Neighbour deliberately blocking OP

Striker@lemmy.worldmod to Mildly – 867 points –

If it's a persistent problem, and a tow truck isn't an option...

Get a set of cheap car dollies, then you can move it out of the way. THEN you can place it perpendicular to the parking spots with the bumper at that support beam and he'll be stuck until the blue car leaves.

I'd put the truck between the pillar and the wall if short enough, so they couldn't get out without tow truck.

I think the better option is to start by moving it to the correct spot twice then the third time pull the evil. They're truly asking for it if they don't stop after the first or second time their truck isn't where they parked it

I had a neighbor who was terrible about staying in their lines. My dad taught me how to park real good though. So, anytime they made their depth perception my problem I’d take the extra five minutes just to make sure I was atomically close to their driver side door. One morning I was lucky enough to see them climb in through their passenger side and abuse their transmission to get out of our parking spot without hitting me. I was late to work that day but the satisfaction was worth the infraction.

sounds like a towin '

Where I live, they make you pay for the tow up front which sucks.

It does make sense to have the person who wants the tow to pay for it rather than the whole extortion racket it becomes when the owner of the car pays for it. Even when illegally parked, it should be a ticket from law enforcement rather than essentially grand theft auto unless you pay whatever amount they ask for or do a grand theft auto back to them.

Around here if it’s a parking lot, management has to call it in, simple as that. Management fines or gets their money from the renter. If it’s your vehicle, well you would have your insurance and parking spot title if you needed a service tow.

no shit the offender drives a pavement princess pickup truck

Considering I don't see a lift kit, expanded exhaust, and giant low-profile tires; this just looks like a regular pickup truck to me. The luster on the paint is even a little faded, so it's getting old. Driver is just an asshole here. Probably a shitty driver, since the rear bumper is hanging at an angle.

No you don't understand everyone who drives a pickup is bad no matter what fuckcars told me so

dude, a pickup truck is terrible no matter how you qualify it, they're needlessly huge and have barely any cargo space, they're just objectively bad in every single way.

there is no use case where a pickup truck is better than something like a kei truck, they even come in actually usefully lifted versions that would traverse offroad environments better since they're lighter.

Are you seriously saying a fucking kei truck is more useful than a pickup?

You've never done a day of blue collar work and it shows. That chintzy little JDM truck can't do half of what America's work force needs.

Yeah, that's an insane comment. I regularly tow an 8,500 lbs trailer with my pickup and regularly haul 2,000 lbs of pellets for our stove in it. Sometimes I tow the trailer with an additional 500 lbs of stuff in the bed of the pickup. I seriously doubt a kei truck - which aren't even available here in the US - could handle either of those tasks.

Yeah, the post reads like someone who's never done any manual labor in their life.

I'm their mind pickup trucks were being used to haul paper and poster board to their office job. Hahahahaha

And let's face it, there are quite a few pickups around that have never hauled anything. But to claim they can't haul anything is just bizarre.

Agreed. My argument is not that pickups are also owned and not used to their full potential.

My argument is that pickup trucks are the affordable workhorse of America. You can pickup a cheap second hand truck and beat the shit out of it while getting the job done.

Need to demolish a concrete structure at a customers house and dispose of it cheaply? Have you workers toss the rubble into the bed of your $5000 f150 to dispose of yourself. You wouldn't want to do the same into a vans cargo space with all your tools.

Most work trucks in America tow a trailer full of tools and other materials that can't get messed up, that's why it's really handy to have a bed attached to the truck for waste or extra tools.

I agree.

We have a 3/4 ton Ram 2500 with the diesel for the aforementioned towing and hauling, and there's no question it's a luxury vehicle. I recognize that. I also don't daily drive it - it's 9 years old and still has less than 60k miles on it and my plan is to keep it as close to forever as possible.

If we weren't towing the trailer and hauling those pellets with it, an old beater half ton would still be a pretty handy vehicle to have around. I occasionally need lumber for various projects around the house; I have to run things to the dump sometimes; I sometimes need to get propane (which shouldn't be carried in an enclosed vehicle for obvious reasons, though I did it many times before we had a pickup); sometimes I'm working on a car and need to carry a greasy or oily part; sometimes I move heavy arcade games; and so on.

Maybe a kei truck would work for those latter tasks, I don't know...since they aren't available here, the whole argument is kind of moot. If the manufacturers thought there was a reasonable market and profit for them, they'd be doing it. My understanding (which may be incorrect) is that the kei trucks do not meet US crash standards, and modifying them to meet that standard would kill the utility they have now.

