Dear Lemmings, how can we funnel reddit users to lemmy? to – 189 points –

Please, help us to better understand how we can effectively funnel reddit users into Lemmy across all demographics, leveraging the average Lemmings advantages like expertise in automation, ai and bots?

What tactics/strategies do you propose? Can we automate the process? Can we somehow add ai to make it more fashionable?


Create content and participate to make Lemmy more attractive.

Best I can do is talk about Linux.

Which distro?

Installing tumbleweed rn

Great distro by the way.

I wish 😭

It refuses to install... I got a dell vostro 3468 running on legacy BIOS. I'm coming from windows and there's an NTFS partition full of data I'm trying to preserve...

The guided partitioning errors out(usually runs out of space, and no packages can continue installing so they throw errors), and using the expert partitioning throws a couple of grub errors at the end when it's installing grub

It was really good when I last tried it on another device

You can start out with something light, and then install packages as you go.

I generally do a barebones install and then install individual packages. By default a lot of packages are installed - most of them you don't need.

And also checkout geckolinux . It is a lighter version of Opensuse and has the calmares installer. (Tumbleweed is the Gecko rolling version)

The MBR layout was the issue

When I wiped the drive, everything fixed itself!

Loving tumbleweed so far

Then do that. There are many Linux communities on Lemmy, participate in them and try to make them a better place by contributing useful comments and posts.

He's making a joke, because if you look at /all communities it can be like half posts from various Linux communities at times

I never have anything interesting to say

I think you just disproved your own point my friend, that was fascinating.

you think what all these idiots are saying is interesting?

just yap its more enjoyable that way

In my case I found that creating a community that was missing here, then regularly populating it with content, has worked wonders. That it was not just a good way to get myself engaged here, as well as to grow the Fediverse, but to attract users from Reddit and other places given a bit of cross-posting.

Seriously, I'm not sure how many people understand that right now, given that new content is generated relatively slowly across the FV, that any new community putting quality stuff out there is going to get a *hugely* larger proportion of eyes on it. That's compared to similar communities on Reddit, FB, etc, in which smaller / newer communities tend to get completely drowned out in the ALL streams.

My own niche community (Euro graphic novels) already has 350+ subscribers in less than 90 days. Even for Reddit that's a nice jump-start and growth. Which is why I urge people to jump on this opportunity now, because eventually it's probably going to dry up.

Indeed, maybe it would be good to get this message out to people on Reddit, FB, etc who always wanted to start a sub/community, but the opportunities were 'all filled up' already.

Don't worry about user numbers. Worry about developing niche communities here. With different personalities. That's the magic to make a garden grow.

It doesn’t matter how niche, it matters how active we are. I’ve been bored by “hot” for a while since it’s just 1h old trash, and “active” just leads me to day old threads. I want to participate in 4 hour old threads that have a lot of comments and a lot of activity and people still replying.

Top 6 hours?

Top 6 hours will only bring me the most upvoted across the site, not the most active for a community or anything like that. On Reddit, I used to get posts with a couple dozen comments for super niche communities that I’m subbed to on the hot filter. It was fun seeing those pop up and be active and highlighted on my feed.

There is a new sorting (Best?) on the way with the new major version of the Lemmy backend, that takes a community's size into consideration. That should solve this issue.

Wait, aren't you just using active and checking in and replying every few days when you got a bit of time spare? đŸ€”

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Exactly! This isn’t about monetization, so raw numbers don’t matter. As long as a given community has enough active members to promote continued use and provide its members with interesting material, that’s enough.

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Users don't care if Lemmy or the Fediverse is more "free" or which technical features are superior to what Reddit offers.

Most users want a place to find content and basically doomscroll. You want users that will submit new content, not just lurkers. So in order to attract people here, the best way to do so is to submit new content.

I would focus on getting top posters from Reddit to move over or at least cross post.

Doing that requires them seeing someone else getting attention that they are not. Anyway you slice it, the answer is more posts being made here.

Users that don't care about freedom will never care about Lemmy. It's the only plus it has. It's why it exists.

Please, help us to better understand how we can effectively funnel reddit users into Lemmy across all demographics,

Who is "us", who is "we"?

