What is your current wallpaper? Where did you find it?

Servais@dormi.zone to [Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual Conversation@lemmy.world – 529 points –

Just found the one linked, I like it but I can't find the high resolution version, so I was curious to see where people get theirs.


This one. I think I found it on a wallpaper subreddit, back at the time, before the fire nation attacked.

Thanks for this! This is how I'm going to refer to the reddit incident from now on!

This is my phone one. I'm pretty sure I got it from the Amoled wallpapers subreddit a few years back.

My laptop wallpaper is a picture my wife took of me walking in the park holding hands with one of my kids. It's taken from behind and it looks like I'm guiding her on a journey, which of course I am. :)

I wasn't going to post it but there's nothing overly dox-y in it so here is a heavily scaled down version:

Really awesome view in that park!

Yeah, it's a beautiful place. The sea is off to the right and out of frame, I'd say a bit less than 2KM away and there's a great view of it from where I'm standing in that pic which is high above it. It's one of my favourite places in the world.

edit: I'm going to try to dig out a pic of the view I'm describing there.....

As promised. This is from a different part of the same park. Much closer to the sea but you get the gist. It's a beautiful place.

Close up of a painting

This is an extreme close up of a painting I liked in the National Portrait Gallery in DC.

I have a steam summer sale 2021 picture right now, i think it looks nice. I sort of forgot it was from a game a while.

I donā€™t think this needs any clarification.

Alright, I'll bite... "Feed the fish and chips", British rock band?

I keep aquariums and have shrimp in with my fish. I named all the shrimp ā€˜chipsā€™ so I could make this joke and get this reminder every other day.

šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø

That reminds me of a Miyazaki movie. Is there a name for the style?


"Rural landscape cell shaded"


So, it's my turn to be that person. It's not "cell" shading but cel shading.


Do you happen to know why? I assumed they were identified 'cells' that had a flat color inside.

ā€œCelā€ stands for celluloid, which was used and painted on for classic animation (which popularized the simple flat color painting style that you see imitated in modern cel-shading).

Picture from a ski holiday in the Dolomites in Italy. The weather made for bad skiing but great photos. They built a restaurant on that view a few years back unfortunately.

It is a shot from one of my favourite anime. Plus, I love how the cherry blossoms look even in black and white.

Found it on Lemmy, I think, actually.

Was into Dogecoin for the meme in high school, haven't touched crypto in years but now I've become too attached to my background to change it.

I generated it using Midjourney. I like the flowers :)

Oh and the wallpaper on my work laptop:

Mine's a phone. Because it's a phone. Had it so long I don't remember where it came from.

I can't remember where I found this one, I've had it for a while, probably by searching "Oled phone wallpaper".

Thats a neat wallpaper. What launcher are you running on your phone ?

Those icons are also gorgeous. Is it a one ui based icon pack ?

I'm running Action Launcher mainly for the alphabetized app drawer that pulls out from the left side of the screen and the "Covers" feature.

Clicking on Instagram opens up Instagram. Swiping up on it reveals the folder with all my social apps hidden inside. Nearly every icon is a cover.

Keeps all my apps really quick to access without cluttering up my screen. I only have the one home screen, no need for other pages with this feature and and frequently used app drawer that pops in from the right.

I'm using an icon pack called "Viral".

Thanks for the details. Surprisingly I have a similar setup using Nova Launcher but I'm using gestures on the homescreen in general rather than individual app icons.

I think your approach is more intuitive. I need to fiddle with my launcher settings or maybe consider using action launcher to incorporate that into my setup.

My setup

  • Icons: Your Circle Icon pack. Each icon my homescreen is a folder disguised as an app.

  • Search dock has been configured to use ChatGPT's voice feature as it sounds much more natural than Google Assistant or Bixby.

I kind of wanted my homescreen to have that Material Gruvbox look but the icons are a tad bit brighter which breaks the design language.

My PC desktop is a slideshow of some of my own wildlife photos. My favorite one features this fuzzy friend:

Closeup picture of one of our hens. They have such cool patterns and colors.

