What's a candy that's practically crack for you?

weirdbeardgame@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 86 points –

I will happily eat whoppers until my mouth feels weird

I really like them. My coworkers and family hate them, and mock me for liking them. But I get all of the unwanted Whoppers at Halloween, so it's worth their contempt.

Since I only know of the Burger King Whopper, I'm really confused right now.

They are a candy, malt balls covered in milk chocolate. Malt is one of those divisive flavors. The name is confusing!

Ever bit into a stale one that's turned chewy? Happened to me once and the thought of eating another Whopper makes me gag

Why would you remind me of this traumatic experience???

Do yourself a favor and try Malteasers. You can often get them at World Market or the 'international' aisle at your grocery store.

Peanut M&Ms. I cannot be expected eat them responsibly.

This is it for me. I don't even like most candy after the first one or two. I'll have something and think 'oh that's good' but then not go back for more, but with peanut m&ms I can and will keep going until they're gone.

The only way to regulate my intake is not to buy them.

I've yet to discover the amount needed for me not be able to eat them all in one standing.

Hi-Chew are fucking made with dopamine I swear.

Those Fast Break candy bars, idk why. Used to be Reese's Cups but became meh for whatever reason.

Hershey's chocolates, including Reese's, have gotten noticeably worse over th last 10 years. Peanut butter cups have gotten waxy and less flavorful.

I feel like Reese's has an issue with their peanut butter. it tastes so sweet I can barely tell it's peanuts

I had a gourmet peanut butter cup from a boutique chocolatier, and it was like a flashback to my childhood, eating Reese's on Halloween. It's entirely my subjective experience, but it convinced me that they changed the recipe at some point in the last 25 years or so.

I'm with you. I think it was cheaper and more addictive to use more sugar, so they did that, if not other changes to the recipe

I'm partial to the nutrageous bars and the pretzel big cups, but yeah regular Reese's cups just aren't as good anymore. I think the base ones are just too oily anymore...

The Niagra brand peanut butter cups are my crack. Probably the most expensive ones in the supermarket, but I shouldn’t be eating too many anyway

I'll be on the lookout for them, usually American chocolate has a reputation for being gross so I avoid it.

Yeah most standard American chocolate is waxy and tasteless

Was going to post this. I love Fastbreak! Agree that Reese's cups pale by comparison.

Starburst Jelly beans. Can literally eat that shit by the bagful I swear.

I didn’t even know these were a thing. Now I’m trying to decide if I should avoid them to avoid getting addicted, or if I should go buy a bag!

....black licorice

Sue me

Albanese gummy bears. If you bring Haribo to a party I'm going to punch you in the stomach.

“ I’m not going over there. Last time I brought gummy bears and he punched me in the stomach.”

Delete this. Albanese are too soft. Haribo perfected the chewiness.

This is funny to me. I just got told by my co-worker that Albanese is the best gummy candy and way better than everything else. I mentioned Haribo and he was not impressed. I tried the Albanese sour gummy worms and I have to admit were really good.

Hmmm maybe Girl Scout Thin Mints

I'm usually more of a savory guy. I'll fucking eat all the sharp cheddar cheese and salty crackers

Red vines, once I open a bag it's game over, it will 100% be gone that day. The size of the bag does not matter. The only ones that last longer are the multi-pound tubs.

I'm a Twizzlers guy myself. No one in my family gets it.

I rotate back and forth. Sometimes I'm all about Red Vines then a few months later it will be Twizzlers. Right now, I'm on a Twizzlers kick. But who knows next week I could find myself craving Red Vines again. And I have no idea why.

Give me a pack of Red Vines and a large popcorn with a blueberry ICEE please.

I like to use Red Vines as edible straws for mountain dew. The flavors just mesh so well

Proper scandinavian salt licorice. Salmiakki ❤️

Oh man, thanks for reminding me of an addiction I had a few years ago. Time to hit up amazon.

Edit: I did it, 4 diffent types on their way lol.

Literally anything from Aldi. Every single sweet they sell there is amazing, stupidly cheap, bafflingly well made.

Outside of that, Easter egg reese's pieces eggs. They have a way better ratio of peanut butter to candy shell than the little bits.

OMG, this. My SO was all about Reese's peanut butter eggs this Easter, but the far superior Aldi chocolate peanut butter bunny bite was my Easter vice.

Smarties, which I'm aware are pure sugar


Which Smarties?

there is only 1 correct answer...