Unless you're talking about towing other cars and carrying entire trees yea a kai probably wouldn't make the cut but for furniture transportation fire wood mail delivery and mulch transportation are all things that take way less horsepower than you think hell even with car towing I've done with a dinky little 4 wheeler from the 80s if a atv can do all the things I mentioned a kai can absolutely accomplish them and you don't take up soo much space when you take your haul through the city the reason everyone hates full size pickups is because soo many people just use them to get groceries and nothing more

It's good as a shop truck sure. But most American CARS have double the payload weight of a kei.

They have a place, but what I was responding to was nonsense. Pickup trucks are a necessity for tons of work. A lot of crews doing different work haul trailers full of their tools and material.

so what's so magical about the US that people need pickups there but not in the rest of the world? If you need to haul tools you have a van, which can carry a vastly larger volume without getting things wet.

I'm not going to sit here and argue workforce necessities with you.

Your statement was false, that's it. Pickup trucks are an immutable necessity for the vast majority of workers in America.

Cope harder.

there is no use case where a pickup truck is better than something like a kei truck

I like the mini-trucks like the Kei, they are practical and useful for light loads around town. What they don't do is heavy loads and / or long distances.

So here's a "use case" where my full sized American pickup truck is required. Several times in the last 6 months I've pulled a triple axle trailer weighing 12,000lbs (5,440 kilograms) a distance of 200 miles (320 kilometers) at an elevation of 6,000 feet (1,828 meters) ). Assuming the weight didn't collapse the rear axle or buckle the frame on a Kei then trying to actually pull the weight would certainly destroy the transmission and / or engine.

If you want to discuss "cargo space" then ALL pickups, including the Kei, suck. Holding cargo internally is what van bodies are for, not pickup bodies. This why city based tradesman the world over drive chassis with van bodies.

So called "Off Road" is a whole different can of worms, nearly no one really does it (even if they think they do) and I'd submit that NO mass produced pickup is truly suited for it as real Off Roading is done with vehicles specialized for the terrain they are working in.

Mini-trucks are great at what they're meant for but they aren't meant for everything.

If you live in a village and don't have to haul much weight or drive far, sure, kei trucks make sense. I definitely saw them around Germany and France. In the US, everything is spread out. Also, kei trucks aren't widely available in the US, and certainly not as much as Pickup trucks. Pickup trucks are also designed with use as a daily driver, since most people buying one will have that as their only vehicle. For someone with a great need of one, it's both a highway vehicle and an off-road capable vehicle with high ground clearance. It's a truck that will let you tow a trailer full of equipment one day and make that 50-mile commute to work the next.

Average Ram truck driver

One of the problems with revenge (deflating the tires, keying, etc.) is that there’s nothing stopping the neighbor from doing it right back the next day.

Yeah, if you want them to stop you've got to kill them

Ah, the Ender Wiggin solution.

Wiggin was a pawn tho. He had no idea he was killing anything, certainly not a species. If anyone deserves the named solution it's Graff. Rackham to a lesser extent.

This is borne out in speaker for the dead where ender devotes himself to finding a viable world for the new hive queen.

He also didn't know he was killing the kid at the beginning on the story either, but he definitely meant to make sure that he wouldn't be bullying anyone anymore.

I think it's more of a book reference to his fight with bonzo, who was bullying ender. Ender was a few years younger and knew he had to win the fight "permanently," so it's inferred that he knew what he was doing (not intending to kill him but that's obviously a possibility).

Iirc, the officials told ender that bonzo was sent home. In reality, he did actually kill bonzo and was lied to about it.

Fair but ender himself says he never meant to kill bonzo or the kid in his earth school.

That's fair, though he was trying to permanently end the bullying, which is what i think OP was referencing at least. Since, you know, that would end bullying permanently

His goal was to demonstrate that he was a crazy animal. That was the thing he was hoping would keep the bullying away: demonstrating a lack of constraint.

It wasn’t so much about disabling the other boy as about establishing an image as an unpredictable enemy.

His goal was to point out that it wasn't worth it to mess with him, he's going to fight back hard and take you out. It was about deterring him from wanting to ever pick on him. Right, his goal wasn't to permanently disfigure him, but to establish a permanent idea that it isn't worth it to pick on him

This does work 100% btw. Can have minor side effects tho.

You just do it like 3 weeks later. They'll have no idea.

Makes me wish that OP had an absolutely beat to shit 1986 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme. Then you can just play bumper cars with idiots like that.

Both of those links are crazy in very different ways.


Dollies, right?

The autocorrect fight is real. Many of my comments have something like it because I type the word I want and sometimes autocorrect changes it the moment I hit "space".

My auto correct refuses to accept that “carries” is a word and tries to change it to the possessive of the woman’s name.

I don’t know a woman by this name, do not have one in my contacts, etc. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Barring getting the truck towed this is probably the best "illegal" response. It's proportional, inconveniences them in kind, and doesn't involve property damage.