That is really cool! I love nearly abstract photos of real life things.

https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/71e493a4-b4cc-4300-b2f7-c287a0e5ac06.jpeg No clue where it came from. Iā€™ve been using this for about four years now.

Mine is a shot of our yard in the dark

I had to tilt my phone screen to see that this is indeed not just a black rectangle. It's cool!

Lock screen

Home screen (i applied a black tint since i had trouble reading white text against it)

I got them from lurking r/wallpaper though I wish i knew more of their original sources

A picture I took from the heights of Pretty River Valley Provincial Park, Ontario, on a rainy Friday afternoon last August, as the clouds rolled across the sky and into the forest

It's a photo i took of one of those big ass beams where boats "park" on a foggy but very blue early morning, during a time in my life i was leaving at night on little "suicide walks" with my camera.

It's not a very great or visual photograph, i put a teal filter over it as it's my wife's favorite color and photography sort of saved me while my wife saved me the first time i got lost in this suicidal rut.

Covid really screwed us over (it wasn't just covid, right before we tried to buy a house after years of saving with the help of friends we trusted but shouldn't have), no income, no house, no safety net...just a backpack and a fresh start during the worst possible time ever.

I got so lost in having no faith left that the job interview i did manage to land, i needed someone to pick me up halfway and take me there...i just collapsed and believed i wouldn't get out of this hole. I never got that job but being at the bottom of the pit only leaves you with one direction to go: up.

And up we went...eventually, very slowly.

I'm not sharing the image as it's mine and mine alone, it's my pain, my struggle, my lesson and my strength.

I might actually have it printed and on my wall someday.

It's a photo I took while out on a walk. A hoverfly on a sunflower.

I try to post interesting shots to mastodon and c/pics and help grow Lemmy and the fediverse.

My lockscreen is a photo I snapped at Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts a few years ago. On the one hand it represents a very personal memory. On the other I just find it aesthetically pleasing, so maybe someone else might as well? Thanks for posting your favorites, by the way! Walden

edit: this version isn't cropped right, sorry, but if you take the middle part it should fit nicely on a phone.

My current and previous wallpapers on my 21:9 screen were generated by Midjourney:

Current: "looking up at the surface of the shallow sea in the style of van gogh, light blue and sunlight --ar 7:3 --v 6.0"

Previous: "a deserted island, white sand, palm trees, clear ocean, sun, creepy, spooky, horror, single small white skull in the sand. slr photography --ar 16:10"

Thanks for sharing, I really like the first one

I've been using a bunch of abstract backgrounds I generated using Midjourney a while ago. This is my current use one.

Been driving this one for a while. (iirc found it on Reddit)

As for PC - black screen

I know that one. It's the nearest pulsars to earth.

Wait how is this a pulsar?

It's a map.

Does anyone know how to read this map?

I assume the center where all lines intersect is the earth, the dot-dash patterns are each pulsars particular signature patterns, and the length of the lines is the relative distance from earth perhaps in Astronomical Units

Had to look up exactly what a pulsar is and the concept of them being like interstellar lighthouses is absolutely fascinating.

Tapet _ Epazote _ 806189 _ LO2Qtl5O8cYv7qiA_1708639799615 Tapet _ Epazote _ 806189 _ xzONbfvNy3zSqkJa_1708639811214

Procedurally generated by an app called Tapet.

I use the blue one for my wallpaper, and the red one for my lock screen.

I also currently have one generated by Tapet as my wallpaper. On a tangent, the app seems to have undergone a rehaul in terms of UI, atleast on Android.

It seems to randomly stop changing wallpapers every whatever interval you have set. Love the app though once you curate out the dumb tribal tattoos and other junky ones.

Yes, there are many presets in the app whose wallpapers I don't care for either. One issue with the app failing to randomly change wallpapers could be the OS throttling the app in the background. If the app is killed for Battery saving reasons, I doubt it can do it's job.

Forehead-slapping moment: After broswing this thread and trying to figure out the weird aspect ratios, I realised that you guys are using custom wallpapers on your mobile phones.