And who the fuck thinks anyone should be funnelling (no less) the toxic cesspit that is reddit over here?

This post sounds like some bullshit written by the marketing department of a clueless corporation trying to find ways to exploit the latest "thing".

Please get some redditors here, the narwhal isn't bacon enough

Well, it isn't midnight yet so no baconnings will be happening yet.

I am a recovering corporate layoff. Part of my recovery process is to mock the corporate world by imitating their language...

Flawed premise.

Lemmy is not reddit nor should it aspire to be.

We don't want to attract reddit users, we simply want vibrant communities.

This type of attitude results in turds that won't flush like et al - a blight upon our fertile landscape.

Wow, do so many people believe Lemmy user are that much different than Reddit user? I mean I can totally forego all the bots, incels and astroturfing, but I do believe they migrate automatically once a platform got big enough. I don't think there's any way to stop that unless you want to keep Lemmy small forever.

Lemmy needs to grow because Reddit needs to go. Reddit has become too powerful for a greedy company like that.

You've missed my point.

I'm simply saying that migrating reddit users en-masse is the wrong objective. Just make lemmy awesome and allow users to come organically.

I couldn't care less what happens to reddit. Let them hang around and soak up all the idiots.

I'd like to echo this point. As soon as you set your objective to pull in Reddit users, you've set yourself up as the "Reddit alternative", you'll be chasing Reddit features and attempting to please the Reddit users. To succeed at this game is to essentially end up creating Reddit, but never surpassing.

In my opinion, Lemmy needs to have a clear mindset on what Lemmy is and what it isn't, then stick to that.

It would be a real luxury to have that clear mindset, but I don't think that's possible.

Lemmy is something like a teenager. It needs time for its own identity and culture to coalesce. For now I think the best we can do is to avoid the notion that we're alt-reddit.

Lemmy is already awesome. Case closed.

I would be very interested to see the percentage of lemmy users that were reddit users right up until the point they switched primary platforms. I have to imagine that number is near 99%.

Wow, do so many people believe Lemmy user are that much different than Reddit user?

Some are, but some are even worse than reddit, for example the cursed reddit custom of profile downvote... actually never happened to me on reddit but here it's constant.

Reddit made it so you can't downvote from a profile page, it simply wouldn't count. You had to open every comment individually and vote on them. Sorry that it is happening to you. Maybe make a new account, karma isn't that important, yet we all feel more welcome if there's positive votes.

Nah i don't give a shit about karma i'm just genuinly depressed people are this angry and petty. But then again it's not really surprising since it's mostly coming from the US bootlickers.

It also skews the point of downvotes even as disagree button.

Reddit made it so you can’t downvote from a profile page, it simply wouldn’t count.

I didn't know that lol, support my theory of some places (.world for example) being really worse than reddit.

I see some people here saying they don't want Lemmy to grow. They're right as far as growth for the sake of growth. That said, there's value in a bigger user base because it allows for niche communities that otherwise wouldn't have enough activity to be worthwhile.

So in that spirit, I think actively posting and commenting about the subjects you're interested in is the best way to help develop active communities. If in conversation IRL we find ourselves saying, "I heard about X on lemmy" or "This tutorial on lemmy helped me figure out an issue with Y" then that's the best advertisement for new users.

Likewise I think reddit posts are favored when people do web searches because it's humans having a real discussion, not seo trying to sell something. As there's more content on lemmy I'd hope web searches will start bringing people here. (And as platforms like reddit make their product worse to make more profit fewer people will go there)

Yup. I don't post on reddit anymore but lemmy is still relatively empty so I still search for stuff on reddit.

In general, as somebody who migrated from Reddit in June, I'd say that the best of us are already here. I've only run into a handful of shitty trolls here these past 4 months. The smaller userbase also results in fewer posts and comments, so I spend less time scrolling through endless content. Both of these aspects have led to me feeling significantly happier and present. You're right about niche communities being too small here, but I would rather have it this way than deal with proudly ignorant, stupid, hateful dipshits relishing in being loud assholes in a thread with thousands of users learning to be loud assholes like them.

In my opinion, if people want Reddit, they should go to Reddit. The fediverse is the way that it is, and of course I'm open to improvements, but fundamental alterations to the entire identity is not something I would like to see. I'm happy to engage in discourse and disagree productively, which is much more possible here than it ever was on Reddit.