Aye. Too many of the suggested responses either a.) are wildly out of what another person would consider reasonable, increasing your chances of losing if it goes to a court or being assaulted by said asshole, and b.) don't have any connection to the actual offense, and the asshole would never know why, without a doubt, that the action was taken.

Flour at the bottom of the windshield where that AC air intake is. It'll blow flour all through the car and they'll never get it out.

Would glitter work?

What air filter lets flour through?

Can of spray cooking oil. Light spray on the windscreen, they hit the wipers and it turns into a cloudy oily mess.

Edit: Its dangerous and stupid, dont do it. I have however had it done to me, its every bit as annoying as it sounds.

Messing with visibility could endanger other people around the car. Best stick with flour in the cabin air intake.

The car is parked tho, you could spray the oil around the glass a bit, so they use the wiper first thing

now if they start driving with the windscreen in that state it's gonna be their fault

it's gonna be their fault

Little comfort to the kid they run over. We've already established they aren't too bright. They absolutely will try to drive it.

7 more...

A tire valve stem removal tool is a few dollars.

A knife is way better and u probably already have one

Knife is not way better, it's actually a pretty dangerous way to deflate a tire.

Four nice sturdy nails placed strategically, pointy end up, immediately behind each tyre. Be content to know that justice will come when the time is right.

Make sure to put them on the corner of the tire, then it won't be repairable and they it will need a new tire.

Strike-anywhere match heads are ~⅛" wider than the space between the pin and collar of said valves, and are far cheaper. The slow leak is nearly imperceptible — until all wheels are flat simultaneously. 🫠

1 bottle fish sauce

Pour over lower windshield.

Repeat as necessary

What's that do? Won't it just get washed away with wiper blades, or rain?

It'll get sucked into the cabin intake, saturate the cabin filter and forevermore the car will stink like old fish sauce

Most air intake for the heat and air comes into the cabin from the vents below the windshield.

Better yet. Build a contraption that sprays fish sauce into the windshield of the car next to yours.

Then, through no fault of your own, their vehicle was sprayed by your defective vehicle's fluids.

I love reminding Dodge drivers that the Chinese CCP owns it and RAM name. Not because that is bad or anything it's just that most RAM drivers are also racists so that helps rile em up.

Actually, things have changed a bit.

Stellantis is the company that came about from the merger of the Italian–American conglomerate Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) and the French PSA Group.

After the merger, the main owners were

  • Agnelli family (Exor): 14.40%
  • Peugeot family (Etablissements Peugeot Frères, EPF): 7.19%
  • Bpifrance: 6.18%
  • Dongfeng Motor Corporation: 4.5%

So, it would seem it's not correct to say that Dodge or RAM is owned by the CCP. It's more Italian and French than it is Chinese...

I've been told many times that China controls Reddit and that's a 5% stake, so ...

I'm a RAM driver who's considered attaching Federation of Planets flags to my flatbed in order to make fun of trucks with American flags on them.

Better than the "Let's go Brandon" banners I see on most of the pickups around here.

I actually saw a lifted pickup this week, plastered with a half dozen "student driver" stickers, a let's go Brandon sticker covering his entire rear window, and a giant AR-15 sticker on the side.

Driver looked like he was 15 years old too!

Brand new Raptor, no plates

Throw nails in the parking spot. Then tell neighbor about someone putting nails. Gain neighbors trust and ask politely to move the truck.

OR, and hear me out, throw nails in neighbor's face. Offer to drive neighbor to the ED, then say, "Aw, I can't. I'm blocked in." Edit: Forgot /s.

You just do nails in my face!

No I didn't that was someone else, I'm a different person

Sounds like you need a referral for a towing company

Many won't tow out of garages like this because there isn't enough vertical height.

How do we know it isn't OP deliberately blocking neighbor?

Have them towed. The several hundred dollar fee to get their truck out of the impound might impart a lesson.

Garages aren't always large enough to allow tow truck access.

There was that one issue where a Tesla broke down in a garage and the owner incurred thousands of dollars in fines but nobody could remove the car because the ceiling and ramps were too small.

Everybody here with slashing tires and me just thinking water in the tank sounds nice. But I just recommend putting water in the tank and maybe some salt and a dash of fresh piss. The truck will run but eventually it's gonna die and will smell like piss for a bit. If it doesn't die, the salt and water mixture will start to corrode the interior of the gas tank.

Better is to piss on the windshield, goes into the AC intake and the whole interior smells of piss until you strip the whole thing out and wash/replace it. Bonus points if you're super dehydrated.

But I don't need to piss right now, can't I just put this expired shellfish in the blender and pour it in the vents?