Pure black because it saves battery and lifespan with an OLED screen.

I've been using this for years> .

It's part of my phone's overall aesthetic of lock screen, home screen and keyboard.

As for where I found it, I believe somewhere on Reddit 5 or so years ago that I changed to my phone screen resolution. I also made a version with animated twinkling stars and moving waves but ithe waves were less pretty so I dropped it eventually.

The only silly thing is that all my friends and my partner all have eachother as our lock screens in a cute way, but I am too committed to my lock screen to change.

My solution is a bit eccentric: I wrote a webserver I call Wallpaper Garden that let's you define crops of tour collection at different aspect ratios and then serves them via a random endpoint or RSS feed. Then I consume the random endpoint from a Tasker script on my phone and watch and the RSS feeds from John's Background Switcher on my PC.

My collection is made up mostly of game press kit images (Destiny, Blizzard, Skyrim, Nintendo, etc.) but also some default OS stuff, random high-res images from Reddit, astronomy photos/collages by A. James McCarthy, and some other random stuff

Current set:

My solution is a bit eccentric

First you had my curiosity....

I wrote a webserver I call Wallpaper Garden

But now you have my attention

I want to do a rewrite, it's got some silly issues RN:

  • Crops are stored in individual CSVs per image and ratio instead of a proper database and when you restart the server it has to reload all of them
  • The only UI is the gallery and the image cropping screen
  • To get to the gallery you have to type your screen resolution into the URL bar
  • Thumbnails aren't cached so they load into the gallery very slowly
  • I send 1:1 wallpapers to both my tablet and watch but when some particular art of Sylvanas that looks great on my watch gets send to my tablet while it's in landscape it's just her torso

Regardless of all that I think its still pretty nifty and I'd be willing to help set it up or you follow me on Mastodon I'll post there when I have news: @aido@social.undarkpixel.com

(I lost my hobby coding spark for a while but it seems to be coming back, though right now that's in the form of an Anki plugin that generates a flashcard deck by extracting data from the vocab app for a Japanese textbook called Genki)

You're very kind but I more thought it was cool than actually have the time to implement. My own wallpaper has sentiment attached to it too so I wouldn't want to change it. Congrats though - it really does sound very cool.

I lost my hobby coding spark for a while

Ah that happens. Life gets busy sometimes and down time becomes a priority. Glad it's coming back for you. :)

I think this was from the pixel art sub. I've been using it for a few years, with I could find some similar ones.

Home screen:

Lock screen:

I just searched "space phone wallpaper" and picked those.

I'm using the KDE "Mountain" wallpaper on my desktop, which seems to be based on an image of the Annapurna massif in Nepal by Daniel Leone on Unsplash

My phone wallpaper is this mountain one from Alex Rainer on Unsplash (I like dark wallpapers like this for OLED screens):

Unsplash and pixabay can be good for finding high-res images to use as wallpapers
Sidenote: if anyone wants I can share the high res KDE wallpaper image, it disappeared from my system when I tried out a plasma 6 RC and I had to extract it from a different system to get it back

I recognized the KDE background instantly. Iconic like the Windows hill.

Found on r/space ages ago. Plane flying through someone shot of a ring nebula.

Bioshock inifnite, one of my favorite games. Canā€™t remember what I even had on my phone before this

Found it on tumblr, actually. Back when Android first introduced adaptive colours all through the OS, I was looking for something that gave me nice ones, and this one stuck.

For my PC and laptop I use this one. It's big and square, so it works pretty well for all my screens.

It's apparently a composite of lots of shots of the moon. Found it when the person who created it posted it on reddit.

Oh, I didn't know Vivaldi had a mobile version!

It has, and it even syncs your history, end to end encrypted! I like Firefox and use it as a secondary on all my devices, but I just love Vivaldi.

Someone took and uploaded this photo to an analog photography subreddit ages ago, itā€™s been my background for 4 or 5 phones now. I just love the image, Iā€™m not entirely sure why.