By not allowing bots to crosspost from Reddit. Unique content is thexanswer.

I like that there is one instance dedicated to that. Individuals can subscribe if they like, but overall generally a good idea to avoid in other instances

I got the opposite conclusion from how Facebook managed to take marketshare from MySpace. They allowed bots to take content from the other service and it made it easier to switch

The problem with Lemmy is that the demographic is so skewed. Its mostly hyper-tech nerds mixed with political activists. I like tech and politics but its a bit of a toxic brew and I haven't found myself having that much fun over here. On reddit, there's comedy and people not being angry because someone isn't using linux. Lemmy often feels like a glorified arstechnica link aggregator. Its just kind of a sad place compared to reddit. The other day u/shittymorph made some posts that made me laugh super hard. I haven't laughed at anything over here, because well most of you aren't funny, haha me neither so don't feel attacked. But lemmy not attracting comedians, and having the top post in here be "Dont" really makes it seem like the people here prefer being sad and lonely. sorry its not a direct reply to your query, as some actionable advise your seeking, just me attempting to articulate what i enjoy about reddit that I feel like i don't see here yet. I don't how to get someone like shittymorph over here. I don't know if there's anything that lemmy offers that appeals to a person like that, that's enough to make them start creating content over here. Maybe we just need people to stand up the sort of communities commedians would be attracted to, even if its a bit out of our wheelhouse, but idk. Authenticity is important and faking it is easily seen through.

I made a political post here a couple of days ago.

RIP in box.

Turns out lemmy users are just as toxic as reddit is.

I'd argue that this is how most communities start out. It's start by being a niche like Linux users and slowly gains population. Population makes posts more generic to appeal to the new wider audience and then more people migrate.

I'm hypertech nerd that's a hard social democrat so for me things are good lol.

This is it for me. It seems like the whole site is an example of "the left can't meme" with content populated by activists and sysadmins

Thus even though I also dislike Reddit I haven't really been coming here either

I think the problem with Lemmy is that people assume Lemmy is reddit instead of one lemmy-instance is reddit.

So people attribute a culture to the whole of Lemmy instead of an instance.

People should focus more on one instance and grow a culture. It will automatically attract more of that type of person.

Just try to interact with people because it is fun or you have something to share that you are passionate about. As my doctor said: "Don't force that shit.".

And most important is that people stop talking about content like it is heroin. It is becoming pathetic.

Looks like you had something interesting to say, but man that lack of paragraphs... I'm not submitting myself to that.

Just stop going to Reddit and start contributing valuable content on Lemmy. If Lemmy is a good network, people will come here on their own.

Using AI bots to spam outsiders with Lemmy info is very likely to have the opposite effect.

Yea i remember how much i hated reddit as a digg user, every annoying bitch was like "i read this on reddit". Then diggv4 shit the bed and i migrated for the content. Dont be an annoying cunt it will only drive people away. Edit: found the reddit user

I don't really understand why you would want to. In order for the fediverse to be strong it has to grow organically and scale up, not face an eternal september of clueless people who aren't particularly interested in it.

The corporate/political shills, scammers, sealions and such are attracted to reddit by its size. Not having all that crap here is a good thing. Let's enjoy it while it lasts.

I'd rather be in a small community of interesting people who like to talk, contribute and honestly and politely debate ideas.

Rather than a huge community of zombies repeating one another or joining in mob mentalities.

@ininewcrow me too. I also like that we can still recognise some of the people here, even from different instances!

Yeah it is definitely much better, you can almost taste the freedom. The quality of discourse is much more relaxed and just overall better.

The reddit posts I saw made it seem WAY more complicated then it was.

It made it seem I was going to have to make dozens of different users. That it was going to be an issue posting to different instances. That I was going to need several programs to talk to eachother..

Mean while. I signed up. Sync told me. 'hey! You just got lemmy - I already work for that!' and here I am. Sometime I forget this isn't reddit.

Seriously. Whatever flyers you want to spread for reddit needs to show how EASY it is to come here.

Speaking of that. Do we lemmings have a dedicated post we can share to redditor who are ready to switch?