Are you stupid? "My day was inconvenienced, better destroy a vehicle in a place there's almost certainly security cams"

So, legal question. In this situation, obviously you document it like this, but then would you be in the clear to push it out of the way somehow in a typical jurisdiction? Usually the law allows you certain extra rights when your stuff or person is trapped by someone else's usual legal rights. For example, if your property is surrounded by that of another person they can't stop you from passing through.

I reckon in an emergency you could make a case, otherwise call property mgt and get it towed.

My guess based on nothing is that these guys know each other, might be roommates

Omg they were roommates?

Ok hear me out, if this is an apartment parking garage, then spots assigned to the same address would be more likely to be next to each other, plus there's so much risk of someone fucking up your car if you pull this shit, my guess is they know each other and one person is fucking with the other.

That's my theory.

You could be right, the truck driver could also be an asshole lol.

I was assuming it's an actual neighbor, who has some kind of beef with OP.

Reminds me of this glorious way of dealing with a similar problem

Where do I get one of those saws to keep in my trunk?

This will work great, especially if you hit the gas tank or lines.

The car is over the line. Contact your condo board with a picture. If this is a one time thing, he may have been drunk on too many beers.

Oh well it's alright then as long as he was drunk driving. I would hate to think that he was sober when he did it that would be terrible.

Of courses, because it demonstrates intent. I didn't say it was alright.

Use an hydraulic jack (every car should have one in the trunk) to lift the rear axle of the truck as high as you can, then push it, now you can proceed to get out of the parking spot

What kind of cars do you buy that every one comes with a hydraulic jack?

I'm not saying they come with the car, I'm saying that every car should have one. If you have a car and you don't own an hydraulic jack (or a device to lift your car to change a tire) then go and buy one.

Which developing countries specifically does this recommendation apply to?

TBF, it's still going to cost less than the car did. I don't know, maybe it's cheaper to write the day off and get a someone else to do it for a fee in your specific situation, though.

TBF = To Be Frank or To Be Fair???? BIG GRUMPY!

Fair is what I meant. Good to know there's ambiguity for the future.

Good to know there’s ambiguity for the future.

Could you be more specific?

I have yet to own a car that didn't come with a tire jack. Pretty sure they are built with every car.

They're not not hydrolic though, usually they use a sort of screw mechanism

All right, a car jack, every car should have a device to lift it.

2 floor jacks with wheels and you can put that truck wherever you want. Even better spend about $150 at Harbor Freight for 2 sets of wheel dollies and you can roll it right out to the street. That's extra fun if it's an above ground garage with a curved ramp.

While you're at it, might as well swivel his truck's rear end behind the column so he can't get out.

Move it in front of the accessible parking space and contact parking enforcement. Then watch him get a $500 ticket

one with wheels on it, right? Maybe important to note

No I think the idea is to lift it up real high and then just knock it over. It'll move the car damage it too sure but who gives a shit

Looks like someone's tires need to get slashed

Just call a tow truck. No need to resort to revenge. Them having to retrieve the truck and pay the fees should be enough of a deterrent without giving them reasons to call the police.

They'd have to prove you did it in the first place. Sure, you may have the motive, but "innocent until proven guilty". But yeah, the other owner could be a vindictive asshole and it would just start a war.

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20 more...

"Time to do some sketchy shit, do da, do da, hope I get away with it, all the do da day"

Is there any backstory? For all we know the car owner just did something horrible and the truck owner has blocked their escape until the authorities arrive.

Yes. This was originally posted on Reddit and has since been resolved a while ago.

Painfully ghet out from the side and park horizontally behind him ...

Time to get a couple friends and some jack dolleys. Jack the truck up, and move it somewhere else, preferably in an equally awkward position.

Isn't that just your average nose-first-parking-enjoyer?

OP is too. No wonder they cannot get out.
Have a nice and obsruction-free way out of your parking spot fellow back-first-parking-chad

my mechanic friend is telling me that if you want to fuck that truck to death right where it sits, like, absolutely total it and destroy its internals completely, all you have to do is shove a potato in its tailpipe. like, really deep in so you can't see it from the outside. it will burst all its valves and destroy the engine :D

of course you have to have a big enough potato that cramming it into the pipe will form a seal by shearing the sides flush to the interior of said pipe, and to create enough friction that the pressures produced by the engine will be unable to push it clear (or shoot it out like a pneumatic cannon).

I have a very hard time believing that an internal combustion engine would sustain significant damage prior to stalling. An engine could run, albeit very poorly, with extreme backpressure (say, an exhaust blockage but perhaps some leaks elsewhere in the exhaust system). If the exhaust was perfectly sealed, there would be so much backpressure that the mixture would be starved of air and there would simply not be any explosion in the cylinders. I have limited knowledge of diesel engines but would expect a similar result.

Here's a video where an exhaust pipe is plugged. You can see how quickly the car stalls (at 10:00):

Your friend is a poor mechanic and I'd be wary of any advice they give you.