Edit: Ah wait..."pure sugar" gives it away. Apologies but that was not the correct answer 🙃

Take 5. It is a gridded pretzel with peanut butter, caramel, whole peanuts, and chocolate. If you love salty sweet and you like texture this candy is everything.

that was gonna be my answer. if they ever come out with a bagged unwrapped mini bites version it's fuckin over for me

Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs - specifically the ones for Easter. Those things are insanely easy for me to eat 2000 calories of.

Oh man I’m a sucker for anything Reese. I always swear when I see it on sale because of course I’m getting some.

I bought 2 of the large bags from Costco this season.

Not my wisest move as far as long term health is concerned but definitely a delicious move.

You're reminding me of when I was in my teens and discovered 1kg M&Ms bags on Amazon...I bought 3. I wonder how many years off my life that accounts for...

Several delicious years to be sure

  • weeks 🫣

Several delicious years off your life, even if you spent them in weeks ;)

Oh man I was suckered in to a box of Reese granola bars about a year ago - like 20 for $5 or something thinking they would last a while… two days later… 🤦🏻‍♂️

I seriously can’t keep it in the house.

Costco used to (still does?) sell these tubs of chocolate covered caramel macadamia nut clusters. Literally food of the diabetic gods. I had to stop buying them because they were expensive AF and disappeared way too quickly.

Now n' Laters. They're actually all nows and none laters, I can down 4 boxes easy in one sitting.

They're also deliciously flavored double sided duct tape interms of how sticky that candy is (Not in reference to its flavor) ... But fuck my fillings and teeth imma eat like 10 xD

Those delicious banana ones have pulled a spacer off my tooth when I was in 5th grade. As an adult, they pulled off a crown.

Not quite candy but I think it's close enough to count here: Co-op's own brand salt & vinegar kettle crisps. They're so vinegary it hurts. It's wonderful.

Oh man I love salt and vinegar chips so much but I cannot for the life of me find anything that tastes strong enough that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg in Japan.

I will give you a heads up that if you buy vinegar powder (acetic acid, basically) in an attempt to make your own, be very careful. I made salt & vinegar popcorn once, but the seasoning was too loose on the surface of the popcorn and if i breathed in at all while eating I got a hefty dose of burning lungs

Good to know, thanks! Now to go search for vinegar powder!

Anything Reeses.

Andes candy is great too.

Also cotton candy.

Those Reese's eggs around easter are so good

They seriously have the best peanut butter to chocolate ratio. The regular Reese's just have too much chocolate imo.

Crispy M&Ms. I was sad when they discontinued them. Now they've rebranded as crunchy cookie or some shit.

Sour patch kids for me.

I've discovered that the temperature affects how good sour patch kids are way more than you'd expect. They're best soft, in the summer.

I wouldn't turn down any temperature, but you are SOOOOO right!

reese's pieces

Hell yeah fam. I was gonna say that I never did crack and would honestly not know since I've done other drugs and I wouldn't bother comparing unless it's compared to the concept of sugar.

But Reese's is the shit and Reese's Pieces is my shit. I love eating it. You can put it in the fridge and it is fire. I even still like that mc chris song about Reese's Pieces and he has serious mental problems now.

Mango ginger chews, these Polish pineapple ginger candies which are 1.39 a bag despite inflation, and dark chocolate covered dried mango. Absolutely wonderful.

Candied pecans

Theyre good but not specifically crack for me. However, I make them with dehydrated ghost/habaneros I grow and I am consistently begged to make them

Nerds. If I ever buy a box of them, I’ve eaten them all by that night. They’re basically just flavored sugar clumps and I love them.

Cadbury Mini Eggs.

And any decent quality or better saltwater taffy.

Cadbury cream eggs. I want a bucket of that filling so I can eat it with a spoon.

I want the old cadbury cream eggs back.. The new ones are too tiny

I don't know about you all but crack is like candy to me

Plenty of good candies mentioned here but I haven't seen Good 'n' Plenties mentioned yet and those are in A tier for me

Tootsie rolls. Barely counts as food but man I can kill a bag no problem.

Anything sour and sweet. Unfortunately these tend to be very acidic so they make my teeth hurt.

Second place is black licorice. I did try salt licorice and it was ok, but I prefer unsalted.

Crunchies. Kind of glad they aren't sold in the US because the Hershey made Cadbury tastes like wax.

This. Omgggg Mexican grocery stores have some magnificent candy! The gummy worms especially!

This candy is so much more elegantly flavored than the usual stuff and crazy packed with flavor! It also lasts a good while and maximizes flavor surface area!

Also high end chocolate. If it's from Belgium, it's good.