Cross post from Lemmy to Reddit. But we must raise the question if we really want that. Reddit became toxic over the past few years, and I think people on Lemmy right night are in general different. Do we want to turn Lemmy into Reddit?

Instead of crossposting everything, maybe just do it for specific topics.

Large subreddits are (and have often been) toxic. Niche interest ones are mostly fine

I don't think we do no. Reddit (users) has long been known for its "know-it-all" elitist attitude. I dunno if that is a natural consequence of the voting system but we shouldn't try to replicate it.

Meanwhile, my experience on Lemmy has been a whole lot of "you don't like Stalin because you haven't read enough Chomsky."

It's actually worse than reddit in many ways.

You're on an instance that uses very few blocked instances. Perhaps you should sign up on an instance that blocks tankies instead? Remember that the instances that your instance is federated with also determines your feed since their votes are counted as well.

Not required, reddit had since activated self destruction mode and still on going

At this point, anyone who was part of the 3rd party app protests who stayed and didn't make the switch clearly didn't want to jump here, so they'll probably be on r€dd!t for a long time.

What if they didn't know Lemmy existed?

I'd like to think the people involved heard about Lemmy because we essentially kept saying, "Hey, we're jumping ship!", but I can't remember if we did or not. I'm pretty sure there was some migrate to Lemmy sub that was also advertised in the saving 3rd party apps sub, but I, again, can't remember whether that actually happened.

I'd definitely like to think anyone in the protest 100% knew about Lemmy unless they actually weren't paying any attention whatsoever.

Yeah, I found out about Lemmy then and joined right away. Lemmy was definitely talked about a lot then.

Hmm, I think many users just weren't aware. No everyone follows the main subreddits, or checks r/all. Not all subs closed. I guess the majority of users saw some stuff pass by but probably didn't read into it too much. You know, most people spent the majority of their awake time working to "make a living".

Mod tools. Steal the moderators and the communities will follow

More and better NSFW content isn’t the answer, but it certainly helps!

I would heartily endorse quality over quantity on this front. I've had to block a few communities and users. And there is at least one Instance I have and will continue to block every community on, Yiff.

NSFW thots that post in multiple communities is actually worse on lemmy. Maybe because it's a smaller audience and there are less communities or less posters.

I've blocked several users because I just kept getting the same posts. It doesn't seem to be helping.

Please don't, we don't need to ruin this site as well.

Stop pulling the ladder up behind you. Don't lock the door once you are in. Don't advocate for Anti-Immigration when you are fresh off the boat yourself. 😂

(did you hear that, North America? đŸ˜Č)

Don't hold me to your standards, I'll think for myself.

I don't want another Reddit, because Reddit was shit for years because of all the peons flooding the gates.

Some immigration is good, but too much is bad. Just like the real world.

Accusing me of gate keeping? Look in a mirror. You are the one with a narrow view of reality here.

because of all the peons flooding the gates.

All of us started out as đŸ•Šïžpeons 🌊 flooding gates. 😘 😜

Quite true, why should that change anything? I'm here now and recognize it's a fairly nice place and it doesn't need a user base the size of Reddit. Come with a real argument to support your narrative, mine is that too many people will turn this place to shit as well. Logical fallacy vs reality in a nutshell this conversation.

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The true answer... get all the only-fans folks here and everyone else will follow. We need the content people crave and people crave bewbs.

Yup! Porn is the backbone of reddit.

Don't focus only on reddit users. That unnecessarily narrows the scope of the issue.

Lemmy has significant barriers to joining that other sites or services do not have. And then once people manage to join there are basic usability issues with simple things like finding communities.

Until these core issues are solved it feels pointless to try to target users from a specific site.

Dear Lemmings, how can we funnel reddit users to lemmy? Please, help us to better understand how we can effectively funnel reddit users into Lemmy across all demographics, leveraging the average Lemmings advantages like expertise in automation, ai and bots?

This almost reads like an AI generated prompt from a company. Personally I don't think it makes sense to coordinate something artificial because people will see right through that.

Lemmy and the Fediverse at large IS better than the other platforms. With time it will grow for that reason alone.

What tactics/strategies do you propose?

Post content about things you know about and follow. It could be stuff you see on other social media, local news, anything really.