I use a live wallpaper. Day and night. Shows an ever moving pastoral scene. It changes depending on the time of day and the weather

Is it on the Play Store? Would you happen to have a link for it?

Created a program to generate mandelbrot fractals long before I had a smartphone. I've regenerated this one in different resolutions for each phone I've had.

This one I use on my pc, it's from Fallout New Vegas.

I use this one on my phone, it's a mix up of adventure time and bloodborne. I found them both on reddit some time ago, but don't know the exact subreddits.

šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ I'm definitely using the mobile one next!!!

Most of my desktop wallpapers come from r/earthporn on Reddit, on mobile I like to use stuff I found on r/art. Here's a few that I'm using right now.

But I have a rather large collection of wallpapers sourced from all over the place like Reddit, various artboards, different operating systems, archived websites etc..

I tend to use screenshots from games that I'm playing, especially pretty games like Jedi: Survivor or Cyberpunk. Currently I have this Cyberpunk screenshot:

Mine is a scrolling city gif,I got it from reddit and I use gif live wallpaper from fdroid to use it

Using a gif wallpaper app I found to use apply this as the background. Definitely not the best for battery but I like it!

Recorded from this p5js art I made

My Pixel phone comes with a feature called Emoji Workshop, allowing me to make custom emoji wallpapers.

This one is my lockscreen:

Mammon reading the business section, a comic cover from Black Monday Murders. Because I work in accounting and just love this image and the whole idea. I do own these in print. Just image searched on Google.

My lock/home screen combo is very calming. Makes me happy.

I really like your home screen wallpaper. Do you have it's original source/ high resolution variant? Also, hello firefox user.

I don't. I just found it on a community for wallpapers linked in the comments here somewhere.

On my PC, three screenshots from Disco Elysium: the Martinaise, the church with Dolores Dei's painting, and the main menu's background

My phone is currently solid black.

Home (just a default wallpaper):

Lock (found here):

For desktop I have 20+ wallpapers but this is one my favorites (don't remember where I found it):

I have auto dark mode on, and use Dual wallpaper. Dont know where i found these.

On light mode, even though it is cut off:

Dark mode:

Thanks, now my phone has been infected by the Scarlet rot. Now I need to rest my phone on a site of grace to clear the status effect.

From an app called Retrowave Wallpapers. It is constantly moving towards the horizon too. I like it.

Phone wallpaper is a picture of my wife. Desktop wallpaper is a picture of us sailing our boat.

Torment: tides of numenera art showing the changing god looking out at the planet from his satellite base before the game story starts. It looks almost like it parallaxes as you slide left/right

Mine rotate through photos I've taken (using Peristyle). I used to have a Tasker profile that rotated through Google Earth View images, but Google unsurprisingly shut down the site. My images are all landscape and I was concerned they wouldn't look great on the vertical screen of my phone, but almost all of them look fantastic.

Is there anywhere we can see more of your work?

Some default BS that came with my phone until this thread. Thank you!

I think I might have gotten this one from somewhere on the site that shall not be named, but its been so long I really don't even know.

"Don't Panic" in large, friendly letters. On my main phone, anyway. Others differ.

I have a koenigsegg jesko wallpaper from koenigsegg official instagram

My lock screen image is cropped from a collection of James Webb Space Telescope pictures of the month. I love the surreal orange-y photonegative effect, the hexagonal focus lines, and the black circles where the stars overloaded the sensors. If youā€™re looking for backgrounds, that currently my main resource for beautiful and mind-bending images.

One that particularly stands out in my mind is the image they released highlighting one single galaxy cluster that appears in 3 different spots, because its light got deflected by a couple of massive gravitational sources along the way - the 3 different spots vary by about 1000 years in the time elapsed since emission, itā€™s wild

I've had wallpapers of the latest McLaren F1 cars for the last few years. In my case this is from the official McLaren website but sometimes the official ones are a bit pants.

Such a good team to root for, been on the cusp of being a top field team and they're posed for a great season this year.