I got really into "Squashies" for like 2 weeks before I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic, which was unfortunate timing to say the least.

caramel macadamia turtles from costco.

Holy hell. YES. Just two for dessert. Then one as a snack. a couple before I brush my teeth. Three while I'm working. Why is the tub empty and my ass so huge?

Necco wafers

If you're serious, can I ask why? I've never met someone who likes them and I'm curious what it is about them that people like.

Personally I think it's mostly nostalgia for me at this point. I liked them as a kid because we didn't get candy too often, and I could make these last a long time. I'd usually split each disc int 4 peices and just suck on each quarter until it was gone before eating the next one.

When I'd spend a summer week at my Grandma's in the early '60s, my cousin would take me to Luke's Store, where a dollar would buy a bag full of candies. Always included was a sleeve of Necco wafers.

I liked the flavors and would try to eat them slowly, but usually ended up crunching through them.

In 2018 when the Necco company went bankrupt, I was traveling a bit for work and would buy bags full wherever I found them. It was a relief when the Spangler company bought the brand and resumed production.

I also like them. Their flavors are very unique compared to other candies, and the texture is too. It's satisfying to crunch them, and the packaging+colors looks nice.

Do you suck on them or just like...crunch/chew? Do you eat more than one at once?

I was reading on their wiki page that they have gone through some formula changes, was it noticeable to you?

The formula change was before my time. I crunch every candy (except like, jawbreakers) so yeah crunch for these too. I do one at a time usually I think.

Dried cranberries coated in chocolate.
I call them crackberries.

Salmiakki. Not the kind of similar salted liqourice, but actual proper salmiakki. Haven’t had a variation of that so far that wasn’t amazing and addictive

Do you mean the powder? In highschool, my science teacher once made it himself, and when it was done we could have a taste. That was strong stuff!!

Smarties. Especially the big ones that come on a little stick like a blow pop.

Omg. If diabetes wasn't a thing I could eat them all day.

you mean Rockets? Smarties is candy coated chocolate.

Yeah Rockets


That's what those are called. These are Smarties. https://www.nestle.com/brands/chocolate-confectionery/smarties

That's a uk branded chocolate candy.

They're not the smarties I'm referring to.

Dude. I'm 38 years old. I've been eating smarties my whole life. Stop telling me what my favorite candy is called. They're not rockets. Or whatever.

regular M&Ms. even more so when high. there’s no stopping til they all disappear.

Tim Tams

Good thing these chocoheroin Tim Tams are across the globe from where I live, because by now I would probably have died from diabetes.

same, they used to be sold in stores here but not anymore. I'm taking it as a sign, same as with crispy M&Ms

Norwegian Smash. It is like Bugles covered in extremely good salty chocolate.

Zagnut bars.

Zagnuts are so good but I can only get them from the jar candy store

I have to order in bulk online. It ain't right.

Where do you get yours from?

It's been years, but I got mine from Amazon, when I still shopped there. I hate to boost their bottom line, there are bulk candy sites out there that are probably much more deserving of your money.

I love when people say "like crack" who've obviously never done crack.

They should use something from their world, like scrapbooking.

Oh, I've done crack many times. The last one was named Robert!!

Yeah yeah, we get it, nothing's as good as crack. You don't have to rub it in.

Not a candy but the Anamalitos cookies by El Mexicano, especially when they are overcooked. Not super sweet but so tasty. Also the Marias when they are a little overcooked as well.

Jolly ranchers sour misfits. I used to buy the big share packs but I can't keep them in my house anymore or else I eat them until I have canker sores.

I love those marshmallow chocolate eggs from Zachary confections.. Why do they only sell them during Easter?

I really like the Harry & David's chocolate covered cherries. Also malt balls, Good n Plentys, Ferrero Rocher, popcorn and peach jelly bellies, and anything with a dark chocolate ganache.

As an Aussie, Curly Wurly’s are crack here, though they’ve gotten far more expensive and are hard to justify buying now given how “small” they are.

Peppermints, as basic as that sounds. I could have one in my mouth 24/7

Dunno if it's candy or a cookie.... But those new chocolate filled ice cream cones from trader Joe's. Not the ice cream ones, the chocolate filled cones. Omg, I ate 2 boxes when they first became available

Gumballs. I can't buy them often because I'll just straight up eat them to excess like a weirdo. I don't know what it is, I can't stop myself and this didn't start until like 4 years ago.

Fazer Blå milk chocolate. Ghost chocolate. I buy it and then it is gone.

Those cherry sours candies that so many companies make