If you want to get more involved, pick a specific community or subreddit type and see what it needs. How can Lemmy serve that topic as well or better than Reddit could. If it makes sense, see if you can work with the moderators for the subreddit to get an official parallel community going (link to eachother, update rules, add the subreddit mods as mods here).

Can we automate the process?

Only in some cases where it makes sense. Lemmit exists for those that want a feed from a subreddit. Otherwise Time sensitive content, such as deals/sales?

Can we somehow add ai to make it more fashionable?

I think the opposite is needed, don't do any of the random "fashionable" things companies are doing, which actually end up making the experience worse. Areas where it might be nice to have AI might be:

  • improving the summarizer bot (it's broken sometimes, not sure why)
  • local translations when content is in another language
  • can't think of anything else?

I'm arguing against recruiting people over en mass. I feel natural growth is a healthier alternative, as a stagnant environment is also unhealthy.

If you just funnel reddit users onto Lemmy, you're just going to get a shittier version of Reddit. You'll be selecting for people who are tired of, can't use, or rejected from reddit, but didn't make the move on their own. That will result in growth, but at the cost of quality. Specifically reaching out to reddit users sends the message that you just want to be reddit for people who can't or won't use reddit anymore.

Expansion should come naturally. As Lemmy grows and improves, new users will naturally gravitate over, but because it wasn't some sudden influx of reddit users they'll be less inclined to just bring Reddit's culture with them.

Aren't all Lemmy users former redditaries?

The difference lies in how we got here. One means finding a new community, assessing it, and integrating into it. It means seeing the new community as distinctly not Reddit. The other is effectively a "Come as you are" invitation that will just directly import reddit's culture, after which it will be effectively too late to trim less desirable behaviors.

Then we could still funnel new users from other sources that are more like-minded. Say FOSS community and hackers for example (incidentally those are proabably a large chunk of Lemmy users)

No, why would we force them to join. Funneling makes it somewhat sound like forcing our tricking people to go and join lemmy. I would rather that people do it on their own. That way we get genuine lemmings not transplanted reddit trash.

But before Reddit, I was a Goon. Before that, I ran some forums. Before that, I was on Usenet for ages.

The platforms change, but the people and communities are pretty much the same as they were 30 years ago.

That simply isn't true. Reddit is much larger and more diverse than Usenet. I'm willing to bet the vast majority had never heard of Usenet when they started using Reddit, though they probably heard about it along with hundreds of other new and old ideas after joining. If you think everyone you want to talk to is already here, I'm happy for you, but I think it's a limited philosophy.

Don't want to. This is good as it is. There's already a fair crack of wowsers here, and that's already too many. The discussion here was pretty amazing a while back, but it's already dumbing down as this place grows.

There’s already a fair crack of wowsers here

Could you translate that?

Interesting argument, so you are saying now we are at the sweet spot?

We've passed it. However, I concede the focused communities are appearing now, which is nice.

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Don't? The more that come the more this becomes a centrist/conservative hellscape.

politics isnt everything, the more users lemmy has the better. stop gatekeeping foss software, youre only making those 'capitalist reddit pigs' wealthier

I find theres enough content here to satisfy my needs without it becoming an unhealthy addiction. Also it feels like my comment is actually noticed and sometimes replied to by a real person like me. Reddit relt unhealthy in those ways.

I see marketing via AI tools and bots unethical. Many things can be done via conventional marketing.

  1. Contact content creators (especially oriented towards Linux and Free software, like TheLinuxExperiment or DistroTube, or some gaming channels, as well) to create communities of their channels on Lemmy.
  2. Somehow reduce content about world news and politics. Many people go to the Internet to step aside from the real world events.

Also, majority of Reddit users are teenagers. The older generation of Reddit has fled away. We must think twice what target audience we want to bring in. I don't want Lemmy to become a place where alt-wing anti-establishment political leaders bait naĂŻve teenagers and take them into the rabbit hole (aka scenario described in The Social Dilemma).

Maybe we should establish marketing funds that people can donate to. Then use those funds to run ad campaings to promote Lemmy and get people to join. We could even decide where to advertise like only on hackathons or IT conferences or other select avenues.

I bet their are a bunch of people here on Lemmy from before the reddit exodus that vomited reading that post.

