, completely unfiltered Alex Jones fits almost seamlessly into the 40k universe and that's bonkers.


That was- I cannot convey just how insane that was using spoken language. I think I'd need to smash a watermelon, aim a sandblaster filled with crushed seashells and desiccated termites at it, start blasting and let my intuition do its thing until something resembling art was produced. Possibly while doing interpretive dance and making primal guttural grunting noises. That would get me pretty darn close to properly communicate my thoughts on what I saw. Thank you.

You need the energy equivalent of thousands of nuclear weapons to fuel even a mild hurricane. It would be pretty notable.

So say the "experts" and "scientists" /s

Well this is an unexpected turn to climate change denial.

I guess the “it’s real but it’s too late” is not as useful as “it’s real and ifs caused by [inset scapegoat]”

Really didn’t see this coming, which shows how satire can’t hold a candle to the stupidity of reality.

Yeah yeah go cry some more big stupid crocodile tears about it, ya whiny bitch.

The day this guy dies, I will throw a party. And I hate parties.

I heard Alex Jones got gonorrhea from giving a vocal member of the House of Representatives a blow job.

GOP Talking Head: The Democrats are pushing the point that we are allowing climate change to make storms worse and a large part of our base are getting affected by the storms. What do we do?

AJ: We blame them for the storms.

GTH: Nobody's going to believe that!

AJ: Have you met your base?

Stop giving this dumbass attention. "Idiot says stupid shit" isn't newsworthy in the slightest.

that is the entire premise of the republican party at the moment and like every article on 5 of the six major news companies

What a lame excuse for a person Alex Jones is. The US will be destroyed sooner rather because there's enough people here that believe things as stupid as this or stupider. This is just another lie to tell the public so the people actually responsible (oil company CEOs) can laugh all the way to the bank.

I thought Jones lost his show in the settlement?


and doesnt this run counter to their whole "climate cant be altered by man" climate denialism?

Maybe he finally learned the difference between weather and climate.

I’d rather have a comic book villain as president than a convicted felon, so okay!

Destro! The weather dominator was supposed to be completed months ago!?

It's heartbreaking that this completely utter rubbish exists at all and more still that it will be believed and there's nothing no one can do to convince the believers otherwise. 😖

For anyone confused where these ideas originated from, I found out some articles from NOAA stuff like these:

Can human intervention diminish the force of a hurricane? From the mid-1960s through the early 1980s NOAA actively pursued Project STORMFURY, a program of experimental hurricane modification


And I think in Wikipedia there were statement about using laser to warm the water a few degrees to pervent storms from forming..

I thought one of the main drivers of these storms WAS warm water? How would adding more energy into the system lessen the storm?

Thank you. This is the stuff we should all one made aware of. Some of the craziest conspiracies are founded in some truth. This is why I find it so concerning. It doesn't take much effort for some people to become believers in the theory that "climate change" is a hoax.

Because information travels at the speed of light and crazy headlines like this are attention grabbers, millions more people are exposed to mistruths. This is why we are where we are today. Misleading headlines. Social media. Engagement algorithms. It doesn't matter how smart you are or what your politics are. I see misleading headlines and stories written all day every day. Then people just go to the comment section to "inform" themselves without reading the article or the source material or the entire context of a video clip, etc.

Kind of makes sense. The Republicans are the idiots refusing to evacuate or eating disinformation so I imagine a lot of red states are going to be a little more blue by the end of this.

Do not give this idiot any more of a platform to shill himself out of bankruptcy

Even if Harris is a weather wielder, is she also stopping those states from accepting aid?

Shouldn’t anyone funding his lifestyle also be subject to lawsuits? This kind of lying can get people killed

I assert that Alex Jones is in direct control of Kamala Harris and is in fact directing her to make the hurricane hit Florida so that he has more to talk about in relation to her evil performance

/s just in case

"Are these 'weather weapons' in the room with you right now?"

Well, they are called unrestrained continuous pollution, or 'man made climate change' if you will.

I hope we can sue the shit out of him like when he denied Sandy Hook

How does this piece of human garbage still have a fucking show?!

guess it takes morethan stripping him of his assets to shut his lying mouth off

The Democrats control the weather and that's why they purposefully made it rain in Detroit in November of 2016 because they wanted turnout to be low and for Trump to be elected.

Therefore, Trump is a secret deep state agent.


People buy pills from this guy and put them IN THEIR BODY.

For anybody outside the US wondering how Trump has even the slightest chance to win the election, this is who we’re living with over here!

I kinda wish they go back to all those "divine punishment" thing, but ehh, druid works fine.

Ah, we've gone from appealing to conspiracy theorists to appealing to the legit mentally unwell.


Angel's don't play this HAARP is about to sell a million more copies.

At this point, right-wing lunatics are already so far removed from reality that it's safe to call them a sect.

But you also say manmade climate change is a myth.. So which is it?

you have to round up not only the people that peddle this shit but the people that are gullible enough to believe it and get them far away from the gears of society. i don't care how you do it, or where they end up, or how it gets done, but it's obvious that we cannot have a functioning society with these people in it.

What the fuck do we do with the weather control machine then? :o

You're telling me we spent $5.7 billion of traceable taxpayer money on a weather altering device just to not u-- I'm just fucking with ya 😂

you mean like the nuke that trump said he was going to use against a hurricane?