You can look for a collection of macOS and iOS wallpapers somewhere on Google Photos (ugh, I wish it was hosted somewhere else), since on my desktop, I use the default wallpaper from macOS Big Sur (the abstract one, not the landscape one), and on my phone, it's the default iOS 13 thing (blue), both dark mode.

Yeah I may hate Apple but I love their wallpapers.

I don't remember where I found it though x3, probably Reddit. If I remember right it's a screenshot from a game I've never played lol, but I liked the colors and I like space and I like the sort of surreal spaceman aesthetics

For my phone I use an app called Tapet which generates wallpapers on device from patterns and colour combinations. On my PC I use the Bing wallpaper app.

Current background on my phone, used to save OLED backgrounds from the reddit sub back in the day, and now I have like a hundred on my phone. Switch about once per year.

Can anyone on Lemmy please recommend good ways to find matching wallpapers for dual monitors where one is portrait and the other landscape? My monitors are 1440x2560p and 2560x1440p.

I would use Photoshop or Gimp to make the custom resolution and position and then stretch the highest resolution wallpaper over it. You can always go with two portals if matching doesn't work.

I always use astrophotography photos that were posted by regular users on sites like lemmy or reddit. Currently my phone's is this one. And the one on my laptop is this one.

The animated live wallpaper version of this:

It's preinstalled on Pixels but you can sideload it on non-Pixels

I got an SFW image I like from a certain NSFW site for my current phone background. Can't upload it directly here because I get an error. No idea whether it's lemm.ee or Voyager causing the problem. I also don't wanna link the image from the site because I don't know the rules on linking to those sites here, even if it's an SFW image.

And for my laptop I took a screenshot from this video. I wanted to just use the thumbnail, but I couldn't get more than something like maybe 480 size or some other small size that wouldn't have looked as good as 720 size. I currently use it, and 3 other versions of the screenshot where I just did quick hue/colour changes in krita.

I've had this one since December 2020, I saw it on the Genshin Impact subreddit a few months after release :)

(Also, can anyone tell me how to have images in comments without the URL there, just the image being fully loaded right away?)

Should work if you format it like this:


See here for other formatting stuff: https://join-lemmy.org/docs/users/02-media.html

It worked, thank you!! :)

You're welcome!

Also, if you don't forget like I usually do, you can put alt text that describes the images in the square brackets. That'll help people who rely on screen readers use the site.

I don't like having detail in my phone bg, and ocean picks are always just the right level of uniform color.

I donā€™t know how to access my wallpapers as standalone files so here they are as screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5HlHDXn

Theyā€™re both over a decade old.

The lock screen is a photo I took of an abstract painting at an art exhibit in Boston, at that museum thatā€™s over by the coast in Medford.

The home screen background is a pair of bricks that I noticed one day, that have perfectly symmetrical texturing, meaning they must have been forged together then stayed together all the way up until they were installed.

The bricks are in a sidewalk (or were around 2010) in Cambridge somewhere near Kendall Square. Those are my feet at the bottom.

Phone background: solid black

Phone lock screen: a picture I took of turtles sun bathing on some rocks at a lake in a nearby park

Desktop/laptop: solid dark blue.

I adore Nier, and i love Cyberpunk in general since playing Shadowrun back in the 90s. Wallpaper Engine Scene, found here, original art (NSFW because Android Butt) from NIXEU:

I have over 300 wallpapers in my folder on the computer. I have told windows to change them every 10 minutes I recall. They are about games, friends, all sorts of characters, movies and horror at least.

My laptop has the default wallpaper - it has had it since from the beginning. My phone...I don't remember where I got it.

Commenting so I can find this later, I would love a print off this.

I googled "backdrops", then saw something interesting and refined that to "4k backdrops". Then I just picked out some images I liked - Mandelbrots, scenery, some fantasy etc. I might have switched to Images view at some point but it was a while ago now and I can't remember exactly.

I don't have custom wallpapers on my computers for some reason.

Whatever came with the device I happen to be on. Staring at wallpaper is for teenagers when their dad walks in.