First time I feel like being part of the locust.

Yes, that's me. I like it here, people are nicer in general. When I read some comments on political posts, it reminds me of Reddit and I quit. I don't want them here, let Lemmy grow naturally or not at all. It's hypocrisy I know, but just go look at r/all on Reddit and read the comments and justify wanting them here. Nope.

Honestly, lemmy and the fediverse as a whole will have natural growth and thats fine - mastodon has been around for like 8 years and is only recently getting a small amount of attention and mainstream usage. Like take the long view - like the really long view like 15 years from now. It'll probably be huge, but until then we will just share memes and have a good time discussing stuff.

Honestly at this point the people that stay on Reddit just liked getting fucking in the ass by big tech companies or are just too stupid to not be fucked in the ass

Don't kink shame. It's their kink and we have to respect it. They like it rough.

I know you are joking, but I feel kinks should be shamed... if it wasn't shameful it would not be a kink. It's a weird turn the internet took when it started celebrating kinks.

depends on the kink

What's an example of a kink that should not be shamed?

all of them except humiliation kinks.

Well then we have completely polar opposite views. There is no kink that should go unshamed imo.

If it is not something a person should be proud of then it is something they should be ashamed of.

I'm fully willing to hear a decent argument that can provide reasoning to the contrary, because I am unable to think of one myself.

You are a very closeminded person then.

Quite the contrary. However, I recognize unhealthy behaviour.

From my perspective, you are the one with a closed mind.

..fucking what??

I think I have abundantly clear. Now we have reached the point in the conversation where we agree to disagree.

Take care of yourself.

I don't know if its just me, but I feel that I get more response when I post on lemmy than I do on reddit

I dunno, let reddit keep fucking around and they'll come over. More engagement is always good but nothing gets better when there are more people on it.

Been a lot of negative comments but I agree that we need to encourage people to migrate here. Been thinking about that myself lately.

Post Lemmy content on Reddit on the same way X content is posted on Reddit. Those interested will stay.

We could improve Lemmy's features because this is an important factor in the next of content creation. For example: better sync, account migration, more intuitive UX, etc.

If you remember a ton of people left because for these reasons: Confusing sign-up (having to choose an instance), worse UX, having to use third-party sites to explore communities which aren't local, suffering from defederation (my main gripe with Lemmy)

I agree wholeheartedly with what you (and others) have said. I wish there was a way to have one account but be able to use it on all instances. It would also be great that even though instances are decentralized, the content still was consolidated. So basically people from various instances visiting sort of fused/amalgamated communities.

You can use an account on all instances but I think the lack of consolidation is the single biggest problem with Lemmy/KBin tbh (the lack of ActivityPub in some of the other Reddit alternatives also doesn't help).

Obviously there's a smaller userbase here, which is fine and expected but can make some communities feel a little empty. Having basically the same community in multiple places across multiple Lemmy and KBin instances makes that issue a lot worse though - ideally communities covering the exact same topic should be automatically consolidated in the way you describe. And ideally on an opt-out basis for the user - so you see the amalgamated page by default and can see the individual ones if wanted.

@BigBlackCockroach we can already sort of do that? You're from, you're talking to @PrivateNoob from, and I'm reading both of you from which also lets me follow people on mastodons.

I think it would help if when people googled Lemmy the top results would be a familiar interface with posts. Not a bunch of information about what it is and how to join.

This link, /c/books On any Lemmy server must show an agglomeration of all "books" communities on the whole lenmiverse

Because without this, user are made to flock to the one big /c/books community on the one big instance.

This betrays the initial promise of Lemmy to be decentralized.

Without this, communities will mosly remain small and fragmented

Communities should be easily able to migrate Toa new instance. Users too, 5 clicks at most.

Moderation should be subscription based. A filter I subscribe to and apply, if I choose, to the raw Lenny feed.

I think the only thing reddit has over Lemmy is the number of active communities, and not how big these communities are. If there's 10k people in a community, it's fine. It doesn't help if there's 100k.

But I need the diversity. I need r/soccer and r/chatgpt that are way more active.

That will happen with a critical mass of users. Maybe it is possible to correlate the foundation/success or just number of subredits with number of active redit users, then we might be able to conclude what number of critical users is necessary for that to happen.

Honestly, I don't need the active users in r/soccer. I only need the goal highlights tbh. It's my go-to every single week for any highlights.

So if we could make a bot just copying video-uploads from that subreddit, I would stay on Lemmy forever.

But that's just me, and probably other r/soccer users.

How to best implement such a bot?

If it's ONLY for the goals and highlights, I would say to scrape "New" on soccer for video posts that's been up for 10 minutes. The mods over there mostly take down dublicates and spam pretty fast.

The only problem is the mirrors in the comments that needs to come over with it. This one is tricky as they are not necessarily uploaded within 30 minutes.

I know there's also a bot on reddit taking all these videos and uploading them in the comments on another video source not taking goals down. So a mix of these two approaches would do it.

But HOW to do it, I don't know sorry.

They will leave when they reach their breaking point and not before. Part of this has to do with changes implemented by Reddit the company. Part of this has to do with quality of user generated content. Unless you are going to tank quality by making bad posts on Reddit or running a bunch of bots to do the same, I doubt you'll have much of an effect.

I suppose the only thing Lenny Lemmy can do is advertise and Reddit isn't good at allowing that so I've heard.

I suppose the only thing Lenny can do is advertise and Reddit isn’t good at allowing that so I’ve heard.

If we pay they will put it on the front page 😂

I think the lemmy community is great as it is!

I feel the very specific community topic split is already affecting Lemmy negatively. So I think having larger, broader community topics (e.g. 'commuting' instead of a community for every single option to commute by itself), with more diverse content, interaction and of course more visible activity, would also attract new users.

Right now some communities are so specific, that by its creation, it's a filter bubble by design. And then of course you don't get a lot of content or interaction, as only yea-sayer get accepted.

Interaction requires different approaches, opinions, options and of course people who upvote them even when disagreeing. The reply box is the correct option when disagreeing, not the downvote. That's how Lemmy will sprout.

tl;dr Broader community topics for larger, more diverse and more active communities

Relay for Reddit charged me a subscription so I found this place just this week. It's like old Reddit.

Message the mods of your favourite subreddit(s) and ask them if they want to create the same over on Lemmy or should you? :-)

Watermarks!! Just add that cute Lemmy watermark to all Lemmy posts! That will make people come over here for sure!!!

I've been on Lemmy for 3 months and it's frustrating.

Users who care about privacy and not being exploited and targeted with shitty ads are already here.

The majority are Ben Dovers and don't mind getting fucked.

Or to put it another way, "do any of you have subreddits that can promote Lemmy". That's the only way I envision this.

The best thing about Lemmy is that it's not R.

Maybe inviting people to be less extremist and radicalized. If you want Lemmy to be less of a niche and more of a mainstream platform you have to accept normies.

I literally ended up blocking the world news sub because all the posts and comments were circle jerking around the left wing agenda

I'm assuming there's a shredder in the middle of the funnel, kind of like when that ice machine shreds up a random crony in James Bond prior to the avalanche in that scene in whatever James Bond film it was I forget.

Chill the fuck out with the bans, for starters. A lot of people come to these sites to discuss news, and then leave for good when they catch bans for stupid shit like saying "US revolutionaries probably didn't go around murdering entire families." Meanwhile, hexbears are posting pics of pig shit, which is apparently fine.

I mean, I definitely won't suggest this place to anyone at this point because of how toxic .ml has become in particular.

lets keep talking about getting redditors here on lemmy which will surely bring the people that arent on lemmy

the fact u said add ai, bros desperate for content just go use reddit some vegetarians still eat bacon sometimes

lemmy sucks my man until we have some actual content itll continue to suck. content has to exist for more content to be created its a self fulfilling prophecy that would likely never happen due to lemmy being weird and not super intuitive in the beginning

i say all this as a reddit refugee and lemmy user though i use lemmy less because it sucks but ive stopped using reddit entirely (except for those long nights if you know what i mean)

Lemmy is actually worse than Reddit. It's use base appear to be a bigger load of fedora wearing, fart huffing, hive minded l, predictable shut-ins than even Reddit.

You could try attracting users from somewhere a bit more diverse in terms of thought than Reddit.